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first timer worried about flights


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I just booked mine and my son's first cruise through a TA and now I'm worried that we are going to miss our flight! She scheduled us to arrive at O'Hare at 7:10am and to leave O'Hare for Miami at 8:00am the day our cruise leaves (we can't go the day before because my son is at his dad's house and they won't let him come home early) So now I am wondering if 45 minutes is going to be enough time for us to get off the first plane and find our second one-I have only flown twice and just followed along, other people knew where we were supposed to be going, and now I am the only adult in charge and I'm afraid I won't be able to figure out where to go or what to do! The TA already booked the flights, is it too late to change it and maybe get an earlier one to Chicago so that we have more time in between or do you think this is enough time? I have so many more questions about the actual cruise too, so I'm sure I will be asking tons more, but for now this is the one that I keep thinking about. Thanks to anyone with any advice!

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I think that the connection is very close -- even if you make it to your connecting flight, your luggage might not. Personally, I like to make my own airline reservations online because I can look at all the options and make a decision based on flight times, airfares, extra charges, seat availability, etc.

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45 minutes is cutting it pretty close I agree. IT depends on the airport and if you have to change terminals. My husband has to fly - often - for work, almost every other week. Several times he has been able to get on an earlier flight when returning home. If he is finished with his job early he goes to the airport and is often able to do this. If you were able to get on an earlier flight that would give you time to make the connection. If you look at the rules for changing flight times, they do vary between airlines. Some airlines allow you to change the day of. For example I copied this off of American Airlines:

When you want to confirm a flight change before arriving at the airport, simply call our Reservations desk at 1-800-433-7300.

Our Reservations staff will provide a choice of available flights departing no less than 1 hour and no more than 12 hours from the time you call. The $50 charge* can be paid over the phone with any credit card AA accepts.

I believe it used to be free to fly stand by and get on an earlier flight but I don't think that is the case any longer. I am not sure if my husband is assessed a charge but then work pays for it anyway.


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Also, there are ways to find out what gates the flights are taking off from. You can confirm your flight online and check the status, whether it is on time, the gate number, etc. Everyone should confirm flights the night before anyway as you don't want to show up at the airport and find you flight has been cancelled or delayed. Is your cruise coming up within the next couple of months? Recently, the airlines have been changing the flight times, flight numbers, etc so often there seems to be an email every other week updating us on the changes. We were in Europe in May and we checked our email at one of the ports and found that our flight to Florida for the fall had been cancelled and we had been put on another one that wasn't going to work for our schedule. It was completely not what we wanted. When we got back home we had to call and rebook new flights. Fortunately they refunded our tickets (we book through Expedia). This was Air Tran. So the flight times may change anyway. For our cruise in May the flight already was moved earlier by 15 minutes - but I have a 5 hour layover flying from Charlotte as I didn't want to take ANY chances. I am flying in the same day of our cruise in Rome and needed to change planes in La Guardia. Flying in the same day is not my choice, but hubby promises it will work out. He is not going along so he has to fix whatever problems we encounter.:D


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Pay the fine, change your flight. Most airlines will allow you to change flight with a penalty. O'Hare is a HUGE airport that can take you 20-30 minutes to get across if you have to change terminals and add more time if you have to go through security again. If you are on a small commuter airplane you will most probably be at one end of the airport with the other small planes and the connection into Miami will be elsewhere.


If O'hare doesn't work, look at other routes through other airports.


If you booked the flight through the cruise line (not just your TA), the cruise line will be responsible if you do not make it so there is some piece of mind there.


Finally, look up the airport on the internet. There are maps of the airports to familarize yourself with the layouts and gates/terminals. Many times you can see which gate you are arriving at a day early if you check in online and then check the airport map. Might help you save time to catch the connection.


ok, one more idea....pack some cloths in a carry on (underware, bathing suit, extra t-shirt) in case your luggage does not make it. It should, but sometimes 50 minutes is too short.

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We are going in early february and I did look up our flight numbers and found that they are both at the same terminal, but I couldn't find what gate or anything. I thought maybe if I could find out what gate, then maybe I could find a map of the airport and kind of at least have an idea of where we are going? How do you look up what gate they are going to be at and how do you confirm your flight and check the status?

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We are going in early february and I did look up our flight numbers and found that they are both at the same terminal, but I couldn't find what gate or anything. I thought maybe if I could find out what gate, then maybe I could find a map of the airport and kind of at least have an idea of where we are going? How do you look up what gate they are going to be at and how do you confirm your flight and check the status?


If you ask the attendant at the gate you are getting off at they will point you in the right direction. I wouldn't worry too much if they are in the same terminal. If for some reason your first flight is slightly delayed your connecting flight will wait. I've been on flights before where they waited for a connecting passenger. I've also been on flights with a 45 min layover and had no problem catching my next flight. It's actually a nice layover, you just have time to use the washroom and then they are usually boarding your next flight. That is my experience anyway, but I usually fly in Canada so it might be different, although I doubt it.

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I would not worry so much about getting the connecting flight if they are in the same terminal. I would worry about getting a connecting flight in Chicago in Feb. on the same day that you are leaving for your cruise. I know you said that you could not leave the day before. Can you get a nonstop flight? (so you don't have to change in O'Hare) February+Chicago+snow=delays

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There is a 24 hour window to change flights. I don't know when the agent booked, but I see you posted 11:20 p.m. yesterday. If the TA is not in, I would contact the airline directly and cancel for now. I bet there are people on these boards who can find you better flights.


Make sure you have good insurance because you have a significant chance of missing the flight. Make sure they will cover that connection time. Sorry but I would not book such a close connection in Chicago, in fact I would never accept a connecting flight in Chicago. Only a persons connection experience in Chicago is valid for comparison. As a previous poster said Chicago in February means snow and no connection time will help you with that.


If you have a seat towards the back of the plane it can take a good chunk of time just to get off the plane. Add 10 or 15 minutes for that.


Another problem is that planes are flying full so that if you miss your flight there are often no seats on the next flight. If you keep this connection, go prepared with a list of all the alternative later flights and the telephone number of both your TA (who probably won't be available that early), and all the airlines. Then as soon as you realize you have missed your connection, you can start calling the airlines to see if seats are available on alternate flights. Even if it is your airline, you have to get your name in the computer as soon as possible for any available seats. Then you can go to the desk and handle arrangement.


The statement about the cruise line being responsible helps monetarily but does not really help if you spend the first 2 or 3 days (depending on sea days) trying to catch up to the ship for a 7 day cruise.


My condonlences on the ex who will not let your son come home early. No wonder you divorced him.

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I always insist on a window of at least 1 1/2 hours between flights to allow for delays.

Another issue occured to me since it is your first cruise. Are you aware that the cruise line will require a notarized letter of permission from your ex-husband in order for you to take your son out of the country? I would hate to see you arrive at the terminal and be denied boarding.


Check with the cruise line and see exactly what you require.

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Another potential concern is that the gate for your second leg could be changed, and to a location farther from the one you arrive at in Chicago. It's happened to me more than once, and can create a real panic situation, and make one have to actually run through the airport.

In CHI, I would not accept a booking that gave me any less than 90 minutes between flights. It's huge, and extremely busy!

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There's a lot of good news-bad news in your scenario. You didn't say where your trip is originating, but if it's Central US there is a good chance you will be on a Regional (aka Barbie) jet. The good news is that they only carry about 50 passengers so it doesn't take long to get everyone off. The bad news is that there is limited carry-on space and normal roll-aboard bags have to be gate-checked. They are returned to you when you land, but it causes a bit of a delay.


More bad news is that you don't have much cushion if there are any delays at your originating airport, or getting to the gate at O'Hare. The good news is that you are arriving early enough to get an alternate flight as long as you are on the same airline to Miami.


If you're stuck with these flights, here's how to make it work. Don't carry anything on board that you can't fit under a seat. A soft bag or backpack is great and you can still carry a change of clothes. Don't load down with pillows, stuffed toys, and other junk. Take only what you can easily carry. Find out your arrival and departure gates when you check in. They are usually printed on your boarding pass. If not, see if the flight attendant has that information while you are in the air. Usually they do, at least that's true on AA. As soon as you find out your arrival gate, and the gate you have to go to, check the map of the airport that's in the back of your in-flight magazine. As soon as you get off the plane, orient yourself and start heading to the gate for your next flight. At the very first chance you get, check the departing flights monitors and confirm your departure gate. They can change. Keep your potty breaks short, don't stop to buy a Happy Meal or Cinnabon, and go directly to your new gate. Get on board, breathe a sigh of relief, then start to enjoy your vacation.

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In February, I would not even accept a connection at O'Hare, no matter how long it is. You run a real risk of cancellation. O'Hare is huge. With kids, it can easily take 30 minutes plus to get from one gate to another.


As for the connecting flight not leaving without you - ROFLMAO. After our Alaska cruise, the redeye from ANC was 2 hours late getting into ATL. The gate agent closed the doors to our connecting flight over 10 minutes before departure time. I was furious.


With arriving the day of the cruise, I'd get a direct flight or take a cruise that leaves the next day instead.

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Some incorrect info has been posted


1. IF this is cruiseline air (even EZ Air or Choice Air), DO NOT count on the cruise line doing anything for you. The fare classes and fare rules for the cheapest cruise air flights have HEAVY restrictions-non reroutable, non transferable, NON ENDORSABLE. Read through this sticky to find out the REAL story behind cruise air tickets. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=530322


2. The cruise line has NO responsibility or liability if you booked cruise air. They may TRY, but again, the restrictions on the cruise air tickets limit the ability of both the airline and cruise line to offer much help. Per most cruise contracts, air booked through the cruise line is merely a CONVENIENCE for the passenger. The cruise line merely acts as a booking agency. Read through Paragraph 15, Subsection F of Princess cruise contract. Most are written with the same or very similar verbiage. NO responsibility or liability for ALL third party vendors-shore excursions, transfers, non cruise line owned hotels AND air.



3. Not all airlines allow you to change/cancel your tickets in the initial 24 hour window. Have to read the fine print for each airline to determine whether changing the tickets with no penalty is feasible.


4. Same day standby WITHOUT a fee is available (although with a 7:10AM arrival at ORD, I double there is an earlier flight). Same day CONFIRMED standby requires the fee. GUARANTEES you a seat on an earlier or later flight.


5. Use the FlightStats website to find out up to the minute gate info. Also useful to find out how often the inbound plane is late. Use the Travel Tools section to find what gates the plane most often uses AND to find out the general % the inbound plane is on time or late. http://www.flightstats.com/go/Home/home.do


6. Here are some detailed maps of O'Hare. http://flychicago.com/Default.aspx


Be prepared, use info available and ask for help from the gate agents if needed. With good luck, your inbound plane will arrive on time, the outbound will be late leaving, the airport won't seem overwhelming and you find your gate easily. Enjoy!!!!

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Geez! Thank you everyone, there's so much good information here! (feeling quite overwhelmed, actually!) The only way to avoid a connecting flight in Chicago for us is to drive half the night to either Detroit or Chicago and I didn't want to do that. No matter what we do we run the risk of snow causing a problem, but I guess we are used to that (woke up this morning to about 8 inches of it and its still coming down)


It has been more than 24 hours since it was booked, she did it on Wednesday, it took me that long to realize it might be a problem cuz she just acted like it was not a big deal. I will definately be looking at the status and the maps and things of the airport, thanks for those links to those sites!


And yes, the first flight is on a smaller plane, probably with no more than 50 people on it.


Also, my TA did tell me about needing the notorized letter from my son's father, it was a huge ordeal, but he did finally sign for my son to get a passport-anyone know if we will still need a notorized letter each time we leave the country, or is the passport enough to prove that he authorized me to take him?

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My divorced sister in law was held up 2.5 hours crossing into Canada because she had changed her last name back, and it was different from my nephew's last name. It may be more of a problem with different last names.

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Also, my TA did tell me about needing the notorized letter from my son's father, it was a huge ordeal, but he did finally sign for my son to get a passport-anyone know if we will still need a notorized letter each time we leave the country, or is the passport enough to prove that he authorized me to take him?


One letter down, one more to go.


That just got your son his passport, which proves his identity. You will now need a letter from him giving you permission to take him out of the country on the cruise. Not knowing the custody agreement, you may even want to put in a line regarding permission for medical care.

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Also, my TA did tell me about needing the notorized letter from my son's father, it was a huge ordeal, but he did finally sign for my son to get a passport-anyone know if we will still need a notorized letter each time we leave the country, or is the passport enough to prove that he authorized me to take him?



You'll still need the letter. You may not be asked for it, but if you are and don't have it it can be a major problem. Having the passport just means he agreed to get the passport. It doesn't mean he agreed to the current trip you are taking. The letter is a means to try and prevent parental abductions.

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You can't find out gate numbers two months in advance. Sometimes they are printed on your boarding pass when you check in online (usually 24 hours in advance of your first flight). Even then you may find out they've changed when you get to the airport.


I used to live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and flying in the winter was a pain...we would have to go to Chicago, Detroit, or Minneapolis most of the time to get a connecting flight.

It was stressful because many times there were delays or cancellations at those airport. The chances are high that there will be bad weather in February.


If there is no way to go a day early, I would agree with the suggestion to consider switching cruises. There are tons of cruises leaving from Miami or Fort Lauderdale, so your TA should be able to offer you some options that might work better.

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You can't find out gate numbers two months in advance. Sometimes they are printed on your boarding pass when you check in online (usually 24 hours in advance of your first flight). Even then you may find out they've changed when you get to the airport.



Flight stats will post gate number 2-3 days in advance. In addition, you can use Flight Stats to determine which gate your flight has arrived HISTORICALLY. You can even read the minute by minute changes for delays, gate changes, etc as they are happening. Sure, it is not 100% BUT gives you a pretty good idea whether you need to go to Concourse X or Y in any given airport.


OP will most likely have to at least change concourses, as the first flight is on a Barbie jet.


IF the OP will post what flights she has, some of us can make some pretty educated guesses about what the situation will be when she arrives ORD.

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Why do people ask these questions once they have booked?


Whether it is a good idea or not (my view is that it is a terrible plan to allow under an hour for a change) surely if you want feedback in this context from experienced travellers you ask the question before you make the mistake rather than after?

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