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Don't Want To Leave My Dog Behind...


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Kinda off the subject but speaking of dogs - last night while my hubby and son were out working on our snowblower 2 dogs just walked up they looked like very petite huskies but all skin and bones - kinda thought they were coyotes except for the blonde fur and blue eyes and they were very friendly.


So we fed them and put blankets down for them and put them in our garage - the sheriff came and took one but the other fled - I hope the one gets adopted as we don't have a humane society just the vet - I kept the blanket out and food for the other and hope he comes back as it is just too cold here now.


Sad that people do that to helpless animals - we would have kept them but as I stated before we already have 4 dogs - and 1 is a great dane so he keeps us busy.

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Kinda off the subject but speaking of dogs - last night while my hubby and son were out working on our snowblower 2 dogs just walked up they looked like very petite huskies but all skin and bones - kinda thought they were coyotes except for the blonde fur and blue eyes and they were very friendly.


So we fed them and put blankets down for them and put them in our garage - the sheriff came and took one but the other fled - I hope the one gets adopted as we don't have a humane society just the vet - I kept the blanket out and food for the other and hope he comes back as it is just too cold here now.


Sad that people do that to helpless animals - we would have kept them but as I stated before we already have 4 dogs - and 1 is a great dane so he keeps us busy.


Well that is sad and depressing to hear as I am an animal lover :( If you were willing to keep them, why was the Sheriff called??

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The dogs could have escaped their owners. That's what happens when you cage them up. Everyone says, "they're dogs, they don't mind being caged at all, they'll be fine." Right. A couple centuries ago they said negro slaves would be fine if they were caged, too. I used to cage my dog, and he would flee if he got the chance. My buddy now is a free dog, and he never leaves my side. Those dogs may have been cold and hungry, but they were free.


It's one reason I would much prefer a dogsitter over a kennel for a 7-day cruise. 20 hours of cage time and 4 hours in some yard for 7 days may as well be jail time. And the dog did nothing wrong. But like I said, I would still take that over an animal shelter. Don't not adopt a dog just because you might want to go cruising sometime.

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Well that is sad and depressing to hear as I am an animal lover :( If you were willing to keep them, why was the Sheriff called??



I would have liked to but like I said we already have 4 house dogs with one being a great dane so we just don't have the room for 2 more dogs. Along with our 3 children and 2 cats - I know a zoo


I just talked to my older daughter and she is putting the word out to her friends - hopefully someone will step up and take him. I just called the vet to check and he is doing well - they will check him over today and get him cleaned up.


I just can't imagine just putting a dog out - especially in North Dakota where winter is just miserable!

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Those dogs may have been cold and hungry, but they were free.


They were more than hungry - they were skin and bones and sad to say wouldn't last long outside here in the winter - and I have also heard of snowmobilers running dogs down -cruel I know


Those dogs didn't have "owners" they had irresponsible careless people that didn't care if they lived or died -


Sure those dogs were "free" but I'm sad to say wouldn't have lasted much longer. I am keeping blankets and food out for the other one and hope he returns.

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They were more than hungry - they were skin and bones and sad to say wouldn't last long outside here in the winter - and I have also heard of snowmobilers running dogs down -cruel I know


Those dogs didn't have "owners" they had irresponsible careless people that didn't care if they lived or died -


Sure those dogs were "free" but I'm sad to say wouldn't have lasted much longer. I am keeping blankets and food out for the other one and hope he returns.


kiraryker: Bless you.

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Quick update - called the vet - brining my chihuahua in for shots today and the vet tech said they have had a few people interested already in the stray - word gets around fast on face book!!


They are just keeping him for awhile to clean him up and make sure he is healthy - fatten him up before he can go.


Now if the other one will return!

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Don't have a dog, but do have a cat. From the moment I pick her up from the vet she shows her displeasure with me. Turns her back to me and just ignores me in general. She does this until she realizes that it doesn't faze me in the least, and she is the one missing out :p It worked the first time, but I won't get sucked into that one again. Thirty minutes and all is forgotten :D


Our cat does just the opposite. The minute we get back until about week afterwards she is the most lovey dovey cat you ever saw.:D She also starts "crying" in the middle of the night the first few nights we get back until she realizes we are still there.:( Normally she is miss independant and wants very little to do with most of us unless she wants the attention.:rolleyes:

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I know where your coming from, I have 4 Mini. Schnauzers, and one of those weights in at 2.3lbs at almost a year old. They are all so precious, but the little one sleeps right at my neck all night, just cuddles right up.



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My husband and I (ok, mostly I) go through this issue every time we go on vacation. When we cruised to Alaska for 8 days, we hired my brother to just move in our house to be with our 4 dogs, 1 cat, 1 donkey and 1 horse.


But the best thing that would solve this problem altogether would be if a cruise line converted one ship to a pet-friendly cruise!!!

My husband and I have racked our brains thinking about what a brilliant plan this is. Yes, it would require the ship to be modified somewhat, and maybe a large kennel could be installed in each cabin, and then there's the question of where the animals could take care of business ... but I am confident there are enough smart people in the cruise industry to figure this out!!!


I would gladly pay more to bring my dogs on a cruise with me!!! It would be so much more FUN with them there!!!

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Our cat does just the opposite. The minute we get back until about week afterwards she is the most lovey dovey cat you ever saw.:D She also starts "crying" in the middle of the night the first few nights we get back until she realizes we are still there.:( Normally she is miss independant and wants very little to do with most of us unless she wants the attention.:rolleyes:


Ditto. Our cat is the exact same way. :)

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...when you could cruise with your dogs! We toured the old Queen Mary in Long Beach and when they mentioned the kennels, I thought WOW that is the way to travel! Of course I would not want them in the kennel, I want them in bed!


Glad to find there are so many animal lovers on these boards. I usually sail on NCL but really enjoyed my Paradise cruise to Ensenda. I even love the stop at Catalina!


I heard about someone who had their dog certified as a companion animal and now she can take her everywhere! Hmmmm....

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I met the lady with her small fluffy white dog that was on a Carnival ship.

I asked her some questions but she said she didn't have to tell me anything because the laws are on her side. She did say she had to sign lots of papers to take the dog with her on the ship.


She was a ditzy gal and I figured she had psychological problems and her doctors gave her permission to say she needed a dog because she is handicapped mentally. There is a Calif. law like that.


People were royally pissed off that she could take her dog on the ship and they couldn't.


When we got into a port she just left her dog in her cabin. That told me she wasn't all that sick with a physical problem. Some dogs are trained to tell when an owner is going to pass out cold. She didn't have that problem because she went to the beach by herself.


She was walking around with her dog on a leach that can go back and forth. At times the dog would go bother some people. The dog almost tripped a lady walking near the dog with the flexiable leach. I reported that problem to the front desk because someone could get hurt by getting tangled up with the leach. YES, I was jealous.lol.

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I have not read this thread through but it seems the gist is it can be painful to leave our friends behind while cruising?


Same here...we have a very emotionally attached huskie/Australian mix. Boarding is just not an option. This past Nov we were lucky enough to find a house sitter for the week. Being a good friend she basically wanted a full fridge, remote control lessons and $100. A wonderful deal for her and our dog, who is attached to her as well. The outcome was very good as Murphy was a happy guy when we got home.


Now for the war story. In March 2009 we also hired a sitter that we knew. This was for our Victory cruise out of San Juan. The worst case happened. We got the phone call about 2:00 in the afternoon right after we had boarded. The sitter called saying she just couldn't handle it and was leaving. Talk about a poor start to vacation. Fortunately I called another friend of our's who came and rescued the dog.


Cruising with Murphy? Sounds like fun!

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I met the lady with her small fluffy white dog that was on a Carnival ship.


She was walking around with her dog on a leach that can go back and forth. At times the dog would go bother some people. The dog almost tripped a lady walking near the dog with the flexiable leach. I reported that problem to the front desk because someone could get hurt by getting tangled up with the leach.


Flexi-leashes are the worst invention ever.

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Here is my idea on how ships can create special cabins for people with dogs. The ships can create balconies that are covered up with glass so the dogs don't jump off the ship. They can do their poop on news papers, or special doggie potty things that have recently been created for pets.


A special dog park area could be created so you can walk your dog on the ship. Plus have an outdoor dinning area for people and their pets.

They could have a menu for pets with room service.


I have taken my dog to the Hilton Hotel in Palm Springs and stayed in a beautiful room for a few days. It had a balcony. My dog didn't like the room. I ordered room service and my dog ate some of the beef I ate.

When she is on vacation she only wants to eat people food.... like prime rib.lol.


Then I decided to take her to Motel 6 in Palm Springs and my dog liked those ugly rooms better because she loved walking around the grounds outside. LOL.

Whenever she hears the words "Palm Springs" she jumps around to pack her bags. She is a small Jack Russell Terrier.

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I met the lady with her small fluffy white dog that was on a Carnival ship.

I asked her some questions but she said she didn't have to tell me anything because the laws are on her side. She did say she had to sign lots of papers to take the dog with her on the ship.


She was a ditzy gal and I figured she had psychological problems and her doctors gave her permission to say she needed a dog because she is handicapped mentally. There is a Calif. law like that.


People were royally pissed off that she could take her dog on the ship and they couldn't.


When we got into a port she just left her dog in her cabin. That told me she wasn't all that sick with a physical problem. Some dogs are trained to tell when an owner is going to pass out cold. She didn't have that problem because she went to the beach by herself.


She was walking around with her dog on a leach that can go back and forth. At times the dog would go bother some people. The dog almost tripped a lady walking near the dog with the flexiable leach. I reported that problem to the front desk because someone could get hurt by getting tangled up with the leach. YES, I was jealous.lol.


You can't always tell what a person's disability is and what service their dog does for them. I am physically disabled but you'd never be able to tell just by looking at me and I've learned to compensate for my disability in a way that you probably couldn't guess what it is by even spending time with me. I do, however, have a service dog that helps me out when I need it.


Only, I don't actually need him all the time. I'm visiting family in Minnesota for Christmas and then on my way to Jamaica for New Year's and I just decided it was better to leave him at home. If I'm going on a shorter, local trip I will bring him in case I need him, and usually when I'm traveling alone I'll bring him. And yes, I can cruise with him, too. It's not just California that has laws regarding service animals- these laws are federal.


Leaving him on the ship while at port may not have been her idea. Lots of places have laws and regulations about bringing a dog into a country without a quarantine period first (even Hawaii has these laws). Mexico does not, however, so I can travel with my dog into Mexico with no hassle.


I do think the protection laws are a bit ridiculous, though. I don't even have to certify my dog in my county so I don't have to show any proof that he's a service dog- I just have to say "I'm disabled and he's my service dog" and no one can question me further. I think there should be an actual certification and registration mandated so people don't just take their pets on vacation and use having a "disability" as an excuse. It sounds to me like this dog wasn't trained in general and in service dog training basic puppy training is the first step. All I have to say to Boo is "short leash" and he goes no further than 6 inches from my side. And if he's not on a leash at all (which is not when he's helping me) he doesn't go more than a foot away. When he's not "in service" he's just like any other dog and will chase squirrels, jump on people, etc. It's kind of amazing how he knows the difference and what putting his vest on means.


Oh, and if you ask me, I will tell you why I have him. I find when people refuse they're either bitter about something, embarrassed, or (like I said earlier) lying to get their dog on vacation with them. Very few people will outright tell you "I don't have to tell you because there are laws protecting me". Most of us like educating others.

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...when you could cruise with your dogs! We toured the old Queen Mary in Long Beach and when they mentioned the kennels, I thought WOW that is the way to travel! Of course I would not want them in the kennel, I want them in bed!



That is just so icky!!!:eek:



Glad to find there are so many animal lovers on these boards. I usually sail on NCL but really enjoyed my Paradise cruise to Ensenda. I even love the stop at Catalina!


I heard about someone who had their dog certified as a companion animal and now she can take her everywhere! Hmmmm....


No, companion animals do not have the same rights at true helper dogs for the blind or deaf. Just because a person needs an animal to feel "right" about themself is not a good enough reason to bring their animal on board. They could however poke their eyes out and then it would be okay.:rolleyes:


I would like to point out that Federal jurisdiction and the laws of the United States stop 12 miles from the coast. At that point you are in International waters and the ADA just become 2 letters of the alphabet.

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I don't mean to be rude but if you can't go without your animals then there is no way you can go on a cruise. I love my animals but they are staying home!!! Besides I have a Golden Retriever and he would be every where but with me!!! He loves people especially kids!!!! He would lick them to death:D

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My dogsitter gets paid to accompany people's dogs with them to fly across the country. Recently this guy's wife in another state realized she just could not do without her dog. She paid my dogsitter to board their own personal plane and fly him over.


I have no doubt that if they had pet-friendly cruises, enough people willing to pay the premium for it would fill a sailing. It's a little out of whack, I think, but...the free market rules. It would be interesting to see if the dogs love it as much as the people do. I would think that a cruise is not their cup of tea.

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That is just so icky!!!:eek:





No, companion animals do not have the same rights at true helper dogs for the blind or deaf. Just because a person needs an animal to feel "right" about themself is not a good enough reason to bring their animal on board. They could however poke their eyes out and then it would be okay.:rolleyes:


I would like to point out that Federal jurisdiction and the laws of the United States stop 12 miles from the coast. At that point you are in International waters and the ADA just become 2 letters of the alphabet.


I re-read this and see that it could be misconstrued.....my joke meant a person could poke their personal eyes out (being blind then) and then a service animal would be okay. While I don't care for animals and have none of my own, I would never want harm to come to almost any living creature (bugs, spiders, and snakes not included). I believe the ADA is one of the most intrusive pieces of legislation ever written (barring Obamacare) and since it does not require a disabled person to prove they are disabled or an animal to be proven to truly be a service animal, I believe this legislation allows anyone to lie till the cows come home to get their way and inconvenience others for their own personal pleasure. If people are going to be given the right to supersede state law and in some cases common sense, they should be required to prove the need actually exists (to the proper authorities and or owners of a facility).

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