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Kidless Cruises

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I think the point is that most kids are well behaved, just as most adults are. Some adults are obnoxious, and some kids are, too. I suspect the obnoxious kids came from the obnoxious parents. My beef is with the unsupervised kids who are not well behaved. There are unsupervised kids who are well behaved, they are not the problem. On my last cruise, there were a bunch of kids running with their flip flops flapping on the sports deck. This was not only annoying, but unsafe. I wish the staff had intervened. They could have run into people, and also hurt themselves running in their flip flops. There were also a bunch of tweens sitting in the elevator riding it up and down. A staff person told them they couldn't do that, but did not make them get off, and as they left after several more stops, one said to the other, "lets go sit in one of the cars that is not glass so no one will catch us." Now, they were not necessarily bothering anyone but the elevators get very full and they were taking up space. Another time, a very young toddler age kid was yelling during a show. The parent should have taken the kid out. The staff should have asked the parent to do that. So, I don't fault the kid for yelling, thats what kids do, but I do fault the parent for not leaving with the kid. Again, most of the time, it's really the parents who are not supervising, or who have not taught their children manners. I think we should ban rude parents!

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I would rather see a "50 @ under only" cruise...


I'm an almost 64 year old grandmother of 10 and I'd be willing to bet I could out-drink, out-dance and out-party many of the under 50's I've met on cruises.


It's not about age, it's about attitude.

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We were on Oceania in August and blissfully, there was no screeching, crying, pushing in elevators, running in halls, disrupting shows or any other complaints that one would frequently encounter on ships with ...


I thought you were going off on the scooter patrol bunch, but then it made a quick turn.

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Awww, Traveling Bob - you haven't met my DD. She's an only child and is so well behaved. She ate in the MDR with us every night except one and I'm expecting her to do the same on Indy - out of choice; she loves the MDR! She's a joy to be around but *loves* cruising. Sometimes she chooses to go to Adventure Ocean but I'd never make her go. I wouldn't cruise without her, she's great. Don't write all kids off! :)


Well said! My DD can probably put most adults to shame with her maners and social skills. She would never ever assume negative of all adults just because one would express disdane over her being on a cruise or plane or five star restaurant.


as to the first poster - awww forget it, it's just not worth it, well maybe it is... or not :confused:

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I was on a 16 day repo Oct. - Nov. which had barely any kids.


Last month though there were quite a few kids despite school still being in session. Most were fine but some were unsupervised or allowed to run and jump into the pool, run around knocking into people, etc.

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I think the point is that most kids are well behaved, just as most adults are. Some adults are obnoxious, and some kids are, too. I suspect the obnoxious kids came from the obnoxious parents. My beef is with the unsupervised kids who are not well behaved. There are unsupervised kids who are well behaved, they are not the problem. On my last cruise, there were a bunch of kids running with their flip flops flapping on the sports deck. This was not only annoying, but unsafe. I wish the staff had intervened. They could have run into people, and also hurt themselves running in their flip flops. There were also a bunch of tweens sitting in the elevator riding it up and down. A staff person told them they couldn't do that, but did not make them get off, and as they left after several more stops, one said to the other, "lets go sit in one of the cars that is not glass so no one will catch us." Now, they were not necessarily bothering anyone but the elevators get very full and they were taking up space. Another time, a very young toddler age kid was yelling during a show. The parent should have taken the kid out. The staff should have asked the parent to do that. So, I don't fault the kid for yelling, thats what kids do, but I do fault the parent for not leaving with the kid. Again, most of the time, it's really the parents who are not supervising, or who have not taught their children manners. I think we should ban rude parents!


Agreed. I tend to try to book cruises during the school year, or long (expensive) cruises that will have fewer kids. I like kids, but it's the obnoxious ones that spoil it for the rest of them and make people like me (and many others) try to avoid them on ships. The teenagers who run up and down the passageways, pound on doors and take joy rides in the elevators are obviously the product of some pretty lousy parenting but the fact remains that those types of kids can be found on cruises and do spoil the fun for the well-behaved folks out there.


Let's not even get into the idiot parents who put diapered babies in the pools :mad:

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Agreed. I tend to try to book cruises during the school year, or long (expensive) cruises that will have fewer kids. I like kids, but it's the obnoxious ones that spoil it for the rest of them and make people like me (and many others) try to avoid them on ships. The teenagers who run up and down the passageways, pound on doors and take joy rides in the elevators are obviously the product of some pretty lousy parenting but the fact remains that those types of kids can be found on cruises and do spoil the fun for the well-behaved folks out there.


Let's not even get into the idiot parents who put diapered babies in the pools :mad:


That even annoys me, and I'm a parent! :)


Well, for anyone cruising on Indy next August, if you see any kids just "hanging around" unsupervised, my DD won't be among them. She'll either be in Adventure Ocean (out of choice) or with us.


I might just add that out of all the people who pushed past me into the elevators on Freedom - despite the fact that I was in a wheelchair and couldn't use the stairs - every single one of them was an adult.

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I'm with you Mom2Two2! This is pretty sad, isn't it!!!???!!!!


TBob, you either have never had kids or were never one yourself (which we know is not true). Were you a perfect little angel? Kids will be kids. These little people are entitled to a good time too. Adults have their booze to give them a pick me up and kids just come with it 24/7. :p Why punish them because they are acting in a manner in which I'm sure many of US adults have (usually when under the influence). I myself have 2 boys. Both happy and loving but...my 2 yr old is certainly louder and more active than my 7 yr old (hence, the term 'terrible twosies'). I teach my kids manners and right from wrong. However, my toddler is just that, a toddler. He may have his loud fits every now and then, but, he's known how to say 'Thank You', accordingly, by the time he was 15 mos old. And that folks, is really something, considering I've encountered ADULTS who can't even say 'excuse me' when they walk into you or push past you into an elevator. And let me not even start on those adults who think it's ok to do this to a small child.


I tell you, it's a double edged sword! There are those that feel that people dump their kids at the kid oriented programs and then those who hate sharing an MDR with them. I've stopped trying to make sense of it all. :rolleyes:


I paid my fare and my kid's fare, (that's almost double what some couples pay for), therefore I'm not going to leave either of my boys anywhere simply because I don't want to OFFEND anyone at dinner in the MDR. I am courteous enough to request a small dining table at dinner time so as not to ruin someone else's dining experience. And, if he becomes too much, I excuse myself and leave with him. Short of that, I can't do much more for you kid haters out there. :( I think RCCL does a good job in providing an adequate amount of spaces onboard that adults can enjoy dinner alone without children around (when all else fails, there's always room service for 2 ;)). Enjoy! As for me and mine, we will enjoy our cruise next March, together and wherever they are allowed--without a second thought. :D




Calm down, I am sure they are not kid haters and neither am I.

I have 2 grown up children and was a childminder for years, but to be honest, I have been there and done that and really love the peaceful life so therefore try and avoid other children while cruising, its not that I hate them its just nice to eat your meal in peace without a child crying or playing up, I know not all do this but most young children do this at some time, I know.

So I try to have a vacation when children are in school, which lowers the amount of children on vacation and we eat on a table for 2 and try and find chairs away from the pool and where there are big families.

We have had land vacations for this reason too and it is a bit annoying when people take their kids out of school to go at these times, although we do appreciate that its cheaper but thats another story.

Adults only cruises are very expensive and would limit the amount of vacations we would have if we chose them, so we just cruise and hope for the best.:)



Edited to say, those with small children now will probably feel the same way when their children are grown up.

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Does RCI have any no-children-allowed cruises?:o
RCI never has, Celebrity used to have an occasional one. But I haven't seen one on Celebrity for a few years at least, so I don't think it went over so well - at least from a business perspective.
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Calm down, I am sure they are not kid haters and neither am I.

I have 2 grown up children and was a childminder for years, but to be honest, I have been there and done that and really love the peaceful life so therefore try and avoid other children while cruising, its not that I hate them its just nice to eat your meal in peace without a child crying or playing up, I know not all do this but most young children do this at some time, I know.

So I try to have a vacation when children are in school, which lowers the amount of children on vacation and we eat on a table for 2 and try and find chairs away from the pool and where there are big families.

We have had land vacations for this reason too and it is a bit annoying when people take their kids out of school to go at these times, although we do appreciate that its cheaper but thats another story.

Adults only cruises are very expensive and would limit the amount of vacations we would have if we chose them, so we just cruise and hope for the best.:)



Edited to say, those with small children now will probably feel the same way when their children are grown up.


I absolutely agree with you, and I don't judge or blame anybody who wants a child-less cruise. But you have to admit that Traveling Bob was pretty hard on children in general :)

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I absolutely agree with you, and I don't judge or blame anybody who wants a child-less cruise. But you have to admit that Traveling Bob was pretty hard on children in general :)



Yes he was a bit, all children are not horror's. LOL;)


Maybe he has had bad experiences, I have seen children that are a nightmare, this could put you off cruising where children are allowed, especially if they are next door:eek:


I see both sides, really, but I know what I prefer now.:)

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I'm an almost 64 year old grandmother of 10 and I'd be willing to bet I could out-drink, out-dance and out-party many of the under 50's I've met on cruises.


Accept the fact that some passengers do not want to be partying with their grandmothers regardless of how sloshed she can get. :rolleyes: I don't see any difference between his comment and the OPs except that the comment feels more offensive when we find ourselves in the excluded group.

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Calm down, I am sure they are not kid haters and neither am I.

I have 2 grown up children and was a childminder for years, but to be honest, I have been there and done that and really love the peaceful life so therefore try and avoid other children while cruising, its not that I hate them its just nice to eat your meal in peace without a child crying or playing up, I know not all do this but most young children do this at some time, I know.

So I try to have a vacation when children are in school, which lowers the amount of children on vacation and we eat on a table for 2 and try and find chairs away from the pool and where there are big families.

We have had land vacations for this reason too and it is a bit annoying when people take their kids out of school to go at these times, although we do appreciate that its cheaper but thats another story.

Adults only cruises are very expensive and would limit the amount of vacations we would have if we chose them, so we just cruise and hope for the best.:)



Edited to say, those with small children now will probably feel the same way when their children are grown up.


Sorry, I got a bit worked up but, I can't help it sometimes. :( It just really burns me to see that people mind having kids around as if it was the WORST possible thing that can ruin one's vacation. I don't know about others but, I take my son out of school to vacation because it's too expensive for me to travel when he's out of school. I am a single parent. So, this means by obligation, I have to look for money saving deals. Needless to say, I myself like peaceful vacations too, and it's cruise lines like RCCL that have such well appointed programs for children that allow me a few hours a day to get just that. :)

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I absolutely agree with you, and I don't judge or blame anybody who wants a child-less cruise. But you have to admit that Traveling Bob was pretty hard on children in general :)


Yes he was. Which is why I diretcted my message to him. But, I've read other posts outside this thread so, I know he's not the only one who rants off like that. Didn't mean to offend some peeps on this thread, so, my apologies who felt my wrath! :)

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Sorry, I got a bit worked up but, I can't help it sometimes. :( It just really burns me to see that people mind having kids around as if it was the WORST possible thing that can ruin one's vacation. I don't know about others but, I take my son out of school to vacation because it's too expensive for me to travel when he's out of school. I am a single parent. So, this means by obligation, I have to look for money saving deals. Needless to say, I myself like peaceful vacations too, and it's cruise lines like RCCL that have such well appointed programs for children that allow me a few hours a day to get just that. :)



I understand, really, My DD is now a single parent and the prices for her to go in school holidays are well out of her reach, its scandalous how much they hike it up, like I said, thats another story alltogether, best not get started on it, LOL.;)

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Sorry, I got a bit worked up but, I can't help it sometimes. :( It just really burns me to see that people mind having kids around as if it was the WORST possible thing that can ruin one's vacation. 


Well, for some of us: it is the worst possible thing. Sorry it that "burns you" but different strokes, for different folks.

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Awwww gotta love the NO children on cruises threads! :D My favorite. ;)


Guess when I am cruising next with my little {what was that word?}....angels


September -- when everyone else is back in school. :p


See you then! :D



L O V E IT...:D Wish I could join you! But, I think I'll wait until the week of Valentine's Day.:eek:

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