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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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Has anyone heard of this movie that is a quasi documentary about kids in ny taking ballroom and then competing? I saw a clip on it and they said it was real popular at the film festivals. Title was Ballroom ___________or _________ Ballroom. Can't find it anywhere.....looks interesting. If anyone knows what I am talking about please let me know. Thanks:D


Is it Strictly Ballroom? Someone was telling us about it, but I'm not sure of the story line.

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That dance club sounds awesome... I haven't heard of that up here...we pay good $$$ to take classes at a local studio ---

I bet we would really enjoy being involved with something like that.... sometimes the studio is a little intense for our tastes...

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gcurry: thanks... I'm not 100% sure but that sounds like it. I will check it out and let you know. Seems DH and I were at dinner yesterday and chatting about our upcoming cruise in Nov. (the main reason we decided to dive into dance lessons) and he wants to leave a day earlier than we planned and spend more time pre-cruise in San Juan Puerto Rico....yeah!!!!! That will give us an extra night to check out the salsa clubs in old san juan (I have a list). OH BOY - NOW WE REALLY NEED THOSE PRIVATE LESSONS AND ALOT MORE PRACTICE. I am sure we will not be anywhere near the expertise of the locals that frequent these clubs but at least we won't look like idiots either (I hope). Better go call TA and have her change plans.

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Although is is 100% Australian.

About to set sail TROPICALSUNSET, hope it's a good one with a lot of dancing.

You haven't found any local ball room opportunities in your area? That's too bad, as once you learn it, you don't want to lose it.

TEXANCRUISER see is they will teach a little rumba as well, there is a lot of downbeat music onboard.

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Hi all! I'm back and appreciate all your kind wishes! Thank you!


Went to dance class tonight and asked Tony some questions as we want to sign up for the next session. He said just sign up for level 1 or level 2 it's the same price and we can determine for ourselves where we're most comforable. So I'll just sign us up - it is so inexpensive and he really is good - I think he likes me - he keeps saying I think you've done this before - I'm just trying to get DH and I in sink.


Tonight we worked on the East Coast Swing - my favorite - had so much fun!

Learned a couple cute steps to go with the basic. No class next week due to the holiday weekend. In our town we have Orland Days From Jun.1 -5. They always have live bands in the beer tent. Thought we might go and practice because everyone will be drinking and not watching us. Less intimidating.


Wishing everyone a good week!


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My husband belongs to the Elks and they often have dances where we can use our new skills.. and our dance studio has dances on friday and now some Saturday nights...friday is hard for us as Dave works on Saturdays but we may go down on Saturdays for the studios dance parties...


Ordered the movie....looks great... probably will get here while we are away but will screen it when we get back!!

Thanks for the link!!!!!


WE had our dance lesson last night... worked on technique for the swing and foxtrot... with a new dance instructor ... she teaches a little differently and Dave got a little frustrated.. but it's all good... (I was glad it wasn't all me this time!! ;) )


Kaye....you will be surprised how much you impress people just having a little knowledge and just smile and have a great time!!!!


WE are having a soggy week.... geuss it will continue for sailaway on Friday..



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GCURRY: Checked out the link.... don't think that is the movie I am looking for. Will go to video store today and look around. Thanks for the tip about Rhumba. Will ask instructor next lesson.

TROPICALSUNSET: I am jealous.... can't wait until 11-26 !!!!


Just been hot hot hot here !!!!! Send the rain this way !

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You are correct, it didn't sound like the same movie but got a fair review. I notice the lad wants to do his own steps. I can tell you how Ole Lance (our instructor) feels about that. Don't try it in front of Ole Lance, there are hundreds of steps in ballroom, and we can never learn em all to his satisfaction.


Rain, please rain, we got only 21/2 inches the month of May, and our area didn't get that much! I'm out watering every night. Of course, June is coming when we usually get at least one tropical storm, and a foot or so of water.

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Dave has been known to "invent" his own steps.... our previous teacher had a great sense of humor so we would laugh about it and then learn it "right"!!! I so miss her!!


We are getting excited ... only days....I sure hope they have a good dance band....


It has been mostly cool and dreary...short periods of rain...

just downright depressing up here with no end in sight... but the grass is very green and the trees are in full leafdom!!

No end in sight.. so glad I am heading to the Caribbean..

Can't even do yardwork at this rate.


I can't complain as the rain held off through most of our graduatiion party this weekend and through the graduation itself...

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Happy Cruising Tropicalsunset, have a good time but remember to "dance up a storm" is just a figure of speech.

Saw on the weather where you are having a Northeaster in your area, cold and rain.

We could use the rain, we can't hope for cold. Chance of showers the next few days, however, on the weekend of course.

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Bon Voyage, Lorraine!


OK, I'm getting desperate. After dropping out of our last class because women outnumbered men 2:1 and our toes were trampled by complete beginners, we've been looking for a couples-only class, and just can't seem to find one except for private lessons. Have any of you done Arthur Murray studios? We have some friends who started there & went on to compete, which is way beyond what we want do do, but they really enjoyed their experience. My only concern is that I don't want to learn a "routine" way of dancing - DH likes to mix up his steps, not use a formula approach. Any thoughts?

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Critterchick: No experience with Arthur Murray but I am sure if you tell them you want to learn basic steps and maybe some turns etc etc and not a "routine" they would oblige. We are going to class tonight. Missed last 2 weeks (1st for funeral and last week dh had late client in office) so already rusty and just getting started. Still thinking about taking a private lesson every other week instead of beginner class each Friday. Our classes have no structure and therefore no obvious progression. They are "drop-in" classes - good for just the basic steps but then kinda hanging out there if you want to take it to the next step (no pun intended). Would cost the same but only go every other week. Will have to see how class goes tonight.

GCurry: You getting any rain in Galveston? We are so dry here the ground has 4 inch cracks! They keep saying we are supposed to get some but nada. :(

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Sorry to post again, but where in Sunny Southern Cal? My sister was in San Diego (Santee area) for years. I would love to visit again with husband. He was born at Fort Ord but left when a baby. Have cousins in North California in Ukiah. Maybe next year we will take a land trip over.

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Learn the basic step in any dance, get it right every time before you try to do your thing. Mscurry let's me know if I don't finish a step, what number a step starts on, if I have a question. They used to really be tight on these things, the club where I am currently president, they would interview couples, who would have to dance to qualify for membership.

Mscurry's daughter Tami graduated high school tonight in Alvin. 600 on parade, thank god it did not rain, as it was in a football stadium!

We need rain as badly as you, 50 to 60 % the next two days.

I have a large tropical collection of plants, I'm watering every night.

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Went to class last night. Small one this time - only 3 couples. Had 2 instructors there and one of them took us aside and more or less gave us a private class. The other two couples were brand new and she could see we were ahead of them so had an awesome time. Learned two new moves in Salsa. One was an outside turn and the other I call the "open step". Mike (my dh) is doing pretty good with the salsa altho has to concentrate and therefore doesnt look like he's having alot of fun yet. Says he is but I don't know. It's funny but he just doesnt know how to move his hips etc. - worked on merengue a little at the end and was actually swaying his hips the opposite way - which I tried and it is so much harder that way. Says the music doesnt "move" him the way it does me. Fred and Ginger we wont be I'm afraid - but having fun trying !!! Signed up for a private class w/MaryLee (our instructor from last night) for next Thursday night. Just get so much more out of it that way. I have danced since I was 4-1/2 yrs old - dont think I would like a club that you have to try out for...should just be fun no matter how well you dance.


I too am watering alot. We took out a bunch of the beds in our back yard behind the pool as they were raised with landscaping timbers and were beginning to rot etc. Also made a mess that all went in pool. We bricked up right to the fence and I went to Laredo and bought lots and lots of huge pots and have everything in pots now. Chinese fan palms, hibiscus trees, geraniums, scheffelera, bird of paradise and even some bromiliads. Makes it easier to clean up all the mess that our 1 tree ( a huge maganolia) makes. What is not brick is pool deck, little white rocks, spa deck(raised wood) or satillo tile. The front yard is grass and has lots of plants etc. Actually we are thinking of selling - will be empty nesters soon (again!) and is big house for 2 people (3500 sq ft under air). But like it and neighborhood so maybe ?? Congrats to Tami...going to college this fall? HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND !

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Texan, we live in LA County, about 10 minutes from the port in San Pedro. This time of year, we only have the Monarch and maybe a Disney ship (can’t remember if that’s LA or Long Beach) in port. During the winter, we have lots of ships passing through. I drive by everyday going to work, and love to fantasize about being on one of them!


We took a tango class last night, just a group lesson before a practice “party” (they just put a CD on & we dance as best we can). The instructor was OUT THERE, and tried to teach us some intermediate & advanced steps that nobody could master. Oh, well, we got some good exercise, anyway. My DH can’t move his hips, either. I’ve told him to think Hula Hoop, and that helps some, LOL!

Hope everybody has a great weekend!

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Hi all!


GCurry & MsGcurry - it seems we think along the same lines. I want to get the basics before I add all the fancies. Doing a rain dance up here for you.


Although there is no class scheduled for Memorial Day - our Tony told us he would be there if they open the building if anyone wanted extra help (maybe he does live out of his car - too wierd!) We have a party to go to tomorrow and then another on Mon. - won't get that extra attention this week.


It's so hard to remember what everyone said - but here goes my best -(does anyone else have this problem or is senility starting in).


Texancruzer - At our last lesson there were only three couples there too. I liked it - more personal attention. I felt we learned more.


Critterchick - I have no experience with Fred Astaire Studios, but as I said before I lived across the street from a man that owned three of their studios (this was before we got serious about dancing). They are now divorced but his ex-wife is still one of my best friends. She has her own dance studio for children (you know - tap , ballet, and stuff) - She privately will teach ballroom for $50 per hour - I was at her daughters wedding shower last Sun and asked. I think Fred Astaire studios must cost mucho dineros. I don't want to ask for free favors from a friend, but if I have a question - I guess I have a resource.


Thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow - too bad for my friend's picnic we are planning to go to.

Happy Memorial Day and say a prayer for our soldiers overseas and those that have served our country in the past to preserve our freedom!


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Thanks Kaye for the patriotic thoughts, as a Viet Nam era Marine I share those.

Hot and windy here in Southeast TX, which could possible bring in some thunderstorm. We will take the TN relatives over to the Clear Lake area for seafood this evening. It has about the third largest marina population in the nation and feeds out into Galveston Bay.

Our next series of classes will start on the 7th, and I think we have one club dance between now and then. Old Lance keeps the basics simple and works you on them over and over again, before he will move on to something else.

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Wow! I never dreamed this many folks would respond to my original post:D . I am so glad there so many dancers enjoying themselves. I haven't been to the boards in quite a while and imagine my surprise to see so much activity. My DH and I are still taking classes. We signed up for the beginners class once again to try and pin the steps down and add a little style. Needless to say we may be repeating the beginner class after this one as well. We learned through other couples that some of our class have been in the class for the sixth and eighth times and still are having the time of thir lives. So keep dancing folks and maybe one day we'll meet on one of the ships dance floors. Cha-cha-cha:D .

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Hi all you dancers,


Joined the site last week, and today found this thread.

I have been asking questions on other boards about ballroom dancing on cruises as we are going on our first cruise on 4th July on the Costa Magica.

My husband and I started taking ballroom dancing lesssons - and thought we would go for about 6 weeks to learn the basics - we are still going 6 years later - and we just love every minute - we are absolutely hooked. We do Modern, Latin & Salsa.

So, having heard about dancing on Cruises - we thought it would suit us.

Can anyone tell us how much dancing there is on average, on a cruise.

e.g. would we find some every night? are there classes to join in?Is it popular?

Any info would be really useful.

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Based on only four cruises, you can dance as much as you want, it just takes a little planning. They do have some dance classes on most cruises, they will probably use you for demonstrators! Find the right lounge with the right combo on board, and they will be happy to play whatever makes you happy, that's their job. As you do a lot of modern, late night in the disco should be fun for you too. We usually do late seating so get in some ballroom before dinner, and modern at the end of the evening.


A brief pause for rememberance of Memorial Day, we can dance for joy tomorrow!

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My husband and I have been dancing for about 8 years. We didn't really start to take it seriously until about 4 years ago. Our favorite dance is whatever we're doing best at when we're asked. :)


Right now, I think our favorite is quickstep, with rhumba and tango close behind, although waltz may be our best dance. We also do cha-cha, east and west coast swing, salsa, mambo, a bit of bolero and hustle, foxtrot, viennese waltz and nightclub two-step (a dance done mostly in California).


We usually dance 4-5 times a week plus some casual practice at home.


Our studio is doing a group cruise on the Sapphire in October. My understanding is that there will be several professionals in the group, so people booked on that cruise will see some seriously good dancing (the teachers - not us).



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Many thanks for your replies.

I am now more aware of what to expect on our first cruise, and we will go around checking out all of the lounges etc.


A group of dancers on a cruise together - with professionals - sounds like a great idea. Hope you enjoy it, maybe I'll suggest it to our dancing school!

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