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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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I have that quote on my bathroom mirror "Dance like nobody's watching!" Love it...


I grew up right outside of Boston,,, great city...


When we were on Galaxy -- late at night when the disco was into the younger stuff ... we would go down to the Savoy Night Club -- usually it was empty and playing slow recorded music and we would dance whatever we wanted with only a few bar staff watching us...it was pretty romantic.... ;)


Kaye: maybe a cleaning lady once a week. is in order??? got the perfect reason to take it up with hubby!!!B :D



another dreary day here in New England... but then I have a countdown going for my next cruise!!! :D

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Tropicalsunset - great advice! I had a cleaning lady for years but let her go when I retired from teaching a few years ago. Couldn't justify it! Now maybe I can justify it again. Not as young as I used to be (58 y/o here). Either that or buy a vacuum that weighs less pounds (ha ha!)


GCurry - O.K. I'm convinced! I've been to New Orleans numerous times and love the French Quarter. Been to Boston twice - love the charm of New England especially Boston Square. Been to San Francisco (son lives there) - quaint and unique and Fisherman's Wharf is so cool! Never been to San Antonio - it is on the to do list!


Another gloomy and windy day in Chicago (see - there is a reason they call it "The Windy City")- looks like the weather is supposed to improve by midweek. My daughter is coming out from the city tomorrow for lunch. Put some concealer on my lip and we'll have a great time as usual.




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Thanks again tropicalsunset, the Savoy will also get our business. We aren't real late people, our club dances usually end by 11:30, one is only 5 min. from the house thank goodness.

Are you having one of those New England Raw Days? I spent 11 days one Sep. seeing your neighborhood, how beautiful it is. The Maine coast was wonderful, from Newport and Cape Cod, up to Blue Hill, over to Vermont, staying in Inns, it's something I want to do again. Perhaps a New England cruise, as they go to Qebec and Montreal as well.

The rain never came, an all too often problem down here, it's just hot and windy. I've got more planting to do when it cools down, Society Garlic, Blue Daze, Caladiums and Porchwackers.

Kaye, aren't you concerned that your town is toddling, and don't you hate it when home appliances go bad! San Antonio is best seen in April or October when the worst of the heat is gone. We had a cruise reunion in early April in Austin, and took a Californina lady over there, she really liked it.

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I geuss I get "dicso Fever"!! Once I'm out..... I hate to miss anything.... I always think the next tune will be a great swing or whatever!!! :rolleyes: :D


My FIL lives in Portland, Maine... as Dave and I have been married only 6 years... I still see new things when I go up there... It's a great area....


Kaye... I am about to celebrate my big 50 in Feb... some of my cruisin" friends are going on the Zenith to celebrate!!

My son is graduating from college and found a job here in town so he will be moving back home.... THIS would be a great time to find a cleaning lady!! ;) :D

I had central vac in my previous home and I loved it... less noise and didn't have to drag that cannister around but again a cleaning lady would eliminate all those problems!!

and leave you more time to DANCE!! :cool:


Another dreary Monday though the leaves are really coming out on the trees... and we have COLOR again with the azaleas and tulips!!! Life is good!!!!



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Kitty9 writes of good dancing on Crystal, which is something to keep in mind.

Certainly, it helps to get different instruction when possible, I know we benefit from it. We have an English lady instructor in our clubs who will, on occasion teach a bit before the dance, we picked up a neat simple flair tango step from her.


Our Rose of Sharons are starting to bloom, we've got about 6 of them, cannas, trashy things, and some gladiolas as well, I divided the Shell Ginger (varigated) again this year as it provides a lot of yellow/green background. I've got to get out the 8 ft. ladder and prune some Saba & Orinoco bananas, and I'm afraid it's not tall enough. We also got some Brugie (Angel Trumpets) cuttings this weekend, a white and red.

MSGCurry's people are coming down from TN for her daughter Tami's graduation, hopefully, they'll get quite a show.

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Good afternoon everybody - it is a gray one here but maybe will get some rain as we too are way below our norm for this time as you seem to be too GCurry.

Corpus is actually the "Sparkling City by the Bay" but after living in Florida for 8 years it doesnt seem to sparkle or shine for me anymore. Didnt really want to move back but better for dh (he works with brother who is also a lawyer). Sounds like your yard is stunning.... we lost a lot of stuff from the 6 (yes 6 !! ) inches of snow we had on Christmas Eve here. All of south texas had snow this year. Stayed around for 2 days. And I thought I left that in Michigan (was there for 2 years 95-97 for law school). Lost a HUGE giant bird of paradise (2 stories tall) and all banana trees. Of course those we cut back and they are back but not quite like they were. Lost about 1/2 of our hibiscus bushes (those that werent right next to house). KAYE: We try to go to San Antonio between Thanksgiving and Xmas as entire riverwalk is draped with little lights from huge oaks. River boats have carolers on them and is when I really get in the Xmas spirit. Might I suggest the Little Rhein Steakhouse if you go.... we ALWAYS go here. A little pricey but the best and I mean the best filet mignon I have ever tasted. MMMMM I need lunch..take care all.

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I lived there when I was very young, you always see to be hotter and windy than we are. We had a white Xmas as well, and the night after got our one freeze, but, it didn't hurt us nearly as bad from what you say.

I've got some of the giant white birds, but they came through ok. Bananas didn't die back that much, so they are about 20 ft. I might have lost a Mexican Poinsiana, it hasn't leafed out yet. I lost half the achiote as well, so pruning is needed there, but hisbiscus did ok.

Ah well, it gives me something to do between dances.

Kaye will have to try Mi Terria or La Margarita at the Mercado, or La Fogata for some great Mexican food.

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I can't wait to get onboard the ship and see what the nightlife is like... I am soo ready for this cruise and doing some dancing!!!


beautiful weather this week in New England and its supposed to be gorgeous this Sunday for my Sons outdoor graduation!!


one of my friends was looking into Crystal... I would love to try it someday...



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Glad you are getting some good weather for a change in New England. Supposed to be a high of 81 on the Island today 90% humidity, and we are still very dry.

My wife's daughter graduates next weekend as well.

I ran into some thread talking about the high-end ships, Crystal would be nice to cruise.

We've got our 2 lf ft dance this Sat., a May flowers theme, semi-formal.

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Time sorta slipped away from me and I thought I'd better stop by to see how everyone is doing.


Welcome Lorraine, I see you are our newest poster. I like what your dance instructor said...."you can dance anywhere!" We haven't even began taking our lessons yet (3 more weeks), and I feel like I'm learning so much already. I can't wait to see how far we are when we cruise next February. I think we'll be taking baby steps.:)


Kaye, what's up with you and your vacuum??? ;) I hope you've stayed out of any more fights and that your nose is healing.


Our weather is finally starting to warm up again here in Illinois, but we've missed all of the rain and we desperately need it now. There's a chance in the forecast tomorrow, so I may have to out and do some rain dances. :D



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So, is anybody planning on watching the newest ABC reality series Ballroom Dancing With the Stars (or something like that)? They have paired celebrities w/dance pros and will have some kind of competition. I'm sure it will all be rigged, but DH & I may just learn a few new dance steps! It starts in 2 weeks.

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RanDe - Thanks for asking - actually I was closer to your neck of the woods for the last few days. My mom was admitted to the hospital in Springfield on Mon. That's where her cardiologist is. She was having difficulty with shortness of breath. Although she has had heart problems for many years (12 angioplasties and 1 triple bypass surgery) it appears that she has congestive heart failure and that there is really nothing that they can do anymore. She will have to live with it the best and longest that she can. Anyway I drove down there - I hate to leave my dad in a waiting room all by himself.


(The vacuum and I are not on speaking terms right now - when I tripped over it - it broke the thing that the cord wraps around so it's mad at me too! Actually, I'm healing up fine - I have to hurry because I have a retirement party to go to on Fri. night and a wedding shower to go to on Sun.)


So, unfortunately we missed our dance lesson Mon. night and I missed my golf lesson on Tues. Somethings are just more important. Since we have decided to retake these lessons I'm sure we will catch up next time around. I've also decided to take more golf lessons at a different club after this class ends. A lot of the people in my golf class take these lessons every year just to brush up before the season gets in 'full swing'.


critterchick - I saw that show advertised on T.V. a while ago. Is it a reality show? I think it will be cool to watch. I'll have to check the T.V. Guide so I don't miss it. If it's a reality show, how could they fix it? Should be fun - maybe we'll learn something, too.




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KAYE: So sorry to hear about your Mom. My Dad had triple bypass but did ok. He was strong man but colon cancer got the best of him. I guess we all have to go somehow - luckily my Mom had an anurisym (very quick and no pain)

Looking forward to getting back to class too as we missed last week due to funeral for sister in law. Need to practice too. Just been lazy.....no excuse. What channel is show going to be on? We have satellite and dont get abc (local affiliate wont give it to us even if we pay for it) GO FIGURE.

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Kaye, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and I'll tuck her in my prayers. Randy's mom also has congestive heart failure and just celebrated her 91st birthday this week with family and friends.


Maybe it's time for a new vacuum cleaner, I think your's has become a demon. :D


Jean, I also saw the reality series Ballroom Dancing advertised last night and it starts two weeks from last night.....on a Wednesday. I'm looking forward to watching it and see what it's all about. I normally don't watch reality TV programs.



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Of course it will be on ABC texancruzer, you just knew that would happen!

I believe there are ballroom programs on Public Television, competitions etc.

Shame on y'all for not going to class, our next series starts 6/7 with ole Lance, who will, BTW, watch that tv program and give us the benefit of his opinion. Things will get ugly, as Lance cuts no slack for anyone. Judging by the previews, there will be a lot of show steps that most people don't do. There are some neat ones that are fairly simple, like the "Scent of a Woman" step in Tango.

You need to move Kaye, golf is year round in Texas.

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We will miss the first episode as we will be sailing, but I'll be interested to watch...funny, we don't get to watch the "gold" dancers at our studio as the owner is always telling us to get out on the dancefloor!!! :) and I still need to FOCUS when I am dancing!!! :rolleyes:


De: I see you were on Grandeur last year.... any recommendations??!!


Kaye: loving thoughts and prayers to you and your mother... My FIL has had bypass and now has a Defibrillator... My MIL passed last November...and he is making the trip down here this weekend for the graduation from Portland, Maine by himself... I will be happy to know when he is safe at both destinations!!! Now we get to worry about our parents!!!! :)



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OMG, Lorraine.....I JUST noticed your next cruise date! You must be so excited!! How many cruises have you been on? Last year on the Grandeur was our first cruise, so I don't have anything to compare it to. We loved the ship and loved the staff. One of the best bartender's and a really nice guy, was Hernando and he was usually at the Schooner Lounge.


Where are you leaving from and what places will you stop at?



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Thanks for the link RanDe, I thought this was interesting:

Ballroom dancing is a popular competitive sport in the United States. There are 23,000 members of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dancing Association and more than 300 American colleges offer ballroom programs. The association said: “During the last few years there has been an explosive growth in the interest in ballroom dancing throughout the United States. All age groups and social levels are involved.


llroom dancing is a popular competitive sport in the United States. There are 23,000 members of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dancing Association and more than 300 American colleges offer ballroom programs.


The association said: “During the last few years there has been an explosive growth in the interest in ballroom dancing throughout the United States. All age groups and social levels are involved.

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De: we've been on 6 cruises... one was a back to back... so that would technically make 7... we've done RCL, NCL, and X..

not sure we will be going on the Panama Canal as I am between jobs right now so we are holding the cabin on a sellout that we hope to still be able to do with our cruisin' friends!!


We will look for Hernando... we will leave out of Baltimore and stop in Freeport, Cococay, Cozumel and Port Canaveral

it a 9 day cruise and the first cruise that my 22year old and 17 year old will be going with us.. they are across the hall in an inside cabin... :D :D I am getting excited and starting to have cruisin' dreams... haven't had the big nightmare of standing on the empty dock with my pile of luggage tho'!!! :eek:


Good to see that Ballroom Dancing is coming back!! Maybe as they "stretch" these ships they will "stretch" the dance floors!!!! :rolleyes:

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GCurry, I thought it was very interesting too that all age groups and social levels are taking to ballroom dancing.


Lorraine, It sounds like you've been on some great cruises. I've read a little about the Panama Canal, but don't know that much about it. When would that one be if you went? Your stops sound wonderful. We've only been to Cozumel and enjoyed it a lot. If you see Hernando, tell him that Randy, DeAnna, Kevin and Carole said "hello". :) Our friends are Kevin and Carole and they spent a lot of time with him and getting to know him. They still write back and forth once in awhile. One more week....WOW, have a wonderful time!



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Yes, ballroom has a new identity, as more dances are added like Salsa, which is derived from Hispanic Cumbia dance and Conjunto and Salsa music.

At the Austin Dance Club there were some competition dancers, late 20s early 30s, and a very diverse group. Our clubs are pretty traditional, pretty old people with pretty old music, even though, even we are seeing more diversity, and welcoming it.

Tonight is our Two-Left-Feet Club monthly dance, theme, May Flowers, semi-formal. I'll take King Ranch Chicken as a hot dish.

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we have a cabin reserved on Radiance in October... leaves out of San Diego and does the Mexican Riviera and the Panama Canal on to Aruba and ends in Miami.... for 2 weeks... we are hoping we can still make the trip... but if I get a job that will not allow me to take the vacation time .... well, we will have to do that next year....


We have met some great friends cruising... alot that we still keep in contact with... Our dear friends Patti and David live in Groton, CT... we met them 4 years ago on a Bermuda cruise..they took a beginner class on Ballroom Dancing but have been unable to continue due to their work schedules..

every once in awhile, my husband Dave will clue them in on a new step!! ;)


Gcurry: I like how your Dance studio has the pot lucks...

our dance parties are on friday nite 9-12... we like to socialize but the owners will tell the "Beverages" to get out there and dance... The Gold level has group classes that have been together for awhile and are really close... but there is much turnover and inconsistancy in the lower ranks...so you don't meet and make friends as easily..

We may get there tho'



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Tropicalsunset, I hope you find something that keeps you cruising, that 14 day would be a great one.

Our next is a 12 day on the Galaxy to the Canal in Jan..

We don't take at a studio, but through Mainland Community College.

The dance I mentioned is a Dance Club, where anyone can join for very little $.

2 Lft Ft has 126 members and welcomes visitors of which we get about 20 a dance. I'm President this year, and mscurry is secretary. We have two live bands a year, and taped big band music inbetween. The members are encouraged to bring food, so there is a buffet at a break. Wine, beer, and sodas are available as well.

Mscurry is also secretary to the Mainland Dance Club, and I serve as Music Director, which has the same format, but is a little more casual.

So the first and third Saturdays of the month we have club dances, and have numerous other opportunities inbetween.

Hey, this could get to be a serious hobby!

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Well, we missed our class again last night. DH had client in his office until passed the point of no return. I have decided that for the same amount of $$ we can take a private lesson every other week instead of a weekly beginner class that has no rhyme or reason. I think we will get alot more out of our class this way and will just have to be sure to practice on our own in between. We really just want to learn salsa and merengue right now and they change the class every week so never know what dances you will do until you get there. We are NOT into country/western and seems alot of people want to learn that around here. We have @ 6-1/2 months until cruise so seems to make sense to focus on a few dances and do them well. Corpus is so backwards when it comes to stuff like this.... your dance clubs sound like fun and is good excersise too. But.....we are determined and you know what they say. Where theres a will theres a way.

Has anyone heard of this movie that is a quasi documentary about kids in ny taking ballroom and then competing? I saw a clip on it and they said it was real popular at the film festivals. Title was Ballroom ___________or _________ Ballroom. Can't find it anywhere.....looks interesting. If anyone knows what I am talking about please let me know. Thanks:D

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