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30 pounds by July.... anybody want to join in?


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My name is Janet and I am cruising to AK in July. I think that I can lose 30 pounds by then, but would love to get and give encouragement to anyone who wants to join me. I started on Jan 1, along with thousands of others. So far, I don't feel like I have truely committed. :rolleyes: Today I'm going to go to a WW meeting and see if that doesn't give me the kick start that I need.


Exercise is my other downfall. I think of a hundred reasons not to do it, but I don't want to huff and puff my way up a glacier, so the walking will start as soon as the temperature outside is above freezing. This is where I will really need to get help.


Nobody has to display their weights unless they want to. But feel free to shout to the rooftops when you've lost something. Good luck to everyone trying to fight the Battle of the Bulge!

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I'll make 3 committments.


1) Today I was going to WW, but my morning appt took too long. I'll go tomorrow instead.


2) I'm going to walk at least a half an hour every day for 2 weeks, starting tomorrow. You walk twice that! Once I get in the habit, I'll add more time or another activity.


3) I am also going to make an effort to drink 8 glasses of water per day and only drink wine on the weekends.


Your turn.

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I'm in. I would like to lose 30lbs before my cruise on July 4th, 2010.


My diet officially started on 1/4/10 and I've lost 4lbs so far. I haven't been exercising, just cutting calories down to about 1500 a day. Some days a little more, some days a little less.





Hopefully everyone else is successfully in their weight loss goals!

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I'm in. Would like to lose 30lbs by my cruise in April and another by my next vaca (undecided wether it will be a cruise or DisneyWorld) in June.


1) I gave up DrPepper and all other sodas. I was drinking 4-5 a day.


2) no sweets

3) biking/ Wii fit everyday.

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I've been kidding myself about my weight and overall 'health' my focus has always been on others and not myself.. I know how to dress to 'disguise' the pounds focusing my clothes on my slim legs and bum and hiding my big belly.. I'd manage to look in the mirror and somehow not 'see' or focus on my sagging chin!:mad:


I've now discovered at 48 (going on 49) my BP is 188/108 and I really need to get back to my ideal weight of 121 Lbs !

I've embarked on a lifestyle change..


On Dec 29th I joined weight watchers and Curves I am going to Curves Mon/Wed/Fri so far I have lost 8Lbs.


My Blood pressure isn't shifting much as yet, 172/104 (although for a day it was 167/94).. I think I cut out too much oil and need to add some good oils. I've bought flaxseed oil and will have a tsp a day, as well as use olive oil..

I have never been one to eat fast foods and I never eat canned or processed foods, we always have 3 different FRESH veggies with our dinners... So I have to honestly reflect on how I got to be here...


Sauces: I love sauces on my food and they often involved using cream or butter.

Chocolate or Icecream: boredom & comfort foods

Fruit: I realize I haven't been eating much recently..

Exercise: non


Yet on vacation I would be snorkelling everyday, dancing,if in the UK I'd go on country walks and hikes and feel fine..


This past year the lack of a weekly exercise routine has finally caught up with me, weezing on a 4 mile country walk while in the UK and feeling that 'the oldies' were fitter..


I hope that I can do this naturally and avoid taking meds for the rest of my life...

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It's a new week, so anyone who fell off the wagon has a clean slate! I had a very busy weekend and lived by two of my three committments. I have been drinking my water and walking. I still haven't gotten to my WW meeting, but I have it on my calendar for tomorrow.


Yesterday I did a major whole house cleaning and moved furniture around, etc. I thought that making a big change in how I spend my time at home would help change how I behave in that space. So far so good. No temptation for a glass of wine with dinner or ice cream before bed.


Yay me!!!


I'm so happy that others have joined the group! I think I've lost about 3 pounds this week. My scale is kinda wonky, so I won't know for sure about the weekly losses until I actually go to WW.


Jan in Maine, No worries, we're here and want you to check in no matter what kind of week you've had. We all will have bad weeks, so it's important to know those can be shared too.


Goldeneye, I know what you mean about the sauces. Yum! I love to cook too, so that's a double whammy when you can't use butter and other goodies.


Pinkbarbie, I love Dr Pepper. I drink the caffeine free diet DP. I know, chemicals in water, but it's a nice treat! I don't really enjoy plain water very much, so I drink fruit flavored propel and crystal light. It takes a few days to get used to the flavor, but it's practically zero calories so you can fill up! Oh, I must try the Wii. We have it, but I haven't used it much. Any game/program suggestions?


Silveira03, Congrats on the 4 lbs! Awesome start!


Marcia, I sent all the holiday treats home with my kids. They left with coolers full!


Have a good day Everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in. I have lost 17 lbs. so far and I still need to lose 15 lbs more before my cruise May 23rd. I had to lose weight and eat a low saturated fat diet (10 grams or less a day) due to a liver condition diagnosed at the end 2008. I lost most of the weight I gained from my illness and laziness, but I gained it all back plus a few pounds more from carelessness and laziness. I'm back on track again and I really want to make my goal weight this time--I feel truly committed. I need to lose basically 15 lbs in 15 weeks. A pound a week doesn't sound too hard, but it is. I walk every day, I go to Curves (not as often as I should), I do Wii Fit, Ballroom dancing and I'll swim when it gets warmer. It's still hard to lose and stay on track, but I will do it this time!



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Can I join in? We are planning our first cruise this summer, also to Alaska! When my huband told me he wanted to do a cruise, I told him I'm not spending that much money to have a bunch of pictures of me looking fat!

The exercise I've got down, but junk food is my weakness. Especially chocolate. I've limited myself to one soda a day, down from about 2 liters a day.

So far I'm only down 5 pounds, but I'm getting more muscular and less flabby.

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I gained 40 pounds after I quit smoking two years ago. I started the "no sugar no flour" diet on Dec 28th. I have lost 16 pounds so far. I really want to lose all 40 before my June cruise.


I would congratulate everyone on the weight you all have lost so far!


Way to go!!:)

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Well I've lost 21 lbs. now so I have 11 lbs. to go until my May cruise (97 days) so I have approximately 14 weeks left. I've hit a small plateau at 141, but I'm hoping I can get past it. I've resisted all the junk food that surrounded me this week. I passed on the cake, cupcakes, sub sandwiches and garlic bread, the brownies, fudge, cookies and little party sandwiches. I'm glad Valentine's day is over and I'm glad I was able to control myself--in fact it was easy, except yesterday--it was harder yesterday but I did it.



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I am with you. My husband has his 50th class reunion in August and I want to look amazing for him.


My new program started two weeks ago and finally, today, I lost four pounds. Praise the Lord. I was beginning to get discouraged.


26 more before July would be perfect. That would give me a month to find the perfect killer dreass that I want to wear to his reunion, although I will probably find it in my closet. :D :D My closet is full of beautiful clothes that are too small for me right now. I want those clothes back on my body.


Being fat is the pits. We have to go to a black-tie dinner dance tonight and nothing fits me. :( I will have to fake it with fabulous jewelry that tricks everybody into looking at the jewelry, not my fat body. :) I have ordered fish and salad for dinner at this fancy affair.


Oh BTW, we also have two cruises in May and I hope to be down 16 more pounds by then so that my nice cruise clothes fit.


Good luck to all, Punki

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I am with you. My husband has his 50th class reunion in August and I want to look amazing for him.


26 more before July would be perfect. That would give me a month to find the perfect killer dreass that I want to wear to his reunion, although I will probably find it in my closet. :D :D My closet is full of beautiful clothes that are too small for me right now. I want those clothes back on my body.


Oh BTW, we also have two cruises in May and I hope to be down 16 more pounds by then so that my nice cruise clothes fit.


Good luck to all, Punki


I hear that PunkiC. I am trying to get back into my bikinis and gowns too for my cruise. I don't want to wear my "fat dresses".



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Is it too late for me to join?? I'm going on a cruise at the end of April, and would like to loose about 25lbs. I walk about 40 miles a week and go to pilates 2-3 times a week, but I am still overweight. I guess I eat way too much!


I lost several pounds in Feb, than all my relatives started arriving (we live in Florida) so we were eating out alot; eating at different familiy members' houses, etectra. It was great, but I really need to get back on track. Good luck with your goals, everyone.


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I've hit a plateau. I'm thinking I might have change up my exercise routine. I have been good, totally didn't eat any cake at my son's b-day party, nor any pizza, resisted the goodeis at work yesterday. I still feel motivated, but this plateau is starting to wear me down a little. I am fully committed, but some days are harder than others.



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Hi everyone! I'm just joining in! I'm 28 years old & am from NS, Canada. I am trying to loose 30 lbs before cruising in Sept in Asia. So far I have lost 4 (26 to go!!). I started the beginning of Feb, but got side tracked alot due to meals for Valentines, my boyfriend's bday, and my dad's bday, but no more events coming, and I am staying on track!


I work full time at a job that I sit alot, so find it difficult to have time to get in alot of activity, without taking up my entire after work life. I've started splitting my workout days. This is what I've started doing (as of recently):


*Work out Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning for 30 mins before work (usually I just walk on my tredmill).


*Then Monday, Wednesday & Friday evening I try and do another 45 mins-1 hour of something, be running on tredmill, workout video, or getting outside & doing something. I live in a small town where there isn't a gym :(. I find splitting the workout into morning & evening works better for me, instead of doing 1.5-2 hours after work, and then not having any time for anything else.


*Then, since I have weekends off, I try and get one hours worth of activity in at some point on the weekend. This leaves me Tuesday, Thursday and a weekend day that I can just flake out on the sofa (after work)! LOL


*I also used to do weight watchers a few years ago, and I saved all of my material from that, and now follow it (Plus I've found alot more info by googling it). I find this is easier than counting calories, as things are measured out for you in points, rather than trying to figure out each item & ingredient. I do my own weigh in's at home.


I also found some really good work out DVD's. The biggest loser series workouts, and Jillian Michael's workouts. I like these because it's not the same exact workout every time. You can choose which parts you want to do that day, and add them to the playlist.

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Another one trying to shift some lb's here!! :D


Our cruise isn't until September on the new Thomson Dream, so although we still have a few months to go i need to shift as much as possible because i've already bought several sparkly tops two sizes smaller! :eek:


I'm doing Weight Watchers because i've lost on it before, but as i've got older it's not shifting as quick :rolleyes:

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used the treadmill twice daily from April till we went to Alaska in August! Definitely was worth it. was able to walk all the shore excursions. A whole lot more comfortable getting around in general.

Now, if I hadn't put back on the weight that I lost pre-cruise, I wouldn't have to lose it again for this year's trip!



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I hope you guys don't mind if I join, too! We are going on a cruise to the Bahamas in August. I started the Atkins diet on February 15 and have lost 10 pounds. I need to lose another 25-30. I weigh 167 right now and I'm thinking I would really like to be 135, but I know that I look and feel good at 140.


My job is very sedentary, as well. I actually work at home, so my exercise is walking from my bedroom to my office where I sit on the phone all day! My husband and I joined a gym and I went for a couple of weeks. The last two weeks I haven't gone. We've been swamped and I share custody of my son who is about to be at his dad's for the next week and a half. I haven't wanted to give up my time with him. However, I don't have any excuses for the next week and a half! I am going to spend at least 4 hours at the gym this weekend and commit to at least one hour of exercise the rest of the days.


Our cruise has two formal nights and I have a BEAUTIFUL dress that I bought 4 years ago. It would not be out of style and I would love to wear it, but it's a size 8. That's my goal!

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