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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Hi Pam,


I think it's a great idea!!! I'm up for it. I'm a science geek, I love experiments. It does make me a little shy about posting pictures with no makeup. Dear Lord, I have blonde eyebrows and eyelashes and a very pale complexion, I hope I don't scare anyone to death :eek:


Anyone else care to join this experiment??? It will be fun and as usual, quite a learning tool I think.

I suppose I could do this experiment on the EARTH thread...and see how the clear differs from the muted...

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I suppose I could do this experiment on the EARTH thread...and see how the clear differs from the muted...



Good idea, Anita! Compairisons are always helpful, I think. Let's do it.

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Pam, that's a great idea.

That being said my household is full

of Fires so I'm afraid I won't be very helpful...:(


I'm leaving for Florida tonight and promise pictures

of all my purchases when I return. Knowing me I'll

also be asking for help as I do my shopping.


Talk to you all Stateside!


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Pam, that's a great idea.

That being said my household is full

of Fires so I'm afraid I won't be very helpful...:(


I'm leaving for Florida tonight and promise pictures

of all my purchases when I return. Knowing me I'll

also be asking for help as I do my shopping.


Talk to you all Stateside!





Have a great trip! always ask questions---we don't mind.


Also, please do post pictures, you know how we all love them:D



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I went today to look at fabric to make a couple of formal gowns and some sundresses. I found a purple taffeta that I love,[ I never ever wear purple] but this was a hot grape color that was pretty tempting, but, they had no mirrors anywhere in the store. I asked where their mirrors were and they told me to go use the bathroom mirrors. I think they had 40 watt florecents :rolleyes: so there was no way I could get an accurate read on the color with my skin. So, I put the purple back and went with my tried and true turquiose. Honestly, how can you buy fabric if you can't see how the color looks, geeze?

They had Simplicity patterns on sale for $1.99 so I bought several so I would have lots of options and some are very 60's style, love it!

I have found a couple of dresses at Ross's and a couple at Pennys. I will probably end up with too many dresses once I get my sewing mojo back:D

I am determined to only buy my fire colors, no black even though sometimes that or red are your only color choices and the new stuff has to match existing shoes lol


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Honestly, how can you buy fabric if you can't see how the color looks, geeze?



You need a control. This is why Curt offers his color cards. It isn't so much that you are trying to match colors with the card colors...you are trying to see if the color in questions blends into the colors on the card...although SOMETIMES, you can match the colors...I think that Kim has a great example earlier in this thread where the colors of the card and the fabric color BOTH change in the light given...I think one picture was taken with a flash, one without.


In the absence of having something that you carry with you, you must go to the effort of creating your own color party in the store. If you are confident in picking out turquoise, then grab that, and other colors that you are confident of...yellow, coral, orange, tomato red, apple green...you should be able to make a great color party in a fabric store...then take the questionable purple and see if you have a harmonious rainbow...that is...do all the colors have equal weight in the party...or does the purple stick out like a sore thumb?


If you question the ability of your naked eye to determine the harmony in your color party, take a digital camera with a preview screen, if you have one. You actually don't have to take a picture...just hold down the button half way...this is what you do with a camera so that it can focus properly and make any other lighting adjustments, before you fully press the button to take a picture...if you see that the colors in the preview screen are flashing and the camera is struggling to make the adjustments that it wants to make, the temperature of your color party is NOT uniform...if the camera simply adjusts focus and you DON'T see the changing, flashing adjustments to the colors in the preview screen...the temperature of the color party is harmonious. You will have to rely on your naked eye though to determine clarity...that is, clear v. muted.


How exciting that you can sew your own formals! I am also a seamstress, but of limited ability, but hopefully on a learning curve. I am very hopeful of sewing several things for my celebration cruise. I hope you will share what you sew with us! I would love to even see the patterns that you like! Any tips that you would share with a junior seamstress?

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Anita, great idea about making my own color party. I do know my go to colors so that would help. Maybe I will go back and check that purple. I just don't usually like purple if it is muddy but love the color of a grape popsicle so I will look again.

I used to do a ton of sewing back in high school [ back in the 60s] when patterns were so sraight forward and fabric was cheap.

I tried on some things at David's Bridal and thought for $150 I could make several outfits and get exactly the color and fabric I want and lucky for me there is a huge sale going on right now. Oh and I can add some sleeves to hide old lady arms:eek:

Now I just have to lose that last 10 pounds.


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So, I have an appointment with Ryan (salon) on Wednesday and thought that I'd do some pictures for analysis!


I have a self-motivating reason to do this. Since I'm being a guinea pig, I really need everyone to help with their critical eyes and let's have a great discussion about this.


Of course! I realize that I look best in FIRE colors, bright and warm. Unbelievably, I went to the mall yesterday and I'm not "feeling" any of the colors out there right now! All the blues, greens, yellow, oranges.. even a color named turquoise.. bright.. yes!... warm?... maybe not. They just weren't doing anything for me.


I don't know if it was the lighting in the store? My method is just to hold up a large amount of the fabric close to my face at some mirror I locate on the floor of the store. When I do this, and its my color, then I can literally tell by the way that my skin reacts that this is MY color. What was happening yesterday is that none of those colors evened out my skin tone or made my eyes pop. On the contrary. So, I don't know if my "experiment" was being overwhelmed by the store lighting or if those colors were the wrong temperature? The only thing that I found that was a possibility was a color named coral reef by Ralph Lauren. A color named poppy by Micheel Kors almost broke my heart because it looked so bad on me and I thought it was definitely a warm orange/red. What happened? Did my weight loss make my skin tone change? Of course, you all know I'm kidding with that question.


But I'd really like to put to rest the question of what is the second best palette for us... because if I make a mistake in the future and I don't get to my most fabulous self, at least I can know that the color isn't fighting with me. To tell the truth, I'm tired enough already and I just don't need my color fighting me along with everything else I have to deal with!


I'm feeling a little overwhelmed this morning. I JUST bought clothes for my last cruise (as you all remember) and I have a cruise coming up in October to the Caribbean. I made sure that the clothes I bought would also work for my next cruise and that darn Zumba has wrecked those plans! Especially my capris. They are falling off... and I literally couldn't believe that I got into a 2-size difference yesterday! So now I realize that I have to wear those capris and not save them for my cruise wardrobe... and I have to go shopping again. I realize that this sounds very whiny... BUT... darn it's HARD to FIND my colors lately! What's UP?!? with THAT?!?


And I'm wondering if I'm messed up and I'm not seeing the colors correctly? Because, seriously, aren't there any warm, bright colors out this Spring? Have any of you been shopping, even window shopping, in the last few days?

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Pictures for analysis. Now, keep in mind that this isn't to determine the color palette, because of course we know that I look the best in FIRE colors. It's to determine whether, if push comes to shove and we can't find our colors, if it's better for us to dress in BRIGHT, ICE colors or MUTED, EARTH colors as an alternative. CJW would probably roll over and pound the floor to even see this going on in the thread.. as in... just DON'T DO IT. But, it sure is interesting to see this comparison.

These pictures are taken in as close to the same conditions as I could make them. Of course, they were taken within minutes of each other. Lighting same, etc. Background tried to be the same. No makeup because I wanted to see what would happen with the skin tone.

The ICE blue was absolutely horrible, IMO. The ICE green wasn't as bad, maybe because of my eye color? IDK?


FIRE in FIRE blue



FIRE in ICE blue



FIRE in ICE green



FIRE in FIRE green


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Repeat of the purple top from Limited (that I thought was FIRE) where Anita asked if I had another picture in that particular top. I didn't, so I took one for us to look at and discuss.




Just as a control, here are some pictures of an ICE in ICE colors. (yes, they are the same shirts.)


ICE in ICE green: (also in a fabulous ICE environment!)




ICE in ICE blue:



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Now, wasn't that the most fun?!?


Seriously, it's pretty obvious that we NEED to be in our color palette. I think that the lesson to be learned here is that we should just resist the impulse to buy something that doesn't look FABULOUS on us... no matter how "cute" it might be... as in, how cute is this? to be wearing a Venice scene and I'm going to Venice... just resist. Because that "cute" shirt just made me go completely gray; I don't know why, exactly, but it just made my skin look very, very dull.


I don't know why the ICE GREEN didn't look "horrible" on me. The ICE BLUE was extremely aging, don't you think? It just mottled my skin and made every little imperfection come out to the party. Maybe because the ICE GREEN was such a complement to the hair color, as well?


Anyway, ladies... when we discuss the pictures, please, please don't "quote" and keep repeating the pictures over and over.... ESPECIALLY THE ICE BLUE ONE!!!! LOL!!! If we could just talk about the ICE GREEN, ICE BLUE, FIRE BLUE, FIRE GREEN, MUTED PRINT, FIRE PRINT... that would make me feel ever so much better.


I don't know... maybe this is so obvious there really isn't much to discuss? Except the ICE GREEN.... what does everyone see there? And what I think is the FIRE PURPLE? What are opinions there?


So, how is everyone doing? As I mentioned earlier, I was having some difficulty in shopping and had almost convinced myself that it would be OK to buy some items that were... maybe... just a bit off. I'm happy that I took the time to do these pictures, because now I'm convinced, more than ever, to just resist that impulse... except the ICE GREEN... maybe I could get away with that?!? LOL....


Please talk to me!

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I can't believe no one is posting their comments!!


I didn't want to be the first...BUT...since no one else is posting...:p


I SERIOUSLY DISLIKE BOTH the ICE AND EARTH colors on you!!!:eek::rolleyes:


Dad looks FABULOUS in the ICE of course. Just as you look FABULOUS in your FIRE. The wrong colors do HORRIBLE things. I agree that the ICE colors are very aging...and the EARTH colors are graying...now that we are all getting trained in looking at the effect of color, nothing less than what really works will do. There IS no second best...there is only SMASHING (an old family term that we use for looking very good)...and BAD. All wrong colors are BAD...for one reason or another...


I understand what you are seeing with the ICE green...there is something complementary about the red hair/green eyes and wearing green...but still...I really don't like the effect of the cool color on your appearance.


That purple looks GREAT! I think that's FIRE.


What size is that Chico's shirt? Maybe I'm taking that home with me in July!! Along with the jacket right? :o:D hahahaha...Seriously...need to GO TO BED!!

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Anita, as you know from the other thread... I've been doing quite a bit of Zumba lately... in order to prepare for my Las Vegas trip... and I woke up this morning super early because I was starving! So, the opposite of what you were going through last night....


WELL. I don't know why no one is commenting!?! Is it just that obvious that no one has anything to say? OR, are you ladies out there getting your own photo collage/analysis pictures ready so that we don't have a sample of ONE?!?


I admit that these pictures are a bit daunting, because they clearly show how important it is that we find our correct palette. I think we're only kidding ourselves if we think that we can grab a little something, something from the palette that is close to ours... at least for those clothing items that are close to our face. And, from the earlier pictodiary where I tried to "brighten" up a top that was warm, but not bright... that idea doesn't work either.


So, we have to train our eye. We have to shop til we drop. OMG. It's the color, #1. Followed by the fit, #2. I tell you.. shopping has become much more of a marathon, than a sprint. Now that I'm looking in what I would term a "picky" fashion, it's quite the time-consuming process. I don't think I ever truly understood what being a "shopper" meant... until now... and seeking, seeking, seeking the perfect items of clothing!


Because I forgot to mention it, I just want to state so that everyone knows... the pictures were all taken within moments of each other... at the exact same position in my entry hall... so the same lighting conditions... camera without flash... and no makeup. :o

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WELL. I don't know why no one is commenting!?! Is it just that obvious that no one has anything to say? OR, are you ladies out there getting your own photo collage/analysis pictures ready so that we don't have ....


I thought I might have an idea about Ice versus Earth if Fire is not available, but after seeing the proof "in living color" I am definitely more confused. Thanks Pam for giving us the latest lesson.


Here's my idea. Remember how the discussion a few months ago turned to how dark the chocolate brown was on some of our CJW cards and he told us it was because some of us needed more saturation of the color (or that's how I interpreted it). I have very dark brown hair and on my cards the chocolate brown looks almost black and the gray looks just like silver to me. I want to

put forth the option that it may depend on how light or dark each of our particular coloring is may determine a precious few colors that MAY be possibilities--not our WOW fire colors, but passable.


One of the reasons I have lurked so much is that every time I think I have this figured out, I realize that I'm still buying lots of the wrong color. The only ones I seem to be sure of are the ones that someone here has reported. Chicos has become my new go-to store to shop. Love those recent sales!

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I admit that these pictures are a bit daunting, because they clearly show how important it is that we find our correct palette.


Because I forgot to mention it, I just want to state so that everyone knows... the pictures were all taken within moments of each other... at the exact same position in my entry hall... so the same lighting conditions... camera without flash... and no makeup. :o


I have two pictures that I took within moments of each other, but will need to ask for help when I am at a REAL computer screen. I'm not able to attach them working with the equipment I have now. I do want to join this conversation, but please bear with me. I'm working on a learning curve here.

Thanks, Debbie

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One of the reasons I have lurked so much is that every time I think I have this figured out, I realize that I'm still buying lots of the wrong color. The only ones I seem to be sure of are the ones that someone here has reported. Chicos has become my new go-to store to shop. Love those recent sales!


Debbie, Yeah!

What do you think you're doing in buying the wrong color? Are you confusing the muted vs bright OR are you confusing the cool vs warm?


I sure hope that these picture postings aren't creating more confusion. It was meant more as a great, almost in-your-face, look at wrong vs right colors and what the right colors will do for your skin tone; which, conversely, means what the wrong colors will do for your skin tone.


Which is why I had such a difficult time shopping last weekend... I really found NOTHING that looked good for me... and the colors seemed to be OK on the rack, but definitely not OK when I tried them on. Which is to say, that we still need to be careful even though the color (like orange) would seem like a no-brainer.


Post some pictures! We'll help.

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Debbie, Yeah!

What do you think you're doing in buying the wrong color? Are you confusing the muted vs bright OR are you confusing the cool vs warm?


At first, I gave away all my black, white and other non-FIRE colors and then began buying. I had lots of fun, but I bought BOTH muted rather than clear and cool instead of warm. I've gotten better, but it's HARD.


I sure hope that these picture postings aren't creating more confusion. It was meant more as a great, almost in-your-face, look at wrong vs right colors and what the right colors will do for your skin tone; which, conversely, means what the wrong colors will do for your skin tone.


I'm so glad you posted the pictures They NEVER cause more problems-- they are ALWAYS a help. In fact, I have a top that is very similar to your muted gold top and I had thought it was ok until I saw your picture. Guess I have another item for the church clothes closet pile now. n



Which is why I had such a difficult time shopping last weekend... I really found NOTHING that looked good for me... and the colors seemed to be OK on the rack, but definitely not OK when I tried them on. Which is to say, that we still need to be careful even though the color (like orange) would seem like a no-brainer.


I know. I know. It is sooo hard. If the color is right and I manage to find it in my size then most of the time it doesn't fit right or it makes me look even fatter. Sheesh! This is SOOOO very hard. But I still have a closet crammed full of clothes that aren't wow. Guess I will just keep trying.


Post some pictures! We'll help.


I'll post those pictures probably tomorrow.

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...but I said I'd post pictures. I can't upload my personal pictures and wanted feedback, so here goes.


I ordered this tee in Cadmium Red and am positive this one works because it is such a lovely orangy-red and I've seen this color posted on an earlier page on this thread as being FIRE. (Thanks again!)



Here's the Wild Grape color that I'm not sure about.



It looks like a possible perewinkle but I really just don't know. This perewinkle thing has me stumped. I tried to go back and read Anita's explanation earlier on page 4 or 5, but the pictures didn't come through on my screen. I understand that there IS a Fire Perewinkle, I just don't understand what it looks like.


After seeing Old Navy's Razzamataz and Chico's Marchella, I understand and feel confident about our purples. Much like using Old Navy's Bluest Eye and Goodnight Nora as control colors for our blues. I never thought I was such a visual person, but I am soooo lacking in confidence when it comes to these colors that I cringe to buy anything. Like I said in an earlier post, I have a closet full of new things that are still hit-and-miss in the FIRE catagory. BUT, I'm getting closer.


I think I have several items that may qualify for those items we "might" be able to cheat with! LOL --Debbie

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Hi girls. I apologize for being AWOL! I've had to work every day almost full time for the last 3 weeks (even most of the weekends). I was (and still am partially) so behind on everything. I'm not used to working so much. I was a stay-at-home Mom for 22 years and usually had my own time schedule. Now that I'm working part time, I have to have a new "routine".


But, I'm now back to a little more normal routine now, my hours have calmed down.




I love the pictures--even the not as flattering ones ;) I'm a very visual learner and find that a picture really is worth a thousand words (or more)!


OK, here are my comments, for what they are worth:


I love your hair cut--very cute!


I LOVE the FIRE colors on you. Even though they are really bright, they soften your skin tone, hair and just flatter you. The FIRE colors just seem to pull the whole package of skin, hair, eyes,...so together.


The purple is fab too. I'm totally obsessed with our FIRE purple :D


Now, my view point on the ICE colors your DH looks so good in. I especially love the blue on him. I don't like the blue or green ICE on you. I think they have a harshness about them, even the green.


The muted EARTH does gray you out. BUT, my thought is that it seems to blend better with your skin and hair than the ICE colors do. It seems like it neutralizes you and doesn't look as harsh as the ICE colors.


I'm wondering what the color experts have to say on this.


Does this hold any value--if you aren't in your perfect colors, maybe being in the same undertone (warm) might be better as it neutralizes you and isn't as harsh and clashy as say, ICE would be on a FIRE. Would it be better to be neutral than to stand our like a sore thumb????


Anita, you're right when you say that anything less than a perfect color isn't good. But, what happens when we HAVE to have a new piece of clothing, like a windbreaker, and find it impossible to find one in our perfect color?


That's when I would like to know for sure how we should "cheat" and which colors we should cheat with.




Your point about color saturation is a good one. I wonder if we FIRES as individuals have certain "cheatable" colors. One color may be cheatable on one FIRE while another FIRE might look especially ghastly in the same cheatable color.


I wish CJW, our color guru, would chime in for even just a bit!!! He might be able to shed more light on this.

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One of the reasons I have lurked so much is that every time I think I have this figured out, I realize that I'm still buying lots of the wrong color. The only ones I seem to be sure of are the ones that someone here has reported.


I am totally with you on that one, Debbie. When I'm on my own, I tend to try to match our FIRE color cards exactly and then I feel more confident about my purchase.


When I find something in a thrift store, Goodwill, or really cheap, I tend to spread my wings a little more and veer off the color cards a little more. Many times when I've done that and posted a picture, I find that it is NOT a good FIRE match :o


I do use the "color party" a bit more now. If it blends I'm more likely to try it. But, I still have additional worries on the "odd' colors on our cards.


I am becoming obsessed with the periwinkle on our cards. I've been trying to find something in that color that is a for sure match just so that I have a great control for the future. I've never found anything even close to that in our area stores. Has ANYONE found the FIRE periwinkle in ANYTHING????


I'm not even sure that I can "see" that it is warm and bright. It seems so much like an AIR color to my eye. What am I missing?


Anxiously awaiting your pictures, Debbie :D


On my schedule this week is to try and take some pictures in other seasonal colors and post them to see what everyone thinks. I'll be super brave and do one in white:eek: It will be a picture that you won't be able to get out of your mind's eye when you go to sleep, I'm afraid:eek:

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Hello to all you wonderful ladies.


Well, I'm back from my trip to the States (crazy jet lagged)

and have to report that my shopping was a complete bomb!:eek:

I bought two sweater sets that Anita gave the thumbs up for

a while back from Macy's, so I knew those were a good buy.


For some reason the picture isn't showing up on

my screen. I hope you can see it. In any case I bought

the Pear and Purple Orchid. They both look great and it's

funny because the Pear is a color I never would have

bought before. Other than that I didn't buy any clothes

at all. Very sad:(


Pam, It's obvious even to me that our Fire colors look

without a doubt fabulous on you. I don't know how to put it into

words other than to say that the other colors just don't

look right and don't show off your beauty.


Even after all this time I'm finding this so difficult.

I go back and read Anitas' explanations and look at

all the pictures over and over

hoping that it will become clear as a bell but it hasn't so far.

On the other hand I must be doing something right because

you all (and CJW) okayed my happy color parties that I posted way

back when...

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Hello to all you wonderful ladies.


Well, I'm back from my trip to the States (crazy jet lagged)

and have to report that my shopping was a complete bomb!:eek:

I bought two sweater sets that Anita gave the thumbs up for

a while back from Macy's, so I knew those were a good buy.


For some reason the picture isn't showing up on

my screen. I hope you can see it. In any case I bought

the Pear and Purple Orchid. They both look great and it's

funny because the Pear is a color I never would have

bought before. Other than that I didn't buy any clothes

at all. Very sad:(


Hi jubie,


Bummer that you didn't have much luck :( I've seen both of the Macy's sweaters and I like both of them. I'm just waiting for them to go on sale :D But, they rarely do because they're "everyday values" and usually aren't included with coupons either.


I hope your trip was fun otherwise.



Pam, It's obvious even to me that our Fire colors look

without a doubt fabulous on you. I don't know how to put it into

words other than to say that the other colors just don't

look right and don't show off your beauty.




Even after all this time I'm finding this so difficult.

I go back and read Anitas' explanations and look at

all the pictures over and over

hoping that it will become clear as a bell but it hasn't so far.

On the other hand I must be doing something right because

you all (and CJW) okayed my happy color parties that I posted way

back when...


I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I try something on and look in the mirror and still can't tell if it's a "yea" or "nay" unless it matches my color cards really closely.


Welcome back.

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Hi jubie,


I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I try something on and look in the mirror and still can't tell if it's a "yea" or "nay" unless it matches my color cards really closely.


Welcome back.


I'm beginning to think the following:


When we try on a color that is FABulous, we know immediately. There's no confusion whatsoever.


When we try on a color that makes us "confused," as to whether it's a yea or a nay.... <drumroll> it's a nay. We wouldn't be confused if it were our color(s)... absolutely.


That's my current thinking.


For whatever reason, whether it's not bright... whether it's not warm.. whatever the reason... and we may not be able to figure out exactly what is wrong... just go with the "nay" and put it back on the rack. Keep looking.


I think that there are times when we just want something so much that we stand there and try to convince ourselves that we're "confused." Maybe. But, we're not really "confused." We're just trying to convince ourselves that we could "get away with it."


More pictures! We need to see more pictures, because that way we can convince ourselves that it's not just one person. If we can see the difference(s), then I think that we'll be able to clear up our "confusion."


Am I onto something? :D:p:D

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