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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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When I did my last really long trips active wear was not really popular but I am already planning that for my transatlantic I will take some active wear . I think the thing is on cruises you tend to dress for dinner but on a regular

trip you occasionally dress for dinner but sometimes you just stay in your day clothes , eat & go to the hotel to relax..I also send things out to be cleaned on the ship . It is really not that expensive .I have to admit if my choice was extra clothes for formal night or extra clothes for every day wear I would choice extra clothes for everyday wear . I have seen your cruise pictures and you are always dressed perfectly so just rotate your choices for the trip.

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I totally agree with SSally! Pam, you always look great! Sadly, I don't think I wear active wear. I have clothes for the office, but my casual wear is jeans and boots, or skorts and sandals. I have one pair of brown tennis shoes bought when fashion dictated that white was NOT the going trend. I've worn them...maybe, 4 or 5 times. I wear flats or boots or sandals. Isn't it great how everyone is different yet similar?


Pam, I agree with what Anita is saying that your bag and sunglasses are a must. For me, certain accessories are coming but don't count. KWIM? My gold hoop earrings, my cellphone, and my iPad bag (looks like a envelope purse)


I hadn't really thought about the accessory part of the puzzle for the the Style Sudoko, I would HAVE to change the Accessory square and label it Topper because I always have something I can throw on for warmth and take off as needed especially with fluctuating temperatures. I would take scarves and jewelry of choice in as many colors and styles as possible because they make a WORLD of difference in how I feel the outfit is changed by them and take up such a small amount of space and weight. I understand your issues about scarves and necklaces. Are you a hat person? A neutral hat that you can tie different scarves around could be very stylish and provide just as much variety as they would around your neck. If not, for me, it would enough variety to change the three main pieces: topper, top and bottom. For each 3-set combo you add, you gain multiple choices, especially if all coordinate.


Laurie, what a great bargain! I love skorts.

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Just wanted to compliment everyone on all the thought they put into their clothing choices! You guys are soooo organized. I love to read and see what you all have put together. Me, I just just hope and pray that what I have on matches and stays on ;)


Speaking of laundry--we have a couple of good laundry memories from our trips to Africa. Our favorite is sending our clothes out to be laundered at the guest house we were staying at in Iringa and coming back later in the day to see our laundry laying all over the place (walls, large rocks, etc.) air drying. That includes underwear too :eek:


This just occurred to me--is there a pattern of underwear oddities on trips--Africa, Dominica.....

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But I thought your trip oddity was taking pictures of behinds! LOL MAYBE the pattern isn't underwear. Maybe the pattern is oddities. Hmmmmmm.


I noticed my picture oddity on the last cruise was taking pictures of peoples' backs. It wasn't intentional.

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But I thought your trip oddity was taking pictures of behinds! LOL MAYBE the pattern isn't underwear. Maybe the pattern is oddities. Hmmmmmm.


I noticed my picture oddity on the last cruise was taking pictures of peoples' backs. It wasn't intentional.


I do love "behind" photos just not mine :D

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Ok, Pam. Take a look at The Vivienne Files for March 17th. I hope I've given you the correct link below. Insert your own items (especially the shoes!) and see if this won't work for you. If you have more room in your suitcase, you can add like I said before: 1 top, 1 bottom, 1 topper in that order. If you only have room for 1 top, that still will add many extra outfits. If you can add only 1 top and 1 more bottom--Wow, will it give you many more options. I can't remember off the top of my head, but it leaps by a LOT each time you add one piece to the mix.


I don't always like the colors or the styles, but always the ideas of how to make it work. This shows the different options each time you add another item. THIS capsule is one I would use in a heartbeat. I'd change the button-up cardigans to boyfriend v-neck cardigans and add a tank in all four colors. I could see you adding camis and using your active wear instead of the LLBean and LandsEnd type items.


http://www.theviviennefiles.com/2016/03/accessories-lime-coral-beige-and-cream.html This is the adding accessories post. On the first line of her written copy, she links to the original post where she actually forms the wardrobe. SORRY! Here it is:



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I goofed so I added another link
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so enjoying reading Margaret's travel diary. She just makes me realize that the most important accessory to have on your trip is a happy, relaxed smile!


Ladies! Today marks a 21-day countdown!


I had a Nervous Nellie meltdown the other day. I don't know if anyone read the DRAMA posting on the Royal Caribbean area of this board, but (to summarize) somebody traveling with a party that was "going" to occupy 3 staterooms ended up missing the ship due to a cancelled flight from Nashville to FLL. Weather related cancellation. There is some "discussion" as to whether this posting was even real, but it just made me do a bit of a spin. I realized that if there was a reason that our Southwest flight didn't take off from PHX to FLL on Wednesday that we wouldn't be able to recover from that and get to the ship before cutoff time for sailing on Thursday. Darn this time zone difference!


I did some very quick research about what you can do if your airline has a cancellation and you want to grab a flight on another airline. The biggest problem that you'll face? LUGGAGE. Specifically, CHECKED luggage. The biggest problem of all is if they've loaded luggage onto an aircraft that ends up being grounded for some sort of maintenance malfunction and they can't get the part in a timely manner. Luggage has to be taken off the aircraft and delivered to baggage claim, where you have to go to retrieve it. You than have to check the luggage with the other airline upon which you've managed to grab a seat... back through security... on to the gate to board the flight. It's not easy. It's not fast.


So, the probability of us actually having a problem? Probably pretty miniscule. However, we're talking about a cruise that is departing for 7 sea days before a port. That's a huge chunk of missing a cruise if you're trying to play "catch up with the ship."


You know what?


Thank goodness for Southwest! I changed our flight to Tuesday! This now guarantees that everyone will have a safe travel day on Wednesday, at least from PHX to FLL. Everyone can thank me later. Just buy me a drink in the lounge!




My DH has set the bar! OMG. He packed his suitcase with his packing list and came in at.... 25 LBS!!! Suitcase and contents! 25 LBS!!! for the cruise and land portion. That's his checked luggage! Has to be checked because of toiletries that are needed and necessary. His carry on is going to weigh around 12 LBS.




The competition is ON. I'll see where I come in....


In the meantime....


Thank you, Debbie! Your advice and links are so helpful. It's really getting my mind wrapped around the whole capsule wardrobe, cruise-planning, light-weight travel packing.... IDEA!


..... stay tuned.....



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15 days for us before we leave for Hawaii; can't think of a better place to bring out the bright clear colors. DH says, I'm not going to lose you this trip, but I might be blinded by all the color...[emoji6].


I'd better get packing, we have 5 days in Honolulu before we board the ship so I'm separating my clothes somewhat so we don't have to open the big case till we get onboard, just carryon for the hotel. Melody

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Debbie, he likes me in color, the brighter the better. I always wore earthy colors when u was a redhead, now that I'm, ahem, silver, I've really branched out [emoji6]. Melody

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Ahh, sorry, Melody. It seems I misread the previous post. The FIRE comes out my mouth sometimes as well as showing in my wardrobe. LOL


Alan like my colors too. He had been telling me for years that dark colors weren't my best look. He's much more observant than I'd ever hope to be. I'm too busy doing while he's ever watching.

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Since I've been (mostly) wearing our FIRE colors (especially on cruises), it never fails that someone will make a comment. The most typical statement that I hear is... "I never look for our guide with the sign. I just look for Pam in the crowd cause I can always spot her easily." Hey, whatever it takes to keep people happy and fit in, right?


I love it when Miss Anita and family travel with us. She puts her DH into the brightest, loudest technical fabric rash guards EVER. Since he's tall, then HE'S the ONE that everyone looks for in the crowd! :D He's so bright that you can find him immediately on any beach we've ever been to together. I think she figured that out when they were visiting Disney quite often.


Comments are just comments. Most of them are quite funny.


Has anyone here changed their feelings about bright color? It's interesting because I went through a transition where I thought that the colors I was "required" to wear were the brightest EVER... and then thought that maybe the colors weren't bright ENOUGH... and then transitioned to a certain comfort level in the bright spectrum. I think I've settled onto a rhythm of what is bright enough to look good even though it might not be optimally bright. Those colors are really difficult to find because I don't think the general public really gravitates towards the brightness of color and so most designers just don't think about bright, bright, bright.


And don't even get me started on prints. I haven't been able to find a really true FIRE print (even though Kim has! I love that print that reminds me of parrots that she sports quite beautifully)... most of the FIRE prints that I find have some element of black in them. I have a one-shoulder dress that is going with me on the next cruise (you all will see it!) that Anita hemmed the length for me and it (I think) looks really good in a FIRE way, but we know that the background is black. We stood together in the sunlight and determined that it was NOT dark deep navy, but really a black that had some blue undertones... so....




I've figured out my packing dilemma... or call it personality, if you will. The situation is that I keep thinking along the lines of "would be nice to have." This is where I have to draw the line and STOP THAT line of thinking. It's especially easy to fall into that particular packing trap when you're splitting clothes between suitcases. Boy, the ideal packing list sure looks minuscule when HALF of it is in ONE suitcase. KWIM? So, it becomes pretty easy to think about just throwing in another pair of pants... maybe capris... a top or two. And then what happens is that you've really packed TWICE what you need! Or, at least one-and-a-half times what you actually NEED when both suitcases arrive in baggage claim.


I'm working on it....



.... stay tuned!


I know, I know... This is riveting stuff I've got going on here....

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Could you imagine what a MeetNGreet cruise would look like with all our FIREyness onboard! LOL That would truly be a sight!


Pam, I was skimming through Pinterest recently looking at spring capsules. My first reaction was--these are supposed to be spring? They are all SO dark. Yep, I've settled into spring colors quite nicely, I think. Ivory and greige/mushroom/taupe/whatever you call it are now my neutrals. It took so long to find the taupe that I had begun to use coral red and many other FIRE colors as neutrals. I'll still wear those items, but it's nice to know that I have an available neutral when everyone else is wearing black or gray.


I AM staying tuned, Pam. I'm puzzled how your packing personality is performing. I've always liked the mix and match of it all. For my 16th Christmas present, Mother and I spent the first of many happy shopping trips together composing a winter wardrobe. A simple button-up blouse, two argyle sweater vests, two wool circular skirts and a pair of slacks. Mother and I usually shopped for patterns, material and notions because she sewed my clothes, so these store-bought clothes and the fun we had shopping were extra special. I still remember the colors and patterns. It is a happy, happy memory.


The following year, our high school choir traveled to Europe. Mother and I made and bought my red/white/blue wardrobe. Everything in my gynormous suitcase mixed and matched and I was hooked on the idea. Mix and match fell by the wayside when I outgrew the clothes until I started traveling and discovered the packing light phenomenon. Sad to say it, but it has become a hobby for me. Is my weirdness showing too much?

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DH told me (due to his recent surgery) that I might have to do some luggage hauling this trip. That really cut down what I was planning on bringing! I used to only do carryon for business trips (of up to 2 weeks), boy, have I gotten out of that habit!


I'm bringing 6 dry tech t-shirts, 2 cotton tshirts (3/4 sleeve), 2 dry tech 1/4 zip long sleeve shirts, 1 dressy sleeveless print top, 2 dry tech tank tops, 4 long sleeve rashguards, 3 pairs of white pants/capris, 1 black skort, 2 black dry tech capris/shorts, denim capris & 3 bathing suits. That's for days. For nights A black jumpsuit with sparkly scarf & sparkly top (tshirt that goes over the jumpsuit) for Elegant Chic nights. A long Hawaiian dress for our luau. White tuxedo shirt (maybe), black silk shantung pants (that will go to the cleaners probably twice) the white pants previously mentioned, lime green silk jacket & tank, multi blue jacket, turquoise tank, royal blue tank, white tank, 2 mesh cardigans (Royal, turquoise & white), black silk v-neck, black flyaway cardigan, yellow/green hoodie with yellow/green tank & black dry tech pants (travel outfit), silver meshy sweatshirt (really dressy). My multi colored shoes, white shoes, black Teva sandals (with sparkles), black Teva River sandals. Lingerie, cuddle duds (my Jammie's & layers if it gets cold). Meds, makeup, hair curler, jewelry, ball cap & Walleroo Stetson hat. I'm done. 34 lbs & I'll wear every piece at least twice (I spill & sweat [emoji16]). 17 days no laundry, probably two times drycleaning of white & black slacks. Ok, what did I forget? DH said, the closet? Funny guy. Melody


Ok I forgot my Ortho boot & cane [emoji30]. I think it was intentional.

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You know what I've been thinking a lot about lately? The concept of soft, true and deep colors. I think that you made a very good point, Pam, and it's one I mention a lot, but not as as well as you have worded it.


The spectrum goes from muted on one side all the way to bright on the other. Seeing the concept of breaking down our colors even further was a great thing for me. Sometimes, I thought that some of my choices might be too bright, yet they weren't bright enough for my daughter, who is a fire. I walk the line sometimes, but mostly because I really can't get away with cooler tones. I can get away with those springy colors, but ice and air just don't work.


I think that when you find a really good color for you, GRAB IT. Don't let it get away. I've procrastinated a number of times, and then when I go back, the item is gone.


That being said, I can't always find the best colors, but I try diligently to make good choices. I can see the difference when I wear a color that isn't earth. The only other colors I seem to get away with are spring colors, but not all of them.


Does anyone else have a husband like mine? He's picky. Very picky. I can get him certain things, but he really needs to choose his own clothes. He's fussy about style, color and fit. It can take a great deal of work to convince him that something looks good if it isn't one of his usual choices. Boy, he is tough to shop for!


And I can't pick his vacation clothes either. He lets me get out his socks, but that is about it. :rolleyes:

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If I were British, I'd be gobsmacked.


I guess I've been overpacking for years.


OK. I have pretty much accomplished the basics of my wardrobe planning and thought that I just might be pushing my self-imposed weight limit, so I did a test pack. Now, granted, this test pack did NOT include toiletries, and I know that there is some weight associated with liquids, so bear that in mind....


ALSO, my DH went on a major internet search for lightweight luggage and settled on a 25" TravelPro MAX-Lite that weighs 7.4 lbs empty. Although it is "only" 4 lbs different from the luggage that we previously carried, those 4 lbs do become meaningful in the grand scheme.


To put this into perspective....


I'm taking 4 skirts with 2 tops that will make 6 outfits. I know; I know. The math should be 8 outfits, but the skirts are prints and the tops solid and there is just one skirt in both of these color variations that just don't work as well with the solid top... so 6 outfits.


I'm taking 5 neutral bottoms: 2 heavier-weight long pants, 2 capri-length pants, 1 lightweight jogger pant. One long sleeve T-shirt, one 3/4 length neutral top, one sleeveless neutral top. And an appropriate layer piece in a neutral coordinating color. With the 2 tops from the skirt outfits included, this gives me a choice of 25 pairings that work.


Throw in 3 dresses: one casual maxi-dress, one dressy one-shoulder dress, a Traveler's Fabric sheath dress.


Shoes: 5 pairs. Merrell hiking shoes; gold sneakers; Ecco walking sandals; gold strap sandals; day use gold strap sandals (appropriate for short walks and cruise days)...


So this looks like a huge pile on the bed. Maybe I should do a test pack to see where I'm at?


12.4 LBS!!! Including the luggage weight! I'm at 12.4 LBS!!!


And the test pack included lingerie and night clothes and 2 pairs of exercise leggings and an exercise top.... ActiveWear, ActiveWear....


I'm doing GOOD.


So excited, I just had to share! Now, not to be too, too excited... I know I'm not finished. I'm heading out today to do a quick (hopefully) shopping. I want to take a look at another layering piece, need some socks... and, most importantly, I'm on the search for a fantastic sun hat.


So, stay tuned! Of course this isn't "over" yet? What? No way are you guys bored with this conversation, right?

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KIM! And everybody, but mostly Kim cause I know she'll love this!


Have you seen this trip report? I know that there's so much happening on this Board and things of interest can fall through the cracks for me, but the whole time I'm looking at this.... don't ask me how I got there, it's a long boring story that will make my packing posts seem more interesting.... anyway, I kept thinking "I hope that Kim has found this"....


then... I thought I'd make sure that you found it. So here it is:


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KIM! And everybody, but mostly Kim cause I know she'll love this!


Have you seen this trip report? I know that there's so much happening on this Board and things of interest can fall through the cracks for me, but the whole time I'm looking at this.... don't ask me how I got there, it's a long boring story that will make my packing posts seem more interesting.... anyway, I kept thinking "I hope that Kim has found this"....


then... I thought I'd make sure that you found it. So here it is:



Thanks for sharing, Pam. An interesting take on a safari! Never thought about a cruise and safari mixture.

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Does anyone else have a husband like mine? He's picky. Very picky. I can get him certain things, but he really needs to choose his own clothes. He's fussy about style, color and fit. It can take a great deal of work to convince him that something looks good if it isn't one of his usual choices. Boy, he is tough to shop for!


And I can't pick his vacation clothes either. He lets me get out his socks, but that is about it.


Laurie, I have a husband like yours! He shops more than I do and is pickier than I am. When we first married, I remember going into the bedroom to lay out church clothes for him on the bed. My mother had done this for my father my entire life, so I knew what a good wife should do, right? WRONG! He came into the room and asked what I was doing. When I told him, he let me know in no uncertain terms that he was a grown man that didn't need help choosing his clothes. We had a great laugh but I've never forgotten that day. I've also never shopped for him. He definitely has his own ideas.


Pam, it sounds like your packing personality is packing quite a punch. Is everything still under your weight and size limits?

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I bought DH a highlighter yellow polo shirt for Hawaii. He asked if I'd lost my mind. Then our daughters told him how awesome he looked in it 🙄. Turned to DS & said would you wear it? The Marine said, yes in a heartbeat Dad! I hope Mom got me one too (I did). So it's going to Hawaii! Melody

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Yes, Debbie. I'm getting my act together... finally. I thought I was an "efficient" packer, but now I realize that I've been quite an "overpacker," in the past. Not this time. I just don't want the pendulum to swing so far to the dark side that I end up being an "under packer," although I don't think that's even a category.


I am going to have quite the trip reports to look forward to when I return! If my head is on straight this morning and I'm remembering correctly, I think I'm going to be able to virtual visit the Caribbean with Laurie and Hawaii with Melody! I love Hawaii.... (and, yes, I still love the Caribbean as well, but I get to visit it more often so Hawaii feels kind of special... always has... honeymoon memories, etc!)... anyway.


Melody, are you visiting Maui? Do you have a Lush Cosmetics store at home? If you are and you don't, there's a fabulous Lush location in Lahaina. Funny story, but so typical of me. I went into the Maui Lush location and fell in love with the store. Took a newspaper of their products, made in Canada. Looked though them and saw the store listings. OMG. One was listed here about 20 minutes drive. When I visited I asked them how long they'd been there? Oh, about 4 years. Good grief. Get. Out. Much? I am addicted to the Lemon Flutter cuticle cream. It's just the best product for cuticles, IMO. Also a spirit lifter as it smells wonderful.


Back to packing. Anita thinks I should put in a few more tops. I agree. That first run was just a test pack of the Theory of Possibility. Now that's been proven, full steam! I found a really nice lightweight perfect JJill open front jacket. Washable. Just enough to throw into a bag and have in case it's a warm day and I want to go into a Cathedral. Or, to throw on to stave off a/c (although that would be more for on the ship than Europe as I don't think they over compensate with a/c as much as we do). I got the jacket in cream, so not a perfect FIRE color... but acceptable.


I have to find a hat. So, just little things on a to-do list. Just enough to keep me super busy as the time flies by.


Does everyone experience this phenomenon? It's like the last week just flashes by. I've learned that I can't really get anything done in that last week or maybe it's that I'm trying to get so much done? Hair appointment. Nails. Etc. Just heightened activity.


I'm pretty excited over here!

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Pam, my SIL told me about Lush & the same cuticle cream! I'll have to try it! I love my Walleroo (SPF50) hat, looks like a Stetson. I'm sitting here (packing is done) watching a nasty snow storm, yes, SNOW! I took this picture at 7 am, since then we've had another 6" & shows no sign of stopping.ImageUploadedByForums1460823811.377775.jpg.8cb3700a76eb2f455a1e02d739f1a83e.jpg


Hair was cut yesterday, nails are Tuesday & spray tan is Wednesday. Melody


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Melody, you look so good in that hat! It frames your face perfectly and is just the right size for your features.


I don't look good in hats, at all.


BUT, I know that I need a hat as we are going to be in some really hot areas with no shade potential; i.e., Pompeii. I don't want to be bothered with carrying around sunscreen and trying to constantly reapply. Plus, I don't want the sunscreen to do its typical eye stinging thing. Therefore, a hat.... right?


I've been reading several reviews and apparently there is an awesome hat that makes everyone look good... even ladies who don't do hats. Something about it makes it perfect for everyone and I've read tons of reviews. I wonder if it's really that hat or the awesome Nordstrom Saleslady who convinces you that this IS the PERFECT HAT?!? I guess I'll just trot my little self down there and see.


Anita tells me that some of my thoughts about whether things look good or not are just a "product of my conditioning." Ha! I took a momentous step a few days ago. I took every single one of my high heels down to My Sister's Closet to either consign or send off to a women's shelter. I really didn't care whether they met the criteria for consignment or not, but I thought they were better than just dumping into a recycle clothes bin. Turns out that My Sister's Closet only wants shoes that are less than 5 years old, preferably less than 3. I've mostly worn my heels on cruise ships so I think they had a bit of "age" on them. Whatever. I've been dealing with a flareup of sciatica and... that was it!... no more heels for me.


I told Anita that I didn't think sneakers quite cut it with maxi or ankle length dresses. That's when she told me that I needed to adjust my "mind's eye." She said a lot of young ladies have no trouble putting on some sneakers with that dress length. I guess that's when I got caught up in the "age appropriate" kind of questioning about things. Drat it! I'm working on getting over those limitations of upbringing.... conditioning... whatever you want to call it.


One thing I know for certain.... no skirt or dress can stand up to my Merrell hiking shoes!


How did I get to shoes from hats? Mysterious wanderings of the mind....

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Pam, I also don't like hats, but I love this one (I think it's the turquoise band!). I gave my heels away a long time ago (my DDs drew straws over the Bandolinos). The others went with my suits when I retired. I donated them to women reentering the workforce getting off welfare. Better than going to Goodwill.


I've discovered Ecco shoes look great with dresses & Yellow Box has some amazing sandals. The gladiator look of sandals look wonderful with long dresses & are very comfortable too.


My recent Turf toe has me thankful that I actually have some comfortable shoes that still look nice. Melody

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