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How do I reach Higher Authority at Carnival via email


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When someone uses the phrase "documented accident", they want money. The OP probably got the idea from someone that if certain steps were taken, certain sums of money would be theirs, and they wanted it.


It's fun revealing these folks for who they are, don't you think?

What is is really fun is when the speculators are wrong, yet they keep making up their own "facts".

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Eponym. Based on what you said, you got hurt due to the negligence of a crewman, they treated you without charge, you were in pain, it cut into a couple of days of your vacation, but you still went on your exursions.


Carnival does have a guarantee that you will enjoy the cruise. But you have to follow procedures. The guarantee is if you are not enjoying your cruise, you have to get off at the next port, and you will get a refund. However, I don't remember all the details, and I don't know where they will get you back to.


If you did not get off at the next port, I think you are out of luck. Assuming there was a next port after your injury. But I don't think you can stay on the ship and then demand any other satisfaction. For all you know, they may have already handled the problem internally.



Sure, you just wanted information. But you opened the door by telling everyone what happened. And since you are being all secretive about the details of the accident, or what it is you are looking for, people will assume you want to have a say in how they handle the problem and/or want compensation.


In the future, if it is a private matter, don't open the door. Just ask for the info.

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I didn't recall the OP asking how to get any sort of compensation or if he/she (sorry about that, I don't want to assume!) is entitled to anything. The OP stated some of what happened, likely just enough to assist in getting the correct address of the correct department, and said they wanted to follow up on the issue. Problem solved...I think in the first few posts.


The conclusions that some people are jumping to without knowing all the facts is astounding. I would hate to be on trial with a jury of some of my Cruise Critic peers or I'd probably end up in the noose within the opening statement of my case.


You have to be able to read between the lines, luvmytbear. When someone posts that they have had an accident and the cruiselines covered their medical bills on board but he/she now wants the email of a higher up in the organization, the "between the lines" reads, "Because I am not getting the monetary satisfaction I am demanding and I am going to find someone who can give it to me, da*mit!" It doesn't take a lawyer, a scientist from MIT or even a janitor to figure that one out.


All I gotta say, OP is, good luck with that. If all you are TRULY seeking is that the policy be changed (which I HIGHLY doubt), then you may get satisfaction. If you are looking for monetary compensation I suspect that the attorneys you have to hire to fight a company as big as Carnival (and who can afford a MUCH better legal team than you could afford, unless you're Bill Gates, and since he didn't finish college, I know you're not) will render your payoff nil after you sign the check over to them for their fees. Good luck. I doubt you'll see a cent if in fact that is what you are after.

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According to a post the OP made awhile back, Carnival contacted him and made him a very good deal for this cruise.


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Just booked this cruise a couple of days ago. Carnival contacted me. Paid taxes only to fill the boat. The assigned an ocenaview. Flying in from Los Angeles on Red Eye. First Carribean cruise (6th Carnival) and I'm currently on overload tying to sift through information about ports etc...


Not only did he receive medical care at no cost but the cruise was a great deal and he got to enjoy the ports. Not sure why he is so unhappy.

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It doesn't take a lawyer, a scientist from MIT or even a janitor to figure that one out.



I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, but I just have to say that statement is offensive. My husband is a custodian who also happens to have a degree in Physical Education. Currently he is in school to become an RN. The economy is in bad shape and he's lucky to have a job!

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I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, but I just have to say that statement is offensive. My husband is a custodian who also happens to have a degree in Physical Education. Currently he is in school to become an RN. The economy is in bad shape and he's lucky to have a job!


I've been a house keeper (read: maid) in the past too. I am currently an RN but also have a Master's degree in counseling. Though I do neither right now because I am a stay at home mom who has been homeschooling my son. Hope to get back to practicing next fall when my son goes back to school. No need to be offended. Didn't mean anything by it.

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I've been a house keeper (read: maid) in the past too. I am currently an RN but also have a Master's degree in counseling. Though I do neither right now because I am a stay at home mom who has been homeschooling my son. Hope to get back to practicing next fall when my son goes back to school. No need to be offended. Didn't mean anything by it.



Master's degree in counseling. I may need your help !:D

Red X's are showing up all over my screen.


I read all theses pages , and I still can't figure out if the OP received the information he requested ?

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You have to be able to read between the lines, luvmytbear. When someone posts that they have had an accident and the cruiselines covered their medical bills on board but he/she now wants the email of a higher up in the organization, the "between the lines" reads, "Because I am not getting the monetary satisfaction I am demanding and I am going to find someone who can give it to me, da*mit!" It doesn't take a lawyer, a scientist from MIT or even a janitor to figure that one out.


All I gotta say, OP is, good luck with that. If all you are TRULY seeking is that the policy be changed (which I HIGHLY doubt), then you may get satisfaction. If you are looking for monetary compensation I suspect that the attorneys you have to hire to fight a company as big as Carnival (and who can afford a MUCH better legal team than you could afford, unless you're Bill Gates, and since he didn't finish college, I know you're not) will render your payoff nil after you sign the check over to them for their fees. Good luck. I doubt you'll see a cent if in fact that is what you are after.


I get that. I'm edumakated enough to figure that out.


You actually proved my point though, why I would never want to be on trial with a jury of my CC peers. You aren't supposed to 'read between the lines' when rendering a verdict. You do so based on the facts provided. Period.


The OP stated he/she (sorry again) had an accident, med bills were paid, did a few excursions after the fact, and wanted an address of someone in corporate. I don't see anything along the lines of "I want compensation" in the OP's statements. Therefore, I won't pass judgment or pretend to psychoanalyze his/her motives....because there is no way to know based on the information provided.

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You have to be able to read between the lines, luvmytbear. When someone posts that they have had an accident and the cruiselines covered their medical bills on board but he/she now wants the email of a higher up in the organization, the "between the lines" reads, "Because I am not getting the monetary satisfaction I am demanding and I am going to find someone who can give it to me, da*mit!" It doesn't take a lawyer, a scientist from MIT or even a janitor to figure that one out.


All I gotta say, OP is, good luck with that. If all you are TRULY seeking is that the policy be changed (which I HIGHLY doubt), then you may get satisfaction. If you are looking for monetary compensation I suspect that the attorneys you have to hire to fight a company as big as Carnival (and who can afford a MUCH better legal team than you could afford, unless you're Bill Gates, and since he didn't finish college, I know you're not) will render your payoff nil after you sign the check over to them for their fees. Good luck. I doubt you'll see a cent if in fact that is what you are after.


I would think that with a Masters Degree in Counseling you would know better than making a decision based on "reading between the lines".


Because you nor I know exactly the OP's motive, that doesn't really give us Carte Blanche to say what his situation is.


Here is a possible scenario, after returning home, the healing process on his injury is not progressing, so he goes to his family doctor and has an MRI to find that there is internal damage due to the injured area. This will require surgery to correct. Because of the culpability of Carnivals employee, the "company" would and should be responsible for all further treatment.


How ya like them apples? Makes as much sense as your dream play.

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Pretty sure if he was suffering from a major interal injury that required surgery he wouldn't be posting the cruise board and wanting to send an email. :rolleyes:


Sure doc just hand me my laptop before you wheel me into the OR, need to squeeze off one quick email to carnival.

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Pretty sure if he was suffering from a major interal injury that required surgery he wouldn't be posting the cruise board and wanting to send an email. :rolleyes:


Sure doc just hand me my laptop before you wheel me into the OR, need to squeeze off one quick email to carnival.


Glad you got my point, wasn't sure you would. Because we do not know anything other than what he posted, we shouldn't be making up assumptions.


OH and BTW, all internal injuries are not life threatening. Say maybe....a torn ligament, that would not require emergency surgery. I have no idea what is up with the OP and neither do you or anyone else on this board.

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I would think that with a Masters Degree in Counseling you would know better than making a decision based on "reading between the lines".


Because you nor I know exactly the OP's motive, that doesn't really give us Carte Blanche to say what his situation is.


Here is a possible scenario, after returning home, the healing process on his injury is not progressing, so he goes to his family doctor and has an MRI to find that there is internal damage due to the injured area. This will require surgery to correct. Because of the culpability of Carnivals employee, the "company" would and should be responsible for all further treatment.


How ya like them apples? Makes as much sense as your dream play.


Perhaps it is my training that teaches me to read between the lines. In counseling, it is the counselor's job to find out what is behind the surface. Have you ever called someone and asked how they were and they replied, "Oh, fine, thanks for asking."? When in reality, they were not fine and had a lot going on. It is a counselor's job to find out what is going on behind the "fine". I am trained to look beyond the actual words to see what people mean, not what they say. And then let them know it's ok to say what they mean, not what people want to hear.


The OP's first post said a lot behind the scenes. My opinion only, your mileage may vary.


Edited to add that it is telling that, since the OP has shared what the issue is (that he was hurt), it seems not a huge stretch to go another step forward and say, "No, I am not suing Carnival (or whomever, could be anyone), I merely found that the injury was worse than originally expected and need to find out who to talk to to get that covered." If someone has nothing to "hide", i.e "heck yeah I'm going to sue them blind", and is so forthcoming with the issue at hand, why not just point blank say, "And I am not seeking compensation for this at all." Lies of ommission are still lies. And you know what, I would WANT someone on a jury who would know that if my butt was on the line!!

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If that is the impression you got from OPs post then you are entitled to that. Obviously others got a totally different impression and well they are entitled to that too.


Well then you didn't get my point. The fact is I did not get that impression at all, I made it up in my own mind just as you you did and neither one may be correct. The basis of both scenarios have equal standing with the exception that your's was intended to flame the OP, mine was to make a point. Another point is, I don't care why he wants the info, it's none of my business. I know the OP shared a few details about why he wanted the info, however that doesn't make it OK to accuse him of anything. If he had merely asked for the info, someone on the first page would have came back with, " what are you going to do, sue?". I've seen it happen.


Perhaps it is my training that teaches me to read between the lines. In counseling, it is the counselor's job to find out what is behind the surface. Have you ever called someone and asked how they were and they replied, "Oh, fine, thanks for asking."? When in reality, they were not fine and had a lot going on. It is a counselor's job to find out what is going on behind the "fine". I am trained to look beyond the actual words to see what people mean, not what they say. And then let them know it's ok to say what they mean, not what people want to hear.


The OP's first post said a lot behind the scenes. My opinion only, your mileage may vary.


Not having a Masters degree, I don't know for sure but speculate that your training teaches you to use voice inflection, body language and the look in their eyes to "read between the lines". I think it would be very difficult to read someone's inner thoughts by reading a brief typed text. There was nothing in his post that suggested legal action, but then again, I am not a mind reader.


Just for grins, what do you see "between the lines", in my writing?

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Lies of ommission are still lies.


I assume that the omission of additional information is because it is no one's business if the OP doesn't want to make it their business. Leaving something out is not necessarily a lie of any type, regardless of how much so many CC'rs seem to feel their entitled to every detail...probably so they can back up whatever hasty decision they jumped to. And even if the OP is seeking compensation...it's still no one's business but his.

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I did understand your post and I knew you were being dramatic for a point. I can comprehend. :rolleyes:


My point is it doesn't matter what your understanding is of his post was that's your understanding. That's the way you (a general you) interpretted it. Someone else comes along and reads it and interprets it a totally different way. Doesn't mean they are wrong and you are right or vice versa. It means people have different interpretations of the same event/post.


I think some are trying to create drama where there really isn't any. Differing interpretations with very limited facts is bound to happen. But I'm sure OP knew that when they posted what they did.

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Not having a Masters degree, I don't know for sure but speculate that your training teaches you to use voice inflection, body language and the look in their eyes to "read between the lines". I think it would be very difficult to read someone's inner thoughts by reading a brief typed text. There was nothing in his post that suggested legal action, but then again, I am not a mind reader.


Just for grins, what do you see "between the lines", in my writing?


You are absolutely correct, but written word is telling also. This is why many counselors have their patients journal. In addition to it being cathartic for the patient, when shared with the counselor, it does tell a story in its own right.


And as for your question, I'd tell you but then I'd have to send you a bill ;)


Going to clean the house and do laundry now, ya'll have a good day :)

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I did understand your post and I knew you were being dramatic for a point. I can comprehend. :rolleyes:


My point is it doesn't matter what your understanding is of his post was that's your understanding. That's the way you (a general you) interpretted it. Someone else comes along and reads it and interprets it a totally different way. Doesn't mean they are wrong and you are right or vice versa. It means people have different interpretations of the same event/post.


I think some are trying to create drama where there really isn't any. Differing interpretations with very limited facts is bound to happen. But I'm sure OP knew that when they posted what they did.


That's part the problem, people are interpreting something that doesn't require interpreting. All the OP was seeking was information, not opinions, judgmental attitudes nor psychological evaluation. Yet, he received everything but the information.


You (a general you) can read threads all over this forum, where this happens on a very regular basis and it seems to be many of the same people taking the pot shots.

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I think some are trying to create drama where there really isn't any. Differing interpretations with very limited facts is bound to happen. But I'm sure OP knew that when they posted what they did.


LOL... absolutely on all 3 counts.


I assume that the omission of additional information is because it is no one's business if the OP doesn't want to make it their business. Leaving something out is not necessarily a lie of any type, regardless of how much so many CC'rs seem to feel their entitled to every detail...probably so they can back up whatever hasty decision they jumped to. And even if the OP is seeking compensation...it's still no one's business but his.






That's very true, but when you post on a public message forum, you open yourself up, unfortunate sometimes, but that's what happens.




That's part the problem, people are interpreting something that doesn't require interpreting. All the OP was seeking was information, not opinions, judgmental attitudes nor psychological evaluation. Yet, he received everything but the information.







Yes...you are very right in all you say here, but your last sentence...think about it. Yet, he received everything but the information

I make no assumption on this guy going after money, but I did/do assume he wanted nothing more than to stir a pot..and he did a great job!! :D

I believe he got EXACTLY what he was looking for.




Assuming is wrong. I won't deny that....but it's human nature.

It's a message board. There are a LOT of people on here and everyone comes to their own conclusions and interprets all these written words differently.

The OP didn't just come on and ask 'What is the address to contact Carnival?', he put out a 'teaser' like another poster called it a page or two back....not a lot of info, but more than he should have if he wasn't interested in sharing his experience without causing a 'hot thread'


Brilliantly done IMO because everyone is yapping at each other.

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You are absolutely correct, but written word is telling also. This is why many counselors have their patients journal. In addition to it being cathartic for the patient, when shared with the counselor, it does tell a story in its own right.


And as for your question, I'd tell you but then I'd have to send you a bill ;)


Going to clean the house and do laundry now, ya'll have a good day :)

Aren't most journals more than a half dozen sentences? Aren't most journals considered the author's inner thoughts and feelings? Not quite the same thing as a post on a public message board asking for information.


Are you going to bill the OP? You certainly psychoanalyzed him, right here for everyone to see. Besides that, I think that's just a cop out.

But that was a cute answer.

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This is a message board. People are going to assume. People are going to state opinions on matters which are none of their business. People will answer questions that weren't asked. That's not going to change. Complaining about it, demanding that people stop doing it, etc., etc, will not change human behavior. Best to accept it or don't visit message boards.

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