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Should parents bring their infants onboard?


Should parents bring their infants onboard?  

611 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents bring their infants onboard?

    • YES
    • NO

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What do you think "security and the pursers desk" is going to do? Again, find a cruise line that doesn't accept children and cruise with them next time. I'll be following all the rules. If you don't like them, don't cruise next to us!

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Please - how can I control if the cruise line puts a family with an infant in the stateroom next to me? Also, as long as the cruise line you are on markets not only to families, but couples, singles, older cruisers, gay/lesbian cruisers, then you have to expect to do a little give and take. They market to all segments of the population.....and that is part of the problem! They market to your family....fine, but they market to me too! Why should I expect less of my cruise than you would be willing to accept? Why is my vacation less important than yours.....it isn't!

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Sure hope your infant behaves as well on the ship as he does at home....otherwise be prepared for pounding on the stateroom walls and complaints from others. Just in case your little darling isn't as happy on the ship as he is at home....what are you willing to do so passengers in the cabins around you can have some peace? After all, it is their vacation too! I can tell you, one night max is what you would get if you and your screaming infant were next to my cabin and you disturbed me. After that, it is security and the purser's desk!

I doubt security or passenger services would do a thing for you, other than possibly offer you another cabin, if one were even available.


There is no rule prohibiting infants onboard. Therefore, in all fairness to the passengers with those infants, I wouldn't expect security to offer you any relief.


Basically, you sail on a ship that markets to families, you take your chances of having a screaming infant in the stateroom next door. It's no different than having nextdoor neighbors who return to their cabin in the very wee hours of the morning, and then proceed to carry on a 15-minute loud conversation with their friends out in the hallway directly outside of your room. Basically, you can choose to either ignore it and hope it will stop soon, or you can make a fuss and perhaps goad them into staying out there even longer just to spite you. The same goes for parents of infants. You make a stink and they just might abandon all efforts to quite the baby just for pure spite.


Personally, I'd rather just hope the baby quiets down after half an hour or so.


Wonder if it's possible, though, to have your TA put in a special request that your stateroom not be located in the direct vicinity of others containing infants?


Blue skies ...



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The problem isn't - has never been - the children.


It is ALWAYS the parents.


If a parent wants to travel with an infant - and be stuck without the conveniences of home to take care of that infant - that's their business.


It becomes my business, when the parent does not use common sense.


- if your infant is screaming in the dining room - take it out of the dining room.

- if your infant is screaming at night - take it for a stroll

- keep the dirty diapers out of the swimming pool


- keep control of your toddlers


- it is not CUTE to see the waiters dodging children who are not kept in their seats - you would be the first to sue if the waiter drops hot food/heavy dishes on your kid


- it is not CUTE to see the youngsters running around the ship - knocking into people


And if you take your children on a cruise and sit them at a formal dining table - leave them alone.


While on our second cruise, the parents would not leave the 4 and 6 year olds alone. The kept harping on the - elbows off the table - sit up straight rules. A formal dinner with strangers is not the time to be teaching etiquette.


And to the cruiselines - assign people with young kids to the same tables. Why would you assign young kids to tables with people who don't have kids. That's not fair.

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A question . . .


Does it bother you guys who voted NO when you are at a hotel and a crying infant is in the next room? Does it both you guys who voted NO when you are at a restaurant and an infant is seated at the next table? Why all the gritted teeth, raised blood pressure, and white knuckles over infants and children on a cruise boat? These individuals coexist in our world. Should children be banned from hotels and restaurants, too? Maybe from malls, grocery stores, and movie theaters. While we are at it, how about ANYWHERE outside of their cribs at home. Maybe we should put them in soundproof rooms until they reach the age of . . . ? Maybe that should be the next poll!! What age are children acceptable? 5? 10? 18? Never?


Maybe we should start another poll. How OLD is TOO OLD for an individual to be onboard a cruise boat? You know the types, the ones that complain about everything and demand, demand, demand. They set a negative vibe and well, I'd rather put up with a crying baby than a complaining old fart.


Just food for thought. :p

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The problem isn't - has never been - the children.


It is ALWAYS the parents.


If a parent wants to travel with an infant - and be stuck without the conveniences of home to take care of that infant - that's their business.


It becomes my business' date=' when the parent does not use common sense.


- if your infant is screaming in the dining room - take it out of the dining room.

- if your infant is screaming at night - take it for a stroll

- keep the dirty diapers out of the swimming pool


- keep control of your toddlers


- it is not CUTE to see the waiters dodging children who are not kept in their seats - you would be the first to sue if the waiter drops hot food/heavy dishes on your kid


- it is not CUTE to see the youngsters running around the ship - knocking into people


And if you take your children on a cruise and sit them at a formal dining table - leave them alone.


While on our second cruise, the parents would not leave the 4 and 6 year olds alone. The kept harping on the [i']- elbows off the table - sit up straight[/i] rules. A formal dinner with strangers is not the time to be teaching etiquette.


And to the cruiselines - assign people with young kids to the same tables. Why would you assign young kids to tables with people who don't have kids. That's not fair.


100% on the money...

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:( I hadn't planned on posting on this thread. But wow...this has become a bit heated. I'll start by saying that I personally would not bring my infant on a cruise, but that's what is right for me and my family, I really don't feel it's my place to tell anybody else what to do on their vacation. I think the initial poll is surely legitimate and an interesting question...but I don't understand why it needs to get disrespectful here.


My personal experience on two Princess ships over Easter holiday was that there were very, very few infants on board. I really don't recall even noticing any disturbing crying! That is not to say it doesn't happen, but disturbances of all kinds are likely to occur when you are on a ship with 2000 other people. Someone might get into an argument in the cabin next door, someone who imbibed a bit might accidentally try to open your cabin door, smokers might flick their butts down on your balcony, pre-teens might run giggling and laughing down the hallway at midnight.....the list goes on. Those are things I've personally experienced. None of them even came close to ruining my wonderful experience. I really doubt that infants on board are in any way close to being a problem, and surely not the biggest problem. Just my humble opinion of course ;).


Everyone is surely entitled to their opinion, and healthy debate is always fun, but a little respect, courtesy and politeness goes such a long way.


Also, just wanted to touch on the Disney cruise line aspect. As a family that cruises, we really don't want the All Disney All The Time cruise. We love Disney...own Disney Vacation Club Property...visit there yearly....but not on our cruises. We are all (kids too) very happy with Princess :).

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Does it bother you guys who voted NO when you are at a hotel and a crying infant is in the next room


If the situation at a hotel really becomes untenable, one can always change hotels - kinda hard to do when one is in the middle of the ocean.


And what about assigned eating? If the ship is full, it is not always possible to move to a different table.


A cruise vacation is unique in it's parameters.


All I'm saying is - please be mindful of others who may be disturbed by your child - and before any one brings up the drunks and mean adults and old people who talk to loud and etc. etc. etc. - parents are in a unique situation - they really are in full control of their children's behavior.


Sorry - can't say the same about adult behavior. :eek:

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parents are in a unique situation - they really are in full control of their children's behavior.


Perhaps they are in full control of *where* behavior takes place, when the child is young or small enough to be removed from a situation in which his behavior is inappropriate.


But, to think that a parent has "full control" over an infant's behavior is a bit bold, and disregards that infants, like all humans, have temperaments and personalities.....nevermind more than a little difficulty conveying their needs in the civilized manner generally favored by adults.


I can't imagine anyone with difficult constantly-crying infant deciding to bring him on a cruise. All of the parents I'm acquainted with are aware that others could be disturbed by an infant who cries beyond what is normal, and would not choose to bring such a child on a cruise. But, these infants are not the norm. Most infants are relatively easy-going and easy-care when their most basic needs are met, and as such, make better than average cabin neighbors.

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But, to think that a parent has "full control" over an infant's behavior is a bit bold, and disregards that infants, like all humans, have temperaments and personalities.....nevermind more than a little difficulty conveying their needs in the civilized manner generally favored by adults.



Oh, come on - You know exactly what I meant - the parents have full control over removing an unhappy infant - or a misbehaving toddler/child - from the vacinity of others who should NOT be expected to put up with the disruption just because YOUR child is not up to sitting throught a formal dinner/show, etc.


Of course, a parent cannot control whether a child is having a bad day or whether an infant is feeling out of it - but why should the rest of the place have to sit through a tantrum or an unhappy infant's wail. It's not fair. If you choose to bring a youngster on a cruise - you choose to miss out on some of the activities when your child is unable to sit through it. I think everyone should have the freedom to bring their children with them - wherever they go - but with that freedom, comes responsibilities to others.


My point again - the problem is never with the child - it's always with the parent.

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I totally agree with you smudge's mom. I think a parent should have total control over the situation. But some parent's just ignore them and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I can only imagine they are so used to the screaming they tune it out.


My sister is going on a cruise in April with my parents for their aniversary. My brother and I are PO'd because she is using my mom as a nanny so she will not have to put up with the crying. So, if the little one acts up in the dinning room or shows, my mom can go to the room and take care of the kid. The real kicker is the 5 year old will start acting up once the 1 year old starts to cry. It is a total nightmare and embarrassment to be around. I wish they were not bringing the kids. But her mother-in-law wants nothing to with watching the two. Wonder why?


On the other hand, even though I voted no on this thread. I do believe in a free country. And I think that too many bans and censorships are starting to become a trend around here.


If this poll were worded a little differently. Such as:

Do you think Cruise Lines should ban infants from traveling with family?

I would absolutely give a "NO" vote.

I believe there are parent that are responsible and can maintain well behaved children and infants. Sure there will be a fuss or two. But those parents know to leave the room and take care of the child's need immediately. Not wait till they (the parent) are finished eating.

There maybe some families celebrating a 50 aniversary and a young couple just had a baby. They are not going to leave it home and can not most likely cancel their cruise.

Why should a few bad apples ruin it for all families? If we do not mind all the rules and laws we pass. Soon we are not going to be able to sneeze around here without causing a federal offense for spreading germs.


Now perhaps the cruise lines are protecting themselves from liabilities just as not having pregant women over 6 month. I do not know that answer. That maybe why PCL is not permitting under 6 month infant from cruising.

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Oh' date=' come on - You know exactly what I meant [/quote']


Actually, I didn't. Which is why I clarified it.


I just can't figure out what ships you guys must all have been on, where the infants have been constantly crying and the toddlers are disrupting every meal and show. That just has not been my experience at all.

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I just can't figure out what ships you guys must all have been on, where the infants have been constantly crying and the toddlers are disrupting every meal and show. That just has not been my experience at all.


I agree with you completely, Marypopinz...

After all, Princess only allows about 11 infant on the CP ship (and an infant is considered older than 6 months, and younger than 3 years).

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I just can't figure out what ships you guys must all have been on, where the infants have been constantly crying and the toddlers are disrupting every meal and show. That just has not been my experience at all.


Don't think I ever said I've had horrible experiences on all my cruises. I thought we were having a discussion based on generalities - at least I was responding based on generalities.


I did have the misfortune - and I do mean misfortune - of sharing a table with a young family. The kids were actually pretty well behaved, but the parents would not stop nagging them. In that case, the parents were worse than the kids.


However, even if the children were perfect angels - that does not mean I want to spend 11 days having conversation with children that are not related to me. When one is a grandmother or doting aunt - one may find these times of bonding wonderful - but when one is not related - why should one be expected to have that kind of vacation?


Unfortunately, we were naive cruisers the time we had this experience - we did not feel it was "good manners" to ask for a change of table. I had envisioned they would change us to a table where the young parents could see we've defected.

Well, I'm not naive anymore - and I'm no longer worried about hurting a strangers feelings - at least not in this way. I will beg, borrow, or steal a new dinner table - if I'm ever put at a table with youngsters again.


But to move on to generalities - I think we are all speaking about the parents who don't take control of their children - who don't seem to care if they are disturbing others.


You see this everywhere you go - toddlers running around the table - getting underfoot of people carrying very heavy trays filled with very hot food - an accident waiting to happen.


If the parents aren't in control - it is the mangements responsibility to control that situation, but they seldom do, either.


And yes, I do see children who are not properly seated at the restaurant dining table - on a very frequent basis.


And no, I don't see a lot of screaming infants - misbehaving toddlers on our cruises.


As I said before - I thought we were talking in generalities.

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I have to say that I agree with Smudge's Mom....I really don't think it is fair of parents to assume that other passengers would want to be seated with their children at dinner each night.


While I do cruise with my children, both of whom are elementary school aged, I would not expect other passengers to sit with us at dinner. That is one of the reasons that we always book our cruises well in advance so that we can secure early traditional dining at a table for four. My kids do have good table manners *most* of the time ;), but they aren't perfect and I am certain that not everyone would be charmed by them for 7 days or longer LOL.


Anyway, my advice to parents cruising with kids....any age kids...but especially with infants....is that I think it's a courtesy to your fellow passengers that you book a table for just your family and travelling companions. Just my humble opinion, but I don't think it's asking too much :).

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It would be our family's pleasure to have dinner with your girls and you and your DH anytime. I don't think that anyone would ever complain about their manners. They are very beautiful and sweet girls. I understand what you are saying. I do also think that some patience and nonstereotyping is needed in some of these threads.:)


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[QUOTE=smudge's mom]
But to move on to generalities - I think we are all speaking about the parents who don't take control of their children - who don't seem to care if they are disturbing others.[/QUOTE]

I haven't been on a ship where there were parents who didn't seem to care if they were disturbing others. (BTW, I think what you are actually speaking in is theoreticals.)

There is really never a reason to dine on a cruiseship (and certainly not most of the Princess fleet) with people who are not compatible, for whatever reason. If you find you don't enjoy someone's company, it's easy to be reseated.
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generalities? whatever.

On a non-generalized note - Life is full of choices and I choose not to want to dine with youngsters on my cruises. And, I'm glad that now I'm a savvy enough cruiser to know I can change tables with relative ease.

I will now take leave of your passive-aggressive reaction to all things I say. :(

I guess I shouldn't have engaged, anyway. :o
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Once again, I agree with Marypoppinz...

I am very curious to know, of all the people who posted here, stating that they don't want/like/etc infants onboard... how many of them have actually had to deal with a screaming infant in the next room each night?

Of course NONE of us desire a screaming infant/badly behaved baby at our table or in the room next to us... but has it really been that bad for so many people, that the general consensus[color=black][size=3][font=Times New Roman] [/font][/size][/color]is that Princess should not allow those 11 infants on board??
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