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bigger passenger


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Spirit and Allegiant have the highest fees around, but can provide the means to get what you want. Keep in mind that if the flight is canceled for any reason, they do not have another plane available to book you onto, or another flight available. Still a possibility if they go where you need better that anyone else, but you take your chances.


Good luck!

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I am hoping that someone here can give me some guidance.

I do realize try to understand that POS do face challenges we, so called "average sized passengers" don't even think about. I am not trying to cause trouble here but what is the proper etiquette when dealing with a POS next to you. I don't want to fat shame but I don't feel I should have to give up part of my seat for someone else either. How should we have handled this?


Hi Ski-Lady,

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I'm embarrased for the person that treated you that way, he sounds like a rude person, regardless of his size!!! I am a POS and I can assure you that you will get not argument from me when it comes to extra seats. If you cannot fit, you should get another one. I know I get flack from some other POS on this matter but I stand firm. Everyone has paid to have a enjoyable flight (well as much as you can cramped in a tin can!!!) and I don't believe that anyone has the right to encroach on anyone else space.

Having said that there are numerous ways to help stop this from happening (aside from him being a complete jerk which he sounds like!!). I have said it again and again when it comes to travel as a POS, research, research, research and then some more research. For example, many airlines will charge you the extra seat but refund it if the plane is not full (Alaska, Delta etc) so I make sure I choose a flight that I know won't be busy. Or go first class. Much more room there etc. There are options out there for POS to travel in comfort and it not be an issue for anyone else. If we are all respectful then it will never be an issue.

As for how he treated you I am sure you were shocked. Not that you want to start an in flight fight or anything but politely asked that things be done is absolutely acceptable and you should not feel bad for it!!! If the person will not listen then I'm sure the steward will look after it. It has nothing to do with "fat shame" as his behaviour was not a result of being fat, he was being a jerk (perhaps because he knew he was causing an issue and it's a coping mechanism) and that kind of behaviour is just not acceptable.



I know for sure Air Canada and WestJet (perhaps others) offer a free second seat for all domestic flights to POS. There is a lengthy procedure involved. You have to have a form filled out at the doctor, you can only book through the medical department etc so on but this will save you an amazing amount of stress and headache. I have had a permanent medical file for this for over 5 years now and it's the best thing I ever did. I only use up a bit of the extra seat but as I said before it's not fair to whoever might be sitting beside me so I take care of it. If you do get this be sure that when you are checking in you tell the person you have a second seat and go to the person at the gate and tell them too. Sometimes if it's a full flight they get confused as there count is out due to the empty seat and you don't want them filling it by mistake!!!!! LOL


Hope everyone has a great day and happy travels wherever they may take you!!!

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Obesity is becoming the number one disease in America.We have been on several cruises in the last few months and seen more and more obese passengers than ever before. It is sad because they are shortening their lives.


Obesity is not a disease. It can cause disease, but on it's own it is a condition but not a disease.

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I am hoping that someone here can give me some guidance.


I recently flew home from a cruise with my mother who sufferer from Alzheimer so flying is challenging enough for us. We were on a totally full fight and had Economy Comfort seats with Delta. Sitting next to Mom was a POS. Mom started to freak out about it so I traded seats with her. We are both those less than 150Lbs people (Mom is less than 115Lbs). I did have my armrest down but the POS wouldn't fit in his seat with the armrest down. He complained to the flight attendant and I was asked/told to raise the armrest. When he sat down he took up at least 1/3 of my seat. I am sorry to complain but I was not happy. He did make a passing remark about it being a good thing Mom and I were so small. Trying to be funny?


During the flight my fellow passenger could not put his tray table down, due to his size, so he proceeded to put mine down and use it for his items (tablet, phone, work papers, snacks, ect.). This was done without asking me. I was so shocked I didn't say anything. When my mom need to get out to use the restroom we got a comment of "you should have gone before you boarded the plane." I do understand that moving in and out of a seat for a POS is not the easiest thing but come on. I do realize that he had to pick-up his stuff so we could get out and then pick up again when we returned, which is a pain. When I returned to my seat I refused to put my tray table down again in an effort to regain some of my space. Yes, it was passive aggressive, but I was at a loss of what to do with out causing a scene and also upsetting my mom more.


I do realize try to understand that POS do face challenges we, so called "average sized passengers" don't even think about. I am not trying to cause trouble here but what is the proper etiquette when dealing with a POS next to you. I don't want to fat shame but I don't feel I should have to give up part of my seat for someone else either. How should we have handled this?


You are right to be upset, and the FA had absolutely no right to tell you to lift the armrest. You should have refused and demanded the purser. I would follow up with the carrier and ask for compensation--CASH compensation. Your rights were violated, and the flight attendant completely and totally was wrong.


larger passengers do face challenges, however they do not have the right to infringe themselves on other travelers. He should have bought the second seat. Had he tried to use my tray table I would have broken his hand slamming it back in place--and not felt an ounce if guilt for doing so. What nerve he had!

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Anyone have experience with Spirit airlines? I haven't had any trouble on Southwest, or any other line, though one Delta flight, I wasn't sure the seatbelt would make it. But I'm nervous their seats might be smaller. Their flight times are the most convenient on an upcoming trip.


The seats on Spirit are definitely smaller than Delta on all but a very few planes.

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Being a super big lady, flying is terrible. Most of us (not all) hate invading other people space and avoid it whenever possible. I look for planes that have 3 seats and then both my husband and I have the space we need when booking the middle seat. (Seatguru.com is a wonderful site)


I have to fly this month alone and though I can cram myself into a seat and work real hard to fasten a seat belt, I overlap onto the person space next to me. I either have to purchase a second seat or go first class.... whatever is cheapest.

The last time I flew, these are somethings others that don't have to do this might not realize big folks have to tolerate.


If I fly Delta, I must book through an operator, I can't get 2 seats online. That is $25 charge. After purchasing 2 seats, I still am not permitted to take a second carry on. If the flight isn't full, like mine was flying to and from Europe, you don't get any money back for the additional seat you purchased. (meanwhile, our friend who purchased 1 seat and ended up with 3 seats to himself to stretch out on for the 10 hour flight) Later discovered, if I would have purchased my tickets with Air France, I would have gotten a refund.(it was the same plane) Southwest will also refund the cost of a 2nd seat if the plane isn't full.

When I tried to book a second seat on a Air Tran or Trans Air, I forget their name, the booking agent (remember I couldn't book on line) couldn't figure out what I was talking about and it took me forever trying to explain why I needed a 2 seats in the same name. He charged me a fee for calling to book. Later, I spoke with a supervisor and they did take the fee off.


I want to thank those follow passengers that have been kind enough to tolerate the big folk in the seat next to you and speak to us in a considerate manner! Not all of us are inconsiderate to others comfort.


I just wish it didn't cost me even more (fee's for having to call and no extra carry on) plus making it so difficult to do "the right thing"... Airlines wake up and make it easier.


Thank you for being considerate. :) If you have to use an operator to book the tickets because what you need to do can't be done online, they are supposed to waive the fee. if they don't want to, ask for a supervisor. That goes for every legacy.

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Ducklite, I love your packing list...very helpful. Can you tell us what kind of tan pants you show in the photo and where you got them...they look perfect for a cruise.




Eileen Fisher, available in some better department stores, online, and in brick and mortar boutiques around the country. Best pants ever. not cheap but they will last you a decade of once a week wear and laundering. (Not kidding about that!)

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Hi Ski-Lady,

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I'm embarrased for the person that treated you that way, he sounds like a rude person, regardless of his size!!! I am a POS and I can assure you that you will get not argument from me when it comes to extra seats. If you cannot fit, you should get another one. I know I get flack from some other POS on this matter but I stand firm. Everyone has paid to have a enjoyable flight (well as much as you can cramped in a tin can!!!) and I don't believe that anyone has the right to encroach on anyone else space.

Having said that there are numerous ways to help stop this from happening (aside from him being a complete jerk which he sounds like!!). I have said it again and again when it comes to travel as a POS, research, research, research and then some more research. For example, many airlines will charge you the extra seat but refund it if the plane is not full (Alaska, Delta etc) so I make sure I choose a flight that I know won't be busy. Or go first class. Much more room there etc. There are options out there for POS to travel in comfort and it not be an issue for anyone else. If we are all respectful then it will never be an issue.

As for how he treated you I am sure you were shocked. Not that you want to start an in flight fight or anything but politely asked that things be done is absolutely acceptable and you should not feel bad for it!!! If the person will not listen then I'm sure the steward will look after it. It has nothing to do with "fat shame" as his behaviour was not a result of being fat, he was being a jerk (perhaps because he knew he was causing an issue and it's a coping mechanism) and that kind of behaviour is just not acceptable.



I know for sure Air Canada and WestJet (perhaps others) offer a free second seat for all domestic flights to POS. There is a lengthy procedure involved. You have to have a form filled out at the doctor, you can only book through the medical department etc so on but this will save you an amazing amount of stress and headache. I have had a permanent medical file for this for over 5 years now and it's the best thing I ever did. I only use up a bit of the extra seat but as I said before it's not fair to whoever might be sitting beside me so I take care of it. If you do get this be sure that when you are checking in you tell the person you have a second seat and go to the person at the gate and tell them too. Sometimes if it's a full flight they get confused as there count is out due to the empty seat and you don't want them filling it by mistake!!!!! LOL


Hope everyone has a great day and happy travels wherever they may take you!!!


Thank you for being so considerate. My DS got stuck next to a large man on a flight from Chicago to Zurich. He now knows to speak up if that ever happens again.


In the US, Southwest requests that a customer of size book a second seat, using X for their middle name. They then refund it after the flight, even if there is an oversell situation. I th I n I'll email them about the medical documentation and not even charging. Who knows, they might!

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The seats on Spirit are definitely smaller than Delta on all but a very few planes.


Thanks. That's what I gathered. What is frustrating is that they have bigger seats you can reserve, but it won't tell you how much they are or if they are available until after you book the flight. At any rate, Sun Country is now running only $20 higher with no carryon fee. Not quite as good of timing, but I think that's what I'll be doing.

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  • 9 months later...
Thank you for being so considerate. My DS got stuck next to a large man on a flight from Chicago to Zurich. He now knows to speak up if that ever happens again.




In the US, Southwest requests that a customer of size book a second seat, using X for their middle name. They then refund it after the flight, even if there is an oversell situation. I th I n I'll email them about the medical documentation and not even charging. Who knows, they might!



Southwest has stopped refunding the second seat. It was news to me as well, but someone On a different message board posted about it a couple months ago.

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Southwest has stopped refunding the second seat. It was news to me as well, but someone On a different message board posted about it a couple months ago.

Actually, Southwest does still refund the second seat. Usually it is after the fact, but some passengers report that the gate agents are refunding at the start of the flights. Info is available on their website at https://www.southwest.com/html/customer-service/extra-seat/?clk=GFOOTER-CUSTOMER-COS


I'm not sure why someone would have trouble with the refund.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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When flying on Southwest, it is NOT necessary to pre-purchase a second seat. Show up (early!) at check-in, and invoke the Customer of Size policy. Assuming you truly are someone who cannot fit between the armrests (their definition of a COS), you will be issued a second boarding pass for the extra seat at no charge. Even if the plane is oversold.

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So not only do you get a free "extra" seat but someone else gets bumped from their flight? Am I understanding this correctly?


You receive appropriate seating, and someone else who volunteers to fly later is well compensated for doing so.


If that bothers you, you still have the option of pre-purchasing your second seat. It will be refunded, and that way they don't have to bump anyone in order to provide seating to safely accommodate bodies of all sizes.



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You receive appropriate seating, and someone else who volunteers to fly later is well compensated for doing so.


If that bothers you, you still have the option of pre-purchasing your second seat. It will be refunded, and that way they don't have to bump anyone in order to provide seating to safely accommodate bodies of all sizes.




I always pre-purchase the second seat ahead of time. I would feel VERY bad if someone was bumped off a flight because of me. I was once kicked off a flight and believe me it was not fun. IMO it's just the considerate thing to do. After the flight it took less then a week to get my money refunded.



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When flying on Southwest, it is NOT necessary to pre-purchase a second seat. Show up (early!) at check-in, and invoke the Customer of Size policy. Assuming you truly are someone who cannot fit between the armrests (their definition of a COS), you will be issued a second boarding pass for the extra seat at no charge. Even if the plane is oversold.


If the flight is oversold, the COS will be denied boarding if they can't get a volunteer.

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I always pre-purchase the second seat ahead of time. I would feel VERY bad if someone was bumped off a flight because of me. I was once kicked off a flight and believe me it was not fun. IMO it's just the considerate thing to do. After the flight it took less then a week to get my money refunded.




I agree. It's VERY inconsiderate and downright RUDE to just show up and expect someone else to be kicked off the flight for your lack of advance planning or inconsideration.

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I agree. It's VERY inconsiderate and downright RUDE to just show up and expect someone else to be kicked off the flight for your lack of advance planning or inconsideration.



Happens a lot with ultra orthodox men who won't sit next to a woman. Though I haven't heard of a woman actually kicked off, Just flights delayed for hours of musical chairs

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It's not inconsideration or lack of planning. Not everyone has the means to pre-pay for a second seat. If you have that financial privilege and that is your choice, that's fine.


However, the idea to just show up comes directly from SouthWest's Customer of Size policy. If SWA didn't prefer to bump folks (and pay them well to do so, far beyond the cost of their ticket), they could make it possible to reserve a COS second seat without having to pay for it.


I suspect they prefer it the way it is, so they can assure that people claiming to be COS actually are.


Ducklite wrote:

If the flight is oversold, the COS will be denied boarding if they can't get a volunteer.

I have never heard of this happening, and don't know if it's true.


Edited by coach_anne
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It's not inconsideration or lack of planning. Not everyone has the means to pre-pay for a second seat. If you have that financial privilege and that is your choice, that's fine.


However, the idea to just show up comes directly from SouthWest's Customer of Size policy. If SWA didn't prefer to bump folks (and pay them well to do so, far beyond the cost of their ticket), they could make it possible to reserve a COS second seat without having to pay for it.


I suspect they prefer it the way it is, so they can assure that people claiming to be COS actually are.


Ducklite wrote:

I have never heard of this happening, and don't know if it's true.




Sure they will. They will not IDB someone due to the lack of preplanning by another customer. Wh should your refusal to make the needed accommodation disrupt someone else's travels? What makes you so special?

Edited by ducklite
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Have any of you traveled on Jetblue and if so what was their regular seating like? I am a larger person (size 22-24) who also has to wear braces that goes from my toes up to a belt around my waist.


I can fit in a seat on Southwest, but it is tight with the braces. Are the seats on Jetblue wider?

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Have any of you traveled on Jetblue and if so what was their regular seating like? I am a larger person (size 22-24) who also has to wear braces that goes from my toes up to a belt around my waist.


I can fit in a seat on Southwest, but it is tight with the braces. Are the seats on Jetblue wider?



Check out seat guru it tells you about the seat sizes and what you need to know

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I thought I would update on our flight experience. We did end up booking Spirit one way to Las Vegas. We reserved our seats ahead of time for $10 pp. I fit fine in one seat and the belt buckled just fine. It was actually a better fit than the Sun Country seatbelt on the way home. Those planes are definitely tight! I think moving to the middle or window would have been very difficult, but the aisle was good. We had a very pleasant flight. I was quite surprised actually.

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