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Sharon, a very Happy Birthday to you today. Yes, many use Facebook as a way to say happy birthday, but few do anything else. But at least you will have 2 friends who will be with you tonight. All in all it sounds like a good evening out for you.


That mock court sounded interesting and I have never heard of anything like that before. But it does sound like they can get ideas to help the process along.


Just a cool damp day today with temps only in the 50's. It rained early this afternoon and thus far we have not gotten anymore. I have no idea if we will get anymore tonight or not. It could be a cold damp weekend, as rain in the forecast for the entire weekend.


Bill is going to look into getting the hot tub opened next week sometime. It all depends on what the weather will be like.


The last thing that Bill does not want to be fighting traffic or road construction. So by leaving shortly after he gets home from work will really help that out. We might as well enjoy a full complete weekend.



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It rained here today also, but stopped about 11:00, still cold but at least not wet. There was a big vendor thing in the next town today so went and walked around and looked at stuff. Also had arranged a lunch date with an old girlfriend of my youngest son. She has always kept in contact and we have always gotten along very well. They went together for quite a few years but had broke up. She has never gotten married. We had a nice visit.


Tuesday going with a gal from WW to get a pedicure. Have never had one so kinda looking forward to it and kinda not. Also got that massage I bought on Groupon scheduled for next Friday.



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Sharon, I got 2 things that you will not believe. First I lost 1.4 at WW last Saturday. Then since you are the show lady I went with my friends on Saturday and saw the book club. It was really funny. I never have gone to a show, so I thought you would appreciate this one.


It has done nothing but rain here all day long. It is still raining and cold as well. Just so everything clears up for this weekend.


I am sure you will really like your pedi. I go every month as it is something I do for myself after putting up with the crap around here each and everyday. They also have wine to drink while getting it done.


It is good that you have been going out and about and then next Friday. So what was at this vendor show that you went to? Many very interesting stuff or not?



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Good for you for the loss at WW!

I to went to the show after walking around the vendor fair and deciding I really didn't nee anything. I saw the Book Club too and agree it was very funny.

Rain here and cold also. Hope it clears up the grass just keeps growing!

I am sure there won't be any wine where I am going for the pedicure. They don't have a liquor lic. But that's okay because we are going to Crystal Lake to a new grocery store that opened. We only have the Walmart so it will be nice to see how everyone else gets to shop.

Had a big Zumba class today, then breakfast afterwards.

There is a line dance thing tonight I am going to, missed the last one because it was on a Wed night when I had ballroom dancing. Speaking of that, only one class left, this Wed night. Then I can go back to seeing the girls and having dinner.


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Sharon, they do not have a liquor license, as they are not selling the wine but giving it away. If you are giving it away you do not need a license.


Yes, I can see how the grass would be growing crazy with all of this damp and cool weather it will be easy to be growing fast.


So we will not be playing bocce on Wednesday as the team we are playing one of their main players had a massive heart attack on Saturday and they are doing open heart surgery on Wednesday.


It started out in the 40's around here this morning and I guess it could warm up into the 70's later on this afternoon.


So this week is the last week for ballroom dancing and then you will go back to your regular schedule on Wednesday's.


You know me as I am always hearing about your stories with going to a show. So I figured you would get a kick out of me finally going to a show.



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Did you enjoy the show? I always have to get the popcorn too. This last time I got in free because I have a card and it had enough time on it to get in without paying. The next time I go too will be free since they sent me a coupon for my birthday.


I went for the pedicure with my friend today, we were the only two there. When the gal asked me if I wanted something to drink I said yes, wine. She laughed and laughed. So instead I got hot tea. It was very nice and my toes look good too.


Then we went to a new grocery store a few towns south. It was still their grand opening and they had lots of specials. Got a quart of strawberries for 1.99, blueberries for 98 cents, corn on the cob for 8 cents each. Have never seen a grocery store like that. Has 2 or 3 hot bars, salad bars, cheese bars just everything you could think of. We have so very little with just Walmart. Probably will ot go there much because too far, but if I am in that town I will definitely stop.


Think I am going to try to wait on the grass till Thursday because I have the massage scheduled for Friday and I could sure use it after bouncing around for 4 hrs on the mower.


Went out side a bit ago and there was a baby robin in the garage that couldn't fly but was hoping around. When the mother and father saw me they started squawking and flying around. I got it out of the garage and into the grass so hopefully it will be able to fly before a hawk sees it.


That's too bad about the fellow having heart attack. You just never know what tomorrow will bring.


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Sharon, for me not being a regular show goer like yourself, I found it to be very funny. I Never laughed so hard before. What kind of a card do you have where you can get in for free?


You went during the morning and I always go after work. I would not be drinking wine in the morning either. But after work it is very relaxing.


So when you are cutting the grass, do you have a riding

mower of a stand up type of mower. Four hours is an awful lot of time to be out there.


Yes, those robins do really protect their young. If you ever get close to them the parents will dive bomb you for sure.


Now there has been movement in team members so this team we are playing will not have to forfeit tonight. So now we are playing tonight. It should be a nice night tonight as far as the weather goes.





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I have the movie theater card that every time I go they scan it and when I get enough scans I get either a free popcorn or movie. The birthday free movie they emailed me. Will probably go some time over the weekend again. That was a funny movie, I agree.


I have a Cub Cadet riding lawn mower and another older one. I haven't used the older one and now the battery needs to be charged. But I cut grass today and used the Cub, was going to wait till tomorrow but heard its supposed to be pretty warm so got it done today. Only thing was I was too tired after cutting the grass so passed on the last ballroom dance class and went to see the girls and talk instead. My friends I usually go with to ballroom didn't go either, she had a migraine and had been throwing up all afternoon. She gets some bad ones.


Good you got your game in, no rain for a change on Wednesday! Did you win?


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Sharon, that really sounds like a good incentive for movie goers to get them into the theater. Since you go so much it is a real benefit for you. Yes, for me never going out to see a show, this 1 was the perfect show to be seeing.


The cadet is a yellow riding mower correct? So you sure must have a lot of grass to cut it to be taking you 4 hours. Good that you got it done yesterday as it is close to 90 today. I think that tomorrow it will actually go into the 90's. Summer is here, going from winter right into summer.


We had the last games last night at 8. So we did not finish until 9. It was very humid last night and it felt good to get back into the A/C. So Bill told us to be very careful with teams that finished below us last year. There was 2 players that had never ever played bocce before. We got a big lead and almost lost, but Bill threw the last ball so we won by only 1 point. But a win is a win.


So as soon as Bill gets home in the morning we will be hitting the road around 9:30. He had heard that major construction in Michigan. Then there is an hour time difference of 1 hour ahead from here to there.





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Hello friends. I've rejoined Weight watchers. I love the new freestyle program. They are really finally going toward low carb over 200 no point foods. I can even eat corn peas and carrots which I never could on all my low carb diets. Lost 4 lbs the first week without even trying to do anything but cut back. Very hot here in Florida bad storm may be coming.

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Both Kathy and I go to WW as you probably know, there is a lot of "free" things to eat now with the new program. Some people like it some don't. I really haven't followed it too much since I have had so much stress in my life I lost without really trying to. But 4 pounds is great, keep it up! I have been watching that storm that is brewing, how it dissipates before it gets any worse!


It is very hot and that's why I decided to cut the grass yesterday. My legs look really bad, trying to decide it its contact dermatitis or heat rash. Looks to be fading a little but still very red. I have that massage tomorrow and hate to go looking like this. Maybe it will look better tomorrow.


The birds nest that was sitting on the porch light fell off the other day, think I told you,so today did some cleaning on the porch to get rid of the twigs and bird poop. Took the globe off and wondering if I should leave it off for a while to discourage her from building another nest there.


Have a safe and fun trip, sure wish these holidays would stop coming. I know working people look forward to long weekends but I hate them.


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Hello friends. I've rejoined Weight watchers. I love the new freestyle program. They are really finally going toward low carb over 200 no point foods. I can even eat corn peas and carrots which I never could on all my low carb diets. Lost 4 lbs the first week without even trying to do anything but cut back. Very hot here in Florida bad storm may be coming.


That is really great that you are doing so well. Keep up te good work. Didn't you just come back from a cruise?



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Sharon, so why do you hate these holidays? Of course I fit right in to the working class and it feels good to have a nice long weekend. We will be leaving shortly. I will talk once again once we return on Monday.


I hope you have a great massage today and I hope your legs will clear up as well.


Stay cool and enjoy the weekend.



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Weekends are bad enough, long and nothing to do, no one to talk to. A 3 day holiday is just more day of nothing. Everyone gets together with family and I haven't any to get together with. Get an invitation every once in a while but its their family and I don't want to horn in. Luckily on Monday there is an exercise class so will see people for a while.


Have a good time,


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Sharon, we got back home today at 11 am. My cousin's husband died and I was informed of it on Friday night. So they are waking him this afternoon and that is why we returned back home. She was there for me when my husband died, so I needed to be back for her as well.


We made good time on Friday as we left so early and had no issues. Today coming back also no traffic at all. Temps were in the 90's today and for the past few days. Even thou it was cut short, we still had a good time the past few days.


Stay cool,





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Sorry to hear that, good you came back though. I'm sure she appreciated it. Yes it was hot yesterday and today. Will have to cut the grass again soon but heard it might rain tomorrow. Also have a few flowers to plant and lots of weeding so hope it cools off a little.


There has been a pretty steady stream of traffic going past on the road today. Guess lots of people waited till today to comeback home.


We had a Zumba class this morning so it was just like a regular day for me. One of my friends did call and ask if I wanted to come over for their cookout, but its all her family so declined.


One of the gals whose husband died in November was at Zumba, the one that is having to file bankruptcy and move, she has a boyfriend already living with her. Said he has been a big help and if she doesn't sell her house in time and the bank takes it she can move in with him. I think its pretty fast but then what do I know. She had been saying how she missed her husband but doesn't look like it much to me. Not my business though.


Getting my driveway seal coated tomorrow


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Sharon, it sounds like you may be stuck at home today with them sealing your blacktop. We had ours done last year, so we have another year to go yet.


I was the maid of honor when they got married, and they were married for 49 years. We all went to the same High School and some of the others I have not seen for some 50 years. At 1 point her husband and me attended the same math class. He would always get out before me and he would wait for me outside the door and walk me to my next class. Another time we both called in sick the same day without us knowing the other had done so. So the math teacher thought we were an item and we were not. Just good friends.


It is hot today, but I think that yesterday was hotter than today. But I did hear that tomorrow we could get thunderstorms. We could use the rain.


I can see what you are saying about holidays. For some that I talked to it is just another day of the week. We do not like crowds or traffic. We stay home on the July 4th for that same reason. We can see lots of fireworks right from our front porch.


I agree about your friend. But like you said what do we know. There is no book on the subject, and each individual situation is much different. It is what it is.


Maybe since you are stuck at home today you will be doing the grass cutting instead. I think once the storms move in and out the temps will be cooling down a lot.



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Well the driveway people have not come yet so I don't think they will. I had made arrangements with the business across the road to park my car there overnight so that I could get out in the morning. Makes me mad no phone call or nothing!


You go back a long with with that friend and her husband. Sad she will be alone now too, but maybe she at least has some family to support her.


I didn't want to cut the grass and get it on the driveway so have been waiting, but hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, it needs to be cut.

Thursday I am going on a boat ride with the bus people. Not sure exactly what body of water but have to be on the bus by 7:15 so must be kinda far away. That means I will have to get up really early because its 45 min to get to the bus place.


One of the gals from Zumba asked us over for breakfast today. She made a baked cheese thing that was real good and a fruit salad. She moved two years ago from a condo to this cute house. It is small but she has it decorated really pretty and she just had new floors and her kitchen redone. Would probably be a good size for me, my house is way too big and so it the yard. But not sure where I want to be yet so just do nothing till I do.


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Sharon, that would make me mad as well if they said they were coming and they did not even call you. You can bet that they will not come now. With the chances of rain tomorrow, they will not come tomorrow. What day is it tomorrow, Wednesday, and rain day. So who knows if we will get our games in or not, or if this will be our first rain-out. We went from 6th place back to 3rd place once again.


She has a son and a daughter. The daughter is married and has kids. The son just now is living with her for now, as he is getting a house somewhere down the road. So for now she has him with her.


That is early to get up to catch a bus. But it should be a good day for a boat ride if it does not rain too hard.


Well your grass might get ahead of you now with rain tomorrow and if they do the driveway on Thursday, then you may not be able to cut it until Friday.


So tonight will be the first night in my hot tub. Bill filled it yesterday and put all of the chemicals into it so we should be good to go now with the proper temp.


Well that was good that you had a back-up plan with having your car out but it did not make any difference anyway. But at least you were able to go out and have a good cooked breakfast.


I agree that you bast to just stay put for now until you can figure out what direction you will be going.



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I have no idea when they are putting me back on the schedule. I should have cut grass today but had an appointment with my stock guy. Tomorrow will b gone so at best it will be Friday and its already long. I think I will get another estimate on my driveway, might just tell them not to even bother coming if I can find a comparable price.


I was thinking you wouldn't get your game in, it has been thundering here and raining. I will go see the girls tonight anyway. But you are outside so it won't work.


When I weighed this morning I was up about 3 pounds, will have to start watching it if it continues. Don't want to gain all that weight back again so best get a handle on it now.


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Sharon, you got much more rain than we did, but just the same our games were canceled due to the rain. It had rained enough that the wood surface was just too wet.


I agree with you on these black top guys to do that to you without even calling. Well who knows when you will be able to get it done now.


I forgot where are you going today? At least it will be a very nice day today as far as the weather goes. Enjoy and have a great day today.


Well the last day of the month today and tomorrow June already. I saw that we will go into the record books as the wettest May on record.



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I am getting another quote and if it beats the one from that first company I will take it instead. Hope it does would love to tell them to just forget it and take me off the schedule.


It cleared up here pretty good last night. After all that thunder and rain was a pretty nice night Met the girls, there was pulled pork or turkey sandwiches. Glad my ballroom lessons are over to get back to normal.


I went to Waupaca today on a bus trip. It is about 2 hours north of Madison, so quite a long bus ride. They have a chain of lakes there, we boarded a paddlewheel boat and cruised around 6 of them. It was a nice warm sunny day so it was good. Then we ate lunch there before boarding the bus again and heading to Plover to a brewery. You could have beer samples, they made craft beers or root beer. I took the root beer, never drink beer, don't like it.


Got home almost 7pm. So it was a long day as I left home at 6am.

Our town has its big summer festival this weekend, don't know if I will do any of it because never seem to be able to get anyone to go along with me. I will go to the parade, its usually about 2 hrs long. I take my lawn chair and water bottle and watch it by myself.

Good you are enjoying your hot tub!


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Sharon, for about 10 minutes yesterday it poured and that was it. Otherwise the temp yesterday was in the 80's. Today a bit cooler and temps in the 70's.


Wow, that was a very long day for you yesterday. But at least you had a very nice day to be doing all of that. It sounded like the boat trip was just perfect, as well as the beer sampling. I do not drink beer either and never have.


What I would do with this other company. Tell them the name of the place that stiffed you and even their price. I am certain that they will match that price to get your business away forom the other place. That was totally not right what they did to you.


We had our parade at the beginning of May. Bill works it every year doing crowd control. So we had a good day as far as the weather goes, and it looks like you will have a good day as well for your parade.


Yes, it has been good doing the hot tub the past few nights. We also got our top put on the screen house as well. So all set for summer, even though we went right from winter right into summer.



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Yes I did tell the other company the price I got but so far have not heard back from them with a quote. Now the first company called and left a message saying I am on the schedule for Monday. If I don't get a quote tomorrow then I will probably let the first company come and do it .


Bad news for one of my mowers, the transmission is going on it. I was able to get the grass all cut today but don't know how much longer so will have to get a new one, maybe one that is heavier to withstand the hard work I give it.


Was nice out today to mow, not so hot. I could have used a hot tub after mowing today, but instead just took a shower, got dressed and went to meet some friends at the dance place. Not so good, because the regular DJ was on vacation and this one played music so loud you hardly could talk to each other. Coming home the moon was just coming up, it was 11pm and it was bright orange, very pretty!


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Sharon, hopefully the other company will get back to you today. If they do not. then that means that they do not want to do it.


We just got back from another wake. A friend of ours from the club died. Two weeks ago his wife found him on the ground in their back yard. They rushed him to 1 hospital close to where they live, and they stabilized him and moved him to another hospital. As that 1 did not do open heart surgery. So the second hospital delayed doing the surgery and then he got a phonomania, and then died.


So this mower, is it the 1 you had serviced at the beginning of the season or the older 1 that you have as well? If it is the older 1, then do you really need 2 mowers? After you finished cutting the grass you should have gone to the pool.


Yes, I have seen the moon at night. Very nice. I do not like loud music as well. It is too bad they they were playing so loud.



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