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Its LEGEND time!! Cruising with kids too!!


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7am comes very early! I set the alarm for 6am; requested breakfast at 6:30. I jump out of bed and head to the deck. Its still dark, heavily clouded. Lights in the distance - - GEORGETOWN!! The lights go on, the kids grumble… BREAKFAST! Everyone puts their swim suits on underneath their clothes, and we pack the beach bag with towels, sunscreen, and anything else I can fit that we may need including more bonine! The tenders start at 7am, but we are not required to meet in the theater – just make your way down to deck A at the front of the ship. The elevators only go to deck 1, so there are stairs involved…and the stairwells are crowded. With “sign and sail card” in hand, we slowly make our way to the tender boat. DING…. (ah, that obnoxious yet distinct ding of the SS card…I so miss it!) We are off.


This is the first opportunity for the kids to see the amazing color of the water – unfortunately, its overcast, and not as bright. But no matter, its still amazing! The tender fills up quickly, and as soon as we pull away, the next one pulls up and starts to unload the next group. The water is a little choppy, but I don’t care! I’m on vacation! We pull into the NEW PORT (granted, it may not be THAT new, but when we were here November 2008, we were still pulling into the old area). The tender driver must have been new or in training or something. As we pulled up to the dock – WHAM – we slammed into the wall. WHAM – WHAM – I’m looking at the water….DUDE ITS NOT THAT ROUGH….WHAM – WHAM. I’m thinking about the bonine in my bag – that would be a sad day to get sick on the friggin tender ride! FINALLY…they get the boad tied down, and the steps placed. I was quite happy to get off that tender! Ugh. And guess what – I AM IN GRAND CAYMAN. This is the very first foreign country my two kids have ever been in. We stop for the goofy picture (and we all look so marvelous…not – pony tails, no make up, bags under the eyes, and a slight green hue from the tender ride) – then we head up to the gate!


There were 3 ships in port that day – I think we were the first to unload? The port area was still very quiet; many of the shops weren’t even open yet. There are buildings, and tents. As you exit the pier, and are looking easterly, there are buildings directly to the left and right, and further in to the left was a restaurant (I don’t remember what it was called) and further to the left, but kind of in a semi circle, were more buildings; 2 story. Duty free cigars, Harley Davidson, a liquor store, and some others. To your front/right were all the tent/canopies and some portable shopping. There was a large bank of telephones that I got a kick out of! Phone booths are so obsolete in the US from the cell phone era…Most of the excursions are under the tent canopies – And there were at least 634 excursions!! Just kidding – but there were MANY!! First things first – BATHROOMS! And the bathrooms were very clean! The port is fenced off from the road – but there was not security to get in and out of the port and into town.


Wow – guess what? CAYMAN TIME is one hour behind SHIP TIME! Are you kidding me? We have an hour to kill? And nothing is open? But hey – we were directed to the dunkin donuts across the street and I’m thinking….COFFEE!! Across the street, up the stairs – we grab a table and watch the world go by laughing at the funny cars driving on the wrong side of the street. 3 donuts, 2 coffee, 2 waters – I think was 14 bucks. We head back across the street and back onto the port and find our “sign” – STINGRAY SAILING – an independent company.


I have done the stingray tour twice before and was super excited to get back. I heard great reviews about STINGRAY SAILING – they are a small boat; maximum of 22 people. They “motor” out to the site, and then “sail” back in! Im thinking – GREAT! I’ve never sailed, and there wont be six hundred people on our boat! WooHoo! We squeezed in on their air-conditioned van (It was not hot, but it was humid, so the air felt good) and drove about 10 minutes along 7mile beach and lots of amazing buildings to the marina. We remove our shoes – they damage the vessel – and find a comfy seat for the 30 minute trip to the site. Once out of the marina and into the open ocean, we see how stormy it really was…I’m thinking GREAT! NOT AGAIN?! The dark cumulus clouds to the south were full of vim and vigor – lightning. I never heard the thunder over the sound of the boat. The water was rough, and pretty soon, I can see my 15yo is sick. The crew prepared a tarp to enclose an area in case of rain – and a few drops fell here and there…BUT that’s all it was. Just a few. The wind was blowing, the motor was running, the lightning was sparking, the boat was bouncing (just a little) and I was so enamored with the water color that I didn’t even care! In fact, my dh caught a nap! How the heck?!

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About 20 minutes out, the hum of the motor drops, and I see a few boats sprawled out in the crystal clear turquoise water. STINGRAY CITY. As we slowed, I watched the water and held my breath – THERE IS A STINGRAY – and another…and another. I’m pointing out these magnificent creatures to my kids! They threw the anchor, and prepared for us to play! They threw out a tube with a bucket of squid in the center. Yes – STINGRAY SAILING feeds the rays! As we strip down….to our swim suits, we take turns entering the water. The rules – do not grab the rays’ tails – try not to step on the rays; shuffle your feet instead of stepping if you can – try not to scream or make any sudden or jerky moves – no jumping or diving into the water; just ease into it.


The water was warm – hallelujah! It was just a little over my head when I got in, but I moved towards the sand bar and soon the water was a little more than waist deep. What a concept – 20 minutes by boat clear out in the middle of the ocean, and the water is waist deep! Soon my husband and 9yo were right next to me. My poor sea sick 15yo daughter was one of the last ones off the boat, but soon, she was grinning from ear to ear. Once my 9yo got over the fear factor – it takes a few minutes of them rubbing up along side you to understand they aren’t gonna hurt you – he was off and trying to feed them with the guides! My poor dtr though – she rode on daddys back for the better part of 10 minutes! Once we got her down on her own, she was ok! The guides were fantastic! They gave everyone the opportunity to hold a ray – even my dtr. They also gave anyone that wanted to the chance to feed one. The little ones were the males; the big ones were the females. No kissing this time – the myth is you kiss a stingray, you get 7years good luck. Last time, I kissed it twice thinking – hey, I could use 14 years!! Myth busted…but I developed a craving for sushi! (hahahaha) We spent maybe half an hour to 45 minutes at Stingray City. When we got first arrived, there were about 8 wave runners and 3 or 4 boats – not many people at all. By the time we left, we were surrounded by boats and hoards of people. Being “first” DOES have its advantages! And being in a small group – lots of one-on-one attention; lots of information; lots of education. We had other “people” coming over to our group – and there are no “rules” – I just found it ironic that they wanted to be with US – Im thinking – you booked with them, stay with them!


I found out later that guides of other excursions often come over and pick up rays and physically take them to another group. I remember back to the very first time I came to STINGRAY CITY – January 2006. Boy, things are different – and its only been what, 4 years. I wonder if this phenomenal place will soon disappear along with so many other great things – over crowded, over fed, over used – There will be an accident, and then it will be banned. The guides talked a little about Steve Irwin and how dumb he was for being as smart as he was – not dumb for getting stung; anyone can get stung at any given time – but dumb for removing the barb knowing the science behind it. All it would take is one accident, and this marvel will be gone.


Soon, the rays are gone – and we still have squid! Did they get full? Maybe. Did they find a better variety of lunch with another group? Maybe. The water was a little rough; an occasional wave took me and everyone else off balance. It was rough enough to really compound my poor daughters sea sickness…poor kid. It was time to go. So we jump back on the catamaran and head off a short distance to the reef. This part of the reef I have never been to before. The majority storms had passed to the south of us, and blue sky was peeking through here and there! And once the sun hit that water – MAGIC! The vibrant colors of coral and fish – etched forever in my memories. We were doled out fins, masks and blow-up life vests if we wanted them. I’m a great swimmer, just a very lazy snorkeler! Into the water we went. I hung back with my daughter – but she found a friend to hang with – and my 9yo was with my dh so I went off for a while on my own. This reef was AMAZING – so many kinds of coral – I even saw a fan coral that was 3 different colors! And the fish…The occasional ray here and there. Again, the cloud cover prohibited the bright colors, but that was ok. I was doing what I loved! Im not sure what happened to my family – I was in my own little world. My 9yo had a difficult time with the snorkel – I told him to pretend he was saying SHHHHH all the time. I think that helped. The natural instinct to breathe through your nose is very hard to overcome. My dtr, I find out later, just held her breath, but looked through the mask. My lip/mouth muscles, actually, became a little tired. But I got one heck of a workout swimming in the ocean! Probably another 30 minutes here or so….The boat comes complete with a fresh water shower to wash the salt water off your body – they offered some complementary fruit (a quick, natural pick-me-up) Yummy!


Back on the boat, they dropped the sail! But guess what – NOT ENOUGH WIND TO MAKE HER GO! Figures. Oh well – they leave the sail out, but motor up and we’re off. A little less clouds, a lot less wind, and we are done. My poor dtr is hanging over the edge – Im afraid Mt. St. Kylee is going to blow. (she never did, but she sure felt like crap – poor kid) The ride back to town was uneventful, and I was exhausted! I suck down the contents of my water bottle, and enjoy the wind on my face. My son and some other kids were busy playing, dh was chatting with one of the guides. If it had been sunny, and excruciatingly hot, it would have been sunburn city. This was actually perfect. As we hit the marina, the guides point out all the iguanas – say they taste like chicken. Hahaha

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We board the van, and the ride back to the port didn’t take long at all. So, do we go into town and shop, or just head back to the ship? My dtr says – back to the ship. I know what it’s like to be sea sick, I say ok. Im exhausted. A little port-side shopping, a trip to the restroom, and back through the gates. Before we board the tender, there is lemonade and water, provided by Carnival. I didn’t stop for any, but thought that was pretty cool. My dtr looks at the tender, and I thought she was gonna cry – as sick as she was, and remembering how AWFUL the incoming tender ride was, I knew exactly where she was coming from. Luckily, we were one of the last ones on, first ones off. Tender ride was very smooth, thankfully and soon, we are helped back onto the Legend – that familiar DING, an elevator ride and a long walk down the corridor and we are back into our room. Our tidy and clean room. I notice the time, and point out to everyone that the buffet is still open – we should eat first and then shower later. No problem there – all that water work had worked up appetites for all of us. Even my dtr was a little hungry! Full bellies, cleansing shower and NAP TIME!! I wake up in time to set sail. We are parked inbetween two other ships – Carnival Destiny - and Celebrity Solstice. The thrusters in reverse, we “back” out! Man technology is amazing. The sun is peeking out, and its starting to get warm. My 9yo says – ICE CREAM!! Ok – I’m off on an ice cream run, and when we get back, dh and dtr are sleeping. So, we take off and run around some more. What a day! Grand Cayman is and always will be one of my most favorite places in the world. I’ve still not been to “hell” – although, I do claim to have been kicked out of there on occasion – hahaha. We’ve still not been to the turtle farm, which I know we will someday. But to this day, my kids still say the best stop of the trip was the STINGRAYS!!

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And it seems that my "writing time" is pretty limited to the mornings - I will try and add our Cozumel stop this afternoon, but if I dont get to it, I will be back in the morning with Coz info.


And feel free, if you have any questions, to email me - marci4tony at yahoo.


...man, I could use a Reuben right about now...:(


ps - Im in Idaho1

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5:00 sushi (pretty close to lunch, but what the heck)…brought it back to my room and enjoyed it on my balcony! We were real low key peeps on board – we played hard, so I don’t feel bad about relaxing hard!


Dinner at the new table – Our wait staff introduced themselves (something new), asked about us (something new), offered a childs menu without asking (again…what is going on here) and we were hooked. The assistant waiter – God forbid I did not write down anyone’s names…- was a HOOT! So much personality emanating from him it was contagious! THIS is what I remember from prior cruises. Menu suggestions – (more new stuff) – and conversation like we were real people! Come to find out, our waitress gets motion sick terribly, and had a patch behind her ear. I think there was a small connection between my dtr and the waitress – How she carried around all that stuff all the while the motion bothered her. Crazy! Sorry – no food porn for this cruiser, nor descriptions. I found enough menu’s circulation around, you probably don’t need food details. I did make an effort to try all the chilled soups. The only one I didn’t like – Asparagus. UCK!! Ikky!! Extra roll over here please! (Oh, when the asst waiter comes around with the bread, the sliced rye bread was very good!)


SIDE NOTE – the MOTION in the restaurant is noticeable.


After dinner, a little walk around to help the food digest was in order. So, we head up to the ENCHANTED FORREST looking for my dtr and her cronies… (These teenagers found the “enchanted forest” – goofy kids. One of them would say “transform” and they would magically strike a tree pose and disappear when people would walk by….Seriously!) Nope, shes not there. The ENCHANTED FORREST is on deck 3 and is a walkway that goes around behind the stage. It will take you to the youth activity area. (Camp Carnival and the video games) – There are port holes, and it is decorated like a forest – kinda reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. You should venture up there just to see it. It looks very quiet should you want to get away from the hustle and bustle. Now…time for bed. No early morning for us tomorrow – Cozumel dock time is 10am. PLENTY of time for my daily croissant and coffee!

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We got up in the morning to MORE CLOUDS. ????? As the ship sailed into port, I watched the familiar shoreline – once you’ve sailed by Cozumel, you will understand what I am talking about! The bright colors, the large white canopy building, stuff like that. More ponytails – no makeup – and bags under the eyes. Good thing it wasn’t a glamour trip! Hahahaha Breakfast in the Lido – back to the cabin to pack for the day.




Cozumel is a DOCKED stop – no tender here. (Much to my dtr’s delight) Down to mid-ship Deck A again – DING….there goes the SS card and off we go! Now, the dock/pier area is LONG – I did not notice the “transports” going in, but saw them coming out. (Bike and buggy, mule and buggy, etc) As we walked along, we heard the familiar echo of THUNDER. Lightning there was magnificent, but was a little close for my liking. Only a little rain, but the electricity in the air was more than a bunch of tourists! We casually stroll through the shopping area inside the port, and venture out to find ourselves a cab. We had originally planned to go to Paradise Beach because they had some water toys that would occupy the kids. Nacchi Cocum was our “former” heaven here, but probably wasn’t what the kids were looking for. I was very apprehensive due to the “crowds” – there were again, 3 ships in port.




4 people to Paradise Beach – 14 bucks. OK. So once inside the cab, our driver struck up a conversation. Why PB? Well, we loved Nachi but there were no toys for the kids. He then told me that Mr Sanchos had toys. I don’t recall seeing anyone but PB that had toys. Really? Is MS as packed as PB? He calmly turned around and said NO ONE IS AS PACKED AS PB! I said – SOLD! PB is a little closer to the pier, but I didn’t care. He dropped us off at MS and I gave him a 20. (Not sure what a typical tip is for a cab, but the fare was 15 or 16 bucks – I was assuming we had made a good change at that time)



Once we got out, we could see a lot of little vendors – the bright hats and dresses and things that Mexico is so well known for. But they did NOT approach us. SCORE!! We got to the entrance, and were escorted to an umbrella/table within about 8’ of the shoreline. The toys were 12 per person – same price as PB. They did not have as much as PB offered, but I’m not sure we’d have done much more than we did. They had an iceberg, a couple of water-totters, and a couple other toys. SUNSCREEN!! My 9yo and dh had a blast. The area was roped off and you needed a wristband to get in – not a problem. I did not see anywhere that MS had the toys, and I feel we made a great decision to switch. I’m not big with crowds. Even as I visit MS I still don’t see the water toys…perhaps it’s a new offering? They did have the AYCED option, we declined that. We had a couple of sodas, got some of their amazing guac a little later – and it was perfect. They had very clean restrooms with showers. Again, the clean factor earns lots of points with me! The beach there was a “rough sand” – you could see all the chunks of coral in the sand. I didn’t mind it but my dtr didn’t like the rough beach. (as opposed to a fine sand borderline muddy beach)




What we got that we hadn’t bargained for…JELLYFISH! Everywhere!! Im wading in the water and I’m looking down at the bottom – its so clear and beautiful, I think everyone wants to look down and see fish swimming. When I saw all the little dots, I looked a bit closer and viola – thimble jellyfish. (I believe these were larve or a very young stage – they were small – like the tip of your pinky finger or smaller. They were transparent, so they were hard to see unless you were looking. But they had a little black dot in the head area. Their sting was little more than like a rubber band snap. I would venture to bet that 90% of the people on the beach that day didn’t even know. But when I asked our waiter, he produced a jug of vinegar. So they knew. Just didn’t want a panic, I suppose. After a little research on line, they were probably brought in with the rotten weather, and will probably be gone in less than a weeks time. The good news – they FEED FISH! So the reefs should be FULL of fish!! We did not snorkel here – I chose not to because of the jellies – but truth be known, we were plenty busy just playing in the water!




My 15yo did go parasailing – there are some independent operators down the beach – was 60 bucks, I think (for about 15 minutes on the boat and 15 minutes in the air?) The boat beached right up on shore – we got in the boat with a small step ladder and we were off! Im sure she had the time of her life! She say she saw a sea turtle too!

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After her adventure, we decided we needed a snack! Some sodas for the kids, a water for Mom and some chips and guac. The chips were hand rolled, cut and fried – nothing out of a plastic bag. And the guac was so fresh! My 9yo son did not like the bees, however – they really liked his soda!! (well, whadaya expect mid summer!) MORE SUNSCREEN




It was then that I did something…I probably shouldn’t have. You know – when you do something that you shouldn’t do but you do it anyway… I took a few chips, and headed into the water. Near the toys, on the right hand side, is a flat rock about 3’ deep in the water. And near that rock were lots of little fish…and some BIG ONES. The only way I can explain what they look like are BIG ANGEL FISH – like the size of your hand. Black stripes, silvery, distinctive tail. So I crunched up a chip and started feeding the fish…I looked over my shoulder to see if someone was gonna yell at me and no one seemed to even care what I was doing! So I crushed up some more – pretty soon I was in the center of a feeding frenzy. The fish were everywhere – brushing up against my leg, breaching out of the water. I attracted a crowd. My kids loved feeding the fish – and so did all the people around us. They came so close you could reach out and touch them! Pretty awesome.



While the frenzy was occurring, so was the weather. Drip, drop, drip. A little thunder. More drippage – more thunder….then….the DELUGE FROM MEXICO! Whats so funny, is everyone was running for cover. I mean – we are ALL in the ocean, we are already wet. And you are running for shelter?! I laughed. (There was a few major claps of thunder, but not enough to scare me out of the water) So I stayed. And swam. I did notice when the rain stopped that the jellyfish were pretty scarce….not sure what the correlation was there. DH ran to the umbrella to make sure the camera didn’t get wet. We puttered around a bit longer, and decided we’d had enough. Time to head back to the ship. Im guessing it was 3ish… Change to Mr Sanchos - SUCCESS!!!




So, we grab a cab back to port (I was not sure it would make it a time or two…) 9yo fell asleep in the car, and when we woke him up to get out, all 7734 broke loose! He was sunburned, and tired and hungry and cranky! DD wanted to shop a bit, and so we decided that I’d take 9yo back to the ship and DH and DD could stay behind in port to shop. As we headed back to the ship, we were passed by an ambulance. Since there were 2 Carnival ships docked on this pier, I did not know what ship that came from. Bummer. Back to the ship – DING with the SS cards – Elevator to the 7th deck and the semi-long passage down the hall revived my son – he wanted ICE CREAM….GO FIGURE!




So we elected to get ROOM SERVICE – He had a grilled cheese and I had a Reuben. (Hadnt been to the DELI for a Reuben yet) – It was not the same. It was good; I was famished. And he scarfed down his sandwich and had 3 ice cream cones before DH and DD got back to the ship! I guess they went to the “LIZARD” restaurant at the pier and sat in this ridiculously large chair/table. Im looking for a photo. The waitress gave my husband tequila and he had to drink it with no hands… DD? Tequila? It was going to be a LONG NIGHT!! Hahaha



HONK – that was the first time I’d heard the Legend Honk its horn. Cool! So I went to the deck and watched. Wow – its 5. We aren’t leaving…??? HONK HONK. Hmmmm – still not leaving….whats up with that. Then, the ISLAND TWISTER BOAT comes a screaming in – must be running late. Sure enough, people get off the twister boat and run down that pier, and then come running up our pier. HONK HONK HONK. And…we’re off! Someone just about missed the ship!! The reverse thrusters start churning up the water.




There are some young men in the cabin next to us – I was enjoying a quiet, peaceful afternoon and their door slams and they come out laughing and raising all sorts of ruckus. Hey, I’m not OLD by any means of the definition, but guys!!!!! Then one of them lights up a stogie…cough cough. YUK!! And another one yells – look, I swear that’s a shark. I saw a shadow move down there. I wanted to yell around the corner and say – “no, that’s the body of the a##hole I threw over the side a little bit ago that ruined my peace…would you care to join him?!” I didn’t…but it was remotely funny. Point being that your balconies are pretty private – you don’t see much – feet and if someone is leaning over the railing, an occasional body. But you HEAR EVERYTHING! And you get the SMOKE!

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I am loving your review - We leave in 3 days....We have Stingrays booked as well


Question for you - we were planning PB for Cozumel as well...We have a 5 (almost 6) DD and a 3.5 yo DS...They are both water bugs and VERY active... Do you think Mr Sanchos would be better?


thanks so much your your time!!!



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Mzshelle2u - I am VERY JEALOUS. I will keep my eye on the tropics for you - weather is my hobby and I've been known to study hurricanes more than the average meteorologist! hahaha


Jack & Laura - If I remember correctly - Roast Beef, Turkey, Ham....That seems to be all I can recall. The Roast Beef will be there for embarkation...VERY TASTY!! Never tried the turkey or ham... Sorry


Hollyday - She is an AMAZING ship - I love her (has sailed 2 times) because she is easy to get around; very well laid out in my opinion. Yes, you can STILL get lost if you want to, but she has a nice smooth flow about her. She is showing some wear, but a few weeks in drydock, she will be GOOD AS NEW!!! I so miss the hum of the propellers and the splash of the sea and being "rocked" to sleep at night....


Shelib4 - Thank you. You wait forever, and then you are on the Lido with a DOD and food up the wazoo! Have fun!!


In2why - My son did well at Camp Carnival - cept, I didnt know exactly what he was doing all the time. He is 9 and was able to check himself out at any given time. He did NOT like the talent show...he says he has no talent, and thats totally false - he's just not been shown how to share it! My bad. He loved the "t-shirt" - they get to color their own t-shirt. They had some "gaming" activity and he got mad and left early??? Not sure what that was about. He LOVED the 330am party though...:eek: That is an extra charge, but he is such a night owl when we let him! A lot of their activities were in MEDUSA'S LIAR - Deck 2 Aft (back by the MDR) So we could buzz in and check up on him, and watch - he never knew we were there! I will pull out my capers tonight and see if there were more specific activities listed on them, ok?


Heya Poptart! Thank you! When's YOUR next adventure?!


ssatterly - you are so excited you had to tell us TWICE! Now that was MEAN!! hahahaha - You will have a blast - so very jealous!


Boydak - Thank you! How kind. I do write a little for the examiner but my specialty is YELLOWSTONE - I am from Idaho, and grew up in Jackson Hole. So I kinda know about YNP a little. Thank you again!!


Kimber814 - Ok - if you go to PB website, there is a listing of things they offer. At Mr Sanchos, they have the toys - the snorkeling was extra, the kayak and peddle boats were extra. They dont have the climbing tree, or the trampoline either - Its just going to depend on what you want to do. The food was great (well, the chips and guac was) The beach is laid out - (from water towards the restaurant) - water, sand, beach, lounge chairs, tables/umbrellas, restaurant. The restaurant is an open air, covered - I assume has a capacity of 100 or better - The bathrooms are PINK - but very clean:eek: There was shopping, and showers too. The toys at MS were similar to PB - The iceberg, the water-totters, and some others I dont remember the names to. They were anchored to rocks or something on the bottom of the ocean, and there were life vests available. My son used one. The one thing I will say - it takes a LOT of upper body strength to get up on them suckers! And a little smarts. To get one person on the totter was difficult, but if you tried two people; one on each side to balance it out, was much easier. We were NOT overrun by the big kids on the toys - that was a problem as PB. I suspect the toys are pretty new at MS because on their website, there are no picture or mention of them. Im not a fan of big crowds and big kids playing with the smaller kids, so this worked out great for us. Hope that helped!


Ah - need more coffee....I certainly dont sleep as well at home as I did on the ship. :(

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A little clarification here -


COZUMEL is an island off the North Eastern tip of Mexico. Legend, based on the last two times I've sailed with her, goes around the northern tip of the island, and docks on the upper western coast. It is very close to being directly across form Playa del Carmen on the main land.


Most of the major beach areas - the touristy and popular beaches - are along the western coast of the island. There is not huge surfing waves - there are some great snorkeling and fishing areas - but the western side of the island is protected. I do understand that the EASTERN side of the island has bigger surf and very strong undertow. But there much less of that on the BEACHES side. Most of the Western side is protected by several "reefs". I did notice while we were swimming at Mr. Sanchos, I kept drifting northwards so I just kept an eye on my kids. It was barely noticeable.


If I recall correctly, the first area I noticed a sign for was Chankanaab Park. (Closest to the pier - within walking distance...no)


There is a GREAT beach map at cozumelmexico.net If you are headed to Coz and are concerned about where everything is, this will help put things into perspective.


As far as the less traveled coast - which I understand is absolutely AMAZING - I dont know anything about.


Hope that helps

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What a wonderful job you have done in describing your adventure!! I’m very impressed my family of two grandparents my son and my girlfriend are all going in Dec. I was wrong we will be across from where you stayed. My GF and my parents have never sailed before so I’m very excited about this cruise. My son has no idea were cruising! We are going to PB in Cozumel do think that MS is better than PB or just different? We too are doing the sting rays however we will be utilizing Moby Dick’s tours they seem to come with really good reviews. I look forward to hearing about the rest your exciting adventure. I just hope I’m half as good a writer as you have been.

In kind regards,


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