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How do I get a Lounge Chair by the pool?

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I saw several near fist fights on our HAL Eurodam cruise over new years. I was appalled by the behavior of several folks. On sea days, I get out to the pool early and spend all dam day out there. If I am not in my chair, it means I am taking a dip in the pool for a while or gone inside to the restroom or to eat. I never leave my chair for very long. But if I came back out and someone had disposed of my personal property, I wouldnt be happy about it.

I think this attitude is dead right, you get a lounger early & use it all day with normal natural breaks why shouldn't you keep it. I happen to think that some people seem to think they deserve a chair when THEY WANT ONE & these people are as bad as the hogs as far as selfishness is concerned. First come first served BUT the beds must be used in a reasonable manner, I too would be most upset if my stuff had been moved, anyone remember The Incredible Hulk? "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

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just make sure you don't leave your stateroom beach towels like my husband did (we were newbies to cruising) to save chairs while we grabbed breakfast they quickly disappeared and we were promptly charged 80 $ for 2 towels we didn't even have!

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Sounds like we have some closet "chair hogs" who are trying to justify their behavior.:rolleyes:

All ships have chair hogs! Like others, we just head up to the upper decks and have no problem finding a spot to hang out.

This is not the most important thing going on in the world.




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I think this attitude is dead right, you get a lounger early & use it all day with normal natural breaks why shouldn't you keep it. I happen to think that some people seem to think they deserve a chair when THEY WANT ONE & these people are as bad as the hogs as far as selfishness is concerned. First come first served BUT the beds must be used in a reasonable manner, I too would be most upset if my stuff had been moved, anyone remember The Incredible Hulk? "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"


No poster to this thread has suggested there's anything wrong with getting "a lounger early & using it all day with normal natural breaks." The issue involves fellow pax who "get a lounger early" and then don't bother showing up until hours later (if at all), thus preventing others from occupying those loungers during the hogs' extended absence. In other words, chair hogs mark their territory expecting that territory to remain theirs until such time as they choose to return if, in fact, they return at all. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with relocating a hog's "stuff" to make use of an otherwise unused lounge. Use it or lose it.

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Any moving of possessions should be left to staff otherwise confrontations will occur, right or wrong both sides think they are right. If you come back to a lounger after what you think is a reasonable period & someone has taken it, there are choices, 1) shrug & walk away, 2) try reason, 3) call staff member, 4) beat the crap out of the chair thief. As I can see all options leading to No 4, we steer clear of sunbeds in crowded areas & seldom use one at all!

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I think this attitude is dead right, you get a lounger early & use it all day with normal natural breaks why shouldn't you keep it. I happen to think that some people seem to think they deserve a chair when THEY WANT ONE & these people are as bad as the hogs as far as selfishness is concerned. First come first served BUT the beds must be used in a reasonable manner, I too would be most upset if my stuff had been moved, anyone remember The Incredible Hulk? "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"


I think this attitude is dead wrong! Why should anyone on a cruise ship be entitled to a particular spot "all day long"? Everyone has paid the price and everyone should be entitled to a little time at a favorite spot, by the pool or somewhere else. The idea that you should be entitled, just because you came down early and grabbed a chair, is rediculous. It would be like going to the dining room, grabbing a chair at 6:30 a.m., and then claiming that chair for the entire day.


Not only is being a "chair hog" rude, insensitive and downright greedy, but claiming a chair for the entire day, or cruise is just as rude, insensitive and greedy. Didn't anyone ever teach these people about sharing? It's as if they all went to the Gordon Gekko school of manners, where greed is good, along with being rude and insensitive.


Nobody should be hogging a chair, occupied or not, for more than a couple of hours if there are people waiting for a chance to use the chairs.


Happy cruising to all!




P.S. Information is good, and good information is invaluable!

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No poster to this thread has suggested there's anything wrong with getting "a lounger early & using it all day with normal natural breaks." The issue involves fellow pax who "get a lounger early" and then don't bother showing up until hours later (if at all), thus preventing others from occupying those loungers during the hogs' extended absence. In other words, chair hogs mark their territory expecting that territory to remain theirs until such time as they choose to return if, in fact, they return at all. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with relocating a hog's "stuff" to make use of an otherwise unused lounge. Use it or lose it.


There is a poster who suggests that it is wrong to take a lounger early & use it all day, with normal natural breaks. It is me! Everyone on the ship has paid to use the public facilities and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should get to "HOG" a chair all day, whether they occupy the chair or not. Don't be rude, insensitive and greedy when it comes to your fellow passengers. A couple of hours is more than your fair share of time. Give up the chair with a cheerful attitude and let your fellow passengers enjoy their cruise.


Happy cruising to all!



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That brings me to another pet peeve -- people that abandon their chair and just leave the towels. Yikes! My wife makes fun of me when I start collecting towels in the afternoon and place them in the collection bins.





Oooh Kel! That bugs the heck out of me too!!!! How many steps does it take to return a towel?

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There is a poster who suggests that it is wrong to take a lounger early & use it all day, with normal natural breaks. It is me! Everyone on the ship has paid to use the public facilities and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should get to "HOG" a chair all day, whether they occupy the chair or not. Don't be rude, insensitive and greedy when it comes to your fellow passengers. A couple of hours is more than your fair share of time. Give up the chair with a cheerful attitude and let your fellow passengers enjoy their cruise.


Happy cruising to all!




This is where I strongly disagree. If I'm using the lounge, I will use it as long as I want. The way I see it, it's like grabbing a good spot on a beach, or on a nice grassy place in a park. In those places I am not expected to have to move early so someone else who arrived later can now enjoy that spot. It's the same on a ship. First come first served. As long as a person is using it, it's theirs. The fact that you want to use a lounge later than someone else is not their concern. Geeze, if we did this your way, everyone in a movie theatre would have to move halfway through the movie so the late arrivers could have some time in the prime seats. They paid for a ticket too. Or the early arrivers in a line, at a time limit set by you, would have to swap with the late arrivers to be fair.


No way!


You say "Happy cruising to all!" Well, I'll cruise happily if I am not bothered by "time limit" police like you.


Sorry for the rant, but this idea pushes the limits of what is reasonable.

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There is a poster who suggests that it is wrong to take a lounger early & use it all day, with normal natural breaks. It is me! Everyone on the ship has paid to use the public facilities and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should get to "HOG" a chair all day, whether they occupy the chair or not. Don't be rude, insensitive and greedy when it comes to your fellow passengers. A couple of hours is more than your fair share of time. Give up the chair with a cheerful attitude and let your fellow passengers enjoy their cruise.


Happy cruising to all!




Huh? Are you suggesting an ongoing game of musical chairs on the pool deck each time a bell is rung? "Everyone grab your belongings and move five lounges to the left" is about as absurd an idea as having everyone move around the dining room after each course to insure each pax a chance at a window table, an upstairs/downstairs table or whatever table is perceived by some to be most coveted. There's a world of difference between a lounge being unavailable because someone is occupying it and a lounge being unavailable because someone has decided to reserve it for possible future use.

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Sounds like we have some closet "chair hogs" who are trying to justify their behavior.:rolleyes:

All ships have chair hogs! Like others, we just head up to the upper decks and have no problem finding a spot to hang out.

This is not the most important thing going on in the world.





Kelmac - I totally agree with you. If you are using the chair with normal breaks, etc.. I have no problem. It is people who throw a towel down and don't come back for three hours or possibly ever. We were on one Princess ship with with a small adult pool in the back -- one woman came out in the morning and was holding 10 lounges -- we called the pool butlers and she was forced to give up 6-8 of them and was totally pissed off -- too bad; so sad. She could not even find the people she was holding th lounges for. Those people are real HOGS...

I am from NY (and so shy - right) and if you have a wet towel on a lounge and it appears no one is using it - baby -- it is mine now. Most of the time I will pick up the lounge chair and move to another location anyway (leaving no forwarding address):D.


I, for one, would be very reluctant to touch anyone's thong.


Only if someone cute -- is in that thong....:p


There is a poster who suggests that it is wrong to take a lounger early & use it all day, with normal natural breaks. It is me! Everyone on the ship has paid to use the public facilities and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should get to "HOG" a chair all day, whether they occupy the chair or not. Don't be rude, insensitive and greedy when it comes to your fellow passengers. A couple of hours is more than your fair share of time. Give up the chair with a cheerful attitude and let your fellow passengers enjoy their cruise.


Happy cruising to all!




Bobbyleduck - Nice in theory, but your thought will not work especially with the HOGS. Again, if people are using them I have no problem; they can use it the entire day -- it is when they leave the lounges with wet towels for hours and never return... that is when I have a problem.

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I think this attitude is dead wrong! Why should anyone on a cruise ship be entitled to a particular spot "all day long"? Everyone has paid the price and everyone should be entitled to a little time at a favorite spot, by the pool or somewhere else. The idea that you should be entitled, just because you came down early and grabbed a chair, is rediculous. It would be like going to the dining room, grabbing a chair at 6:30 a.m., and then claiming that chair for the entire day.


Not only is being a "chair hog" rude, insensitive and downright greedy, but claiming a chair for the entire day, or cruise is just as rude, insensitive and greedy. Didn't anyone ever teach these people about sharing? It's as if they all went to the Gordon Gekko school of manners, where greed is good, along with being rude and insensitive.


Nobody should be hogging a chair, occupied or not, for more than a couple of hours if there are people waiting for a chance to use the chairs.


Happy cruising to all!




P.S. Information is good, and good information is invaluable!

I agree w/ your post 100%. 90% of the other poster responses seem antagonistic IMO :rolleyes:

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So now some are saying even if you have got a lounger that nobody else has a claim on, & you are using it within the conventions of cruising, you ARE STILL considered a ''hog'' by some because it seems there is not enough room on a massive ship for everyone to have one, and this is YOUR fault because you organised your day to get one first...Nah..don't see it.

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I agree w/ your post 100%. 90% of the other poster responses seem antagonistic IMO :rolleyes:


Your 'statistics' confuse differences of opinion with antagonism. The notion that "everyone has paid the price and everyone should be entitled to a little time at a favorite spot, by the pool or somewhere else" is impractical and Pollyanna-ish. If such were the case, we'd all be rotating tables in the dining room to have a little time at our favorite spots, not to mention rotating cabins within our chosen categories to have a little time in those cabins whose locations might be just a tad better than our own. How about having to change seats during long flights to give pax stuck in the middle seats a break? Or as someone in an earlier post suggested, how about changing seats in a theater halfway through the movie to give everyone a chance at a 'good' seat? Are you really equating a lounge being unavailable because someone is occupying it with a lounge being unavailable because someone has taken it upon him/herself to reserve it for possible future use? IMHO this thread is moving from the sublime (though chair hogging is anything but!) to the ridiculous.

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Your 'statistics' confuse differences of opinion with antagonism. The notion that "everyone has paid the price and everyone should be entitled to a little time at a favorite spot, by the pool or somewhere else" is impractical and Pollyanna-ish. If such were the case, we'd all be rotating tables in the dining room to have a little time at our favorite spots, not to mention rotating cabins within our chosen categories to have a little time in those cabins whose locations might be just a tad better than our own. How about having to change seats during long flights to give pax stuck in the middle seats a break? Or as someone in an earlier post suggested, how about changing seats in a theater halfway through the movie to give everyone a chance at a 'good' seat? Are you really equating a lounge being unavailable because someone is occupying it with a lounge being unavailable because someone has taken it upon him/herself to reserve it for possible future use? IMHO this thread is moving from the sublime (though chair hogging is anything but!) to the ridiculous.


I think some of those are good ideas as well. Changing tables from night to night can be done. Think about it: Disney actually has people change restaurants each night, and isn't that what that "anytime dining" is all about as well. As for the movie example. Get real, people! You wouldn't change seats in the middle of the movie, but they clear the theater every couple of hours and let someone else occupy "YOUR" seat. As for the flight, people actually pay for certain seats, unlike a deck lounger on the cruise ship. The only deck lounger you're entitled to is the one on your verandah, if you've paid for such accommodations. What do some of you have against fairness?


Remember: There is private area, which you've paid for, such as your cabin and your verandah; and there is public area which we all get to share. Wake up people! Lounge awhile, eat awhile, and get off your behind and walk the ship awhile, so that we all get some time relaxing in the sun.


Happy cruising to all!




P.S. Again, I believe Gordon Gekko is alive and well and living in the greedy hearts of those who are unwilling to share the deck loungers.

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By the way, Bob, you are not booked on any Celebrity cruises for 2010 or 2011, are you?


I certainly hope not on one of my cruises. I wouldn't want him standing next to my lounge chair glaring at me for using it longer than his "acceptable" time limit :D



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I think some of those are good ideas as well.


Why am I not surprised you think some of those ideas are good?


Changing tables from night to night can be done. Think about it: Disney actually has people change restaurants each night, and isn't that what that "anytime dining" is all about as well.


That may be what any time dining is all about but it's not what traditional dining is all about so Disney or otherwise, that blows that theory.


As for the movie example. Get real, people! You wouldn't change seats in the middle of the movie, but they clear the theater every couple of hours and let someone else occupy "YOUR" seat.


And they likewise "clear" the ship every week and let someone else occupy "YOUR" cabin, "YOUR" table and yes, even "YOUR" lounge!


As for the flight, people actually pay for certain seats, unlike a deck lounger on the cruise ship. The only deck lounger you're entitled to is the one on your verandah, if you've paid for such accommodations. What do some of you have against fairness?


Some folks request a window seat, some an aisle but very few actually request a middle seat (unless traveling with a companion). As fair minded as you are, I guess you would have no problem accepting the fairness of sitting awhile, eating awhile, enjoying in-flight entertainment awhile and then getting off your behind (just quoting your choice of words below) so someone other than your travel companion (should you be traveling with someone else) gets to enjoy the comfort of "YOUR" aisle seat.


Remember: There is private area, which you've paid for, such as your cabin and your verandah; and there is public area which we all get to share. Wake up people! Lounge awhile, eat awhile, and get off your behind and walk the ship awhile, so that we all get some time relaxing in the sun.


Sorry, must have missed the memo announcing your appointment to the position of Cruise Tzar in charge of directing and policing the hour to hour daily activities of cruise passengers.


Happy cruising to all!


And happy cruising to you, too!


P.S. Again, I believe Gordon Gekko is alive and well and living in the greedy hearts of those who are unwilling to share the deck loungers.


Guess you missed the whole point of this thread.

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I certainly hope not on one of my cruises. I wouldn't want him standing next to my lounge chair glaring at me for using it longer than his "acceptable" time limit :D




He must be a barrel of laughs on a cruise. I shudder to think what he must be like when he's not feeling laid back, well rested and relaxed!

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I think some of those are good ideas as well. Changing tables from night to night can be done. Think about it: Disney actually has people change restaurants each night, and isn't that what that "anytime dining" is all about as well.


No, this is not "anytime dining". Have you ever sailed on a Disney ship? If you had you'd know better. Each group at a table moves to the same assigned table in the next of three resturants the following evening. You do not pick and choose your table. You stay with the same people, and even those at the next table stay next to you, and you have the same wait staff. (it's a nice feature, actually!)


As for the movie example. Get real, people! You wouldn't change seats in the middle of the movie, but they clear the theater every couple of hours and let someone else occupy "YOUR" seat.


The theater clears when the movie is over, just as the lounge chairs clear when the day is over. Whether it's a 1 hour special event, or a 3-1/2 hour long movie, everyone stays in the same seat in a theatre.


As for the flight, people actually pay for certain seats, unlike a deck lounger on the cruise ship.


Not on all airlines. You pay for a seat and you are either assigned one when you check in, or chose one yourself before hand. On Southwest it's first come first served - the first people on pick their favorite seats. But, regardless of if it is a short commuter run or a thirteen hour overseas flight, the seat is yours.


The only deck lounger you're entitled to is the one on your verandah, if you've paid for such accommodations. What do some of you have against fairness?


What do you have against people enjoying themselves without ridicule, insults, or demands that they meet your narrowly defined "rules". Fairness? Fairness is being left alone while simply enjoying the ship's features without someone judging you for it. I'm not breaking any rules, other than the one you came up with.


Remember: There is private area, which you've paid for, such as your cabin and your verandah; and there is public area which we all get to share. Wake up people! Lounge awhile, eat awhile, and get off your behind and walk the ship awhile, so that we all get some time relaxing in the sun.


Happy cruising to all!




P.S. Again, I believe Gordon Gekko is alive and well and living in the greedy hearts of those who are unwilling to share the deck loungers.


And yet another insult for good measure?

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No, this is not "anytime dining". Have you ever sailed on a Disney ship? If you had you'd know better. Each group at a table moves to the same assigned table in the next of three resturants the following evening. You do not pick and choose your table. You stay with the same people, and even those at the next table stay next to you, and you have the same wait staff. (it's a nice feature, actually!)




The theater clears when the movie is over, just as the lounge chairs clear when the day is over. Whether it's a 1 hour special event, or a 3-1/2 hour long movie, everyone stays in the same seat in a theatre.




Not on all airlines. You pay for a seat and you are either assigned one when you check in, or chose one yourself before hand. On Southwest it's first come first served - the first people on pick their favorite seats. But, regardless of if it is a short commuter run or a thirteen hour overseas flight, the seat is yours.




What do you have against people enjoying themselves without ridicule, insults, or demands that they meet your narrowly defined "rules". Fairness? Fairness is being left alone while simply enjoying the ship's features without someone judging you for it. I'm not breaking any rules, other than the one you came up with.




And yet another insult for good measure?


A voice of reason beyond the realm of The World According to Bobbyleduck. Thank you.

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