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I always love coming over here to see how things are doing. I'm hoping to go to Alaska myself in 2016, but it will be a cruise. It should be a great experience, I hope.


I LOVE that red on you, Linda. That is such a good color for you.

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Aw. Linda! At least DH's luggage came.


Love the picture of you with the bear. I like the aqua and the red together. I decorated DS' bedroom like that in our Lenexa house. Aqua blue walls and the linens were all red. It's a great combo.


You and Laurie have talked about losing your posts. I don't know what happens. With my laptop, I have randomly hit a key and then everything disappears and I'm back on the thread and my reply to thread window is gone...if I hit the forward button, I usually am able to get my window back with everything that I typed in the box still there. FYI.

Thanks Anita! I was relieving a little of the stress with the bear, you should have seen the stares from others!:D

As for the disappearing post, I had previewed it and hit the post button only it was there for a second then gone to cyberworlds land of the lost...At least I "think" I hit the post button, who knows what I'm doing anymore!:eek:

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I always love coming over here to see how things are doing. I'm hoping to go to Alaska myself in 2016, but it will be a cruise. It should be a great experience, I hope.


I LOVE that red on you, Linda. That is such a good color for you.

TY Laurie, stay tuned!:D

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Wonderful to hear from you, Linda! And, reading your "adventures" is funny since I wasn't living them :eek: Someday you might laugh too;)


I think the red looks great on you, you're too self conscious, you look lovely and FIREY.


I can't wait to read and see more. Alaska is on my "list" too.

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Wonderful to hear from you, Linda! And, reading your "adventures" is funny since I wasn't living them :eek: Someday you might laugh too;)


I think the red looks great on you, you're too self conscious, you look lovely and FIREY.


I can't wait to read and see more. Alaska is on my "list" too.

Oh, believe me, I am laughing with you as I write this! It wasn't funny at the time, but reliving it is hysterical! :D:cool: I really don't know how I kept my sanity (well, ok I didn't~ truth be told~ I did have a major melt-down for 2 hours, but, felt better and decided I was going to make the BEST of the mess and enjoy each day!)

Thanks for the complement, and yes, I am self conscious. My Mom always tells me I look just like my pictures! Really, oh Lord have mercy!:p

Just found out DD is coming home for a few days!!! So am cleaning the spare room so she at least has a place to lay her weary head...so excited...:D

Stay Tuned for Alaska Saga.....

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Alaska Saga continued..part 3….

Ok, It’s now Monday, June 16 and our land tour begins.. New day, things have to get better as they can’t get too much worse, or can they?….Bags have to be out at 6 am, so we were up 4am, showered, dressed and bags out at 5:45am. Went down and checked out and waited in lounge to board our bus. 10 minute ride to train station…directly onto train (no standing in line or going through the depot..(just hop off bus, hop onto train) RC train cars are very nice..2 levels, all glass upper viewing area with dining and restrooms on lower…Big leather comfy seats!!!!


It was a 4 hour ride to Talkeetna, our destination for the night.


Yeah, I know the hat doesn’t do anything for me, but I had to have something on my head to shield the sun in my eyes. It was the best I could find (that I liked, anyway). Butter yellow top. That red sweater and a hoodie were my go to jackets.

That was the only stop sign in town, I think....We walked around the tiny town of about 85 residents for couple hours. Talkeetna Ranger Station is the sign in place for hikers who are going up Mt. McKinley (Denali). There are a few gift shops, restaurants, and 1 very small general store. Oh, and of course the resident Mayor Stubbs, who eluded us…(He’s the resident tabby cat with stub tail who has free range of the whole town.) There is a small bakery that has these amazing huge cinnamon buns! And yes, I got one for later!! Gluten and all!!! We wanted to get lunch there, but the place was packed and no tables available, so just got the rolls to go, thinking we'd take them with us on the Denali Tundra Wilderness tour 2 days away. They didn't make it~we gobbeled them down for breakfast early next am!!! OMG!!! They were sooooogooooood!!!!!!

Also found a neat little candy shop that sold the best caramel and truffle candy! The shop was themed for gold panning and you placed your candy in the pans which the shop keeper weighed, keeping out one free piece for you, then put your purchase in a little canvas sack..looked like a sack of gold. Cute and so delish! (DH and I nibbled on this stuff the entire week and half! )

We caught a shuttle back to hotel..no excursions we wanted to do..so just explored the area and stared in awe at this amazing view


The weather was gorgeous as was the view!

Yay, one of the couples arrived around 4:30!!! Had dinner with them in one of the hotel restaurants with that view and relaxed with a few drinks!!!! Finally!!!! I was feeling really relaxed!!!! Then off to bed as we were beat!!! (and of course a little buzzed!!!!) BUT,,,,WAIT…..it gets better…..

At 1:03 AM we were awakened….by…..well, let’s just say I was being tossed from side to side in bed as was DH! I thought it was DH messing around with me, jumping on the bed, but NOPE!!! Glasses were clinking, rumbling noises could be heard, bed shaking…”EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!! “ I yelled….then rolled over and went back to sleep!! :DAt this point I didn’t care if a tornado hit!

We found out later that it was a 4.7 quake. These things happen all the time in Alaska. Who knew?! Over 700 quakes average a year!!! Think I’ll stay put where I am!

I have to say this was the best and nicest of the 4 hotels we stayed in probably because it had such an amazing view!! IMHO! Even though we were told the other 2 hotels coming up were more amazing.


Loved the huge stone fireplace in the main lobby with view of the mountain range.



Next stop Denali!:D

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Day 3 - Rest of group showed up around 10:30am next morning as we were gazing at the awesome view of Mt McKinley as the cloud cover lifted from the top…What a great start to the day!!! v2tztg.jpg11:00 and time to board coach to Denali.

Our stay for the next 2 nights was McKinley Village located on the Nenana River. This was rustic (though all modern) and quite nice. Rooms were in separate buildings around the Village, with a pizza place, restaurant, main lobby, several gift shops, ice cream shop and general store in their own buildings…just like a little village ..DH and I were lucky enough to get a first floor room in one of the farthest buildings. We had a Jeff King Husky Homestead tour scheduled at 7pm. Met bus and got to his homestead as it began to drizzle rain.. drizzled on and off all evening.. but it was still a nice evening. And this is what met me as I got off the bus and began to walk around… 6dwqie.jpg Isn’t she cute? (Yeah, the puppy also!) They raise the Huskys for the dogsled teams. It was a very nice, informative evening, even with the rain.

Bed early tonight as we had a 7:00am Tundra Wilderness Tour through Denali Park scheduled…hmmm….what interesting things will we get into or will all go as planned……

Wednesday, June 18 dawned (well it never really did as it never got dark enough!) We were up at 5:00 am and just as I got out of the shower, the electric goes out!!! :eek:DH had made his coffee, so he was a happy camper, I had wet hair… We opened all the windows and door for more light, it really wasn’t dark, but the extra outdoor light sure helped. Threw on my hat, since I couldn’t blow dry my hair and off to lobby we went to await the bus for our tour. Figured we may as well wait there as anywhere….everyone else had same idea….it was packed! Tours were leaving earlier than ours…no hot food to be had, no hot coffee, Lots of grumblin’ and grippin’ going on….I just smiled and watched! (I’d already had things worse than this happen!) I had my protein bar and don’t drink coffee, so no skin off my nose. LOLPower came on shortly before we boarded bus for Denali.

Let me tell you, we had the cutest, sweetest and smartest guide ever!!!! He was so awesome!!! Found out later they call him the “Brad Pitt” of all guides!!!! We were not disappointed with this tour at all… The universe was smiling on us today! McKinley was in full view, so we got to go further into the park and saw more animals than I had hoped. Mama grizzly with her 2 little cubs, (My “butt shot”)….az8htv.jpg put on a sweet show for us as did Mama Moose and her twins as Mama chased Bull Moose off….hundreds of caribou, dall sheep, adorable ground squirrels, a couple red fox, who trotted the road like they owned it ( Well, they did!), even the state bird of Alaska, -the willow ptarmagin,(?sp) I can’t remember what else...This guide had eyes of a hawk! Such an amazing day, and I was so happy. even with the drizzles!!

Rain began to get heavier as we were leaving the park…”Thank you world!” A boxed lunch was provided for our tour, but DH doesn’t like hummus, or smoked gouda cheese, or turkey sausage,…so I ate mine and gave him the other stuff I knew he’d eat- like cookies, trail mix and crackers! Anita- I thought of you as I ate my hummus...don't really know why.;)

Anyway, we were hungry by the time we got back, so decided we’d make reservation for 6:00 for the Salmon Bake Restaurant with one of the couples we knew from here. The restaurant provides free transportation to and from if you reserve it. This place was really quirky and old but the food was amazing! And not that expensive! The plank salmon was to die for! Bellies full and happy from the amazing day…raining pretty hard by now, we caught the shuttle back to hotel and walked off dinner in the rain. Luggage out at 6:30 am tomorrow….Will the universe smile on us again?.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't stand it! What happened?!?


Are you waiting for Kim to get back from Africa to continue with the Alaskan saga? Are we going to be entertained with elephant behinds and bear fronts all at the same time?!?


<sigh> I understand. I can patiently wait. I still have to weigh my underwear, after all.


Wow. After extensive planning for the post cruise portion of my upcoming vacation, I can really say... I love cruising. I think that we're going to have an amazing time in both Barcelona and Paris... and that we'll be able to do things that you just can't do on a cruise (unless, of course, it's a rare overnight situation)... but... the extra planning is so time consuming... and the addition of having a language to translate and try to communicate in... muy frustrante.. tres frustrant...


I wish I'd known how much fun languages actually are. I would have done so much more to try to be multi-lingual...


... back to my research. By the time I go on this vacation, it's going to feel more like deja vu than first experience. Isn't that the problem for the planner in the family? Sometimes...

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I agree, Pam. I've been chewing my fingernails trying to be patient. Sometimes I think I have the patience of a two-year old and since my DGS turned two in June, I have first hand experience of such things.


In the meantime, I have news. My son is getting married in November. Very different from the wedding of my daughter. Of course, it would be. This really shouldn't have come as a shock. They've rarely agreed on anything their entire lives, except defending each other to anyone outside our family unit. I'm not sure I've ever attended a ceremony like this one is shaping up to be. I said during my daughter's wedding planning, when my son's turn rolls around, I will ask what color and length of dress I should wear and how the check should be made for the rehearsal dinner. So far, I think I'm right on track. This will be fun!


Oh, I got around to planning a cruise too. It's shaping up to be another busy year!

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Oh my word! I am sooo sorry everyone!!! It has been like a train wreck here the last few weeks!!! But, in a good way!!! I have been really crazy busy at work and My (our) daughter surprised us and came up from FL for a few days.:D I was in 7th heaven while she was here!!! But, now things are back to somewhat normalicy and I will try to continue...


I didn't realize Kim was away and hope she is having a blast!!!


GREAT news for you Debbie!!! Soo, we now have to put a MOB outfit together for you. YEA! Love to plan outfits (for others!)


Pam, I just know you're going to love your trip...I too wish I had leaned a second language..French would have been my pick..even though I really don't have a desire to go there...just love how the language sounds! :cool:


OK, so Alasaka Saga continues...

Thursday, June 19 and woke to rain and cold…first really crappy start of a day…it’s 48 degrees…so layered up with hoodie, fleece and raincoat and walk down to board coach to head back to Anchorage 2 ½ hrs away. Our brief stop of 2 hours left not much time, except to grab a sandwich at a local pizza place… I recommend Joe’s! Their Italian hoagie is delish!!! (yep, I had gluten and paid dearly) DH and I had the hoagie split and they put it on separate plates with separate sides! (of which I gave to DH) This place was crazy goooood!!!

Shopped at the shop with the bear you saw earlier across street from the visitors center, and had our purchases shipped home. The sun was out by the time we stopped in Anchorage and it had warmed up considerably…

Back on bus and down Seward highway to town of Girdwood and the Alyseka Resort…Now, this resort is 5 star ski resort. Everyone RAVES about how fantastic it is!..Yes, it was big, yes it’s a ski resort, and it was pretty in its own way with a few neat quirks…but, I really wasn’t that impressed with it. Guess I’ve been ruined by the stays in Vegas and Gaylord Hotels as well as a few tropical islands.

We were handed our room keys as we got off coach, so we decided to check out our room. Luggage wouldn’t be there, but we would dump our backpack and go explore. Got to room and went to sit down to retie my shoe and saw something peeking out from under the bed…reached down and pulled out a dirty white towel…Huh???...Went to bathroom to toss it on the floor for maid and 2 dirty used glasses were sitting there…OKAAAY FOLKS….Go to throw away my Kleenex I had just used and the garbage can is full!!!!! What gives???? I was afraid to look at the “made bed” for fear no clean sheets….so, DH looked and said he saw the crease marks from clean ones and they looked ok to him. Called front desk to advise room wasn’t done and they asked if I “want maid service to come in?” REALLY??? OF COURSE I DO! 3 minutes later the phone rings. It’s front desk….they called maid service and “maid” said we had the door locked when she had tried to get back in to finish room! Ok, we hadn’t been there 5 minutes…no knock on door in this time frame…What the heck!!!!!??? I didn’t dirty the room….SEND THE MAID!!!! PLEASE!!!!

While we wait for the maid, we discover the room keys are still here from the previous tenants. 5 minutes later, knock on door, maid here…She’s not smiling or happy at all….Grumbled something about locked door and whirled in room and asked me what I wanted her to do… I bit my tongue and politely asked her to remove the towel, glasses and garbage…Forgot about the room keys as I was LIVID by this time!!!! She left, DH goes into bathroom, closes door and low and behold discovers another dirty towel hanging on the towel warmer!!! If I could have gotten to an airport, I’d have been on the first flight home!!!!!!

AND I never got my chocolates on my bed! – (Yeah, like that was a real deal breaker) No "I’m sorry"…nothing…..nadda (sp)…..Major stress out for me…I need a drink!!!!

Head to the tram for included ride up mountain to look around and wait until our 6:30pm dinner reservations for the Seven Glaciers Restaurant at the top. 2zdxc34.jpg That’s where we’re headed, that tiny white speck at the top…Get to top and have a wonderful view of the bay and town. It’s a beautiful sunny day..Hang glider is hovering overhead and around the cliff. There's a small gift shop and museum up there.

Now…I’m not fond of heights (along with a few other things!) Heights really bother me more now than ever…I get nervous when I look down…I get a little dizzy…I’m not stable…my knees hurt a lot…

So, here I am on the side of very steep mountain…there’s no guard rails, handrails, paved walks, wood walkways…just rocks… big and little rocks with some tiny ones thrown in the mix… and dirt, lots of loose gravely dirt, with a little grass here and there and,,, snow…..

So who decides they need to walk UP further to get a better view? Yep, this dumb chick!!!!!

As I struggle my way up a very steep rocky climb, I meet a woman about my age on her way down. She is struggling even more than me as I go up…Her comment is… “I must have been out of my mind! This is worse going down! Hon, You may want to turn around. You look like you’re in pain, and it's gonna be worse going down”…. Do I listen?....NOPE…I struggle a little further…DH is way UP ahead of me. I finally get to the point of no return and turn around and OMG!! WHAT HAVE I DONE? HOW THE *@# HECK AM I GONNA GET ALL THE WAY BACK DOWN THERE??!!! It’s not funny folks…

I have visions of rolling off the side of this mountain and ending up as soup in the small pond at the hotel below. By this time DH has headed back down to where I finally gave up and decides I need to get back to firmer footing…REALLY?? DO YA THINK??? Just how am I gonna do that??? Just shove me off the cliff now!!!! “Maybe if I sit and scoot down? Or better yet you walk ahead of me and I’ll just lie down and roll down and you break my fall.” It took me 45 min of very careful foot placing to go about 200 feet back down that sucker!!! I was holding onto DH’s shoulder and arm so hard he had trouble with it for days after. I left a big bruise and a permanent indent! GET ME A DRINK! I ran over to the building that houses the restaurant and kissed it!!!!! 11iztxy.jpg Take the frickin picture and get me off here! This was a peach top with the aqua hoodie.

Dinner was so not worth the money we paid! I had the Alaskan crab and it was so so rubbery I could hardly eat it..Don’t waste your time or money on the Seven Glaciers! Go downtown to one of the local restaurants.!

241o58x.jpg(pretty much summed the day up!) Bedtime- I’m ready to go home!

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In all fairness to Aleyska Resort...

it was pretty... eq9o9g.jpgReminded me of pics of Switzerland.

Friday, June 20- Awake to a new day...A beautiful sunny day….We head to Seward and the Radiance of the Seas. Our tour included the Sea Life Center in Seward which was interesting. I LOVE lilacs!90slqq.jpg I wanted to stay in this aromatic spot all day, but "the sea was calling" so on to the ship! I was ready to RELAX! No more bus rides or dirty 5 star hotel rooms!! :p

We had a balcony room and I loved it!!! So relaxing!!! I sat out there a lot. First night casual dining.ms0tap.jpg

Tomorrow is cruise day … Hubbard Glacier….Ahhhh, don’t have to get up early for a change!

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Linda, Oh. My. Goodness.!!!


I am so glad that you are FINALLY on the ship and Royal can start taking care of you! Good grief, girlfriend?!? I remember the Hubbard Glacier day that we had. I know that a lot depends upon the weather (and... the whether.. as in "whether or not the weather is good"... yes, I thought of that all by myself!... Anita is probably so proud!.. anyway), I hope that the day is beautiful.


And, let me say...


So glad you're back!!!!

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Saturday, June 23- Cruise Day....It’s a gorgeous day! Bright sun and few clouds…Hubbard was fantastic…we were able to get very close and captain did a 360 for everyone.. Lots of icebergs and calving. I enjoyed this relaxing day on my balcony with my very own private viewing area! For some reason I didn't get a picture of me...the glacier was so distracting!! Dinner was formal, but this cruise was a very relaxed formal...no tuxes...a few jackets, but mostly shirts and ties for men and dresses or tops and slacks for women..very relaxed!!! And so enjoyed it!!! DH especially as he hates to dress up...however, I love to, but didn't do it this cruise...jhd6w7.jpgThis was a brown, aqua print sequined top with choc brown slacks. After visiting the Schooner bar, back to room and fall into bed.


Sunday-Juneau, June 22…Not such a beautiful day..it’s raining lightly... We decide not to take the tram up mountain side, but to go ahead and get the white bus to Mendenhall Glacier Park and spend as much time there as we want. The trail to Nugget Falls is a very easy one to walk and quite pretty, even in the rain. We spent quite a bit of time there, cause we had our raingear and were quite dry. Along the trail I found this..... 2a017ro.jpg"Want an iceberg?"

We had our National Park Pass with us and entrance into the visitor center was free. They have some interesting exhibits on glacier forming and also a piece of glacier ice for touching…”Cool”!

Back to town and decided to head to “Red Dog Saloon” and experience a brew and sandwich there. DH had the brew, I had a “wine”..n1cf86.jpg

Did the typical tourist shopping…purchased some caramel popcorn…and back to ship for relaxation…It was raining off and on pretty hard at times.. Dinner, music and Schooner Bar!acvggn.jpgPeach sweater and top... I am sooo relaxed now!!! :D

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Well, crap...I've been trying for the past 2 hours to finish this and I keep losing my posts..won't let me preview and changes everything around..so hope this posts...

We are having bad thunderstorms around us and have tornado warnings out, so think I'll just quit stressing out and try to finish off tomorrow.

Nitey nite! Sleep tight! The universe does what it does!:eek::cool:

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Monday-June 23…Skagway…The day was a little dreary, with misty rain. We took the shuttle ($10 @ way) to town and explored on our own. We had already done a train ride and didn’t feel like sitting for several hours again.

Pic of the “homeless” and “hopeless”…..


What can I say, I was in pain! It was killing me to walk! But, I did it!!! :pAnyway we walked around Skagway, grabbed some pics and the back to ship for more relaxation…


Early day tomorrow and hopefully the universe will smile upon us again!

Tuesday, June 24…Icy Straight Point…The day I had waited for… Another ehhh day…cloudy…but no rain…I had arranged for a small whale watching tour with FISHES at 7:30am. We caught one of the first tenders and headed to shore to meet our ride. 2 other couples were with us as we headed to Hoonah and the Silver Spoon and her captain Floyd…who did not disappoint!

I was quite the happy girl that day! I was able to not only see “my whales” but also got to see grizzly bears and cubs on the shore as well as hundreds of bald eagles and some very curious sea lions and sea otters who had to check us out….NOW this made all the other stuff worthwhile!!

When we got back to Hoonah Cannery we enjoyed watching another whale put on a show in the harbor and explored the cannery building..then caught the tender back to the ship for libation and sustenance.

16h3rja.jpg Happy, happy, happy Days!!!:D

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Wednesday, June 25…We arrived in Ketchikan in sunshine! But. the air was a little cool with the promise of showers. Our itinerary for the day was to do the “hokie touristy” Lumber Jack Show at 9:30am…This was booked through Royal Caribbean…Walked to the arena where this was held and waited in line outside the gift shop (which I'd been shoppped out by now!) for show to start..It was cold! Wind blew straight though that sucker! The sun was shining off and on with dark clouds threatening rain… Show was entertaining, and a little hoakie…I wasn’t in a great mood for some reason the knee pain was taking its toll, I think. and I was just so tired and really ready to go home. It never got dark and my body wasn't reacting well to all the "light nights".

Our ticket included a tour to Saxman Village ….so another long walk to get a bus and off we went…

Saxman Village was interesting – talked to the head carver of totem poles and learned a little about the Tlinget Indians.


Back to Ketchikan, and since the sun was out we decided we’d walk over to Creek Street and check that out….I was getting grumpy by this time.. I was hungry and my knees were killing me! BUT, I went and I was so disappointed…. I don’t really know what I was expecting, but this wasn’t it…I guess, I thought they would have made it more like it was back in the day, with period costumes and people, but it was just a bunch of gift shops! Yes, they did have one of the brothels…can’t even remember the name of it now…but…IDK…I really was disappointed… So back to ship and more relaxing…

I must say, I did a LOT of relaxing on this cruise. Spent a lot of time on the balcony or in the centrum visiting with other passengers and listening to the live bands, which were IMHO fantastic!

Unfortunately we forgot about taking photos of my day or evening attire a lot of times..As you can see, I wore that gold rain jacket almost everyday and it hid what I had on underneath. I also don't like myself in photos and I have to tell you it's very hard for me to post these. I see all those lumps and bumps I have to work on and more weight to get off...UGH! Oh well, I'm trying!

It’s time to head home…tomorrow is a cruise day and packing up day…as we head to Vancouver and our flight home.. Stay tuned~;)

Edited by snuggles
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Just a quick comment.


Please don't feel shy about posting your pictures. It's just fantastic to see you on your trip; that's all I'm seeing. A little of what you're wearing. More of where your picture is being taken. That's it. No lumps. No bumps.


I have a quick story. I used to be a member of a fantastic women's garden club in California (the land of 354 growing days a year!). This garden club was on the smaller side, and we met once a month in a hosted home. There were assigned co-hostesses who were responsible for getting to the home at least half an hour before the meeting started and bringing morning goodies to go along with the coffee. The co-hostesses met the members at the door and took their sandwich from them (everybody brought a sandwich that was cut into halves and plated for sharing with the group. Since there was the ratio of 1 sandwich per 1 member, everyone had something special to eat. It was FUN!). The co-hostesses were responsible for bringing a side to the meeting, something like a potato salad and then a dessert! Like I said, FUN!


Anyway, it was my turn to host the meeting. I had an enormous perennial bed, truly enormous. This bed meandered the length of my yard and was about 2 feet in depth in its more shallow areas and widened to about 5 feet in its widest width areas. It was beautiful. Of course, on the day of the meeting, I was so distressed because all I could see in that perennial bed were the weeds that had sprouted, the perennials that needed to be dead headed from spent blooms, and all the WORK that I knew needed to be done! My friends in the garden club, thankfully, saw the beauty. Their eyes went to the blooms, the color combinations, the health of the plants, the creativity of the combinations. I got a lot of compliments.


I think, by now, that this area of this board is kind of like a garden club meeting for me. I feel like maybe I'm needing a bit of work, but you ladies are so lovely that I feel only warmth, comfort, caring energy coming from each one of you. So, I feel most comfortable sharing. I mean... look at some of those outrageous pictures I've posted!... Anyway, Linda, I hope that you feel the love that we all have in our hearts for you. We truly missed you at our Meet 'n Greet. Truly.


On with Alaska.... I'm so sorry about your knees! Were you having a flare up or was the adventure too strenuous or are you having a chronic condition that you're dealing with? It's no fun to have physical pain, and that will definitely affect a mood on any given day. Was the moisture in the air aggravating to you? My Texas Grandma used to tell me that her knees predicted rain! :D

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On with Alaska.... I'm so sorry about your knees! Were you having a flare up or was the adventure too strenuous or are you having a chronic condition that you're dealing with? It's no fun to have physical pain, and that will definitely affect a mood on any given day. Was the moisture in the air aggravating to you? My Texas Grandma used to tell me that her knees predicted rain!

:DYou are soooo special!!! Thanks for the words of encouragement...I have a hard time seeing the good in me...Always have...DH gets so frustrated with me as he's always telling me how beautiful I am to him and I scoff! It's just my nature..I do know that we all can't be raving beauties and that beauty is what's inside that counts, but sometimes it's hard to look at myself and see what I am- not what I want that's not there. KWIM?

Anyway, I have an "uncle arthur" who has decided to take up residence in my body. His nickname is "rheumi" and he is a very cantankerous old cuss! All that sitting was not to his liking, nor was moving. He just wasn't safisfied with anything...rather like me, I guess!:p...I knew I was going to have knee trouble with the long air times. Then long rides on buses didn't help any, either. Yes, weather bothers me, I can predict rain, because my knees throb with pain. Usually though. when I'm near the ocean with the negative ions, I feel better...Didn't happen this time. I was living on Aleve, and that's not good! So, I try hard to deal with the pain and not take anything...sometimes I get by, but other times, I have to have the pain killers. I never really know when "rheumi" will decide to raise his ugly head and scream. Some days I think he will, and he doesn't..It gets to be trying..

But, enough! On with my saga!

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Oh my goodness..I just happened upon this...so me!http://living.msn.com/family-parenting/me-through-my-childrens-eyes

I'm gonna try really hard now to believe DH!!!:D;):cool:

Thanks again gals for all your support and understanding!!!

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Aww, Linda. I feel so for your aching knees. Mine is my shoulder/back, but it's Uncle Arthur OSTEO that visits me. He's not nearly as mean, but he came to visit in my mid-30s and keeps showing up regularly now without rhyme or reason. I've always thought it was the warm weather during cruise season that made me feel better, but, if I understand correctly, it has something to do with salt water? That's why Epsom salts helps sometimes? I'll research that.


I'm so glad Pam chimed in with her comment. This board needs a "LIKE" button. I'm so direct when I try to communicate that I hesitate to EVER say something comforting. It usually comes out bass-ackwards and I dig myself and the buddy I'm trying to help even deeper in a hole. But, what I noticed from the first picture in the red sweater is how much thinner your face looks. Well, that and how your personality and perseverance shines through your adventure so far. Wheeeew, girlfriend, I'll never forget my trip to Alaska and I didn't even have an earthquake!


We're ready for the next installment when you are ready.


We must have been posting at the same time, Linda. Thanks for the link. It brought tears to my eyes, because I have those same issues too. It could be my granddaughter that wrote that about me.

Edited by aoknkentucky
Posting at the same time.
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Thanks Debbie. I know where you're at! Since Ihave been working with my nutritionist, she has touched on the knee problem. Right now I'm doing mud packs in hopes it will draw the pain out..I can hardly walk for 2 days after...so it must be working...Keeping fingers crossed...

BUT...on with Alaska for now....

Alasaka saga comes to an end!...almost!

Thursday, June 26, A very relaxing day at sea! Weather is cool, partial sun and clouds with some rain... but who cares! I'm being lazy! I was on the balcony enjoying the ocean and scenery...

I have to tell you that RC really took care of my gluten issue! Every night after dinner I was given the menu for the next night and chose my meal that was prepared, gluten free for me...Some at the table were so jealous of my pampering...The waiters knew not to ask if I wanted rolls (which are to die for!) , instead automatically bringing me 2 slices of gluten free bread, which was quite tasty. I didn't always eat it and felt guilty leaving it. I have learned to do without bread.

Spent time in the centrum visiting and Schooner Bar for one last drink..Made great friends with the bartender there. Then off to cabin to finish packing and roll into my comfy bed! I'm sad to be leaving this haven!

So we arrive Friday, June 27 in Vancouver, B.C. bright and early to partial sun and cloudy skies..Not a promising day..

As I was getting dressed, I couldn’t find my slacks I had laid out the previous night..HUM… panic mode! I searched that room and looked in my carry on… NOPE not there….Ditz here had picked them up – not thinking- and packed them and they were now down in the bowls of the ship!!! I pictured myself leaving the room in my “gutchies” and lovely red top!:) DH is howling with laughter! He offered me his jeans...YEAH like I can fit into those size 32 waist! :DGood thing I had kept my carry on in the room..I did have a clean pair of shorts but I didn’t want to wear them as I needed to wear my compression knee highs! Wouldn’t that look lovely! At the bottom I found my tech pants, so I HAD to wear them. Not the fashion statement I wanted, but they would have to do…Is this a sign of what is to come? Anyway it is what it is and I accepted it! So last photo on Radiance of the Seas…


Because we have a late 10:30pm flight, an 8 hr tour of Vancouver had been arranged with our TA. So off the ship, grab luggage with some confusion on Vancouver terminal part and breeze through customs, find our group contact person who escorts us onto our coach bus which was waiting patiently for our small group of 18 by 9am. We had the whole bus to ourselves and could “spread out”!

If I ever have the chance I will go back to Vancouver! It is a very beautiful city~ clean, well kept..just gorgeous! Even on this dreary rainy day! I only wish I had a great picture to share. This will have to do…..


One of the stops for us was Kiapalano and the suspension bridges.. It’s drizzling rain as we get off the bus. By the time DH and I get to the first bridge it’s pouring rain…. Slippery wet water on slippery wet boards…2 miles above wet rocky river…(Ok not 2 miles, but it might as well have been as far as I was concerned.) Now remember I’m “a little leary” of heights…OK… downright SCARED! Think I learned my lesson on the mountain? NOPE…Gotta try it!


So down the slippery swaying steps I go...both white knuckled hands grabbing the railing…holding my breath I step onto the swinging, swaying bridge…and STOP! This thing is gonna throw me over the edge into that big canyon miles below me!!! WHAT AM I THINKING!!! “Oh, go on you big chicken!” my brain says... while my body says…”hold up here! Don’t move an inch more”… DH is saying “ It’s ok, you’re not going anywhere down there. It’s really very safe.” OK, I grab DH and inch further onto the bridge.….some kids decide its gonna be FUN if “we” make this thing swing more!!!! I’m freaking out!!!! I’ve “inched “my way almost to the halfway point by now so there’s no turning around. Hah! There’s an announcement over a loud speaker….”Don’t jump or cause the bridge to swing!”…I have turned color…no more blush left in me..I’m now as white as a newly bleached sheet! DH decides to help me by telling me “If it starts to swing to the left, lead with your left foot….WHAT! I’ve already got my right foot in the air and you want me to change feet?....<INSERT NOTE: DH was a lineman for the electric company and used to do stuff like this for a living. It is nothing for him to climb steep, high areas or swing from a piece of thread suspended miles overhead.>

To bad Americas Funniest Video wasn’t around…I sure would have won $$$.....After about 20 min. or so of carefull foot placement and eyes half closed, as it pours rains…. I finally MADE it across and off… and jumped for joy…… UNTIL…..I remembered…oh yeah, I have to go BACK! NOT a pretty picture!!! But white knuckes, shaking knees and all I made it back to safer ground!........

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At the time I didn’t know you got a certificate if you went over the bridge that says “I survived”…Well, I DID survive, barely! Only, to attempt another bridge…this one is suspended around a cliff with steel cables and a metal grate see through floor…called the “Cliffwalk” …one way in and one way out….


When will I learn????? Probably NEVER!!! Again it’s pouring rain!!! BUT, I went anyway..this one wasn’t so bad..it didn’t move! All was well..then I got to the end and the “glass platform” and looked down…OMG! Get me out of here! BUT, in order to get out, I had to go UP! Are you serious??? UP? Yep, up, what seemed like a mile to me on narrow, steep, wet, slippery, metal steps in the rain!


A little bit (ok a whole lot) harried, I survived!!!.:eek:

Let me tell you… there was a THIRD suspension bridge through the trees…high in the tree tops…connected to the trees…..NOPE! NOT GONNA HAPPEN TODAY! I’d had enough! Back to the bus I went! Only to discover that “I” was the only female from our group who attempted and completed the bridges! Who’s chicken now? And…. I was handed my “I survived“ certificate !


The rest of the tour was spent sightseeing from the bus as we drove around the city and through China Town and Stanley Park, with stops in Gastown and then the farmers market… Boy, would I love to have spent more time in Gastown and at the farmers market area..so much to see…so much to buy….so much to eat….(We're going back!) We only had an hour at the farmers market so DH and I got a cookie (they had gluten free for me!) and candy bar to tide us over until airport and a late lunch.

3:30 pm and we’re safely walking into the airport. It’s to soon to check bags, but we get our gate passes at the kiosk as the sun begins to shine outside.

So, we were flying Delta. Our flights were so screwy… Our flight didn’t leave Vancouver until 10:30 pm….arriving JFK, NY at 6:30am.. Leave JFK at 3:30 pm with arrival in Pittsburgh at 4:30pm….So we have 7 hours left to kill in the Vancouver Airport , with 9 hours to kill in NY…I could have driven home by this time! Anyway we cop a seat and wait….and wait….and… wait some more…..

We decide to try to find something to eat in the ticket area, as we can’t go through security yet or get to our gate..I was quite satisfied with an expensive Wendy’s salad. Then more waiting…and waiting….and walking…and waiting…. It’s now 7:30 and we think…ok…we should be able to check our bags…but…the ticket agent is nowhere to be found….What gives?.....Now, here’s the thing… Delta in Vancouver has several ticket areas…an American one, Canadian one, and international one…They are NOT in the same area! WE were at the American one, (only goes to figure, right?) and it was closed! We kept waiting for someone to come along and open it…didn’t happen…finally one of our group decided to go ask a few questions….Yep, you got it…we were in the wrong area… I’m not gonna bore you with the rest of the gory details, Let’s just say that this was only the beginning of a very, very, very, very long and stressful night and following day…. the flights and waiting were not pleasant! I wrenched my bad knee getting off one of the buses we had to take to a gate, after we were sent to the wrong gate! We were all tired and grumpy, with a few who were very ill and tossed their cookies on flights and while waiting, while some of us were in pain… or just plain uncomfortable…. as we had been up for almost 24 hours without sleep! Do you know how hard it is to sleep in an airport…it’s impossible….not comfortable at all…The floors don’t give with your body! The chairs don’t recline and you can’t stretch out across the them! Well, I guess if you’re two years old you can.

Delta sucks big time!!! The flight schedule is NOT the schedule we had originally booked. They changed this schedule about 4 times on us with this one as “no changes” final. I have to admit, it was better than a 5 minute dash to a gate 1 mile away, though. Won’t use Delta again if I can help it… OK RANT over!

As we boarded our plane in NY, I called our son to give him the heads up as to arrival time and said, “Don’t bother parking the car and coming in, just drive by and we’ll jump in!” I later learned he thought I literally was gonna jump in the car without him stopping, leaving the luggage behind, because I’d had such a bad time! LOL…Anyway…I’m home…can ya tell? Don’t say?...What makes ya think that?....And yep, I kissed the ground when I got out of the car and then headed for a shower and BED! Luggage and unpacking as well as food could wait!

All in all, I have to say the entire trip was very good.. not fantastic as I’d hoped, but not horrible. I truly did enjoy myself! I just like to let off steam every so often.. Even with all the “downs”, the “ups” made the trip worth taking.

Would I go to Alaska again? Probably not. Would I recommend a cruise tour through RC?…that depends... I think at this point I’d say go, BUT, if you can, do it on your own. Take several days, rent a car and tour the inner section as far as you can go, then, get on the ship. There were several towns we would have liked to have seen, but time constraints and “sore bottoms” made it impossible. And if you decide to go, save now, because the prices keep rising. (be prepared to mortgage your home! LOL)

As for my wardrobe, did you notice the color theme? Lots of reds, browns, yellow, and peach with aqua thrown in. I litterly lived in my aqua hoodie, red fleece jacket and yellow raincoat!

So, that's my Alaska "tail"......


and I'm sticking to it! Hope you all had a good laugh, as I know I'm laughing about it all now and all is well with the universe!:D:cool:

Edited by snuggles
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Linda,I do hope you will return to Vancouver. At present, we are in a great warm front-- sometimes our summers are wetter but this year, we have experienced some very hot days.


The suspension bridge is Capilano and it truly can be scary when the bridge sways. Kudos for getting over and then returning to the other side! It is a white knuckle experience for most of us.


Alaska's weather can be as wet and dreary as what you had but other years, shorts are in order! Depends on the time of year a lot as we have had sunshine and other times, lots of 'liquid sunshine'.


Hope your knees feel better now. Have enjoyed your write up immensely.:)

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