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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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I wish I had Grumpy's pocket change from all of the ports he's visited! I collect coins from all over the world and show them to all the girls in my girl scout troops. My DH says I am just priming them for the years when they grow up and like the sight of money and shopping hehehehe. :) Happy Easter Grumpy & Slinkie :)

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Yes, there were some people on the cruise who thought they were getting on a new ship because it had only recently been put into service with HAL. Guess they didn't do their research! There were some problems as there generally are with any cruise, but it actually was one of the top two cruises I've taken. I believe our cabin had been updated more than some others at that time based on comments by other passengers.


In my mind, the negatives always go away shortly after the cruise and only the good memories remain!! But then, my traveling companion and base our cruise choices more on ports of call than the ship.


Looking forward to 5/9!

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Grumpy two questions for you one serious and one NOT..

1) Have you been forced out on to the balcony for sleeping because you can not find your bed for all the packages on it? :p


2) Talking about the "Speakeasy" night. Were you told in advance about special nights like this so you could bring along/buy things for these events?


Tanks. (thinking about the guy with the Tommy Gun :D)

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2) Talking about the "Speakeasy" night. Were you told in advance about special nights like this so you could bring along/buy things for these events?


Tanks. (thinking about the guy with the Tommy Gun :D)




That's RANDALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Every night is an 'event' with Randall. He is the entertainer up in the Crows Nest. One of the best entertainers I've on board any HAL ship.


Years ago there was Frank Gusto and Vangie... both famous for getting the old Trips Bar to rock!


This gangster outfit that Randall is wearing is one of his more tame 'outfits'..... I kid you not!



Grumpy will answer your earlier question for sure, but yes, HAL does advise which nights will be special dress nights. This information comes in the pre cruise planning information.... how many nights will be 'black & white' , 'blue and gold', Speakeasy night, Valentine's Night, Venetian Night, St Patrick's Ball etc etc. As usual... easy for the guys but harder for the ladies, hence the additional cabin for the baggage!



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Yes, there were some people on the cruise who thought they were getting on a new ship because it had only recently been put into service with HAL.




I first sailed in Prinsendam on her Maiden Voyage in '02 and have been back for eight more cruises. In the past three years HAL have spent an enormous amount... something like $70 million on upgrading the ship. Not all the money is on passenger comfort, a lot has been spent on technical upgrades.


Sure the ship is now 16 years old, but walking around the ship she sure doesn't look it! She shines and seems fresh and new. So the layout might seem a bit old and there might be a spot of rust here and there... not many spots I'm sure, but as far as passenger comfor goes she is as good as any new ship... and then probably better than most.


I still hear stories about how good she was when under Seabourn and not so good under HAL. Perhaps Seabourn's 'free bar' policy has a lot to do with this. If I were subjected to free booze all day long I'd probably think the same!!!!!!!! One thing for sure, the faults the ship had when HAL first started operating the her did not suddenly start with the HAL takeover... they were there for a long time under Seabourn/Cunard.


Because Prinsendam was not designed and built for the HAL family, she seems different, more like an adopted child. That just makes her different, not second best. It will be a sad day for all of us when she leaves the fleet.... I hope not for many years to come!



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Thanks Slinkie and Grumpy for the great continuation of your travelogue. You, and a few certain ACD's might have to put your credit cards in ice. Seriously, glad you have been able to find some great stuff. Continued calm seas.


Mommy I

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That's It.......I have put in a request for the Penthouse!!!!....it would appear that SS027 has been condemned.......oh well.....have asked that HAL put the additional charge onto the lovely couple in SS035...they were really nice about it said that it would be no problem......as they had heard lots of stories about this couple and that they were great ambassadors for the Prinsendam.....would be their pleasure to add the difference to their account.......as it would make little difference and that they would possibly waive their WHOLE account as they had provide so much free advertising and it would be cheaper than giving them a permanent cabin on the Prinsendam....SS027 was mentioned!!!!




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Happy Easter Slinkie & Grumpy & hope you find lots of eggs at sea.


I decided to print out your messages just in case something happened to the board and they got lost. It's taken a couple of hours to copy & paste and almost a box of paper--but that's fine--so many happy times .


Thanks for the pictures too & the commentaries -we really salute you for taking all this time out of your trip to let us know what's going on & where you are. Doing it like this every few days really does make us feel part of the grand voyage and we look forward to your next ports of call as if they were ours.


Glad the weather is still good and fair sailing to you both.


Wendy & Al

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Grumpy1 and Slinkie, first of all, Happy Easter!




I'll be sure to have Mir stock up on the Merlot and Bacardi gold, in plenty of time for your return! And now that you've become such a shopper too, Grumpy, you'll have to post your purchases on the shopping thread! :D


Well, I left for my cruise in Jan. the same time you did. Of course I've been home since the end of Jan. and just now getting packed to go cruising again! We leave on the 29th for the Mexican Riviera. Now I wish I wasn't getting home so much before you, but alas, I will! So, will have plenty of time to catch up on your adventures! Keep right on having fun!!!! :)

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Prinsendam 2005, March 27, Day 73


Easter Sunday... An absolutely beautiful day cruising the Bay of Bengal. Temperature in the mid 80's... Sea conditions described as "wavelets" 0.5 to 1.5 feet. What could be better? The Easter activities are well underway... Randall kicked things off last night when he showed up in the Crow's Nest in full Pink Bunny regalia... Looked just like the Energizer Bunny without the drum... 'Twas a bit of a problem at times, though... every time he glanced downward his big floppy ears flopped forward blocking his vision... Prinsendam is right, Randall has lots of costumes and the Speakeasy costume in the picture was not nearly as outrageous as some others... Randall went through a spell of laryngitis last week and couldn't sing for 3 or 4 days... no wisecracks about him not being able to sing when he doesn't have laryngitis, Grumpy... be nice now... he is a lot of fun...


ACD Jennifer was talking with Slinkie and Grumpy in the Crow's Nest and she mentioned how much she looks forward to the Cadbury chocolate eggs each year and how much she was going to miss them... about two minutes after she left to go down to Queen's Lounge, one of the waiter's came through with a basket... "Would you like some chocolate eggs? They're Cadbury's..." Well, Grumpy helped himself to a couple of them... and, making the supreme sacrifice, saved them for Dear Deprived Jennifer... She's probably still trying to find the rest of the stash...


Sunrise services were held at... sunrise... now who gets up at that hour? There were a few clouds in the sky, but really it was perfect weather for an outdoor service... Mass was held at 8a followed by Protestant services at 9a. At breakfast on the Lido this morning there was a sign by the pastries bar... Hot Cross Buns... YESSS... well, they weren't what Grumpy is used to... They were the standard very good raisin buns that they have every day, and that Slinkie just loves, with two 1/4' wide strips of some kind of dough crisscrossed on the bun and then baked... Thanks, but Grumpy wants the ones with the two strips of nice gooey frosting crisscrossed on the top...


Now once in a while things appear in the daily program that somehow don't seem to be appropriate to Grumpy's warped mind... like the listing among all of the Easter activities... 9a to 1p... The Ultimate Bloody Mary Bar... Lido Deck... now maybe that was for those that had to witness the Easter Eggs dying... but of all of the drinks that could have been featured...


Grumpy did not take part in the Easter Egg Hunt... or the line dance class with the Bunny... the real one of course, not Randall... but you can be sure there is one ******** he won't miss... Easter Dessert Extravaganza... 3:15p... La Fontaine Dining Room... Grumpy will take notes and describe each chocolate concoction in excruciating detail... yeah, sure he will... try taking notes or typing when both hands are covered with chocolate... RuthC can relate to that... by the way RuthC, ACD Jennifer said to tell you Hi...


Kiwi Kruzer, has your question about Easter activities been answered?... Grumpy was curious about the menu for tonight's "Easter Theme" dinner... OK, the dining room is decorated in an Easter theme, but the menu is not what you might expect. No ham, no rack of lamb... oh, well...


Blackbird 71, the booklet "What you need to know before you go" that should comes with the cruise documents has all of the information about formal and informal nights, theme nights and a lot of other information. It's amazing how many people Slinkie and Grumpy have talked to that remember getting the booklet but never read it... Slinkie and Grumpy did not bring outfits for all of the theme nights, but did for Speakeaasy and Pirates of the Caribbean. Some of the others can be covered with a purchase of something appropriate in a port. Otherwise, just enjoy the decorations and the costumes of the crew... No, Slinkie hasn't had to start sleeping on the balcony yet... there's still a few nooks and crannies for stashing purchases...


The mentions of Cabin 027 is a running joke between Grumpy and Cristiano. Since Cristiano is booked in that cabin right after the world cruise, he asked Grumpy to make sure the current occupants kept it nice... now you know Grumpy isn't going to pass on an opening like that...


Emerald777...regarding changing to local currencies... there have been a lot of ports that actually preferred to deal in US Dollars... some that may take them and others that only deal with their own currency. Most of the temporary shops that are set up close to the docks take dollars. The front desk sells foreign currencies a day or two before arriving in a port and will change them back for a few days after. There's a 1-1/2% charge, both ways... and Grumpy isn't sure they always use the best exchange rate... Grumpy has used the local ATM's to withdraw from his checking account, and if he has one kind of currency left over, he just trades it at a local moneychanger in the next port. Larger purchases are usually on credit card, so the amount of local currency needed is minimal...


In this part of the world, pay toilets are pretty common, and they don't take dollars or large local currency bills. In Thailand, there is usually a vending machine for packets of toilet paper... cost was 2 baht... 38 baht to the dollar... not expensive, but if you don't have change...


Ziggy7... Grumpy does have a few coins from some of the ports, but at last count, leftover currency from all of the ports amounted to just a couple of dollars... a fist full of coins, but only a few dollars..


Burrrrrrp! OK, the dessert extravaganza is over... it was delicious... chocolate in every form imaginable, plus cheesecake, spice cake, carrot cake... lots of other goodies, too... everything was very artistically presented... ice sculptures, etc. Was a real shame to destroy it all... but Grumpy did his share... Slinkie didn't go near it... poor dear just doesn't know what she's missing...


ARICAL2, Jack and Lynn have tried to Email you.. they did get at least one from you recently and replied, but don't know if you got their reply. They are using a different Email address than what you might be used to... could your Email program be blocking it as an unknown address? If you haven't heard from them yet, Grumpy will try to help out if possible. Slinky and Grumpy are having dinner with Jack and Lynn in the Pinnacle on the 29th.


This will have to do until after India. There's a sea day before Sri Lanka, so will probably post then.


Happy Easter to those that are just waking up on Easter morning.


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Ziggy7... Grumpy does have a few coins from some of the ports, but at last count, leftover currency from all of the ports amounted to just a couple of dollars... a fist full of coins, but only a few dollars..
Hmmmmmmmm well, I guess its clear I wont be able to go on a world cruise on your pocket change :)

Good to know the ship will change over your currency. Actually, I know that 50 lbs of pocket change only amount to a few dollars, I even have a few papers bills that are actually only worth a few cents in their country, I just like them cause their pretty :) I am currious about duty free port charges, do you get an amount per leg of the world cruise or a lump some for the whole cruise ??? And does the ship offer sending packages home from the ship ????

Have a good time in India!

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Enjoyed the pics. Looks like everyone was having fun.


Happy Easter to all!


Grumpy-I am surprised they didn't at least serve ham or turkey-rack of lamb might have been tough to get fresh??? but ham & turk???



great cruising home

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Another "lurker" who has been enjoying all of your posts ! Would appreciate your comments re questions concerning the upcoming World Voyage:

1) Re door to the balcony - does it slide open? or open as a regular door?

Interested in how to keep the door open to enjoy the sea breezes........

2) Do you have the same folks assigned to your dinner table for the entire cruise? Or do you have the opportunity (if desired) to change tables during the various segments?

3) Re shipboard account -- does it run for the entire cruise - or do you get billed in regular billing segments? Wonder how bills get paid for that long of a cruise?

4) Do you have the same cabin steward the entire cruise?


And all our wishes for a continued wonderful cruise experience. Thanks for keeping us all apprised of your activities - really appreciate it!

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Day 72


OK, let's try to post a couple of pictures. Some of you will recognize the subjects. Some of you will say "What the .... was going on"...



Thanks for the pictures. Now I really feel as if I am there with you all.

I do not want to wish my life away, but I can hardly wait until November (Thanksgiving Day) when we board the Prinsendam for our R/T Ft. Lauderdale up the Amazon.


Have you ever taken that trip?


Hope you had a wonderful Easter.



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Prinsendam 2005, March 27, Day 73


Now once in a while things appear in the daily program that somehow don't seem to be appropriate to Grumpy's warped mind... like the listing among all of the Easter activities... 9a to 1p... The Ultimate Bloody Mary Bar... Lido Deck... now maybe that was for those that had to witness the Easter Eggs dying... but of all of the drinks that could have been featured...



OMG..this is absolutely hysterical. I just can't stop laughing at this.

At least they didn't serve a "Flaming Jesus" which is vodka, lime juice, grenadine and rum which is set on fire.


Thank you for the wonderful reports. I feel like I'm there with you!

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For those of us stuck on land ... Grumpy & Slinkie's posts take us to new places which we enjoy vicariously. Grumpy's younger son and family are visiting this week (Spring Break from school for the kids.) They didn't start planning far enough in advance and were unable to get a decent airfare for four from Cleveland to Fort Myers ... so they drove. Get out your maps. A grueling 2-day drive with an 11 year old (going on 16) and an 8 year old to entertain. Borrowed lots of DVDs from the library. Books. Magazines. etc., etc. Anyway, as a parody on Slinkie & Grumpy's posts, he wrote one about their trip to Florida. Thought you all would enjoy that ...


"Left home friday morning before 5 am, drove to just outside of Cincinnati before we stopped for breakfast at a little village restaurant called "Bob Evans" had some eggs, sausage and biscuits with jelly, tasted pretty much the same as in cleveland. They sold a variety of trinkets there so we invested in the local economy and bought some silly putty for the kids.


After reboarding the suburban we set sail for Atlanta, we were cruising along fine and making good time until we hit Tennesee. Talk about rough waters, it took nearly six hours to go about 175 miles.


Finally made it to my cousin's house about seven o'clock and had a nice barbecue dinner with them and spent the night there. They did not try to sell us anything but we did leave a few bucks in a large jug of spare change that was in our room (probably the kids college fund).


Saturday morning we pulled anchor and set out for Naples, did not run into too many major sandbars and finally got into port a little after six pm where we met one of the native people named "Lynnaldo". She gave us the keys to a little hovel in a place called "Falling Waters", then showed us around inside and out. We then took the girls to the local swimming hole and let them go for a dip. I guess this will do for a place to stay (the Howard Johnson was booked up solid) so we will just have to make due.


Found the keys to a garage so we stole an old Buick and drove to the local market place (it had a sign that said Wal-Mart or something like that) found lots of appetizing looking local fare so we bought enough to stock the cupboards. Tomorrow is Easter so we are taking this "Lynnaldo" person to get a traditional Easter dinner at a place called "Carrabas", well that is all for now


Seems that Grumpy's writing style has carried to the next generation!


Hope you all had a Happy Easter. That "traditional" Italian Easter dinner at Carrabba's was great!


Grumpy's still very jealous big sis!

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