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Murder on NCL Jade?


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exactly and that is what the thread was like about the other death/murder/suicide, whatever it was supposed to be. Never any official reports but several were sure what they say. Only problem none agreed.


Nita LOL


Witnesses to anything rarely do agree. To those of us on this board anything that happens on a cruise ship is interesting and news worthy. The rest of the world doesn't really care. So, unless the crime in question were carried out in some strange fashion it's just one more murder, which isn't news at all.

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It was Professor Plum, with a Candlestick, in the Bistro.


A couple things there, Mr. Pete:


First of all, it's LE Bistro...




And second, that wasn't a candlestick.... (Stay with me now, don't get ahead of the punchline) It was one of those giant fresh ground pepper grinder thingies.... "Would you like some fresh ground pepper?" "Um...this is ice cream... I don't think pepper goes very well with Strawberry."


and I tHaNk yOu::


JWK: Clued In

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A couple things there, Mr. Pete:


First of all, it's LE Bistro...




And second, that wasn't a candlestick.... (Stay with me now, don't get ahead of the punchline) It was one of those giant fresh ground pepper grinder thingies.... "Would you like some fresh ground pepper?" "Um...this is ice cream... I don't think pepper goes very well with Strawberry."


and I tHaNk yOu::


JWK: Clued In


I think the intersection of 684 and 84 just imploded. :p

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I looked at this thread because of the "headlines" even though I do not normally read NCL.


Can something happen and the company (any company) conceal it.


Yes most definitly .July 18th, I was the victim of a "crazy couple" at a local store (part of a very big local chain).Harrased in the store, they demanded to know by them my country of birth, right to be in USA (I have been a US citzen for over 30 years).Since they left the store ahead of me I thought they were out of the scene but once outside, I was assaulted and knocked to the grund. My injuries were not serious, but the police "regretted " that without "any one willing to get involved" they could not arrest the couple. The company owning the store could not have cared less. even though their own staff admitted that the couple cause trouble (sometimes involving racial overtones) every time they come into the store.


As I was the victim I do know this happened.


Did this make the local news - NO. No one in the media locally followed up the story once they had spoken to the Head Office of the company. The company was TOO BIG locally for anyone to "buck them"


I am quite certain that if a tragic event happened on the ship (like a murder or even "accidental death during sex" ) that NCL has the means ,and money , and can apply pressure to keep it all under wraps in Rome or back here in the USA.


I do not think anyone should dismiss the idea.

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Perhaps one reason why there is no press coverage of this - once it was determined as reported by someone on board the ship that it was an accidental death or not a murder there was little value in news coverage since no crime appears to have happened and the press only like gruesome stories to cover these days.





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Perhaps one reason why there is no press coverage of this - once it was determined as reported by someone on board the ship that it was an accidental death or not a murder there was little value in news coverage since no crime appears to have happened and the press only like gruesome stories to cover these days.






now that does make sense. These things do happen and yes, it probably wouldn't be all that exciting or news worthy if is was an accident. My daughter was on a cruise a few years ago when, 1-someone died of a heart attack and then someone had to be air lifted followed by a suspecian of a suicide. This didn't make the papers, but a true murder would somewhere. In fact O'Reilly or Gretta would be jumping all over it, even if it wasn't reported in the American papers. They would dig it up, believe me. Gretty is known as the sensation reporter of the century. Or at least that is what hubby calls her.



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I agree, Nita. After reading the whole thread, the "death but not murder" scenario makes far more sense to me than any of the other scenarios.


Amazing at how repeating what a crew member said is considered evidence by so many. Or that two sincere-sounding passengers having the same story is considered evidence.


Reporting of crimes in international waters has been voluntary for the cruise industry, but has been strongly supported by the CLIA, the cruise industry professional organization. NCL has a good record in this regard, which makes it all the more unlikely that the conspiracy buffs are right about a cover-up -- although a conspiracy of silence was already so unlikely since none of the scenarios even hinted at possible NCL liability. (At the other extreme, RCCL has a dismal record of voluntary reporting, especially when liability might be an issue) In any case, all this is about to change, as Congress passed a couple of weeks ago a Cruise Safety Bill, which will mandate reporting crimes. The bill is expected to be signed by President Obama on July 4 or 5. The bill also improves safety, including regulating the height of guard rails.



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I find it interesting that some are quick to dispute the statements of people who have information. It discourages people from sharing what they know.


On any message board, it is difficult to simply accept what someone says is fact, when the person is posting anonymously (even if they are correct), and particularly where the poster has no track record to have gained credibility. There are many people on CC who have credibility and would be believed in an instance. Someone new, posting on an anonymous forum, doesn't have the credibility. Right or wrong.


In reading all of this, I haven't seen any facts to establish there was a murder - a death, probably, an investigation about a death, probably, but a murder? no.



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I agree, Nita. After reading the whole thread, the "death but not murder" scenario makes far more sense to me than any of the other scenarios.


Amazing at how repeating what a crew member said is considered evidence by so many. Or that two sincere-sounding passengers having the same story is considered evidence.


Reporting of crimes in international waters has been voluntary for the cruise industry, but has been strongly supported by the CLIA, the cruise industry professional organization. NCL has a good record in this regard, which makes it all the more unlikely that the conspiracy buffs are right about a cover-up -- although a conspiracy of silence was already so unlikely since none of the scenarios even hinted at possible NCL liability. (At the other extreme, RCCL has a dismal record of voluntary reporting, especially when liability might be an issue) In any case, all this is about to change, as Congress passed a couple of weeks ago a Cruise Safety Bill, which will mandate reporting crimes. The bill is expected to be signed by President Obama on July 4 or 5. The bill also improves safety, including regulating the height of guard rails.






here is the bill itself

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thanks to both of you for bringing this to our attention.


As for stories and how they can magnify: here is an example: I was recently in our neighborhood store buying a brisket to grill. I made a comment to one of the butchers about how brisket had doubled in price in about 2 years: his comment, well you know it is all due to NAFTA, we are required to export most of our brisket so we have to charge alot for it. I happen to know a little about NAFTA, of course he isn't right about this and if it were the case the price of brisket would have exculated years ago. Now, think of someone who knows little about NAFTA, they go home tell their friends what they heard, friends tell someone else, maybe even in another state. This news could travel in no time and become fact because someone who knew (he is a butcher remember) started it. This is why i am always a little leary when I hear some of these stories.




ps it was a pretty funny story though!!! LOL

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thanks to both of you for bringing this to our attention.


As for stories and how they can magnify: here is an example: I was recently in our neighborhood store buying a brisket to grill. I made a comment to one of the butchers about how brisket had doubled in price in about 2 years: his comment, well you know it is all due to NAFTA, we are required to export most of our brisket so we have to charge alot for it. I happen to know a little about NAFTA, of course he isn't right about this and if it were the case the price of brisket would have exculated years ago. Now, think of someone who knows little about NAFTA, they go home tell their friends what they heard, friends tell someone else, maybe even in another state. This news could travel in no time and become fact because someone who knew (he is a butcher remember) started it. This is why i am always a little leary when I hear some of these stories.




ps it was a pretty funny story though!!! LOL


We were in Russia and discussing things with our guide. We wound up discussing chicken wings. Seems the US exports chicken wings to Russia. Russians think we are exporting the worst part of the chicken to them as some sort of CIA plot.....

I think the brisket guy and the chicken wing guy read from the same conspiracy book....

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We were in Russia and discussing things with our guide. We wound up discussing chicken wings. Seems the US exports chicken wings to Russia. Russians think we are exporting the worst part of the chicken to them as some sort of CIA plot.....

I think the brisket guy and the chicken wing guy read from the same conspiracy book....


My cousin's neighbor's aunt's butcher confirms that.:D

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I'm skeptical of the chicken wing conspiracy -- I think the CIA would have sent giblets!


Reminds me of a strange experience some years ago. Right after the Iron Curtain fell in Eastern Europe, two former students of mine -- then professors in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -- asked if I would look into the possibility of arranging to ship containers of chicken parts from Tysons to Sofia, Bulgaria. It turned out that they could not front the transportation cost.


Actually, Russia and China in recent years have divided nearly 40% of all chicken processed in the U.S., so I suspect a lot more than just wings are available in Russia.



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I'm skeptical of the chicken wing conspiracy -- I think the CIA would have sent giblets!


Reminds me of a strange experience some years ago. Right after the Iron Curtain fell in Eastern Europe, two former students of mine -- then professors in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -- asked if I would look into the possibility of arranging to ship containers of chicken parts from Tysons to Sofia, Bulgaria. It turned out that they could not front the transportation cost.


Actually, Russia and China in recent years have divided nearly 40% of all chicken processed in the U.S., so I suspect a lot more than just wings are available in Russia.




My wife is from the Buffalo area. many a time have I hit the Anchor bar for chicken wings(where supposedly chicken wings started). I took a business lunch there once.

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oops! just a link to a popular cruise website but it has links to cruise ship deaths, injuries, etc.

If it's the site I'm thinking of, the only things there are statements from pax, several of which, are the same ones posted here. One person was not even on the Jade, they were on another ship, but posted what they "heard" from someone who was. I did not see anything official.

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My wife is from the Buffalo area. many a time have I hit the Anchor bar for chicken wings(where supposedly chicken wings started). I took a business lunch there once.


and I am surprised someone hasn't said buffalo wings come from buffalos..


Nita lol

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If it's the site I'm thinking of, the only things there are statements from pax, several of which, are the same ones posted here. One person was not even on the Jade, they were on another ship, but posted what they "heard" from someone who was. I did not see anything official.


and that is the point exactly. I heard from someone who really knew, so it was really the truth!!!



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I honestly believe that any cruise line has enough money and pull to ensure that things they don't want the public to hear about, are not heard about. It happens all over. It would be nice to assume that some media would get a hold of the story but it would be naive to think that that is absolutely true. I know first hand of a couple incidents that I was shocked never made it to the media, until I found out why. Not cruise related but both major corporation related. Just life experiences for me, I am not a detective or anything...just old enough to have seen a few things :( I believe it could happen and few would know the story.


Personally, I think that although it's not impossible to keep bad cruise press out of the media, I think it is VERY unlikely. The media loves to talk about cruise disasters.

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I looked at this thread because of the "headlines" even though I do not normally read NCL.


Can something happen and the company (any company) conceal it.


Yes most definitly .July 18th, I was the victim of a "crazy couple" at a local store (part of a very big local chain).Harrased in the store, they demanded to know by them my country of birth, right to be in USA (I have been a US citzen for over 30 years).Since they left the store ahead of me I thought they were out of the scene but once outside, I was assaulted and knocked to the grund. My injuries were not serious, but the police "regretted " that without "any one willing to get involved" they could not arrest the couple. The company owning the store could not have cared less. even though their own staff admitted that the couple cause trouble (sometimes involving racial overtones) every time they come into the store.


As I was the victim I do know this happened.


Did this make the local news - NO. No one in the media locally followed up the story once they had spoken to the Head Office of the company. The company was TOO BIG locally for anyone to "buck them"


I am quite certain that if a tragic event happened on the ship (like a murder or even "accidental death during sex" ) that NCL has the means ,and money , and can apply pressure to keep it all under wraps in Rome or back here in the USA.


I do not think anyone should dismiss the idea.


I'm sorry for your experience, but there is no story to report. As you say, your injuries were not serious, and even the most pathetic local paper woyld be hard pushed to amke a story of a minor assault on a public street. I was also assaulted in a car park in 2004, CCTV was broken, I couldn't identify the assailant so there was no arrest and therefore no story to print.


This does not mean that big organisation s have the baility to bury stories. Particularly in Europe where the tabloid press are notorious for going after any suspicious death with a sexual element to it.

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Yes, a woman died on board. The crew was very hush-hush and wouldn't say anything, but we heard from another cruiser that a crew member revealed (before being told not to talk) that the woman was pregnant and had committed suicide. This is also the story our private tour guides and drivers told us while we were in Rome. (Apparently they were all talking about it on the dock while we were stuck on board for 2 hours waiting to get off and they were stuck waiting for us.) We arrived back on board from our tour to see the body taken away in the coroner's van and her children in hysterics. Since then I have read another cruisers state that the husband confessed to strangling her -- but I don't know which story is true. As for the crew member who caused the ship to return to Barcelona, the Captain announced it was an medical emergency which required returning to Barcelona. I've read it was a Bartender who had a heart attack -- don't know if she lived or died. Neither incident was talked about further by the staff or crew and I'm betting most cruisers were unaware of the 2nd event, they only knew that the ship had been delayed for officials for 2 hours. Both incidents affected our day tours since we disembarked 2 hours or so later both in Monte Carlo and Rome. (The ship's departure was pushed out 2 hours as well.) We managed to work out our private tours, but my advice is to not book any first thing in the morning, early tickets with the Vatican or such that may get affected by bizzare unplanned events. (We didn't make it to the Vatican until 11:15 or so as it takes over an hour to get there from the port.) P.S. We used RomeinLimo tours and they were awesome! Put together a group of 4 or 6 and it's cheaper than the cruisetours, you'll see more, and it's much more personal.:)

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