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Solution to QM2 smoking arguments


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I did not say all the people who want to smoke comment on clothing but many do. I have read their posts.


There are some who constantly comment on what people wear.

Cunard states that daywear is casual, simply that. They request no shorts or jeans in the dining room only, but there are constant threads and comments on what, in the posters opinion, is the correct clothing.


I don't think Jeans actually hurt anyone but smoke can.


Also you would have staff in your smoking room doesn't anyone care about them?


Only an anti-smoker could possibly imagine that smokers have any interest what other people are wearing, why would we be concerned?

I'm more interested in sitting with nice people and smoking a fag (cigarette for the US readers) and drinking a beer.

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I do wonder if some of the people who harp on so much about their "rights" to sit in corners and smoke are the very same ones who spend all their time looking at what everyone is wearing and having opinions on whether those clothes are suitable to be in the very same corner. (Resulting, no doubt, in a large dry cleaning bill for wearing such "unsuitable" clothing).


Definitely not. The offending clothes wouldn't be seen through the haze. ;)

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Well another evening has almost passed in the uK and this thread is still alive and well, just goes to show when the right people are on then a debate is a civil thing, lets hope we can still chat another day.


BTW, I thought we had agreed the the winter garden would be a good place for the smokers

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smokers cost the country (U.K) over £5 Billion per year -workplace and NHS.


Do you know that alcohol related problems-NHS/crime/workforce cost this goverment over £20 million per year.


When is somebody going to start a petition to ban booze from all hospitality venues:D.




I'm not arguing with your fact that smokers cost the country (U.K) over £5 Billion per year -workplace and NHS, but you have forgot to mention that approximately £10 Billion is collected in Tax revenue from Tobacco products in the UK every year.


Michael mac

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smokers cost the country (U.K) over £5 Billion per year -workplace and NHS.


Do you know that alcohol related problems-NHS/crime/workforce cost this goverment over £20 million per year.


When is somebody going to start a petition to ban booze from all hospitality venues:D.





Sorry--that should read £20 billion not million--should'nt have had that extra glass.lol.

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I did not say all the people who want to smoke comment on clothing but many do. I have read their posts.


There are some who constantly comment on what people wear.

Cunard states that daywear is casual, simply that. They request no shorts or jeans in the dining room only, but there are constant threads and comments on what, in the posters opinion, is the correct clothing.


I don't think Jeans actually hurt anyone but smoke can.


Also you would have staff in your smoking room doesn't anyone care about them?


Although the question of dress has been a little quiet lately you don't have to be on this board long to know that such arguments are legion and using the law of probability there will be more non smokers than smokers who take part in these arguments.

The comment about jeans is not germaine.

Do you not think that it would be well within the bounds of possibility for Cunard to find a smoker or smokers to staff a smoking bar. From what I've seen of the crew ashore there are many smokers amongst them. Personally as an ex smoker I cannot understand how I went through life smelling of tobacco products, but by the same token if I wish to associate with smokers, which I sometimes do, (some of my best friends etc.....) then I go to their venues and put up with it. If a smoker is in a non smoking area and wishes to light up then he/she must needs leave and go elsewhere, usually out into the open air irrespective of the weather. If a non smoker is in a smoking area and someone lights up then they must needs do the same except they have a lot more places and more agreeable places to go to and they complain more vociferously in my experience.

There is never going to be a compromise on this issue. If I have to pass through someone's smoking area then I do so quickly and quietly without the ridiculous nose wrinkling, exagerated coughing and hand before the face flapping so often seen on cruise ships. Respect each other's space.


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Yoh - TaffyGirl................Whattttt???????????


ban booze and ciggies? whats there to live for ha ha :D


Suppose i could always take up knitting... Do knitters have much fun? ;)


There's a lot of 'stitch and bitch' clubs around at present so I would imagine they do :D

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Ooooh, Gari, I could kiss ya! :D It's so nice to hear a voice of reason from a non-smoker, actually to most of the non-smokers that have contributed to this board in a nice calm and reasonable manner - I could kiss you all!


Thank you for the discussion, it's nice to know that there are a lot of reasonable non-smokers out there. Please know that as a smoker I am very conscious of the coughs, splutters and holding of the nose as certain people walk by, but I never smoke in non-smoking areas, I DO try to be considerate (even checking out the balcony to make sure no-one is out there before I do light up). I am also very conscious of the fact that the smell of smoke is not nice - hence I try to limit it to areas well away from everyone but please, if I'm in a area that permits smoking - give me a break.


I'm not a heavy smoker but I do enjoy the odd one now and then, especially with a drink and here more than anywhere else I have witnessed, I am very conscious that I/we the "smokers" are in the minority.


*bow* - thank you everyone.

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Very well put Mr Goun, There are some areas like by the dartboard in the Golden Lion that was a smoking area and could be easily avoided especially by vehement non smokers...even if you did pass bye and smelt some smoke while not nice is that really going to do you any harm long term.

We dont smoke so we tend to sit away from the bar and to be honest have never had any trouble with the smokers in the corner by the dartboard.


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With all due respect, we are not harping on about "rights" rather we are asking that the cruise line give some consideration to having a separate "room" so that we may enjoy a cigarette, we are not looking for an argument or putting down non-smokers, this so far has been a fairly civil bunch of posts from smokers and non-smokers alike who are bandying around the possibility of having somewhere that wouldn't offend other people who choose not to smoke.


As to the comment about us sitting in the corner bitching about what other people are wearing, I think you'll find that most of us are more than happy just enjoying a drink and having a cigarette without offending anyone. In fact I would go so far to say that smokers are usually a jolly bunch who don't feel the need to bitch at all and can generally appreciate people from all walks of life. It seems to me actually that smokers are more tolerant of others than non-smokers - especially with regards to sweeping statements about how others may or may not be passing the time.




I knew I liked you straight away!




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I only kiss non-smokers! ;)

I have put this off, but I think it is time for my suggestion. Perhaps it will help someone anyway.


It was maybe seven or eight years ago and cigarettes had just gone up to $5.00 a pack. At the time I smoked two packs a day and just could not justify spending that kind of money just to watch it go up in smoke. So I decided to quit. Now, no one loved to smoke more than I did . I quit cold turkey, deciding then that what I spent on cigarettes, I would put away under my clean ashtray for an upcoming cruise. You will be surprised how fast the money adds up. I continue to save the money and have financed several cruises now. I have even given myself a raise because cigarettes have gone up.


It wasn't easy, but after a week or so, it becomes quite tolerable. One trick, particularly in the beginning that helps is to place the money you have saved in front of you each day so that you can actually see the money grow. After a short while you will find that is no longer necessary. Another trick I used for the first week was to grab a pack of cards and play solitare over and over and over again. It sounds strange but it seemed to keep both my hands and mind very busy for that first week. I know, I have a week mind, however, it worked. Please, if anyone tries this , let me know. I know it is very, very difficult, but take it from someone who never really wanted to give smoking up, it isn't quite as difficult as you might think. And if you get a few extra cruises out of it, you get an added very nice bonus.:)


If you find you don't want to quit, that is fine, I remain in your corner, and truly hope that people learn to leave smokers alone.

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Good show everyone.


Lets please continue to keep this at hand (I know, I know, we passed 10 posts long ago lol) so we are able to keep this going and exchange ideas.


Thank you very much,





Wonderful, goes to show that so far we are all civel, no one nasy disrupting the thead




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I have put this off, but I think it is time for my suggestion. Perhaps it will help someone anyway.


It was maybe seven or eight years ago and cigarettes had just gone up to $5.00 a pack. At the time I smoked two packs a day and just could not justify spending that kind of money just to watch it go up in smoke. So I decided to quit. Now, no one loved to smoke more than I did . I quit cold turkey, deciding then that what I spent on cigarettes, I would put away under my clean ashtray for an upcoming cruise. You will be surprised how fast the money adds up. I continue to save the money and have financed several cruises now. I have even given myself a raise because cigarettes have gone up.


It wasn't easy, but after a week or so, it becomes quite tolerable. One trick, particularly in the beginning that helps is to place the money you have saved in front of you each day so that you can actually see the money grow. After a short while you will find that is no longer necessary. Another trick I used for the first week was to grab a pack of cards and play solitare over and over and over again. It sounds strange but it seemed to keep both my hands and mind very busy for that first week. I know, I have a week mind, however, it worked. Please, if anyone tries this , let me know. I know it is very, very difficult, but take it from someone who never really wanted to give smoking up, it isn't quite as difficult as you might think. And if you get a few extra cruises out of it, you get an added very nice bonus.:)


If you find you don't want to quit, that is fine, I remain in your corner, and truly hope that people learn to leave smokers alone.


yjamks for the advice, your right no one should be made to stop, but helped is good

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I am pleased that this thread has progressed so well unlike several previous ones on this subject. Despite a few individual passionate posts that showed the depth of feeling, on both sides, that this issue generates, there have also been posts urging tolerance and understanding.


Why, this time, has it continued where others have failed?


Maybe because some, who in the past have used similar threads to post contentious arguments using emotive language, have seemingly stayed away this time. It would seem that the voice of moderation has won, violently polarised opinion has lost. That can only be good on a discussion forum such as CruiseCritic, long may it last.


Or, and some posts on this thread seem to support this, they have taken their own “Road to Damascus” and have moderated their previously entrenched attitudes after seemingly realising it’s possible to make more friends with tolerance, patience and understanding of other’s points of view, whilst still holding their own opinions.


QM2 and QV/QE are big ships, filled with individuals with individual viewpoints on many subjects. I would hope that there is room enough for all those views to be represented without offending, or being offended by, other passengers. Likewise with this board, let the progress of this thread show the way for posts in the future, then we can all enjoy participating.


Just MHO.

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I am pleased that this thread has progressed so well unlike several previous ones on this subject. Despite a few individual passionate posts that showed the depth of feeling, on both sides, that this issue generates, there have also been posts urging tolerance and understanding.


Why, this time, has it continued where others have failed?


Maybe because some, who in the past have used similar threads to post contentious arguments using emotive language, have seemingly stayed away this time. It would seem that the voice of moderation has won, violently polarised opinion has lost. That can only be good on a discussion forum such as CruiseCritic, long may it last.


Or, and posts on this thread seem to support this, they have taken their own “Road to Damascus” and have moderated their previously entrenched attitudes after seemingly realising it’s possible to make more friends with tolerance, patience and understanding of other’s points of view, whilst still holding their own opinions.


QM2 and QV/QE are big ships, filled with individuals with individual viewpoints on many subjects. I would hope that there is room enough for all those views to be represented without offending, or being offended by, other passengers. Likewise with this board, let the progress of this thread show the way for posts in the future, then we can all enjoy participating.


Just MHO.


Well said. LOL!



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Nice of you to comment, your right and maybe we need to look at who has not posting rather than who has, there maybe a link, who knows MHO from an hunble lol,er.


What really is nice though, is to see how many newer members have been able to take part in this thread before it is closed down.

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I also quit, but 25 years ago when I met my then to be wife. The problem was/is she is totally allergic to tobacco smoke and it makes it seem as if she is crying, so I had a choice. I think I made the right one as we've been married for over 23 years.


However, her problem has not gone away which means that she could never stay in a pub full of smoke, nor visit the casino with me on board QE2 or QV.


In days gone by, every home had ash trays. They may even have been very decorative and adorned coffee tables. My parents actually had an ornate Italian musical cigarette box for their guests even though they've never smoked.


Times have changed. Smoker friends never even ask for an ash tray, which is just as well as we don't posess one, they simply excuse themselves and go for a walk in the garden. Not that we've banned cigarettes, it's just no longer etiquette.


My wife actually comes along with me now on a Friday night for an hour or so in our local tennis club bar which became smoke free. Perhaps in future she can also come to the casino with me.


I have never objected to the smokers, but am quite pleased that more areas are becoming smoke free. Neither do I wish to deny smokers the right to poison themselves if that is their wish, so by all means have smoker's lounges, but please let the majority enjoy smoke free areas.



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I do wonder if some of the people who harp on so much about their "rights" to sit in corners and smoke are the very same ones who spend all their time looking at what everyone is wearing and having opinions on whether those clothes are suitable to be in the very same corner.


For a paltry sum, I offer hypnosis for delusions:D.


Have you SEEN the staff, who smokes like a chimney:eek:? She makes Bob Geldof look like the epitome of sartorial elegance.


Hack hack, Sir Martin

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I also quit, but 25 years ago when I met my then to be wife. The problem was/is she is totally allergic to tobacco smoke and it makes it seem as if she is crying, so I had a choice. I think I made the right one as we've been married for over 23 years.


However, her problem has not gone away which means that she could never stay in a pub full of smoke, nor visit the casino with me on board QE2 or QV.


In days gone by, every home had ash trays. They may even have been very decorative and adorned coffee tables. My parents actually had an ornate Italian musical cigarette box for their guests even though they've never smoked.


Times have changed. Smoker friends never even ask for an ash tray, which is just as well as we don't posess one, they simply excuse themselves and go for a walk in the garden. Not that we've banned cigarettes, it's just no longer etiquette.


My wife actually comes along with me now on a Friday night for an hour or so in our local tennis club bar which became smoke free. Perhaps in future she can also come to the casino with me.


I have never objected to the smokers, but am quite pleased that more areas are becoming smoke free. Neither do I wish to deny smokers the right to poison themselves if that is their wish, so by all means have smoker's lounges, but please let the majority enjoy smoke free areas.




Naughty naughty Big M. - emotive language.


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