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is anybody considering Not flying to get to your cruise?


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Thank you Hank and CowPrincess.....I really appreciate your concern and understanding. I'm sure once I get my head wrapped around it I will probably do as Cowprincess suggests and check my boobs at the door! LOL....and just go boobless!


I love to keep my sense of humor and have found it has helped me get through many tough times................but I can't remember the last time I was this angry at our government.


I am getting way ahead of myself because I do have over a year to watch and listen to what is happening before we fly again.


Thanks again,



Keep your sense of humor.... ....I'm sure this indignity by the TSA won't continue under the pressure being applied by the people.


In any case I just thought I would remind you that checking your... ...Ahem... ..."Parts" in your luggage will likely trigger TSA inspections of your luggage. At least at our local airport, all luggage is x-ray'ed prior to going on the airplane. If they spot something "suspicious", (like your body parts), they will likely open your bag for further fondling... ..I mean... ...closer inspection. Then who knows what will happen to them.


I have a strict personal policy that anything I can not afford to loose, does not go into my luggage. So if I were you I would not be inclined to pack my valuables in the luggage.


Keep smiling and don't let the B@$t@%ds get to you!:D

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This new policy is so disgusting.......the touching by adults to children of any age or any adult for that matter could create emotional and mental harm. What if they are being or have been molested? This is pure cruelty.


Has anyone thought that the people that will be applying for these jobs will be sexual molesters! They will be able to feel breasts, vagina's and penises of not only children, boys, girls, women and men and GET PAID FOR IT! Have all immunity, not be fired for it and be expected to do a GOOD JOB of it.


I hope things change before my next cruise in 20121


I also believe the new screening policy at airports is disgusting ! I read that TSA really stands for "Thousands Standing Around"; I believe TSA should stand for "Thorough Sexual Assault".


It is amazing to see people who do not see any problem with the enhanced screening methods as long as it make's us safer to fly. I believe it does not make the travel safer. Why ?


1. Mr. Pistole, TSA Adminstrator, stated that the reason for the new screening (X-Ray devices) was that the current metal devices could not detect the explosives used by the underwear bomber last Dec 09. If that's the case everyone should be required to go through the X-Ray device but only a certain percent are required to go through the device.


2. Baggage handlers are not required to go through enhance screening. Though the employees of the airlines go through a thorough background check why not screen the handlers. I read an article in the newspaper that interviewed a worker at JFK Airport. He stated in 3 years no one had ever checked his security badge or pass.


3. The workers that service the planes do not have to go through enhanced security


4. A portion of the cargo shipped via passnger planes are not screened. Only ink catrudges for copiers are not allowed to be shipped.


5. Recently Pilots were screened but not anymore. I guess someone in our government realized that Pilots do not need to carry onto a plane an explosive device when all they have to do is lock the cockpit door, climb to 35,000 feet and point the nose of the plane straight down to the ground.


It's all MADNESS :eek: !!!!!!!!!!

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Keep your sense of humor.... ....I'm sure this indignity by the TSA won't continue under the pressure being applied by the people.


In any case I just thought I would remind you that checking your... ...Ahem... ..."Parts" in your luggage will likely trigger TSA inspections of your luggage. At least at our local airport, all luggage is x-ray'ed prior to going on the airplane. If they spot something "suspicious", (like your body parts), they will likely open your bag for further fondling... ..I mean... ...closer inspection. Then who knows what will happen to them.


I have a strict personal policy that anything I can not afford to loose, does not go into my luggage. So if I were you I would not be inclined to pack my valuables in the luggage.


Keep smiling and don't let the B@$t@%ds get to you!:D



Thank you so much! So true.....I can not afford to have them in my checked luggage and have them damaged. So.....maybe I will use my humor to create a lovely little box with ribbons and bows that they have to open! With a card that says..........."These are the only boobs I have, please handle with care"! LOL

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When we retire in a few years, our plan is to purchase a medium sized motor home and never fly again after retirement! It has nothing to do with the recent changes in security, it has to do with convenience, comfort and relaxation. Our family and good friends are scattered all over the USA and not all near a major airport. We can travel as we please, not worry about airport parking, cancelled flights, searches, limited as to what we can take, hotels. We figure all said & done, it would cost the same to travel in a motorhome as it would to fly, pay for hotels, shuttles etc. We would not live in a motorhome.



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Hi ya'll from not too sunny Ft Laudferdal:)

I'm on the hotel computer and just thought I'd stop in sn give me thoughts on the new and enhanced screening processes.

In Albuquerque, I went through the full pat down, normsl for me except that she did not wand me and she did use the back of her hands around my breast are (same as always). She felt my hair and did have to feel just inside the waistband of my slacks. She went nowhere neas the crotch area!! I expewcted it, but she said not unless someone acts nervous or suspicious.

I asked about the gloves and she said that they are supposed to change them asfter each pat down because, after they pst you down, their gloves also haver to be scanned for explosives or... residue.

In our Layover city of Kansas City, I went outside twice for a smoke. First time used my cane and walked very slowly, went through the metal detector with assistance from TSA. No problem and my spinal neither my spinal implant nor underwire bra set any alarms off:D Second time through I used the wheelchair and with assistance from TSA breezed through the metal detector (again with the TSA supporting hands.)

So basically, it was no (or very very little) difference than prior to the new TSA Regs.

In my opinion, another media hype to work up the masses and build the media sales.

Sorry for typos, hotel keyboard stinks!!


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What makes me more sanguine than others about the process is that I can't think of any nation being at "war" and not limiting some civil rights.


..................... Wouldn't limitations on freedom then be expected?


The short answer is "yes". Unfortunately, there are some who have forgotten there is an enemy and they want to destroy the United States (and other countries as well). I don't care what we call it .... war, difference of ideas, whatever you like.


But there are those who wish to destroy us, they are very patient and they will wait and plan and only have to succeed once for all the times we need to thwart them.


And for this I am willing to give up a little privacy and a little freedom. For me, it's worth it.

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The short answer is "yes". Unfortunately, there are some who have forgotten there is an enemy and they want to destroy the United States (and other countries as well). I don't care what we call it .... war, difference of ideas, whatever you like.


But there are those who wish to destroy us, they are very patient and they will wait and plan and only have to succeed once for all the times we need to thwart them.


And for this I am willing to give up a little privacy and a little freedom. For me, it's worth it.

Very well said. Just look at what happened with the 19 year old Somali terrorist yesterday. He actually dialed the cell phone to set off what he thought was a large car bomb at a crowded event.

Terrorists are out to get us and will do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals. We still have to live our lives, but our security is getting harder and harder to accomplish. If being scanned will help in stopping a terrorist--go for it! I have nothing to hide. For people that are cancer survivors or need special items to make their lives easier, there should be a special form supplied by the TSA to be filled out by medical professionals that would help in clearing these items.

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From a UK newspaper today, quoting the U.S. security system.......



Doctors are also now questioning the hygiene of TSA agents who conduct hundreds of patdowns daily.

Although they wear gloves, it is being reported that viruses like syphilis, lice, gonorrhea, chlamydia, strep and papilloma viruses can be transferred from passenger to passenger during the body searches.

Alarmed travellers have noted that the TSA agents do not change gloves in between patdowns and were actually patting down dozens of passengers or more wearing the same gloves.

The TSA nor federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control have yet commented on the possibility that infections and other afflictions could be spread.



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From a UK newspaper today, quoting the U.S. security system.......



Doctors are also now questioning the hygiene of TSA agents who conduct hundreds of patdowns daily.

Although they wear gloves, it is being reported that viruses like syphilis, lice, gonorrhea, chlamydia, strep and papilloma viruses can be transferred from passenger to passenger during the body searches.

Alarmed travellers have noted that the TSA agents do not change gloves in between patdowns and were actually patting down dozens of passengers or more wearing the same gloves.

The TSA nor federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control have yet commented on the possibility that infections and other afflictions could be spread.



It should be pointed out that the Daily Mail (UK paper quoted) has probably as much journalistic integrity and accuracy as World News Daily.

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It should be pointed out that the Daily Mail (UK paper quoted) has probably as much journalistic integrity and accuracy as World News Daily.


Agreed, but this has also been reported in the major papers and here in Canada. Also, my DH has always had to have the "pat down" being wheelchair-bound, and the gloves were never changed.

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It should be pointed out that the Daily Mail (UK paper quoted) has probably as much journalistic integrity and accuracy as World News Daily.

You must be thinking of The Sun or The News of the World. The Daily Mail is one of the few papers who have the guts to say what most of UK thinks.

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With all the recent turmoil over the enhanced security at the airports, Mrs Banjo has asked me to look into taking the train, or driving to Tampa to get to the cruise we have booked in January.


Driving from Mass to Tampa Florida,for us, is at least a 2 1/2 day ride and the train is a 22 hour overnight trip. Not nearly as efficient as a 3 hour flight, but we would bypass airport "security".


Just interested, is any one else considering alternative travel to get to & from your next cruise?


We live in southern New Mexico, and would definitely drive to San Diego to embark. We''ve also talked about driving to Florida, taking our time and making a vacation of it. Anything to avoid the rude, discourteous TSA agents we've encountered.


Our nearest airport, El Paso TX, had that body scanner when we went through security in September (although Orlando FL didn't have it last month). No one tells you ahead of time that EVERYTHING, even paper, must be removed from your pockets. So you stand there being xrayed while also removing tissues, boarding pass, and other items from your pockets.

Not fun. I'd rather drive 2000 miles to FL.

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Just interested, is any one else considering alternative travel to get to & from your next cruise?


I’m all for “enhanced” security. Unfortunately, naked photos and groin fondling of grandma and the kids does little to enhance security. If a terrorist can smuggle a bomb in his bum that no naked-scanner or pat-down can detect, how do these invasive procedures actually enhance our security over previously existing methods? In fact, can’t we all think of any number of ways a terrorist could cause devastation at an airport and would never have to go through a single security checkpoint? Heaven forbid, couldn’t they just blow themselves up in the check-in lines or maybe right in one of the long lines the security check points create? Or how about just putting a bomb in the poorly screened luggage? - the list goes on and on.


If seeing us naked and touching our privates actually made us materially safer then I’d be all for it. But what’s going on here is nonsense and an insult to the intelligence and dignity of the traveling public. Want to know why the unfortunate few are being photographed naked rather than using existing methods of screening? Well CNN explains it nicely here:

. And is “opting out” (only to get molested) really anything more than a thinly veiled punishment for not going through the scanner?


What’s going on with the current TSA screening defies only the most simplistic reasoning. Don’t be fooled by this “TSA theater”.


If you have issues with the direction TSA has taken, know you are not alone.


CSPAN 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcyGvPpJBA&NR=1

National Opt Out Day: http://www.optoutday.com/

Testimonials from travelers here: http://www.thousandsstandingaround.org/


So, yes we are considering alternative methods of travel. For us, this means that our recent cruise out of Fort Lauderdale will likely be our last until more reasonable airport screening procedures are put in place. We’ll instead be exploring cruise alternatives from the west coast.


Happy Cruising! :D

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My son and I are flying to Rome for our Med cruise in May. That really can't be helped. Not sure how else we would get there. :o We are used to flying though, especially my husband. My poor husband has been flying out of town for work probably 12 weeks out of the last 6 months. He flew out Mondays and back home Thursdays from Charlotte to Philadelphia. So he is very used to flying. He hates it but has no choice. He has had to do the full body scan. Not the hands on version yet. That job in Philadelphia is now complete and on to the next assignment. He flew out tonight for Pittsburgh, ironically where we moved from to escape the cold exactly a year ago. He is not looking forward to this week! When he is not required to be away for work he can work remotely and from home. That is the kind of commute he really likes. :D Hopefully after this week he will be home for a while enjoying the sunny blue skies in Charlotte, NC. We sometimes take pictures of the blue sky and send them back home to our family in Pittsburgh (they sometimes forget what blue skies look like so we like to remind them :p)


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i am afraid to fly so i always go by train from wash dc to ft lauderdale; not that bad, really; i dont get a room, just take a pillow and sleep in coach chair; i dont mind it, since i'm on the ground! i bring my own food, a little back pack with snacks, etc, sandwiches; food on train is not great; they do have a dining car and a snack car....

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This new policy is so disgusting.......the touching by adults to children of any age or any adult for that matter could create emotional and mental harm. What if they are being or have been molested? This is pure cruelty.


Has anyone thought that the people that will be applying for these jobs will be sexual molesters! They will be able to feel breasts, vagina's and penises of not only children, boys, girls, women and men and GET PAID FOR IT! Have all immunity, not be fired for it and be expected to do a GOOD JOB of it.


I hope things change before my next cruise in 20121


I also believe the new screening policy at airports is disgusting ! I read that TSA really stands for "Thousands Standing Around"; I believe TSA should stand for "Thorough Sexual Assault".


It is amazing to see people who do not see any problem with the enhanced screening methods as long as it make's us safer to fly. I believe it does not make the travel safer. Why ?


1. Mr. Pistole, TSA Adminstrator, stated that the reason for the new screening (X-Ray devices) was that the current metal devices could not detect the explosives used by the underwear bomber last Dec 09. If that's the case everyone should be required to go through the X-Ray device but only a certain percent are required to go through the device.


2. Baggage handlers are not required to go through enhance screening. Though the employees of the airlines go through a thorough background check why not screen the handlers. I read an article in the newspaper that interviewed a worker at JFK Airport. He stated in 3 years no one had ever checked his security badge or pass.


3. The workers that service the planes do not have to go through enhanced security


4. A portion of the cargo shipped via passnger planes are not screened. Only ink catrudges for copiers are not allowed to be shipped.


5. Recently Pilots were screened but not anymore. I guess someone in our government realized that Pilots do not need to carry onto a plane an explosive device when all they have to do is lock the cockpit door, climb to 35,000 feet and point the nose of the plane straight down to the ground.


It's all MADNESS :eek: !!!!!!!!!!


I work for a regional airline and can tell you for a fact that we are search,checked and patted down. We also have to go each year for badge renewal.

The area where we come in at TSA will set up at any time. They check our badges, open our backpacks and bags to examine.

We also have TSA and police that stop us to check badges all of the time.

We have to present valid id and paperwork for the badges we wear at work.

FAA,TSA and the police will have testers walk in an area to see if we will ask for a badge. If you fail to do so, they will pull your badge and suspend you! I have co-workers who fail to do a badge check near the break room and their badges were pulled for three days, they had to go back to class for failing.

The same if an aircraft is left open with no one around, that can cause a supension or even job loss. We have to close that aircraft to secure it. That also includes the women closing those aircraft doors (trust me a CRJ door is quite heavy!)

If we lose our badge and ready to leave work, the police is call to check you out before leaving the employee lot (they even call your tags in).

Like I stated I can only speak for Memphis airport and no others. I have co-workers who get mad when TSA is at our entrance area (esp when they are really tight on time to clock in) and are patted down and lunch bags search,but that's the world we live in today and no matter how much we wish for the simpler days of flying, it's not coming back.

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Last February because of the massive snow storms that hit the mid-atlantic we left early by car knowing our flight would most likely be cancelled (which it was). We enjoyed the trip so much we are doing it again this year. No worries about baggage restrictions, flight delays, security screening, getting to the airport on time after the cruise, etc., etc.

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i am afraid to fly so i always go by train from wash dc to ft lauderdale; not that bad, really; i dont get a room, just take a pillow and sleep in coach chair; i dont mind it, since i'm on the ground! i bring my own food, a little back pack with snacks, etc, sandwiches; food on train is not great; they do have a dining car and a snack car....


Can you tell me more about sleeping in a coach chair, e.g., do they recline, is it crowded, are the chairs as tightly packed as on an airplane, is it noisy, do you get a sense of lots of people around?

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Can you tell me more about sleeping in a coach chair, e.g., do they recline, is it crowded, are the chairs as tightly packed as on an airplane, is it noisy, do you get a sense of lots of people around?


I took the City of New Orleans this past summer to bring my nephew to Memphis. I opt not to purchase a roomette.

The seats are rather comfy and they do recline. I had brought two small pillows and travel blankets for both of us. They did provide pillows to those who wanted one. Also there was an announcement that from a certain point until about 6:00 a.m., no overhead annoucements would be made.

Except for a few rather loud snorers, it wasn't that bad.

The seats are alot more comfy than an airline seat and even with a full train, people were respectful of each other.

They do try to place those getting off at certain stops in the same cars. For example those traveling to Memphis were placed in the last three cars while those traveling to Jackson,Ms or New Orleans were placed in other cars.

If you have a problem climbing stairs, the lower section is limited and you have to request it early. There were several elderly people who had a hard time climbing to the upper level.

Also, the bathroom was located on the lower level so also keep that in mind if stairs are an issue.

I hope this helps!

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Can you tell me more about sleeping in a coach chair, e.g., do they recline, is it crowded, are the chairs as tightly packed as on an airplane, is it noisy, do you get a sense of lots of people around?

I learned this tip from a relative who travels frequently by train. Don`t sit in the front or rear of your car. People opening and closing the train car doors will disturb you if your trying to sleep. Try getting a seat in the middle of the car.

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Airports around U.S. had been pushed to bursting prior to 9-11 and the numbers of projected additional passengers kept growing. Air Traffic control is woefully outdated and tremendous investment needs to be made.

Airlines were struggling with financial woes and the price wars were ridiculous.




If it were to come to pass that air travel would become so unpleasant that many would opt out, the numbers of passengers would at worst stabalize and at best reduce. Airline would fly fewer planes and air traffic control could continue to track and direct all those flights.


The more miserable they make air travel, the more people will opt out.


Any chance there is some truth to this?

By this theory (overcrowding), wouldn't flights get more expensive, thereby less people would fly, stabilizing or reducing passenger load? With no intervention fron the .gov?

Spent the past w/e flying r/t pit to ewr (Newark) Extreamly long lines. I think a lot of people take the whole week of thanksgiving off. That said, I never saw a body scanner or a single pat down.

TSA didn't do the naked scan or the molestation during the days before Thanksgiving because of the overarching threat of revolt. They are back to it now. Because of the lack of people flying, the difficulty of a similar revolt is much lower due to the number of sheep flying, and the lack of regular folks.

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I work for a regional airline and can tell you for a fact that we are search,checked and patted down.


The area where we come in at TSA will set up at any time. They check our badges, open our backpacks and bags to examine.



It’s great to hear from someone with firsthand knowledge; thanks for weighing in.


Just wondering, you wrote that “The area where we come in at TSA will set up at any time.”, does that mean they’re not set up there all the time? If not all the time, about how much of the time?


And are you regularly seen naked (via scanner) by your TSA co-workers and are your genitals regularly touched by them as part of the pat downs you described? Wow, it sure feels awkward to ask a question that under any other circumstance would seem very inappropriate and much too personal. But I guess we’re all in the process of defining exactly what is appropriate, so there you have it.


Also, are you aware of the flight crew union that has joined the pilots in opposing the enhanced procedures for crew and do you agree with them? (http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=7783660)


Sorry for all the questions, I’m just curious as to what it must be like for you having to go through that process so much more than the average traveler and how you felt about it.

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