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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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We'll miss your comments, Debbie but, keep reading this weekend and get ready to post like a wild woman on Monday :D


I'm still having trouble posting tonight, are any of you?


I have more questions on Pam's and Anita's tops but, it's so slow posting tonight, I'm going to try again tomorrow. I should have plenty of time to post tomorrow, as my beloved DH has to get a routine colonoscopy tomorrow morning :( So, we'll be spending the day inside.


I'm wondering after seeing Pam and Anita's "party pictures" if anyone else would be game to post several "party pics"? It might help us weed out any odd balls in our palettes.


I would do it? Anyone else?

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The boards are super slow and annoying! :mad:


MOM!! Those pics came out beautifully! Like my greens, you only have the one blue-green looking one...and it seriously looks blue-green in the party...and if the colors weren't in such harmony, it would make you wonder whether or not it should really be at the party...and THEN...Dad's shirt! WOW...


AGAIN...I don't know how to truly describe the concept...BUT...it's a YELLOW blue-green!


What I noticed too is that the sweater vest looks like a different color in every single picture...interesting...and not surprising...I've had that happen...


I think posting color parties is a great idea Kim...I think that it can make a big difference to see all the ranges of a color together...AND if you can throw in a picture with a NON color party attendee, so to speak...it can help to put the whole party into perspective.

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We'll miss your comments, Debbie but, keep reading this weekend and get ready to post like a wild woman on Monday :D


I'm still having trouble posting tonight, are any of you?


I have more questions on Pam's and Anita's tops but, it's so slow posting tonight, I'm going to try again tomorrow. I should have plenty of time to post tomorrow, as my beloved DH has to get a routine colonoscopy tomorrow morning :( So, we'll be spending the day inside.


I'm wondering after seeing Pam and Anita's "party pictures" if anyone else would be game to post several "party pics"? It might help us weed out any odd balls in our palettes.


I would do it? Anyone else?


Kim, I think color party pictures and thoroughly analyzing a particular color grouping would be great fun. I'm willing to do it... BUT... I think that we should thoroughly examine this green party before we move forward.


So, hopefully, the boards will cooperate today and this weekend and we can get some real thoughts and opinions expressed. I'm interested in what questions you have... ALSO... are you convinced that the tops that you thought were "blue" green really do look good on you?


And what about A3? What opinions can we express about that?


On the Seasons thread, I had a question for CJW and, someone else did as well and I can remember her face and picture but not her screen name (!), along the lines of why doesn't this FIRE color look as good on me as the other colors?... I had on a coral, green, yellow. My yellow was what I would call a "sunshine" yellow and the other poster's yellow was something more like a "goldenrod" yellow. CJW came back, gently, and told us that we hadn't "nailed" the color... close but no cigar type of thing. The other poster was in EARTH and I was in ICE. So.....


my point is that it's way more difficult to try to analyze the individual color that it is to study the effect of the color and go about it that way. By studying the effect of the color... then you can educate your eye about what does/doesn't work for you... then if the color doesn't "hit the mark" and you thought that it would... you can try to figure out WHY the color doesn't work... and educate your eye that way.


So, in that spirit, let's continue this discussion with the A3..

and others where we have a difference of opinion... what do you think?


Because I get confused easily, could you put your thoughts into a list like I did previously.. from BEST to BETTER to GOOD? And the ones that you don't think work?


P.S. Hope hubby goes through his procedure easily. Just a lot of rest for today and getting the system(s) back to normal. Good thoughts going his way.


P.P.S. Would it be helpful or would it be overkill to have Debbie and me do a green collage? Obviously, I know that I could because I've already revealed my greens. I don't know if Debbie has greens or not... but.. the question remains. Would it be helpful to do some more collage pictures?

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just more random thoughts that surfaced
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Let's talk about A3...


I don't like it. :o


I think that photo shows us what Kim looks like when she "goes gray". Kim's skin seems to have a tendency to be "rosy"...and her FIRE colors seem to downplay the rosy nature of her skin by adding the additional color OOMPH to the yellows in her skin...thus creating a more even skin tone...in the absence of her FIRE colors...the yellow goes gray and we are left with a really pink Kim. :p


In the words of a recent post on the Earth thread...this color is wearing Kim...Kim's eyes don't pop...


So I'm thinking that this is an Earth shirt...this was the issue with a different FIRE on the SEASONS thread, where she was trying to wear a yellow that had too much green in it...Kim's shirt is the flip side of that shirt...being more green than yellow...I will not repost that lady's photo because I don't have permission...but it is still out in cyber space. Here is the link to the post Mom was talking about, where Curt explains about the yellows then in question:




If you can return that shirt, Kim, I would...if not...what size is it? LOL. You could send it to me and then I could take a picture in it and we could determine whether or not it really is an EARTH example of a bright, but muted color. :D

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Anita, while you are explaining the green-ness of it all, could you help Kim and I out on how we determine Emerald Turquoise (a CJW color name)? Aquas seem to be in everyone's color palette and I can distinguish an ICY aqua and sometimes an EARTHY aqua, but..... well, you know this is more of a challenge for some of us.....ME. Thanks.


Aqua IS in everyone's color palette...in fact, EVERY color is EVERYONE's color palette...I could give you a tongue in cheek response and say that


FIRE aqua is CLEAR and WARM

EARTH aqua is MUTED and WARM

ICE aqua is CLEAR and COOL

AIR aqua is MUTED and COOL.




Earlier in this thread...there is a picture of Kim in a gorgeous aqua/blue tank with a brown skirt...and Mom is in a aqua/blue shirt a couple pages back...


I am sure exactly how to otherwise answer this question. Because this really gets into the whole idea of being able to recognize colors in general. Some of the best way to recognize a GOOD color is the recognize the effects of a BAD color...it could be a good exercise for everyone to get pictures of themselves in a color that is a definite NO...to understand the effect that the color has...for example...the GRAY effect of wearing a muted color when it should be a clear color...THEN get your BEST color...and understand the effect...THEN when you are testing colors...you can look for some key effects to determine if the color is good or bad.


Maybe we could add this to our list of "projects" in terms of color studying? And maybe that would help? I think Terri had a bunch of aqua...if she were still around, maybe she would do an aqua study for us, so we could see all the different shades of aqua.

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Hi gals,


DH's scope went well. Only one polyp and he got 5 years this time!! that may be too much info for some but, exciting for him/us.


I can't post a ton right now, I'm on the IPad and to me it's a pain to type much on it. I'm not that good on a regular keyboard:rolleyes:


I'm absolutely up for doing color studies! I have another idea (this might actually be Anita's idea)---if we did whole color studies, we could probably weed out bad choices or at least choices that can go into the "play clothes" pile.


Another idea could be that we see which of our seasonal colors look best on us individually, KWIM?


For one it might be the aquas, or for someone else it might be the yellows, etc.


When I get on the "big" 'putter later, I'll post my questions.

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I have that Emerald Turquoise color card so I know the color that you mean. However, it's not my favorite color... but I think that I have a very close match to it in my closet. I honestly don't know where I got this top... it's not Chico's and it's not a color that I can even remember what name it was called.


Anyway, it's an aqua with a bunch of green in it. It's kind of interesting in that I don't think it's a very CLEAR color, which is probably why it's not one of my favorites.


I already posted a picture of my very first green top, purchased with FIRE in mind. What I should do is post a picture of my latest green top purchases so you could see the difference in how I've really ramped up my CLEAR intensity! It's pretty funny. It makes those first purchases seem almost muted... and I thought there were so intense when I first purchased them... that I was really going far out on the proverbial limb.


It's interesting how much my eye has changed in seeking the colors that I think are right for me, and, more importantly, that I feel confident and good wearing. Now I understand that, when I wear the color, it doesn't come across as really loud and obnoxious... the only thing loud and obnoxious right now is my need to express my opinions. It seems that I've found my "voice," and it's tendency is to be highly opinionated and not very <ahem> soft spoken. But that's a whole different story...


When we do the aqua color... is that the one that we're doing after we exhaust this green color party?... then I'll post that top.


So, Debbie, are you up for posting a green collage? What do you think? I will if you will and if we think it would be educational.

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I think we should do a study in each of our wardrobes that we have at least 3 colors in. what do all of you think? Would you be willing to go to that much trouble? I'm game.


Pam, I would like to see that funny color. I have another goal in my color palette--I want to find at least 1 item in each of our colors on our cards.


It's so great have have Anita's EARTH colors too! it gives a nice comparison to the FIRE colors.

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I think we should do a study in each of our wardrobes that we have at least 3 colors in. what do all of you think? Would you be willing to go to that much trouble? I'm game.


Pam, I would like to see that funny color. I have another goal in my color palette--I want to find at least 1 item in each of our colors on our cards.


It's so great have have Anita's EARTH colors too! it gives a nice comparison to the FIRE colors.


OK, Kim. You know that I'm a really logical person; actually, off the charts logical. So, here would be my proposal... but it IS a lot of work.


(1) Do a collage of the specific color. Kim has already done her green (or do you have MORE green tops?)...


(2) Pick the BEST color within that specific color family.


(3) Do the collage for another color family... and pick the BEST color within that specific color family.


(4) Do a collage of the BEST. KWIM?


And, that way, we would then identify the BEST of the BEST of our colors... or... we might find that as long as we dress in our color palette that we don't even have a BEST color... it would be interesting to see.


I'm just thinking that Debbie is probably very frustrated with her inability to comment until Monday! Poor Debbie... we know that you are with us, in spirit, if not in words! LOL.


Even though I'm Anita's Mom... and even though Anita is an EARTH.. she's still a color sister, don't you think? (color daughter in my case)... I think we'd have fun if she did a color collage with us on this thread... especially since she's being so very helpful with her comments and there aren't many people over there who have the time, right now, to get interested in this project. OR, we could have her post over there and just comment... over there... I don't really care which way it goes.. but, of course, I don't own the thread so maybe I shouldn't have a comment about that?... whatever... it's just my new opinionated persona rearing its head again... rearing its head or rearing its rear... whatever...


So, I'll work on this idea this weekend, OK? There are so many other things that I should be doing!.... Not doing those and doing this instead?... wtg! LOL.

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grammar, whew
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I will be in and out this weekend. I understand frustration about typing on an iPad. I'm on my iPhone. The screen I see to type on is about 3/4" and if I don't catch my typos as I type, it is nearly impossible to go back, correct, then get back to where I am typing. Forget it!!!


I'm in! I'm all for Anita posting here. I'm sure that her EARTH color pictures will be welcome additions. (Unless you'd rather post on the EARTH thread, Anita.)


Anita -- LOVE the new avatar!


Greens first? --Debbie

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I will be in and out this weekend. I understand frustration about typing on an iPad. I'm on my iPhone. The screen I see to type on is about 3/4" and if I don't catch my typos as I type, it is nearly impossible to go back, correct, then get back to where I am typing. Forget it!!!


I'm in! I'm all for Anita posting here. I'm sure that her EARTH color pictures will be welcome additions. (Unless you'd rather post on the EARTH thread, Anita.)


Anita -- LOVE the new avatar!


Greens first? --Debbie


Glad that you will have some access this weekend!

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OK, Kim. You know that I'm a really logical person; actually, off the charts logical. So, here would be my proposal... but it IS a lot of work.


(1) Do a collage of the specific color. Kim has already done her green (or do you have MORE green tops?)...


(2) Pick the BEST color within that specific color family.


(3) Do the collage for another color family... and pick the BEST color within that specific color family.


(4) Do a collage of the BEST. KWIM?


And, that way, we would then identify the BEST of the BEST of our colors... or... we might find that as long as we dress in our color palette that we don't even have a BEST color... it would be interesting to see.


Great idea, Pam. I'm in!


Even though I'm Anita's Mom... and even though Anita is an EARTH.. she's still a color sister, don't you think? (color daughter in my case)... I think we'd have fun if she did a color collage with us on this thread... especially since she's being so very helpful with her comments and there aren't many people over there who have the time, right now, to get interested in this project. OR, we could have her post over there and just comment... over there... I don't really care which way it goes.. but, of course, I don't own the thread so maybe I shouldn't have a comment about that?... whatever... it's just my new opinionated persona rearing its head again... rearing its head or rearing its rear... whatever...


Good Lord, of course Anita will be in on this :D

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I took what I know, for a fact, to be a blue green out of my ICE-y DH's closet. And here you go:




So, in relation to a real blue-green... the top transforms into something quite a bit different, wouldn't you say as well? In looking at the second picture, there is a harmony to the picture because... well...I think that we call the relationships a "happy color party." There is just a discordant note that is struck with these two "greens" together: actually it feels like the ICE green just zapped all the energy out of the FIRE green; it appears to have lost its healthy glow and it has taken on an almost ashen kind of cast.


Now, admittedly, the green that I have that has the most hints of blue in it.... isn't a strong undertone of that blue. But I think that these pictures do tell a "relationship" story... The silver threads in the neckline detract from the warmth of the top. CJW used this top to help with his analysis of my season, and it was one of the first FIRE tops that I purchased. It makes me laugh a bit, now, because in comparison to some of the braver purchases that I've done... the color feels a bit less clear than I would now purchase.. and like. And I thought it was so BRIGHT when I first bought it! LOL. :eek: And, I will admit to everyone, I didn't even notice the silver threads... or care that they were there!


This is one of my questions--why does this top have silver decoration around the neck if it's a warm green?


I thought that was one of the tip offs that something was warm or cool was the color of the "extras" on the top, the color of the accessories, etc.--gold or silver.


This top has silver accents and looks cooler when it's in with your warm green tops.


Things like that really throw me!

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LADIES!! Ya'll are cracking me up this morning...here is the long promised picture:




I'm a little puffy...but I'm still catching up on sleep from the holiday weekend. Regardless...you can see how healthy EARTH looks in EARTH! I wish we had thought to take a picture of me in Mom's FIRE print...so you could see how BAD Earth looks in Fire! LOL!


My next question--it looks as though this shirt has black in it also. That's one of the "cheats" that I was asking about some time ago. If a top is MOSTLY one cotem,perature, can we cheat with it? Does that one color make it a no-no? We can see this shirt overall is warm and muted but, why does it have black in it (an ICE color)?


It looks really good on Anita, not so much on Pam. It doesn't look like, to my eye, that the black color ruins the overall warm look on Anita.


It seems much the same as if I see a lovely FIRE top that has white in it.


I thought (again) that was one of the tip offs as to what season a top was! That it was either all warm or all cool. Why do manufacturers do this---is it to make us crazy?

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My next question--it looks as though this shirt has black in it also. That's one of the "cheats" that I was asking about some time ago. If a top is MOSTLY one cotem,perature, can we cheat with it? Does that one color make it a no-no? We can see this shirt overall is warm and muted but, why does it have black in it (an ICE color)?


It looks really good on Anita, not so much on Pam. It doesn't look like, to my eye, that the black color ruins the overall warm look on Anita.


It seems much the same as if I see a lovely FIRE top that has white in it.


I thought (again) that was one of the tip offs as to what season a top was! That it was either all warm or all cool. Why do manufacturers do this---is it to make us crazy?


The shirt DOES have black in it...and here is where you really need to develop that EYE for what the overall effect of a pattern. Most patterns aren't true to element or season, so to speak, and are some combination of colors that span seasons...I think this is because, in general, many people that create patterns like the "pop" that happens from the contrast when you mix cool and warm and/or clear and muted...it makes the pattern more dynamic and interesting...


I can't COUNT how often I go for a pattern to see that brown, rust, tan, and BLACK have been mixed together...but it all depends on WHERE the black is in the pattern to determine if it does or doesn't work...and the real kicker is that sometimes, the way the pattern is CUT for the different garment pieces will vary between garments and/or sizes...so SOMETIMES...the black will be closer to the neckline (bad) and sometimes it can be more away from the edges of the garment (much better)...


If you take a look at my collage for a potential cruise wardrobe...there is a dress that is a coral/yellow/brown pattern...and it has WHITE in it...which is really annoying...and in the collage, the white REALLY stands out...BUT...when I wear the dress (and especially if I wear an EARTH colored cami under the dress (what can I say, I need that extra coverage :o))...then the Earthy-ness of the dress is enhanced...AND even though the one coral color in the dress might be Fire...it wasn't enough for the dress to do what it needed to do for Mom to really pop...and it wasn't enough for the dress to make ME gray...so it ends up in the EARTH daughters closet. ;)


It's like that blue-green shirt you have (the one the dog ate), that appears to have some white design on it...you might think that is a dead give-a-way to the dress being a cool color...especially seeing that it is a BLUE-green...but the fact is that designers don't care about keeping a garment within the constraints of an element or a season coloring...and so they mix it up all the time...BUT...just because a pattern isn't PURE, so to speak, doesn't mean that it won't WORK...IF the dominant, overall effect of the mixing of colors is to lean one way or another...or if by placement of the garment pieces, the effect on our skin is a positive one, THEN the hybrid pattern can work...


The trouble is when a garment is all mixed up AND isn't dominant one way or another...then NOBODY looks good in it.


I was watching Project Runway today...I think we are among the few households in the US that don't have cable or satellite...and so I watch the episodes online...ANYWAY...it was the episode where the designers had to design something for one of the judges, Nina Garcia...what I found interesting was what Joanne Coles said when she was evaluating the designers...I will paraphrase a little bit...but she says in her critique that the point of fashion is that it is TRANSFORMATIVE...on the positive side...you can be doing something mundane, but because you are wearing clothing that makes you feel so fabulous, you can feel like you are living a million dollar lifestyle...I don't recall if she actually SAYS the following, but I took this from her comments...that when you wear certain clothing you have an expectation about what is going to happen that day...that if you feel so AWESOME in your clothes that the expectation is about all the wonderful things that will happen this day SIMPLY because you FEEL so wonderful because you are wearing something that MAKES you feel wonderful.


I don't need to get all philosophical and talk about how there are other things in life that can help boost your spirits...or even how other things probably SHOULD boost your spirits more than what shirt you are wearing...I will recognize that at some level FASHION and what you are wearing is a pretty superficial thing...BUT...and this is a big BUT...(not that ANY of us have big buts...:o...except for maybe myself...because I do seem to have a lot of junk in the trunk...but I digress...;)) what a simple thing to do in life to boost our spirits...by wearing something that makes us FEEL like a million bucks?


ESPECIALLY when we are on vacation?!?!


So, I'm all for the systematic fun of discovering the best of the best.


Mom and I were talking and I already expressed these thoughts to her...we should all pick a color...and take our collage picture of all the shirts in that color range...THEN...we can photos of ourselves dressed in the shirts in that color collage...THEN we can all express our opinions on the which one looks the best...and as we progress through the rainbow...we will each end up with a best of the best...


Personally, I'm thinking this would be great fun for narrowing down the best tops for the minimal cruise wardrobe that I am trying to assemble.

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I will be in and out this weekend. I understand frustration about typing on an iPad. I'm on my iPhone. The screen I see to type on is about 3/4" and if I don't catch my typos as I type, it is nearly impossible to go back, correct, then get back to where I am typing. Forget it!!!


I'm in! I'm all for Anita posting here. I'm sure that her EARTH color pictures will be welcome additions. (Unless you'd rather post on the EARTH thread, Anita.)


Anita -- LOVE the new avatar!


Greens first? --Debbie


OK, Debbie. Since Kim did a kick start with greens, I think we should do greens first. So I'll be attempting to get some pictures up here asap. I know that you're out and about this weekend. As I mentioned, there are so many things I should be doing... but I'll try to make some time for this fun thing... because like Anita I think it will help with my wardrobe packing for the October cruise!


I think this is a long haul type of exercise to get to the Best of the Best answer(s).


Kim, are you happy with your green collage? Now, that the dog has had an appetizer, do you want to post some more pictures of tops/dresses that are currently in your closet? Or, are you ready for us to vote on what we've seen... in othre words, those are all your greens?


AND... I have a big question about methodology... is it better for analysis purposes to do the same type of pictures that we did for CJW? or, for this type of picture, would it be better to actually wear mascara and lipstick.... no foundation?... earrings?... or would that be distracting to try to analyze the effect of the color on the skin? I think that we're trying to see the effect on the skin?...

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My next question--it looks as though this shirt has black in it also. That's one of the "cheats" that I was asking about some time ago. If a top is MOSTLY one cotem,perature, can we cheat with it? Does that one color make it a no-no? We can see this shirt overall is warm and muted but, why does it have black in it (an ICE color)?


It looks really good on Anita, not so much on Pam. It doesn't look like, to my eye, that the black color ruins the overall warm look on Anita.


It seems much the same as if I see a lovely FIRE top that has white in it.


I thought (again) that was one of the tip offs as to what season a top was! That it was either all warm or all cool. Why do manufacturers do this---is it to make us crazy?


Kim, as always I think that Anita explained this the best. She looks at fabric(s) because she does a bit of sewing. I didn't inherit the sewing gene (so I have no idea how Anita got it unless it's one of those generation-skipping gene type things).


Anyway, fashion designers and those who pick colors could care less about seasonal color analysis. It's one of those discussion topics where a LOT of people feel sort of like your DH and DS about the whole color theory and discussion. You'll hear them express themselves in words like "feeling stifled by rules and restrictions," or "creative expression being compromised," etc. And there are a fair number of people who just don't believe that there's anything to a seasonal color palette and what looks good on people. And then you'll find all those people who say things like "we change our seasons with age," "we can enhance our look by combining warm/cool", etc. All the things that CJW debunked back in the day when he was talking to us on a regular basis.


Just for FUN, I went searching for what we can expect to come into the stores next Spring, and I found the following information. My comments are inserted in italics.


It’s Fashion Week in New York and to kick it off Pantone has revealed the color palette for Spring 2012.Pantone invites us to Dance Into Spring with the Spring 2012 Fashion Color Forecast.


Pantone’s Spring 2012 Fashion Color Forecast reminds us that spring is a time of renewed energy, optimism and a promise of a brighter day. And color can help alter or sway a mood. This coming spring is a colorful palette of vivid brights (could be ICE or FIRE), soft muted tones and fun-loving pastels (could be EARTH or AIR).




Provocative Tangerine Tango, an enticing juicy orange, is a vivacious and appealing refresher to enliven anyone’s outlook this spring. Providing a jolt of energy, Solar Power radiates warmth and cheer. (At first blush you would say that Tangerine Tango would be a go-to color for FIRE.. but until we can see it, we won't know if the red that makes the tangerine is really going to send the temperature warm or cool. And, just because the wrtier of the color description for Solar Power uses the words "warmth" and "cheer," we won't know if the Solar Power color will be clear.. FIRE... or muted... EARTH.)


Fanciful Bellflower, a distinct ornamental purple, exudes uniqueness and creativity. Scintillating and sexy, Cabaret is a sensual and intense rosy-red — an excellent choice for summer clothing and cosmetics.


Sodalite Blue, a classic maritime hue, brings order and calmness to mind. Like an anchor to a ship, this dependable shade works with every color in the palette. (See what I mean?!?... working with every color in the palette?!?). Cockatoo, a tactile blue-green, is sure to make your spirits soar. This unusual hue adds a whimsical touch to the palette and will surely make a statement this spring. (I think Cockatoo might WORK for FIRE... depends upon its clarity.)


Margarita, a piquant yellow-green, lifts spirits with its refreshing and stimulating glow. Reminiscent of a blossoming garden on an early spring morning, fragrant Sweet Lilac evokes the fresh scents of summer. This delicate pinkish lilac adds a touch of romance to any wardrobe.

Natural versatile neutrals add practicality to this season’s brights. Driftwood, an adaptable blend of beige and gray with a slightly weathered feel, and Starfish, a perfect warm summer neutral, complement all colors featured in this season’s top 10.


(Here's the information that might give a clue to some patterns that we might see. And, I'll leave a detailed analysis to Anita, but I think that combining the Cockatoo, possible FIRE, with Margarita would be great and feel very Caribbean-like.. and then they throw in the Sweet Lilac which looks like AIR to me... and maybe ruin the whole effect of what could be a good pattern for us.)


For an ultra-bold vibrant look this spring, try mixing Bellflower with Tangerine Tango and Cabaret. Combine Margarita with Sweet Lilac and Cockatoo for a subtle alternative, or combine Margarita with Sweet Lilac and Driftwood for a more practical variation. Solar Power is best juxtaposed with Sodalite Blue. For a safer bet, add a natural neutral like Starfish to the mix.


(I don't know if the fashion people will use the Pantone names for the colors that are coming out... or come up with their own. But, it looks like we're going to see a possible orange and aqua in Spring to add to our closets.)

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I don't think that these need to no make-up, hair pulled back photos...not that they have to be all made up photos either...I think that it would add an element of fun to include the accessories that we would normally wear with the shirt pictured...it would open up the conversation for some fun in that way as well...I know that I, for one, generally have a hard time with thinking about accessories so it would be fun to use this as a way to get feedback on how things look.


It might require some extra pictures as people suggest the necklace with the olive green (EARTH remember?) shirt be worn with the forest green shirt instead...and the earrings from this or that shirt to be with the shirt as well...


You what this is ladies?


It's virtual slumber party!!! :D

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I am so excited to see this! Seriously! Because I have visions of myself as a fashion forward oh so stylist cruising momma on my birthday cruise...which will be a novelty considering that I feel like I have been living in nothing but sweaty Zumba clothes since April!


I remember when Curt did a matrix of colors, showing what could be possible Fire colors or Earth colors...Mom I think you did a good job of talking about the colors! What is exciting to me is that I just purchased some things that should fall into the 2012 Spring palette!


Tangerine Tango...looks like a color that isn't quite red and isn't quite orange, but somewhere in the middle...depending on clarity, I'm betting that this will be a great Fire or Earth color.


Solar Power...looks like a warm yellow...looks like it leans more toward a mustard than a clear...but this isn't guaranteed...so again...could be Fire or Earth.


Bellflower...looks like a periwinkle...this is going to be the color that is going to drive us ALL crazy because it could be in ANY element...it will depend on dye-lot, manufacture and possibly the way it is combined in a print to determine who will get it...and I'm thinking that everyone has a shot at this color...and we are all going to need lots of pictures and outside eyes to help us see if the color is good.


Cabaret...looks like a hot pink for Ice or Air depending on clarity.


Sodalite Blue...looks like NAVY is going to replace CAMEL this season...again...it will depend on dye lot and manufacture to determine who gets it...but we ALL have a shot at this one again...


Margarita...on my screen, even though they are calling this yellow-green, it is looking like Mom's blue-green sleeveless, silver accent shirt...SO...it could be Fire...or Earth...BUT it really could go to Ice or Air as well...


Cockatoo...looks like aqua...which again...could go anywhere...BUT...the current color is reading more warm than cool.


Driftwood...looks like AIR to me...it's that brown that has too much gray to be a warm brown.


Starfish...looks like AIR or EARTH to me...depends on how much pink v. yellow is in the tan color...


So...I imagine this...the fabric designers are going for a print...they will take what they think of as the HOT colors (the ultra bold look), and combine Red/Orange, Hot Pink and Periwinkle (based on the recommendations)...then they will take what they think of as COOL colors (the subtle alternative), and combine the Green, Aqua, and Lilac... (again based on their recommendations for combining).


I could see these patterns being in a skirt...THEN to "set off" the colors...they will add BLACK to the bold print and WHITE to the subtle print...and we all go...


If ONLY that bold print didn't have that hot pink in it...AND the black...

OR...if ONLY that subtle print didn't have that lilac color...AND the white...

THEN the print would end up being a true FIRE print...(possibly)...


It will entirely depend on the way the colors are combined in the print...how much of each color is included...whether the color is more of a background color or an accent color...to see how the print FEELS...and the effect that is has when you wear it.

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Anita, we have neither cable or satellite, so you are not alone:D


How fun this is going to be!!!!


slumber parties are so much fun. when my Mom lived with us while she was sick, Mom, my sister and myself went on 5 cruises over the 4 1/2 years Mom lived. we had several of those slumber parties while onboard the ship. those memories mean the world to me, especially now that Mom is gone.


I would like a do over on the greens if that's OK with everyone. I do have some others and I would like to have a complete picture to analyze.


the accessories are a great idea. although, I'm even less fashionable with them than with clothing:o


What if I laid out all of my accessories, took a picture of them and then all of you give me an idea as to what might go with a certain outfit. too much trouble????


are we going to include all greens, yellows, etc. Whether it is a top, dress, pants, etc.. In other words, if it's, say, green, does it go into the picture regardless of what type of clothing it is?


anyone want to do pictures of shoes like Anita did? I thought that was a cool idea and picture:)


I'm on the Ipad again, so please excuse all punctuation, etc. I can't be held responsible:D


set up the guidelines and let's fire away with pictures.

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OK. Guidelines...


I think the important thing is to do the picture in such a way that the skin tone is very easy to determine... which means that we need more of a head shot than a full body shot.


As far as dress vs top vs... whatever... I think that the important thing is to figure out the very best green, so it doesn't matter what form the green is in as long as it is near your face. So, dresses... yes... tops... yes... even exercise sports bras... yes... anything that will reflect that particular green onto your face.


And, obviously, if you have the green in your closet... then you think that it might work for you.. so include it... even, for example, an A3 type of green where you think it might/might not work.


Because... again... the goal is to vote.. express an opinion... on the very best green (or whatever color we're working with).. for you!


Yeah! This is going to be a great deal of fun. And, I hope, very educational and informative.


When Anita said that this was like having a virtual slumber party... I thought... GREAT!... we can have virtual snacks and virtual drinks... and not gain a single pound!... and have virtual late night talks... and not suffer a single lost minute of sleep! What a wonderful idea this is!


I know, Kim, it's our memories that carry us through and are the most important things we actually have in our life. I'm glad that you got to spend such precious time with your Mom and you have those everlasting, loving memories of her and your time together.

Edited by Member123
so many typos, good grief, I could have won an award
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The reason I thought about including accessories is because I am not GOOD with accessories. I look at advertisements and other pictures where the ladies are all put together with their jewelry and/or scarves and what nots and I love the finished, polished look of it all...but I rarely feel like I achieve that look. I think it would be important to see how the accessories hang and fit to see what may or may not go with different things...especially since necklines and other fit considerations would affect which accessories would go with what.


Let the green photos fly!


This is going to be so much fun! :D

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I took pictures of most all of my different colored clothing this afternoon. I only took color party pictures, none of me in them. They are uploading now. When they're done I think I will post each color seperately with a heading of the color group.


Does that sound like a step 1? I wondered if we could all look and weed out the "misses" and then decide which clothing I should try on and take a picture in. That might save posting a zillion pictures of myself!


Has anyone else had any time to start on this project?


If anyone else out there lurking would like to join in either posting pictures or providing comments to the posted pictures, please feel free to join in. It's going to be a great learning tool, I think.

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Oh man.... life totally got in my way today.


So, I have a frig/freezer combo unit with two compressors. How could they both fail at the same time? I finally ran most of my freezer items over to a friend's freezer. But lost all the non-meat freezer items: all the sauces and stock bases and ice cream. And the frig quit as well. So I lost all the food in the frig. Man, that was tough... I made the BEST pork spareribs yesterday... and had to throw out all the leftovers.


Hopefully, the service techs can fit us into their schedule tomorrow. But, we had to get take out for food tonight and we'll be having to go out for breakfast tomorrow. So, bummer... it's weird how such an aggravating thing can just dominate your day!


It may be a little while before I can get into taking some pictures.


Kim, I think that the color party pictures will pretty much just tell us whether it looks like there's a particular color that might not be part of the mixture. But, I think that pictures, pictures, pictures are going to be what does the trick. So don't think twice about it. Good grief, I must have... well... I went into my closet and counted... I have 9 different greens. How did I get all those greens? We're just going to have to grit our teeth and get the pictures done... no matter how many it takes. ... we'll just all have to get over the trepidation and do the postings. Just think how much fun everyone will have when we do this effort. I know that my agony of posting will be rewarded by seeing your pictures and Debbie's pictures and Anita's pictures. So, it'll be worth it.


And the opinions and comments will be worth it....


But, for me, it's going to be a few days at least before life will settle down and allow me to concentrate on this... at least I think that's what is going to happen in the next few days.

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