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The worst question you've been asked by a tablemate...


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Beleive it or not our table mates were one of the reasons I almost did a all inclusive instead of the cruise.


On our 1st cruise we were seated with 3 very rude (married) ladies and 2 gay gentlement from Canada. Every night at dinner the 3 ladies tried to get the 2 guys to admit they were gay and dicussing/putting down other diners. This made dinner very unpleasant. We asked to be moved and was told we could not. This was before they had tons of eating options on board. We finally started eating on the pool deck. Which was unfair to us because we looked forward to the dining experience.


We sail on the Miracle 4/10 and hope to have great table mates.



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We had the best tablemates ever on our first cruise, we missed our early seating on the first nite DD wasn't feeling well. DH went and asked if we could sit at the late seating and they assured us we could. We were seated at our regular table (for 10), wrong time and were seated with a couple in their 40's who sat across from each other at one end of the table. We didn't know where we should sit or how many others were coming so we said hello. Judging by the fact that they never looked up or said anything in reply, we sat at the far end. That couple never spoke other than to place their order. We vowed not to miss our regular time again. We were pleasantly suprised the next nite when we sat with a lovely couple & their 3 daughters - all near our daughters age. We never did miss dinner again!!!

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My DH is a Flight Engineer that has been involved with projects ranging in everything from weaponery to space exploration. He is a very reserved and quiet guy. There was one passenger (a used car salesman) on our first cruise that asked him just how much tax dollars do the Americans pay to provide him with a paycheck. DH skirted the question but the guy started calling him "Mr Rocket Scientist" and trying to find out what his salary was. Finally, my husband had had enough and very calmly told him that we probably paid more in taxes each year than he pulled down in commisions in 5. He told him that he was an Air Force Veteran. He also calmly stated how much his 3 degrees had cost and that he worked his way thru college by working 2 jobs to support his family. He also quietly told him that he was rude and inconsiderate to the other diners at our table, by trying to monopolize the conversation. The guy didn't miss a beat...he started in on the wife of another couple who was a stay at home Mom and they had saved 3 years for the cruise. Told her that if they wanted to cruise so bad, to get a parttime job when her husband was home and it would have not taken them 3 years to save. that couple abruptly left the table. That was it for me...I'm not one to keep my mouth shut and I let him have it. Then I asked for the Maitre D' and had the idiot removed from our table. I saw the young couple later on and told them to please come back and rejoin us the next night. They did and we had a lovely dinner each night. Everytime I saw the other guy, he was drunker than a skunk. He missed the ship in Cabo!!

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We were at a table with another couple that were reformed alcoholics. Was hoping it would rub off on DH but it didn't :(


We asked lots of questions about their life/sobriety but they never asked us anything about us.




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Halos, no need to freak out! These are just horrible stories of indiscretion! Just think of the horror stories that former table mates of Dancing Nancy must have! :confused: Now that must be a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!:D


This has been an entertaining read also (the other entertainment for me has been the Will I enjoy Carnival Thread - however its about time that one died....)

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Can't think of a bad ? cuz allbut one of our cruises have had family and friends as tablemates, but on our very 1st cruise (Elation Mexican Riviera "98") at a table for 4 the couple that shared our table introduced us to the way to order, everything on the menu and share with your tablemates, hooked me on cruisin right from the get go. Do enjoy messin with our waiters tho' such as all of us switching places after they take our orders, change partners, spell their names with the silverware, whatever we can do to lighten things up. They seem to enjoy the interaction. Fair winds and following seas to all. John

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On the inaugural Valor Cruise we had a large group sitting at the next table. One night they all came to the dining room with KAZOOS... and proceeded to play them throughout the whole meal. Making it almost impossible to chat with our tablemates.. My husband held me down cause I was about ready to say something..


One song was cute.. but 60 minutes worth got on everyones nerves.. Let me say that the age range at the table was around 45 to 80... no kids.. ...these were adults..


They were so looking for attention and no one paid any to them..


Please keep the kazoos at home.. or share them in the talent show.. so I could at least BOO!

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I will never forget on my second cruise, we were seated at a table for 4, first night, and had barely even gotten to the table when the man seated across from me began pelting me with questions. Before I could even gather my thoughts, the first question he asked after inquiring about my name and where I lived was "How long have you two be married?" This was after being chided with a crude remark about robbing the cradle.


After giving a smirkish laugh and shaking my head in the negative, I then introduced my 14 year old daughter to him and explained that we were trying to have some quality time on a father-daughter cruise and the cruise was her Christmas present. I would have normally stopped right there, but his attitude required a little more.


To further teach him a lesson and without giving him an opportunity to respond, I asked him, referring to his female counterpart, if he had given this cruise to his mother for Christmas as well.


Of course, it was his wife and I suspected as such. We never saw them again after that night.


The look on his face was priceless.


I laugh about it all the time.

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We had seen two couples several times during the cruise. The women "could" have been twins and were very "touchy feely" with eachother. Both of the husbands were quiet and usually behind their respective spouse. About mid-cruise one of the women approached my now ex and proceeded to offer her $$ to sleep with her husband. We and the couple with us about died laughing but the woman was insistant that she was serious.

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We went on our first cruise on the Celebration in 1999 - we were seated at a table for 8, and it was definitely memorable. One couple was a very conservative, religious couple who loved to talk about their church and their kids - the husband's appearance and mannerisms reminded us of Ned Flanders from the Simpsons, and after several nights of joking with dh about this after dinner, I actually CALLED him Ned by accident! Fortunately, I don't think he got the reference! The second couple was an elderly couple, and the husband had had several strokes. He tried to talk to us, but it was extremely difficult to understand him - he had severely impaired motor functions, and it was apparent that his wife had become more than a little frustrated with having to deal with his illness. She would complain loudly while cutting his meat for him, and several times while we were all chatting she'd yell out something like, "Oh for god's sake, you're drooling all over yourself again!" Then she'd roll her eyes and let out a big sigh. It was quite awkward. The third couple had apparently had a long distance relationship for a few months and were not adjusting well to spending a full week together. The man was generally quite tipsy by the end of dinner, and by the fourth night he started ARRIVING drunk to dinner. We bought one of the photos of the 8 of us at dinner, and we will forever remember these interesting folks.


On our last cruise, we were seated the first night with another couple who lived fairly near us in New Orleans. We had our young kids with us, and they had two preteen girls. The second day we received a notice that we had been moved to another table (a booth for 4), and we assumed that the other couple didn't want to sit with us, perhaps because we had young kids and they thought that might be a problem. Well, apparently they just needed the larger table for a big group, so they split us up. The OTHER couple obviously thought WE had requested the change, as they GLARED at us every time they saw us for the entire week. THAT was uncomfortable!


We'll be on the Sensation in two weeks, and I'm PRAYING for a private table for us and our kids. I just don't have the energy for the drama this time around!!!

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I will never forget on my second cruise, we were seated at a table for 4, first night, and had barely even gotten to the table when the man seated across from me began pelting me with questions. Before I could even gather my thoughts, the first question he asked after inquiring about my name and where I lived was "How long have you two be married?" This was after being chided with a crude remark about robbing the cradle.



After giving a smirkish laugh and shaking my head in the negative, I then introduced my 14 year old daughter to him and explained that we were trying to have some quality time on a father-daughter cruise and the cruise was her Christmas present. I would have normally stopped right there, but his attitude required a little more.


To further teach him a lesson and without giving him an opportunity to respond, I asked him, referring to his female counterpart, if he had given this cruise to his mother for Christmas as well.


Of course, it was his wife and I suspected as such. We never saw them again after that night.


The look on his face was priceless.


I laugh about it all the time.


This is a good one!

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This one fool then started asking for medical advice and what he should do about his long standing hemorrhoid problem. :eek: Everyone was horrified! I tried to change the subject, but to no avail. The guy kept persisting! Finally I told him that I didn’t deal with such matters and that perhaps he needed to see a proctologist. Luckily he seemed satisfied with that. Now when asked what I do for a living, I lie and say I manage a sandwich shop. :D


Here is a way our doctor friend handles people who ask for free medical advice outside of his office, he says; "Get undressed".

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DW and I always get tables for 2, unless cruising with family. We both work a lot of hours and want to enjoy our cruise, including meals, together, without having to make small talk every night. We have met lovely people on excursions or sharing lunch or breakfast tables when it's a busy time. I can't wait to book my next cruise....

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If some of your tablemates start to ask too many questions there is an easy way to shut them up. Tell them you currently work for the IRS as a roving audit field agent and ask if they have been audited lately. If that doesn't shut them up ask for their social sercurity number and address. It works everytime when I need some down time on a trip home on the airplane and somebody next to me wants to keep talking on and on and on!




Paradise 2002

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Guest Time2gocruzn

OMG, you guys are cracking me up.


My worst experience with a tablemate was not on a cruise ship (OT I know) but at my DH's company xmas party. We were sitting at a table with DH's boss and some other co workers. We were newlyweds and DH's boss proceeds to say in a LOUD voice....congrats on the wedding...so..does she put out? I was beyond mortified:eek: DH was speechless:rolleyes: my hero. I couldn't exactly get up and smack the guy, ya know?! LOL! I know that his boss was trying to be funny but geeezzzzz...


As for getting people to leave you alone on a plane...a friend of mine had these fake teeth called Bubba Teeth (I think) They look like real teeth but look like really NASTY teeth. He would put them in and act strange and direct his eyes towards...ahem...inappropriate places. Worked like a charm everytime. If possible they would completely move to another seat, lol.


Honestly, I think there are lots of opportunities to meet other people on a cruise. At dinner I think I would like to enjoy my family and discuss our day. I planned on requesting a table just for our party of 6 (4 adults and 2 small kids) and after I read this thread I will definately be doing so, lol :D



Edited to add Russ_Fur_Hat_Cropped.JPG www.getbubbateeth.com. LMAO!!!

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Don't know what table I will be at but it will be on the Carnival Valor on Jun5, 2005. It was a holiday drink for me because when ever one else was imbiding and celebrating New Years eve and New Years day I was working.. Hope to see you on a cruise someday. Did not make my comments to upset anyone,, maybe I am lucky or just maybe I see people and things differently, ran across a lot of people in my 30 years of military service. I try not to let the little things bother me anymore and nobody but nobody is going to spoil my cruise. I have not always had everything go perfect on a cruise, but being on a cruise sure beats the alternative.

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I have rethought this after reading some of your comments, maybe I have just been extremely lucky. I would have had to open a can of whoop you know what on that used car salesman. I am hoping I never run across those type of people. I guess what got me going was the comment about the couple ordering prime rib and not knowing what it was. Folks there are a lot of people like that , they just haven't been exposed to the finer things in life. You all have a nice day. Isn't Cruising Grand.

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Guest Time2gocruzn
I would have had to open a can of whoop you know what on that used car salesman. I am hoping I never run across those type of people.


I agree Gator...but sometimes people like that are the best kind to mess with...just for entertainment purposes... (insert evin grin here) BWAHAHAHA! I bet me and DH could of had fun with that guy. LMAO! Boy I bet I could shut that guy up quick.

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Guys, I know these stories might put you off of having a large table, but please think twice. Don't let some funny stories scare you into your own table! Some of my best memories of cruises have to do with GREAT tablemates! :)


Worst Question: Not at the Dinner table, but at a bar. I was having a coke (turns out I was a few seats down from my father)... and some drunk man struck up a convo with him. Apparently, he was asking if my father (and god I hope he did not know it was my father at the time!) knew the rules regarding the age of consent for you know what in international waters (as he eyed me and kind of gestured to me). Lets just say the man was sobered up quickly as my 6'5" father introduced me as his daughter, and in a Robert DeNiro in Meet the Parents-esque fashion, described exactly what would happen if he came near me again.

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OMG, you guys are cracking me up.


My worst experience with a tablemate was not on a cruise ship (OT I know) but at my DH's company xmas party. We were sitting at a table with DH's boss and some other co workers. We were newlyweds and DH's boss proceeds to say in a LOUD voice....congrats on the wedding...so..does she put out? I was beyond mortified:eek: DH was speechless:rolleyes: my hero. I couldn't exactly get up and smack the guy, ya know?! LOL! I know that his boss was trying to be funny but geeezzzzz...


As for getting people to leave you alone on a plane...a friend of mine had these fake teeth called Bubba Teeth (I think) They look like real teeth but look like really NASTY teeth. He would put them in and act strange and direct his eyes towards...ahem...inappropriate places. Worked like a charm everytime. If possible they would completely move to another seat, lol.


Honestly, I think there are lots of opportunities to meet other people on a cruise. At dinner I think I would like to enjoy my family and discuss our day. I planned on requesting a table just for our party of 6 (4 adults and 2 small kids) and after I read this thread I will definately be doing so, lol :D



Edited to add Russ_Fur_Hat_Cropped.JPG www.getbubbateeth.com. LMAO!!!


I think I have had a beer with this guy.....

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