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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Jennifer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so AWESOME...you are such an inspiration to us. Three short months til you sail and you will be a HOT ONE! Congrats!


Sheri...you will do great and you know I can't stay away from this group. I am just watching the carbs and sugars and the weight is staying off. I think I just got sick of the "formal" dieting and only did 17 days of the 17 Day diet. It may be something I will try again and finsih through but right now...I am just maintaining. Come fall if I haven't taken off the last 15-20 I want to lose...I will be back on HCG. It is tried and true for me and I know that afterwards it IS MY responsibility to keep it off and I know how to do that.

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Nice to see you girls back on here!


Sheri, are you getting excited about starting another round?? How long are you planning on? I will be here for you!!


Terri, good to see you, and glad to see that you are maintaining. That's truly my goal between rounds.


I really don't expect to lose more, I just want to stay where I am! But I will say that I'm considering doing a Zerona laser treatment in August. The hospital that i work at bought one and are offering treatments to employees at a huge disccount. One of my coworkers lost 51 pounds, and has been doing the laser treatment for the last few weeks. She lost 9 inches in 6 treatments! So she is continuing with it, and looking great. I'm thinking about doing 1 series of 9 treatments the month before my cruise to get a few more inches off.


Well, gotta go give one of the poodles a haircut before it gets too hot outside, gonna be 100 again today here!

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Jifner, Yes I cant wait to start.. Tired of being Hot and Fat.. :cool:

mrsgomez, Good to see ya. Wow you are doing great. I am

sure the stress you have going on right now helps keep your

mind off food.

I just bough a copy of a magazine called First it has Dr Oz

picture on the cover and says something about Growth

Hormone Diet - HCG. I haven't read the article yet but I will

let ya girlie know..

Have a great weekend,


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Zerona sounds interesting. Do you know approximately what the treatment costs without employee discount? Just to try and get a ballpark figure as I see one of the dermatologists does it here.

I have had 3 abdominal surgeries, all using the same scar. I do 150-200 sit ups a day, and nothing is budging there. Very interesting, Thanks Jennifer.


Sheri...makes sure to get back to us on that magazine article.


Mrs Gomez...congrats on your upcoming nupitals. Wishing you much happiness and you seem to be doing well with HCG. Are you happy with the results so far?

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Terri, I'm pretty sure that the Zerona is a couple of thousand dollars for a series of 6-9 treatments. i would be paying significantly less, or I wouldn't do it. I'm lucky to work at a hospital where they see the value of helping the employees out to get healthy at a nicely discounted rate! :)

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Terri, I'm pretty sure that the Zerona is a couple of thousand dollars for a series of 6-9 treatments. i would be paying significantly less, or I wouldn't do it. I'm lucky to work at a hospital where they see the value of helping the employees out to get healthy at a nicely discounted rate! :)


Thanks for the info...I did google it and that is about what they are saying it will cost. I will be interested to see how it works for you as there is quite the range of success/unsuccessful stories.

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Hey where is everyone?? This used to be a lively thread

with GREAT support. Are you all busy losing/maintaining and exercising??:p

I hope you all are doing GREAT anyone cruising??

I talked DH into doing the program with me.:D He will start the

lingual drops and I will do the injections. We start loading

next Sunday. wish us much much success..:p

I hope you all come back and check in. Let me know how

your doing..


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yes, I also thought this thread has done up and died! Maybe it just got too skinny and disappeared.

Sheri, I wish you and the hubby lots of luck and endurance for your HCG journey ahead. I would think ti would be fun to do it together like Jennifer and her husband did.


Where are all you other gals and the newbies?????

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I just went to a doctor today, who gives out patches of this. His plan for me was a 700 calorie diet. Of course I thought the same thing anyone eating that few calories would have to lose wieght. But of course they would be shakey and hungry. The hcg is supposed to take away that feeling, and make you lose fat instead of muscle. The price for the program was 400 the first month and 300 each month after that. I don't think so. Can anyone tell me exactly what the diet consist of. Is it mostly protien?


I believe this "diet" can be done just by counting your calories. I do this every day and have slowly lost weight. No supplements or anything. Just eating about 1k calories a day and exercising on top of it 1-2 hours a day. I'm seeing results and I believe this is the healthiest way to lose weight. Healthy eating and exercise is all about losing weight, IMHO. I am never shakey or hungry. I have read that most people mistake the dehydration for the hunger feeling, when you're simply dehydrated and your body telling you to drink water. And besides, it fills you up!

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I believe this "diet" can be done just by counting your calories. I do this every day and have slowly lost weight. No supplements or anything. Just eating about 1k calories a day and exercising on top of it 1-2 hours a day. I'm seeing results and I believe this is the healthiest way to lose weight. Healthy eating and exercise is all about losing weight, IMHO. I am never shakey or hungry. I have read that most people mistake the dehydration for the hunger feeling, when you're simply dehydrated and your body telling you to drink water. And besides, it fills you up!


Congrats on your progress :)and I am glad that this is working for you. Unfortunately for some of us, we don't have 1-2 hours a day to exercise and have tried many diets (for me that includes a 1200 cal. diet) and have had poor results if any at all.

The HCG diet showed me immediate results and made it possible for me to change my eating lifestyle. I do not feel this isn't a safe diet, any diet can have side effects and most of us that have chosen to try this, really did our homework.


I do hope that you did read through the entire thread and I wish you continued success in your weight loss journey.

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Congrats on your progress :)and I am glad that this is working for you. Unfortunately for some of us, we don't have 1-2 hours a day to exercise and have tried many diets (for me that includes a 1200 cal. diet) and have had poor results if any at all.

The HCG diet showed me immediate results and made it possible for me to change my eating lifestyle. I do not feel this isn't a safe diet, any diet can have side effects and most of us that have chosen to try this, really did our homework.


I do hope that you did read through the entire thread and I wish you continued success in your weight loss journey.


I did read through this entire thread but it didn't say much about the diet, and from what I read online about it, it's just another fad diet.


2 hours a day is the max. Sometimes it's 30 minutes, sometimes it's an hour. Depends on what is going on. Maybe once I have kids, that will change, but for now, I have that kind of time.


So if you're only allowed 500 calories a day and only do this diet only 40 days before taking a 6 week break, what happens when you're on that break? Do you eat more than 500 calories? Is there any weening? Do you gradually eat more calories?

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I did read through this entire thread but it didn't say much about the diet, and from what I read online about it, it's just another fad diet.


2 hours a day is the max. Sometimes it's 30 minutes, sometimes it's an hour. Depends on what is going on. Maybe once I have kids, that will change, but for now, I have that kind of time.


So if you're only allowed 500 calories a day and only do this diet only 40 days before taking a 6 week break, what happens when you're on that break? Do you eat more than 500 calories? Is there any weening? Do you gradually eat more calories?


There are injections and drops to use, I used HCG drops.

The 500 calories is for 23-40 days (your choice, I did 23) then you do three weeks of no sugar, no starch and no HCG...you do not count calories. This phase is when your metabolism is re-set.


The next phase you slowly start to introduce sugars and starches, you monitor your weight.


I have found that carbs are not my freind and have chosen a low sugar, low carb eating style. Not that I do not ever have these foods but only in small amounts, and never like I used to put them away!


The book by Dr Simeons is what you need to read and follow if you wanted to do this, you can also get the manuscript on line...just google his name.

There is alot of misinformation on this diet as well as others.

Good luck to you:)

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Hello dear friends!!


I'm baaaaaaaaaaacck!

Hope you missed me :-)

The cruise was awesome. I wasn't very good but I did take the stairs EVERYWHERE unless I was in heels. My family was complaining, lol. I really only think I gained maybe a pound on the cruise but then we did Disney...

BIG MISTAKE to do the Deluxe Dining Plan. They practically force feed you 3x/daily plus 2 snacks. I really tried to drink the water, I promise. That was the thing I most neglected on the cruise as I was on the go all the time and unless I had a water bottle with me, places that served water weren't usually convenient. So, all in all I gained about 5 1/2 lbs. back. Still not bad but those were hard-lost pounds I'd shed and I am NOT happy. I need to count weeks and see when I can go back on hcg.

We had an unexpected surprise fall into our laps, er, computer. I got an offer to sail on the Epic for FREE for their Spain/Italy itinerary! I told hubby there was no way but he insisted that I go and take our youngest as her graduation trip, a year early. So we leave July 31st! If a cruise doesn't motivate you, nothing will!


I have to say, it was so nice knowing that I wouldn't look heavy in pictures this trip. I'm still not where I want to be, but losing 25+ lbs. really does help.


I've missed talking to you guys. How is everyone? Anyone hot yet? lol


Feels like Cheers...



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Well as long as you have the right information on how to use this diet properly and effectively, then go for it!


From what I typed in Google about "HCG diet" has red flags pretty much everywhere. Maybe I was reading the wrong websites?

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Glad you had a great time Liz...and you'll get back on board with the weight loss.

How nice and lucky for you to get to do another cruise so soon! What a nice hubby you got too.

It is an emotional week for me, having to put down our 21 year old cat...so I am trying not to use food for a crutch. Glad that I have the veggies all ready to eat and always keep a bowl of salad on hand. I can't believe how much I LOVE SALAD now. I always remember the VLCD and am so grateful I can eat all the salad I want...LOL


It isn't hot here but you can keep those 100 degree temps down there in Texas B~)

Have great 4th of July everyone, I will work and that is ok. Will be taking the grandkids camping the end of the month, so I get a few days off there.

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Bighorn - may i ask where you ordered from? I was telling some friends about this and they are interested. Thanks



I actually ordered from a local lady who has a shop here (sells lots of things)

If you want to e mail me though, I can hook you up with a reliable site to order online with. They have a great Facebook page and support also.

My e mail is terkatz at yahoo dot com Please add CC into the subject box.

The support on this thread has also been very helpful to many.


Also many of the naturopathic physicians and health food stores carry HCG. I cannot stress enough about reading the manuscript and getting a book. I can also give you the name of a good book if you like when you e mail me. To follow the whole program is key, not just taking HCG and hoping weight comes off, but it is totally worth it.

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Welcome home Liz and Congrats on the cruise.. :p

When is your next round??

Big SO SORRY about your kitty that is so hard. I told DH

no more pets untill we know they will out live us. Too hard.

Ok girls I have a question. DH and I are starting Ph 2 on

July, 5. I use vinegar on my salad DH does not like

vinegar. What did you all useon your salad or do you have suggestions for DH..


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awww Big, that breaks my heart for you. I lost my sweet Luke that way 3 yrs. ago and I will say a prayer for you and your family for comfort. I agree about the food part too, eating through the numbness never helped anyone...Wish you lived closer, I'd grill some chix for ya.

Hey, you don't want our blazing hot weather? Can't understand why!!! lol


Hi Sheri! Good to 'see you' again!! Congrats to you doing this with hubby. Mine considered doing it but instead just made a commitment to go to the gym 100 time before our cruise, he kept it, got rid of the little jiggle around his middle, and didn't need to...creep!!!!!! !!!@*

Ok I did combine a little balsamic vinegar, some dijon mustard, and some lemon juice, plus cut up fresh herbs if I had them, and whisked all that together, put in fridge to solidify a bit, and thinned with water if needed. That was my favorite. Also did the fat free italian as it was allowed. Didn't love that one...

Also, some will take strawberries, puree them, add a little acid, like lemon juice and use that as dressing, I can't remember what else went in that one, sorry!


I need to do this one more time before my trip. I just REALLy am not feeling it yet. But I am up about 8 lbs. now and we all know, what isn't consciously being brought down, WILL go up! So I'm trying to mentally get myself there...


I might join you, I have a friend that needs to do this again so I might go back with her and get going...some days I really hate it and when I'm losing I love it!


Oops, kids need me,



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Thanks girls, it has been a horrible day for us. I can't believe how many "things" we had for our one old girl, that have had to be put away. But I am doing ok with the food issues.

I used the salad spritzers they sell, 10 squirts and no fat...lots of flavors. Gave the salad a taste anyways.


Good ideas Liz, I may have to try some of those myself because they just sound good!


Carry on losers!

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Just checking in to see what you loser's are up to?? Ah a free cruise Goodfor you !!

Big sorry to her about your girl..:(

I only breezed thru the post quickly...

I have been almost on track...spent last week on vacation visiting family and going to Hershey Park:eek:

It was the first time my family has seen me since December ( 40lbs ago):eek:

They were surprised...I did not tell my secret. I was afraid of the response like we all are...I will in time ... I am the skinny one in my family and would love if they got onboard!

I truly miss you ladies !! Thanks for all your Support !

I agree about liking and enjoying salad !!

Have a Happy 4th all and enjoy the salad....

Remeber : Potato salad has bugs on it:p

Eat well,


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Hi my name is George and I'll look into this diet. Which is better to do in losing calories. Either walk a few miles for an hour or 2 or doing the Elipital for an hour or so. I'm sorry about losing your cat. Have a nice day, George

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