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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Here is my green party. I can already see some that need to go to the "play clothes" pile! I await your comments oh most honored color pals.




OK. Using this Green Color party, right? Did I get the right one?

Top row... A1, A2, A3, A4

Second row... B1, B2, B3

Third row... C1, C2, C3

Fourth row... D1, D2, D3, D4


So, the goal is to pick out 4 that we would definitely like to see, right? Should we give our reasons? I want to see B2 (because it looks like it's really close to one of my greens and I want to see how we compare!).


You know, the prints are not "feeling" green to me... they feel more like they would be happier at a Blue Color Party. IDK....


Here are my choices, for sure, for the collage: A4, B2, B3, D1


Now, I'm going to go back and read Anita's and see if I can figure out what the heck she's saying with coffee in my body instead of wine! ;)


Yeah, I still had some Edit time... so since I didn't read Anita's request post.. I didn't realize that we could pick more than 4 choices. I still think that I gave my TOP 4 choices, but I didn't see the "forgotten fleece" green. So, let me go back and review. I may see some more requests... I'll get back here this afternoon for sure!

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These are miscellaneous colors or ones I forgot to add to the correct group.


The camel coat that is hanging alone is the same one that is in the 3 coat picture! Shows my photographic skills, doesn't it :o The small jacket along the bottom is a much richer brown too.




Top Row, 2nd collage picture. Is this the forgotten fleece? That looks like a great FIRE color, but I'm wondering about the trim... except that it might not have a strong influence... so I agree that it would be interesting to see that one.


Also, Top Row, 3rd collage picture. Now, THAT color looks more, to me, like the color that I'm questioning on Anita's collage greens. That would be interesting to see in your collage, Kim.


So, I'm adding these two requests to my choices.


How are we doing?


OMG. I am so busy today, but I know that I'll be back here all day long to see what's going on! It's like reading a suspense novel... even though you know you should be doing laundry or cleaning the house, you're just curled up in the big, comfy chair enjoying the heck out of reading... guilty pleasure....


... but I DO have to get dressed for Zumba. Bye, bye for now....

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Hi Everybody!


As everyone knows, I'm color dyslexic, which is first cousin to color blind. I have read with great interest Anita choices and Pam's picks and agree these make the most sense to me. Let 'er rip, Kim.


I went to my first Zumba class EVER last night and was so charged up that I stayed up until after midnight taking pictures and laying clothes out on the bed. Man, do I have a PILE of green tops and jackets!!! I won't start posting until we have Kim's decided and Pam has had her turn, but it will take me some time to get my items organized. I kept several from last fall that are obviously EARTH, even to me, so I won't include them. LOL I have weeded through LOTS and LOTS of green tops, but I still have too many to post. Should I try my hand at the greatest hits and then let everyone help me decide among my questionable items? OR, should I show you what I consider to be my #1 and put the questionable items all around it in a collage along with my color cards?

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I think that you should pick the clothing items that you like best, and/or, are the most appropriate for cruisewear or the current season...or SOME sort of thing like that so that you aren't really trying to go through your greens based on whether or not you are positive that they are FIRE. Especially if you are taking photos of yourself...I think that seeing MISSES will really help us as we progress through the colors. We can refer back to what happens when we wear a wrong color.


It sounds like you enjoyed your Zumba class! You have to tell us all about it! Especially if you do Zumba in the evening...it can take a while to get used to the buzz...especially if there was a song that got stuck in your head...especially if it's not in English and you have no idea what it is and the same silly unintelligible phrase is repeating itself over and over in your head...:rolleyes:


Whenever you can get your photos ready. I would post. Don't wait. We just need to roll this out...and when people have time there will be plenty of fodder for the color enthusiast. :)

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Here are the requested pics. This picture taking stuff is hard work. I can NOT do the self photo thing! I had to wait for DH to get home and he's not so hot with a camera ;0

The pictures are from L to R---A1, A4, B2, B3, C2, D1, D2, D3, fleece.



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Look at the difference in my hair with different lighting in the yard! The last picture is the closest to what my hair looks like IRL, I think. I think I'm gonna have lots of retakes. How in the heck do you guys take such well lit pics????



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What is SO interesting to me about this collage, Kim, is that the tops that I thought that I would like the most.... I don't. There are tops that I definitely like more than others, and it's a surprise to me which ones they are. I say a surprise, because seeing them in the color party, I had an intuition of what I thought would be best, better, good... and I'm changing my mind.


Which says to me that you really, really have to try on clothes to see what effect the color has on your skin tone.. because just glancing at the color in the store isn't going to get the job done!


I've been looking at the pictures so long now that I'm getting cross-eyed. So I'm going to have to set this aside and come back. I just wanted to post so that you know that I'm thinking!


Debbie, I think you should go ahead and post your color party and get started on some galley pictures. I really have so much on my to-do list: you can't believe... plus I think that you're farther along than I am in getting organized. So, why don't you post next...

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What is SO interesting to me about this collage, Kim, is that the tops that I thought that I would like the most.... I don't. There are tops that I definitely like more than others, and it's a surprise to me which ones they are. I say a surprise, because seeing them in the color party, I had an intuition of what I thought would be best, better, good... and I'm changing my mind.


Which says to me that you really, really have to try on clothes to see what effect the color has on your skin tone.. because just glancing at the color in the store isn't going to get the job done!


I've been looking at the pictures so long now that I'm getting cross-eyed. So I'm going to have to set this aside and come back. I just wanted to post so that you know that I'm thinking!


Debbie, I think you should go ahead and post your color party and get started on some galley pictures. I really have so much on my to-do list: you can't believe... plus I think that you're farther along than I am in getting organized. So, why don't you post next...


I have some favorites too. I wish the lighting was better because it makes my hair look so drab when it's really not that drab.


Debbie, my dear, I second Pam's suggestion--your turn to be plastered on the screen :eek: It's a very humbling experience, isn't it????

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Well...I know what Mom did to analyze my photos. She had to do some things and make them bigger to really see skin tone. So here's what we need to do:


New methodology:

1. Instead of making one big collage (especially if the pictures aren't a big close up (mine were self portraits so the camera was literally an arm length's away from my face)), we need to make a 2-photo collage so we have bigger photos for analysis. This will enable more photos to be posted into one post. I suppose it could be the 3-photo collage IF the pictures are more close up.


2. When you make a collage reduce the spacing from the default 10 setting to 0. This is over on the left side toward the bottom. This will get rid of the black border (which doesn't look good for any of us). LOL.


I took the liberty of doing this for you...just because...well...I did! LOL. You know that I used to do stuff like this for a living? And so, well, I can do it pretty fast...and I know you have spent a lot of time on this already. I really hope I don't offend.








The last row is the same shirt, twice over...I did this because you had an odd number of shirts...and this helped to keep the pictures all the same size.


These are a little rough to analyze for two reasons...


1. the lighting really is hard. We will all have to really focus on NOT on the color but on the overall look of your skin tone.


2. because of the lighting, and maybe the glasses, your eyes aren't quite as noticeable to have that "pop" (I understand about this because I also wear glasses). And just to reiterate what Mom wrote earlier...the actual lens of Kim's glasses are acting as something of a filter and are affecting her skin tone through the lens...so we really can't look at that area too much. Let's see how we can do here, but it might be best in the future to try to take photos without the glasses.


Again...we all need to avoid trying to figure out what color these shirts are...and try to study the effect of the shirts.


I'll make a separate post with some thoughts.

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OK, Anita, got it :) I think this is all good-- to make the rules as we go and see the need for change.


Let me warn you though, without my glasses I can see zero, zilch, nothing, nada, etc. SO, if I try to do a self picture, it may be quite humorous as to how it turns out :eek:


The top 2 and bottom 2 pictures look more like my natural hair and skin tone I think. The middle ones are so drab and gray! I get my hair cut in the morning and work in the afternoon but, I'll try to do some self photos in the morning and see what happens :)


What hints do you have to make the lighting more natural and complimentary for all of us? Indoor, outdoor, certain backgrounds?


Thanks for the new guidelines and photos. Although, I must say that it's kind of alarming to see yourself so B I G on the screen :eek:

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I'm trying so hard to analyze Kim's photos... but I'm having some difficulty. I did bring the collage into tinypic and I tried to crop the faces... I was going to just try to look at Kim's skintone and do a galley collage of just faces... and determine if I could see some differences/rankings without the distractions of the backgrounds, lighting, and color of tops.


I think this is a good idea, but tinypic isn't cooperating with me this morning. It won't save any of the cropped images. So I'll wait for a bit because I've run into this problem before.


Well, this isn't a sprint... it's definitely a marathon. So, we'll be doing this for a while, I'm thinking. I laid out my color party on a blanket in my entry way which is the area of my house with the most natural lighting. And wouldn't you know that it's a completely overcast day? So, no pictures there today!


Lighting is so important. In a weird way, what happens with lighting is that it may affect the color that we think we're seeing: I don't know if anyone else has had the experience of viewing a color in a department store, thinking it's one color, taking it outside in natural light and seeing a completely different color? Anita may correct me here, but I think that even though the color may be appearing to be different under different lighting... the effect of the color remains the same... it either evens out our skin tone and makes our skin appear to have a healthy glow... or it doesn't.


Anita, do you think the natural sunlight for Kim's pictures is just too harsh... in other words, creating such a glare that we can't really see the effect of these tops because we're having to contend with the shadows from hair and face contours, etc.? Maybe I just don't have enough of an educated eye to help with this collage...


Kim, you have a HUGE backyard! I'm also looking at the color variant of the trees in the background... they seem to go through almost three seasons: autumn with very yellow needles in the backgrounds of the top three rows A thru C, then almost a frosty look in row D, then a lush summer green in row E. IDK. I know it's a lot of work to take pictures, but I admit that I'm having some difficulty... so I don't know how valid my opinions would be....

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I'm going to try again. These are self photos taken inside this morning. It's gotten really overcast here too and chilly today.


Maybe these are better? They are in a different order. Gotta go to work.













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Did you take 9 pictures or 11 pictures?


What is posted has duplicates of two tops. FYI. The pictures go like this, in order from the top: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9... so the pictures that are in the second to last row are the duplicates. I'm just bringing this to your attention in case you have 2 more pictures for us to see...


Now I'm off to formulate my voting preferences!

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Voting for FAVs is going to be pretty darn difficult.


Right now, I can tell you that there's only one top that I don't particularly care for... and that I would call a wardrobe malfunction....




At first, I thought there were two tops, but then I realized that I was seeing the same top twice.


So, it's the yellowish one with the cream ribbing around the neckline and the sleeves. It occupies the #6, #8 positions in the picture collage, starting from the top as #1.


Well done, Kim. You look beautiful.

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Debbie, I think you should go ahead and post your color party and get started on some galley pictures. I really have so much on my to-do list: you can't believe... plus I think that you're farther along than I am in getting organized. So, why don't you post next...


Kim, I don't mean to not respond to your pictures, but this is where it is best if Pam and Anita take over and I can chime in that I agree with absolutely everything they say! ;) Really, you know this is hard for me.


Okay, I've worked on this off and on all day, and when I went to post my pictures, I realized that I've saved my pictures with a very large sized file. I'll redo it and post tomorrow if possible. --Debbie

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Kim, you took so many good pictures...


I'm pretty sure Mom made a typo...I think she is referring to D1 as the miss. The thing is that the main color is pretty good, but that edging is very distracting...it is the thing that stands out the most in the photo for me...my eye goes right there to that trim, so I agree with Mom, I think that shirt is overall a miss.


Maybe if you didn't have so many great shirts, it MIGHT be on OKAY...BUT...I think every other shirt is a HIT...so you can afford to let go a shirt that doesn't make you the focus.


As to which ones are my FAVs...oh my...


Here's where it starts to get tricky...and I might have more of a feeling for how tricky this is because I have also posted photos. I am honestly feeling like all these shirts are GREAT! I don't know that you have grades of good, better, best in this particular collage. It could come down to fit and style and appropriateness for cruise v. other activity to determine a favorite, KWIM?


Meanwhile...in terms of color...


A...I love this shirt on you, but I won't pick it for a favorite GREEN because it is too YELLOW to be a favorite green. It looks great though. Definitely a high ranking color. It blends really well with your hair coloring...skin looks great...and your eyes are popping out...


B1...This is one of those colors that is FIRE...wow...it is like my baby poop green...ain't NOBODY but a FIRE that could possibly even come CLOSE to looking good in this color. Your skin looks so even!


B2...Still love it. Skin is great, eyes are popping.


C1...I WILL downgrade this one in this series of photos...to a BETTER shirt...I think that the mottled effect of the material isn't as good on you as the full on solids.


C2...One of my FAVs for sure. You look SO HEALTHY in this shirt, which is funny to say, but your skin tone, eyes popping...you are all golden and glowing and all blended looking...it's brilliant!


D1/E1...MISS...I don't like the trim. That is the only reason I say a miss...the color is good, but the trim is bad.


D2/E2...My FAV of the more blue greens...I LOVE this one...it's just different enough from B2...but also I think I like the style...I like all that color up closer to your face...the interest with the collar.


F1...a good color...in really looking hard...I would probably say a better color.


F2...another big time winner!


SO...IF I had to choose a top 4...


BEST...A, C2, D2, F2

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Kim, I don't mean to not respond to your pictures, but this is where it is best if Pam and Anita take over and I can chime in that I agree with absolutely everything they say! ;) Really, you know this is hard for me.


Nope, you have to vote too! No excuses. You might not be able to explain why you voted what you did but, you know what you like for whatever reason. VOTE, FIRE sister :)


Okay, I've worked on this off and on all day, and when I went to post my pictures, I realized that I've saved my pictures with a very large sized file. I'll redo it and post tomorrow if possible.


Totally frustrating, isn't it???? Can't wait to see your pictures, Debbie!

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I will go out on a limb and say I like #2 and #10 best of all. Your skin tone seems the most even in these two pictures. But, I agree that you have winners in this collection. I don't like #6/#8 as well as some of the others, but I like it much better in the last set of pictures.

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I'm pretty sure Mom made a typo...I think she is referring to D1 as the miss. The thing is that the main color is pretty good, but that edging is very distracting...it is the thing that stands out the most in the photo for me...my eye goes right there to that trim, so I agree with Mom, I think that shirt is overall a miss.


I agree on D1--it's in the play clothes drawer ;)


B1...This is one of those colors that is FIRE...wow...it is like my baby poop green...ain't NOBODY but a FIRE that could possibly even come CLOSE to looking good in this color. Your skin looks so even!


Funny thing about the "shirt"--it's actually a shrug and I had to hold it together so that we didn't have a picture of lots more skin :eek: It almost looks overwhelming to me. It doesn't seem this bright IRL.


C1...I WILL downgrade this one in this series of photos...to a BETTER shirt...I think that the mottled effect of the material isn't as good on you as the full on solids.


You know, I never even gave that mottled look a thought but, now that you mention it, I do see that it isn't as nice as some of the others.


The new pictures do make a big difference, don't they. It's still hard to look at myself soooo big though and online to boot.


Thanks for your honored comments, o great teacher!

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I will go out on a limb and say I like #2 and #10 best of all. Your skin tone seems the most even in these two pictures. But, I agree that you have winners in this collection. I don't like #6/#8 as well as some of the others, but I like it much better in the last set of pictures.


Now see, that wasn't so hard was it?


Can't wait to see your pictures.

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Now see, that wasn't so hard was it?


Can't wait to see your pictures.


As it turns out, giving my opinion isn't nearly as hard as posting my pictures is turning out to be today. In the past, I've taken pics with my phone, emailed them to myself and opened them in a Word document. Yesterday while working on my collage, my computer suddenly stopped allowing me to open the jpeg files and copy/paste it to the Word document. I don't know what's up with that! I managed to finagle my way through and when I went to post, realized that my document was over 12,000 KB and too large to load here.


It may not have been the BEST way to post, but it was the easiest way for me to do it and I didn't have to worry about my BIG self being plastered on the screen. Anyone that wasn't logged in as a member couldn't see it and it didn't make me feel so conspicuous. Because my way worked, I haven't paid a lot of attention, and so, I guess I will need one of you to tell me how you load pictures, and what program you use and where I go to get it. --Debbie

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Anita has such skill in doing this that she may post with a difference of opinion and a better procedure...


but here's what I use.




is the site. It is so easy to use. Wherever you have your pictures loaded on your computer, you only have to use the Browse function and the picture will be loaded onto that site. At the same time that you load the picture, you can go to a dropdown box and have the picture sized for whatever you want to use it for... the options are everything from an avatar size to a huge picture size. I usually choose the size entitled Message Board 640x480, if I'm going to post a single picture. You might want to choose the smaller Website 320x240 if you want to post side-by-side pictures.


When you load the picture onto the site, you will be given the url location of the picture... by the tinypic site, itself... All you have to do is highlight the information (it looks something like "[img....].....[/img]"). There will be a description identifying the url locations. Easy. If you load the picture and have it resized the way you want, then you just have to copy the img identification locators and paste it into the message that you're creating on cruise critic. If you don't like the picture.. you need to crop it or you want to rotate it, for example, then you have an Edit choice at tinypic that you can use.


You can make your folder of pictures PRIVATE at tinypic so that it's not available to everyone. And, of course, you know that the message board here is password-protected. Yes, you can be seen by anyone who visits cruise critic with a password, but that's a privacy issue that we all have to live with. That's why it's important that we shield ourselves, in some way, from putting too much identifying information here so that anyone could trace back to us IRL. There are some issues with the internet, privacy, et al...that's for sure. But I feel that as long as we're careful, we can have this fun and education.


Unlike posting pictures on cruise critic using attachments through this site, if you use pictures from an offsite program... you can actually control how long those pictures are available. If you decide to do so, at some point in time people who read the messages would only receive the Red-X box... because you could get rid of pictures from the other sites... unlike cruise critic site pictures because you can't go back and edit messages here, after some time has passed. So FYI. I believe that using an offsite picture place is a better option.


Make sense? Helpful info? Questions? Let me know.

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