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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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OMG, Debbie. The color spots on the clothes are just TOO FUNNY! LOL. :D And, they just seem to be... so you!


OK. Now, the serious bit...


you look so fabulous! Your skin tone looks amazing. Radiant. Beautiful. Even though the closet picture (why were you in the closet? LOL)... isn't the best as far as color balance, etc., still... your skin tone is so even and smooth.


Seeing these pictures was great! BTW (whispering... have you lost weight?)... :cool:


Thank you for sharing these; they are terrific.

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Way to go Debbie!!! So glad you finally were able to get pics posted.. Ya look mah-velous Dahlin'!!!:cool: Hmmm.. guess you didn't have a fantastic trip, huh? You just light up each photo!


Love the "spotlight blobs"... to funny! I thought my eye was playing tricks on me until I read your post..:D

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I totally love your pictures!!! You look wonderful. I'm not 100% but, I think I like you in the aqua sweatshirt/yellow shirt combo bestest :)


It takes me forever to post the pics too. It seems like it takes a whole evening just to put them on a website to share and then forever again to put on Cruise Critic. We only have DSL, so maybe that's why? AND, I'm a slow typist and don't like to type. If I typed as much as I talk I would be sitting here forever!


The scenery is also beautiful! We stayed at Bright Angel Lodge last summer on our Southwest trip. It was a fun place to stay, we could look out our window and see the Grand Canyon--which gave me palpitations, I kid you not.


Yellowstone is on my "list" to go to also. How was it?


SOOOO glad you posted. I've missed everyone.

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OH Debbie!!


I appreciate the effort it is to post pictures...it really can be a pain, can't it? But I am SO GLAD that you posted.


You look FABULOUS in these photos. I don't know if you've lost weight or not...but I was seriously struck by the orange striped photo...you look fitter...trimmer...IDK...it hit me on that photo especially. And there's something in your expression...I loved seeing you. :)


I think I'm seeing some great mixing and matching as I study what you are wearing. Since Kim picked a fav outfit...I was like...hmmm...what would be MY fav? And I find that I'm having a hard time removing myself from what I personally would like to wear...because I love the yellow with the brown hoodie! LOL! I love me a great hoodie. ;):rolleyes: Nice scarf action...I've been playing with my own, but the weather still feels too warm to me to wear one...


I agree, Kim...I've missed everyone too...I'm seriously thinking we need a color theory slumber/shopping party. :cool:

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I realize that I never responded to your photos. Like everyone else, I totally love the animal print shirt. It is so fun...and it looks great on you...and I happen to love the gargantuan photos. ;)


Everyone has been so busy with their summer plans, I think...and then trying to settle back into some sort of routine...and NOW...it feels like the holidays are right around the corner!


I think that, especially with the holidays on the horizon...everyone needs to pledge to remember to get a photo of themselves when they are feeling especially good about what they are wearing...there will likely be many opportunities in the coming months. That should be fun to see everyone's party clothes.

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How very kind of each and every one of you to post such encouraging words....and so promptly too. I've got a few minutes now and will try to gather my thoughts and respond.


Posting those pictures would be mUCh simplier if I did it more often and, therefore, remembered how I need to go about accomplishing such a feat. Here's my story. I opened a Word document and copied my UNedited pictures to the document and......see where this story is going, right? In the tank! I realized that I couldn't do a copy and paste of story and pictures in the thread reply box AFTER I had covered our nametags and cropped the extra unknown people in our posed shots, so I had to return to my original pictures and import them to photobucket. Then the editing process started over. By the time I got to this point of operation, I was exhausted and decided you wonderful ladies would understand "color blobs". Low and behold! You wonderful gals did just that. Thank you. Thank YOU. THANK you SO very MUCH!


I have lost some weight, but am still a work in progress. I have a co-worker that lost an enormous amount of weight recently and is 2-3 years younger than I. I'd like to avoid the slack skin syndrome if at all possible and that's the story I'm telling myself so I don't become frustrated with my smaller weight loss amounts some weeks. I'm working......well, I'm moving toward weight loss.....with occasional lapses. Thanks for noticing.


Anita, I tried my best to take a capsule wardrobe. It was definitely a jeans, tee and hoodie crowd and we were comfortable with nearly everyone on board the bus within the first few hours. No stuffy characters, just a couple of more reserved individuals talking quietly with their spouses. Even these ladies opened up while in the restroom line at our stops. One lady commented how much she enjoyed seeing what new scarf I would be sporting each day. The scarves were my attempt to spice up my totally plain hoodies, tees and jeans. Some of it worked and some days I felt extremely overdressed with a scarf. The weather wasn't nearly as cool as I expected, but other than my own insecurity rearing it's ugly head, the scarves were not overly dressy with casual clothes....it was more a case of all the other ladies were very casually dressed and I felt like it looked as if I were trying too hard. KWIM?


Kim, we didn't stay at Bright Angel Lodge, but ate there and spent time looking around. Such rich history and scenery. Can you believe it--I actually got two pictures of the building and main entrance door that doesn't have a single person in the shot. I had to strategically position to avoid a lady sitting on a bench in one picture, but I counted myself soooo very fortunate with the amount of people visiting that day. In fact, I got some of the very best pictures I've ever taken. Ever. Mountain goats or sheep, I'm not sure, but I have pictures of a Big Daddy standing under a dead tree on top of a rocky point. Wow, oh wow, what a picture! I thought of you and all the sights you will capture while in Africa. Are you counting the days yet?


Our trip was an eight day fly/drive tour with 24 people and our first attempt at tour bus travelling. I am such a control freak and a motion-sick traveller that we wondered if I'd have trouble riding in the bus. We felt like we had the best driver and escort couple possible. The gentleman was a happy talkative character and his wife was the very best driver I've travelled with commercially. This trip was a fact-finding mission for us and DH and I decided that we would love to go back and spend an entire week in this area. We were were based in Jackson, WY, for three days, but we only had enough time to drive Yellowstone's lower circle or the bottom half of the figure 8 road during this trip. We stopped at Old Faithful and several other geysers. Had to stop for bison to cross the road. We took a 10-mile/2 hour raft trip down the Snake River one day. The Tetons were magnificent. What am I saying? Everywhere I looked was gorgeous! Lots of photo ops! I normally take 5-6 pictures while on vacation. This trip I came home with 500+.


Pam and Linda, thanks for keeping our thread alive. I understand your frustrations with clothes. I have huge clothes issues right now. Too many that don't fit, are too casual to go with that dressy whatever, that's not flattering in the least, ohhhhh get it off, get it Off, Get. It. Off. RIGHT NOW! I have a super-casual wardrobe and a business work wardrobe. Why do all the bottoms in one match all the tops in the other one!???


I have discovered a few other pictures that I m-i-g-h-t post (maybe). They aren't the best quality because they were on our phones, but I'll download them and see what develops when I have a spare minute.


Thanks again for all the wonderful support. --Debbie

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumpity bump bump!!:D


The weight loss was easy to spot, Debbie...very noticeable around the jawline. I think when loss finally hits that particular spot...it makes all the difference in the world. I relate to the work in progress...and the occasional lapse...as I have had some issues related to moving and struggling to do what I know needs to be done...


I, too, have such a casual wardrobe. I spent so much time in exercise clothing...that even normal casual clothing feels dressed up. DS had a chorus concert on Tuesday night and I decided to wear something new and something that I thought might be a little stylin'...and I wore a scarf...and I asked DH...do I look too dressed up? Technically, I know that I was still casual...but I FELT so dressed up. I've decided that it's just because I'm not used to seeing myself in a scarf.


I must have some reference in my memory that equates scarf with more style and dressiness...that even the casual scarves make me feel dressed up. I do love the look though...on myself, I prefer the scarf look at the neck to the chunky necklace look...and I think that it accomplishes the same interest...but since I am not used to seeing it on myself...I, too, can feel like I'm trying too hard. But I know that I'm not. It's just new and unfamiliar.


I pick up DS from school everyday. I park in the parking lot with the other parents that don't want to waste time and gas in the car rider line. It's like a grab and go for kids instead of taking the drive thru. So I get to observe a lot of the students. And there is a standout girl for me...and I believe that she wears a scarf EVERYDAY. I don't know what grade she is...but I notice her because I'm almost amazed that she is working on her style at such a young age. She stands out as different...and very few are different IMO. Anyway...my point is that I am observing this young girl...and I'm thinking to myself that she doesn't look like she's trying to hard...it doesn't look out of place or too dressed up. I need to get over myself and start projecting my mental image.


All that said to say...I think the scarves were very attractive. They were like casual necklaces and brought interest to all the solid colors and helped to marry some of the less common color combinations. I think my personal fav was the blue hoodie and the green shirt with that scarf. I'm so glad you grabbed that photo because it's one of the few where your lens are clear and we can see your entire beautiful expression...which to me, is so relaxed and happy in that particular shot.


Didn't someone else recently travel and owe us a Pictodiary? JULIE!!!;)

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Kim and Debbie, thanks to both of you for posting pictures on this thread. I may be an earth, but hey...we're sisters, right??


I think pictures tell us so much about ourselves. I am learning a lot about my style of dressing, and I realize that sometimes I let the wrong things dictate my choices.


I am very chesty, so I wear things to cover that a lot. I have been adding on a lot of weight to myself via clothing.


I am loving some of the items I plan to wear on my cruise, and I hope to take lots of pictures to post like all of you!

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Anita, I appreciate your words about the scarves and I agree totally. I know the scarves were casual enough (that's why I chose those particular ones to take with my uber-casual wardrobe) so I guess that I must equate scarves with dressy somehow too. For several years, I put in a pair of teardrop-shaped post opal earrings and wore them. I mean, I put them in and didn't take them out. I slept in them, showered in them and simply wore them. They went with everything, right? I wore my wedding rings and those opal earrings. I was raising kids, working, volunteering at school and church and I didn't have time. I didn't shop more than enough to buy a pair of jeans and a few t-shirts, and well, maybe a skirt for church here and there. The only criteria for my clothes was that they weren’t too tight. They WEREN’T. Sometimes the waist was the only spot on my bottoms that touched me! I was too busy to shop and what shopping time I had was reserved finding clothes in my budget for the kiddos. There was no budget for clothes for me. When the kids grew up and left home, I made up for lost time but my purchases were from the sales racks and my closets became a hodge-podge of junk!


After working through the Style Statement book, I realized that I L-O-V-E skirts. I like the way I feel in a skirt. I look good in a skirt. I want to feel that particular way about everything I wear, not just when I'm in a skirt and heels. ‘Work in progress, but working to get there’ has become my motto. It takes a lot more effort than putting in a pair of nice earrings and living in them for months on end, but I need to put in the effort to make the entire package deal look put together--jewelry, shoes, bag AND clothes AND hair and makeup. Pairing down the number of items seems the logical way for me to cope and not become overwhelmed with too many options.


I have a super-duper casual wardrobe and a business wardrobe. As a judicial secretary, my boss expects a certain level of professionalism. I'm not required to wear hose and closed-toe shoes every day, and although my camping wardrobe is necessary for me, it isn't appropriate for the office. I MUST have two separate wardrobes, but I'm working on making both smaller versions of what I have currently. I want each and every piece that I own to be something that I wear often and love how I look when I have it on--whether I’m hiking a trail, sitting around a campfire or meeting with legal dignitaries.


Laura, I share your chestiness. I think one of my best looks is a jacket over a top, because it disguises my chest and belly, but when you have as many months as we have with 90+ degrees humidity, I'd melt into a puddle if I wore what I think looks absolute best. Even though my arms are not small, firm OR defined, I wear sleeveless tops with a drape-neck if I can find them. V-neck is my second choice. If you find something that works better, please share.


I have recently added something new to my purchase criteria--buy local, new or used. My husband is a small business owner and our family income would be much reduced if local people didn't use his services. So, if I can't purchase from local artisans, I will attempt to purchase items made only in the USA and support our economy. If it can't be purchased second-hand, or made new in the USA, do I really need it? I’ve discovered that it's hard to find some items, especially clothes, when you just pop in a store on your lunch break because nearly all clothing is now imported. It is causing me to spend much more planning time before making a purchase. I research on the internet A LOT. I make fewer purchases than in the recent past and the purchases I DO make are generally better--better quality, better planned to incorporate with my style statement, and better value. It has cut down on my impulse buying and for me, this is a good thing.


So, for review.....I will purchase only those items that I have determined that I truly need to fill a void in my core wardrobe, are made in the USA or purchased second-hand, are clear and bright FIRE colors, fit correctly, are complementary to my body shape, fit my Style Statement and are made of mostly organic materials. Oh, is that all? I'm not sure ANY item will ever fit that entire criterion. I now foresee my only purchases being birthday and Christmas presents for others and even then I'll need to buy everything online to make sure it's made in the USA.


No biggie, right! ???

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Hi gals,


Love reading all of your comments. Everyone is always so articulate :) As I've mentioned before, I talk a lot but type a little!


I love reading all of your style statements. I wish I could join in on the conversation more but, I just don't think I can think that much. I just seem to like what I like and I just don't put as much thought into and have the eye for what really looks good and why that you all do. I tend to stick with simpler things and think that will keep me out of trouble. I'm not too daring :D


Anyway, I love reading and learning from all of you! Keep posting.

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Hi gals,


Love reading all of your comments. Everyone is always so articulate :) As I've mentioned before, I talk a lot but type a little!


I love reading all of your style statements. I wish I could join in on the conversation more but, I just don't think I can think that much. I just seem to like what I like and I just don't put as much thought into and have the eye for what really looks good and why that you all do. I tend to stick with simpler things and think that will keep me out of trouble. I'm not too daring :D


Anyway, I love reading and learning from all of you! Keep posting.


Kim, I talk a lot AND I type a lot! That's why I don't join in more often. I can't seem to put the brakes on once I get started. I think one of the nicest things about this thread is that everyone can say as much or as little as they want as often as they want. But I do wish some of our absentees would let us know everything is ok where they are. Julie?? Linda?? Just a quick note to let us know you are ok, maybe?


I leave tomorrow for a long weekend in the Smokies. It will be repeats of some of my items I posted during my last photo-fest, but if I take any interesting pictures, I'll post them. It will be another hoodie and jeans trip, but you won't be subjected to color blobs, because we won't be required to wear nametags. My emphasis this trip will be a 4-day trip with a diaper bag as luggage. I love the challenge......Yeah, I know I'm weird.


Pam, you asked a while back why I was in the closet in one of the pictures I posted. It was the day that I forgot to get a picture while we were out and about Jackson Hole and I remembered when we arrived back at the motel that night. I usually take my pictures in front of the bathroom mirror so I can see what I'm doing. In that particular room, the hanging closet didn't have a door and was directly across from the sink and mirror. It didn't occur to me until you mentioned it, but it did look like I had snuck into the closet to take a quick head shot, didn't it? Looking back, I realize that the wooden hangers must be a good FIRE color though, don't you think? Carmel would be a good neutral for us? --Debbie

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, everyone:


Well, I was just speaking with Anita and discussing the fact that we have all been so very quiet. I am in the midst of packing (once again) and this time it's off to the Caribbean.


After we disembark, we will spend a few days with friends in Florida that we met on a TA in 2006. Should be fun to catch up with them and I understand that there will be a neighborhood party while we're there.. so, yeah! :)


And, then it's off to Anita's for family Christmas celebration.


So, I've been pretty busy, but not doing quite the things that I should have been doing to make the packing go smoother! I've been hanging out on the Earth thread, and I'm so impressed with Laurie that she's analyzing her wardrobe/outfits and getting ready for her cruise in a few months. And here I am, going in 3 days and I'm just getting started! So. Not. Good.


And, I was hoping that I'd see more pictures from everyone else before it came time for me to (maybe) post another pictodiary! Anyway, with all my traveling and plans, just let me say Happy Holidays to everyone here! Hope that we all have great days full of love and good cheer.

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Linda and Pam,


So good to hear from you!!!! I was hoping everyone didn't fall off the edge of the earth.


I wish we could all get back to our discussions on FIRE things. I miss that!


Pam have a wonderful cruise and is a pictodiary NOT an option?????? :D


I too read the EARTH thread. It's really interesting to see the differences and see others who are learning their colors too. And of course, I love the photos!


Hope everyone is well.

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I absolutely love the website that Anita posted on the Earth thread...




and I've been absorbing some ideas from the fashionistas that have posted there. Here is what I've come to! Have FUN with your wardrobe! Seriously, I've put together some outfits for the Caribbean trip that I would never have considered prior to becoming a FIRE lady. Here's a thought preview (imagine, if you will)... an orange top, yellow cargo pants, and turquoise shoes!... a tangerine top, aqua cargo pants, and turquoise shoes!... a bright yellow top, blue/green palm frond print skirt, and red shoes!... it sort of goes on like that...


I've been all over the new fashion trend of color layers, blocks of color, etc. So, I've pretty much abandoned the matchy-matchy attempts and I'm just dressing in lively colors. It feels good! But, I have to say that not EVERYONE sees my attempts as being successful. LOL. The same BFF that I tried to go shopping with previously informed me recently that nothing I wore was matching any more. She looked at me wearing my yellow capris, tangerine top, turquoise necklace, coral earrings, gold sandals... and informed me that I had some earrrings in my closet that would match my necklace better! LOL. Shoulder shrug...


Hey, I figure... it's the Caribbean... if I can't get away with this type of dressing in the Caribbean then I should just consider it a bad idea. But, right now, that's what the packing spreadsheet says, and... by golly.. we'll see! :cool:


Hope everyone else is also having a bit of play time and a bit of fun. I am dealing with a huge load of stress, at the moment. I am just trying to put a lot of issues aside to enjoy this vacation as we planned it so long ago.. I just keep repeating, "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." :)


Why do I always check CC when I should be packing and cleaning and doing necessary errands? :eek:

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Hello, Everybody! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Glad to see we are back to talking. I have missed our chats.


Pam, I understand your dilemma with stress and putting issues aside. As my BFF and I often say--Breathe. Just. Breathe. Now I know to add--Rejoice. Now I'll have that song in my head for the rest of the day! Thanks, because I needed that one today.


I really like the color options you are taking on your cruise. It sounds like a wonderfully cheerful wardrobe to me. I don't want to cast aspersions on your BFF, but, really? I think I might need to consider other friendship options if I were in your place. My BFF and I have an understanding. If I don't ask, I'm happy with myself as is. She is great about helpful comments when I ask for her opinion, but otherwise, her opinions remain unspoken.


Glad to hear that I'm not the only person that works from a spreadsheet. Some friends/family think I'm crazy, but I find it sooo much simplier to make a plan according to daytime/nighttime activities and temperature fluctuations. I wear what's on the list, and I don't spend valuable vaca time deciding what to wear. It also helps to know when you are wearing something if you plan to rewear certain items. I can wear an outfit to dinner one night and later wear it for daytime activities if I plan it correctly. Less luggage is a wonderful thing! Whether it is how much you must drag with you to the car or airplane or whether it is simply where you find storage space for that luggage within the ship's cabin. Less is much preferred in my family.


I promised that I'd post pictures of our Gatlinburg trip if I could. There were only three pictures of me--two were taken the same day and therefore, the same outfit. So, here's the two outfits that were taken:




Yeah, more hoodies, but they are so versatile. I layered cami or tank, top and hoodie. If it was colder (morning and evening), I layered my jean jacket over everything. This worked really well for me on this trip. I layered off as the morning grew warmer and layered back on when the sun starting setting.




I packed one extra pair of jeans (I'm prone to MANY mishaps), the MaryJanes were my second pair of shoes and an additional top that's not shown in these two pictures. Everything including my makeup, toiletries, book to read and snacks were packed in a diaper bag (love. Love. LOVE. the pockets inside and out). I took a normal-sized purse that included a wallet-on-a-string. I will try to travel this way as much as possible in the future. I love the freedom of not schlepping a bunch of stuff! I mixed and matched everything. The only thing I would do differently, is that I'd wear that scarf in the second picture around my neck instead of around my middle. I like the idea of a scarf as a belt, but the truth is that I don't need attention drawn to my middle......EVER! I fiddled with it constantly and drew more attention to it than necessary, so I took the scarf off and tied it around my neck and put the necklace away before noon that day.


I read the EARTH and ZUMBA thread also. I still struggle, trying to make Earth colors work for me, but I'm getting a little better thanks to the ladies on the Earth thread. It helps to see Laura's options for her upcoming cruise. Ok, Pam. I had hoped that we'd have more pictodiary participation also, but it looks like you and I must carry the load for a while longer. Maybe someone else will be brave soon. We will be ready for your pictodiary when you return from your travels. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting with friends and family. Give Anita a big hug from me.

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And, OF COURSE, here I am reading instead of packing!


Debbie, you look so wonderful in those pictures. What beautiful settings! And you look like you're so comfortable in your own skin. In a weird way, seeing these pictures of you just made me more excited about my upcoming trip. I think it's because I never, ever have a chance to play with my wardrobe here at home. We just don't have the type of activities that excite me to play with wardrobe options.


My BFF? Well, for one thing, she's 10 years older than I am... which makes her think she's so much wiser! LOL. AND, I've know her for 40 years!!! That gives her the opportunity to just speak plainly to me. AND, I love her like a sister (maybe even more than a sister because she's chosen family, kwim?)... SO... she can't really say anything to me that ruffles my feathers. It's all good. I was more commenting about the limitations that we put on ourselves and how I may be going to the extreme of putting NO matchy/matchy limitations on myself! Well, we'll see... because I didn't take any pictures of my outfits, although I did try them on. In the mirror they look fab-u-lous, but we all know what the camera can do! :eek:


I'm hoping that we get to see some holiday pictures! Someone has to be going to a party somewhere?!? Holiday outfits in front of Christmas Trees?!? Puh-leez! Champagne toasts?!? Let's see some creativity sparked by all the work that we've put into reworking, revamping, accessorizing, tailoring, and WEARING our WARDROBES!


Love you guys. I'll be thinking of you all as I sail the warm, blue waters of the Caribbean! :cool:

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Great pictures. The one in the jean jacket looks like you are the sheriff---it looks like you have a badge on :D




Have a super de duper cruise and PICTODIARY --especially with the new color combos!

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Hey Everyone!


Debbie...I LOVE your photos. You look so relaxed and happy...I think Mom said something similar...I know we talked about it.


Again...I love your brown hoodie! I have decided that I love hoodies so much that I need to do some serious designing to come up with stylish variations on the classic hoodie...something to take it to the next level without losing the ease of the classic. It's one of my 2013 projects.


I agree with you re:the scarf placement...I agree that it would be more flattering as a neck accessory rather than the belt....BUT...I think it has to do with where you put the scarf? When you wear a belt OVER clothing...it is to create a defined waistline...and so you want that waistline to be at the smallest part of your body...I think you could have tied the scarf more at your natural waist rather than your lower waist. This shows what I'm talking about:




I think your idea in adding the scarf is a good one...unlike your hoodie...the denim jacket is a bit stiffer...it doesn't give a hint of your waist and so you want to define it under the boxier shape of the jacket. This is a good idea. Try it again with the scarf and/or other belts. Maybe the skinny style belt that is so popular?

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Linda, thanks for starting the chat-line again.


Kim, my "badge" is a golden leaf pin/brooch from my mother-in-law. She died after our first year of marriage, so it's one of the very few things I have from her. Very vintage because it was one of her pieces of costume jewelry and is very special to me. It was my attempt to commemorate our leaf-peeper visit. It does look like I'm the local sheriff, doesn't it? All I need is a good western-style hat!


Pam, I know you must be traveling by now. Hope you are having the most-est fun! I'm glad you clarified your BFF--I'm sure it's great to have such an open relationship. My daughter and I share that kind of relationship, but I don't have that with my BFF. I guess it's because we've only known each other 27 years. :)


Anita, the reason I wear those hoodies is not only versatility. The fit is flattering. They dip in and define my waist. Let me know if you make progress on your 2013 project. I'd also like to know how to take the hoodie to the next style level.


I appreciate your scarf comments. I could try the skinny belt idea, but to be honest, I don't need attention drawn to my waist. At. All. I've tried to wear a belt higher than normal. It doesn't help--it just looks awkward. I can however, like you suggested, wear a belt to define my waist and leave the jacket open. If the jacket comes off, then the belt must also, so it takes away the option of ever taking the jacket off and I usually really need that option. Waaaay to much trouble, so I don't usually use this option. I'm envious of people with a defined waist.


I know I've said it before, but I'm an inverted triangle. My clothing size is 16-14-12. If not for my waist, I could wear a size 10 pant. Never, ever, ever, do I look best in a outift that has a top tucked into a bottom. It just makes me look even bigger than I am. My top needs to end where my leg joins my body. As a child, my favorite dresses were long-waisted with pleated skirts. Gored, flippy-type skirts were even better for twirling. Everything you read says that my body type should wear a wrap dress. They look good on everybody, right? Yuck! I look horrible in a wrap dress. All boobs and pregnant. The full skirt hides the smallest part of me while the top showcases the biggest parts.


I vote we put Pam's idea in practice and post pictures of our holiday outfits. I may not have a need for dressy holiday finery this year, but surely we will all be able to post something!

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I hope I didn't offend you, it was surely not my intent:o just my attempt at dry humor.


It is so nice to be chatting again on here. I really have missed it. I always think to myself how fashiony you all are on here and over on the EARTH thread when you talk about skinny belts, scarves and placement, necklaces... I usually think about just wearing a belt and if it's FIRE acceptable, not whether it's correct, etc.


I love to read all about your ideas and thoughts, it makes me want to try to be fashiony, but then reality strikes and I am back to my simple ways. I keep thinking about looking into the style statement book that Anita talks about, but I'm not sure I want to put that much time and effort into it to find that I'm just a simple person who likes simple things.


Ooohh, I think holiday pictures would be fun. Maybe that will give us a boost to get back to our color parties :D

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While I'm logged on here---something else I've been thinking about is the skinny jeans style. Debbie mentioned being an inverted triangle shape and it made me think. I usually stick to boot cut pants or even a little flared. I think they usually proportion my lower half out well. Remember the old mom style jeans that used to go away up the waist and then have the skinny cut leg? It made people look like they had no waist and a big ol' butt with the way they whittled down the leg??. Do the skinny jeans do that to most of us of a certain age? They look so cute on the younger girls and I wondered if they would look good on my body shape and with my age?


Any thoughts?

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Good point about the jeans. When you wear clothing and you are a certain shape (one other than perfect, lol) you want to create a sense of proportion. If you are bigger on the top than the bottom, skinny jeans can emphasize that more, especially if you wear a loose top. You are essentially adding more to the top where you carry yoru weight, and taking from the bottom, where you are thinner.


I have a long ways to go before I get this perfected, but I have been trying different things, and it is definitely true. If you can find trouser jeans, those will be great. Otherwise, try for a flare leg or a looser fitting bootcut. I go with the looser fitting bootcut, and it can literally make me look a size smaller in a picture than skinny jeans.


That being said, I think your pictures really look good! I'd love to see you wear bootcut jeans.

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I hope I didn't offend you, it was surely not my intent:o just my attempt at dry humor. D


I hate to respond on the weekends because it means I must use my phone, but I couldn't wait until Monday because I didn't want more time to pass with you thinking you might have offended me. I really try to take all comments in the spirit I'm sure they are intended. So no worries here. All is well.


I too am afraid sometimes that my attempts at humor fall short. One of the difficulties of the written word, I guess. After reading back over my answer to Pam about her BFF, I may have been misinterpreted also, because my teasing and attempts at light-hearted banter may fall very short of the mark. I Never mean to offend, so If I have, I am sorry.


I'm sooo very glad we are talking about our FIRE-selves again. Wonder who will be the first with a holiday pictodiary post? Today was December 1st. Anyone???

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Mom looks good skinny jeans...she looks AWESOME actually. Zumba has steadily whittled away at Mom. Her legs don't touch each other anywhere...and having the straight body type...she just needs the right shirt to help her look like she has a waist...but otherwise, she has an easier to work with straight body type in that it is smaller all over and fit. Her biggest issue is actually shoes...


I left the flat gold T-strap sandals at her house on my visit. They just don't work for me. I have those orange sandals...and every time that I debate wearing the gold v. the orange...the darker orange always looks better...so I decided that I really need the bronze instead of gold and that Mom should have them. She has a thing about things between her toes though...BUT she's taking them on the cruise. so I'm interested to see how that goes...


And yes, she is traveling. They got on the ship yesterday...I'll get to see her on Dec 19.


We have a company Holiday party next Friday night. It won't be too dressy though...it's a murder mystery dinner thing at someone's house? But I can post a picture. I'm embarrassed though...because of my weight gain since the move. The move has been a major struggle for me...and I'm up anywhere between 10-15 pounds. :( And some of my clothes don't really fit me now because I got rid of bigger clothing. BUT...I'm making it work and we have a plan to help me...I'll talk about that on the Zumba thread though...


Back to party pictures...you will probably see me where more Mom hand-me-downs...:rolleyes:...because I picked up several on this past visit. And some of them are ones that she looked fabulous in BUT...it would appear that they work equally well for this EARTH gal...the pictures will tell.

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