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Unpleasant stuff on the Miracle :(


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While well intentioned and self-empowering, it will more often lead to more frustration in these situations.


Telling a rude child who is a stranger he is rude is usually an empty, self-pleasuring act - many kids will ignore you anyway or worse, bait you into becoming the rude one. They are a direct result of their upbringing and your 30 second tongue lashing will not erase years of bad behavior reinforcement training. if it makes you feel better go for it - some find it better to move on and solve problems that can be solved, like a cool drink and some sun.


I have had and seen several confrontations on cruises that only result in fodder for stories when back home. The cruise management can only create an environment that is safe and somewhat orderly - changing peoples manners and social behavioral skills is best left to parents, analysts and daredevils.


Telling a rude child he's rude is one thing. Telling the staff that there is behavior that is unexceptionable (i.e. children in the adult pool, cutting in line etc) is another. I'm pretty sure the reason Disney is on the ball in terms of controlling is because they don't want to hear complaints. If we all sit by and say nothing then it's our faults that nothing is changed.

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The crews on these ships put up with so much nonsense from people. The funiest thing I have noticed is that most of this disrespect to the ships come from the first or second time cruisers. I've noticed a lot of blue card holders walk around like they own the thing! What drives me crazy is the parents watching their kids do stupid things and think it's cute. The lack of please and thank you toward the crew is annoying also. They're busting gut for 10 months per year away from their families to give everyone a great vacation and no one takes an extra moment to say thank you. I have always had great respect for the ships, but just a few cruises ago I started making it a point to start picking random crew members and saying hello, how are you today, or thanks for your hard work. You'll be amazed at the smile just a few words can put on someones face. I just try to make up for some of the knuckleheads that stomp around the ship like they're first mate!!!

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Teacher tell student, parent can't spank you, yell at you etc. Child doesn't learn to respect parent. Parent loses respect for the teacher and inturn doesn't care what teacher does or say or what their child does to teacher. Teacher loses respect for child. It has become a vicious cycle...


I hope some other genious wakes up and says we've made a terrible mistake...


Bible say" Spare the rod, spoil the child"....:eek:


It's not up to the teacher to teach your child respect, it's up to you.


no it's not teacher telling students, it's parents telling their children.


Too many parents saying not my child, yes your child and mine. When moms away they do play.

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One morning at the Omlette station I had a "wake up call". When it was my turn I just stepped up and ordered what I wanted. The young man making our eggs turned to me, smiled and said "good morning, now what can I make for you"? Wow! Did I feel silly? Good lesson though. I also now go out of my way to say "hello", or whatever to crew members who don't usually have the opportunity to interact with passengers. It's just common courtesy, which appears to sometimes take a vacation too.:rolleyes:

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Well I have been on two cruises and not seen anything, good thing. But I was at our state fair this last weekend and inside the buildings they have vendors who sell, they have a booth that sells nail clippers, and all sorts of stuff. As I was standing there there was a woman who picked up a pair of cuticle cutters and used them and put them back:eek:, then found a different one and did the same thing:eek: I told the woman at the booth that someone had done this and put them back. The woman who did this just looked at me and moved on. I hate to see what she teaches her children.

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I started a thread a while ago about what I called "annoying" fellow passengers. Got some flaming for it but tried to do it in good fun. I see I was wrong and people have gotten worse not better.


I cannot imagine the shock and disgust of foreigners traveling with U.S. citizens.


One Carnival security guard (who happened to be from the Philippines) said, after speaking with us about summertime vandalism on board, "we do not tolerate this in our country."


With regards to the kids --- they know all they have to do is dial 9-1-1 and say my parents are hitting me. There is no longer any accountability. When my husband was still on the police force 20 years ago he would take kids home to tell Mommy and Daddy they were caught with drugs or stolen goods and he'd get "not my Johnny" My one wiseguy stepson said to his Dad one time about how they taught us to call 9-1-1 in school if our parents hit us. My husband said to him "you can also tell them to come and pick you up and raise you as well because I'll be done with you" My parents spanked us and we're not doing time for capital murder or any other crime.


We were on board the Legend July of 2004. Two women hanging out at the bar area rear lido (adult area too by the way). Their youngsters (5 or 6 maybe) running up and down the stairs pushing each other. I'm saying to my husband dear God one of those kids are going to over the rail into the ocean. It wasn't until security went to the ice cream machine (where they had opened the machines and were letting ice cream run out on the floor, then they knocked over glass bowls that were shattering into a million pieces on the floor) that these two dingbats finally came over to see what trouble their kids were in. I just shook my head and left the area. This is why I like a balcony cabin.


As for the adults - a lot of the ones you are seeing are coming from that "don't discipline my child I want to be his FRIEND" upbringing. And - -- there are those who are just simply rude, crude and lewd, no other clean way to say it. A lot of the behavior has to be from living in excess too. We ate what was put in front of us and we were awfully glad to have it. I've spoken to so many who lived through the depression. Dinner was homemade bread and a can of beans. The cruise ships look like a pigout fest and so what if my eyes were bigger than my stomach and they have to throw out a huge tray of food.


Our first cruise we got up from breakfast the first morning with our trays in hand to give them to the servers. They were jumping over each other trying to get to us before we got to them. They explained they would be reprimanded if we were seen carrying our trays. We apologized simply stating we were brought up to pick up after ourselves. I still stack our plates and put the silverware on the side. I do it anywhere we go.


Like other posters here say, we all pick up after ourselves. These other people have to be they way they are off ship as well. I'm pretty lucky in that I have a pretty good bunch of regular customers but every once in a while I get someone in who thinks my name is slave or something they scraped off their shoe in a doggie park.


I'm a firm believer in treat someone the way you wish to be treated. The hard working employees of the cruise lines treat me like royalty and I in turn treat them with kind words and many thanks. I go out of my way to write the cruise lines naming those individuals who made my vacation sheer delight.


To the person who started the thread --- I'm so happy that you PERSONALLY enjoyed your time aboard the Miracle. We have been on her twice (in SEPTEMBER when less children) and her crew are fantastic. We found quiet areas to hang out and we did find many fellow cruisers to converse with who were kind and considerate human beings.


I'm sorry this post is so long but these obnoxious individuals don't know how lucky they are to be able to afford a vacation. Especially the way things are going in this country right now. Fools........ just simple darn fools:mad:

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If we all sit by and say nothing then it's our faults that nothing is changed.


I am not advocating silence or defeat, just properly focused action.


Letting Carnival staff and management know of the shortcomings and the financial impact it will have is the best action that may have a chance of success. The post-cruise questionnaire is probably a good start as is emails and letters. My point is that change will ultimately have to come from the party host, not the guests. If it impacts their pocketbook, changes will occur where possible. Some things are harder to change however - keeping kids out of the adult pool is easy - policing the rude and hygienically-challenged is a little tougher.

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We were on the Miracle July 2-10 and I have to tell you that some people have no business being on a cruise ship. Let me say first that the cruise was fabulous and we could not have asked for anything better (except for the couple of days of rain). The crew, food, everything was wonderful. This was our second time on the Miracle and I love that ship.


What I found to be disgusting first was that the ladies room in the Lido aft deck was unusable due to overflowing toilets because someone had flushed some nasty stuff in there. Can't they read the signs posted in the bathrooms? Secondly, people were ordering food delivered to their cabins and then leaving them uneaten with the food getting strewn all over the carpet outside cabin. Then there were the kids taking the soft serve ice cream and dropping it on the floor and then walking away and an older women did not see it and just about broke her neck trying to catch herself from slipping on it. Then a steward had just placed a tray by the ice cream machines filled with a fresh supply of bowls and a kid reached up and knocked the whole thing down all while his mother watched...they walked away! The final straw came when I was sitting in the Lido aft area and there were 4 young men (early 20 somethings) sitting at a table....one of them cleared his throat and spit it out on the floor. How gross and disgusting. Do these people do this stuff at home? The crew works hard and no matter what they always have a smile and a pleasant greeting for the passengers. I don't think they should be treated like personal servants. Hats off to the crew of the Carnival Miracle and to all of the inconsiderate low-lives out there do us all a favor and stay home.


Needed to vent....thanks for readi

I'm afraid O Henry was right "PIGS IS PIGS"

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To the person who started the thread --- I'm so happy that you PERSONALLY enjoyed your time aboard the Miracle. We have been on her twice (in SEPTEMBER when less children) and her crew are fantastic. We found quiet areas to hang out and we did find many fellow cruisers to converse with who were kind and considerate human beings.


Yes, it was a great cruise. And, that was our second time on the Miracle as well. In the future, though, I will try to plan a cruise when school is in session and that includes college kids. We are cruising 9/25 on the Glory to Canada and I hope the "guests" are a little more refined ;)

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My kids were brought up to know that there are limits and boundries to their behavior that are acceptable. I did not have to spank them. I just had to be firm and let them know that no was no. From an early age, a look was all it took to get them to know I was serious. They are now teens and that look still works for me.


I have friends whose kids are the same age as mine. We have been friends since our oldest ones were babies and have done much together even taking trips together. They did not give their kids firm limits and boundries. They would tell their kids no, then not back each other up and one or both would give in, especially when they started screaming uncontrollably. They would tell their kids no and then laugh at their behavior excusing it as being tired, hungry or kids being kids. There have been many times when they have become frustrated with kids and each other and not know how to handle the situation. There have been times when my kids were embarrassed to be around them because their behavior was so bad. As a friend I try not to say anything because I don't want to damage our friendship by interfering. But those 2 kids behave when they are at my house without their parents around because I make sure they know what the boundries are. I don't have to yell at them, like their parents do, I just tell them what's what. I don't think their parents believe me when I tell them how good they were while they were gone.


It all comes down to setting those boundries and limitations when they are young and following through. They need to know you are serious when you say something and they will respect you for it. Too many parents are like my friends who are all too willing to excuse the behavior rather than deal with the behavior...I am so afraid that it will only get worse for them as they get older. Their older one currently has no respect for his mother and is often mouthing off to her. My children have never spoken to me in that manner. They have a respect for me that has been instilled in them from a young age and I repeat...it was not beaten into them.


Unfortunately I see this trend in my 2 year old nephew too. My brother and sister-in-law tell him no and yell at him constantly and then laugh at him and encourage his poor behavior. Then they wonder why he continues to be naughty. Not being as afraid to say something to him as I am to my friends, I tell him that he is allowing the poor behavior by not stopping him from doing it. I don't think he believes me...nor does he believe me when I tell him the child was well-behaved while he was gone and I was baby-sitting...Because when I tell him no, I mean it and I follow through with no meaning no. Some people just don't get it. Once the kid starts crying they give in. It's their kids that you see misbehaving on the cruiseships...don't lump all kids in the same category...there are some that are well-behaved...and until someone comes up to me telling me my kids are not behaving I will keep saying that mine are well behaved...I've only had good reports on their behavior from family, friends, teachers, coaches, and strangers. No cause for me to doubt them yet.:D

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I should have added, "... and not just Carnival."
Maybe not just CCL...but the couple times I have seen really disgusting rest rooms HAS been on CCL. On RCCL, every spot on the ship I was in at any given time was 100% spotless at all times. I'm not fond of RCI, (my least favorite cruise so far) but the ship was cleaner by far.

So, whether there are fewer slobs on RCCL, or if the crew is quick enough to clean up after them so that you aren't aware of it, it doesn't matter. If I'm not seeing the mess, I'm enjoying myself more.

No one wants to go into a disgusting bathroom.

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Like going to the public pool makes me feel better about wearing a swimsuit - witnessing some other parents with their kids makes me feel like a better parent! :D I am tyring to raise angles and am lucky to get half way decent kids. I am not their friend, I am their parent. If they embarrass me with their behavior, I am going to embarrass them by disciplining them in front of their audiance and proceeding to have them apologize to anyone who witnessed their rude/obnoxious behavior. My best compliment is when other people say that my kids are well behaved. I then know I am doing my job. Now, they leave a lot to be desired in how they behave for dh and me - but in front of and for others - they get it. Parenting 101

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Well...not to defend obnoxious children....but some "older adults" just don't remember what it's like to be a kid or have a kid.


Example...We went out to eat with a friend and his wife. The wife is in her mid-80s. This was a family style restaurant...not very crowded.


The family at the next table had a kid...around 2 years old. Just as they were getting up to leave the toddler started to cry/whine. Absolutely NO BIG DEAL. It was like 30 seconds of noise.


The "old lady" with us started to scream "that child is rotten"...and kept repeating it. The family was rushing to leave and really embarrassed. I looked at "my old lady"...looked at the kid's father...and just rolled my eyes.


No...parents should not allow a child to play with food and then put it back, throw ice cream on the floor...etc....


But...if you really get upset when a child makes a noise....there are other cruise lines that have very few children on board. Those would be more appropriate.


Children are supposed to be noisy....that's part of being a kid. Children that seem so well behaved, may, in realty exhibit this behavior because they are repressed or have social issues.


Personally...I prefer "not many kids" on board. But if they're there...I just tolerate it.


When my son was little I wouldn't have taken him on a cruise. It just wouldn't have been fun to be worrying about him tripping an old person.....and it wouldn't have been fun telling him to avoid the old people because he could make one of them trip.

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Being menopausal, I don't hold my tongue well sometimes.

Let's hope I don't EVER witness anything similar, because I will speak up. :eek:


I'm the same way & for the same reason! I just tell my friends that the little woman standing guard between my brain & my mouth has gone on vacation. I'm a psychotherapist &, the other day, one of the women I see in counseling stated that she supports her 4 children. Well, each child has a different dead beat dad, she doesn't work, & receives welfare. I very honestly explained that she doesn't support her kids. Me & every other hard working American support her kids through our taxes!! It's my version of reality therapy.

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Maybe not just CCL...but the couple times I have seen really disgusting rest rooms HAS been on CCL. On RCCL, every spot on the ship I was in at any given time was 100% spotless at all times. I'm not fond of RCI, (my least favorite cruise so far) but the ship was cleaner by far.

So, whether there are fewer slobs on RCCL, or if the crew is quick enough to clean up after them so that you aren't aware of it, it doesn't matter. If I'm not seeing the mess, I'm enjoying myself more.

No one wants to go into a disgusting bathroom.


Honestly...this has been my experience as well. We found some of the behavior on our Inspiration cruise completely unacceptable while we haven't had an issue on our RCCL or Princess cruises. Maybe it's been coincidence or "luck" more than anything else. The same goes for the cleanliness issue(s).

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I'm the same way & for the same reason! I just tell my friends that the little woman standing guard between my brain & my mouth has gone on vacation. I'm a psychotherapist &, the other day, one of the women I see in counseling stated that she supports her 4 children. Well, each child has a different dead beat dad, she doesn't work, & receives welfare. I very honestly explained that she doesn't support her kids. Me & every other hard working American support her kids through our taxes!! It's my version of reality therapy.


LOL! Maybe it's our own little "Okie" thang. :D


I'm a writer and an editor, and I recently posted on my Facebook page: The problem with being a Word Nerd during menopause is that half the time, the word I'm searching for is on the tip of my tongue...but I can't quite spit it out. The rest of the time, I am biting my tongue to keep from saying the words on the tip of my tongue. :D

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LOL! Maybe it's our own little "Okie" thang. :D


I'm a writer and an editor, and I recently posted on my Facebook page: The problem with being a Word Nerd during menopause is that half the time, the word I'm searching for is on the tip of my tongue...but I can't quite spit it out. The rest of the time, I am biting my tongue to keep from saying the words on the tip of my tongue. :D


That's hysterical!! And true!


I'm actually a relocated New Yorker. I always thought that my attitude was just the New Yorker in me peaking through. However, I've been here 8+ years so maybe it is an Okie thang!


For whom do you write & edit?

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It is the same no matter where you are out. People do not care what other people think since they will never see any of us or you again. Who cares. The little darlings can do what they please on board and mummy and daddy do not give a hoot. Why should they care.

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Some suggestions. When you see something, speak up, and scold the kid. Yes, it's ok, because you are not touching them. You still have freedom of speach. Next when the parent says something. Answer, sorry, didn't know you were the parent, you weren't acting like one. Politely point out, that it takes a community to raise a child, and you are just doing your part. Pause, don't talk, and wait for the silence to take over, and just calmly say, that you were waiting for the plates to be picked up, or an apology, or whatever the case is.


Key here, is scold the child, and talk in a calm voice to the parent to teach them.


Once some kids were doing something dangerous on the street, and my neighborhood. I informed the kids, if I saw them driving their go-cart on the street again, I would be more than happy to disable it until it can be picked up. The parent (father) was furious. After he vented, I informed him, that I saved their kid's life, and informed him, that I now understand, why the kid did not understand the right way. I would be more than happy to discuss this with the police department, or should we just correct the situration now?


The point is, if you as the "extended" family of a neighborhood, don't take responsibility sometimes, than the parent will not get the picture.


The rest of the story, is that the father, let his kid's continue, and after finding out that he worked for the sheriff's department, his supervisor was notified. The situation was than corrected. The "family" was than expanded to include others.


The kid, who drove across the street, from a wooded area, is still alive.

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We were on the Miracle July 2-10 and I have to tell you that some people have no business being on a cruise ship. Let me say first that the cruise was fabulous and we could not have asked for anything better (except for the couple of days of rain). The crew, food, everything was wonderful. This was our second time on the Miracle and I love that ship.


What I found to be disgusting first was that the ladies room in the Lido aft deck was unusable due to overflowing toilets because someone had flushed some nasty stuff in there. Can't they read the signs posted in the bathrooms? Secondly, people were ordering food delivered to their cabins and then leaving them uneaten with the food getting strewn all over the carpet outside cabin. Then there were the kids taking the soft serve ice cream and dropping it on the floor and then walking away and an older women did not see it and just about broke her neck trying to catch herself from slipping on it. Then a steward had just placed a tray by the ice cream machines filled with a fresh supply of bowls and a kid reached up and knocked the whole thing down all while his mother watched...they walked away! The final straw came when I was sitting in the Lido aft area and there were 4 young men (early 20 somethings) sitting at a table....one of them cleared his throat and spit it out on the floor. How gross and disgusting. Do these people do this stuff at home? The crew works hard and no matter what they always have a smile and a pleasant greeting for the passengers. I don't think they should be treated like personal servants. Hats off to the crew of the Carnival Miracle and to all of the inconsiderate low-lives out there do us all a favor and stay home.


Needed to vent....thanks for reading.




I do not know what my mother would have smacked first. My face or my butt. Yes smacked. These parents today are so afraid of THEIR children.


I smacked my sons butt one day for mouthing off to me. He told me he was going to call the police on me. I told him I would beat him next door. (neighbor was a police officer) Son was 15. He has out grown that thank goodness and is studying to be a teacher. Won't he have fun.


People realize they are your children and teach them respect. I did both my sons at a young age and was praised for it. That is something you do not see enough of in todays kids.


Sorry venting myself. A real pet peeve for me

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That's hysterical!! And true!


I'm actually a relocated New Yorker. I always thought that my attitude was just the New Yorker in me peaking through. However, I've been here 8+ years so maybe it is an Okie thang!


For whom do you write & edit?


Mostly the federal government, but I also have a steady Chicago-based client who hires me to edit everything from blogs to web copy to full-length manuscripts. Are you on Facebook?


You can email me at rita@ritahess.com or contact me through www.ritahess.com. :)

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I do not know what my mother would have smacked first. My face or my butt. Yes smacked. These parents today are so afraid of THEIR children.


I smacked my sons butt one day for mouthing off to me. He told me he was going to call the police on me. I told him I would beat him next door. (neighbor was a police officer) Son was 15. He has out grown that thank goodness and is studying to be a teacher. Won't he have fun.


People realize they are your children and teach them respect. I did both my sons at a young age and was praised for it. That is something you do not see enough of in todays kids.


Sorry venting myself. A real pet peeve for me


IMHO smacking a kid does not teach a child respect. It teaches them fear. Fear does not equal respect. I do not smack my kids, but I do have their respect. And they obey me out of that respect. They don't like to disappoint me and it shows in their behavior. That was not brought on by fear.

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