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The Amsterdam's 1st visit to Anchorage


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I am currently on the Amsterdam and yesterday was our port day in Anchorage. Glorious sunshine.

I have emailed this info to one of the folks making a later cruise on this same itinerary so she'll probably post it in the appropriate Tips/Hints Roll Call topic but I thought I'd also post here for those who don't read the Roll Call or who perhaps haven't yet booked this awesome 14 day itinerary.


Unlike other ports, in Anchorage passengers may NOT walk from the port to town. Passengers may not walk anywhere inside the port. Not only is this info printed in the day's Daily Newsletter, but there are also stanchions along the end of the gangway saying 'No Guests Beyond This Point'. No friends/family of passengers are allowed inside the port to pick up passengers. These are port of Alaska rules.


There are taxicabs lined up to take passengers if they wish. Also, the port provides a free shuttle to Egan Convention Welcome Center downtown. The free shuttle starts at 9:00am, runs about every 20 minutes, more often towards the end of the day. Last shuttle is 8:30pm.

The first passengers were off the ship by 7:11am, seemed to be ones with independent plans since they walked directly to the taxis.


I was in the Crows Nest by 5am to watch the ship cruise into port. I was surprised, since it's the first cruise ship in a lot of years, that there was no news media or dignitaries to meet it. I think there might have been later in the day.


If you have questions, I'll be back here again tomorrow to answer them.

From the Amsterdam, currently in HOmer AK where is is once again SUNNY.

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Hi there, I can tell ya as an Alaskan I am really excited that you landed yesterday. I hope you had a great time in Anchorage and went out and explored.


I have been to the Port of Anchorage many times and the thing is its a working port. Its not set up for cruise passangers per sae or even pleasure boats for the most part. Its used quite a bit but its more of a working port is the thing. Also most people who have pleasure boats and live in the Anchorage area keep them in whitter and/or Seward.


Im sorry if you felt unwelcome at the port. I think its also for your safty and the safty of others. The rules might change if more ships actually land in Anchorage.


Also enjoy Homer its a gourgous city. I am so envious that you got to sail up Cook Inlet and also envious at all the places you go on your cruise :)



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You may not have been officially greeted but you were seen and photographed by many folks.


that is good news about the taxi's being so handy and apparently able to return you to your ship.



I was watching on the news in the am when the ship sailed in to CI. I actually got up a half hour earlier then I needed to in order to watch thats how excited I was and still am. I think its awesome :).



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Just wish that itinerary spent longer in Kodiak, I'm told the "drive-by" stream fishing there is great !


Kodiak is truly a wonderful place. I love it when I go there. I always want to stay longer. There is a lot to see and do thats for sure. The itenary of this cruise is great. It hits some wonderful places thats for sure and being able to get right in to Anchorage and cruising up CI is great as well.


Adri :)

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NMLady - Thanks so much for posting such detailed information about the shuttle service and port restrictions. It really helps us "planners" to decide how to plan our independent excursions.


If you get the chance, I would love to know how the shuttle worked in Homer. I've been busy pressing the "refresh" button on the Homer webcam in hopes of seeing the Amsterdam at the end of the Homer Spit today, but so far no luck, since the webcam is frozen at 8:53 am for some reason.

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Just wish that itinerary spent longer in Kodiak, I'm told the "drive-by" stream fishing there is great !


Hope you're right - we're hooking up with a local guide to go out and try some flyfishing as soon as we dock. (and yes, a longer day would have been nice but alas, we are at the captain's mercy :p)

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Does any one have an idea how much the Taxi fare is from the port to The Eagan Center?Or know how I can find out?


They have a free shuttle and also the taxi ride will not be that much. The port is very close to the eagan center. Put it this way if you did not have bags and did not mind walking up hill you could walk it. I dont suggest walking it with bags though dont get me wrong and it is up hill. But Im guessing the rate would be around 10.00. If its way over that I would holler lol.


Adri :)

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Hi NMLady - thanx so much for posting!! Glad you had a wonderful time in Anchorage! Sounds like things have all fallen into place. We leave in just six more days, so I won't have the pleasure of reading your reviews and helpful hints and tips, because we'll be sailing on the Amsterdam!!! YAY!!!;) Watched a news clip of some passengers being interviewed in Anchorage - there was a dark haired woman who said she was spending her day in Anchorage w/friends. I recall you saying on the Roll Calls that you and your Joe were meeting w/friends in Anchorage - was that you that was interviewed??? How cool!


Please can you tell me what the temperatures have been in ports. Bob Brown has been posting occassionally, and its been helpful when he tells us if its been raining, or cool or windy - but sure would like to know some temps. People appeared to be dressed in light jackets or sweatshirts in Anchorage - did you find that to be the case? The weather channel says it was supposed to go up to 60 the day you arrived in Anchorage, just curious to see if it was.


Thanks again for posting! Looking forward to your next post. Enjoy the rest of your sailing - hope smooth seas and warm weather usher you back to Seattle. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Woo-hoo!


Adri - put the kettle on, we still plan on stopping to see you when we're in Anchorage on June 7th! When we get to your garden center, do I just ask for Adri? Will everyone know what I'm talking about?

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Hi NMLady - thanx so much for posting!! Glad you had a wonderful time in Anchorage! Sounds like things have all fallen into place. We leave in just six more days, so I won't have the pleasure of reading your reviews and helpful hints and tips, because we'll be sailing on the Amsterdam!!! YAY!!!;) Watched a news clip of some passengers being interviewed in Anchorage - there was a dark haired woman who said she was spending her day in Anchorage w/friends. I recall you saying on the Roll Calls that you and your Joe were meeting w/friends in Anchorage - was that you that was interviewed??? How cool!


Please can you tell me what the temperatures have been in ports. Bob Brown has been posting occassionally, and its been helpful when he tells us if its been raining, or cool or windy - but sure would like to know some temps. People appeared to be dressed in light jackets or sweatshirts in Anchorage - did you find that to be the case? The weather channel says it was supposed to go up to 60 the day you arrived in Anchorage, just curious to see if it was.


Thanks again for posting! Looking forward to your next post. Enjoy the rest of your sailing - hope smooth seas and warm weather usher you back to Seattle. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Woo-hoo!


Adri - put the kettle on, we still plan on stopping to see you when we're in Anchorage on June 7th! When we get to your garden center, do I just ask for Adri? Will everyone know what I'm talking about?



Yes you can ask for Adri and sence thier are only two of us that work here thats My mother and me. My dad also helps when he can but we are it. We are the Crew/owners, chief waterers, planters, entertainers, jugglers etc. I am so excited I cant wait to meet you. Its a small farm and homestead. We have chickens and I can give you a tour of our small alaskan homestead. :)



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Oh that will be perfect, Adri! We will be delighted to meet you and have a tour of the homestead. You gave such succint directions that I'm certain we'll have no problem finding the place. We'll probably stop on our way out to Martin Buser's dog camp and take the afternoon tour he provides - but that isn't written in stone. May not be til the afternoon til we get to see you - depends on how quickly we can disembark in Anchorage and get our rental car to be on our way. Looks like the May 17th sailing had no problems for folks on non-ship excursions, with cabs coming to pick everyone up. Excellent news! Hoping to be the first off and getting our rental car by 8 at the latest - fingers crossed! See you on the 7th!

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Oh that will be perfect, Adri! We will be delighted to meet you and have a tour of the homestead. You gave such succint directions that I'm certain we'll have no problem finding the place. We'll probably stop on our way out to Martin Buser's dog camp and take the afternoon tour he provides - but that isn't written in stone. May not be til the afternoon til we get to see you - depends on how quickly we can disembark in Anchorage and get our rental car to be on our way. Looks like the May 17th sailing had no problems for folks on non-ship excursions, with cabs coming to pick everyone up. Excellent news! Hoping to be the first off and getting our rental car by 8 at the latest - fingers crossed! See you on the 7th!



Your welcome and Im so excited to meet you. Feel free to stop by before or after the tour with Martin Buser. He is a great guy and his kennel is top notch. I will be thier as our hours are 9:00am to 7:00pm. I hope its a beatiful day out and cant wait to show you our humble homestead. Its litterly where I grew up so I know it well lol.


Adri :)

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Can you tell me more about the dog camp you are going to? I would love to do that. I am a dog lover (had an Alaskan malamute). Are you looking for any spare passengers ??:) Karen


Oh that will be perfect, Adri! We will be delighted to meet you and have a tour of the homestead. You gave such succint directions that I'm certain we'll have no problem finding the place. We'll probably stop on our way out to Martin Buser's dog camp and take the afternoon tour he provides - but that isn't written in stone. May not be til the afternoon til we get to see you - depends on how quickly we can disembark in Anchorage and get our rental car to be on our way. Looks like the May 17th sailing had no problems for folks on non-ship excursions, with cabs coming to pick everyone up. Excellent news! Hoping to be the first off and getting our rental car by 8 at the latest - fingers crossed! See you on the 7th!
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Karen - www.buserdog.com. Martin Buser is a past winner of the Iditarod, and appears ot have just a wonderful personaility, amazing work ethic and love for the sport of mushing. Check it out!



He is fantastic and a wonderful person. I cant wait for you to meet him and see his kennel. Also I cant wait to see you as well.


Adri :)

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If you get the chance, I would love to know how the shuttle worked in Homer. I've been busy pressing the "refresh" button on the Homer webcam in hopes of seeing the Amsterdam at the end of the Homer Spit today, but so far no luck, since the webcam is frozen at 8:53 am for some reason.


Someone posted from Homer on the HAL board: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1207506


Summary: "Homer, appears charming from a distance, but that is as close as we got. We never got a chance to see the downtown. After my family made it's way off the ship and approached the town shuttles, we were met with the information that unlike Anchorage, the shuttle was not free.

In fact, it costs 15 dollars a person round trip, and does not even take you to the shops located near the ship, but rather into town which has limited offerings in terms of shopping."

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Someone posted from Homer on the HAL board: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1207506


Summary: "Homer, appears charming from a distance, but that is as close as we got. We never got a chance to see the downtown. After my family made it's way off the ship and approached the town shuttles, we were met with the information that unlike Anchorage, the shuttle was not free.

In fact, it costs 15 dollars a person round trip, and does not even take you to the shops located near the ship, but rather into town which has limited offerings in terms of shopping."


Thank you for the info. We'll have to work that into the equation of what we want to do. $60.00 could go a long way at the Salty Dawg...

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Hi there, I can tell ya as an Alaskan I am really excited that you landed yesterday. I hope you had a great time in Anchorage and went out and explored.


I have been to the Port of Anchorage many times and the thing is its a working port. Its not set up for cruise passangers per sae or even pleasure boats for the most part. Its used quite a bit but its more of a working port is the thing. Also most people who have pleasure boats and live in the Anchorage area keep them in whitter and/or Seward.


Im sorry if you felt unwelcome at the port. I think its also for your safty and the safty of others. The rules might change if more ships actually land in Anchorage.


Also enjoy Homer its a gourgous city. I am so envious that you got to sail up Cook Inlet and also envious at all the places you go on your cruise :)




I didn't feel unwelcome at the port, I was simply letting other folks here know those rules since those aren't common port rules.

I went out to the Native Heritage Center in the morning. That was really interesting. On the way back we saw a mother moose and her two cute little calves walking near the road.

In the afternoon friends of mine who live in Anchorage picked my husband and I up at Egan Center and gave us a royal tour of the area. My husband has a private pilot's license so among the sights we went to were Merril Field and Ft Hood airport/seaplane base. We also went out to POtter's Marsh where we saw eagles as well as other birds, went to the chocolate factory at Wildberry Park, to our friends' home, to various parts of Anchorage including Earthquake Park and the Airport Park overlook. We had delicious seafood chowder at a small cafe (Uncle Chuck's, or some such name) and then took the 7pm shuttle from Egan Center back to the ship.

It was an awesome day.

I am enamored of all the beautiful scenery in Alaska. So many mountians, and all are covered with snow. In Anchorage the weather was clear enough that we could actually see the top of Denali (Mt McKinley).

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Actually the shuttle bus DID have stops on the Spit closer to the ship in addition to the stops in town.

The shuttle bus had 5 scheduled stops and those shops on the Spit and the Sawlty Dog were among the 5 stops. The $15 price was for all day, using the shuttle as many times as one wished to use it. It was a 'hop on/hop off' bus. I'm sorry the person didn't realize that. The information had been given in the morning announcement but many people didn't hear the announcement and it wasn't printed in the daily newsletter nor in the info about Homer.

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I didn't feel unwelcome at the port, I was simply letting other folks here know those rules since those aren't common port rules.

I went out to the Native Heritage Center in the morning. That was really interesting. On the way back we saw a mother moose and her two cute little calves walking near the road.

In the afternoon friends of mine who live in Anchorage picked my husband and I up at Egan Center and gave us a royal tour of the area. My husband has a private pilot's license so among the sights we went to were Merril Field and Ft Hood airport/seaplane base. We also went out to POtter's Marsh where we saw eagles as well as other birds, went to the chocolate factory at Wildberry Park, to our friends' home, to various parts of Anchorage including Earthquake Park and the Airport Park overlook. We had delicious seafood chowder at a small cafe (Uncle Chuck's, or some such name) and then took the 7pm shuttle from Egan Center back to the ship.

It was an awesome day.

I am enamored of all the beautiful scenery in Alaska. So many mountians, and all are covered with snow. In Anchorage the weather was clear enough that we could actually see the top of Denali (Mt McKinley).



I am so glad that you felt welcome and had a great time in Anchorage. I am also glad you got a chance to see some of Anchorage and see your friends.


Also I hope your husband enjoyed Lake Hood and all the float planes. It sounds like you got to see a lot of Anchorage and I am so glad. You went to some of the great places to see like Potters Marsh for example. It sounds like fun.


I am envious on your itenary. Homer is fabulous and Kodiak rocks. I have been all over Alaska and Homer and Kodiak are two of my fave places well besides Home. I am a water baby so love places by the water. I live on a Lake here where I live in Ak.


Adri :)

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also about the cabs were there minivan cabs to hold six. Thanks


In Anchorage there were minivan cabs that could hold 6 but the problem was evidently the queue order for the cabs had to be followed. There'd be 3 cabs waiting in the area by the ship and another 3-5 cabs waiting a little ways away that replaced the cabs near the ship as cabs were used.

I watched a group of 5 people who didn't fit in a regular cab and even though there was a larger cab further back in the other line, it wasn't sent to the 5 people. Instead, they took 2 cabs. I don't know if that was their choice or if they could have asked someone to send up the larger cab.

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