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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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I am actually just staring P2, I just edited my post, thanks for pointing that out.

I am very happy to be welcomed to this group, I think it will help ensure my success.

I am cruising on Dec. 23 and again on Feb 27th, I hope to be at my final goal by the Feb cruise which would be to lose 45 pounds, I am ready!!!



Let us know if you have any questions, most are pretty good about getting right back to you. I hope you loaded good, makes those first few days bearable...but most of all...make sure you weigh every morning:)that is alot of incentive to stay on track itself!


Are you doing shots or drops and were you provided with the protocol and literature? Happy to help you any way we can!


Pure green with envy on your upcoming cruises...lucky you!

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Let us know if you have any questions, most are pretty good about getting right back to you. I hope you loaded good, makes those first few days bearable...but most of all...make sure you weigh every morning:)that is alot of incentive to stay on track itself!


Are you doing shots or drops and were you provided with the protocol and literature? Happy to help you any way we can!


Pure green with envy on your upcoming cruises...lucky you!


I am doing the drops, hCG Bodyshaper, they have a lot of good info on their web site plus I have a read Dr. Simeons book and done a lot of research and mental preparation.

Thank you in advance for the support and the help, I am sure as I go I will have a million questions.



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I am doing the drops, hCG Bodyshaper, they have a lot of good info on their web site plus I have a read Dr. Simeons book and done a lot of research and mental preparation.

Thank you in advance for the support and the help, I am sure as I go I will have a million questions.





How was today's weigh in Ed? I'll bet the weight will fly off you:D

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Today was the first time I weighed in for the diet but I am down about 8 pounds from a month ago when I had my physical so that has got my pumped!!!



:DGreat! Weigh every day and you will be motivated to stay on track.


Where are the rest of you? What is your NEW favorite dessert since you started HCG?

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Down 1.8 pounds yesterday!!!!


YEAH that is great..:p Keep it up this is the BEST diet

ever. Remember thin feels better then any food taste. (besides

that after you eat it you feel like crap) :eek:

Big, DH and I eat a half of serving of Fage for dessert

or we eat coco crack.. Yummy

We are addicted to fage :) You packed and ready

to sail?

Robo, I hope you are having the most wonderful time

on your cruise.

Where are the rest of you losers??

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YEAH that is great..:p Keep it up this is the BEST diet

ever. Remember thin feels better then any food taste. (besides

that after you eat it you feel like crap) :eek:


Big, DH and I eat a half of serving of Fage for dessert

or we eat coco crack.. Yummy

We are addicted to fage :) You packed and ready

to sail?


Robo, I hope you are having the most wonderful time

on your cruise.

Where are the rest of you losers??



I just got rid of two weeks of company, so no packing yet but it is on the agenda for this week and week-end.

I also love the Fage yogurt, and coco crack too....LOL


Way to go Ed....keep it up and you will be slimmer for those upcoming TWO:eek: cruises. How are the low calorie days going for you?


I think everyone has deserted us for greener pastures AZ:( Who will man the ship here when we are cruising??????:)

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I just got rid of two weeks of company, so no packing yet but it is on the agenda for this week and week-end.

I also love the Fage yogurt, and coco crack too....LOL


Way to go Ed....keep it up and you will be slimmer for those upcoming TWO:eek: cruises. How are the low calorie days going for you?


I think everyone has deserted us for greener pastures AZ:( Who will man the ship here when we are cruising??????:)


It is going very well, not even hungry today, I was very satisfied with what I ate today. I can't wait to weigh again in the morning.

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Ok, I am from Canada, we can't get them here, possibly a natropathic Dr. But I am going across the border into the US, is there somewhere I can get them there?


Cuise is 3 weeks away and I have been in eat mode. Need help.


Thank you all



Hi and welcome. I know GNC has the drops but I have heard mixed reviews of their product. Anyone else have any ideas of stores that carry HCG?


One thing I would like to mention is that you really should read Dr. Siemons protocol, that there is 4 phases...2 days of loading is Phase 1. 500 calories for a minimum of 21 days(max 40 days) with drops is phase 2. no sugar/no starch for at least 21 days with NO drops is phase 3. Phase 4 is gradually adding sugars and starches into your diet.


To be honest, you should do this as it is meant to be done for good success, and your time constraints before the cruise doesn't make it seem possible, unless you are willing to do phases on your cruise. Of course all this is YOUR decision.


I wish you luck on your weight loss journey and please stop back and let us know how things are going. If you decide to do HCG, stay with us here as there is a wealth of support and information.

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Welcome Ed and Eye! I have a friend in St. Louis whose husband went on the diet, did two rounds and has lost 50 pounds! He looks so much younger! He is going to do another round in Jan.


I totally fell off the wagon, so to speak. I got sick with a sinus infection, got walking pneumonia, and then PLEURISY!!! How weird!!! I am on Leviquin now and lots of nuprin and tylenol for the pain. I worked a 16 hour shift at work (2p - 6a) and fell walking from one building to another in the DARK :eek: in the middle of the night and hurt my ribs. My hands were in the pockets of my jacket and I could not catch myself properly, so I think that is why I hurt my ribs. Anyway, that kept me from coughing deeply, thus the pneumonia and pleurisy - started on that side of my chest.


But I am still down one pound from when I started this abbreviated round! Not complaining about that!


For those of you not medical - Pleurisy is an infection in the lining of the chest. It causes pain when deep breathing, coughing or sneezing, and sometimes JUST BREATHING! Having the experience is mind opening, from just the definition. I have a new appreciation of the condition.


Well, it is now too near Thanksgiving to try a round, so I will just wait. I can't wait to hear about Robo's cruise. So jealous of all the rest of you as my next booked cruise is over a YEAR away.


Hope all are having a loosing day!

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Welcome Ed and Eye! I have a friend in St. Louis whose husband went on the diet' date=' did two rounds and has lost 50 pounds! He looks so much younger! He is going to do another round in Jan.


I totally fell off the wagon, so to speak. I got sick with a sinus infection, got walking pneumonia, and then PLEURISY!!! How weird!!! I am on Leviquin now and lots of nuprin and tylenol for the pain. I worked a 16 hour shift at work (2p - 6a) and fell walking from one building to another in the DARK :eek: in the middle of the night and hurt my ribs. My hands were in the pockets of my jacket and I could not catch myself properly, so I think that is why I hurt my ribs. Anyway, that kept me from coughing deeply, thus the pneumonia and pleurisy - started on that side of my chest.


But I am still down one pound from when I started this abbreviated round! Not complaining about that!


For those of you not medical - Pleurisy is an infection in the lining of the chest. It causes pain when deep breathing, coughing or sneezing, and sometimes JUST BREATHING! Having the experience is mind opening, from just the definition. I have a new appreciation of the condition.


Well, it is now too near Thanksgiving to try a round, so I will just wait. I can't wait to hear about Robo's cruise. So jealous of all the rest of you as my next booked cruise is over a YEAR away.


Hope all are having a loosing day![/size']


WOW Medical...you NEED a cruise ASAP! Take good care of yourself....I can't believe you are working through all this.


I had company for two weeks and went over my 2 pound limit, but cleaned the diet back up and am within 6 ounces of my 2 pound limit. I am stepping up the activity and trying to really watch the diet so I can "afford" the few pounds I will probably gain on my cruise.

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Hi everyone! :::waves vigorously:::


I'm happy to see this board talking about the VLCD. This is my second time around doing it. I don't know much about the HCG diet, though reading through the posts it sounds wonderful. But I am looking to jump in on this forum to gain encouragement and support while doing my diet bc it is extremely difficult.

A little background on me: 2 years ago I weighed 145 (I'm 5'4, 28yrs), I did the VLCD after a 9yr breakup with my ex.. it was easy then for me because I consumed myself in work and got home so late that I was barely hungry, more tired. Anyhoo, I ended up dropping down to 123lbs in about 3 months. I was so happy, felt much better about myself then I ever had. Well slowly but surely I gained it back, I am currently 140. Took a year and half but its back and what was really discouraging is I could no longer fit into my favorite little jeans I could from before. I haven't worn jeans in about 8 months! I wear leggings most of the time because I refuse to go up a size in jeans to accomodate this gain. Now my body likes to sit at 140, so it's going to be extra hard for me to lose the weight again.

But I've been trying. I've tried things like eliminating sugar, starches, drinking only smoothies, sushi diet (don't ask lol), weight loss pills... evrything and nothing has helped! Now I know I only am looking to lose 15lbs but it is so friggin hard!!

I have started the VLCD this past monday and have altered it to my own way, the way I did it back 2 years ago. It requires very small portions or basically the 500-700 calories a day.

Now I know you all are following that specific regime. Mine has been a bit different. I drink 32oz of water with lemon all morning and afternoon to curb hunger. Then at dinner time I've been sticking to a salad with dressing which I make sure to count/calculate the calories per use. I'll also eat a bag of 100 cal popcorn just to curb that snacking thing my body wants. I've had a tangerine here and there, or a handful of cinnamin pretzels for my sweet tooth.

I'm on day 5 today and down 2lbs. Doesn't seem like much which can get discouraging but I know I gotta stick to this diet because I want to be down at least 15lb for our cruise in Feb.

Anyways, since I know most of you can understand the cravings and hunger pains you get while on the VLCD I figured I'd hop on here for support because I could use it on those days I'm craving cheesecake factory or going out to eat.

Goodluck to everyone!! I back each and everyone of you with what you're doing and know how difficult it is...

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Hey Kiddos

Is everyone getting ready for the turkey????? The turkey is good, it is most of the other stuff that gets me into trouble.


How are the losses going Ed? It is always exciting for me to hear about those, especially the 1st rounders. I had a carb filled week-end...and it shows today...so back to eating clean and staying on maintenance track. I just couldn't resist some comfort food with our freezing temps we had this week-end.


9 days until I leave for my Caribbean cruise...yeaaa me....warm weather and sandy toes!

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Ok so I have decided to go ahead an try this even tho I may only be on the actual LVCD for 18-20 days. I am going to do my best in the maintenance part while on my cruise (last cruise I didn't gain, lots of walking)

I found drops at Walmart while I was visiting the USA (Montana) They may not be the ideal drops, but the only thing I have to lose is the weight.

But I would like to ask...could you supplement any meat in the 3.5 oz's? I don't eat a lot of fish and seafood. Could a have a smaller portion of pork? and what about turkey?:confused:


Wish me luck :rolleyes::)

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Ok so I have decided to go ahead an try this even tho I may only be on the actual LVCD for 18-20 days. I am going to do my best in the maintenance part while on my cruise (last cruise I didn't gain, lots of walking)

I found drops at Walmart while I was visiting the USA (Montana) They may not be the ideal drops, but the only thing I have to lose is the weight.

But I would like to ask...could you supplement any meat in the 3.5 oz's? I don't eat a lot of fish and seafood. Could a have a smaller portion of pork? and what about turkey?:confused:


Wish me luck :rolleyes::)



Sheesh! I am in Montana..in Helena...I could have directed you to a place...but that is a different story for a different day.

I will have to see what people are saying about Wal-Mart's brand, really hoping they are good and work for you!:)


You can do cottage cheese, eggs, and probably venison, if you eat game. I will give you a link here to go onto Facebook and they have a great support/question wall and also some AMAZING recipes.http://www.liquidhcgdiet.com/


If and when you decide to do another round...maybe after your cruise and the holidays, you could use this company's drops, as I have heard many good reports. This plan on this site works a tiny bit different, allows a few more calories and some more variety of foods.


Good luck to you and keep letting us know how you are doing.:D

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Thank you very much Bighorn.....well I am on (ok see if I get this right lol) R1P2D2....and something is working as I dropped almost 4 lbs(.2 lbs short). Maybe just luck? I am not looking to win a huge loss for this round but...anything is better than nothing.

I hope eveyone else has a good day on the scale too.

For those who have an off day I have a wonderful quote for you!



"If you stumbled today, remember where and how it felt, and tomorrow take a different path. Life flourishes from its pain and the lessons we gain."

~ by Dodinsky

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Happy Thanksgiving HCG'ers...we have so much to be thankful for including enough (and too much!) food in our lives. Let's concentrate on the best foods for us!


Ed..where are you and how are you doing?

Where are the rest of you? Safe and happy I hope.


I am going to try and do more protein and vegiies for tomorrow...not that I will not partake in a little stuffing and some pie...but try to fill on the better choices.


Love the quote eyeforcruising...an inspiration for sure!

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OK...if you guys all went on a cruise without me...there is going to be trouble! LOL

How did the Thanksgiving feast go for everyone...I think my problem (as there is a gain) was the salty foods I ate...so we will see if that comes off in the next day or two.


Newbies...how is it going?????

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Well, I ate to my hearts content Thanksgiving day. I found myself eating when I wasn't hungry and was miserable. Miserable the next day too. Then Saturday I got some kind of virus and was on the couch all day feeling achy all over. Didn't eat at all. Doing better today and ate a piece of cheese pizza, but not myself yet.


So, I am waiting a bit to start my next round. I want to give my system a couple of days to straighten out. But being sick took me down TWO pounds below my lowest! I am sure that will come back with fluids in a day or two though.


Hope the holiday did little damage for all of you!

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Hi Losers,

A quick check in. Hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving.

Big 3 days till your cruise have a WONDERFUL

time. I want to hear all about it. We will compare notes.:p

We leave for Tampa on Thurs. :D

Robo where are ya girl?? Humm maybe she stayed on

the ship. :cool:

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Hope you get to feeling better medical....losing weight while being sick IS the only up side. Good luck on your next round! YOU got this!



Eyeforcruising...how ya be???? Where in Canada are you located if you don't mind me asking.


AZ...bon voyage to you! I am packed and ready to roll...how about you? Have fun and enjoy yourself...see ya when you get back...well in cyber world anyways;~)

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