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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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I'm actually playing today and NOT in front of the computer screen! Camping this weekend and off the grid during most of the weekend, so if you get your pics together, Pam, fire away. Oh, my. LOL (that was soooo lame.)


I'm not certain my pictures gave a good representation of my greens, so I will probably request a do over. I will post as soon as I have my little green duckies in a row. --Debbie

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Yep, working I was. I understand your reasoning, Pam. I'm glad you posted your green party. There is a lot of difference in our greens. I do have a lot of greens and so does Debbie. I like the FIRE greens a lot I think, because when I "thought" I was an AIR, I pretty much avoided green at all cost. Even AIR greens.


Having so many greens, I didn't want everything to look alike. I hope to get enough "expertise" to branch out and get most of our colors in shades from light to dark. We'll see how that goes.


Debbie, have fun camping. We like to camp also but, haven't gone in the last 3 years :( We'll await your pictures after the weekend!


Anita, whatever you did to Debbie's pictures helped a lot.


I like A1 the best. I also think A3 has the look of a FIRE green. Anita, can you explain why you vetoed it?


B1 and B2 have a slight blue green look to me. If B3 has gold running through it I think it could be in a FIRE running too?


Pam still awaiting your green pictures :)


Are you guys loving this as much as I am???? It is work but, we are getting so much out of this!


Someone choose the next color after greens.....

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I like A1 the best. I also think A3 has the look of a FIRE green. Anita, can you explain why you vetoed it?


I believe it's muted. Based on the manipulated color party photo.


Digital pictures are an interesting thing. You can really manipulate photographs. I played with Debbie's color party in such a way to highlight the differences in the colors, because the lighting was such that the colors all had a similar appearance. By playing with different variables (brightness, tint, temperature, and saturation) I was able to get the colors to show their "true colors" so to speak.


As I've tried to explain before...the difference between a clear color and a muted color is that the clear color has no hint of shadow...a muted color incorporates a shade of brown or gray to some extent...you can have a clear orange...and you can take orange and add some shadow to it...and end up with rust. You take red...clear...add shadow and now you have Sedona red or Grand Canyon baked, muted red...it's still red, but it's muted. This has always been hard to put into words...BUT if you look at Debbie's Adjusted Color Party...you can see that there are colors that can't HOLD UP to the adjustments. A3 is one of those colors.


Check this out. I took all our color parties and did the same adjustments that I did to Debbie's...Mom's is upper left, Mine is upper right, Debbie's is lower left, and yours in lower right...the thing is that even though Debbie's light was poor, we look at the color cards to see how they hold up to the adjustments...and while they aren't BLINDING like Mom's color party is...they hold up well and the A1 shirt looks like the cards look...by contrast A2 and A3 don't belong...they look like they belong in my color party...and my color party was well lit...it's just mostly muted.




In my color party, there is that one shirt that isn't fitting...and we saw that in the photos of me...in your color party, there is that one shirt on the far right in the second to last row...it doesn't fit, but we didn't pick it for a photo...also in your color party, we can see how the "mottled" nature of that one fabric with the bright butterfly didn't quite have the punch that a more solid color did...it isn't necessarily muted...but it isn't quite FULLY clear...


So if you are trying to analyze the color itself...I wasn't. When I look at the photo of Debbie in A3, I see a lot of red in her skin...red that I don't see in A1...and the background in that photo has a pink cast to it that is missing in A1...it leads me to believe that A3 is AIR, but I can't make that kind of call with these photos...I can only really express the opinions that many of Debbie's colors are WRONG for one reason or another...and the one's that I question and think could still be in the running are the two I mentioned.


I think this is very educational to do. It is a lot of work BUT I am enjoying this. I'm getting a lot out of it. :)

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Well, the one thing that I can say about Anita's manipulation of light on our color parties is that I think I was very right about my color party being pretty much centric around one particular hue. When she manipulated the light, it appeared that almost all of my tops (with the exception of two) morphed into almost the same "look."


By contrast, Kim's color party looks like a real assortment of options.


I didn't realize that I was being so.... predictable?.... boring?... monotonous?...


We'll see how I look in these tops. Maybe the same? LOL. What's so funny is that when you look in my closet it "appears" that I have a lot of options. Weird.

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I believe it's muted. Based on the manipulated color party photo.


Digital pictures are an interesting thing. You can really manipulate photographs. I played with Debbie's color party in such a way to highlight the differences in the colors, because the lighting was such that the colors all had a similar appearance. By playing with different variables (brightness, tint, temperature, and saturation) I was able to get the colors to show their "true colors" so to speak.


As I've tried to explain before...the difference between a clear color and a muted color is that the clear color has no hint of shadow...a muted color incorporates a shade of brown or gray to some extent...you can have a clear orange...and you can take orange and add some shadow to it...and end up with rust. You take red...clear...add shadow and now you have Sedona red or Grand Canyon baked, muted red...it's still red, but it's muted. This has always been hard to put into words...BUT if you look at Debbie's Adjusted Color Party...you can see that there are colors that can't HOLD UP to the adjustments. A3 is one of those colors.


Check this out. I took all our color parties and did the same adjustments that I did to Debbie's...Mom's is upper left, Mine is upper right, Debbie's is lower left, and yours in lower right...the thing is that even though Debbie's light was poor, we look at the color cards to see how they hold up to the adjustments...and while they aren't BLINDING like Mom's color party is...they hold up well and the A1 shirt looks like the cards look...by contrast A2 and A3 don't belong...they look like they belong in my color party...and my color party was well lit...it's just mostly muted.




In my color party, there is that one shirt that isn't fitting...and we saw that in the photos of me...in your color party, there is that one shirt on the far right in the second to last row...it doesn't fit, but we didn't pick it for a photo...also in your color party, we can see how the "mottled" nature of that one fabric with the bright butterfly didn't quite have the punch that a more solid color did...it isn't necessarily muted...but it isn't quite FULLY clear...


So if you are trying to analyze the color itself...I wasn't. When I look at the photo of Debbie in A3, I see a lot of red in her skin...red that I don't see in A1...and the background in that photo has a pink cast to it that is missing in A1...it leads me to believe that A3 is AIR, but I can't make that kind of call with these photos...I can only really express the opinions that many of Debbie's colors are WRONG for one reason or another...and the one's that I question and think could still be in the running are the two I mentioned.


I think this is very educational to do. It is a lot of work BUT I am enjoying this. I'm getting a lot out of it. :)


Cool the way you did that, Anita. It is helpful to see it that way. I love how you have so many ideas and ways to show different things about color. I wouldn't have a clue! Thanks :D

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It's like we're all on PAUSE... waiting for Debbie to return from camping... too bad we couldn't all just go camping... that way (those of us without a life outside of CC) we wouldn't be so very, very bored... waiting for more pictures... but everyone has to stay in line and wait their turn. EXCEPT, Kim, you could play with some accessories for your green? If you want to?


On a different note... how about aqua as our next color? YES, I'm trying to pick out the best colors for my cruise coming up right around the bend... October 27. But, I'm open to other colors as well, although I don't have as many... blue.. or purple? I have quite a bit of coral... not as much red.. only a few yellow... one orange. Orange would be easy for me to do! LOL.


Did I mention that we're going on a repositioning cruise from Boston to Tampa? Are we bored with pictodiary, or do we want another one? The only reason that I hesitate is that I don't know if my wardrobe would be all that different from the last pictodiary! Plus, you ladies may see so much just by doing these color parties that it makes the pictodiary seem a bit redundant. What do you think?

Edited by Member123
just had another thought!
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Sorry we've been on pause. But I have good news, I hope. Seasonal campsite isnt so very far from home, it is just that while we are there we have nearly NO connection with the outside world. Text can usually get out if you go to one of the bathhouses and stand on one foot while pointing north. LOL. It isn't THAT bad, but phone coverage is very spotty and internet? Forget about it.


The good news is that there was a quick trip back home, so I had most of my green shirts delivered to me and took outside pictures this afternoon with mostly overcast skies. I also took control shots on the bed with as much daylight as the skylight and windows and incandescent lights turned on in the room would allow. IF and that's the key word here, IF I can get my 'puter to allow me to post the pictures tomorrow, we can get this train rolling down the track again.


Aqua would be a great second color for me, Pam. I am having trouble deciphering the different colors of aqua also. Pictodiary? What do we always say about pictures? Pictures are good. Pictures are great. I'd love to sneak a peek at your cruise. Probably will be the only way I get to cruise this year. Yes, please share. --Debbie

Edited by aoknkentucky
Dat-blamed iPhone keyboard!!!
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Sorry we've been on pause. But I have good news, I hope. Seasonal campsite isnt so very far from home, it is just that while we are there we have nearly NO connection with the outside world. Text can usually get out if you go to one of the bathhouses and stand on one foot while pointing north. LOL. It isn't THAT bad, but phone coverage is very spotty and internet? Forget about it.


The good news is that there was a quick trip back home, so I had most of my green shirts delivered to me and took outside pictures this afternoon with mostly overcast skies. I also took control shots on the bed with as much daylight as the skylight and windows and incandescent lights turned on in the room would allow. IF and that's the key word here, IF I can get my 'puter to allow me to post the pictures tomorrow, we can get this train rolling down the track again.


Aqua would be a great second color for me, Pam. I am having trouble deciphering the different colors of aqua also. Pictodiary? What do we always say about pictures? Pictures are good. Pictures are great. I'd love to sneak a peek at your cruise. Probably will be the only way I get to cruise this year. Yes, please share. --Debbie


Ok, girls. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I can't get tinypic to work on my computer due to restrictions placed on the internet access. BUT I have two good news items to report. First, this means that I will definitely need to have my internet access at home repaired which will please DH and make my respond time to everyone here should be shorter. The other piece of good news is that we will scrap everything you have seen of my greens and I will work extra hard to be ready when Pam has had her turn and Kim has shown us her fabulous accessories. Will that work for everybody? I have taken the new pictures; I will just need a few days to get everything in order. Once I get this figured out, I shouldn't be a slacker about the other colors.


Your turn, Pam.


Thanks, Debbie

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It will be nice to have working Internet at home, won't it? I would be lost--I believe I could even use a 12 step program ;)


I am not the accessory queen that Anita and Pam are. I throw on some earrings and I have a couple of necklaces :o BTW, Anita, I LOVE your new necklace, earrings and bracelets. I would be so nervous to get a necklace that big, I'm afraid of big accessories. I'm afraid they will wear me instead of vice versa. You are looking hot, hot, hot, chicka!


I will defer to Pam and her green photos for now. I envy you for your cruises, Pam. Could I maybe just quietly (ha!) tag along. I vote YES for a pictodiary!


Debbie and Pam, I await your lovely photos.


Aqua is fine for me for our next color if that's what everyone wants.

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Kim...I completely understand about the big necklace phobia...I don't own many...and that is one of the biggest ones I now do!...I can honestly say that this whole study encouraged me in buying the accessories...I know that it has to do with feeling more confident in how I look...AND being able to pick out a statement piece like that in a good color too.


I have some lady friends that can dress fun...wearing fun accessories...Mom and I have had conversations about the appeal of Chico's (especially the catalogs) has to do with the accessories...the LOOKS are so well put together...I really used that as an inspiration...and from somewhere else...I really tried to make one thing the more stand out piece and just find things that supported that one piece so that I didn't look "too done." For once...I felt good about my efforts! :)


So thanks Ladies.


I can do aqua...I can think of exactly 3 items that I have that are aqua-ish/blue. :o Earth blue is really hard to find you know...

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I have some lady friends that can dress fun...wearing fun accessories...Mom and I have had conversations about the appeal of Chico's (especially the catalogs) has to do with the accessories...the LOOKS are so well put together...I really used that as an inspiration...and from somewhere else...I really tried to make one thing the more stand out piece and just find things that supported that one piece so that I didn't look "too done." For once...I felt good about my efforts! :)


It's the LOOK that I don't know how to achieve :eek:

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It's the LOOK that I don't know how to achieve :eek:


I feel your pain, Kim. I have lots of costume jewelry, but I don't buy the nice big pieces that make a statement. I have a friend that is in the same boat with us. She has recently begun to buy larger necklaces that really finish the look. When I remarked that I liked her choice of jewelry, she let me in on a little secret. She has spent the last few years in FL for our coldest months (Jan. & Feb.). One of her winter friends told her this secret. She shops mostly at Chicos and when she makes a purchase there, she buys the entire outfit - jacket, top, bottom and jewelry. That way she has help from the salesladies (bet they LOVE to see her coming in the door!) and knows that she has the entire LOOK.


I'm just too cheap to do that, I guess. I have been playing this game in my head for a few weeks, ladies and I need your feedback on this. I'd love to look that put together but I play the "which is better" game in my mind. Is it better to buy several smaller, therefore cheaper, and maybe more generic items that I can use several ways OR is it better to buy the statement piece that will create the LOOK? If our wardrobe will eventually be items that could be mixed and matched, could our statement pieces of jewelry be multi-purposed also? If so, would it be wise use of our money to buy nice pieces that do make a statement? The Vivienne Files shows that a few accessories can make an outfit look very different and packing for our cruises would be greatly simplified.


I agree with Kim. It's the LOOK I don't usually achieve. I'd really prefer jeans, t-shirt and nice jacket with accessories, but my work situation means that I'm dressed up during the day. However, March through November, we are campers at the lake. It isn't primitive, but we are in swimsuits/coverups or flannel shirts and jeans depending upon the time of the year. I have TONS of clothes but if it fits and is the right color (to my VERY untrained eye) then it doesn't work because I'm mixing casual and dressy. YUCK! The top is too casual/dressy for that bottom. The jewelry is too casual/dressy for that outfit. The shoes are too casual/dressy for that outfit. When we have weeded through my tops, maybe I can keep one area for dressy and one area for casual. I will know at a glance that I don't need three more green tops. :D


If anyone else has a way to teach us about accessories, I'd like to learn this also.

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I hate my hair right now.


So, along with Debbie, I'm a little tech challenged right now! DH and I spent some time taking pictures, then I went to transfer them to the computer... and we didn't have in the memory card! DH said he didn't even know the camera HAD built-in memory. So now we have all these pictures inside the camera and he's got a JOB trying to figure out how to load them onto the computer. Apparently, he's going to have to locate a cable, etc. So....


And, of course, the hair just kept getting worse and worse with every top put on, taken off, put on, take off.... flyaway bits everywhere!


Surprise! Surprise! I may have a wardrobe malfunction with three of my tops! Even though the color party seems to indicate otherwise...


This has proven to be way more educational than I thought it would be when Kim came up with this idea...


O my gosh. These pictures are so BAD that I really, really don't want to post them. Right now, DH managed to get them onto his computer and now we're working on transferring them to mine. One of these pictures makes me feel TERRIBLE; I LOOK SO BAD. As great as Anita looks in her last pictures on the EARTH thread... I'm living in opposite world looking really, really bad.


The only reason that I'm posting these pictures is so we can take a look at them and see if we can tell anything... the reason, etc. And, I'm so amazed by one of these pictures because I think that I took a GREAT picture wearing the same top in my pictodiary. BUT, I had the top covered up by an overshirt... so I had no idea that the top really didn't do me any favors.


Well, now that I've teased you with this preview, we'll see how long it takes to straighten out the technology. And I think I'll be having some WINE for fortitude when I post... because.. it truly is bad... I'm not exaggerating.

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Dear Lord, this 'puter stuff is crazy, isn't it? When I was in college, they were just weaning off of key punch cards and computers that filled whole rooms! Now we have little tiny things that fit in our palms. Why can't they make it just work as it should ALL THE TIME and easily :eek:



I'm just too cheap to do that, I guess. I have been playing this game in my head for a few weeks, ladies and I need your feedback on this. I'd love to look that put together but I play the "which is better" game in my mind. Is it better to buy several smaller, therefore cheaper, and maybe more generic items that I can use several ways OR is it better to buy the statement piece that will create the LOOK?


Right there with 'ya, Debbie. Although, in our family we like to call it being smart ;) OR having champagne taste on a beer budget.

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Oh, Pam. (insert HUGE long sigh) By the time I finished taking my pictures on Sunday, I felt like a dishrag. Put on top, grab camera, out the door, down the steps, position camera, smile pretty now, take two pictures, head back inside, check to see if either shot was focused, take off top, fold for color party, place on bed, grab new top and repeat. It took F o r e v e r ! ! ! I tried to remember to look in the mirror on my way out the door, but my pictures show a much different picture. And, it just kept getting more and more limp with each trip in and out. Shade or no shade, thick winter sweaters are still hot.


We've seen pictures of you looking fine, Pam. Your cruise pictures were great. Come on. Hit us with your best shot. Or your worst shot. Take your time, Pam we will be here. Do whatever feels right.


Kim, ditto the beer pocketbook. If could just convince myself that I have spent the same amount of money if it is for a single $30 piece of jewelry or two $15 t-shirts on sale. Why, o why, can't I resist store clearance tags? Work in progress here.

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Wow! It's been ages since I've been to these threads and I see I've missed soooo much! I've spent the last few days trying to catch up. And now my head is really spinning!

Got my hair colored and a new "do" so I feel much better about myself ~ thanks to CJW. I'm still having trouble with my fire colors and it's been a year already since I was "diagnosed". I have tossed most of my black and tried to replace it with my colors. I am having to start all over as I have lost some weight ~ need to lose a whole bunch more ~ so I'm trying to limit what I purchase right now.

If y'all don't mind I'd like to join you with the "virtual pj color party". I've been thinking of pulling everything out and taking photos for some time now, especially since I'm buying new clothes anyway. So maybe I can get some help with my hits and many misses. I'm beginning to think I may be color blind..( my eyes are so used to muted colors)

Anita ~ You rock!!!! I love your new avatar!

To all of you ~ I'm in awe of you. You are so brave to post all these photos and I'm sure many who come to this thread are benefiting from it as much as I am. Keep up the good work!

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Absolutely. The more, the merrier.


You fit right in with everything going on here. Did you read the Earth thread as well? Anita is playing along with us, but doing so on the Earth thread because we get ourselves confused very easily and she didn't want to confuse people who might just be skimming this thread by posting muted color pictures.


Did you buy the color cards from CJW? If not, no big deal. But, what we're attempting to do right now is to analyze our different colors by dividing them into the appropriate color party: green, aqua, coral, red, brown, etc. We're forming a collage of our clothing within the color party; we're taking a picture of that and then we're trying on the clothes and taking pictures so we can analyze our skin tone, etc. and make sure that we have "hits" in those items.


Along the way, we're talking about accessories, but we haven't really dived into that subject much... Anita has a bit more...


As far as losing weight and working with a limited wardrobe, well.. that's a long list here. Anita... definitely; Debbie... definitely; me... didn't know it would happen really but Zumba made me lose a bunch of inches and drop sizes and turn my pants into clown britches... so... welcome to the club. That's why it's so important for us to figure this out! Because of losing weight... and the importance of sales to help with the wardrobe... we want to stop being tempted by tops that are 70% to 90% off... unless they make us look terrific.


So please just step in and join in.... you could start posting asap with your pictures... or you could start posting with your opinions... whatever works for you!

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Thanks Pam.

I'm at work right now. It's been a very slow day.. hence my posting.


I live in a town that has limited shopping and that means very little sales in clothing my size. If you are what I call teeny boppers or college smallies then there is a feast available. People who are normal and above have a famine unless you want to dress like a frump! Honestly, I wish I was a buyer for some of these stores. I don't know why they bring in half of what is on those racks. And it hangs there forever. I end up going out of town about twice a year or buying online. Most of the time I have to pay full price and that hurts, but if I see something I think might work I'd better grab it because by the time I figure out I want it ~ it's gone!

Anyway, I just got a big box from CWC last week. My dilemma is I'm not sure the tops are gonna work now. I have worn two of them so I can't send them back. Maybe some of you can verify what my brain is trying to tell me. http://www.coldwatercreek.com/product-detail/58112/64601/solid-slub-cowl.aspx?colorid=394&refLink=knit-tops-and-tees.aspx This is one in honey bee. I love the fabric but I think the color may be a little to muted. What do you think.

I wore this sweater in burnt umber with the honey bee top.


I'll try to post a pic of me in them, but it won't be tonight as I won't be home until later.

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OK ~ my take on Joby in green

You look fabulous dahlin! My fav is D2, B1, C1 and E1. Don't ask me why ~ I just think you look so sparkling in those deeper shades. I wasn't sure about the one with the white until I made them all smaller and looked at them. The white was throwing me, but to me you look great in all of them, it's just not my fav. :)

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Oh, Pam. (insert HUGE long sigh) By the time I finished taking my pictures on Sunday, I felt like a dishrag. Put on top, grab camera, out the door, down the steps, position camera, smile pretty now, take two pictures, head back inside, check to see if either shot was focused, take off top, fold for color party, place on bed, grab new top and repeat. It took F o r e v e r ! ! ! I tried to remember to look in the mirror on my way out the door, but my pictures show a much different picture. And, it just kept getting more and more limp with each trip in and out. Shade or no shade, thick winter sweaters are still hot.


We've seen pictures of you looking fine, Pam. Your cruise pictures were great. Come on. Hit us with your best shot. Or your worst shot. Take your time, Pam we will be here. Do whatever feels right.


Kim, ditto the beer pocketbook. If could just convince myself that I have spent the same amount of money if it is for a single $30 piece of jewelry or two $15 t-shirts on sale. Why, o why, can't I resist store clearance tags? Work in progress here.


Ladies! My advantage is that I have Anita to talk things over with and we discussed these pictures.

So... here are my admissions....


I've been very, very lazy about keeping up with the maintenance of my hair coloring. Actually, if I'm being brutally honest, it takes quite a bite out of the budget to maintain the color. I don't know if red is more difficult; i.e., it fades faster than... say... blond.. but it feels like I don't maintain the vibrancy of the color for very long. Plus, my hair grows really fast.


But, after seeing these pictures... OMG... I made an appointment! The earliest available was next week.


Debbie, I so relate to the agony of taking these pictures! Anita told me that she can tell by the expression on my face that I'm getting... bored... frustrated... with the whole thing! The "smile pretty" part was getting harder to do! Funny... Anita could tell me which picture I took first and which picture I took last!


So, I am reluctantly posting these pictures. Mainly because both of you were willing to post pictures that weren't so great. Anita told me that she thinks these pictures can be analyzed... and the deal with my hair is understandable since I need to have some maintenance done...


So, I'll reserve my opinions until I hear from everyone. Let me tell you... I didn't think that this was going to be difficult for me! I had such fun looking at Anita, Kim, Debbie... all of you... and I didn't realize the stomach clench that would happen when it became my turn! Way more fun to be looking at pictures than posting pictures! That's for sure! :eek:



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Wowsers!!! Get a little busy at work, go to lunch and looks what happens here.


Linda, the more the merrier. I'm glad you are joining us. Ditto everything Pam said. I've been wondering about Honey Bee and Burnt Umber at CWC also. Anita and Pam are better than I am about this. What do you say, Ladies? Kim, what's your opinion?


Pam, it is soooo nerve-wracking to post those pictures, isn't it? It's what surprised me the most. I have read somewhere that red is the absolute hardest haircolor to maintain. I had highlights in my hair several years ago before the highlight/lowlight phenomenon took our part of the country by storm. I HATED the way my roots showed about two or three weeks after, so I'd have my highlights retouched each month. Pretty soon, I'd look almost blond, so I'd buy a box at Walmart and color my hair myself at home. It didn't seem to matter what color I tried when matching my original color, I'd be a redhead in a couple of weeks. I swore that if I could just get my original color back that I'd never color it again. Now that the gray is shining through more and more every day, I constantly question my decision about that.


I envy you, because I wish I could wear my hair to my shoulders like you do, but it is so baby fine and straight as a stick. You know how everyone is about their hair -- if it's curly, they want straight; if it's staight, they want curly. I've always said I'd settle for a bend or two or just a little body. It looks like I'm going to get my wish. Some of the gray hair is becoming curly. Isn't that just dandy!?! The gray will stick out and be that much more noticable. Joy. Joy. It is ALWAYS much more noticable to you than to anyone else, but you were very brave to post when you didn't think you look your best.


I'm glad we are posting our pictures. If possible, would you and Anita comment the season for each top. I still feel so inadequate and I think this will teach me how and what to look for when deciding yes or no about a particular color. I understand to look for skintone first, then hair color, then eyes, but my eyes want to revert to just the color of the top itself. I know some of the pictures we've posted are darker, some look washed out, some show redder skintones. For example, I know if I wear fall/earth it makes me look gray and washes me out. If I see a picture of myself like that, I know it is EARTH. Am I trying to make this too simple?


I'm looking at your pictures, Pam, but I'd like to make educated decisions, and not just pick them nilly-willy. --Debbie

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Pam, I too had been having the hardest time maintaining my color until I broke down and splurged on a fantastic product. Yes, red is a hard color to maintain! Most all shampoos have such harsh chemicals (even the ones for color treated hair) it doesn't take them long to strip color from our hair. I found a this great product for us color treated gals and have been using this since June and can't believe the difference in my hair. It's got lots of shine, is silky and soft and best of all my hair colorist has only had to touch up my regrowth (roots) since my color in May! It has saved me big bucks there as I was having to have high and low lights down every other month. This is not a shampoo we are used to ~ it's actually a conditioning cleaner made of herbs without all the bubbles of a shampoo. AND IT WORKS! It works on fine, thin hair - giving it body and taming those flyaways- as well as coarse thick hair - and no more split ends. With my new cut, I wash, finger fluff and literally go. I'm not sure if I should publish the name here but will gladly give info to anyone interested.


Love your GREEN PARTY ~ am still trying to analyze it.

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Wowsers!!! Get a little busy at work, go to lunch and looks what happens here.


I'm glad we are posting our pictures. If possible, would you and Anita comment the season for each top. I still feel so inadequate and I think this will teach me how and what to look for when deciding yes or no about a particular color. --Debbie


I don't really understand your request, Debbie. The season for each top? Do you mean if I'm trying to wear it in winter, summer, spring, fall? Remember that I live in AZ, so I really only have one "season." Typically, I wear a sleeveless top, by itself, most months of the year. Then, I just add an overshirt to it if I feel a bit cold. Is that what you're talking about? I just don't have the need for real "seasons" in dressing. Most of my overshirts, actually, were purchased because of going over to Europe in the fall.


Now, if by "season" you mean... do I think that these tops are all FIRE? Well, I sure did before I took these pictures! I thought that I had weeded out all of the "misses" from my wardrobe. By the way, unlike you and Kim, I don't have any more greens in my wardrobe. What you see in my color party are all the greens in my closet. So, if you're asking about what I now think... well, it's pretty obvious in one of my pictures, IMO.


But, like Anita and Kim did.... I'll reserve my thoughts until I hear more from you ladies. I don't want to "bend" anyone's opinions to my way of thinking......

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I don't really understand your request, Debbie. The season for each top? Do you mean if I'm trying to wear it in winter, summer, spring, fall? Remember that I live in AZ, so I really only have one "season." Typically, I wear a sleeveless top, by itself, most months of the year. Then, I just add an overshirt to it if I feel a bit cold. Is that what you're talking about? I just don't have the need for real "seasons" in dressing. Most of my overshirts, actually, were purchased because of going over to Europe in the fall.


Now, if by "season" you mean... do I think that these tops are all FIRE? Well, I sure did before I took these pictures! I thought that I had weeded out all of the "misses" from my wardrobe. By the way, unlike you and Kim, I don't have any more greens in my wardrobe. What you see in my color party are all the greens in my closet. So, if you're asking about what I now think... well, it's pretty obvious in one of my pictures, IMO.


But, like Anita and Kim did.... I'll reserve my thoughts until I hear more from you ladies. I don't want to "bend" anyone's opinions to my way of thinking......


There I go again - thinking everybody knows what I'm thinking. Yes, I mean if the top isn't FIRE, please state if it ICE, AIR, or EARTH and your reason why. I've seen comments - red skin, dull hair, etc. but don't know what season it puts that top in - only that it is wrong. I'd like to train my eye to see where I'm going wrong and I guess I was just thinking ahead to when I post my pictures.


I think I know the picture you're talking about, but I'm so uncertain about my choices that unless you say one picture or twenty, I don't know what I'm looking for. I really depise being this dense about this stuff, but....I....will.....persevere. I may lose my mind, but I will not quit.:)


I will go out on a limb here and say that I think B-3 is washing you out, IMO, partially because you look so stunningly right in B-4 and I would pick B-4 as my favorite. --Debbie

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