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Can you take auto-tip off before......


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Honestly, my point here is if you truly think all the money from automatic tips goes to the people its supposed to....well lets just say you are very likely reducing their pay and not increasing it. The cruiselines for the most part get away with a hell of alot as it relates to the treatment of their employees. Yes many are from third world countries, but all the more reason to insure they are protected.


I have been on several cruises over the last couple of years on ships with auto tip and ships without, I remove every last cent from the auto tip and insure that I personally hand the tips to each employee who I have interacted with, as to the point of personal choice dining, done it twice and you are certainly able to get the same wait team all week as was my experience.


On my most recent Disney cruise, I spoke with our waiter who confided that he felt like he'd won the lottery when he was able to land the contract with Disney..having worked for many other cruise lines.


Auto tip away if you believe that is the very best way to get your dollars into the pockets of those who truly made your vacation enjoyable.


May I suggest you check out the following link of what the reality is for many who on the cruiselines, it may provide you with a bit of a differnt perspective on auto tipping. Or not.



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Perhaps the name "gratuity" should be replaced with what we find in many land-based resort experiences: "service charges". This is paid right up front and we never blink an eye about it.

The cruise industry has always had the gratuity concept in place (with the exception of a few high-end lines where they are built into the price) so I think the auto-tip with a higher "toke" for exceptional service will continue to be a source of great controversy - as we see each time a thread like this materializes.

Personally, I''ve never quibbled with the auto-tip concept - always felt it was convenient for me and continue to tip on top of the recommended amount for good service. If I am experiencing poor service (which I've never encountered with Princess - fortunately) I would not hesitate to take it up either with the individual or the supervisor of whatever department was involved. Frankly I've never seen an industry where each employee was so accountable to so many bosses (read "customers") with such varying service expectations. Some people think they're royalty and need to be treated as such and grind the service personel into the ground. We've all seen it happen at one time or another. Others are quite reasonable. How many times do we read that someone's entire trip was ruined because there was no Love Boat Dream or something wasn't exactly the way it was 15 years ago? I agree wholeheartedly with several of the points that Largin made earlier.

Perhaps it would be easier just to accept that the auto-tip amount (which realistically is peanuts relative to the range of services we receive on a cruise) is really a "service charge" and to look at additional gratuities at the end if we have been well-pleased with certain staff members.

Just my opinion...



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I see a lot of you disagree with me and thats fine. Tipping is and always will be a personal decision for service rendered. You do what you feel comfortable with and I will continue to do the same. I was on The "Ocean Princess" 2 yrs. ago at a table for 4 and the other couple didnot tip at all because the waiter was not personable enough for them. Meanwhile, all their extra requests were taken care of by the Waiter. When My Husband handed Our waiter the envelope on last nite of our cruise, He was so happy. The last morning at breakfast He had us come to our table and He couldn't do enough for us. He obviously was very happy with the tip We gave Him. There are many people who do not tip today.There were many who didnot tip before the Auto tip policy was instituted. We have noticed on all 45 cruises, all cruisellines, that many passengers just look for an excuse not to tip. This is wrong!I have been on 17 Princess Cruises and nobody was ever undertipped by us. Most of the Staff on all the ships work very hard and should never be stiffed as the couple did to Our Waiter on the Ocean Princess . That is all I will say on this subject. It is a "Personal Decision"! Ike

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On our first cruise, tipping was what I guess we will now refer to as the 'old-fashioned way'. We were given envelopes on the Victory and a 'suggested amount' for each person. I was worried the whole cruise about having enough cash to tip the people who deserved it. I was appalled at how empty the dining room was on the last night and wished we had more money to make up for the cheapskates.

On our second cruise, I beleive the Pride was just starting with auto-tipping. I remember going down and removing the tip for the maitre d' and shifting it over to the waiters. The maitre d' was just horrible and I truly felt we tipped him correctly. We also gave extra in cash to those on the suggested list, ( everyone except the maitre d') and one waitress who took care of us everyday in the pool area and showroom.

On our third cruise, we used the auto-tipping on the Grand. We gave extra to those we felt deserved it, in envelopes.

On our most recent cruise on the Diamond, we struggled a lot with the service we received. Towards the tail end of the week, I went down and removed the auto-tipping for the dining staff. We only ate in the buffet once, so I do not feel like we short changed anyone there. A tip was included on every beverage we purchased, so I think the bartenders were all covered. We gave our waiters well above the recommended amount in cash.

On every cruise, I always include a handwritten, personalized thank you note with the tip.

It upsets me to think that the people I removed auto-tipping because of, would still get a share of the tip I gave to people who worked hard. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

Lastly, it sickens me to think that I fall into a category where the majority are trying to gyp hard working human beings out of something they deserve because I choose to give it to them rather than tack it on to my credit card.

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Where else in the world can you get the service you receive for $10 measly bucks a day. Even if the service is mediocore at best it is worth $10 in my opinion. The auto tip to me is one the biggest conveniences Princess has. I then have the option to tip additionally for excellent service, which can easily be done with a cash handshake.


You can waste you time to pull the tips and shuffle envelopes at the end of the trip, but you are also wasting the crews time by having them take the time to turn them in. It just does not matter if you tip this way, as it has been said, it is mandatory for crew to turn in the tips and it goes to the pool so I can't imagine crew being to impressed with this. I guess I am missing the point to all of you who do this and then say you tip as at the end of the cruise the result is the same.


Crew work a minimum of 70 hours a week, only make a few dollars a day in salary, so the tips are crucial to their pay. I know for a fact that all department managers are notified when passengers take off the auto tip and I wonder if they pass that infomation on to the chefs ;) if you know what I mean.


To me the process is meant to be a convenience and to also ensure the crew make their wages. I too would like to have the option to pre-pay and hope Princess will incorporate this some day and make it madatory at that.

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I feel tipping is a personal matter and up to each individual. Not everybody is lucky to get great service. We always remove the Automatic tipping after boarding and then decide at the end of cruise what the staff deserve. We have never short changed anyone. In fact, they have gotten more than the recommended tip in most cases. I like to be able to hand the envelope to each employee that has made Our Cruise Great, shake His or Her hand and wish them Luck and Thank Them. Automatic tipping, to me. is like the employees never received the tip from us. Also since Automatic tipping was put in place, We feel service has gone downhill as the staff knows they are getting a certain tip. Also I was told the Staff prefers personal tipping. Never heard they had to turn it in. I have sailed 45 cruises on all Cruise lines and never heard that the staff prefers automatic tipping. I have heard the opposite. So you do what you feel most comfortable with as it is nobody 's business but your own. Just My Opinion!



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It upsets me to think that the people I removed auto-tipping because of, would still get a share of the tip I gave to people who worked hard. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

Lastly, it sickens me to think that I fall into a category where the majority are trying to gyp hard working human beings out of something they deserve because I choose to give it to them rather than tack it on to my credit card.

It is a fact that all will share in the tip. The only way you can make your feelings heard for service that you were not pleased with is by turning in a comment card. Removing the auto tip will only lower the entire pool for everyone when used in that manner. On our last cruise our waiter told us he has no desire to ever go back to the Australia/New Zealand cruises because he made so little money. (He said many of the crew feel the same way.) He said it was because many of the people removed their auto tips and did not tip.


If one prefers to give their tip personally they should just be aware that the portion equal to the auto tip amount will be pooled.


Auto tipping can be made personal also. We always tell those that have served us how much we appreciate what they have done and frequently turn in cards telling their supervisors how pleased we have been with the service. This is often, but not always, with an "extra" gratuity.


I don't think those that remove the auto tip, and then give a tip of a equal or higher amount to both room and dining steward, should be automatically classified in a category with those that remove the auto tip and do not tip.

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Honestly, my point here is if you truly think all the money from automatic tips goes to the people its supposed to....well lets just say you are very likely reducing their pay and not increasing it. The cruiselines for the most part get away with a hell of alot as it relates to the treatment of their employees. Yes many are from third world countries, but all the more reason to insure they are protected.


I have been on several cruises over the last couple of years on ships with auto tip and ships without, I remove every last cent from the auto tip and insure that I personally hand the tips to each employee who I have interacted with, as to the point of personal choice dining, done it twice and you are certainly able to get the same wait team all week as was my experience.


On my most recent Disney cruise, I spoke with our waiter who confided that he felt like he'd won the lottery when he was able to land the contract with Disney..having worked for many other cruise lines.


Auto tip away if you believe that is the very best way to get your dollars into the pockets of those who truly made your vacation enjoyable.


May I suggest you check out the following link of what the reality is for many who on the cruiselines, it may provide you with a bit of a differnt perspective on auto tipping. Or not.



I’m not quite sure what the point is that’s trying to be made by posting the link. I think those of us who have some knowledge of the cruise industry already know about the conditions explained in the article and that knowledge is something that supports our desire to tip and tip fairly. Removing auto-tips and tipping “above the recommended amount” at the end of the cruise does nothing to help those below decks, whereas leaving the auto-tip on and tipping according to service received increases the size of the tip pool, helping those who are behind the scenes and still rewarding those who were directly involved in service.

While I don’t deny that working conditions on board cruise ships aren’t the best and I certainly don’t condone abuses, I also know that those who work on ships have a choice to do so. Many can make more money working on board – even at highly reduced wages – than they can by staying home and for many the “sub-standard” conditions are better than what they would have at home. No one holds a gun to their head to sign a contract and while a first timer may be surprised by less than adequate conditions; those who sign up again and again are not.

In this day – when cruise fares are incredibly cheap, and when passengers expect the same levels of service and amenities as when the fares weren’t so cheap – I think it incredibly selfish to view the $10 per day auto-tip as an imposition to be thwarted. While it might not be the most respectful way to do business, the cruise lines are attempting to offset the low fares – those same fares many who cruise today wouldn’t pay if they were in line with the actual cost of a cruise to the cruise line. The auto-tip is a fair way to get money to those who live and work below decks.

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In this day – when cruise fares are incredibly cheap, and when passengers expect the same levels of service and amenities as when the fares weren’t so cheap – I think it incredibly selfish to view the $10 per day auto-tip as an imposition to be thwarted. While it might not be the most respectful way to do business, the cruise lines are attempting to offset the low fares – those same fares many who cruise today wouldn’t pay if they were in line with the actual cost of a cruise to the cruise line. The auto-tip is a fair way to get money to those who live and work below decks.

Amen. It's not just the people who you interact with directly but there are many others who you don't see and are part of the tipping pool. How do you know that they weren't giving you excellent service? Do you research, find out who they are and give them an envelope? Removing the auto-tip ensures that they don't get their share, or income, even though they have been doing an excellent job.

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I get the impression that most people think that if you decide not to do Automatic Tipping, You will not tip at all! This is way off base! Since the option is there, every passenger has the right to decide what way they want to do their tipping for "Service Rendered"!

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I get the impression that most people think that if you decide not to do Automatic Tipping, You will not tip at all! This is way off base! Since the option is there, every passenger has the right to decide what way they want to do their tipping for "Service Rendered"!


I am willing to wager that that impression is correct more times than not.

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I get the impression that most people think that if you decide not to do Automatic Tipping, You will not tip at all! This is way off base! Since the option is there, every passenger has the right to decide what way they want to do their tipping for "Service Rendered"!


Of course you are correct, IKE, not everyone who removes the auto-tips is going to stiff the crew. However, many use the reasoning that if they turn over tips to each individual, then the individual will receive that tip amount. That is, of course, not correct. The pooled tips must be contributed regardless of the method of payment used.


Whatever people choose to do, a kind word of thanks and, if warranted, a positive comment card will also go along way towards expressing appreciation to those who are deserving.

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I get the impression that most people think that if you decide not to do Automatic Tipping, You will not tip at all! This is way off base! Since the option is there, every passenger has the right to decide what way they want to do their tipping for "Service Rendered"!
I think this topic has gone in many different directions around compensation for the crew. Like all good topics, it has evolved into an articulate discussion.

There are subtleties in the tipping system used by Princess. It’s a good thing to understand them so that you are sure the money that you tip will be distributed appropriately.

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On our last cruise I was standing next to a woman at the purser's desk who asked if she could take her automatic tip off from the dining room portion and have the entire tip go to her room steward. It was obvious what experience she was having on the cruise. The purser said "of course".
Are you all saying that , in the end, no matter what she did, the tip would get re-divided into the original configuration?
She wanted to reward great service and make note of poor service. But if Princess just re-divides the tip her room steward would get nothing extra for his attentiveness and her bad dining room staff would have no note made of their poor service.
:confused: ???????????????????????????????????? :confused:
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