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Live From The Sun!


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Debbie, I didnt hear a thing other than the prop wash or wake of the ship. Nothing from the Vista Lounge at all. Sun was on the balcony in late afternoons. We actually got some sun in and a nap or too. It was very relaxing out there. There is sun at times but not the best. I did get some great sunrise shots though. The only negative would be,,,,,, all that fine crystal they give you for wine might rattle abit if it gets rough. I couldnt finish all the free booze in the mini bar.

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We were on the Sun 18 to 28 January, and had some fun rough seas. The fun was trying to take the ballroom dance lessons--try cha-cha'ing to the left while the ship is tilting to the right! Same thing with the line dancing.


We had a great time (well, my husband did have 2-1/2 days in quarantine because he had the norovirus; but they took excellent care of him).

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Just Cruzin



Thanks for the information about D753. Now I am getting beyond excited about our March 19 cruise on the Sun. Lucky you, getting an upgrade. I thought about taking a chance and just booking a mini-suite but the Sun only has 6 full suites and this was the last one and that was back in August when I first booked this trip. So unless someone fails to make this trip that booked a suite (and it will not be us) there probably won't be any upgrades this trip.


Looking forward to all the perks, someone said something about free laundry and dry cleaning (to me that is a great perk)....I could actually take home clean clothes........


Thanks for all you information about the Sun. Nice of you to take the time.



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We utilized the free dry-cleaning,pressing service & laundry almost everyday.Great service and a nice perk.Just fill out the forms,enclose them into the bags provided and voila...it get's returned to your room free of charge.Nice to come home with clean clothes...

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Hi people. Read this whole thread last night. Off on the Sun Princess next week for 10 days Eastern Carib. I recalled just now that 'cruserforlife' mentioned he had 3 shore excursions cancelled due weather. Surely he didn't end up paying for this??


Cheers, looking forward to next week. Hope it's warm, I'm sick of snow!!

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Actually,2 excursions were cancelled (1 was credited back to my shipboard folio since it was booked through Princess),the other has already been credited back to my card,and the 3rd. was actually cancelled by our group since on the day of our excursion,the seas were still very rough and all the scheduled excursions through the ship had been cancelled that day.


Kathleen @ HighPockets,a daysail in St.Thomas is still playing hardball and doesn't want to return our deposits because we cancelled without giving 48 hrs. notice.We are still working on her...

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:o We are getting ready for the Feb. 17th cruise on the Sun. Some of us have made arrangements to take a tour on our own with Lawrence of Antigua. Do any of you know anything about that tour? It sounds like great fun but I am always hesitant to take any trips outside of the cruise lines for safety reasons. I guess if enough of us go, we should all be ok and we don't pay till we get back from the tour so he can't run off on us.


Cruzin Chris, Keep those postings coming! We loved all the day-by-day postings from CFL and Host Anne and I plan to try and do some updating to this thread while I am on board.


7 days left till sail-away and it will be our turn!!!

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Hi people. Read this whole thread last night. Off on the Sun Princess next week for 10 days Eastern Carib. I recalled just now that 'cruserforlife' mentioned he had 3 shore excursions cancelled due weather. Surely he didn't end up paying for this??


Cheers, looking forward to next week. Hope it's warm, I'm sick of snow!!

Hello Virgin Aussi Cruisers! Be sure to go check out the thread below where we have the postings for the Feb 17th thread on the Sun. We are planning a sail-away get-together and have an excursion planned to Antigua. You are welcome to join in on the fun with us.




7 days and counting!:rolleyes:

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cruzzers ~ we didn't use Lawrence of Antigua but we did see his van at the Lord Nelson Dockyard when we were there. The van looked very nice and the person I would assume was Lawrence looked nice, too! ;) We have done many tours such as Lawrence's on our own over the year and they've always been great. In fact some turned out to be the most fun we've ever had.


Entertainment -- yes, it was pretty un-memorable (is that a word????) :) If I ever get around to working on my review, I share thoughts in more detail but the short version is there wasn't any WOW stuff on the Sun. I saw one production show and it was very good (I admire the hard work the singers, dancers and band put in) and there was a comedian early on that was great. But other than that, there's wasn't anything terrific. Some folks said the ventriliquist was funny but we missed him. The piano singer in the atrium lounge towards the end of the cruise (someone else was in this lounge earlier in the cruise) was without a doubt the worst singer I've heard on a ship in the 14 years I've been sailing. Some of the staff in the crew talent show sang much better. It was pretty scary! There were also at least three nights that the Vista lounge didn't have a show but showed a movie.


Sorry I couldn't be more upbeat about the entertainment. We still had a great time!

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:o We are getting ready for the Feb. 17th cruise on the Sun. Some of us have made arrangements to take a tour on our own with Lawrence of Antigua. Do any of you know anything about that tour? It sounds like great fun but I am always hesitant to take any trips outside of the cruise lines for safety reasons. I guess if enough of us go, we should all be ok and we don't pay till we get back from the tour so he can't run off on us.


I can help you on this one. I used Lawrence for a tour this past October when I cruised on the Maasdam. He will meet you a few blocks from the pier with a sign which has your name on it along with others who booked the same tour. There were 4 of us from the Maasdam and the rest were from a Princess ship. You will board a small van similar to those on most islands. Lawrence will drive you through town while providing information on the island and it's history. You will go to the National Park Museum, Shirley Heights, Nelson's Stockyard, a Rainforest, and a Beach stop at Turner's Beach. Turner's Beach is the regular stop - HOWEVER, if you choose to go to another one, ask before you go - ie. Long Beach. See if others on the tour want to change beaches. Turner's is nice though and very relaxing. The group decides how long to stay - 2-3 hrs. Lawrence will take those who don't want to stop at the beach back to the ship. He will return at the agreed upon time to pick up the beachcombers. For the price - it's not a bad deal I think. It's almost a whole day for $25 plus $5 park admission.


See you at the pier cruzzers as we are on the next cruise (different itenerary).

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we booked with Lawrence for March, seems like a great guy.


Thanks Anne, lately I haven't been into the shows much anyway, once you've seen one...


The best show I have ever been to was a hypnotist, funny stuff. I would have never believed it wasn't fixed except I met some of the people beforehand.


Last year on Carnival we (and about 90% of the others) walked out on the ventriloquist.

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I can't say that any of the "Broadway" shows stood out as memorable either.

I do appreciate a good show as well as the next guy but wasn't wowed by anything I saw.Did miss the ventriliguist and heard he was very funny.Saw a couple of comedian's shows and remember not laughing one time.


Wasn't terrible humor but wasn't anything super either.


Like you said..."seen one...

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RE: Shore excursions. I had the Jost Van Dyck excursion cancelled right before I left home. I think on day two I got a note in the cabin indicating that this tour had been cancelled by the operator. SO, I guess that explains that.


CFL: Kathleen makes it very clear on both her website and on the email she sends that there is a 48 hours cancellation policy. I hate to say this, but I think she's got a right to stand her ground.


We had scorchingly hot weather yesterday after some tropical showers in the AM at St. Vincent. We walked ashore for a quick peek around town. This is not a "touristy" place though we felt comfortable among the locals.


Today in Greneda the weather is also scorching. There is still very much evidence of the destruction of the hurricane though the locals are trying very hard to get things up and running. The Grand Anse beach in the distance looks fabulous. I just don't have the energy to run around in the heat and head over there. That may have something to do with closing Shooting STars last night.


On Wednesday night we had a fab meal at the Sterling Steakhouse and were treated to very personalized service. To celebrate Mom's b-day Juliet sent a us bottle of wine and the Maitre D' had a special cake made by the pastry chef. (We arranged this all in advance. IT wasn't the regular b-day cake but something special. Boy was she surprised!)


To top this off and keep the b-day week rolling, we were invited to the Bridge last night for sailaway from St. Vincent. What an experience!! Obviously something I've wanted to do forever, but a real treat for my mom. Captain Kent is quite charming and it's amazing how the slightest touch a control elicits a clear and immediate response in the ship. I think I may need to change careers!!


Last night was Continental night, formerly known as French night. I had excellent pate, french onion soup and duck a la' orange. Mom had the turbot and found it to salty for her low sodium pallet.


The service and crew have been beyond outstanding!! I really enjoy chatting with them. We're looking forward to the most frequent traveled party, also in the Library this week. Our invites arrived last night. yeah - more canapes!


I don't know anything about Lawrence and shore excursions with him! Sorry!


That's all I know right now, except that I really, really adore this ship. SHe is an old friend and I feel I know her by heart. She is joy to be aboard and is being lovingly cared for!


FOr those of you into the "sewer smell", I still haven't detected it....

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Thanks for the update and keep 'em coming.


I realize that Kathleen @ HighPockets has the "right" to hold our deposit but since every excursion booked through the ship that day in St.Thomas was cancelled due to 12' swells and that we had just come off a rough sea excursion the day before in Tortola,our group felt that another day in rough seas wouldn't be prudent and decided as a group to cancel.If she thinks,based on those conditions,that it is a smarter business decision to keep our deposits,more power to her but there was no way we were going back out to sea that day.End of story.


The pate & escargot on Continental night were both superb and yes,Captain Kent does have a quick wit about him.I thought the Turbot was delicious but maybe someone slipped a little too much salt in your mom's.All the seafood I ate was terrific for my tastes.




The laundry/dry cleaning service isn't free in the mini-suites unless you are a Platinum/Elite member.

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ru and CFL..I agree...once you've cruised frequently the production numbers seem to be "old"..too bad in a way...(thinking back fondly about my first cruise and how special it was!:)

Our friends said the ventriloquist and one of the comedians were quite good...

CruisinChris..glad your Mom is enjoying all of her birthday surprises... Keep the reports coming...


Your comment about "scorching" weather makes me smile...I agree..that coming from the North in the winter..the islands seem 'scorching'..we here in South FL are having a cold spell today at 60..I am sitting at my computer in sweats and socks...while I'm sure 3 miles from here at the beach there are northerners sunbathing and trying out the hotel pools! BRRR!!!

Years ago I was moving from MI to GA...I had to look at real estate in GA in early April.. (temps in the 80s and not at all humid).had trouble keeping up with my real estate agent who was 7 mos pregnant....the heat about KILLED me! That first summer was the hottest I think I've ever been....you do get used to it!

Have fun!

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Chris ~ I have to agree with CFL on the High Pockets excursion. I was actually the person who called and talked to Kathleen to cancel. I had attempted to email her a cancellation the day before (she said she didn't get the email .... but it wouldn't have mattered as we were still not within her 48 hr cancellation period).


The problem was that the seas were such that no one would have enjoyed the day sailing when we were scheduled to go with them. We took the ferry to St. John (we've been there many times) and I've never seen waves and seas like I saw last Friday. They closed Trunk Bay! There were a handful of sailboats out that day, at best...I watched carefully. Certainly, Kathleen has to make a living and had some costs (food) involved that she couldn't recover for that day. But considering the sea conditions, I think she could have worked with us a little more, perhaps charging us for food costs or offering to hold the deposit towards a future visit. She charged us 50% of the fare. Bottom line is in the long run she'll lose a lot more because businesses like hers succeed on good references. I'm afraid we won't be able to do that for her. I'm sure many people try to take advantage of these kinds of situations and she gets burnt sometimes. We weren't trying to do that and given the sea conditions that day, I think she could have understood that.


I can honestly say we were ALL happier to be on land that day.


Glad you're having a good time! Seems like weeks since we were there.

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I have sailed in the Virgin Islands many times, and in even the roughest weather, there are sheltered islands and bays that are smooth and calm. The captain of the boat should have the experience and knowledge to provide a safe and comfortable trip to the passengers. I have sailed with Kathleen a few times an I assure you she is very competent and knowledgeable of the local area. It would not be in her best interest to take a bunch of people out and have them NOT have a good time.


It would appear that the group chose to substitute their judgment for that of the captain. Since they are the customer, they certainly have the right to do that, but they have to pay for that right. When you booked the sail, you entered into a contract. If you fail to live up to the contract, there is a cost involved, as is stated at the web site. With more than 48 hours notice, she may have been able to schedule another party. If she is only charging you 50%, that sound pretty fair to me. If you cancelled outside of the 48 hours , then I think you are completely correct, and no fee is due.


Just my opinion

Fair winds


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:confused: Can any of you tell me if the Sun has a special caribbean night where the party is set up outside on the deck with streamers, favors, and all the favorite dances? We had that on the Golden and the Grand and it was very exciting and fun. I think almost everyone on the entire ship joined in for the celebration with 2 really good bands playing and the biggest congo line I have ever seen. Hopefully we will get to experience that again on the cruise we sail on Feb. 17. Can't wait with only 5 more days left before we sail.


For those of you on board now, have fun and take good care of the Sun for us! For those of you sailing on the Sun on Feb. 17th, See you soon!

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