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Dream review-Eastern Caribbean 01/30-2/6/10


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Hey, all! We just got back from our Dream cruise last Sunday and thought I'd take a stab at posting a review. I can get long-winded, so I hope I don't put you to sleep! This is our second cruise, both on Carnival. DH and I live in Austin, TX and are both 50.

Getting there:

Left Austin at 1:15, had a connecting flight in Ft. Lauderdale. Everyone sitting around us was going on a different cruise; one on Oasis of the Seas, the lady next to us on a MSC ship, and a couple behind us was continuing on to Miami , but didn't catch which ship. Rented a car throught Budget one way from Orlando to Cape Canaveral. Stay the night at the Raddison at the Port.

Day 1-

Dropped car off at Budget. (If you do this, there is only one SLOW line for both drop off and pick up. But if you don't need a receipt, and you fill out the sleeve they put all you paperwork in, you can just drop that off along with the key and your gas receipt to one of the people behind the counter and skip the line.) Budget shuttle dropped us off around 10:45 and we were on board around 11:30, I think, eating on the Lido deck. We had a 12 pack of Coke Zero and a 12 pack of water that we'd carried on, and a bottle of wine each in our carry-ons. All of that was heavy, so we just hung out at a table by the windows (with our first DOD's-the Funship Special!) until the cabin was ready at 1:30. Dropped our stuff off and headed off to explore and go to our CD, John Heald's, first talk at 2:45. As mentioned by others, the guy is a great CD, kept everone laughing all week! Safety briefing at 3:30, quickly over with, then we sailed at 4:00. WOO HOO!!! We had an aft balcony, cabin #8477, so we just went out there to watch. The rest of the day was spent roaming around and gambling. We had early seating for dinner (6:00). We were seated with another couple near the water and coffee station downstairs in the aft (Scarlet) dining room. We'd gone by and discovered this earlier in the day and gone to the Maitre'd and asked for a table for 2 by the window. We were moved to one upstairs on day 2 and loved it! Skipped the show (only one that night at 10:30.) I'm going to take a break now and will post more later.

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Day 2 -

Nassau- 80 degrees and sunny! Got up early, went to Lido buffet, then off the ship at 8:00. Caught a cab to Atlantis resort and just walked around the casino, played a little video poker, looked at the inside aquarium, and DH bought a t-shirt. Cabbed back to downtown to shop. Never really found anything we wanted, so back to the ship. We were supposed to be back on board at 1:30 for a 2:00 departure and were hungry, so I think we were back on board early by 12:30, eating a burger from the grill. Went to " What's my Line" in Burgundy lounge with CD at 3:00, then back to cabin for a rest and to get ready for first elegant night. Lobster day, of course! Extreme Country was the show and was very good. Seating for shows in the Encore Theater was always pretty full. Lots of seat saving for 7 or 8 people going on. Next time I'm just going to sit down, since every day the capers says no seat saving. You really do need to go early if you care if you have a decent seat. A lot of them are obstructed view by the big poles holding up the balcony and roof of the showroom, so watch for those. People (including us) were sitting down, finding out they couldn't see, and getting back up to try again.

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Day 3 -

First sea day. Did a bit of everything. Spent time laying out on deck We could only find 2 chairs on the second level around the main pool. Serenity area was packed (which was where we'd intended to go), people eveywhere. Still it was sunny and drink service fast, so no big deal! Lasted an hour or so, but it was VERY windy and it just kind of got to you after awhile, so we went back in. Went back out to watch the hairy chest contest, but the contestants didn't seem to be in the mood to put much into it, so we left and went to play bingo. No luck there (surprise!), and off to watch the Twister competition and play 70's Name that Tune Trivia. I think the past guests party was this day, too, I'm kinda hazy which day that was. Dinner at 6:00 (we were sitting next to the huge 200+ polka group, several tables of them - one night a polka band roamed around playing polka music and they all sang along. Kind of got in our waiter's way a bit, but he worked around it. More bingo, then the show. This one was EDGE and we LOVED him! Very good and funny! Back to the cabin, we go ashore again tomorrow.

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Day 4-

St. Thomas--warm and sunny!

To the buffet again before getting off the ship at 10:00. While I'm thinking about it, just wanted to say that yes, they do ration the bacon by serving it to you, but they always give you plenty. In fact, I had to start saying "Just a little", because otherwise they were giving me 5 or 6 pieces. Did the "Ultimate Island Experience" through Carnival. It was a 5 hour excursion in an open air taxi with several other people. We'd never been to any of these ports before, so we thought it was a good tour to get a look at everything. Went to Magen's Bay beach for a couple of hours (Wow, how beautiful!), a scenic overlook, Bleackbeard's castle, the Rum factory, Amber museum, and shopping with a harbor boat to take us back to the ship after. Bought some rum at the factory and had it delivered to the ship and an amber pendant. Then we walked back to Havensight Mall to the Shipwreck Tavern for a burger. It was HUGE and I had to leave half of it. Back on board for our 8:00 departure. Dancin' in the Street was the show for this night, and is definitely the not-to-be-missed show of the cruise. Back to the room, another shore day tomorrow...


Day 5-

St. Maarten--sunny again!!!

Buffet (again), then off the ship around 8:30. (We had booked Bernard's Tours online and were supposed to meet at 9:00). We got there and were assigned to Rosalee's taxi. I had read great things about Bernard's, but he must be so busy with all the ships in port (5 today, including the Dream and Oasis of the Seas), he must have had to hire on new tour guides, because she didn't say a lot, and not really loud enough for those in the back to hear. Of course, even is she had, I'm not sure they would have stopped talking to each other long enough to hear her. None of the stops were as long as advertised. We were supposed to have 2 hours at Orient Beach, and she told us to be back in an hour and 10 minutes. When I said I thought it was supposed to be 2, the rest of the tour said "One's plenty, that's fine!" They said 40 minutes at Marigot to shop, we got 25. Talk about a whirlwind shopping trip! But I still managed to grab a T-shirt. When we got back in the cab (an air conditioned van, very comfortable, by the way) the lady behind me sighs "Ok, I'm ready to go back to the ship and relax the rest of the day." We still hadn't even gotten to Maho Beach yet! So we get there and she says "What? I don't want to watch a bunch of planes land.", like maybe we'll skip it. Well, that was something we'd both been looking forward to, so I just said "Well, we do." and we got out. The driver gave us 20 minutes, not the30 minutes advertised. We had her drop us off in Philipsburg to shop (part of the advertised tour), and the rest just wanted to go back to the ship, so they did. I just don't know why they booked this tour if all they wanted was an hour at the beach and to shop in Marigot. They could have taken cabs or booked the Beach and Shopping exscursion. Oh, well, this was still my favorite port, and I think the tour would've been really enjoyable with a more enthusiastic bunch and a little better guide. The island is soooo beautiful! We shopped and ate seafood at the Firehouse on the beach then took the water taxi back to the ship. The guest talent show was this night and John performed his Bedtime Story. We'd seen it on Youtube before, but it was still a riot, and watching those seeing it for the first time was pretty fun!!

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Day 6-

Sea day. Sunny with high wind, then afternoon rain. Rough seas also. This was to be our lazy day. When we got back from St. Thomas Tuesday, there was a flier with a spa special in the Capers for a Ladies and Gents special offered from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Thursday for $119. It included 2 hours in the Thermal suite, a back neck and shoulder massage, full body brush exfoliation, frangipani scalp massage, spa hydra facial and a foot and ankle massage. I called that night and they let me book it for 8:00 am instead on Thursday. (what can I say, I'm a morning person). I'm retired and DH isn't, and he'd had to get up early every day, so he was really happy to get to sleep late, so off I went to the spa. The treatments were the perfect combination, although I think they forgot the exfoliation, nothing was full body, and the thermal suite was even nicer than some of the spas I've been to in Las Vegas. I was a noodle by the time I left at 10:30. Went back and booted DH out of bed for lunch, then to John's marriage show and more bingo (lost again, imagine that!). Went and watched the Thriller dance class, got there too late to join in, it was halfway over. But it was still fun to watch! Dinner this night was the 2nd elegant night. This was to be our last night in the dining room, because we'd reserved the steakhouse for our last night, so we said goodbye to our waitstaff and gave them our tip envelopes. Went to Get Ready, the Motown show at 8:30, then back to the room for wine. The spa relaxed me so much, I spent most of the day in a fog, but a good fog. Oh, and this was a good day for both of us in the casino!


Day 7 -

Sea day. Calm and warm most of the day, then windy and rough seas again late. Finally got to play on the miniature golf course (too windy before). Everyone else had the same idea. It's a fun course and in really good shape. DH beat me by one. Rode all the water slides, too. If you ride the drainpipe, put your hands behind your head, because right at the end your head jerks back and DH hit his head. Went to Chef's Art for dinner. DH got the porterhouse (couldn't finish it), and I got Surf and Turf. The filet was the most tender I've ever had, even though I get it cooked medium well. Got the chocolate sampler for dessert--YUM! DH just got chocolate ice cream. He's not a dessert guy. Carnival Legends was the show tonight at 10:30 with guests in starring roles and John Heald as Dolly Parten. Kind of made your eyes bleed...And, of course, more losing bingo before the show. And this day we lost what we'd won the day before in the casino. We'd packed earlier in the day, after the rum was delivered, and went back after dinner and put our luggage out before the show (after getting out of our dressy clothes and packing them.) Back to the room after the show at midnight to have a last drink and get our last night of sleep on board.


So, all I have left in disembarking, getting through customs, the night in the port and getting back to Orlando. And some final thoughts. I'll be back to do that after a break!

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Thanks for the review...We're heading Eastern in a 100 days:D


Were you originally assigned to a table on the port side or starboard side in the Scarlett? Downstairs, port side aft windows by the water station the waitstaff in early January were Max and Alan...two really great waiters who took excellent care of their passengers:) Hope your waiters were good to you.


Sorry to hear your Bernard tour wasn't so good. He does get excellent comments on the St Maarteen board, guess you have to have him and not a sub.



Is it true that Mother Egan's is closing? and Nino's Pizza? and Austin BBQ? Grapevine Market? Wow! What's happening to that town?




Don't let the post cruise blues get you down...

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We weren't by the windows, but we were on the port side. Kind if stuck in the back, it felt like! I dont' remember the waiter's name over there, since we only had him teh one night, but he was nice. We loved the ones we ended up with, though! And I'm sure the tour would have been much better with him or his brother. Still had a great time at all the stops, just too short! I'm not sure about Mother Egan's or Nino's, but there is still one Grapevine Market left open in Round Rock. And Home Slice is the best pizza in town, hands down!

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Disembarkation Day-

Ate breakfast and waited to be called. We were the 2nd to last group, around 9:00 (fine with us!) And here is where we had our most unpleasant point, AFTER we were off the ship, nothing to do with Carnival. It was customs. I had filled out the customs form and there's a place that asks "airline, vessel, etc." This was only my second time out of the country, and it's been a year since the first. I know it wasn't probably too bright of me, but I didn't know if it meant where you just came from, or where you were headed, so I put Southwest Airlines, figuring if it was wrong, they'd just let me know and correct it. BOY, did he ever let me know!!!! He says "That don't look like any Southwest airplane I've ever seen!" in this irritated voice and scratches it out with a flourish and writes in "Dream". I said I just wasn't sure which it meant and he glares at me and says "Well, ma'am if you're coming INTO the country, which do you THINK I want??" I was so shocked I just said "I guess where I came from." and he said "That's right!" and finished up. But I'm really not exaggerating how angry he acted about it. Then he starts with the have a nice day routine and we both just walked off without saying anything else. Somebody sure peed in his Wheaties that morning, and it wasn't us!! Anyway, we grabbed our bags, then went out to the Dollar shuttle for our trip to the rental car place in Cape Canaveral. We rented one way to Orlando with them ( had to pay the one way drop charge this time). Got the car and went to try to check in early at the Radisson, but they were sold out with NASA people and space shuttle watchers and cruisers everywhere and didn't have a room clean yet. They told us to come back later, so we went for a drinks and an appetizer at the end of the Cocoa Beach Pier. Went back and waited till they had a clean room ready. It was right by the pool bar and on the second floor, and people were partying LOUD that night, but we bring a sound machine, so we just drowned them out at bedtime. The space shuttle Endeavor was due to launch on Sunday at 4:39 am, so we got a wakeup call at 2:30. When the call came, we checked the news and they were saying there was only a 30% chance of it launching, so we got another wake up call for 4:30, and decided to just go out in the parking lot to watch then. We turned on the TV and started dressing, and at 4:35, they scrubbed the launch. RATS! Back to bed. We left town at 10:30 for the airport. Needed to gas up the car, and we found a station right by the airport, just down the road from it. No sign showing the price anywhere, bu we weren't paying attention at the time, we were just glad to find a station close by. DH glances at the pump while he's fueling, and the total is going up really fast. That's when he noticed they were charging $4.69, yes, $4.69, a gallon!!! What a racket! There was a station two exits back that was probably a normal price, we'll remember that next time. Everything else went smooth as silk after that, flight was on time, picked up our dogs, and now we're settled back into the cold and gloom. Time to start planning again!


A few final things:

Every single employee on the Dream was friendly and pleasant, said hello, and was always hard at work. Our room steward was fabulous, kept our cooler full of ice, and the room spotless. His name was very long and unpronouncable, so he just kind of waved at his name tag like "Don't even try, I understand", but he always greeted us by name and spoke to us. Our dining room waiter "Pong" as he told us to call him, and Arada were friendly, fast and BOY, could he dance! He needed a stripper pole. One of the polka ladies got quite a show up close!

John Heald is a master at what he does, and really enhanced the fun. Just a word of warning. If you are ever on board with him and at a show, if he's going out in the audience and you don't want to be picked, don't try the "I just won't make eye contact" thing or point at your buddy, because that will ensure you get picked, faster than anything!

The food was consistently good and I had the WCMC 4 out of our 5 dining room nights. Just can't seem to pass it up!

I did see some grouchy, whiny people complaining about trivial things and being rude. People muttering about not being able to understand the accents both on board, and in the ports, like everone is supposed to talk just like them. A lady ordering the buffet person to go fetch her coffee and cream. ( he did). Once in the showroom, a teenage girl apparently thought the waiter was ignoring her ( he just didn't see her at first),and was rude to him ordering her Coke after that. And I saw a couple banging on their friends' door yelling "Housekeeping!" in a put-on accent, right in front of at least two room stewards. Pretty insensitive, I thought. The only big crowds were the day we boarded at the Lido buffet, when EVERYONE is there, but I just ran up and got us food from the Pasta Bar, which was empty and brought it back to our table. The showroom was always full for the shows.

As far as the infamous smell, yes, we smelled it. It's around the aft stairs and elevators, and the connected hall area. Once past there, it's gone. And on port days, we'd take the elevator down to 2, then walk the length of the ship to the bow then down the gangway. You could small it most of the length of the ship down there, especially midship. I have a pretty sensitive nose, but my DH doesn't and he smelled it, too. It still wouldn't keep me from sailing the Dream again. She's beautiful! I think I'm one of thiose whose last cruise is always my favorite, so I'd better get planning on the next one, so I can test that theory!

That's it for me--hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for letting me relive my trip on here!!

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We where on the dream with you on the week fo the 30th. We where in the scarlet dining room early as well. Might of seen you haha.


Great Review everything was very accurate as I remember it. I was playing basketball on the deck when it started pouring down rain. Came back to cabin and looked like I jumped in the pool with my cloths on. :);):cool:

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Day 4-

St. Thomas--warm and sunny!

To the buffet again before getting off the ship at 10:00. While I'm thinking about it, just wanted to say that yes, they do ration the bacon by serving it to you, but they always give you plenty. In fact, I had to start saying "Just a little", because otherwise they were giving me 5 or 6 pieces. Did the "Ultimate Island Experience" through Carnival. It was a 5 hour excursion in an open air taxi with several other people. We'd never been to any of these ports before, so we thought it was a good tour to get a look at everything. Went to Magen's Bay beach for a couple of hours (Wow, how beautiful!), a scenic overlook, Bleackbeard's castle, the Rum factory, Amber museum, and shopping with a harbor boat to take us back to the ship after. Bought some rum at the factory and had it delivered to the ship and an amber pendant. Then we walked back to Havensight Mall to the Shipwreck Tavern for a burger. It was HUGE and I had to leave half of it. Back on board for our 8:00 departure. Dancin' in the Street was the show for this night, and is definitely the not-to-be-missed show of the cruise. Back to the room, another shore day tomorrow...


Day 5-

St. Maarten--sunny again!!!

Buffet (again), then off the ship around 8:30. (We had booked Bernard's Tours online and were supposed to meet at 9:00). We got there and were assigned to Rosalee's taxi. I had read great things about Bernard's, but he must be so busy with all the ships in port (5 today, including the Dream and Oasis of the Seas), he must have had to hire on new tour guides, because she didn't say a lot, and not really loud enough for those in the back to hear. Of course, even is she had, I'm not sure they would have stopped talking to each other long enough to hear her. None of the stops were as long as advertised. We were supposed to have 2 hours at Orient Beach, and she told us to be back in an hour and 10 minutes. When I said I thought it was supposed to be 2, the rest of the tour said "One's plenty, that's fine!" They said 40 minutes at Marigot to shop, we got 25. Talk about a whirlwind shopping trip! But I still managed to grab a T-shirt. When we got back in the cab (an air conditioned van, very comfortable, by the way) the lady behind me sighs "Ok, I'm ready to go back to the ship and relax the rest of the day." We still hadn't even gotten to Maho Beach yet! So we get there and she says "What? I don't want to watch a bunch of planes land.", like maybe we'll skip it. Well, that was something we'd both been looking forward to, so I just said "Well, we do." and we got out. The driver gave us 20 minutes, not the30 minutes advertised. We had her drop us off in Philipsburg to shop (part of the advertised tour), and the rest just wanted to go back to the ship, so they did. I just don't know why they booked this tour if all they wanted was an hour at the beach and to shop in Marigot. They could have taken cabs or booked the Beach and Shopping exscursion. Oh, well, this was still my favorite port, and I think the tour would've been really enjoyable with a more enthusiastic bunch and a little better guide. The island is soooo beautiful! We shopped and ate seafood at the Firehouse on the beach then took the water taxi back to the ship. The guest talent show was this night and John performed his Bedtime Story. We'd seen it on Youtube before, but it was still a riot, and watching those seeing it for the first time was pretty fun!!


Great review so far Austincici!!!

I agree with you when taking a tour with others and the tour change for the worst due to others on it.

This happen to me in Domincia. I was in a tour bus with a family group and due to their demands, our tour was cut into half and end up seeing very little because they were "tired" and it was "so hot". That's why I often end up paying just a little more for a private tour of my own.

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We were in that van with you in St. Martin. We were not with the rest of those people and weren't the ones doing the talking..:o Actually, I don't guess we said anything to anyone, because we were cramped in the back corner trying trying to see things and waiting on Rosalie to give infomation.I was very disappointed. When we got to Orient, I spoke up also and said...9:48-10:48? I thought we were to be here 2 hrs? She just ignored me so I let it go. Then at Marigot the 25 min. to shop? I couldn't believe it. I didn't hear the person that didn't want to stop at Maho, but we sure did. Everytime we got off the bus if I asked Rosalie a question...like, what was going on?, she would just either ignore me or say.."Aren't you having a good time?". I don't know what was going on with the guy up front and his group, but they said something like they had paid her to take him to a casino and she took his money and took him to a closed casino..??? Who knows. Just wanted to let you know that we were like the two of you, we wanted the tour that was advertised on Bernards website and we did not get that. I didn't say alot in the van because I didn't want to be "that person", but when it was over I was regretting that I didn't. I wish I would have heard you speak up about Orient and I definitely would have chimed in. Heck, by the time we could even get out of that van everybody had moved on and we were confused on when to come back, what we were doing etc. I responded to a couple of post on the St. Martin board and as expected I got put in my place....people just love Bernard and I guess they assume I'm not telling the truth..lol. Oh well, I still plan on writing a detailed review anyway and I guess I will let them bash away. Sorry to hijack your thread, but I wanted to let you know we agree with you. I think if it wasn't for that "tour", St. Martin would have been our favorite port.

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Brandonlees, we didn't even know it had been raining, because we hadn't been near any windows for awhile, then we walked through Ocean Plaza and looked out and saw the BBQ was gone and the deck was closed and wet!


Airlink Diva, after what we'd read, we never even considered the tour wouldn't be good. I e-mail Bernard today and the guide was new. She has a ways to go to be any good.


avp1234, I posted on one of your threads and agreed with you, before you even posted on here. Hope it helps! We were the couple behind the guide. The guy in front was an ass and did keep talking about casinos. I don't know what his deal was, but I think he got on the wrong bus!! Rosalee was sweet enough, but he was buzzing in her ear, and she was new, and didn't seem to know what to tell us about and didn't talk loud enough for the rest of you. (Or maybe she gave up after the the others wouldn't stop talking anyway. didn't you feel like they had no idea what they had even booked? I sure did! I wish I'd heard you at Orient, we could've banded together and got our 2 hours!! Well, at least we know where we want to go on our own next time, we got that much out of it.

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I really don't think they knew what they had booked. For awhile, I was beginning to think it was me and I had misunderstood the tour until I pulled out our confirmation. As soon as the guy up front got in he was talking going to a casino and I thought...nope, I am not going to a casino. Not what I'm here for. Wish we would have had a livelier, more upbeat group because that is kinda what I was expecting....FUN! When they got out of the van they asked if I enjoyed it(after hardly saying anything to us the whole trip) and I said that I wouldn't do it again, and they said they didn't like it either, but the reason was due to the Casino. It was our 1st time there and I thought that was a good way to do it all and we love a beach. Oh well, don't mean to be negative and I usually don't post alot anyway, but when I got out of that van I had every intention of letting others know my experience and to be very sure of what guide they get. I think she wasn't really sure of the schedule either. The Dream was awesome so that was just a minor glitch and we ended up having a great time.

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Just curious, we are planning on doing the Untimate Island on St. Thomas. They have changed it to include the Amber Museum, it used to be that you could stay at Blackbeards as long as you wanted and then go down to town. Do you know if that is still possible?

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Hi, jspirit,

Sorry I missed replying to you earlier! No we didn't go to the comedy club. We'd laughed so much at John Heald, and we were usual tired wnough by 10:30 or 11:00 that we wanted to just go back to the room for a drink and relaxation. One of the comedians kept showing up pretending to be "Ernest J. Tuttweiler" or something like that in John Heald's shows early in the week. He's a friend of his, so they kept cooking up little skits.

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