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NCL Suffers By Comparison .....


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... my comment was simply that I preferred not to have to keep a running total in my head of all the extra charges or even try to keep track of what is extra charge on any particular cruise.


But you don't have to keep a running total of charges, NCL does. Likewise it isn't difficult to keep up with what NCL charges extra for either. Simply assume whenever someone asks for your cabin's keycard that there will be an extra charge, and if you would like to know what the charge is, simply ask at the moment of the sale.

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sunshine - but your preference clearly isn't the way NCL does things... But here you are on an NCL board trying to make a case for "your way". I just don't get that. It is what it is...


You also list all the things that used to be included that no longer are. Well, I can honestly state that what I paid in 1986 on the Norway is pretty much what one would pay now... If the only inflationary costs are the "extras" that sounds good to me.


It appears this is what cruising on mainstream lines is the norm. I can only imagine it is to be competitive with each other and clearly broaden the demographic customer base.


The traditional cruising model can still be found with luxury lines, but I think you'd pay a lot more than if you went on NCL or another mainstream line with add-ons.

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I think another way of putting it is that cruising is feeling less and less special. It used to feel memorable. It now feels more and more like going downtown. It may still be cheaper but the question of being special or memorable versus being a constant upsell is rapidly switching to the later.


Yes I know the answer is deal with it or move on. I am dealing with it for now but my loyalties are fading fast.

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I think another way of putting it is that cruising is feeling less and less special. It used to feel memorable. It now feels more and more like going downtown. It may still be cheaper but the question of being special or memorable versus being a constant upsell is rapidly switching to the later.


Yes I know the answer is deal with it or move on. I am dealing with it for now but my loyalties are fading fast.

Bob & Mickey,


Very nicely stated! I agree that our past few crusies we simply felt the experience was not "special". I was hoping that a Villa on the Epic would be the medicence to bring back the "special" feeling. Well, that trip did not work out and we booked the Captian's Suite on Carnival Liberty and again.... we did not feel the trip was "special" We have deterimed that this winter we are making the switch and going to stay at a resort right on the beach in Laguna. I am not giving up on crusing and am looking at Princess Europe 2011 summer voyage.


I really don't care about up-sell or all inclusive differences, the experience just seems to not be special.


I wonder if the larger ships are the reason? Floating Circus?... Maybe a small ship cruise is what some of us need to kindel the old feelings we seem to be looking for.

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I think another way of putting it is that cruising is feeling less and less special. It used to feel memorable. It now feels more and more like going downtown. It may still be cheaper but the question of being special or memorable versus being a constant upsell is rapidly switching to the later.


Yes I know the answer is deal with it or move on. I am dealing with it for now but my loyalties are fading fast.


And that I agree with except I think the loyalty aspect is worth considering. Like jobs anymore, no one has the same dedication or loyalty to a company as they ddi 50 years ago. It again, is part of a changing world. However I feel being a loyalist with NCL (not the only line we cruise though) has helped. I know what to expect and the cruise line seems a little more attentive. That might be only in my small brain, but it seems that way.


As for the nickel and diming, I can't really understand the logic some people have about this. Without even checking each day how much one has spent, it really isn't all the hard to have an idea. As has been mentioned, you know a couple of dinners will porbably cost you about $30.00 to $40.00 extra per person. alcohol has never been covered so that is something you do have to keep track of and soda, you either buy a card, bring it on or figuee X number of drinks a day at X number of bucks. We have always been withing a $100 of what we thought our bill would be. We know, up front how much we can afford and we stick to that.



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Bob & Mickey,


Very nicely stated! I agree that our past few crusies we simply felt the experience was not "special". I was hoping that a Villa on the Epic would be the medicence to bring back the "special" feeling. Well, that trip did not work out and we booked the Captian's Suite on Carnival Liberty and again.... we did not feel the trip was "special" We have deterimed that this winter we are making the switch and going to stay at a resort right on the beach in Laguna. I am not giving up on crusing and am looking at Princess Europe 2011 summer voyage.


I really don't care about up-sell or all inclusive differences, the experience just seems to not be special.


I wonder if the larger ships are the reason? Floating Circus?... Maybe a small ship cruise is what some of us need to kindel the old feelings we seem to be looking for.


Believe me, I have never heard anyone who can afford a suite on NCL say they did not feel special. that is one thing NCL is noted for, the treatment and perks in suites.

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I think another way of putting it is that cruising is feeling less and less special. It used to feel memorable. It now feels more and more like going downtown. It may still be cheaper but the question of being special or memorable versus being a constant upsell is rapidly switching to the later.


Yes I know the answer is deal with it or move on. I am dealing with it for now but my loyalties are fading fast.


Zalusky - you aren't the only one who has written that. In fact on a different board there is a whole thread regarding this aspect of cruising.


My personal opinion on this subject is that there are several causes that may be responsible:


1. Frequent cruising. Let's face it as kids Christmas once a year was special because of the build-up and anticipation. Christmas 4x a year - would become a let-down quickly


2. Trying to 'top' that last cruise. Whenever humans have a wonderful experience and then repeat that activity we attempt to do more than last time and if we don't it can become a letdown. I had this problem when I was skydiving. After 100+ jumps I tried to keep pushing the envelope to get that same adrenaline rush until you get to a point where where you are pushing the envelope to the point of dangerous behavior.


3. Familiarity - what is the cliche? Familiarity breeds contempt. We're going to the S. Caribbean again and after visiting St. Thomas 6 times in 2 years we're just going to stay on the ship and utilize the ship's facilities. Mountaintop was/is beautiful but at this point....


4. Mass Market Mentality - Yeah there are just too many people cruising. Let's face it I don't care what ship you sail or which cruiseline you are on, you're bound to run into some people who really just don't know how to behave properly in public. I don't know why people think that good manners don't apply on a cruise ship. Loud, obnoxious, drunk behavior - that seems to be the norm for some people.


Now I KNOW that the numerous people will say, "Your cruise is what you make of it...you shouldn't allow others to influence you time..." I know that and that is why I continue to cruise because I DO enjoy it - however I enjoy certain cruises/ships/destinations more than others.

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Zalusky - you aren't the only one who has written that. In fact on a different board there is a whole thread regarding this aspect of cruising.


My personal opinion on this subject is that there are several causes that may be responsible:


1. Frequent cruising. Let's face it as kids Christmas once a year was special because of the build-up and anticipation. Christmas 4x a year - would become a let-down quickly


2. Trying to 'top' that last cruise. Whenever humans have a wonderful experience and then repeat that activity we attempt to do more than last time and if we don't it can become a letdown. I had this problem when I was skydiving. After 100+ jumps I tried to keep pushing the envelope to get that same adrenaline rush until you get to a point where where you are pushing the envelope to the point of dangerous behavior.


3. Familiarity - what is the cliche? Familiarity breeds contempt. We're going to the S. Caribbean again and after visiting St. Thomas 6 times in 2 years we're just going to stay on the ship and utilize the ship's facilities. Mountaintop was/is beautiful but at this point....


4. Mass Market Mentality - Yeah there are just too many people cruising. Let's face it I don't care what ship you sail or which cruiseline you are on, you're bound to run into some people who really just don't know how to behave properly in public. I don't know why people think that good manners don't apply on a cruise ship. Loud, obnoxious, drunk behavior - that seems to be the norm for some people.


Now I KNOW that the numerous people will say, "Your cruise is what you make of it...you shouldn't allow others to influence you time..." I know that and that is why I continue to cruise because I DO enjoy it - however I enjoy certain cruises/ships/destinations more than others.


I don't care where you vacation you will run into rude people. Not everyone practices manners, some don't know what the word means.



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Believe me, I have never heard anyone who can afford a suite on NCL say they did not feel special. that is one thing NCL is noted for, the treatment and perks in suites.


I am sure you and I travel and associate in different circles.


Well, now you have heard from someone who has traveled in a NCL Suite and did not feel special!


Some of us have higher expectations than others...


And before you comment again, I fly first class and only stay in Suites. I am NOT a travel agent and I pay for my own trips.



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sunshine - but your preference clearly isn't the way NCL does things... But here you are on an NCL board trying to make a case for "your way". I just don't get that. It is what it is...


You also list all the things that used to be included that no longer are. Well, I can honestly state that what I paid in 1986 on the Norway is pretty much what one would pay now... If the only inflationary costs are the "extras" that sounds good to me.


It appears this is what cruising on mainstream lines is the norm. I can only imagine it is to be competitive with each other and clearly broaden the demographic customer base.


The traditional cruising model can still be found with luxury lines, but I think you'd pay a lot more than if you went on NCL or another mainstream line with add-ons.


I totally agree with this and I think a lot of the changes have to do with people booking, based almost solely on the fare they see on line or in the brochure. If I try, really hard, to blame the cruislines the best I can come up with is that they don't do a good job of educating the public on the features they get with the higher fares as opposed to the "bare bones' concept of cruising...to be honest though I think that no matter how hard they tried most of the public would still vote with their dollars for what looked up front like the cheapest option.


I guess it is to be expected. In the same way that Walmart and it's like, has pushed out of business, a lot of companies who offered better service, product information etc. the bare bones cruise concept will continue to force other lines to cut their services and their costs or go out of business too.


I see I am bucking the trend. I'm not quite ready to pay the charge for the premium lines but wouldn't mind paying a bit more to go back to the older, more inclusive rates and style. I'd like to return to those days when most restaurants and most on board activities were included (and there were a couple of formal evenings when most of the passengers were dressed up), I'm afraid it is not going to happen and I will slip into old age, sitting in the corner and mumbling sadly about "the good old days of cruising".



Not what I want, I fear, but yes, what the great masses out there seem to want.


If you read my previous posts on this thread you would see that I already am aware that this is how NCL, and other mainstream cruiselines do things. Yet here you are trying to make a case for something I already obviously know. I just don't get that.


Are you saying that once a cruiseline starts to do something a certain way that no one should comment on it or state that they would prefer a diffferent way?


Odd, I've seen lots of threads where loyalty perks, disembarkation procedures, assignment of credits for past cruises etc. are discussed and posters state certain things about the present system that they are not happy with or changes that they would like to see. Are you saying that those people should not post about that but, if they aren'thappy with the system as it is set up now, they should just vow never to cruise again?


I think there have even been occasions where a line has made changes and then, due to customer outcry rescinded the changes. I guess that should never happen in your world. No one should express an opinion that differes from the present way of doing things, they should just immediately chose not to cruise with that line anymore?

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As for the nickel and diming, I can't really understand the logic some people have about this. Without even checking each day how much one has spent, it really isn't all the hard to have an idea. As has been mentioned, you know a couple of dinners will porbably cost you about $30.00 to $40.00 extra per person. alcohol has never been covered so that is something you do have to keep track of and soda, you either buy a card, bring it on or figuee X number of drinks a day at X number of bucks. We have always been withing a $100 of what we thought our bill would be. We know, up front how much we can afford and we stick to that.



You're absolutely right, Nita. It's unfathomable that people can't deal with something as simple as this. Really. Actually, I really don't care much one way or the other about this imagined issue, but I wish people would just stop whining about it publicly.


And for those who don't think cruising is "special" anymore, take a different kind of vacation and stop ruining the atmosphere on cruise ships with your incessant negativity and whining about the good old days. How easy would that be?

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And that I agree with except I think the loyalty aspect is worth considering. Like jobs anymore, no one has the same dedication or loyalty to a company as they ddi 50 years ago. It again, is part of a changing world. However I feel being a loyalist with NCL (not the only line we cruise though) has helped. I know what to expect and the cruise line seems a little more attentive. That might be only in my small brain, but it seems that way.


Nita -- You are right in that loyalty has its rewards.


My cruise is made special when I board an NCL ship and get the warm greeting from one of the "kids". A handshake, hug, or Hi-Mom and Dad from those we know from previous cruises. That is all it takes for me !!!

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I don't care where you vacation you will run into rude people. Not everyone practices manners, some don't know what the word means.




I agree with you - however certain places have a higher percentage than others....and it seems certain boards have a highler level of snarkiness than others - see post above this for an example. [this comment is not directed at you Nita :) ]

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You're absolutely right, Nita. It's unfathomable that people can't deal with something as simple as this. Really. Actually, I really don't care much one way or the other about this imagined issue, but I wish people would just stop whining about it publicly.


And for those who don't think cruising is "special" anymore, take a different kind of vacation and stop ruining the atmosphere on cruise ships with your incessant negativity and whining about the good old days. How easy would that be?


Maybe certain people are tired of being 'run out' by the trash. Maybe it time people took a stance and stopped lowers standards.


Your arguement has been tried many times in the past - look back at history. Many cities in the Northeast of the US adopted your attitude and look at those cities now. Many schools adopted your attitude years ago and they left for private and home schooling - look at the status of those public schools now.


What I find amazing is that those of us who remember when things used to be special are constantly being berated by those who are spoiling the experience in the first place!


Yes Nita you were correct after all - we all run into rude people all the time and unfortunately some of those people follow us as well.

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Bob & Mickey,


Very nicely stated! I agree that our past few crusies we simply felt the experience was not "special". I was hoping that a Villa on the Epic would be the medicence to bring back the "special" feeling. Well, that trip did not work out and we booked the Captian's Suite on Carnival Liberty and again.... we did not feel the trip was "special"


Just curious GigCrusier but what exactly is it about a cruise that would make it feel 'special' to you?

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Just curious GigCrusier but what exactly is it about a cruise that would make it feel 'special' to you?

I think the size of the ships has a major factor in lack of feeling special. I recall when my family would cruise in the 1970's crew members telling us that our parents were looking for us. Or when the officers wandered around the ship and seemed to have time to just chat. We still exchange letters (that is where you write on paper, put it in an envelope, add a stamp and mail) with people we met on crusies in the early 80's.


Standing on the promanade deck you cold actually hear the water. The ships moved with the ocean and were not floating barges with garish hull paintings.


Maybe not having a million activites was a good thing, more time to let the world go by and enjoy your time with your family and friends.


We did not have to beat off the bar waiters with a stick as by the second day, they knew if you wanted a drink and they knew your name! I also appreciate when a bar waiter simply walks by slowly and only makes eye contact or just says Hello Mr., they really don't need to be dancing aouund singing and looking for sales.


I don't recall the masses of drunks on board... Ok, maybe not masses, but there seems to be a lot more drunken sailors these days. Here is my most recent display of discust I witnessed on a ship. In the hot tub were two adults having blantent (you know what). They were asked to stop by passengers and crew and keep on going.


Chair HOGS! OMG, what a joke - you will read countless thread here about not being able to get a chair and the crew not enforcing the so called 20-minute rule.


Thanks for asking.... I think the size of the ships and rude people are the main contributors to not feeling special on a cruise ship these days.

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I agree with you - however certain places have a higher percentage than others....and it seems certain boards have a highler level of snarkiness than others - see post above this for an example. [this comment is not directed at you Nita :) ]


This holds true, like I said, but yes, some situations bring out the worst in people, same as some enbarkation ports will have a different clientele. Not long ago a friend, who, is also a close to retired TA mentioned a particualar line and the class of people she encountered. She happens to love the line but not always those who cruise the line. My comment to her, (she had just taken a fairly large group on the cruise) was the port could have made the difference. We have seen this happen more than once.


Our first trip to NYC many years ago we saw this happen. It was our first real vacation (other than weekends away from the kids) we were on our way to Aruba and stopped off in NY. While waiting in line at the Empire State building a group from another another country decided to push us aside and take the next elevator. This didn't mean all tourists in NY were rude, but groups from this same country have been on cruises with us and other places since then. They may be very nice people, loving, kind, etc but they are down right rude.

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"Originally Posted by GigCrusier

Very nicely stated! I agree that our past few crusies we simply felt the experience was not "special". I was hoping that a Villa on the Epic would be the medicence to bring back the "special" feeling. Well, that trip did not work out and we booked the Captian's Suite on Carnival Liberty and again.... we did not feel the trip was "special""


Check out some of the luxury lines, you signature indicates you only travel on the mass market lines.


I'm sure if you book a suite on Cunard, Seabourn, Crystal, Regent etc. you'll feel "special"! ;)

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"Originally Posted by GigCrusier

Very nicely stated! I agree that our past few crusies we simply felt the experience was not "special". I was hoping that a Villa on the Epic would be the medicence to bring back the "special" feeling. Well, that trip did not work out and we booked the Captian's Suite on Carnival Liberty and again.... we did not feel the trip was "special""


Check out some of the luxury lines, you signature indicates you only travel on the mass market lines.


I'm sure if you book a suite on Cunard, Seabourn, Crystal, Regent etc. you'll feel "special"! ;)


I was thinking about the same thing. If she flys only first class, always get suites and still hasn't tried a luxury liner, she might be missing exactly what will be a perfect for her.



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Thanks for asking.... I think the size of the ships and rude people are the main contributors to not feeling special on a cruise ship these days.


The reason I asked that is that some people define 'special' in various ways. An example is the water slides, zip lines, rock climbing walls, belly-flop contests, pub crawls, etc., For a group of people these activities make a cruise special - not my cup of tea.


On a different board people were actually discussing the proper ettique for eating in the MDR for certain foods, like french fries. Should you use silverware or fingers. Now before people start scratching their heads or laughing for a certain group/class of people these are important.

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I think some of you are taking your Friday night frustration out on others. If you don't care to cruise anymore, don't. It's still the most affordable vacation we can find. The food if good, the staff is friendly, the ships are clean. If I lived closer to Miami I'd be cruising more. :)

Funny you should mention about living near Miami.

We recently purchased a condo in Palm beach as a vacation home.

This easter we planned a 9 day vacation from our home on Long Island to our condo in Florida.

We found a cruise (4 day Bahamas NCL cruise) during our vacation going out of Miami.

The price of an inside cabin on this HOLIDAY cruise is $498.00 including port and taxes.

The price for an Oceanview (no balcony) is $598.00 including port and taxes.

This is for 2 adults in one cabin. We first booked the inside and recently upgraded to Oceanview.

This works out to approximately $125 per day per cabin for the cruise for the inside cabin and approximately $150 per day per cabin for the Oceanview cabin.

This also includes a minimum of 3 meals per day per person as well as use of exercise room, pools hot tubs , evening shows and entertainment.

Now, This is a 2011 cruise. I would be challenged to find a Hilton or Marriott in Florida or Bahamas for either $125 to $150 per night including taxes and resort fees. And they won't include 3 meals per day.

BTW -In addition to this price we recieve a $50 per cabin OBC, bottle of wine and a complimentary photo per cabin (we booked 2 cabins).

This can either help pay for gratuities ($12per day per person) or we may eat at one of the specialty restaurants on their dime.

Finally, we have cruised on NCL, carnival, HAL and Princess and found some differences but not too many except for free style vs traditional.

Just like my stays on land vacations - some times we stay at Hyatt, sometimes Hilton, sometimes Marriott- each hotel/resort is alittle different but they are more similar than different. Sometimes the food at the Marriott restaurants are better sometimes Hyatt or Hilton. I may like the pools at one over another but enough to only stay at one brand.

Just wanted to add a fact about prices today and comparing products.

My point? Cruising is still a very affordable vacation!

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I am sure you and I travel and associate in different circles.


Well, now you have heard from someone who has traveled in a NCL Suite and did not feel special!


Some of us have higher expectations than others...


And before you comment again, I fly first class and only stay in Suites. I am NOT a travel agent and I pay for my own trips.



Okay, so I have to add my 2 cents here. It used to be a penny for my thoughts, though...:) anyway, as far as special that is apparently relative. We are definitely lower middle class, money wise. Flying 1st class, etc, is never going to happen for us. That said, we just did a B2B on Epic for our 25th wedding anniversary. We had a balcony, ate 3 times in specialty restaurants, had 3 bottles wine, bought some other booze, did excursions in every port, bought spa passes for 2 X 2 weeks, husband had acupuncture treatments, (which, btw, worked!) did ALL the shows, free or not, flew to Miami, etc. Counting everything, including taxis, baggage fees, buying artwork at the auction--oops!, whatever, the total bill came to $6900. Could we afford that again any time soon? No! But it was a perfect and special 2 weeks for us. However, if that was what I was accustomed to, then no, it would not be "special". Then I might have to look into chartering a yacht or big sailboat or something. It sounds like some of us here are very well off and some are not. I am rambling but I guess the point is that what makes something "special" might just be whatever is "different" than what we are used to. Y'know, what really made us feel extra special was going to the M &G, meeting the crew, and having them remember us at very turn...

Also, not to be preachy, but if the specialness is wearing off and you have the means, how about taking one of those "pay your own way" mission trips? Nothing will make you feel more special than the looks of gratitude and hugs that come from helping others!

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