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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Anita, your story about the 80 year old man is so inspiring! I have older friends who talk about how difficult it is to lose weight but our consultant at Slimming World says there is no reason why anyone can't lose weight and do some moderate exercise. Might be a bit slower but they will get there. But........100lb in a year is fantastic :)


I keep motivated in a number of ways - I have a photo of my 'lighter' self in the office at work which keeps me away from the biscuits and every Saturday I go on at look at my cruise booking, the itinerary, the ship etc and imagine myself there. I don't really have any sayings as such so would be interested to hear what you come up with.


The girls in the office laugh at me as I always have little words of advice when they're ordering in sandwiches and cakes. I do often say 'you can only sabotage yourself, no-one else can make you eat it' which helps when folk say 'one won't hurt you'!


I'm having a lazy day today, catching up with housework and bits and pieces. Think I'll check out that youtube clip to perfect the hip moves for Monday :)

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Try as I did today to take it easy today...I didn't REALLY get out of bed until after 4:00 PM...I slept in...I took a hot bath...followed by a hot shower...followed by a nap...more rest...started to feel a little bed sore...and thirsty...and my men were out walking and enjoying the sunshine...while I was home alone in bed...no one downstairs to txt to bring me some ice cold water...so I did finally get up...but I'm still feeling totally LOW...


It's like I can't quite focus beyond how big my nose and face feel from being so stuffed up...It's amazing that I can focus on my laptop screen at ALL...


So the prognosis for Zumba on Sunday is looking less than stellar...:(


AND...DH got the mail today...seriously our mail carrier must think we travel all the time because we get the mail weekly...and BAM...HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE news!!:eek:


Can you say JURY SUMMONS?!?!?




March 9...I am required to appear...I say it again...UGH!!


So I'm feeling like a full blown pity party over here...boo hoo...and my men left me AGAIN...and I am alone while they go play at the playground...which in the end kind of makes me laugh...because it is all just so SAD...LOL...anyone watching Miss Anita through the looking glass is having a chuckle...because if you are GOING to do anything...you MUST do it WELL...INCLUDING pity parties...LOL..


Enough of that...:p


Donna...it's excellent to have thoughts, phrases, and other helpful reminders to keep on track...being THAT person in the office is something that we all should aspire to be...my DH has been that for a long time with his homemade lunches...he has taken so much good natured rubbing over the years because he eats a healthy lunch more often than not...I hope the ladies in your office are good natured about the teasing...sometimes people feel the need to cut down other people when they make the good choices that they themselves wish they could make...I hope you don't let it get to you in a bad way...


I found out that the instructor for the Friday class that I had just decided would work in my weekly routine has changed the Friday class...she has invited another instructor to come teach the class in her studio...I am not interested in this other instructor at all...I've heard about her style...some people consider it something of a trophy to get through one of her classes...I'm sure she has an audience that loves her...she teaches a TON of classes a week...but I am not to be counted in her class...


Which just kind of confirms my feelings of pursuing Zumba instruction for myself...thanks for the encouragement there Donna...I'm getting myself excited about the idea...a little nervous too!...But overall excited...


I will definitely share what I come up with for motivation around the house...I hope everyone has a great Saturday evening...I'm just going to see IF I wake up in time to go to class tomorrow (I usually do without an alarm) and HOW I'm feeling...I'm resisting the urge to push myself...knowing that no good could come of that...It's taking a bit of self encouragement to convince myself that I'm not going to lose 21 weeks of progress in 1 week...which is laughable as I type it...but seriously...the thought has crossed my mind...I'm sure things will be okay though...if only I could breathe easy again...LOL.

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Kasi...did you ever check out that youtube video about maximizing Zumba? It was all about hip movement...there was a test in there to see if you had a certain muscle that was tight and thus preventing more freedom of movement...wondering if you tried that?


ALSO...shaking the hips is VERY MUCH an abdominal exercise...you would think that it would be more in the hip flexors...and it is that too...but REALLY...it is an AB WORKOUT...


When you are shaking your hips...you really need to think about sucking your belly button into your spine...this will help to prevent any stress on your back...but ALSO it will help you to engage those abs to use them to shake your hips...I know it's hips moving...but you have to THINK abs...


Hi Anita,

thanx for the reminder.

I was looking for the youtube link earlier, but must have missed it. I´ll look into ut again this afternoon.

It´s nearly time to head out for my sunday Zumba class.

When you decide on becomming a Zumba instructor, maybe we can arrange for a cruise all together in the future where you kick our butt ;)


It´s a cool but sunny morning here and I´m looking forward to fixing up my garden, just have to hope that the weather stays like this until later.


I really hope you are feeling better today.


Donna, and all the others, how is your weekend, wehat sdo you cook, do you do any exercise? Please come back and help keep our motivation up.


Take care

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Kasi, YOU have to post all about your trip to keep our motivation up! Will you have access to the internet while you're cruising? No pressure... but we'd love to do a virtual trip with you! Your ports sound so exciting. Just driving from Germany to Italy sounds exciting to me! I'd love to be able to see more European countryside... some day. Right now all I really see of Europe consists of the port calls that we make. A land-only trip just makes me feel kind of anxious, for some reason.... probably just not being familiar and not knowing the languages well enough...


I, too, exercise on the weekends! My workout week starts on Wednesday, when I do my first strength training routine. Strength training is on Wed, Fri, Sun. My zumba classes are on Thurs, Sat mornings. On Monday I do a restorative yoga session. And on Tuesday, I REST. The reason for my whole workout week is because of the zumba class schedule.


When I first started exercising, a few years ago, I got hold of a book that said I should base my cardio workouts on my resting heart rate (this book also described how to arrive at a 1-rep max for strength training... really good book!)... and I tested my resting heart rate at 78bpm. Using the heart monitor, I realized a few days ago that my heart rate at the start of class was around 82 to 84 bpm, so I knew that I must have decreased my resting heart rate for that to be the case! Finally, this morning I remembered to test my resting heart rate... you're supposed to test upon waking before you get up out of bed in the morning.... <drumroll> 61 bpm! Woot, woot. I think that's pretty amazing. I've never been able to "stick" with cardio the way that I can "stick" with Zumba! In fact, I was a little peeved at my instructor on Saturday because (a) she was late to class and (b) she fiddled with the audio system.... so © she "cheated" me out of 10 minutes of Zumba! Hey, what's up with that?!? I can honestly tell you that I would not have EVER, EVER minded getting off the treadmill 10 minutes early! LOL!


Just so you don't have to search for it, here's the youtube link



it's all about maximizing your Zumba hip action! But, importantly, there's a very simple test that you can do that will let you know if you have a tight IT-band and also an exercise that will help you. If you find the video boring, that information happens around 8:12, or so. I thought the video was really informative. ONE THING TO REMEMBER: very important (because I did tweak my back after doing my Zumba class and putting this video's information to use), make sure that you engage your abs, by sucking in your navel... imagine your navel moving toward your back...because this will help prevent lower back pain.... Kelly wisdom...

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I had such a horrible night last night...there's nowhere to go but up...so I THINK I'm on the mend...LOL.


I'm sorry if I have been a bit of a downer...:o


Whether or not I feel up to going to Pilates and Zumba on Monday...I am definitely going to do SOMETHING...I am SO STIFF...I feel the need to MOVE...I think that our bodies really do prefer to move...they are built to move...designed to move...and if you can establish a physical routine...when you don't do it...then your body MISSES it...and will help you get motivated to get back to it...


I would LOVE to take a group cruise and plan for Zumba classes onboard...I was searching to see if I could find out if there were Zumba classes on any cruise ships...I stumbled across a cruise that had sailed out of Los Angelos or San Diego that was a ZUMBA themed cruise...I thought how cool that would be!...there's no reason though, why we couldn't have an unofficial ZUMBA cruise for all us Zumba fans!...a mass goal for all of us!...How fun would that be?


I wish I could share some recent cooking tips and tricks...but I have not been cooking this past week...we have been at the mercy of leftovers, canned soup, and whatever else DH serves...


I can share something that made it more fun for me to be doing work in the kitchen...




I'm not talking about GADGETS...I'm talking about real tools...I have been in a process of assembling the different things that make the work of the kitchen more efficient and come to find out...they definitely make the work of the kitchen more fun...


Does anyone watch ANY food related tv? Whether it is a show on PBS, BBC, Food Network, or any other network...have you ever watched a chef prepare a meal?...Now, generally, they have already prepared everything in advance of the show...all the ingredients for their recipe are chopped and measured and waiting in simple glass bowls or on plates of some sort...the spread of the ingredients is very attractive...usually full of vibrant colors...it's a bit like being an artist...gathering the colors of the rainbow in food form...


A while back...I started using my regular plates as "prep plates"...the shape and contours of them were kind of annoying...I decided that prep plates would make a lovely reward for continuing on with my program...not for achieving anything other than...HEY...it's however many weeks later...and I am STILL going to Zumba...I am STILL in pursuit of the goal...SWEET...


I wanted something that would fit easily in the dishwasher...VERY important...something square...circle were annoying...and not too expensive...I found these fun little plates at Target...which are very simple...if you chop in order of needing to add to a recipe (especially stir fries)...they are just wide enough for one ingredient and make it really easy to add ingredients one by one...they are narrow enough to find space in my fridge...so if I chop earlier in the day...I can cover with plastic wrap and have dinner prepped...


PREP Plates...of any sort that work for you...make cooking more efficient and more fun...because it is just flat out easier to cook...


The other thing that I have gotten recently is my own "garbage bowl" ala Rachel Ray...if you cook with a lot of vegetables...there is a lot of garbage involved in prepping...carrot tops and peels...celery ends...onion ends and peel...potato peelings...pepper cores...etc etc...it really does help to have a designated counter top bowl for collecting all of this...my bowl is a big porcelian happy bowl...in what color you ask?...need you ask?...it's YELLOW of course...:)




A while ago I had a $1.99 plastic bowl from WalMart that I used...it doesn't need to be anything special...but you will be amazed how having this readily available place in your kitchen work station will help make your time more efficient in the kitchen...


Again...the idea behind a prep plate and a garbage bowl...nothing special...they make a big difference in the emotional and mental aspects of kitchen work...and let's face it...sometimes it's a struggle to just get into the kitchen to do anything...so having tools that do anything to make the job more enjoyable are a good thing...


OMG...It's a Martha moment!...Prep plates and garbage bowls...They're a good thing...LOL...

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You ladies are amazing!


I loved the story about the elderly gentleman. Very motivating!!


It is inevitable we are going to age - but my desire is to go into the process kicking and screaming - or in the very least laughing and



I think, for me, working out is a mind-set. I have to stay focused on

that not all "work" is work. My short experience with Zumba let me use

a work out for fun. I concentrated on body movement, healthy breathing, staying errect and strong... but I enjoyed the music, the rhythm, the

energy of the class.


When I am on the cross trainer I think of it kinda like laundry - gotta do it - just do it and get it over with. :p


This little group here is so interesting - so much info on healthy eating, exercise, fitness options - and a cruise message board - go figure.


So glad to have found ya! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Happy Valentines Day everyone! Hope you all had/have a nice day :D


Just back from Zumba and now know two more songs Anita:


Womanizer - Britney

Still not sure - was tired after warm up

Not sure of this one either :o

Lady Marmalade - Christina Aguilera

Not sure - salsa song I think

Living La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin

Not sure - Wiggle Wiggle

Rolling - Tina Turner

Lost - Coldplay and JayZ


Zumba was great tonight, Enrica brought us all a little chocolate heart for Valentines Day aw! Didn't eat mine but smiled and said thankyou!


I cooked broccoli soup yesterday which was really nice Kasi but haven't really tried out many new recipes as have been so busy. You must be getting so excited about your cruise now, hope you manage to post and let us know how it's going!


Denise I couldn't agree more about the cross-trainer, I treat my whole gym experience as a chore then look forward to Zumba for the fun stuff.


Anita, I so hope you're feeling better, sounds like you've had a real rough patch recently :(


Short post just now as I have to go and get some dinner but hope you are all having a good week folks :)

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Anita, just found another one - No.3 is 'The Roof is on Fire' by uproar! Not many to find now - then she'll go and change all the routines :confused:


By the way ladies, I love the sound of a Zumba focussed cruise :D

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Hi all


I'm off cruising on Sunday and wonder how I am going to live without Zumba for two weeks. Ek!!:(


I'm at zumba monday, wednesday, friday and have gone from doing no exercise for the past 17 years (my son's seventeen) to three classes a week. Totally hooked and seem to spend more time at the gym than at work.


Our instructor Elaine also just introduced wiggle wiggle and Ricky Martin. I can't remember many of the other songs, apart from at night when the toon keeps going round in my head and keeping me awake.


Just off to bed.

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Ladies...we all know that I weigh and measure monthly...I believe that if you eat sensibly and move (ZUMBA!!)...then your body will respond accordingly...daily and even weekly scale readings can be offset by hormones, sodium-content, water intake, and a host of other reasons that even though mentally, I understand, I find to be rather demotivating IF I don't care for the numbers on the scale or the measuring tape...


Technically...my measurement day is Wednesday but I was feeling the need for some happy news so I measured TODAY...two days early...I happy to report that I have happy news...and hoping it will motivate everyone to keep on keeping on...


I'm down to 173.8 pounds...WHICH, since I don't have an offical starting weight, but a pretty good guess...puts me at just over 30 pounds or so loss since the week of Sept 12...loss of 6.8 pounds since last time according to the Wii Fit...


In the past month, I have lost a whopping 2" of back fat...no real loss on the hips this month...but this is getting hard to measure...it's the old, how hard was I holding my stomach?...because we usually have a bit of tension in the abs...and this increases with exercise as we become more aware...and exactly how tight to pull the tape?...etc etc...I did report a big HUGE loss in the waist though...similar problem as the hips in measurement...so anywhere between 2 and 3 INCHES!!...Lost about a quarter inch around each thigh...and yay! about a half inch or so around each calf...I'm so very thrilled here because I long to wear tall boots but normally can't find a pair that fits my calves...


So that's my big report...remember ladies...I usually do Zumba 3X a week...I tried the one Friday class, but haven't been back...and I do the 2 Pilates classes a week...and I try to eat sensibly...but I'm not strict...


The biggest dietary change I made between last month and this month is deciding to abstain from alcohol...the Super Bowl Weekend being the one exception...I think perhaps this contributed to the big loss around the waist...giving my liver a break from detoxifying my body of alcohol let my liver have more time to metabolize my belly fat...and let's face it...they don't call it a beer belly for nothin' :p


I received an email from Kelly yesterday reminding me that she wasn't available to teach Monday's classes :( so even if I was feeling up to it...not available...sickwise, I'm feeling better...just still feeling a bit weak and lacking energy...but I know I am improving...slowly and surely...


Denise...I also couldn't agree more about cardio machines...absolute agony...it isn't for me...I'm so glad Beto went through what he went through to bring us Zumba...


Donna...sounds like you have a sweet Zumba instructor...more songs!!...changing the routines plays havoc with your metabolism...as frustrating as it can be...


Kasi...you must be getting very excited about your cruise...ONE MORE WEEK!!...and very busy...we all want a bit of virtual travel so be sure to tell all when you have the time...


cosytoes...welcome...I think it'll be HARD to be away from Zumba for a cruise...it's one reason I want to be certified for my own cruise! LOL...they DO have classes on some ships, I THINK...there may be classes or something similar...worse comes to worse...if you have a portable music player...head on down to the studio/gym at an off time and just dance for the fun of it!


To everyone...Hope ya'll had/have a lovely Valentine's Day!

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Today was a day to try to get back into the swing of daily life...thankfully DH did his best to let me rest...but today I needed to hit the grocery store and start cooking again...


Tuesday is tennis night...a dinner tonight was somewhat speedy...for the second time I put the pot of water to boil on the WRONG burner...I really need to remember to put it on the HIGH OUTPUT burner...had I done that...dinner would have cooked much faster...ah well...


I got a totally fun cookbook from the library today...Rustico: Regional Italian Cooking...which breaks Italy into 20 regions and has 10 representative recipes for each region...full of stories and other tidbits of information about each region...it is going to be fun to read it and dream about going to Italy...even if I don't make a single recipe...


When I told Mom about the book...she was very excited about the idea of it...especially considering her recent trip to Italy...she wanted to know if there was Spaghetti Pepe recipe?...she ate this a couple different times in Rome and really, REALLY liked it...unfortunately, the recipe isn't in the book...


But thankfully, the internet exists with a plethora of recipes available...and curious as to what Spaghetti Pepe was...I searched...I decided that Saveur magazine would be a reputable source for something authentic...




A little more research showed that Cacio de Roma isn't necessary in common recipes...and many only use Romano cheese...and I just happened to still have Romano cheese hanging out in my fridge from the time that I made that Alfredo sauce a while back...so with such simple ingredients...I decided that I would give this recipe sans Cacio de Roma a try...


And let me say...FANTASTICO!!!...OMG...this is super duper yummy pasta...peppery for sure...and perhaps, since I had to use preground pepper...and it was rather fine...it may have been a tad too much pepper...BUT...the technique of heating the olive oil...adding a cup of the pasta water...which boils pretty much instantly back on the heat...adding the pasta into the water and spiced olive oil...then turning off the heat and slowly melting the cheese into this mixture?...OMG...I ended up using about 4 ounces of Romano cheese...


I pan-fried the chicken as we have previously discussed...I steamed asparagus...and we had this pasta as a side dish...it was very VERY filling...a little went a long way...I know it isn't the most low cal thing to eat...I did the quinoa pasta which is 200 calories a serving...the olive oil adds 100 calories...and the cheese adds 40...let me tell you...340 calories for how yummy it was?...totally worth it...


This is a really nice technique IMO...to add a flavor to the olive oil...I could see trying garlic for sure...add pasta water...add the pasta...and then you could add as little or as much cheese as you want...I could see adding blanched veggies into the olive oil (leftovers would be ideal)...adding leftover chicken also (it would be a prefect time to reheat)...especially after adding the pasta water...I am definitely going to be playing with this technique...with precooked protein...this would be a super easy and speedy dish...


Kasi...you mentioned that you get a bunch of Italian food in Germany...have you ever made Spaghetti Pepe?...


Hope everyone is doing well...I should FINALLY be back to dancin' tomorrow night!

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As the leader of this here thread all about the virtues and benefits and fantasticalness that is ZUMBA...you may be surprised to read that I TOTALLY don't feel like going to ZUMBA tonight...


I'm not necessary ill any longer...but I'm not necessarily better...


I've been wanting to feel well enough to go to Zumba...I haven't been since last Monday...so 9 days...you'd think I'd be chomping at the bit...


But alas...I am NOT...I am sitting here somewhat in dread of what is before me...and I've been in some serious contemplation as to WHY?...and in answer to my own soul searching, I'm writing this post in the hopes that my own struggle will help someone else reading that has maybe fallen off the bandwagon, gotten out of the routine, and is struggling to get back on board...


For one...and the major one...I'm feeling the potential upset that very likely will result when I am weaker than I was the last time I attended class...I don't WANT to be weaker...I want to be stronger with each class...going to Zumba and feeling bad is not something that I really want to put together in an experience...Zumba is my fun thing that happens to have great physical benefit...but I know what energy is required...and I know that I am not up to par AT ALL...without even going to class...I can feel bad about how I will perform...and feel a bit down on myself...it feels like I've gone negative in my progress...


And good grief...I haven't even gone to class yet...but I am already feeling all these negative emotions about the performance I haven't even done yet...




It's like I KNOW that I will have to regain strength and stamina after a hiatus...especially one caused by sickness...but somehow, I wish that I could do this before heading back to class?...which will not happen...


So, I've had to give myself some grace here...it's OKAY for me to perform in whatever way I will...the important thing is to get back in the groove...not judge myself...I've done those little exercise personality tests...and I by far prefer to do things at which I excel...BY FAR...so this is a big deal for me...it is an emotional and mental thing to overcome...knowing that I will go to class and not excel...and be okay with that...


Another...I'm tired...really, really tired...I don't have the energy to do this...and it SEEMS rather stupid to me to go to two hours worth of class when I have no energy...but somewhere in the hidden recesses of my memory...I know that it takes spending energy to get more energy...I know that you have to MOVE...you have to DO something...and then you will get more energy...it SEEMS wrong, but this is the way that it is...continue to do nothing and the body will continue to not supply energy to do anything...efficient body that we have...why would it supply energy to someone that doesn't do anything?...


Again...I have to allow myself to just do what I am able to do...Pilates requires a different kind of energy...and it will actually be easier to pick and choose what I do in that class than Zumba...because Zumba can be a bit of group think...and you can get carried away by the music and the company...


So the answer to being too tired to move is to FORCE it...that's it people...you have to MAKE yourself do it...


This is when it helps to have a cute little outfit to put on...in a fun happy color that makes you feel good...


Fortunately I feel safe with all the ladies in my classes...especially the instructor, who knows that I've been down and out...and will be encouraging and smart all at the same time...I can go and feel awful and it will all be okay...everyone will be very encouraging about getting back into the swing...I know this...and it helps a lot...


So that's another thing...rely on the support that you have to help you feel comfortable getting back into it...whether you have a class buddy that you go with...people at the class...people on this thread...people that you regularly communicate your fitness objectives to that support you...turn to them for some help...admit your need to get motivated and see what happens...for me, my DH has been a help...just those encouraging "You can do it" vibes are so helpful...


So here I go...I totally don't want to...well...I won't mind going and being in the presense of some other people for a while...I've been cooped up at home and mostly in bed for DAYS now...I could just totally handle hanging out in Starbucks and drinking hot beverages with a bit of chit chat...ah well...


I know that I just need to get past this transition and then all will be unicorns and butterflies...is that what you said Mom?


So if you are struggling...know that I am right there with ya...I'll share on the flip side how it all goes...

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Hi Anita and everyone else.


It´s Thursday already, time is flying by. I´ve been away on a business trip two days this week and managed to catch a new cold on the train.

While my body wants to just rest, I´m busy getting everything ready so that I can go on my cruise next week.


A hotel room is booked and payed for. We will drive down to Italy on Monday, just cros the border from switzerland and will stay there overnight. On Tuesday, DH birthday, we will continue to Savona. There we will park our car and go onboard our tiny cruiseship, Costa Marina. The average passenger capacity is about 750 pax.

On Wednesday we will be in Marseille (Southern France). We are considering to take a sightseeing bus and just stroll through the city.

On Thursday is a day at Sea with lots of rest for us.

On Friday, my birthday, we will be in Gibraltar. Been there, done that... Well, I´ve no idea what we are doing there as I don´t care for the monkeys...

Saturday, another day at Sea.

Sunday we reach the Canary Islands, Lanazrote, where we plan to visit the volcano park of Timanfaya.

Monday we are on Teneriffa, another island, where they have a famous "zoo", Loroparque, according to some friends of mine, it´s paradise for a passionate photographer, which we both are.

Tuesday is one more island day, this time the island of La Palma. It´s said to hae a beautiful old town.

Wednesday is spent at the island of Madeira, where we will head into town to see the market, and after that, permitting the weather is nice, we will visit the tropical gardens and ride the Toboggan, a sledge made of wicker.

Thursday is another day at Sea.

Friday we reach the spanish coast again and will visit the beautiful town of Malaga. as I have been there several times before, I´m considering this day to be my shopping day, hope dh goes along with this plan.

Saturday is our final day at Sea before we return to Italy on Suday and have to head back to Germany.


I received our Webtickets yesterday, so apart from some preperations that have to be done at home, we are good to go.


I hope I will feel better tomorrow, so that I will make it to ZUMBA class, right now my head feels ready to explode, it´s totally stuffed and hurts a bit. I was at yoga class yesterday and I wasn´t really up to it.

Head down was nearlly impossible as the world started spinning immediately, and due to some breathing problems I did not manage all asanas.


Tomight is bowling night with the department where I work. So not looking forward to it, but there is no way to avoid it.

Tomorrow is my final day at the office before our trip and at home there´s still lot´s of work to do.


So, Anita, I hope you feel better. Did you make it to your workout? Anita´s Mom, how are you doing? Donna, did you try the pasta?


I´m looking foward to any new post.



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Oh Kasi!...I totally relate to the feeling of "head about to explode"...been there for several days over the past week...UGH...I hope this passes quickly so you can enjoy your cruise without having to deal with it!


Your cruise sounds like so much fun...I'm so excited for you!...definitely want to see pictures...I LOVE pictures...I hope your weather is nice...


I did make it to classes last night...I just took it very easy...during Pilates...I just went at my own pace...which was much slower than Kelly's...I concentrated on form and just enjoyed being able to breathe...Zumba was much better than I thought it would be...I purposefully keep it low impact...I felt like I was able to clear out some lingering gunk...moving, my body was actually able to breathe deeper than I had in a long time...it was wonderful to be around the ladies...I really love the group that attends class...that helps so much...everyone is very supportive and caring...funny how things are rarely as bad as you think they will be...I'm so glad that I went...and I'm so glad that I have 3 days rest before Sunday's class! LOL. I'm pretty sore this morning!


The weather has really warmed up recently...I'm lovin' the highs in the 70s...HELLO!...I'm wearing SHORTS today...and no surprise at all...they are too big...I have two pairs of shorts that fit me okay, but they are weird plaid shorts that don't really match any of my current clothing...and two other not so good fitting but have a tie sash thing around the waist that I can tighten to keep them up...so I'm thinking that I might have a bit of retail therapy today and see if I find any bargains...I'm thinking that the slow walking will be good for me...just to be out and about and moving will be such an improvement over being in bed all day...I'm a little bed sore you know?...I'm not looking to spend much or get much...I'm on a losing trend and still far from goal...so this will be a good time for forming something of a plan as to how I'm going to stay clothed while losing...I usually can find bargains that are as inexpensive as resale clothing so we'll see what happens...


Hope everyone is doing well...

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Thank you for reporting back to us as inquiring minds need details! Your itinerary sounds totally awesome. As my GS might say: "awesome in its awesomeness."


Happy Birthday to both you and your DH! You kept that under the hat as we didn't know you had one of those coming up! I thought about you today because some of the cruise lines have reinstated their Egypt ports. Wouldn't you know? But I hope you're equally happy with your new plans. Actually, thinking about it, you probably are since I remember that you said you really lucked out on a bargain price and DH gets a new TV! I think that 750 passengers sounds like a lovely size ship. I admit that I'm a bit "nervous" about being on the water and have had no problems with the megaships that we've been on, but I know that I'll need to go to a smaller ship so we can get into those ports that the megas can't handle. Please, please share pics.... love to see pics... especially vacation pics. I know a little about what you'll see on the volcanic park stop because we went to the volcanic park on Tenerife. We were told that it looks a bit like the moon! In fact, several movie studios use those parks as a moon setting in their films. The Charlton Heston film, Ten Commandments, was shot in the Tenerife park... you're going to have such a great time!


Wow, this head *thing* is making its way around the world, that's for sure. I had it a few weeks ago; it's brutal on the sinuses. In fact, I thought that maybe mine was an allergic reation to whey protein because my face hurt so bad. I told Anita that what really helped me relieve the pressure was to do a steam bath (put boiling water in a bowl, drape a towel over your head, breathe in the steam and do alternate nostril breathing to help loosen up the congestion). For me, that worked like magic. Anita told me that it made her feel worse! So, proceed with caution if you decide to do that... it might help you. I did put some eucalyptus oil in the water and it was a fabulous relief for me. It was all about pressure in the sinuses. So not fun.


Oh, here's a prayer that you will be over it before you set off for your port of call. We'll all be sailing with you, in spirit! LOL. You have no idea how wonderful it sounds to be driving from Germany to Italy, sail around your wonderful ports, then drive back to Germany! Even the driving bits sound great to us. Off topic: have you driven on the Autobahn? My DH wants to do that so much! Of course, in his ideal world, he'd be in a Ferrari or a Lamborghini... I don't even know where the Autobahn is.... well, except that I think it's in Germany... LOL...


Back on topic. I found some information (sorry I can't remember the source) that said exercise is good if your congestion is all above the neck, but be wary of exercise if you have chest congestion.


I don't know what kind of problem I had yesterday. Yesterday was a strength training day for me, and I didn't want to go so I just blew it off. Wow, I thought I was motivated to get a cast iron teapot, which is my gift-to-myself for doing a full 4-week routine: 3x strength training, 2x Zumba, 1x yoga. I had gone for 3 weeks, and I'm in my 4th week. You'd think that I would just smooth sail towards my teapot, but yesterday I really could have cared LESS. Today it's supposed to be my Zumba morning (when I high-five Donna on her way into class), but I have a dental check-up that conflicts with the class time. So, :confused:


I'll reset my 4-week schedule goal next month. I have all sorts of conflicts with schedule times coming up! Oh well.... it is what it is...

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Hello ladies, hope you're all better soon? I had my weigh in last night and put on 0.5lb so was a bit disheartened but had Anita's words in my head re: exercise and the scales so didn't let it get to me. I know the inches are coming off and I look and feel so much better.


Anita I totally know what you mean about getting back to class. When I went to Zumba last Thursday I was so nervous that I nearly didn't go. Now I am so happy to be back as I come out feeling invigorated and having had a laugh with fellow zumba-ers! I'm glad you managed to go and am sure you'll be back to your fighting fitness soon :)


Kasi, wow, not long until you head off and with birthdays to celebrate too - fantastic!:D I really hope you have a great time and so look forward to the great pics! Didn't try pasta as have been lazy with cooking this week, I will before the week is out - honest ;)


Anita's Mom - I will high five you never the less as that's what got me back into class last Thursday! Maybe if we all imagine high fiving each other around the world on our way into class it will keep us motivated?!


Anyway, my class is in an hour so I must go and get organised. Take care everyone!

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I have had a lot of fun shopping the past two days...it is very fun to be able to fit into the under 14 size stores...to be able to walk into them when I hadn't been able to walk into them before...I can still remember walking into Banana Republic and trying on the biggest size (32) and not being able to get the buttons to meet AT ALL not too long ago...and now to be able to button 30s is pretty darn fantastic...


I splurged on a pair of shorts at Aeropostale...a color similar to cardboard that will go with absolutely everything in a stretch twill fabric in a burmuda kind of style...$25...I figure with as many times as I'll wear them...it's a good deal...and finding shorts that weren't too short or too long, which they all seem to be this season, was something that I was going to snag when I found them...


Today I found skirts that were BEYOND bargain...$4.40, $3.00, and $2.97...yes I am serious...fun cotton print skirts that will go with many many things I own...I know this because the skirts are in my color palatte...and I have been purchasing my color palatte and only my color palatte for a long time now...I don't need to worry about bringing home orphan bargains that never get worn because nothing in my closet goes with them...


This is the beauty of the color palatte dressing...if you have not been on the Fashion board here on cruise critic, you may be clueless as to what I am talking about...but basically, your coloring will end up being a combination of either warm or cool and muted or clear...Mom is warm and clear...I am warm and muted...in the seasons labeling...Mom would be called a Spring, me an Autumn...or in the new Curt methodology...Mom is a FIRE and I am an EARTH...


I tell you what...if you plan on losing a bunch of weight...then you will need new clothes...and one thing that you can do to make life much easier on your budget and yourself for dealing with the whole transitional wardrobe is to know your color palatte...it'll help you be able to distinguish between a bargain that you will actually wear and a bargain that just ends up being a waste of money...


It makes it so much EASIER to cruise through the clearance racks...and when you try on clothes...you never have to debate whether the cut AND the color work...because the color always works...you can try on clothes to figure out if you like the fit and style...it makes clothes shopping much more fun...more challenging because you are putting a limit on things as well...but this kind of guideline helps so much more than it hinders...


I also picked up a cute dress for $9.00...I seriously had to debate over the dress...the pockets were the deciding factor...LOVE a sundress with pockets...


Seriously though...I'm just under the halfway point from goal...so I have a ways to go...and I seem to be making steady progress...so far, because of the size ranges I already owned, I didn't have to buy too much clothing...but with Spring weather on the horizon...I needed some bottoms...so now I officially have 3 shorts, 1 jean skort, and 4 skirts that fit...the 3 pairs of jeans still work...that's it...that's all the bottoms that I own...shirts are fine...I have purchased a few new ones here and there along the way...


The underwear department is rather annoying...I guess I wear pretty stretchy underwear (microfiber) because I never sized it up and it still is working okay...there are some pairs that stretched out and don't want to go back to the size they really are (cotton)...but if I were to actually buy new underwear, I'd end up buying NEW but the same size I currently own...so I'm trying to continue to make due in that department until I actually would buy a new size...


As for the upper underwear department...except for sports bras and cami-like ones...I don't wear bras...I stopped wearing them with the changing from year 2009 to 2010...I've had to buy a couple more sports bras with the new exercise shirts...but all the doubling up there works well enough even with ones that are a bit loose on their own...all my camis and similar though...they aren't fitting well...I think I'm just going to serge new side seams ...I decided that maybe I would buy at least one bra with the warmer weather coming...I'm a crazy size right now though because of all the weight loss (34DDD!)...they don't carry it in the stores I shop in...and I don't feel like special ordering a bra that won't fit next month...so I'm going to continue to make due there too...I might do a little online searching to see if I find a bargain...but something about bra shopping online is wrong...you really gotta try those on to know if they work...


Anyone else having wardrobe fun with their weight loss?


I thought I would put together a schedule that shows when everyone is doing their various workouts...anyone interested in being included...please post when you do what...Donna & Mom...I like the idea of everyone mentally high-fiving each other on different days...I think it's motivating to know that we have Zumba friends around the world trying to achieve their fitness goals...


Hope everyone is doing well...Kasi...especially hope you are feeling better with your cruise right around the corner...

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Time to talk food...


Major changes are going down in our household beginning next week...DH needs help...he is not losing like I am losing...he doesn't need to...his goal is much closer than mine...but he isn't able to be as active as regularly as I...he wants some food help...especially since he is bombarded at work with candy bowls...and he can't seem to control his sweet tooth...


He has asked me to help him do Fat Flush...


We have done this before...it's a very effective, but very restrictive, two-week eating plan...when DH is on A PLAN...then he is able to reset his mental switch and can deal with work issues (candy bowls)...and other snacking habits he has (especially right after work)...his goal is to use the next two weeks to get his switch set and to jump start his own weight loss...


I will not be participating in the Fat Flush at this time...I feel like I am making fine progress at this time...I might consider Fat Flush if I ever hit a plateau and need a radical change to break through...but right now...I feel like I'm in a position of "It ain't broke...so don't mess with it..."


I thought that I would share about this plan though...because the information gained from the books written by Ann Louise Gittleman seems to be very well researched information...seconded in many sources...and I LIKE the premise behind the whole plan...it makes sense to me...she has written several books...I own several of them because I find the dietary information in them to be valuable...


Here's the deal...I would say that a main component of the Fat Flush Plan is to help your liver...YES...the liver is the main focus of this plan...your liver is an amazing organ...if you ever research it...you will learn that it is the most diverse organ in your body...responsible for a plethora of varied functions...


Case in point...your liver performs a major role in the detoxification of your body...understand that alcohol, caffeine, OTC drugs (ibuprophin), perscription drugs, and many other chemicals are considered to be TOXINS in your body...your liver has to deal with them...


ALSO...your liver is where your body's metabolism is centered...ever wonder WHERE in your body all the food you eat or energy you have stored is actually transformed into usable body energy?...it's in the liver...


IF your liver is overloaded with the job of detox...then the job of metabolising the fat stores on your body is compromised...AND the detox process is compromised (not good) if your body is overloaded...so one of the goals of Fat Flush is to limit the toxins and to eat foods that are "liver loving" foods that provide nutrients that support liver function...


ALSO...the Fat Flush plan aims to help your body deal with excess weight that isn't really fat...these are generally related to excess water resulting from 1. lack of hydration and/or 2. mild allergic responses to food. Many people are allergic to wheat, soy, dairy, etc etc and they don't realize it. There is a complex immuno response taking place because of eating these foods...and this immuno response is causing weight gain in the form of water as well as the production of hormones and other body chemicals that are being produced to fight the "enemy"...so this plan focuses on hydration and also eliminating ALL common allergens...which is WHY this is a strict plan...


Because during this plan you can NOT eat wheat, soy, dairy, caffeine, and alcohol...carbohydrates are limited to "friendly" ones that will encourage your body to reach into fat stores to gain more energy...generally no grains, beans, starchy veggies (peas, corn, potatoes)...VERY important...you eat a good source of Omega-3 Fat during the plan...AND lean protein...the idea here is not necessarily to restrict calories, although this happens because you are eliminating so many high calorie foods...the idea is more focused than that...you can eat all you want of what you are allowed to eat...it's just that for two weeks...you have limited choices...


There are three things that I think EVERYONE can benefit from even if you are not doing the Fat Flush plan...they are...eggs...lemon water...and cran-water...


Let's start with eggs...eggs are an excellent source of protein...they are actually the BEST source of protein for a human...containing the highest percentage of bioavailable complete protein of ANY protein source...the proteins do much to support your liver functions...but one element of eggs has a great effect on increasing the quality of the BILE that your liver produces...lecithin is a primary ingredient of bile, which according to Gittleman is "a highly effective emulsifier with a detergent-like ability to break up fats"...eating lecithin rich eggs helps your body to produce better quality bile...which is turn, helps your body's ability to metabolize fat...


Lemon water...basically squeezing half a lemon into hot or cold water...helps to THIN bile...not sure why that is so wonderful except that it is...Gittleman is a nutritionalist...in the process of putting together her Fat Flush Plan...she had 30 clients make no changes to their diet EXCEPT to eat two eggs a day and drink lemon water twice a day for six weeks...without exception everyone lost weight...one woman lost 21 pounds during the six week period...just because she ate eggs and drank lemon water...


SO...if you are looking to boost YOUR body's ability to flush out some fat...then add some eggs and lemon water to your daily diet...


Cran-water...cran-water is what Gittleman calls a solution of 1 part 100% cranberry juice to 7 parts water...this would be like taking 2 tablespoons (1/8 cup) of 100% cranberry juice and adding enough water to make 1 cup or 8 ounces...you drink this ALL throughout the day...there is special "long life cocktail" that you drink first thing in the morning BEFORE breakfast...drink 8 ounces WITH breakfast...drink 8 ounces BEFORE lunch...drink 8 ounces WITH lunch...drink two 8 ounce servings in the afternoon...drink 8 ounces BEFORE dinner...drink another "long life cocktail" BEFORE bed...you end up drinking 64 ounces of this cran-water in addition to water plain water you might drink a day...it REALLY helps to get you hydrated...which is essential for your liver to perform optimally...


I know that I am still struggling to drink my daily water...I feel like I am just bloated so much with water...I think the cran-water really helps the water to STAY in your system a bit longer...


This weekend, I will be planning out and preparing next week's food...


DH breakfast can be one of two things...a smoothie made with whey protein, frozen berries, 1 T of olive oil or flaxseed oil (sounds weird I know, but it makes it creamy), cran-water, a probiotic powder, and bone meal powder (you have to trust me...it SOUNDS odd but it tastes great...our family likes the Jay Robb vanilla flavored whey protein best...even DS drinks it...which he will HAVE to next week with the probiotic powder since he is finally off the antibiotics...we have to put him through a round of probiotics now...)...OR...


breakfast can be two eggs with veggies...can be hard boiled with steamed veggies...or fratata like...


IF DH has the smoothie for breakfast...then hard boiled egg midmorning snack...IF eggs for breakfast, then fruit snack in the morning and a smoothie for a kind of dessert at night...


Lunches...basically, DH can have a protein (likely chicken), a hot veggie side (he loves this), and a yummy greens based salad chock full of MORE tasty veggies with a homemade Fat Flush friendly salad dressing (olive oil or flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice based with whatever herbs we feel like)...


Afternoon snack is raw assorted veggies...


Dinner will be protein based (chicken or salmon likely) with lots of veggie sides...probably stir fry, maybe more salad...DS can have a starch which DH will not have...


Like I said...a strict eating plan...but it is only for two weeks...


If anyone has any questions about this or wants to talk about it...feel free...I will be doing lots of chopping this weekend...and making sure that we have what we need to get the job done for DH...

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Hello ladies, hope you're all better soon? I had my weigh in last night and put on 0.5lb so was a bit disheartened but had Anita's words in my head re: exercise and the scales so didn't let it get to me. I know the inches are coming off and I look and feel so much better.



Anita's Mom - I will high five you never the less as that's what got me back into class last Thursday! Maybe if we all imagine high fiving each other around the world on our way into class it will keep us motivated?!


Anyway, my class is in an hour so I must go and get organised. Take care everyone!


Donna, oh please don't let 0.5lb, either plus or minus, dishearten you at all. When you do your weigh-in are you at home or are you weighing in with a support group? You know that if you're in a public place and have even a bit of clothes on that 0.5lb variance could be distributed very easily in clothing. I know this for a fact because I've weighed some clothes before to try to help with baggage restrictions in airline travel! And, even if you're <ahem> naked when you weigh, there are so many, many factors in the weight on a scale. You do know that everyone changes weight throughout the day, right? So even the time of day makes a huge difference in what that scale will register. How you slept the night before... there are so many factors... one of the biggest is hydration of the body. I've read that just the simple act of breathing, sweating, and eliminating waste from the body usually means a 5 lb fluctuation in weight throughtout the day! Also, just 1 pint of water (16 oz) weighs 1 lb! If you drank a glass of water right before your weigh-in, you'd immediately have a 0.5 weight gain, just from that alone!


I don't know if you've shared your weight loss goal(s) or how long you've been on your healthy lifestyle change program, but there are always points of body adjustment throughout, which means that there are times when you will see a plateau (meaning no significant change), dramatic weight loss, and (also) the possibility of some weight gain.


The very best part of your program, for your health, is your exercise. It's the element that is improving your heart, builidng your body's muscle, helping with the health of your bones, ligaments, tendons... and also your mental state. Second to that, and very important, is your nutritional intake. Those are the two most important things to keep in mind to get you to your goal. The weight on the scale is just a measure of progress toward that goal and not to be taken as meaningfully as the following information: how many times exercise was performed and what was the calorie burn as well as how your body feels after eating (i.e., satisfied or just a wee bit too full?)...


I'm so happy that our schedules allow us to support each other in our Zumba efforts! I know the scientific reason that Zumba is so effective; I don't know if anyone else cares about that... LOL... some people are more analytical than others! Anyway, keep the hips a-wiggling and the feet doing their salsa rhythm... I'm right there with you!....


Anita's Mom... aka... Pam....

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WOW...this morning Kelly put together a sweat-er of a routine!...Holy Cow!...


New Warm Up...Didn't catch the song...



New Song...introduced while I was sick...still don't know the music...

Hella Decale

La Vida Es Un Carnival

La Despidida

Bon Bon

Cha Cha

Jump In the Line

Que Te Pica

Me and You

***NEW Cool Down...Bubbly by Colbie Caillet (Acoustic Version)



I LOVE this new cool down song...love the happy beat...


It's coming soon...the month were we will be missing Sunday classes because Kelly has some training classes that will be weekend long sessions...I have to figure out what to do...I want to keep up with at least 3 days a week...don't know if I'll just try to do something here at the house or look for another class...


Something to think about...


Today will be spent getting ready for this coming week's Fat Flush...gonna be doing lots of chopping and cleaning of veggies...veggies will play a KEY role this coming week...I have a general idea of what to do foodwise this week...gotta go through the fridge and also hit the grocery store...I'll probably share some of the recipes that I figure out for the week later...


The best way to do this program is to have two veggie sides with protein...one is simple...like steamed brocolli...grilled asparagus...and the other is more complex...like a stir fry...some kind of ratatouille...I try to follow an idea that I picked up from some television show...I can't come close to figuring out what show it was...I watch too many...a nutritionalist was trying to help a family know how to put together a better meal...basically for weight loss...the idea was exactly like Fat Flush...lose the starchy carb side dishes...instead of a typical protein, starch, and veggie kind of meal...figure out a protein, veggie, veggie kind of meal...and make one of the veggie sides a kind of FREE side...it needs to be something so low in calories that you can basically eat as much of it as you want...eat to the point of being super duper stuffed...it's your unlimited side dish...if you have this kind of a side dish then you don't feel depraved...


Kasi...I hope you are a WONDERFUL trip!! Happy Birthday to you and your hubby!!! Take lots of pictures and be prepared to share!!


Hope everyone else is doing well...

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Ok everyone,

the suitcases are packed, we are just putting the finishing touches on our carry-on, will say charging batteries for mp3, camera and mobile phones :)


We are leaving in the morning for our drive.


I ditched Zumba on Friday and again today, as I did not feel up to it. But my sports clothes are packed and I definetly plan on going to the gym onboard.


Getting my stuff ready was kind of dishearting, I tried on my cocktail dress, which I bought for my wedding at county hall, and which I wore on gala nights on our last cruise. Well, Anita, it seems I have gained all around my body, but while my hips still fit in the dress, I had a snowballs chance in hell to get the zipper up, as my chest and upper back seemed to have gained quite a lot :(

Anyways, I decided on dresspants and some nice shirts.


I will have to get back on track when we get back, so hopefully I will fit in that dress again for my girls cruise in June.


I´ll try to report in on food, sports and everything else I believe is worth to tell you. Weather forecast is quite nice, ok cannot compare to Texas, but I might actually get to wear some tshirts. Right now I´m looking at a dsiplay telling me temperature here in Germany is again below freezing point. So I defintely need warmth, sun and generally seeing something else.


Take care everyone and I´m looking forward to new recipes, anything you want to share.


CYA soon.

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Funny how expensive it can be to try to eat fresh produce...I don't know how prices compare...especially internationally...for MY budget...I shop the sales...like today...I end up in two different grocery stores to get what I need...and unfortunately, the one was totally OUT of so much...I have to go shopping AGAIN tomorrow...


Anyway...shopping sales...last weekend, I ended up buying an 18 pound...YES...18!! pound bag of local Texas oranges...OMG...there are 3 people in my family?...so I'm on the hunt for recipes that use oranges!...which tonight's marinade DID...and it was FABULOUS...the recipe is among my collection of organized magazine deconstruction...it appeared in the January/February 1993 issue of Eating Well magazine:


Mexican Smoked Chili Marinade


Chipotles (smoked jalapenos) add character to this fiery seasoning. They are usually sold canned in tomato sauce, but you also see them dried. (If you use dried chiles for this recipe, soften them in hot water and add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste).


1 cup fresh orange juice (3 oranges for me)

1/4 cup fresh lime juice (2 limes for me)

5 canned chipotle chiles, plus 1 Tbsp sauce from the can

4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

2 Tbsp wine vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar which Rick Bayless says is more Mexican)

2 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp grated orange zest

1 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper


Combine orange juice and lime juice in a small saucepan and boil until only 1/2 cup liquid remains. Pour the reduced juice mixture into a blender (I used a tiny food processor) and add the remaining ingredients; puree to a smooth paste. use with beef, poultry or seafood. Makes 1-1/3 cups.


I used this to marinade chicken breasts. I grilled the breasts. To temper the heat in the marinade, I served the chicken with Avocado, Cucumber & Red Pepper Salsa which appeared in Fine Cooking Magazine sometime in the 1990s...LOL.


Avocado, Cucumber & Red Pepper Salsa


This clean, fresh flavor combination goes well with fish, chicken, or lamb. Yield about 2 cups.


1/2 cup diced seeded cucumber

1 small red pepper, diced (about 1 cup)

3 scallions, finely chopped (about 1/4 cup)

1 small jalapeno, cored, seeded, and finely chopped

2 tsp chopped cilantro

1 Tbs rice vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)

1 Tbs fresh lime juice

1/2 tsp salt; more to taste

1 medium avocado, diced (about 1 cup)


In a serving bowl, mix the cucumber, red pepper, scallions, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice, vinegar, and salt. Gently toss in the avocado. Let stand for 20 minutes before serving.


I also grilled lots of asparagus. (On sale for $1.99 a pound!)...I grilled extra asparagus because I like it chopped into 1-2 inch pieces in green salad...I wanted left overs for lunch tomorrow.


Tonight's dinner makes lunch tomorrow with leftover chicken. There will be a side of brocolli and a green salad. The green salad will have romaine lettuce, baby spinach, chopped cilantro, chopped parsley, scallions, red pepper, grilled asparagus, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and daikon radish. The dressing will be the Lime-Cilantro Dressing which I think will be very cooling with that spicy chicken. The recipe is from Mexican Everyday by Rick Bayless...see link for recipe.




I still have a bit of things to prepare for tomorrow. I have been busy on and off all day in the kitchen...playing with recipes...planning out some meals...I'm excited for dinner tomorrow...


We are going to have Jerk Chicken Thighs...I'm going to rub the thighs tonight so they can jerk until dinner tomorrow...I made the jerk spice myself...the recipe appeared in Martha Stewart Living Magazine in who knows what year...


Jerk Spice


2 teaspoons coarse salt

1-1/4 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons dried thyme

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon crushed red-pepper flakes

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground allspice

1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed


I'm going to rub this all over the chicken thighs and grill them tomorrow. I'll detail that dinner tomorrow though...


I am going to make the sauteed greens recipe that I mentioned a LONG time ago...we will use this in the morning as a base for the scrambled eggs...reheat the greens in the pan and served with eggs on top...if I could do over-medium eggs...then I would...but I don't know that I am that skilled on a school morning.


That's our eating plan...just sharing...all are welcome to share any great recipes they have found...


Have a great trip Kasi...sending good thoughts your way...

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What a day! I had such a good day today! Keeping on topic, I can say that Zumba tonight was pretty much the same routine as Sunday morning...and with all the humidity in the air...it was ANOTHER big time sweating kind of playlist...WOW...


Day one of Fat Flush went very well...I ended up reheating the greens in a skillet and adding some jarred marinara sauce to it...not too much, but enough to give it some added flavor...a bit to help with the bitterness of the greens...in the same skillet...after cleaning it up a bit...I scrambled eggs...they came out so well...I could flip them all around...I decided to put the greens in the eggs and fold them over like an omelet...the tomato sauce helped the eggs kind of stick to the filling...DH sprinkled a bit of cheyenne on the outside for heat and he was good to go...an EXCELLENT and pretty fast breakfast...


I debated having the egg and greens for breakfast...I couldn't face that in the early morning though...I had my typical oatmeal...


My lunch was a riff on DH's...I made myself a big ole entree salad with the leftover chicken, romaine, spinach, cilantro, parsley, radish, asparagus, red pepper, grape tomatoes, green onions, cucumber...and I got avocado on mine...


Dinner turned out wonderful...I had rubbed the skinless bone-in chicken thighs last night with the jerk rub recipe...I baked the thighs for an hour at 325 degrees...I set the oven up to automatically do this and be done at 7:15 PM...before I left for class I started making Caribbean Stew which is in teh Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites cookbook...that recipe is one of many on the page...I made the recipe to just before adding the kale...I left it on the lowest burner setting while I went to class...added the kale and the lemon juice and cilantro after I got home...the cookbook had said that the stew would go well with Jerk Tofu...so I figured it would be great with Jerk Chicken...a BIG TIME definite YES!!...WOW...I think that the time on the stove gave the sweet potatoes time to really absorb the little bit of spice in the recipe...


Now sweet potatoes are not officially Fat Flush approved...but Gittleman considers them "friendly carbs" for different phases...the recipe has too much other great stuff (kale) that is highly recommended by Gittleman for me to be too picky about...it's actually very hard to find recipes that have NO starches at all...


I have to say that this combination is a complete and total winner...I HIGHLY recommend it...it's too bad that DS wouldn't eat the stew...ah well...tonight's dinner will be Deja Vu Dinner tomorrow night after tennis...woot woot...LOVE leftovers for tennis night especially...


Here's my sharing of the Fat Flush liver loving foods...the deal is that the Fat Flush doesn't have specific recommendations for what veggies to eat everyday...just eat unlimited veggies...but the 24-hour Detox book has a prescribed eating plan that is a prequel to the detox...now whenever we do Fat Flush...I kind of incorporate the two...one thing I can say about doing this...it makes me eat veggies that I don't normally eat...and helps me get them into the rotation...


The Liver-Loving Foods...for the Detox, you are supposed to eat at least one serving from each of the following groups:


1. The Crucifers...cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, broccoli sprouts...1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw


2. Green Leafy Veggies and Herbs...parsley, kale, watercress, chard, cilantro, beet greens, collards, escarole, dandelion greens, mustard greens...(1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw)


3. Citrus...orange, lemon, lime (no grapefruit for some reason)


4. Sulfur-Rich Foods...garlic, onions, eggs, daikon radish


5. Liver Healers...artichoke, asparagus, beets, celery, dandelion root tea, whey, nutritional yeast...


Today...I ended up not having the crucifers...DH covered all bases...I try to hit these different food groups throughout the day...the books detail all the wonderful things that these categories do to support liver function...I'm not going into that detail...but I'll share the categories...and you may understand WHY I choose what I do for salads and why certain recipes have greater appeal during this program...


It is definitely time for a well earned bath...hope everyone has a wonderful night...

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Hi there folks, just back from Zumba and feeling great! I am working so much harder and really starting to feel the benefits.


Your fat flush plan sounds interesting Anita, don't think I could do it whole heartedly but will try and take some of the liver loving tips - and, it just happens that I went shopping yesterday and bought some chicken thighs so jerk chicken here I come!! I love the sound of that :D


Tomorrow is our taster session at slimming world so I'm making chicken pasta salad - chicken, garlic, red onion, mushroom, red pepper, sugar snap peas and baby corn (all stir fried together), whole wheat pasta boiled, then for the dressing - fat free natural yoghurt, quark and a tea spoon of english mustard with a bit of black pepper all blended together. You can serve hot or cold but great to take to work for lunch.


I wonder how Kasi's getting on with her cruise? I'm so jealous as it's only 3 degrees here today and wet :(


How are you Anita's Mom (Pam!)? Hope you're all well and DH is happy on the fat flush Anita. Rest day and weigh in tomorrow then back to Zumba thursday! :)

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