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Princess won't honor price quote!


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I am NOT trying to take advantage of the situation! Princess Cruises quoted and confirmed a price that was what was reasonably expected for the suite we were booking. So, I AM entitled to that price. It is Princess Cruises that is being dishonest by not honoring their original committment. I have done nothing wrong!


I agree that Princess are wrong in not honoring their agreement. I am not so sure about 'entitled' but I do believe that there is a substantive wrongdoing!


Whether or not you can force Princess into completing the transaction at their quoted price will depend upon whether all elements of a binding contract are present:

  1. an intention on the part of both parties to create legal relations
  2. an offer must be made
  3. there must be acceptance of the offer
  4. consideration—or an exchange of something between two or more parties
  5. legal capacity—both parties must be legally capable of entering into a contract
  6. genuine consent between the parties
  7. the contract must be for a legal purpose.

Since you have a signed offer from Princess, and put down a deposit against a price that seemed reasonable as opposed to ludicrous, they could be on weak ground depending on what your offer/contract says about pricing.

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I agree that Princess are wrong in not honoring their agreement. I am not so sure about 'entitled' but I do believe that there is a substantive wrongdoing!




Whether or not you can force Princess into completing the transaction at their quoted price will depend upon whether all elements of a binding contract are present:

  1. an intention on the part of both parties to create legal relations
  2. an offer must be made
  3. there must be acceptance of the offer
  4. consideration—or an exchange of something between two or more parties
  5. legal capacity—both parties must be legally capable of entering into a contract
  6. genuine consent between the parties
  7. the contract must be for a legal purpose.

Since you have a signed offer from Princess, and put down a deposit against a price that seemed reasonable as opposed to ludicrous, they could be on weak ground depending on what your offer/contract says about pricing.


We meet all those qualifications! Princess Cruises offered us the suite at a specific price and we accepted the offer by giving a deposit. It is a classic offer and acceptance and should be legally binding. Their original offer was reasonable and not unexpected. They made a mistake, but they should honor it. Whether we are able to make them honor their agreement will be determined. I am very persistent and won't give up this easy! And, my travel agent is very supportive and willing to do whatever it takes.

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“Cruise Fare” means the amount payable by You to Carrier for Your Cruise. It covers the Cruise, scheduled meals and accommodations while on board, air programs and/or other travel components that Carrier may add to Your Cruise Fare and charge to Your stateroom account and/or credit card. The Cruise Fare does not include beer, wine, spirits, sodas or other bottled beverages, or charges for other incidental items, activities, excursions, transportation or personal services during or in connection with the Cruise; or any Government Fees or Taxes, airline or other carriers’ services or baggage fees, for which a separate charge may be imposed. Carrier may collect any fare increase or fuel supplement in effect at the time of sailing, even if the fare has been paid in full.


You feel that you are entitled to something that you formally agreed to waive: a fixed Cruise Fare.

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Carrier may collect any fare increase or fuel supplement in effect at the time of sailing, even if the fare has been paid in full.

You feel that you are entitled to something that you formally agreed to waive: a fixed Cruise Fare.



Well, that pretty much answered the question whether princess will stand behind their quote or not doesn't it? I wish the OP good luck with this, but the fine print covers any mistakes. Heck, I even had a TA misquote once and then charge me the extra AFTER final payment, and without my permission. Needless to say, I had no choice but to pay the extra, or loose the cruise. I don't see a legal leg to stand on in this one, sorry. :(

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If you had purchased directly from Princess you may have a better shot.


Does the confirmation from Princess have: confirmation number, reservation number or booking number?


As I stated before the initial confirmation is automated. If an error in fare, cabin, etc is late discovered .. Princess has the right to correct any errors.

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I am a travel agent-and this is what I would do-call Princess directly and see if they can advise what happened. I know if a cabin is booked and a deposit is called in they will not raise the price. It could be that the cabin was booked and the deposit was not called in on time. This would cancel the original booking. The agent may have had to rebook-and at that time the original fare quoted was not available or being offered. I hope this helps-

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Oh Toto, btw, was it you who said earlier your total price was raised after final payment? Were there any repercussions with that whole thing? Passengers upset, bad PR, etc...?


Let's just say, I never booked another cruise with that TA. It wasn't a mis quote from princess, but the TA herself discounting more than she should have. But instead of honoring the price, she charged my credit card for the difference (several hundred), after final payment had been made. ;)

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Hitch86 has distilled pages of discussion to its key elements.


Quote: cabin is booked and a deposit is called in they will not raise the price. It could be that the cabin was booked and the deposit was not called in on time. This would cancel the original booking. The agent may have had to rebook-and at that time the original fare quoted was not available or being offered. end quote


It is important to note that: Cruise Fare is subject to change until the cruise is booked.


That would appear to summarize the problem.

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Please post details!!!


- What cruise?

- What categorie of cabin?

- What was the original quote for Pass 1, 2, 3 and 4

- What is the new price Princess has quoted you?

- Was the first quote a courtesy hold?

- When was the date of the first quote?

- When did you make your deposit?

- Are you at past passenger?



Again if these questions are not answered NOT one person can give you the correct course of action.


Give us the facts or this thread should died here!!!

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Assuming the OP has put forth accurate information I think I would side with the OP.

If in my business If I made a mistake on an offer and the client accepted that offer I do think I would be obligated to perform on that offer.

And I do feel everything being above board an offer and an acceptance makes a binding contract. IMO of course.:eek:

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Please post details!!!


- What cruise?

- What categorie of cabin?

- What was the original quote for Pass 1, 2, 3 and 4

- What is the new price Princess has quoted you?

- Was the first quote a courtesy hold?

- When was the date of the first quote?

- When did you make your deposit?

- Are you at past passenger?



Again if these questions are not answered NOT one person can give you the correct course of action.


Give us the facts or this thread should died here!!!




I can't give you too many details as my travel agent has asked me not to identify myself or the booking. He may be afraid of reprisals from the cruise line and how it will affect what he is trying to do to help me.


But, I can tell you:


- What categorie of cabin? XS

- What was the original quote for Pass 1, 2, 3 and 4 Original quote was $12,000 for the suite.

- What is the new price Princess has quoted you? They raised the price to $16,000.

- Was the first quote a courtesy hold? Yes, but I authorized a deposit on the booking.

- When was the date of the first quote? Last December.

- When did you make your deposit? A week later.

- Are you at past passenger? Yes!

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Hitch86 has distilled pages of discussion to its key elements.


Quote: cabin is booked and a deposit is called in they will not raise the price. It could be that the cabin was booked and the deposit was not called in on time. This would cancel the original booking. The agent may have had to rebook-and at that time the original fare quoted was not available or being offered. end quote


It is important to note that: Cruise Fare is subject to change until the cruise is booked.


That would appear to summarize the problem.


My travel agent submitted the deposit on time. He then recieved a confirmation from Princess showing the original price quote with the deposit on it. It was shown as BOOKED.

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Carrier may collect any fare increase or fuel supplement in effect at the time of sailing, even if the fare has been paid in full.


This says that as prices rise as a ship gets fully booked, that Princess can increase every passenger's fare to a new high fare.

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I know this will be no consulation to you if your TA can not pull this off. And although I have no idea what cruise you booked or it's length, these family suites are just not worth even the lower quote you were given for 4 passengers IMHO. I am not sure if you looked into these fully, but that price is outragious for what this suite offers, even the lower price quoted.

As said, I am sure that makes absolutely no difference to you right now, but if you end up with this booking for the lower quoted price, I can almost guarantee you that you will be kicking yourself for fighting this hard for this type of stateroom.


I have visited friends that were upgraded to one, and it was really not something I would like to be stuck in for a cruise. And I mean that word 'stuck'. They are in a very bad section of the ship, all the way up front. And you will rarely be able to use the balcony while underway.


If things don't work out, but you do end up on this sailing in a different category stateroom. Try very hard to meet whowever was upgraded to this suite (as usually those who end up in the family suites are upgraded to them) and have a look around. You will immediately understand where I am coming from with my description.


I would actually think Princess would jump at the chance to book these, even at the misquoted price. As they are rarely booked by passengers and those upgraded to them have usually booked a mini and inside stateroom for about 1/4 the price.


Again, good luck, but just make sure that you know what you are fighting for and if it is worth it to you. Off my soapbox now, but just wanted to alert you.

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This says that as prices rise as a ship gets fully booked, that Princess can increase every passenger's fare to a new high fare.


I am not saying I don't believe you, but our cruise now lists pricing that is sky high. How often does this happen? It has never happened to me and I book a year out most times:confused: I have always received the refund when the price goes down on my cat.:)


OP, I really do have sympathy with your plight. Have you thought of having the TA contribute part of this and MAYBE getting Princess to take a chunk too. Just a thot:)


The TA does not want you say who you are, etc. I am not suggesting that you do so, but he/she better be doing something to help you offset this $4,000.


Toto got her post ahead of me before I hit submit - so I say, listen to what is being said. Sometimes things happen for a good reason, and this seems to be it.

See what Princess will do for you and also your TA. Think OBC, reservations for dinner at the Crown Grille, Sabatinis, Tours, etc.

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JHB1901, please look at the two links below. One is a review of the type of cabin that you booked. The other one is a diagram of that cabin type.







Thank you for this information. This is certainly something to consider!

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I think the fine print about pricing says it all. This is probably to prevent Princess from being sued in the event of a mis-quote. I don't think they typically make it a practice to raise pricing after a deposit has been made. We'd be reading a lot more from angry people if this was the case.


WIth that said, I understand the OP's anger about that huge price increase. If it was me, I'd probably try to see what my TA could accomodate with Princess on my behalf. Failing that, I would probably cancel my cruise, and either re-book with another line or maybe even with Princess if I found something else satisfactory (but that would depend).


In the end, from what I've read the Family Suite appears to be a bit overpriced and underwhelming in terms of location, benefits etc. It might not be worth sailing in it regardless. (i.e. book a mini and an inside cabin separately in a better location on the ship?)

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And I bet a World cruise that you are no longer using that TA!!!!!! :)


If the TA has a written confirmation, I feel Princess should honor the price quoted....it's just good business. What about the airline that had $00.01 airfares on their website...they honored the tickets.

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I believe that a previous poster defined a contract. It may be different in the U.S., but I believe in Canada that it's not possible to enter into a contract that contradicts the law. I refer specifically to the "fine print" being quoted; I question its validity. I really struggle to understand the concept that Princess can enter into a contract with a customer, accept full or even partial payment, and then arbitrarily raise the price at their discretion. It is so clearly not the responsibility of the purchaser to perform any due diligence on pricing; I'm stunned by comments to the effect that the op "should know better". With a signed contract and confirmation that payment was accepted, in my opinion the op has a very strong case. Princess' stance is most likely just their opening position; they will almost certainly have to offer some compromise, as I doubt they'd want to test their pricing policy in court.

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Please post details!!!


- What cruise?

- What categorie of cabin?

- What was the original quote for Pass 1, 2, 3 and 4

- What is the new price Princess has quoted you?

- Was the first quote a courtesy hold?

- When was the date of the first quote?

- When did you make your deposit?

- Are you at past passenger?



Again if these questions are not answered NOT one person can give you the correct course of action.


Give us the facts or this thread should died here!!!


Even with the information not one person can give you the correct course of action! This thread can offer suggestions of various options you might pursue though.

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As a previous poster said, "Some things happen for a reason."


After seeing the photos linked by Kempa, I wouldn't ever consider a family suite because of the balcony situation. Even the room isn't that nice for the money. The pix of the 2 young girls is hysterical- too funny for words. Lucky they weren't blown away! :D:D:D

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And I bet a World cruise that you are no longer using that TA!!!!!! :)




Donna, you just won a world cruise. :D:D

I ran, not walked away from that one. When others ask me to give them my thoughts on her, I tell them also to run not walk away and find a different TA. lol The few hundred extra she made charging me over and above the quoted price after final payment, will never come anywhere close to the amount of commission and referrals that she has lost because of one stupid action (and I had been a client for a lot of years, and probably booked a dozen or more cruises with them).

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