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Posts posted by Heather1972

  1. I'm curiouis, can the upgrades with points be done after final payments right before your cruise, or do they have to be done at time of booking?


    Also, can you explain the double meta. What exactly do you say. I book insides a majority of the time. I'm about to book a Baltics Cruise. Would love to use points to upgrade to something other than inside.


    Finally, what if you use a TA. Does the TA have to do everything?


    While I have not done the upgrade after final payment, I don't think you should have any problem to be able to do so. On my Alaska cruise, the booking and everything was done through Norwegian. My escape cruise was done through a travel agent. This cruise was actually the November escape cruise that was canceled due to a charter. So I had everything priced protected and moved to spring break. I only dealt with the staff at Norwegian that handles the credit card rewards points to upgrade this cruise from inside to balcony.


    A double meta upgrade just means cashing in 60,000 points to go from inside to balcony cabin.

  2. I've dealt with cashing in the reward points a few times. I was told this past week there's only 8 people who are staffed to deal with the reward points.


    I called on Monday to see what level of balcony I could get having already booked an inside by doing a double meta upgrade. Once I ran it past hubby, I called back the next day. Someone named Ida quickly answered the phone. I told her what I wanted and then she said she'd transfer me to someone who could help.... uhh isn't that why I called YOU? After 30 minutes on hold, I was getting tired of waiting. I then called the same number using my cell phone and immediately was talking to someone who could and would help me. I hung up on the infinite hold via Ida.


    For those who are just cashing in the points, I hope you realize you get more value in using the points for upgrades.


    Example #1 - I cashed in 30,000 points to upgrade from an ocean view to a balcony on our Alaska cruise. OA to BA. Cash value $300. Price difference between ocean view and balcony? $1500!


    Example #2 - I cashed in 60,000 points to do the double meta upgrade on our upcoming Escape cruise. IB to BD. Cash value - $600. Price difference between inside and balcony is $1900.

  3. HI all -


    I'm looking at possibly cashing in my NCL credit card points to upgrade our Escape cruise. I can get a level BD balcony on deck 15 on the starboard side where the hump is. Would I regret this from hearing noise from deck 16 where the buffet is? My guess is no, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

  4. I just went through adding the offer to my American Express card and then making a payment to Royal Caribbean. What a pain it's been for $75!


    TA closed Sunday. TA closed Monday. Keep in mind this is a big online travel agency. Called again on Tuesday, my TA is out of town. Argh. I spoke to another TA who took forever to handle the transaction. He didn't give me his name or number. He got mad that I called him and not my TA and basically hung up on me at the end of the transaction. It went something like this, "Okay I'm going to send you the invoice via email. If if it's wrong. Contact me." CLICK


    I sat around and waited 30 minutes for the invoice that never came. I called back to the TA explaining that I had just made payment with some unknown individual and all I wanted was my invoice. She said "I don't want to step on his toes." She refused to help me!


    Another call to the TA, again explaining how rudely I've been treated and all I want is my INVOICE that shows my payment! At this point if I hadn't been getting over $500 OBC with the company, I'd be telling them to shove their reservation where the moon don't shine. :eek:


    Anyway, I finally get the invoice. Then my Am Ex statement became available today and no $75 credit It's not automatic folks. It won't post until 6 to 8 weeks AFTER your purchase.

  5. I recently stayed at Hotel 1000. I cannot recommend it at all. We stayed in three different rooms over four days. Two of the three rooms did not have cold water. Housekeeping also didn't clean the room one day. On another day they didn't come until after 5 PM when I had the do not disturb sign up. This is supposed be one of the top hotels in Seattle!?!? If I had to do it all over again I might would stay closer to the Westlake Station.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Taking our longest cruise ever in February on the Star...a lot of negative reviews. We usually don't pay much attention and things have always been fine. Last cruise in mar/April on Epic was great despite many sour reviews..however, would be nice to hear some recent positives about the star...thanks




    I personally thank all the negative reviews about the epic are unfounded. It's my favorite cruise ship out of all the ones I've been on.


    So the star doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles like the big mega ships. My 11-year-old son was complaining big time about there being nothing to do on the star. I think all he did for a week was play basketball. With that said, we were just on the pearl which had similar amenities to the star. My son loved the cruise! He was constantly begging to go to kids club.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Did you write a review of the hotel on Trip Advisor? If so then you had every right to complain.




    Glad you enjoyed your AK cruise on the Pearl - we have done AK three times now - most recently on the Pearl back in 12.




    We did not have the UBP then but gladly paid for the Glacier bay drinks - we had a flyer in our cabin the day before allowing us to pre- order and have them delivered - we were also in a suite so perhaps that made a difference - but our butler did not deliver them - someone from the bar did.




    Less than 20 days to go till we leave for 14 days on the Dawn - can't wait:)




    It's kind of obvious which review on trip advisor is mine. It's a recent poor review of hotel 1000.


    I'm thinking our lack of a flyer about the glacier Bay special drinks have something to do with our room steward. We had to ask for the customs form, the laundry form, well we just had to ask for a lot of things she should've just automatically brought to the room.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. First, thank you for the great review and video. Love it.




    How much was the pedicab ride to city center from pier?




    We did a 3 hour 15 minute tour with three people. So it's paid by time per person, not necessarily where you want to

    go. We went along the waterfront and some neighborhoods, the gardens, downtown, the pier area. Basically a big circle around the town.


    Anyway, in US dollars it was about $240 total. That also included a 20% tip and repayment for chocolates from Rogers chocolate store.


    If you're looking to book a pedicab, definitely look up Scott Dolff with Victoria pedicab company.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. Did they bring aboard Ranger Elmer Fudd to TALK over the ships Loud speakers for hour & hours while in Glacier Bay?:mad:


    We enjoyed the Bowling lanes on Pearl, and would love to do Alaska again

    on that ship.


    But the nonstop LOUD blather of the Ranger, ruined the Tranquility of it for us.


    Hoping you Didn't have that experience since you didn't mention in Review?


    I wrote email to NCL, and personally told the Officers at the M&G, how

    disruptive it was.

    Elmer Fudd could have easily spoken in the Lounge, where people wanted to hear it. It DIDN'T need to be broadcast over the entire ship for HOURS.


    But it was obvious "the Ranger" wasn't going anywhere,

    from the sounds of the Hotel Mgr.


    So we are booked on a different Alaska line next year.:cool:


    We had I think an all female crew of rangers for our time in Glacier Bay. So, definitely not Elmer Fudd. Hubby said her voice bothered him. She was way too happy. However, I don't think she talked enough, so her voice didn't bother me.

  10. Nice review and very nice video. "The Binder"....puts my two pocket folder to shame. :D

    I really hope Tim K. will be on the Pearl the last week in September when I'm on the Pearl.


    LOL! I normally carry just a thin folder for our cruises. But for this 7 day cruise and 4 days in Seattle, I had to go hard core and get a proper binder. Between all the maps, receipts, vouchers, etc, it was heavy. So much so, I had to buy a wheeled suitcase to tote it onto the plane as I hate carrying a heavy back pack! The binder never leaves my sight!

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