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bad experience on carnival destiny


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I feel your pain Pattyl. We were on the Carnival Triumph over labor day weekend & in Cozumel with Destiny. I have alot of the same complaints as you. This was our 7th cruise, only our 3rd Carnival & we probably won't sail Carnival again. I was disappointed that the Captain's cocktail party was no more & we didn't get a welcome back party either. Someone on here told me the welcome back parties are only for 5 day cruises or longer. I was also disappointed in the food on our cruise & long lines in the cafe on lido deck. Triumph was a very nice ship & I we did have great service. You should try RCL. RCL is more expensive, but a little more money for alot more benefits & better cruise experience is worth it to me. We have always enjoyed their ships, food & the service is great.

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And if you have sailed with Carnival that many times then you should have KNOWN that the Captain's party was done away with over a year ago. It was replaced with the Farewell Party on the last seaday where you can still get one hour free drinks.


Secondly, there never has been a Past Guest party on 3 and 4 night sailings. Only on 5-night or longer sailings.


So no, Carnival is not cutting back in these areas.




My DH and I just sailed the Dream in July and they still had the past quest party so I am not sure where you are getting that they did away with that.

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I sailed on the Elation a couple of years ago on a short cruise. I've also done a couple of Majesty of the Seas short cruises. I knew what I was getting on each one of them and adjusted my expectations accordingly. I'm looking forward to a short winter cruise on the Destiny to celebrate my birthday. And once again, I've done my homework and know what to expect.


I once wrote a complaint letter with nothing good to say to balance the legitimate complaints I had. I indicated I would not be returning. There was no incentive for the company to offer any incentive or compensation.


Another time I balanced compliments with legitimate complaints and indicated I would be returning. I got an apology and an OBC for my next cruise.


I like to read both positive and negative reviews. It gives me an idea of what to look out for when I'm on those ships and makes me a better informed cruiser. I don't believe in bashing those who post negative reviews. They are certainly entitled to their opinions.

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Originally Posted by jetskier viewpost.gif

And if you have sailed with Carnival that many times then you should have KNOWN that the Captain's party was done away with over a year ago. It was replaced with the Farewell Party on the last seaday where you can still get one hour free drinks.


Secondly, there never has been a Past Guest party on 3 and 4 night sailings. Only on 5-night or longer sailings.


So no, Carnival is not cutting back in these areas.





we also had the captains party on our first sea day!

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My DH and I just sailed the Dream in July and they still had the past quest party so I am not sure where you are getting that they did away with that.


I think Dave was referring to the Captain's Party which had free drinks for an hour .. not the little thing they have now with $1 off drinks.. its for sure nothing like it used to be.


Now they have a Farewell party to replace what used to be Captain's party.


Folks who are asking the OP why he would post under a new name to say they had a bad cruise .... and then all this bashing... who in their right mind would post under their regular name when they know everyone is going to bash and flame them to death.

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If you had a past guest party on a 4 or less cruise, it must have been a long time ago because, that is been in effect for as long as we have sailed. We were on the Destiny 5 times, and she is an older ship but everything was in good repair, the staff couldn't do more for us and we were treated like royalty each time. As far as the S & S on the TV, there are quite a few ships without that have not been upgraded yet. Some ships have it and some ships didn't. (Since our first cruise had it, it took us about an hour on the next ship trying to get the TV remote to bring up the S & S balance and dining menus before we found out it was not on all ships that way):p - the difference is, we did not feel like this was a personal insult to us or that it was a way for Carnival to ruin the cruise experience for us.


As far a Carnival caring whether you cruise on Royal Caribbean (BTW, why is it always RC, not some other line?) Carnival doesn't care, they have no trouble filling their ships. They will sail on without you and never miss you. In the scheme of things, I know that I am no more important that the person in the next cabin or the cabin next to that. To believe otherwise, you are setting yourself up for constant feeling of rejection regardless of what cruise line you choose.


Of the billions and billions of human inhabiting the earth, I always wonder why new people to CC feel that their presence holds some special significance for a cruise line. A Carnival ship will still sail on with someone else in your cabin over the engine that was horrendous.


Happy cruising ;)

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Sorry a couple of you had "bad" Carnival Cruises. We've sailed them 17 times and we too have had a couple of "bad" cruises. But it's been because of crappy weather and other passangers who are rude or think it's "their" ship and everyone else should bow down to "their" needs and demands. You've cruised before so you should have an idea of how ships are layed out and which cabins may be a bit noisy. If not ask your TA or Carnival Rep if they misdirect you complain to them upon return and don't use that person again. And most folks know that a 4 day Cruise over a long weekend is a "Party Cruise" sorry but that's the way it is. Lots of people have the long weekend and just want to get away and have fun. We sailed a B2B2B on the Destiny in February and found the crew to be wonderful our diningroom staff figured out a way to keep us for the entire time we were on the ship. Try doing a 2 night over a weekend where every bed on the ship had a body in it! Every cabin was full. The crew couldn't figure out how there were so many passangers on board. Was it crowded...YES...did everyone have fun...they seemed to. We never had a problem finding a quiet spot away from the masses as most of them were around the pool area. They can't move you becasue you feel your cabin was noisy, you chose the cabin. They don't make you eat something you don't enjoy, order something else. Crew is getting off and on each and every time a ship sails. So yes you may have had a new server in the MDR it may have been his first cruise ever and a lot of their training is on the job. All you had to do is ask that other's food not be passed in front of you. Unless your in a booth or at a table where it's tough to do so I'm sure they would have done so. Seems to me your letting one Cruise over a long Holiday weekend change your Cruising habits. Carnival has a good product at a good price and if you choose to move to another Cruise line go ahead but at some time you'll have a "bad" Cruise with them also then what will you do? Happy Sailing on which ever line you choose. :)

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My gosh are you employed by Carnival? I am only posting an experience that may be helpful for others. I do not quite get the angry responses here as I am only sharing what was a disappointing experience in comparison to many other cruises I have taken. When one writes about a disappointing experience that is usually the topic that is addressed.

I believe this site is called Cruise Critic which connotes that one can critique a ship/experience etc about a cruise experience. Good heavens get a gripe and face the fact that this particular ship is very dated and the customer service is just not what is used to be but that may be a reflection of our general customer service everywhere as most companies now really don't care very much about their customers or employees.


So 12 cruises, and as you mentioned several times in your review, 7 with Carnival, and not a GOOD thing to say about Carnival? I'd have left them years ago. I don't think it's the negative review that's throwing people off, because there are several that aren't so great about the Destiny on here. I chose not to go on her, specifically because of those reviews, until she goes into dry dock. Obviously you know Carnival and cruising in general, and obviously you knew Cruise Critic was here, so why not research it in advance? I'm not paying alot for my room either, I don't see the point, but I still picked which room I wanted to be in so that I didn't end up in a spot with a ton of noise. I think the problem is that you've only posted bad things so far, which leads people to believe you're just posting out of anger, not to be informative. And I don't work for Carnival

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Funny the exact samething happened to me on RCL, horrible food, horrible waitstaff, horrible customer service, so good luck.


I have to agree with this poster. We sailed with RCL 9 times, and on the 9th cruise were very unhappy with customer service, so we have been trying other cruiselines. Wrote a letter to customer service to tell them how unhappy we were with a policy, and they NEVER acknowledged our letter with a letter, telephone call or email. So, if OP got a response that quickly from Carnival, she should consider herself lucky.


We just completed our first Carnival cruise,our 27th overall cruise, so I would say we are seasoned cruisers, and would definitely sail with Carnival again.


By the way, on all our RCL cruises, we have seen intoxicated people in the hot tubs with drinks in hand. So, Carnival isn't the only ship where this happens.

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Wow. I am astounded at some of the responses that Patty1 has received for posting a review that was not complimentary to the ship she sailed on. She should not be interegated or bashed for doing so. Nothing Patty1 said was directed at us personally. It was her take, and I thought that this was what these forums were for.

I am sailing in October and God-forbid I have anything negative to say I will not be posting it here!

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I guess I'm just surprised that the OP had 6 apparently good cruises with Carnival and has decided after one bad experience to leave Carnival for good........that seems a bit of an over reaction.


I'm getting ready for my 21st Carnival cruise in 9 days and I've never expected any extra special treatment. I have gotten upgrades a couple of times, but not since the whole upsell frenzie started.


The unfortunate location of your cabin was all on you however, whether you chose to book a guarantee or accepted the location of the cabin without looking at the deck plans.


The rest of the complaints were either a subjective opinion or uninformed misunderstandings on your part.

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And if you have sailed with Carnival that many times then you should have KNOWN that the Captain's party was done away with over a year ago. It was replaced with the Farewell Party on the last seaday where you can still get one hour free drinks.


Secondly, there never has been a Past Guest party on 3 and 4 night sailings. Only on 5-night or longer sailings.


So no, Carnival is not cutting back in these areas.



Absolutely love your signature line hope you don't mind if I use it


There are two life forces willing to die for you. Jesus Christ and the Canadian soldier. One for your soul and the other for your freedom.

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Our room was right over the engine so sleep was nearly impossible. We tried to change our room but were told there were none available.


We just had the exact same experience on Glory, although we are Platinum. TA booked us on Deck 1, last cabin, directly over propellers.


On boarding I asked to change to ANY other cabin and was told "none available."


The next day, we saw someone else being shown two vacant inside cabins.


I expected more also, especially the truth!

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My daughter and I sailed on Carnival Destiny over Labor Day weekend to Key West and Cozumel. This was my 7th cruise with Carnival so I expected a little more appreciation. No luck there.


Our room was right over the engine so sleep was nearly impossible. We tried to change our room but were told there were none available. We did not expect special treatment but as a longtime customer I did hope to get an upgrade or at least a decent room.

The service in the dining room was just awful. The waiter and bus boy while pleasant just had little interest in being there. They were clearly not trained well and the bus boy kept taking and putting plates down by passing in front of everyone instead of to the side. The food quality was not up to par and we felt like it was one step up from a college cafeteria.

The bulk of the crew seemed bored and disinterested. At one point I notified bar staff that there were several drunken passengers in the hot tub with glasses that could easily break. They did nothing to remedy this thus leaving everyone, including the drunken passengers at risk if a glass had broken.

The entertainment was good. There were two comedians which preformed both a PG and R show and they were pretty funny except one of them kept repeating his material so I guess he did not have a lot to say but we did get some good laughs. The singers and dancers were very good.

I have sailed many times and have always had a captain's cocktail party and past guest party to go to but not on this ship. Maybe they have cut back as it was only a 4 day cruise but the apathy was just jolting.

I wrote a complaint to customer service and got a generic response which basically told me that if I did not want to sail with them again then "too bad and good bye". They made no attempt to keep me as a customer which after 7 cruises really surprised me. Even a gesture of a credit for a future cruise would have made me consider them again for a cruise but after this I am going back to Royal Carribbean or Norweigian, two cruise lines that have always made me feel valued and welcome.

Carnival has lived on their reputation for a long time but they have really gone downhill. Their ship was badly worn and their crew acted like they just did not want to be there. Their customer service was just nonexistant and their dinng room staff was very poorly trained.

I have been on about 12 cruises so am pretty seasoned. I was really disappointed with the experience and was even more disappointed by the response from their customer service department (if one can call it that) in response to my complaint. They clearly have no interest in retaining customers so I will make sure not to sail them again. I may not get the most expensive room but I do spend money at the bar, on excursions and at the art auction and shops so they are getting additional revenue from me. From now on I will be giving my revenue to a cruise line that actually pays attention to its customers and actually wishes to retain them.

I do not think that expecting good food, a decent room and responsive staff to be an excessive demand. Take my advice , spend a a little more money and skip Carnival!


I am curious as to what you expected carnival to do ofr you?


I have been on 10 cruises and have not gotten a free upgrade. I pick the cabin and location and go with it.


Please oh please feel free to enlighten me to your unmet expectations?????

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You say that your room was right over the engine and you could not sleep. Did you book a guarantee and get a lousy cabin? Pay more like the rest of us who want a cabin in a decent location instead of paying less for a gty and then complaining.
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[quote name='yogimax']We just had the exact same experience on Glory, although we are Platinum. TA booked us on Deck 1, last cabin, directly over propellers.

[B]On boarding [/B]I asked to change to ANY other cabin and was told "none available."

[B]The next day[/B], we saw someone else being shown two vacant inside cabins.

I expected more also, especially the truth![/QUOTE]

Could have been no shows. No shows aren't no shows until the ship leaves the dock.
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[quote name='Cruzaholic41']Here's my advice. Write your review on the reviews section of this website and rate the ship as you saw it honestly. Then, ask the moderators to delete this thread. The people on this board can not handle bad reviews of "their" sacred cruise line and the flaming and second-guessing will only get worse as this thread goes on.[/quote]

yes and no on the people on here replying to the post. i agree someone should be able to post both the bad and the good. i also feel why do they find the forums when something is bad, but yet never seen them on here asking questions and learning. you seem against carnival with your remark, Strange then why are you on carnival site?
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[quote name='cruisegal96']I feel your pain Pattyl. We were on the Carnival Triumph over labor day weekend & in Cozumel with Destiny. I have alot of the same complaints as you. This was our 7th cruise, only our 3rd Carnival & we probably won't sail Carnival again. I was disappointed that the Captain's cocktail party was no more & we didn't get a welcome back party either. Someone on here told me the welcome back parties are only for 5 day cruises or longer. I was also disappointed in the food on our cruise & long lines in the cafe on lido deck. Triumph was a very nice ship & I we did have great service. You should try RCL. RCL is more expensive, but a little more money for alot more benefits & better cruise experience is worth it to me. We have always enjoyed their ships, food & the service is great.[/quote]

cruisegal, sorry your expectations were short on the triumph, we did a 5 day on her and enjoyed it. and i'm sure that there were ppl on your sailing that enjoyed it as well as i know ppl on my sailing didn't. you will always have lines when everyone may decide to go eat at the same time, with over 2000 people it should be expected.

what gets me and it's not just your posting, it is how ppl say, you should go to rcl, ncl, etc. blah blah you will get better this or that. well, from alot of reviews i've read, they, just like carnival have bad days for people. it is what one's view is.

i had a good time, you didn't. you may have a good time, someone else didn't.

as to the other posters stating what was good or not good on the original poster changing her screen name. my thoughts, why did she. if you can come on here to post negative or positive, then keep your name, it is coming from you.

everyone else, have a great vacation with which ever cruise/land type you take. life is too short to stress over little crap. :)
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It always amuse me how many "anti-Carnival" people come here sympathizing with the OP and stating how they think it's ridiculous that nothing bad can be said about Carnival.
First...if [I]you[/I] are so against Carnival, shouldn't you be on RCL'S/NCL'S and so on and so on's board?
Second...these comments are only made about the OP when they have nothing to back up their complaints whatsoever and it all seems like a bunch of, you get my drift. It's funny how these reviews are [B]always[/B] made by someone with a brand new profile. These are [B]always[/B] people that have previously made all kinds of "good" reviews and have sailed multiple times.

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[quote name='going to see the world']It always amuse me how many "anti-Carnival" people come here sympathizing with the OP and stating how they think it's ridiculous that nothing bad can be said about Carnival.
[COLOR=Red]First...if [I]you[/I] are so against Carnival, shouldn't you be on RCL'S/NCL'S and so on and so on's board? [/COLOR]
Second...these comments are only made about the OP when they have nothing to back up their complaints whatsoever and it all seems like a bunch of, you get my drift. It's funny how these reviews are [B]always[/B] made by someone with a brand new profile. These are [B]always[/B] people that have previously made all kinds of "good" reviews and have sailed multiple times.


Didnt the OP say this was their 7th cruise on Carnival? .. and where else would you expect the OP to post a review of a Carnival cruise other than on the Carnival forum.

Im always amused how the Carnival cheerleaders attack anyone who posts negative about not liking their cruise.. how dare they!!! They must be wrong, nothing to base this one. They are not allowed to feel this was a bad cruise.

I feel no loyalty to any cruiseline. Im paying for a product...when they start paying me to cruise, then I will be loyal to just one cruiseline. A lot of previously loyal Carnival folks are looking around who cruise solo .. money talks.. and Carnival no longer wants to give solos a break... ok I will move on. I feel no anger or dislike Carnival.
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all vacations, cruises or land have good and bad. everyone has an opinion and they are all subjective from person to person. people do and will continue to have bad experiences not just on carnival, but all vacations. in my travels i feel that i have had better customer service with land based vacations.
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[quote name='firefly333']Didnt the OP say this was their 7th cruise on Carnival? .. and where else would you expect the OP to post a review of a Carnival cruise other than on the Carnival forum.

Im always amused how the Carnival cheerleaders attack anyone who posts negative about not liking their cruise.. how dare they!!! They must be wrong, nothing to base this one. They are not allowed to feel this was a bad cruise.

I feel no loyalty to any cruiseline. Im paying for a product...when they start paying me to cruise, then I will be loyal to just one cruiseline. A lot of previously loyal Carnival folks are looking around who cruise solo .. money talks.. and Carnival no longer wants to give solos a break... ok I will move on. I feel no anger or dislike Carnival.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't referring to the OP :cool:
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[quote name='firefly333']I think Dave was referring to the Captain's Party which had free drinks for an hour .. not the little thing they have now with $1 off drinks.. its for sure nothing like it used to be.

Now they have a Farewell party to replace what used to be Captain's party.

Folks who are asking the OP why he would post under a new name to say they had a bad cruise .... and then all this bashing... who in their right mind would post under their regular name when they know everyone is going to bash and flame them to death.[/QUOTE]

Fire, have you actually sailed carnival lately? I just got back from the spirit and I definitely attended a past guest party with unlimited free drinks. None of that dollar off nonsense you mentioned. Or is that something that has evolved on the boards with all the gossip. I assure you, carnival didn't cut back in any way for this event, they had to have two of them due to so many past guests and I was at the 2nd one which was in the main theatre and it was full on the lower level. There must have been thirty waiters offering up drinks and I never has to wait for a refill.
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