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Children using hot tubs??


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I've always wondered how it would be to have a relaxing soak in a ship's hot tub but alas I've never been able to get in one for all the (aged under 16) kids that seem to stay in them all day long. I gave up long ago

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I've always wondered how it would be to have a relaxing soak in a ship's hot tub but alas I've never been able to get in one for all the (aged under 16) kids that seem to stay in them all day long. I gave up long ago


Think of all the disease you've saved yourself. You should thank them.

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We used the hot tubs on the Lido deck and had our kids w/us, ages 5 & 2 It was quite chilly on the way to Canada so the hot tubs were the only "pools" being used. They were not HOT, but just right for kids and adults. The hot tub in the spa on the other hand was scorching! Not something I would allow any kid to go in...it was too hot for the adults, never mind the kids!

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I guess I just don't get the controversy. If it is for adults only, or over 16... that is the answer. If there are no age exclusions, kids can get in. I prefer not to be in a hot tub full of kids (or groping adults :D) and will leave if that happens.


I too witnessed diaper dunking in the hot tub on the Victory, and actually tried to sit in a hot tub on the Liberty where a mom was trying to teach her pre-schooler how to swim in the hot tub. The sibling (about 7) was practicing swimming underwater and mom would glare at myself and my 27 year old daughter when we would push the kid off when she bashed into us underwater (head butting in the stomach and legs). We left because it just wasn't worth the struggle.


My kids were fairly well behaved when little but we didn't let them get in the hot tubs regardless of age because they were a pain in the bum and always wanted to bounce around and run back and forth between pool and tub. That just made me miserable so we banned our own kids so we could try to relax a little bit. :o

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Some seem to say "I won't let my kids in a hot tub if it says no kids" A good start. However, I believe every hot tub I have ever seen on a ship says "no users under age 16". I could be wrong.


Others say, "Kids should be allowed if they behave". I assume this means even in tubs clearly marked as over 16 only. This is wrong. Similar to may favorite rant - the dress code: Why do people voluntary select a vacation and pay money to take a cruise knowing the posted rules and feel they can ignore them???


People say "kids pay the same price as adults" I say - "Adults paid for a cruise that says there will be places where adults can relax without a bunch of kids around." Parents more than anyone should appreciate the value of that. There are few places like this aboard a ship. Keep you kids out of where they don't belong.


I basically agree with everything you've written. I didn't notice if the hot tubs indicated 16 or older on our last cruise, we didn't use them. But if they say that then I will be abiding by the rule, no question.


But.....if they are all-ages, then I WILL allow my then-10 and 15 year old to soak (not play, not splash, etc.) WITH my supervision on our next cruise. And they WILL behave or get out. They are old enough to know how to behave in the hot tub or suffer the consequences. Just like they know how to behave elsewhere on the ship, or they will stay home the next time.


Thankfully there are adults-only areas available on the ship. My kids will be nowhere near them, rules are rules. You are free to enjoy these areas without my children, and hopefully without others'. I don't care how much you paid for your kids to be on a ship, if the area is adults-only, then it should BE adults only. But if the area is all-ages, then expect there to be children.


Oh, and I'll make sure the hubby keeps the groping to the confines of our cabin, while I'm at it.

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Bankerbabe - did not want to pull whole post but we could be two peas in a pod. Love that the kids would be kept in line and better yet that hubby will be too. I think a little affection between couples is nice to see but sometimes it goes a little to far. We were on the Miracle a couple of years ago enjoying a nice sambuca in the hot tub with another couple when a couple came in and were just going at it tooth and nail (literally) I told them to get a room. When everyone around us broke into applause they left realizing it was not entertaining to the rest of us. If they had been there much longer would hate to know what was left behind. I actually watch when they drain it an refill it and go in shortly after but not if it is murky looking

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I didn't find the hot tubs on Legend (on deck and the spa) to be too hot at all. I was able to stay in for over an hour and never got too hot. It felt like a warm bath tub--just the way I like it. When I was in the adult only hot tub, a teenage girl got in, but I didn't mind--she just sat there. However, there were a group of kids in the spa whirlpool who were quite rowdy and not supervised. They were probably about 16 or so, and I couldn't remember at what age they were allowed to be in there, so I kept my mouth shut. They did mar the experience a bit.

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Katie...I generally agree. In fact...I agree with nearly everything you wrote there. However...you seem to diminish the importance or necessity of proper adult behavior. Maybe it's just the way you wrote it. But...as a parent of a 9 year old I can tell you it's not a cliche. Having spent the day at Grand Turk recently on a Princess Cruise...I can safely say the conduct of the adults were MUCH MUCH (did I say much?) more out of hand than any children.


I don't mind people having fun...it's a cruise they should! But I really don't get this theory/idea/logic that it's the kids that are the typical rowdy offenders.


Thanks for agreeing with me and I do know that there are adults who drink too much and act like fools. My point was that almost every time someone says anything negative about kids, the parents start about drunk adults. It, at least to me, makes it seem that the parents are trying to justify their behavior by saying two wrongs make it right. I don't agree with that.

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Thanks for agreeing with me and I do know that there are adults who drink too much and act like fools. My point was that almost every time someone says anything negative about kids, the parents start about drunk adults. It, at least to me, makes it seem that the parents are trying to justify their behavior by saying two wrongs make it right. I don't agree with that.


Precisely. The poor behavior of some adults does not give everyone else permission to act as they please, nor for children to act as a pack of wild animals.

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These are our reasons for wanting to use the "adult only" whirlpools


First of all, we are nurses so I want to clear up some false info:

Pregnant women should not use them for several reasons, among them - unnecessarily exposing yourself to pathogens in the hot tub at a time when the stakes are very high - you are making a baby and decisions you make while pregnant can be critical to you babies in utero growth and well being. Second is the body temperature problems - elevated body temperature in a pregnant woman is dangerous and known to cause problems with the fetus, so the high temps in the hot tubs are a problem for pregnant woman. For the average healthy adult or child this is generally pretty well tolerated in the time they are in the hot tub.


With that said - we raised 6 children so we are not people who hate children or are unaware of how good or bad they can be. We want to relax in a hot tub without children - most children find the hot tub boring and are soon playing with the jets, getting in and out a dozen times (yes there are rowdy adults too) but with the other whirlpools available to children and families, why not leave one for the adults only? Jacuzzi tubs are very dangerous to children for a reason we did not see here but as nurses have seen the tragic results....going under the water and having their hair caught in the intake jets - this kills them (and adults too) as they are unable to free themselves and drown. The bubbly nature to the whirlpools can prevents others right in the tub from noticing until it is too late. That is the biggest danger.

ALSO parents beware: When we were on the Dream, they have many whirlpools on the side of deck 5 that are often empty with no one around. We saw unattended children in the 9 or 10 year old age group alone or only with each other several times in the side whirlpools. This is just a accident waiting to happen.

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I also get tired of the "I paid as much for my kids as I did for myself" argument. There are plenty of things that adults can't do and kids can and kids can't do and adults can. It's called life and it's never been fair and doesn't have to be.


You may be right about certain things - but NOT in this instance...hot tubs are not only for kids, or they'd post that... :D If I'm paying full price for my kid, and he's well behaved (which he IS), and he's allowed, they go for it. And I don't have a problem telling my kid no (just ask him, lol), he's disciplined when appropriate, and a great kid b/c of it. He plays hard, and he works hard, and is very well balanced.


But in this instance, you guys are just wrong - you might not like it, but it's still the truth.

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You may be right about certain things - but NOT in this instance...hot tubs are not only for kids, or they'd post that... :D If I'm paying full price for my kid, and he's well behaved (which he IS), and he's allowed, they go for it. And I don't have a problem telling my kid no (just ask him, lol), he's disciplined when appropriate, and a great kid b/c of it. He plays hard, and he works hard, and is very well balanced.


But in this instance, you guys are just wrong - you might not like it, but it's still the truth.



Oops - meant "adults" not "kids" in that first sentance...lol :)

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Katie...I generally agree. In fact...I agree with nearly everything you wrote there. However...you seem to diminish the importance or necessity of proper adult behavior. Maybe it's just the way you wrote it. But...as a parent of a 9 year old I can tell you it's not a cliche. Having spent the day at Grand Turk recently on a Princess Cruise...I can safely say the conduct of the adults were MUCH MUCH (did I say much?) more out of hand than any children.


I don't mind people having fun...it's a cruise they should! But I really don't get this theory/idea/logic that it's the kids that are the typical rowdy offenders.


You said this PERFECTLY! It is NOT a cliche (as anyone who is being honest will agree.) I see it everytime with my own eyes - it's a fact...

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Some seem to say "I won't let my kids in a hot tub if it says no kids" A good start. However, I believe every hot tub I have ever seen on a ship says "no users under age 16". I could be wrong.


Others say, "Kids should be allowed if they behave". I assume this means even in tubs clearly marked as over 16 only. This is wrong. Similar to may favorite rant - the dress code: Why do people voluntary select a vacation and pay money to take a cruise knowing the posted rules and feel they can ignore them???


People say "kids pay the same price as adults" I say - "Adults paid for a cruise that says there will be places where adults can relax without a bunch of kids around." Parents more than anyone should appreciate the value of that. There are few places like this aboard a ship. Keep you kids out of where they don't belong.


I only mean the hot tubs in the general areas, NOT the adults only ones, which was previously stated. There are no general rules that say all hot tubs 16 and over only - if that's the rule, then we'd abide by it, but it's not in the general hot tubs. Not stated anywhere, if it's the rule, then they're not displaying it/telling anyone about it.

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We used the hot tubs on the Lido deck and had our kids w/us, ages 5 & 2 It was quite chilly on the way to Canada so the hot tubs were the only "pools" being used. They were not HOT, but just right for kids and adults. The hot tub in the spa on the other hand was scorching! Not something I would allow any kid to go in...it was too hot for the adults, never mind the kids!



Your 2 year old was potty trained?

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My husband and I enjoy the hot tubs too, and I don't mind kids being in them as long as at least one parent is WITH them in the tub. There are quite a few parents in our experience who turn their kids loose in the hot tub and then go sit by the pool or otherwise disappear, expecting the adults there to keep an eye on them. The last time this happened, the child's mom began walking away after depositing her 5 year old in the tub, and I asked her to please come supervise her child because it wasn't our responsibility and we would be leaving soon. She was angry because we refused to act as baby sitters. Most people aren't like that, but it has happened to us more than once or twice.

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I love how all the parents here are talking about how well behaved their children are. I worked as a camp counselor my summer after HS graduation, I now tutor children in math, aged 6 up through HS, and I've worked with kids all my life. If I had a nickel for every one of the parents who bragged about the "good" behavior of their less than well behaved children, I'd be one rich b**** :cool:

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I only mean the hot tubs in the general areas, NOT the adults only ones, which was previously stated. There are no general rules that say all hot tubs 16 and over only - if that's the rule, then we'd abide by it, but it's not in the general hot tubs. Not stated anywhere, if it's the rule, then they're not displaying it/telling anyone about it.


My next cruise I will make a point of noticing if there are any hot tubs without age restrictions. I have been to many land based resorts and there is always a sign with restrictions. And always there are age restrictions. Maybe I am wrong.


I'd be interested if anyone has a fact based answer...someone who works onboard a cruise ship for example or someone currently ona cruise ship.

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I love how all the parents here are talking about how well behaved their children are. I worked as a camp counselor my summer after HS graduation, I now tutor children in math, aged 6 up through HS, and I've worked with kids all my life. If I had a nickel for every one of the parents who bragged about the "good" behavior of their less than well behaved children, I'd be one rich b**** :cool:

So are you saying you've never seen any of these well behaved children? :confused: If so you are working in the wrong neighborhood.:( Either that or your like my step-dad who just doesn't like kids period.:mad: In which case you are in the wrong profession.:rolleyes: There are well-behaved children, just as there are children who are unruly. I will stand by my kids since they have never been in trouble in school or elsewhere, and have had many teachers, coaches, and strangers compliment them on their behavior and would vouch for their "good" behavior. Children can be raised to behave and the parents of those kids have every right to be proud of them:D...whether you believe them or not.

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All that Carnival posts about the subject


Use of the pools :


Due to United States Public Health (USPH) Regulations, we do not allow children in diapers, in swimming diapers or those not toilet-trained in the pools.


Lifeguards are not on duty.


The pools are not designed for diving.


Use of the pools by guests under 13 without adult supervision is prohibited.

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So are you saying you've never seen any of these well behaved children? :confused:


That's not what the poster is saying at all. She's simply saying some kids aren't as good as they lead their parents to believe.

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