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Thanks for the prayers for our Caico. She was such a kind and gentle sweet girl. We'll never forget her or her impact on our family.


Oh, what a wonderful start to your trip, Pam! I want to go to Italy and Rome in particular. I love your colors, Pam, and your husband looks like a classic Winter/Ice :)


The plaza area reminds me of the plaza area in Montmartre, France that I visited many years ago. What great people watching there.


This is going to be a great report--on colors and travel. Thanks for the mental diversion and the lessons, I sure appreciate it.

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Here's the situation...You are going on a transatlantic cruise, westbound. You originate in Italy...you are flying to Italy...you want to spend some time seeing the sights in Italy before getting on the ship...you will be traveling for 28 days total...how do you pack?


This is what Mom and Dad did...

4 suitcases total...

2...20" carry-ons

2...larger checked-baggage suitcases


The larger checked baggage has cruisewear...

The smaller 20" carry-ons are packed for fun in Venice before the cruise.


We were also very concerned with what would happen if the airline misplaced one of our bags, so we did the 50/50 packing idea which meant that both of the larger suitcases had clothes for each of us. It made me pack a few more pants than I might have done, but the peace of mind was worth it. Thankfully, we ended up having no problems and all of our luggage arrived. One of the larger suitcases held our formal wear and definitely cruise-specific clothes, like bathing suits; the other larger suitcase we were going to open for the days we would be in Rome after returning from Venice. In answer to your anticipated question, yes I was really looking forward to more clothing options after the 4 days in Venice!


The hotel in Rome where Mom and Dad landed stored their 2 larger sized suitcases while they traveled to Venice...Mom and Dad were coming back to that same hotel for a few days before the cruise departed from the port close to Rome.


So...you need to pack what you need in Venice for 4 days into a 20" carry-on...


Travel writers have written that Venice is one of those cities that everyone feels they've already visited because of the amount of photographs and paintings that they've viewed... and then the city just completely "blows you away" once you arrive. This is exactly the way I felt. Venice is spectacular and so hard to describe because not only is it a visual experience, but also very auditory with so many languages being spoken and full of the scents of the water, bakeries, flowers. It's just stunning.


It's also true that it's easy to get lost in Venice. People don't give directions by addresses but by landmarks, so they'll tell you to head to the Ferrari Store and make a left and go down an alley and turn right... that sort of thing. It's also very difficult, with travel pictures, to see any distinguishing wardrobe pieces from one day to the next... because it seems that all the pictures are taken with outerwear. After getting home with these pictures, I'm going to make more of an effort to take some pictures without jackets, etc., just to be able to see some variance from one day to the next!


Venice was chilly...so the idea behind Mom's wardrobe was to layer for warmth...you can't be shy about wearing your clothing mulitple times...the base layer could be changed with the outer layers (denim, ruffled, milk chocolate) being used in various ways to create new looks...


Mom's Venice Wardrobe (everything purchased at Chico's):


Green Base Layer Shirt

Off-White Shirt Base Layer

Dark Chocolate Travelers Shirt

Denim Shirt/Overshirt

Ruffled Tan/Golden Overshirt

Milk Chocolate Jacket

Chocolate Platinum Slim Leg Jean



Thursday (Travel Day from Rome to Venice):


Dark Chocolate Travelers Shirt

Ruffled Overshirt





Patterned Shirt Base Layer

Fleece Vest (borrowed from hubby)

Denim Overshirt

Chocolate Platinum Slim Leg Jean (Chico's)


OK...so it was much colder in Venice than Mom was quite prepared for...when they headed out that morning, Mom grabbed Dad's fleece vest for a middle layer...Dad is Ice so the black fleece vest was not the ideal color, BUT it was WARM.


Standing on the terrace of St. Mark's Basicilica with San Marco Square in the background. Beautiful and Cold!




Later...after it warmed up...

Lose the vest...


Lost in Venice... but I didn't care! Tried to find the Doge Palace and just couldn't get the job done. BUT, we ended up having lunch at a great restaurant and got into conversation with a table near us who told us how to get to the Doge Palace. We were so grateful! Cruise ships are great training for getting into conversation with strangers. KWIM? Going into the ship's buffet you learn that it's appropriate to sit down at a table with complete strangers and share a meal. If it looks like the people next to me are approachable, I always end up in conversation. Hey, why confine that idea to a cruise ship? I do the same thing on land and I've met some great, wonderful, warm strangers that way! Even in Europe, where people tend to be in close proximity but concentrate on their own table conversations rather than even glancing around. I think I've startled a few people, LOL.




Later...after it cools down again...

Grab the Ruffled Overshirt...


I really like this outfit. I felt great this evening (and that was even before the wine!). Loved the color of my hair. The waiters in the restaurants kept approaching me speaking French, which I thought was very funny! The menus in Venice were printed in Italian, English, German, and French and they kept assuming that I was French! LOL. Anita tells me that she thinks it's because I was wearing layers rather than the typical American clothing style of a hoodie-sweatshirt. I think if I was "into" scarves that I would have looked more European. But, it was fun... I did do a fabulous Italian language course before we left and knew just enough Italian to really help us out in various situations. No, you don't need to know Italian in order to visit Italy and enjoy it tremendously. But, if you really want to have an extraordinary visit, I would recommend learning just a bit of Italian. Besides, it's fun!






Green Base Layer

Ruffled Overshirt

Milk Chocolate Jacket

Chocolate Platinum Slim Leg Jean


So Cold! We went to the top of the tower in San Marco Square which gave us extraordinary 360-degree views of Venice. Just outstanding!




Sunday (Travel Day from Venice to Rome)

Green Base Layer

Denim Overshirt

Milk Chocolate Jacket



This is what Mom grabbed to wear in the morning...the Denim layer was removed in Rome (you can see in next post)...


EEW... I don't like this picture. It's early and I'm makeup challenged. We're on the water taxi going to the Venice train station for our trip back to Rome. We stayed up as late as possible the night before and slept as long as we could before checking out of our hotel. It's going to be about a 4 hour train ride and I'm still sleepy and a bit tired.




There's more fun to be had with the wardrobe in Venice...but this post is the overview on what to pack in a 20" carryon for 4 days in Venice and how what you pack translates into outfits each day...

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In the interest of continuing to provide educational, topic appropriate information...I'd like to share my observations based on the pictures that are included in this post...


Watch what happens with this grouping of photos...I want to show you the influence that the background in a photograph can have on your appearance in the photograph...


Mom is wearing the black fleece vest...not her color...but the denim overcoat IS her color...


In this first photo...Mom is against a background that is NOT her color...it's not a bad photo...the denim overcoat is helping...but it isn't a GREAT photo...




NOW...Mom can be wearing the same outfit, virtually in the same location...and put her smiling face next to a gold background...and she looks much, much better...you can see the gold background blending in with her hair color and overall, her skin tone is looking healthier...




In this photo, Mom is wearing her colors...is against a background that is not her colors, but it doesn't matter that the background isn't...the background recedes into the background and she is looking great...(it would be better if the moment caught wasn't that moment where you are on your way to smiling...but what can you do?)




This last photo is the redemption that I promised in the last post...arriving in Rome, much warmer than Venice...Mom loses the Denim layer and is only in the bright, green shirt and milk chocolate jacket...the background is totally FIRE...and she looks FABULOUS...




The take away here...if by circumstances you have to wear a color that isn't your best...like a cruise formal, and because of budget or style or fit or whatever, you choose a color outside your palette...and if you have a choice of backgrounds for your photo...then choose the background that best matches your color...it will make a big difference in the photo...


don't worry though...if you ARE wearing your colors and are stuck taking a picture with a background that doesn't match...you will still look good...like the above photo of Mom wearing her colors on an Ice background...or the following photo of Dad wearing his ICE colors on a FIRE background.




The other take away for those of you lurking who haven't figured out their colors yet...depending on what you are wearing and what the background is and how both compare to what your best colors are...you can get a false diagnosis from photographs...you need to pick a neutral background for your diagnostic pictures so the background doesn't influence the diagnosis...

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This last photo is the redemption that I promised in the last post...arriving in Rome, much warmer than Venice...Mom loses the Denim layer and is only in the bright, green shirt and milk chocolate jacket...the background is totally FIRE...and she looks FABULOUS...






you look fantastic in this picture :) Anita is totally on the money with her comments!


Pam/Anita, your husband/Dad looks great in black. No question he's a winter/Ice :)


I am enjoying this soooo much. I can't wait for the next installments.


Thanks for doing all of this, you dynamic duo you :D

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My sincerest condolences on the loss of your pet. It is a hard decision to make, but hopefully you have some comfort from knowing she is no longer in pain. They bring such joy into our lives.


Wishing you blessings,




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Hey all,


I've recently been admitted to the bar association and along with that I've been able to step up the job search a few notches (mostly through networking), so I've been quite busy lately. Also, I'm very involved with my church, and you can imagine this is an awfully busy time of year! But I have been keeping up silently.


Just wanted to post on a couple of things:


Joby: So sorry about the loss of your pet. I've been through it before and it's just heart-wrenching. Some people say that pets become like people... but I think they're actually much better than most people. I'm not saying that sarcastically, or saying that I don't know any truly wonderful people, but pets are just different. They just don't have any evil in them; they're all love. In that way, people just can't compete. You're in my prayers.


On a less serious note - Anita - thank you so much for posting your mother's pictures, and I have to say, I LOVE that gold brocade jacket/overshirt/whatever it is - it's just gorgeous! I'm assuming it's not still available to purchase anywhere? What brand is it? Maybe I can find a used on on eBay or something... Love it!


No FIRE clothing updates on my end, I've been very frugal lately (by necessity), but hopefully I get some good stuff for Christmas in a few days.



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My sincerest condolences on the loss of your pet. It is a hard decision to make, but hopefully you have some comfort from knowing she is no longer in pain. They bring such joy into our lives.


Wishing you blessings,





Thank you, Terri, for the lovely card and thoughts! The card speaks the truth :)


Any luck with your job hunt?



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Hey all,


I've recently been admitted to the bar association and along with that I've been able to step up the job search a few notches (mostly through networking), so I've been quite busy lately. Also, I'm very involved with my church, and you can imagine this is an awfully busy time of year! But I have been keeping up silently.


Congratulations on your Bar acceptance.


Joby: So sorry about the loss of your pet. I've been through it before and it's just heart-wrenching. Some people say that pets become like people... but I think they're actually much better than most people. I'm not saying that sarcastically, or saying that I don't know any truly wonderful people, but pets are just different. They just don't have any evil in them; they're all love. In that way, people just can't compete. You're in my prayers.


Thanks so much for your kind thoughts about our Caico. In my opinion, you're totally correct about animals. Most have just a beautiful unconditional love that they share freely. If only we "smart" humans could stop and take a few notes from the animal world, we might be a little better off. We miss her terribly!


On a less serious note - Anita - thank you so much for posting your mother's pictures, and I have to say, I LOVE that gold brocade jacket/overshirt/whatever it is - it's just gorgeous! I'm assuming it's not still available to purchase anywhere? What brand is it? Maybe I can find a used on on eBay or something... Love it!


Ditto what Dyan said :)



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Dyan...CONGRATS!!! *insert fanfare here* What an achievement!


Ladies...Mom got the tan/gold overshirt (with the ruffled edge) from Chico's in October. She looked on the website and did not find it there. I don't know if it would still be lurking in any stores.


We are continuing to look at pictures...there isn't too much new in the way of Mom's wardrobe to post...as she said before, she is continuing to wear the same mix of clothes that we posted, throwing in a new base layer (but you can't see it!!). So this is a serious take-away to file in your memory bank...take a few photos without your overcoat/jacket for variety! LOL.


There are some very beautiful travel shots of the trip...we are a bit gun shy on posting strictly travel only photos though...we don't want to confuse this thread...if we find another appropriate place to post them, we will let you know where they are.


Back on topic...we were in Barnes & Noble today. I was leafing through the current issue of InStyle magazine. It's the one with Gweneth Paltrow on the cover. If you can, I recommend that you flip through it for two photos.


1. Check out Gweneth in the Fire purple color in the picture of her on one of the index pages. Gweneth is a Fire, identified on the collage picture grouping on Curt's blog. All the accessories are gold. She looks fabulous. And you can get a great idea of one Fire purple in that photo.


2. Check out the "your look" section, I think it's called. Under the heading "embrace brights" there is an outfit that shows what they call a tangerine colored shirt with a plum colored shirt. Both are Fire colors. They show how it works as an outfit pairing a structured hand bag (in a kind of brown that mimics an orange kind of color brown) and wood accessories (the bracelets and accents on the shoes). Very cool to see an outfit that is ALL FIRE in a big way and not a great Fire colored shirt paired with tan or brown or some other more neutral color.


More photos and reports on fashion to come! Hope everyone is keeping stress-free as Christmas day approaches.:)

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Anita and Pam (the dynamic duo), another informative lesson :)


Pam, did you take any pictures ON the cruise of wardrobe, etc.? I hope you guys can find a spot to post your travel pics, I would love to see them!

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I was leafing through the current issue of InStyle magazine. It's the one with Gweneth Paltrow on the cover. If you can, I recommend that you flip through it for two photos.


1. Check out Gweneth in the Fire purple color in the picture of her on one of the index pages. Gweneth is a Fire, identified on the collage picture grouping on Curt's blog. All the accessories are gold. She looks fabulous. And you can get a great idea of one Fire purple in that photo.


2. Check out the "your look" section, I think it's called. Under the heading "embrace brights" there is an outfit that shows what they call a tangerine colored shirt with a plum colored shirt. Both are Fire colors. They show how it works as an outfit pairing a structured hand bag (in a kind of brown that mimics an orange kind of color brown) and wood accessories (the bracelets and accents on the shoes). Very cool to see an outfit that is ALL FIRE in a big way and not a great Fire colored shirt paired with tan or brown or some other more neutral color.


I happen to have a subscription to InStyle, and I also happen to have a scanner, so here you go!






I LOVE that outfit! I want a sweater that color. Victoria's Secret has a bunch of sweaters in a color called "lingonberry" - some of them look kind of dark, but others look just like the color shown above (especially the ruched cotton sweater collection) so I'm going to give it a shot and order one soon, now that the post-Christmas sales have been starting. :)


Too bad the tangerine skirt is Escada and $500. That will NOT be an easy color to find in a skirt... although we may see one in the spring collections, which will be on the racks quite soon. Even though it will be snowing here through April. I think the merchandisers just want to make us depressed about the weather!


Merry Christmas, everyone!



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Dyan...that's so cool that you could scan in those pages!


I hope that everyone had a great Christmas day!


Mom and I headed out to the mall while our men watched football today. I couldn't believe how busy our local mall was! It was INSANE. The parking lot was totally full, people were parking on the grass all around...totally crazy.


Anyway...wanted to share that the ruffled coat y'all admired on Mom was on the clearance/sale rack in Chico's in our local store. It is called something Carella. But I noted that it came in the tan color and also a cream/whitish kind of color. Warning...the tan color looks like it has a bit of a pinkish cast in some light, but overall it reads warm and blends so nicely with the Fire colors.


After some deliberation, we believe that Honeydew is not so wonderful for Fire. Glow Stick is a great green. We think Marcella is a pretty good purple color for Fire. Wild Grape is NOT. Daiquiri is a great Fire color. Fig is earth. Deep Emerald was beautiful on Mom. That's all I can remember right now...


On another note...there isn't a single photo of Mom in her green formal dress!! Can you believe that? I was able to find a picture of it online though. Mom has a shorter torso...the dress hits her right above the knee.




Also, we didn't share earlier...but we found another Gianni Bini bargain dress. The color is Hibiscus. The style is a one shouldered style. I believe the style is the same as this yellow one...but the color is a very odd coral color. I say it's odd because it is more toward red on the spectrum than toward orange. It's really pretty. If you can find it on your clearance rack at Dillards, it's a great Fire dress. Mom picked it up for less than $45!! Woot woot!!




And on a completely different note...I found a formal dress that I would love to get but don't quite fit into yet at Forever 21...for any other Earth's out there reading this thread...it's an amazing greenish gold color.




Mom leaves on Tuesday. :( If anyone has some specific questions, fire away. We haven't posted any other new pictures, again, because nothing looks terribly new. Dad didn't take ANY people photos on the TA cruise. :eek:

Edited by Anita Latte
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Mom leaves on Tuesday. :( If anyone has some specific questions, fire away. We haven't posted any other new pictures, again, because nothing looks terribly new. Dad didn't take ANY people photos on the TA cruise. :eek:




Pam leaves tomorrow? That's not possibly enough time to rectify this picture situation from the cruise! The only solution to this fiasco is to RETAKE the entire cruise and take wardrobe pictures and others of course.


On a less silly note, I'm sure the time your families had together just flew by. It does that when you're having a good time, doesn't it?


After some deliberation, we believe that Honeydew is not so wonderful for Fire. Glow Stick is a great green. We think Marcella is a pretty good purple color for Fire. Wild Grape is NOT. Daiquiri is a great Fire color. Fig is earth. Deep Emerald was beautiful on Mom. That's all I can remember right now...


Thanks for the confirmation and color names. That helps so much! I looked them up, of course :) CJW says that Pam and I are very close in coloring and hair, so good for one of us will be good for the other :)



On another note...there isn't a single photo of Mom in her green formal dress!! Can you believe that? I was able to find a picture of it online though. Mom has a shorter torso...the dress hits her right above the knee.


Very cute dress. I especially love the side ruffle.


Also, we didn't share earlier...but we found another Gianni Bini bargain dress. The color is Hibiscus. The style is a one shouldered style. I believe the style is the same as this yellow one...but the color is a very odd coral color. I say it's odd because it is more toward red on the spectrum than toward orange. It's really pretty. If you can find it on your clearance rack at Dillards, it's a great Fire dress. Mom picked it up for less than $45!! Woot woot!!


Very nice bargain and we all know that I love a good bargain.



And on a completely different note...I found a formal dress that I would love to get but don't quite fit into yet at Forever 21...for any other Earth's out there reading this thread...it's an amazing greenish gold color.


Really cute dress, Anita, especially for you young chicklets ;) Keep working out and you'll reach your weight and size goal.

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Lauren by Ralph Lauren "Sumner" V-Neck Cardigan


New Lower Price!

The timeless silhouette of an elegant long-sleeve V-neck cardigan is flawlessly updated in supremely soft Supima® cotton. The "Sumner" sweater by Ralph Lauren also features:


* ribbed styling

* six goldtone buttons embossed with the "Lauren Ralph Lauren" name on the button front

* welt hip pockets with ribbed openings

* self-starting hem


Machine washable. Imported.




Orig. $59.50

Now $35.70


Offer good while quantities last.


The timeless silhouette of an elegant long-sleeve V-neck cardigan is flawlessly updated in supremely soft Supima® cotton. The "Sumner" sweater by Ralph Lauren also features:

  • ribbed styling
  • six goldtone buttons embossed with the "Lauren Ralph Lauren" name on the button front
  • welt hip pockets with ribbed openings
  • self-starting hem


Is this a "yay" or "nay". I'm leaning toward a "yay" especially since it says that it has gold buttons. Is it chocolatey enough or does it have the EARTH undertones?

Edited by Joby
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Let me re-do that entire post. It did something weird :)




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New Lower Price!

The timeless silhouette of an elegant long-sleeve V-neck cardigan is flawlessly updated in supremely soft Supima® cotton. The "Sumner" sweater by Ralph Lauren also features:

  • ribbed styling
  • six goldtone buttons embossed with the "Lauren Ralph Lauren" name on the button front
  • welt hip pockets with ribbed openings
  • self-starting hem


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Or, is this a better choice?





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<img id="infoButtonSjElement4_img" name="infoButtonSjElement4_img" style="position: absolute; left: 0pt; top: 0pt;" border="0">









August Silk Cardigan


Long-sleeve crewneck silk cardigan with a button front. Imported.















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Kim!! You are so funny with your eggnog crack! LOL.


I think both browns look fine. They both read warm on our screens. For Fire, I think I like the one with the gold accents more...the second one looks a bit more cloudy? in tone...I'm sure that it would work okay, but I would go for number one between the two of them. On my screen, the first one ends up looking more like that traveler's fabric at Chico's. A bit more clear and shiny, which I think makes it a better Fire brown. Because seriously, brown is a good color for both Fire and Earth, and only slight differences are going to make them more appropriate for one than the other.

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Both sweaters are on the Dillards site. I've been looking for a simple brown cardigan that I can wear over things like a top or even a dress if it's chilly.


You would think that a brown sweater would be pretty simple to find but, I've found that the color isn't right, or it's too bulky or it's too busy or it's....


I think the Dillards brown sweater with the gold buttons could be dressed up or down. Now, if I can just find a free s/h code --because I don't want to pay $9 to have it shipped :)


Have you, the "dynamic duo", done any other shopping, browsing, etc.?

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Hi ladies,


I found this skirt at the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store where I volunteer. I wonder if it's too EARTHY or could I get by with it as a FIRE skirt? It has flecks of the FIRE violet color, brown and yellowish gold.


Opinions please :)





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That's a great skirt! I love the style with the wide banded waist and the slit or whatever that detail is.


Judging from the photos of the skirt posted with the color cards...I'd say that this blends into your color cards very well. It does appear to be a bit toned down for Fire BUT perhaps a bit turned up for Earth...I think it blends and would work very well with a brighter shirt that is more Fire-like, especially with the accent colors of yellow and purple.


I think that you could put together an outfit a lot like the one in the InStyle magazine. Find a great yellow or purple shirt that picks up on the accent color...and accessorize like the magazine outfit. I think it would be fabulous. I think the orange will take on the qualities of a neutral, which I think orange is very good at doing.


Great find!

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That's a great skirt! I love the style with the wide banded waist and the slit or whatever that detail is.


Judging from the photos of the skirt posted with the color cards...I'd say that this blends into your color cards very well. It does appear to be a bit toned down for Fire BUT perhaps a bit turned up for Earth...I think it blends and would work very well with a brighter shirt that is more Fire-like, especially with the accent colors of yellow and purple.


I think that you could put together an outfit a lot like the one in the InStyle magazine. Find a great yellow or purple shirt that picks up on the accent color...and accessorize like the magazine outfit. I think it would be fabulous. I think the orange will take on the qualities of a neutral, which I think orange is very good at doing.


Great find!


I think it's a cute skirt too. It is made of wool, so does that mean I have to wear it with tights? It's cold here in Indiana :) I haven't worn tights since Jr. high:eek:


I really hope to find a violet top, it's on my list. Now if I can just find it.


Thanks for the input, Anita. I appreciate it.


Did your parents leave today? I hope they have a safe trip home.


Pam, when you get settled--chime in here, OK?

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