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Carnival Spirit Vancouver to Hawaii Semi Real Time Review


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Review Carnival Spirit

September 14th Sailing

Vancouver – Hawaiian Islands


Monday, September 13th

Hello this is my first Review so please bear with me as I stumble along. It has been many years since I have brushed off long unused and unpolished, writing Skills.


I am Chuck and my wife is Pat. I retired 2 yrs ago as an Airline Pilot. I discovered that although I do enjoy travel, I have found that I (nor any one else in their right mind) enjoys traveling. And I have to admit to being spoiled after always having had a reserved seat and knowing the plane would not leave with out me. (Or if it did I would be in big trouble). I think this is one of the things that endears me to the cruising type of vacation and travel. After a life time of schedules and rapid time zone changes it is so refreshing to just slowly watch the horizon drift by while some one else (usually an Italian) commands the vessel as I sit back with a favorite Foo Foo Umbrella drink in hand. I must admit I might become a bit apprehensive if the Captain introduces himself as “Luigi” Smith a descendant of a long line of former White Star Line sailors. (Think Titanic)


I do think that if one really wants to see and experience a new land, cruising is probably not the best venue. However, if like me, you enjoy the simple ambiance and day to day activities aboard ship this is the best venue around. Not to mention, cost effective, as the bean counters are so fond of pointing out.


We always try and arrive at the departure city a day ahead of time. This makes for a nice relaxed embarkation as opposed to the rush and uncertainty of a harried and hurried hassle trying to reach the wharf before one hears that Horn Honk while trapped on the Wrong side of the dock. Pat and I normally cruise out of Galveston so the pre-cruise day begins with a leisurely 5 hr drive from our home in Ft. Worth.


Since this Hawaiian Cruise departs from Vancouver we flew from DFW to YVR a day ahead of time. My “alma mater” airline did a great job of safely delivering us on time to the Vancouver airport. Since we did not want the uncertainty of standby space available employee travel (read one may not get on board the airplane) we opted to purchase full fare tickets. We landed around 1PM pacific standard time. Although the Immigration line was long we managed to clear both Immigration and Customs in just a little over an hour.


I had originally planned on taking the Sky Link Train from Vancouver Airport to downtown Vancouver. However 2 big (read heavy) suitcases, 2 (sorta heavy) duffel bags, and 2 knapsacks full of Electronic gizmos and gear precluded lugging said stuff all around in search of the Train, not to mention lugging said stuff from the downtown train stop to our hotel. I saw a sign advertising cab fare to downtown at $32.00. Although the train fare is about ½ that sport that I am glad that I sprung for a taxi. The fact that we had all that “stuff” of course had nothing to do with that decision.


I had booked a hotel room through American Airlines “High Pressure Telephone Marketeers.” We booked a room at the Moda Hotel which is located at 900 Seymour Street, or in other words smack dab in the middle of town near nothing. The room was $130. (+ lots of Canadian taxes). I was quite happy with it. Although I never could get the free WiFi to hook up to my mini lap top. Also I would have liked to have been a bit closer to Canada Place but cheapskate that I am, you get what you pay for, ie location.


This will be our first cruise traveling as VIP Platinum (Snobby nose in air) Cruisers, so we are especially anticipating the VIP embarkation perk. We were told by Carnival to board at 1230PM, so we will plan on arriving at the Cruise Terminal around 11AM. Or so. As I recall we pre clear US Customs here in Canada before we board the ship so I suspect that may be a bit of a pain in the rear. Stand by for later reports.


It is now 1030AM, so it is time to repack all of my 'stuff', check out of our Chic Modern Hotel, and head for the Wharf. So stay tuned.


Location: Lido Deck aboard The Carnival Spirit

Position: Vancouver Canada Place Terminal

Activities: Relaxing after lunch with Post Boarding Foo Foo Drink


Hello again. We had a very nice experience boarding the ship this morning. We left the hotel at 11AM. It is about a 5 minute and $7.00 cab ride to Vancouver Canada Place Cruise Terminal. This cruise being our 10th cruise with Carnival it triggere the much heralded VIP Platinum Level in cruse dom land. One of the perks of this exulted snobby status is priority boarding.


We arrived at the cruise terminal and were met by a porter at the taxi. He took charge of our 2 big (read heavy) suitcases. I am a firm believer in sporting folks who handle your luggage be it airline porters or cruise ship porters a semi generous gratuity. I consider it 'see you luggage again insurance' or in airline parlance “non – Bombay” insurance. It is a joke (honest) in the airline industry that should one piss of an agent, said agent simple put BOM (Bombay India) baggage tags on your suitcases guaranteeing your luggage at the very least a visit to Bombay (OK Mumbai) India. So I sported the Porter $10 for his portage of our quite heavy suitcases. (note: the luggage has not arrived yet so “the jury is out” as to the wisdom of my Non Bombay Gratuitous Insurance payment to porters)

We then proceeded to the Security Line and were through it in about 5 minutes or so. No Beeps...No Cavity Search.


After clearing the Security Gauntlet it was time to proceed through US Customs pre Clearance. In other words we precleared our landing at our next US Port of entry which will be Kona, Hi. I was a bit concerned about how much of a hassle this would be All to no avail. A quick scan of our passport by the Immigration/Customs inspector and away we went. So far So good.


The next 'hurdle' in the boarding process would be the much aligned and dreaded creepy crawl to the check in counter. With the hautiness of true snobs we flashed our VIP stamped Boarding pass and were escorted to the head of the line and right to an agent. The actual formalities took about 5 minutes. The 2 things they really checking for are:


1. You really are who you claim to be on your passport.

2. Most important...they swipe your Credit Card for your Sign and Sail Cards.

With that completed we were then herded toward the general boarding seating area.

And that was when the 'problem' started. We saw an area clearly marked VIP. After signing in instead of being directed there, we were directed to the (gasp) general seating area. We told the lady directing us to the general seating area we were VIP all to no avail. Off we went. This old bat reminded me of some of the er ah...older coworker Attila the Hun flight attendants I used to work with. (one reason I am Happily retired..no more dealing with them!) That is when we started complaining and discovered there were about 30 other VIPs seated there as well. I could tell that 'the old bat' was going to herd all 500 of us toward the ship at the same time. With nose in air we started reminding the 'minders' about priority boarding. My lovely, silver tongued, and fast talking wife Pat finally got a Carnival Gentleman who understood our concerns regarding losing our priority boarding status. He assured us we would board first. Our main concern was we would end up with the 500 other passengers awaiting boarding and I did want to board early so as to sign up for the “Behind the Scenes Tour”. The old bat lost the boarding battle. When boarding was started all of us (nose in the air) VIPs were given the chance to board first.

So...off we went for the First of many Photo Ops, and then up the boarding gangway we happily marched.


We had previously sailed on the Spirit several years ago on an Alaskan Cruise and thoroughly enjoyed the ship. She is just as we remembered her. A bit smaller that her sister ship the Conquest yet larger than her older cousin the Ecstasy, the Spirit is an in between class of vessel. I find her decor a bit more subdued than some of the other Carnival Fun Ships.


I signed up for my coveted Behind the Scenes tour (guess who was #1 on the sign up list), and we headed up to the Lido. By now it was only 1150. We had boarded so early no one else was around. Gosh, there were still setting up for lunch and the soon to be arriving horde of savvy sailors. We in fact had boarded so early they were not even Hawking the Foo Foo Drink of the Day yet. Not to worry, we promptly headed to the bar and enjoyed our first (of what will no doubt be many) bloody marys.


While enjoying our Bloody Marys I noticed a couple sitting next to us with a Cruise Critic tag. I asked them about it and Lo and Behold it was the lovely Australian Couple that were on the Roll Call Board who traveled here for an Alaskan Cruise and will now travel on to Hawaii. So chatting with John and his lovely wife was a great way to start off the trip.


Well, I must attempt to upload the rest of this boring missive before we sail and are out of Droid phone piggy back range. It will soon be time for “Muster” and then well all know what happens next! That sound we each long for . . . The Happy Honk of the Ships Horn signaling that we are about to get underway! Until next time ALOHA! In the airplane I would always say 'Gear Up', I wonder what they say on these big ships....Toot the horn..I guess.



A quick glance at our watches informed us that the rooms were now available.


About 3 days before we sailed the 'upgrade' fairy called and offered us an upgrade from a Balcony to a Ocean View Suite. I might add however, nothing is free. In a moment of supreme generousness I agreed to the upgrade which would require an additional $1200; which was a discount (or so she said) of $1300. I figure since this was a 12 day cruise, what the hell go for it. Needless to say we were both anticipating seeing our new exotic and expensive Suite. I had called ahead to the Bon Voyage Department and (again in the spirit of generosity) ordered 1 Liter of Rum, Beer and a collapsible cooler, and Anniversary Decorations for the room which was to be a surprise for Pat since earlier this month we celebrated 35 years of 'wedded bliss”.


All I can say is we were aghast in amazement when we opened the door to our Giant Fancy Suite. It was really nice. The decorations were perfect. The colorful streamers, doo dads, and crafty decor made our new digs look really festive. Now mind you, we have always been quite happy with our Balcony Rooms in the Past, but this Room is Giant as is the Balcony. There are closets everywhere, drawers, compartments, you name it. I cannot help but wonder if we will be able to find all our stuff when it is time to disembark. There is a makeup area just before the bathroom which we have turned into our electronic center complete with our own power strip. The batroom it self has 2 sinks and a Jacuzzi Bath tub. Why, it is downright decadent (says he with the evil grin).


Our luggage arrived shortly afterward, once again proving my theory of Gratuitous $10 bills go a long way toward the avoidance of the “Bombaying” of one's luggage. In other words our 'stuff' arrived to our room safely. My wife immediately went into unpack mode and before I knew it she had her 'stuff' happly stowed away in the many drawers, closets, and cubbyholes.


Our Room Steward Putu stopped by to introduce himself. He is quite the congenial fellow. I thanked him for his great decorating job on our room then slipped him a gratutity of $30 (this is a Suite afterall), thanked him again for his efforts and told him I was sure he would take good care of us. So far he has been just great.




It was now time for the Mandatory Safety Drill. We have learned that one needs to be “fashionably late” to thes gatherings. Just before we left the room ,our room steward Patu knocked, opened the door, smiled and inserted the red room empty sign on our door. In other words it was up to us whether or not we wanted to attend the briefing. Being the saftey concious sort of fellow I am, we of course would never consider bypassing such an important event. So, we arrived fashionably late and were in the front (as opposed to the back) of our fellow stacked up passengers. We all gave our full attention to the all important instructions should our ship turn into the Titanic. It seems that there are large group of German Folks onboard so.........the ever important briefing was repeated in German effectively doubleing the time we all had to pretend to pay attenition. Finally – That welcome Toot of the Ships Horn signalling the end of the briefing and the beginning of our soon to be sea borne adventure.


The hoards headed for the elevators. We headed for the nearest bar. After the crowd had thinned out we made our way to the fantail where the sailing away festivities were in full swing. What a great feeling.


Music was playing and all of our fellow passengers were in full festive mode. I tried a little experiment at the bar. The bar was of course quite crowded with everyone ordering their favoite sailaway libation and the bar tenders quite busy. I lay my (new and coveted) Platinum Sign and Sail card on the bar. Immediately on of the bartenders noticed the shiny silver card and rushed right over to take our order. I am convinced that Carnival really does appreciate the 'business' we frequent floaters throw their way. So after imbibing and watching the scenic shoreline of Vancouver and British Columbia pass by it was time for our pre-dinner Sushi and Martinis.


After the libation and seaweed snack I wandered upon a group of people in the Main Atrium where Hawaiian music was being played. It turned out to be a group from an Hawaiaan High School Reunion for the Class of 1957. These folks came to Vancouver to Cruise back home. What a great idea for a reunion. One of the ladies was doing a Hawiaan dance to the music and I realized I was seeing a piece of history. It was explained that each move means something as this lady danced the same dance she did in 1957 as a young girl. How neat is that?



Our dinner companions are a fun couple from New York City. They too have cruised quite a bit and having a great time. My wife Pat suffers from Seliac Intolerance (in other words she cannot have anything with wheat in it). The Assistant Matre De came to our table and mapped out just what she could have for dinner as well as took her order for tomorrows dinner. I once again put my theory to work and slipped the Bar Waitress a 5 dollar bill and Slipped our Waiter a $20. Laugh as you may, our service was, is, and will be perfect. The drink waitress who normally disappears after slamming your dining libation down in front of you, could not have been more congenial and she acutally hovered over us bringing more cokes to the ladies.


As we were leaving the dining room just passing the Matre Dee's stand guess who fall flat on his face? Yes me the grumpy old man. (Ok I am ONLY 62, kinda old but....) We have all seen old folks fall flat on their ass and silently thought “gosh I sure am glad I am not an old coot like that). Yes it was my turn. I didn't slip as much as my shoe seemed to stick to the floor and soon I was on the floor. Fortunately the only thing injured was my BiG Fat Ego. Oh well note to self : be more careful next time.


So I took my injured Ego to bed while my wife Pat headed out to the Casino with pictures of buckets full of quarters dancing in her head. Thus ended our First Day Embarkation and Sail Away on the Carnival Spirit.









Position: Approximately 270nm SW of Vancouver

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean


We awakeded on our first day at sea around 6:30 AM which is early, but considering the 2 hr time change from Texas insn't too bad. I have discovered Carnival has the best alarm clock around. One simple needs to hang the room service Breakfast order menu indicating what time you would like your morning repast to be delivered. Sure enough at 6:30AM (8:30 body time) Knock..Knock...our morning coffee had arrived right on schedule. What a nice way to start the day.


The wind was howling outside of our cabin. A glance out of the window revealed angry seas with wind blown white caps off of the large swells along with intermittant rain showers. A quick step out on the Balcony confirmed this would not a good morning to enjoy coffee outside. Because not only was the wind blowing 35kts, it was downright cold! The ship was rocking somewhat. But it wasn't that bad considering the weather conditions. As I drank my morning coffee I wondered just what part of the Pacific we were in. I suspect it could be considered the North Pacific as we make our transit to the South Pacific.


I donned my jogging suit (not to worry, the last thing I intended to do was jog) and headed up to the Lido Deck 9 from our Empress Deck 6. One thing about the Spirit Class ships that I kind of like is the main Atrium Elevator will take one wherever one wants. In my case I was deposited inside the Lido dining room. This was good, there was no need to make like the intrepid sailor I am not and venture out into the windy, wet, and cold elements in ordefr to to reach my dining destination.


It was about 7:30 AM which I agree is quite early for vacation breakfasting but what the heck I was awake. There were a few of my fellow passengers stumbling arounnd as the ship rocked and rolled. A quick peek at the Omelet bar revealed no line, so that made my menu decision easy. With Omelet on plate I headed over to visit the dreaded Bacon Police Man. Much to my surprise he heaped a big old pile of bacon on my plate. So I enjoyed my morning repast in dry comfort while watching the angry seas and congragulating myself for not being a solo sailor of small boats in a big sea. (like some 16 year olds circumnavigators)


I have noticed that my fellow passengers are an assortment of age groups. There are almost no children on board and I would say the majority of my fellow voyagers are in my age group ie 50s to 60s. The 30-40 age group is also well represented.


While I think of it I must appolgize for changing from past present tense as I write this missive. I am writing this in real time so some of the things I am reporting are happening in real time, while other things have already taken place.


I deposited my wife Pat at her slot machine dejoir, ordered myself a morning special Bloody Mary (only $4.95+Gratuity) and watched the water go by. Another difference between this Spirit class ship and the Conquest Class we last cruised on dawned upon me. On the Spirit the main promenades with atrium, casino, clubs, shops and other attractions are located on decks 2 and 3. When looking out the window this close to the water one can really feel the sensaton of speed. (about 20kts) Also one can see the swells flow up and down as the (hopefully) sturdy ship sails ever south westward.


I then fortified myself with a nice cold draft beer and headed to the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. I want to thank Pat for putting this together. There were about 25-30 folks attending. It is really something when one thinks about it. Folks who already are friends through the electronic marvels of cyber land meet face to face for the first time. What great people. I enjoyed meeting and visiting with them. Bob Bobblyduck is quite a talented MC as he hosted the White Elephant Gift exchange. One attendee who shall remain unnamed, secluded himself to the back of the room in an attempt to cover up the fact he did not bring a gift for the exchange. Bad me!


After a nice lunch the Mixolgy Contest was taking place on the Lido deck. Much to everyone's delight the sun came out and the wind died down. Although still a bit chilly out I did notice some of the 'heartier' souls out enjoying the sun.


I then ventured into the casino and promptly lost a small bundle at the Crap Table. I have decided that the $100 invested in extra gratuities to the staff is money better spent than donating it to the Crap Table. (Unless of course the dice get hot and I become Daddy Warbucks the Big winner) I came to the conclusion that it would be cheaper if I retired to my Fancy Suite and snuck in a quick nap. Pat was missing in action but I finally found her still attached to her favorite slot machine. I then grabbed my trusty mini computer and am now down on the prominade deck sipping a cafe latte and watching the water go by as I write this missive. Tonight is elegant night so I suspect several thousand lobster tails will be joining us for dinner.


I hear a Beer Calling for me! So I shall sign out for now, as I shall be enjoying a cold one.


One of the perks of this Fancy Ocean Suite is a Jacuzzi Bath Tub. Well guess what was not working? It would not turn on. I informed our Cabin Steward and he promised to take a look at it. So, hopefully it will be repaired shortly. I certainly hope I do not catch a case of “Buyer's Remorse”.


I noticed almost everyone dressed up for Elegant night. There were a fex Tuxes but most of us guys were wearing Sport Coats and Ties. We managed to be late for our dinner seating. Fortunately our table mates were even later than we were. We all dined on Lobsters and I ordered and extra Prime Rib thereby creating my very own surf and turf. I thought the dinner was indeed very good.

I decided to try my luck at the Crap Table after dinner. Fortunately I was waylayed by the Music and Singer at the Atrium bar. I parked myself there and enjoyed a beer while listening to the entertainer. Either I am easlily entertained, or they have some pretty good entertainers on board. I then decided to bypass the Crap Table and head for the bed, saving the Chips that were burning a hole in my pocket.


I remembered to set my watch back 1 hour before crashing.


Day 3 Sea Day 2

Dead Reckoning Postion: 700 miles South West of Vancouver

Some where in the (North?) Pacific Ocean


Our Carnival Alarm clock went off promptly at 6AM, announced by the knocking at our door. The Room Service Waiter had arrived with our morning coffee.


Once again a look out the window confirmed that this will not be a coffee on the balcony morning either. The new day has dawned Cloudy, Windy, and Chilly. We seem to be heading toward deteriourating weather as the wind is picking up and white caps are forming.


I headed up to the Lido for my breakfast. Today the Bacon Policeman was taking his duites quite seriously. I was allocated a measly 3 pieces to go with my Scramble eggs and Grits. Oh well. I enjoyed chatting with a gentleman from Bristish Columbia about traveling and the impending doom of the earth due to melting ice caps and rising oceans.


The ship is defintely rocking today. There is a swell running from the North West. I suspect myself and my fellow intrepid passengers will be using our Sea Legs today.



We continue to enjoy or Ocean Vista Suite. There is no doubt about it, it is quite nice as well as roomy. I am not so sure I will book one again, however I think these Suites are perfect for familes. There is a fold out couch as well as a BunkBed imbedded in the ceiling.


My Eagle Eye DeadRecking Navigating skills has me projecting a postion abeam Cabo San Lucas Mexico sometime tomorrow. I figure by then we will be entering the Tropical Pacific. In other words hopefully it will warm up and we can all start toasting ourselves in the sunshine.


10:30AM -Wednesday, September 16th

As we watched the low clouds and rain on the horizon we decided it was time to head down for some Eye Opener Morning Bloody Marys ($4.95 on specail before noon). For some unkown reason Pat chose the Casino Bar for our Morning libation. So, while Pat headed off to that Slot Machine that was beackoning, I visited with a couple from Boston that were enjoying their morning Libations as well. After several eye openers I decided this would be a good morning to nap. So I did.


Around 12:30 we decided to sample Empire Main Dining Room for lunch. We stopped by the Spa so Pat could make a reservation for a manacure then continued on to the Empire. We were seated immediately, sharing a window table with 8 other fellow luncheoners. Pat had a Hamburger and I Bean Soup and Spare Ribs. Lunch was good. Lunching at the Main Dining Room is a bit more reserved that the Buffet wait in line upstairs at the La Playa Grill located on the Lido Deck. One thing is becoming pretty apparent. Most of our fellow passengers are seasoned Cruisers. I enjoyed hearing about the different cruises and places our tablemates had experienced.


As we were dining the Captain Roberto visited the table to welcome everyone on board and have a quick visit. The Captain is a very engaging fellow and we enjoyed visiting with him. I thought that was quite good of him stop and visit with us. He didn't need to do that. He had his photo taken by with a group of our table mates. I was happy when he confirmed my Dead Reckoning position (guess) of somewhere abeam San Francisco, California on our Rumb Line Course for the island of Hawaii. (That is the 'Big Island'..i think).


After lunch Pat returned to her (Non Winning) Slot machines, I returned to the room to relaxed and read.



Around 4:30 there was a knock at the door. It was room service delivering Canapes. This is one of the 'perks' offered to Platinum Passengers. They did indeed hit the spot.


As I type this missive I am eyeing a stack of Casino Chips. The darn things seem to be beckoning me, much like Pats slot machine beckons her. So I shall return the chips to the casino coffer from which the came, thusly improving the Casinio profit projections for today.


7:25 PM


I just returned from my sojourn to the Casino. Fortunately for me the Crap Table had not opened yet. So I simply went and treated myself to a Cafe Latte. ($2.95) It was very enjoyable sitting next to the window watching the blue waters of the Pacific flow past. The sun returned and this afternoon was nice if not still a bit chilly out.

The Casino Chips ($65 worth) were burning a hole in my pocket but alas still no activity at the Crap Table.


I did stop at the Future Cruise Certificate desk and purchased a $100 certificate that I hope to use on the October Transatlantic Crossing on the Magic. Between the Salesman's sales abilities and my “Sucker” tendacies, I find myself (once again) the holder of a Carnival Credit Card. My former card was cancelled by the credit card company for non use, in other words I did not have a giant balance with 55% usuerous interest built up. Nope, my balance was zero, so they cancelled my Card. The shipboard sales man has assured me that my 'new' card is run by a different company and I can redeem my 'points' at anytime. We shall see. Meanwhile I get 50 bucks off of my sign n sale account and a really cool Carnival knapsack. Am I a great shopper or not???


So, with visions af “Carnival Points” dancing in my head I found my dear wife at her Slot Machine. I decided to invest some of my money into one of these purveryors of princley sums and try my luck on a slot. Long story short my $20.00 made the machine whirl, bells ring, whistles blow and an additional 200.00 imaginary silver dollars fell into my 'electronic money bucket'. Sadly money no longer falls out of these machines when one hits the proverbial Jackpot. Instead after a lot of noise indicating that one has indeed broke the bank, one's funds are put onto his sign and sail card, which can then be converted into real money at the casino cashier. So I took my $$ and headed to the Atrium Bar where I celebrated my good fortune with a nice cold dirty martini.


As I add to this missive Pat (the wife) is at the Spa having a her nails done. I suggested she sign up for a Complete Waxing but all that got me was a dirty look. We will go to our 8:15 dinner seating soon.





I am really glad I 'sprung' for the tour. Would I do it again? I doubt it. Most ships and their operations are quite similar so I think once is enough. I cannot emphasize how gracious everyone was as we invaded their “territory”. One could not help but notice the various signs and reminders to the crew to put passenger service first.














Since I still had Casino Chips in my pocket I decided once again to return them to their rightful owner...the cashier. I tossed a quick wave to Pat as I passed her and her favorite Slot on my way to an now active Crap Table. Craps is fun albiet an expensive game. I am not very good at it, but have kind of taught myself the basics online. There was one other gentleman and myself playing. Since it was “slow” the dealers were able to keep an eye on me and keep me from making too many fatal mistakes. What can I say; the fellow throwing the dice was “Hot”. For the first time ever, I was receiving chips instead of losing them. What fun. Pat showed up bitching about having to meet me and leave her lucrative slot machine so we could go to dinner. So Daddy Warbucks here collected his extra chips and headed to the cashier $110 richer. Note to self: Stay away from the Casino. I walked out a winner so I better not go back and becomwe a loser!

After another nice dinner Pat returned to her beloved Casino. I went in search of entertainment and found it in the Atruim in the form of a duo playing great music. Folks were dancing, I was enjoying my after dinner B&B and fun was being had by all. Soon my Carnival 200 count bed sheet was calling and thus ended Sea Day 2.


Sea Day 3 – Friday, September 17th.


Our morning Alarm clock once again sounded with a quiet knock on the door as our Morning Coffee was delivered promptly at 6AM. The day dawned early for us this morning for today is our “Behind the Scenes Tour”, scheduled for 9AM.


The skys are blue this morning with just a few clouds accenting the lovely sun rising over Deep Blue waters. A quick jaunt out on the Balcony reveals warmer temperatures, hopefully a hint of warmer climes to come.


A quick trip up to the Lido floor 9 provided me with a nice breakfast from the buffet line. I must report that the Bacon Policeman this morning did not take his duties quite as seriously as yestereday's Guard of the Bacon. Today I was rewarded with a heaping porcine portion.


I a past life I was in the transportation industry albiet an airlne. I guess that is why I have such a curiousity about the behind the scenes detail of cruise ship operations . In my former life I was responsible for a crew of 15 and about 250 passengers, A cruise ship is of course many times larger in all aspects except for altitude and speed my jumbo jet provided.


Since these tours literally take onebehind the scenes, the groups must be kept small out of necessity. The tour groups are limited to 16 people and can only be booked on a first come first serve basis once on board the ship. One can book one through the Tour Desk on board. This was the main reason I wanted to board as soon as possible.


Everyone gathered at at 8:45 and were issued “passes” permitting us entrance to the inside now passenger areas of the ship. A Security man wanded us to make sure no one was hiding an Uzi and I did notice he descreetly followed us throughout the 3 hr tour. No cameras were allowed, which makes sense from a security standpoint. (Remember the Acilles Laural?) Our tour guide was the onboard director of Corporate Training for Carnival and was quite Knowledgeable. The tour was really interesting and great exercise. You see the crew does not have very many elevators so there was quite a bit of stair climbing up and down the various rabbit warren unseen by us paying pass.


Basically we were given a tour of each 'department by that's department head. I shall list the places visited before I forget them all;

1. Show Stage and back Stage

2. Galley which is really interesting. There are 4 of them. The kitchens are giant of course with various meals in various stages of prepartion. The Meat Freezers and Beer Cooler was a big hit with everyone.

3. Crew dining areas

4. We did not see any of the crew living accomodations, since they were all full.

5. The laundry Thousands of sheets, towels, etc. The sheets last for about 60 washings then must be replaced. Carnival donates them to various Charities.

6. The crew lounge

7. The “Engine Room”. The main engine, generator control, ballast, and engineering area. And a nice briefing by the Chief Engineer.

8. The Bridge. My Favorite! The 2nd and 3rd Officer were on watch along with a Yoeman on the bridge. They very cordailly answered everyones (sometimes stupid) questions. Then the Captain Roberto Poldi gave us his guided tour . We all had our photos taken with him. (Part of that 95 bucks). I have benn in the Captain and his operating crew's position as an airline pilot and understand the line between 'marketing' and operations. I want to thank him for being so cordail, he really is an intersting and engaging guy.

9. A visit to the upscale steak house and really good presentation by the Chef there. We were then presented with cool knapsacks, hats, lanyards, and other memorabalbia of our tour along with Champagne. Guess who signed up for dinner at the Steakouse?

10. I almost forgot -The enviornmental (read garbage) area. Carnival is quite proud (rightfully so) of how they handle all the trash generated.


After the 3 hour workout climbing the behind the scene stairways and passage ways we headed out to lunch in the Main Dining Room. We enjoyed a nice luncheon and once again met some interesting folks.

The skies were blue and the weather warmed up a bit so I decided to head out and soak up some rays. The pool areas were crowded but there were plenty of lounge chairs one deck up, so that is where I headed. There was quite a bit of wind and it just wasn't as comfortable as it had looked. But, not to worry there is always tomorrow when we will be 422 ½ Nautical Miles further south on our course to the Islands. The Captain did inform us that we had passed the 'point of no return' at 3PM. In other words should we have to shut an engine down it was closer to continue on that return top the west coast. (That is how it works in 2 engine Jumbo jet any how and since this ship only has 2 engines I figure it works the same way) Later on in the afternoon I grabbed this mini computer and headed down to the prominade to snack on some Shushi. Along the way the were having a Rum Mojito Special. I am happy to report the Mojitos were quite tastey and were one of those Special Drinks you can trade your bar receipt in for a $5 chit at the casino. A great deal if on gets hot at the roulette table, black jack table, or Craps table. In an effort to stay away from the Crap Table I generously gave the reciept to our Dinner Companion.


It was soon time for our late dining so off we went. Another fine dinner was enjoyed by all. The servers were great. I am not sure if it was my eariler gratuity or my good Karma but our two waiters seem to go out of their way for us. Our head waiter, a fellow from Kosovo, is also a Supervisor for Breakfast and Lunch at the Lido Dining, so he must work his butt off. In another moment of generosity I slipped his assitant a $20. What a nice big smile she had. Our Cocktail Waitress continues to keep us plied with cokes and my wine so life is good!


Being a creature of habit I spent an hour at the Atrium Bar listening to Hawaiaan Music. One of the musicians told me he and his partner had been contracted out of Honolulu for this cruise all the way to San Diego. It was soon bed time for Bozo and thus ended day 3 at sea.






Sea Day 4 – Saturday, September 18th.

Postion: 772 NM North East of Kona, Hi. (Still in the middle of the Pacific Ocean)


Wow..we set our clocks back last nite as ship's time once again changed. This is a sure sign we are sailing ever on south and westward. We have now closed to less than 1000 NM to go. The Weather Gods certainily got the message!


This morning dawned just beautiful. A few Cumulus clouds on the Horizon under clear Blue Skies. A quick jaunt out to the Patio confirmed that today would be a Coffee on the Veranda Morning. Sadly we had run out of morning room service 'hang on the door' menus so we made a quick call around 7:00 AM and walla our Coffee arrived withen 5 minutes or so. (The menu problem was rectified when I spied some on the Room Steward Cart. We now have ample 'Alarm Clock” menus) This is what the “ Tropical South Pacific is about. I sipped my coffee with visions of Gardner McKay at the Helm of his Schooner as I gazed out upon the blue waters. (I do hope some of you remember him from the 60's TV show)


I wandered up to the Lido for Breakfast and had Eggs Benedict at the Buffet. This was the first time I remember seeing them offered up on the Lido. The Eggs Benedect were quite good with a nice rich yolk. I noticed quite a few of my fellow Breakfasters eating the Eggs Benedict.


As the morning wore on, the day just got better. My wife Pat headed to the Casino, I headed up to the pool. I have help make payments on Boats, Airplanes, and Girlfriends for various Dermotolgists over the years. I really try to watch my sun exposure. I found a nice lounge in the shade and read for a hour or so. It was then lunch time.





Lunch –

OhOH....Since it was 12:30 and the Lido Dining was full with lines forming, we decided to once again eat in the Main Dining Room.

Curiously it was not that busy. I think most folks we up in the sun and dining on the Lido. We were seated immediately. And nothing happened. The couple next to us had just had their lunch delivered and the lady asked for Mustard. The waiter disappeared......only to return 10 minutes later. She asked again and this guy in his best KGB Russian accent made some aside and finally brought her some mustard. By now we had been seated for 15 minutes and this guy pretty much ignored us when we politely informed him we were ready to order. I got pissed and decided who needs this. As we were leaving the Hostess, who takes care of Pat and her speical diet, rushed over to find out what was wrong. She got upset, and would not let us leave. She reseated us and withen 5 minutes we had ordered and were eating. What can I say, what great service. We rehashed it and really are sure we were not being overly needy etc. So, its not bad so far only One problem waiter. (I suspect he misses his former employment as a KGB flunky. No way was he a good spy with his attidude.)


So..after a nice lunch, Pat headed back to her beloved Slots and I back up to the Sun Deck. This time I enjoyed the Lobster Baking Sun Shine and after only 1 beer and 30 minutes moved back to the shade. It is really easy to become a crispy critter, I was red after only ½ hr of sun. When ever the Cruise Director or Captain make any announcement they ALWAYS remind everyone to use lots of Sunscreen and be Very Careful in the Sun. It was a nice in the shade drinking my cold beer and reading my latest Kindle Book.


After a quick afternoon rest and movie and I grabbed this mini lap top and am down enjoying pre-dinner shushi. So for now I shall practice my Chop Stick Skills. Until tomorrow!

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Sea Day 5 (Sadly the last one)

Sunday September 19th.


The last day at sea dawned just as a South (well almost we are only 24N lattitude) Pacific morning should. The sun arose into nice blues skies with fair breezes. We had our morning coffee out of the Balcony as we watched the blue waters flow by. Our trusty ship was still steadily steaming along at 19 kts. This morning we were only 274 ½ Nautical Miles from Kona, Hawaii.


After a nice morning out on the Balcony I once again enjoyed my breakfast upstairs in the Lido La Playa Grille. Today I asked the omelet chef for eggs over medium which were promply offered up. The Bacon Policeman was on duty but in a generous mood and he bestowed a big heap of bacon upon my plate.


Pat and I loafed around watching TV and generally doing nothing until noon when we went down to the Slot Machine Tournament. Needless to say we didnt' win. I did however wager $100 for a few minutes at the crap table. When the russian dealer tried to imtimidate me I simple picked up my chips, left the table and cashed them in. Much to my amazement I was only down $2.00. As far as I am concerned thats as good as winning. Quite often a $100 bill will disappear at the Crap table faster than a group of “Texas Landscapers” when Immigation shows up.


We then had a nice lunch in the La Playa Grille on the Lido Deck. I always enjoy the Meat of the day. This afternoon it was Roast Pork and was quite tastey. The Salad Bar was as usual quite popular and I was able to build a nice salad choosing from Veggies and stuff.


After Lunch Pat headed down to the room to relax and I headed up on deck to read. I was great out. Not too hot..not too cold. I bounced back and forth between the shade and the sun until I was about medium rare.



The Welcome to Hawaii Party took place at 4:45 PM and then again at 6:15 aPM in the Atruim. There was great Hawaiaan Music and everyone of course donned their fanciest Hawiaan Shirt as we enjoyed Free drinks. For 2 45 minute periods every bar on the ship was serving free cocktails. Yup Free Booze! Needless to say this grand gesture was well received by me and my fellow passengers. Fun was had by all!


I find I crash really early at sea. No doubt it is the sea air. So after another nice dinner in the Empire Dining Room, I headed up to bed while Pat returned to her beloved Slot Machines. An So Ended our last day at Sea.


After having become a seasoned sailor with my whole 5 contiunous days at sea I now know I really enjoy it. I didn't notice many of my fellow passengers showing signs of severe boredom. Most folks seemed to be really enjoying this Trans Pacific Transit.


Kona, Hawaii

Monday, September 20th.


Last night we once again set our watchs back another hour. This puts us on Hawiaan time. We were awakened at 6AM by our Carnival Coffee Alarm Clock. What a great way to start the day. A quick peek out on the Balcony revealed warm air as the sun was rising over Mona Koa Volcano, off our ships bow off in the distance. The Captain has managed to find our Destination! I bet he REALLY Appreciates GPS, just like I did! The ship slowed and we heard the anchors aweigh sound as they sank into the Pacific at the Kona Anchorage.


Everyone on board was of course anticipating this arrival. The tender (life boats) boats were lowered so they could tranport everyone to shore. There is no Wharf here in Kona. So, as I ate my breakfast the crew prepared for the mass exodus of their pampered and fat passengers.



Pat and I had signed up for the Magical Seahorse tour. We boarded our tender and headed ashore with our fellow Sea Horse Affecianodos. Kona is a quaint little harbor town with little shops and tourist souveneer shops. (Tourist Traps?)

We boarded our bus and zoomed off on a 15 minute ride to the Sea Horse farm which turned out to be quite interesting. Basically, Sea Horses are about to go extinct. These folks have figured out how to breed and raise sea horses for the Aquarium Trade. It is a renewable way to provied sea horses from farms rather than taking them from Hawiaan Reefs.

We even got to hold one. The are actually cute little critters and I cannot wait to get home and set up a $2000. aquarium for my (very own) sea horses.


We then stopped by at an actual Kona Coffee Shop and Warehouse. Can you believe what luck we had in that? We all sampled some free 100% Kona Coffee and were then given the lucky opportunity to purcahse some. (Guess who sprung for 1 lb <only $32>?)


Upon returning to the Harbor Area we wandered around enjoying the quiet ambiance. It is really a nice difference compared to say downtown Cozumel where one must dodge vehicles driven by Mexican Mario Andrettis. There were very few Vehicles which really made it nice. We enjoyed a nice lunch at a resturant overlooking the harbor.


Then of course headed out on our T-Shirt Quest. Today was our Lucky day. Whaler's General Store (and Tourist Trap) was having a Tshirt Sale. Go figure! We purchased our treasures for only 20 bucks for 7 T-shirts. What a deal. I cannot help but wonder if the will last for more than one washing.


When attempting to board our tender boat back to the ship we discovered that Carnival had not been exactly truthful with us. We were told we had priority tender boarding as Platinum VIP customers. The lying bastards did not tell us they lied. There is no priority boarding back to the ship. Had we known we would have left sooner and avoided the long line we ended up in. I am not a happy customer. It is not the wait in a long line, in the hot sun, watching other folks cut in line, – It is the fact it was mis represented!

They have just annouced the sailaway party on the Fan Tail (Back end) of the ship. So Pat and I must run with our Sign and Sail cards in hand and wave good bye to this lovely little town as we set sail for another lovely island paradise tomorrow.

So until then-------Aloha.

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I am loving your review. I only started reading for the Vancouver portion as I lived there over 20 years ago and I was interested in hearing what you had done. While there was hardly any Vancouver "stuff" you hooked me in. I can't wait to hear the rest.

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Back again – Leaving Kona

The Sail Away Party on the Fan Tail of the Spirit was enjoyed by the many of the passengers. The Hawaiaan Boys (That really is their name) were playing Local Tunes as we all enjoyed evening cocktails. As the sun was setting we set sail (ok steam) for our next exotic destination, Kalui, Hi., the northern most (or is it southernmost) island on our list of destinations.

So stay tuned, I will return same time, same station tomorrow.

Until then -----------Aloha and See you Later


Back again:

We decided to catch the Musical and Dance Show review this evening. So we presented ourselves to the Pharioh Lounge promptly at 7 PM. What can I say...just not my cup of tea. It was 1940's type music and try as I did, I just didn't enjoy it. It is a shame they were not doing another sort of show because from what little I know, the singers and dancers were talented enough. At any rate I left before I attempted to cut my wrists with a rusty razor blade.


We had another great dinner in the Empire Main Dining Room. Old man of the sea that I have become, I headed up to my rocking bed right after dinner. Pat of course headed to the Casino. (Don't Ask)


Tomorrow is Kahui...we are looking forward to that.

Stay tuned same time same station..........................

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Kahui, and Nawikiwiki Harbor

Tuesday September 21st.

Position: Nawikiwiki Harbor, Kauai Hi. Tied up to the dock – Time: 1545 HDT

Good Morning to everyone. Today the sunrise was spectacular as we sailed toward Nawikiwiki Harbor on the Island of Kauai. Just as the sun rose into the early morning sky our ship was approaching the narrow entrance to the harbor. I headed up to the bow viewing area just above the bridge to watch our arrival. As we entered the harbor we passed right off of the approach end of the Lihue Airport, famous for the safe landing made by the heroic flight crew of the Hawaiaan convertible (The top of the fuselage ripped off) Boeing 737 about 10 years ago). With tug boats helping out Capt Roberto (or maybe he gave this docking to the copilot, I mean 1st mate) manuevered this ship into the small confines of the harbor. All I can say is this is no easy feat, it takes some real skill and seamanship to successfully dock a ship (this size) here. It took them almost an hour to finally inch the ship up to the wharf and tie up. I think we were secured with the gang plank down around 7AM or so.

It seems that Kahui is the home of Jurassic Park among other notable movies made here. (Elvis and Blue Hawaii is another). All I can say is this place is spectacular.


Everyone was up and eagar to start their day this morning. We leave here at 5:15 this evening so many of the folks who have tours booked to see the Wiamea Canyon, etc. needed to get an early start. I headed up to the La Playa grille for a nice breakfast. I had my usual eggs, grits, bacon, corned beef hash, a small bowl of Oatmeal, a cheese danish, cup of coffee and milk. Whew, I am full just listing everything. No wonder I could not eat it all.


I spent the morning updating boring blogs and stuff like that. We were ready to leave around Noon. Pat and I had decided to go into town and explore a bit. Well in the parking lot I spied a cab and thought what the hell. Here we are on one of the most beautiful places there is, we should go see it. Long story short, John our new Cabbie and Tour guide gave us a great 2 hour tour. We visited 2 waterfalls and several secenic overlooks as well as the home of Hawaiaan Kings overlooking the coast. John turned out to be a very personable fellow and gave us a great tour. I am so glad we got to see some of the spectacular scenery this island has to offer. It was $120.00 well spent.


After returning to the ship around 2:30PM we had a bit of late lunch. We have 6:30 dinner reservations at the Nouveou Steakhouse tonight, so we are looking forward to that. Right now I am updating this collossal semi real time review as we relax.


I see a cold beer in my near future so for now, “catch you all later”

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Love your review!


To post a thumbnail picture:

-click on the paper clip just to the right of the font and color choices

-in the new window browse for your pictures

-click upload when you've found your pictures (you can post up to 5 in each message)

-after upload close the "manage attachments" window

-click on the paper clip again and you'll see your pictures listed

-select the pictures you want us to see :D


To post regular size pictures I use photobucket:

-download the pictures to photobucket

-click "share this image"

-copy the img code and paste where ever in your post you'd like the picture to appear


Hope this helps...because I'd love to see the pictures!!:o

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Thank you for the quick tutorial of photo posting. I appreciate it.

I an not so sure I am going to waste any more time doing this.

Only 2 people have been nice enough to respond. I guess most people would rather ask really stupid questions and figure out how to stiff the poor staff.


I will upload my last missive.

For those of you nice enough to respond. Thank you. I appreciate your kind comments.

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Kauai and Nawikiwiki Harbor

Tuesday September 21st.

Position: Nawikiwiki Harbor, Kauai Hi. Tied up to the dock – Time: 1545 HDT


Good Morning to everyone. Today the sunrise was spectacular as we sailed toward Nawikiwiki Harbor on the Island of Kauai. Just as the sun rose into the early morning sky our ship was approaching the narrow entrance to the harbor. I headed up to the bow viewing area just above the bridge to watch our arrival. As we entered the harbor we passed right off of the approach end of the Lihue Airport, famous for the safe landing made by the heroic flight crew of the Hawaiaan convertible (The top of the fuselage ripped off) Boeing 737 about 10 years ago). With tug boats helping out Capt Roberto (or maybe he gave this docking to the copilot, I mean 1st mate) manuevered this ship into the small confines of the harbor. All I can say is this is no easy feat, it takes some real skill and seamanship to successfully dock a ship (this size) here. It took them almost an hour to finally inch the ship up to the wharf and tie up. I think we were secured with the gang plank down around 7AM or so.

It seems that Kahui is the home of Jurassic Park among other notable movies made here. (Elvis and Blue Hawaii is another). All I can say is this place is spectacular.


Everyone was up and eagar to start their day this morning. We leave here at 5:15 this evening so many of the folks who have tours booked to see the Wiamea Canyon, etc. needed to get an early start. I headed up to the La Playa grille for a nice breakfast. I had my usual eggs, grits, bacon, corned beef hash, a small bowl of Oatmeal, a cheese danish, cup of coffee and milk. Whew, I am full just listing everything. No wonder I could not eat it all.


I spent the morning updating boring blogs and stuff like that. We were ready to leave around Noon. Pat and I had decided to go into town and explore a bit. Well in the parking lot I spied a cab and thought what the hell. Here we are on one of the most beautiful places there is, we should go see it. Long story short, John our new Cabbie and Tour guide gave us a great 2 hour tour. We visited 2 waterfalls and several secenic overlooks as well as the home of Hawaiaan Kings overlooking the coast. John turned out to be a very personable fellow and gave us a great tour. I am so glad we got to see some of the spectacular scenery this island has to offer. It was $120.00 well spent.


After returning to the ship around 2:30PM we had a bit of late lunch. We have 6:30 dinner reservations at the Nouveou Steakhouse tonight, so we are looking forward to that. Right now I am updating this collossal semi real time review as we relax.


I see a cold beer in my near future so for now, “catch you all later”


I headed up to the fantail to watch the sailaway as Pat took a nap. We waved good bye to Kauai as I enjoyed a Gin and Tonic.

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Oh please continue! :eek: I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your review. I am trying to talk my DH into a 15day from San Diego to Hawaii for our 30th anniversary. Our 26th is in Nov and we are taking a grown kids on their first cruise (it will be our second) out of New Orleans. We plan to be in New Orleans for Halloween:D.


I would love to see some pictures if you have time:)

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No, don't stop! Love your review and love Hawaii so want to keep reading more!


Hope you can post pics, love seeing faces of the reviewers and the mighty gambling Pat. :D


Great Review.


Oh please continue! :eek: I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your review. I am trying to talk my DH into a 15day from San Diego to Hawaii for our 30th anniversary. Our 26th is in Nov and we are taking a grown kids on their first cruise (it will be our second) out of New Orleans. We plan to be in New Orleans for Halloween:D.


I would love to see some pictures if you have time:)




We all agree. You have many views for this thread. Can't wait for more. Want your thoughts on the Supper Club. And yes we want Pat to hit it B I G...

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Capndinghy... I've enjoyed your real time review please don't stop!


I'm just waiting to hear and hoping that your wife wins a small fortune on the slots :D




Hi Kim: It is funny you should mention that! I too am awaiting that musical ring of the giant jackpot bell. But alas, so far no such luck.:D

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Thank you everyone for your kind words. I am happy that you all are enjoying my uneducated efforts.

I am sorry to report that my Computer Skills are lacking in the photo up load area. I will keep trying.


Meanwhile here is the latest installment (sadly) sans photos.

Chuck aka Cap

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p><p><img src=514 by capndinghy, on Flickr[/img] I always thought the volcano crater was located at the top of a mountain but discovered I (once again) was wrong. This crater is located at about 4000 feet elevation kind on a high flat plateau. For some reason Pat kept trying to talk me into climbing down into the cauldron to get a closer look. I decided to pay attention to the Danger Signs and stayed at the viewing area. Lot of Vapor spewing out of the caldron. We then visited a hole where steam was escaping and Pat swears she got scalded. When I went close to the 'hole' all I felt was a slight change in temperature. I guess it is all the good living I do! The trip took a bit longer than I had anticipated, just a little over 2 hours (or $140 worth).


Before boarding the ship Pat got herself a nice lei with purple flowers that not only smell great but also matches her blouse.


We climbed back onboard the ship a little before 2 PM and ran into our eveining dining tablemates. So we had a nice lunch and compared notes on our various Island Adventures.

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Tuesday Evening and Dinner at the Nouveou Supper Club


We had 6:30 dinner reservations at the Nouveau Supper Club which is the 'upscale' Steak House here on board the Spirit. For a mere $30 each fine (finer than the Empire Dining Room which is quite good) dining is available. They offer Porterhouse Steaks, Rack of Lamb, Filet Mignon, Lobster, Surf n Turf and several other entries I cannot remember. Much to my surprise there were only 4 or 5 other tables dining. I guess it is a sign of the times and economy.


Dinner at the Noveau Steak House by capndinghy, on Flickr

The dress code calls for Elegant Dress, which to me means a minimum of Coat and Tie. One couple behind us were decked out in Fine eveing wear, Tuxedo and all. At another table across from us the diners were dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and T-shirts. They must have forgot and left their 'wife beater” t-shirt at home or surely they would have worn them. Me?, I was nattily attired in my “Newport Yaucht Club” attire of Dockers, Long sleeve Shirt, Club necktie, and deck shoes. I must admit I looked quite spiffy


Our dinner was quite good. I had the surf n turf and Pat had the lobster. I noticed the senior officers (the guys that really run the boat and are responsible for our safety) were there having drinks and dinner. So I guess that is a pretty good endorsement for the place. All in all I think it was worth the $30 each.


Escargot by capndinghy, on Flickr


It seems every time we come back to our 'suite' there is some surprise awaiting us. When we returned from our Shore excursion in Kauai there was a nice lovely plate of Chocolate Strawberries awaiting us. They were a gift from the Casino Manager, to show their apprecaition for Pat's patronage. (I am not so sure this is a “Good” thing. Somehow Pat has ginned ouver $8000 in casino bets. Mind you she has has not lost anywhere near that). When we retuned from dinner there was a platter of Special Good Night chocolates awaiting us. Plus the Casino Manager told Pat they wanted to treat us to a bottle of wine at dinner tonight. For some reason “HIGH ROLLER” comes to mind.



482 by capndinghy, on Flickr

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Wednesday September 22nd

Position: Hilo


Good Morning. Today the dawn brought rain showers at sea as we were about 5 miles off the north shore of the Big Island Hawaii enroute to Hilo. It was nice and warm outside on the balcony having my morning coffee with just a hint of spray in the air.

As the sun rose higher in the sky lovely rainbows became visibile. I made several wishes regarding my dear wife Pat, her Slot Machine Proclivity, and JackPots.


Morning Rainbow on approach to Hilo by capndinghy, on Flickr


We docked in Hilo right around 9AM. Right now I am sitting on the Balcony writing this missive. Again it is overcast, with mountain tops obscurred and scattered rain showers. I suspect this is normal weather conditions for here. Every thing is green and it looks just like one would think Hawaii should look like. I don't think the folks headed up to the top of the volocanos will have much of a view since they will be in cloud. I have noticed some helicopters passing by on aerial tours. I know I wouldn't be flying in this low visibility in moutainous terrain.


The life boats are located just below our balcony so I have been watching the crew practice lowering the lifeboats, driving them around, then re stowing them. There are several important looking guys dressed in white yelling directions so I suspect there is a bit of training going on. I am happy to report none of the Life Boats have sunk!



Life Boat practice in Hilo by capndinghy, on Flickr


We do not have any activities planned for here today. We will go into town and play it by ear. I have no doubt there is a Tourist “Souveneer” shop that would love to have us drop by.

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