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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Here's the sitch...


My SIL invited DS and I to go to a restaurant for dinner last night...a kind of thank you for the meals at our house over their visit...


Our families eat TOTALLY differently...TOTALLY...so it was a bit of a discussion figuring out where we could go...my SIL was wanting to do something that would fit with my goals and be okay with whatever eating I was trying to do...


Well the difficult thing about THAT situation is that we have tried to have restaurant dining be more fun when we do eat out...something that I couldn't fix at home...not necessarily a chain...whatever...we end up in specialty restaurants more...but after discussing possibilities...we finally landed on Chili's as a place where her kids would eat...which is something of an issue...


No problem. We can do Chili's...Donna, Kasi, and anyone else who might be unfamiliar...Chili's is sit down and be served restaurant chain with American fare, including burgers, salads, sandwiches, some pasta dishes, ribs, other grilled food...big appetizer menu with lots of fried options...or chips...not to whet everyone's appetite...sorry...normally I try to avoid talking about such things too much...




The kid's menu is sad...typical dumbed down food that is relatively inexpensive...the best bet for my DS is a cheeseburger...which is actually a nice burger...better than fast food for sure...


SIL asks if I would be up for the "2 for $20 dinner" deal...you get an appetizer and two entrees from a limited menu for $20...sure, I say...because I'm accommodating and it'll help me to make the menu smaller to choose what I would want to eat...


What would YOU choose?


Fried Shrimp

Quesadilla Explosion Salad

Classic Bacon Burger

Cajun Chicken Pasta

Margarita Grilled Chicken

Half-rack Baby Back Ribs with Homestyle Fries

Bacon Ranch Chicken Quesadillas

Chicken Crispers

Crispy Chicken Crispers

Chicken Fajitas


The menu was a big jumble of the options, with no descriptions available unless you went to other points in the menu to where they are normally listed...so I was literally looking at this list...just like you...I'm pretty familiar with the menu though, so I had a clue as to the preparation of the food...I debated two options...


What would you pick?


I ordered the GRILLED chicken...I debated with the fajitas...but I make fajitas at home often and there is another restaurant that I prefer the pico and salsa at...and I thought to avoid wheat for myself...so no go for the fajitas...my SIL ordered the salad...


Are you ready?


The salad has 1400 calories and 88 g of FAT as prepared!

The grilled chicken is 600 calories and 13 g of fat as prepared!


The grilled chicken was served with black beans, rice, and pico...it was a very filling dish...pretty salty...at 1310 g of sodium, I realize why...I drank a LOT of water with the meal...LOL...


By comparison, the fajitas would have been 330 calories for the chicken alone (1250 g sodium)...then add 390 calories for the 3 tortillas (and 1040 g of sodium)...then add 230 calories for one condiment (and 490 g of sodium)...which would have totalled 950 calories and 2780 g of sodium...OMG...


I checked out the kids menu too...DS's cheeseburger was 400 calories compared to the 570 calorie cheese pizzas the cousins ate!...and the pizza was gross...the burger was super tasty...


What would you have picked? Test your answer here:




Just browsing through the menu...I'm so shocked over the sodium content...this morning on one of those morning news shows they had a segment about sodium content in restaurant food...it was INSANE...there was a dish at PFChangs that had over 7000 g of sodium!! Can you imagine?


I just can't stress enough...if you eat out...then know what you eat...these days...the information is available...it may be online instead of at the restaurant, so you may have to learn your own methodology for trying to pick out what is the "lesser evil" on the menu, depending on the restaurant...but these are skills that a life long successfully healthy and fit person should hone...IMO anyway.


I was proud of how I did...


Meanwhile...I'm going to classes tonight and I'm going to my all day Zumba teacher training tomorrow!!!...I'll be reporting all about that on Friday...I'm so excited!!! :D


mommyto2kids...the disco ball idea is a crack up...talk about ditching the workout and joining the party...LOL.

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I feel like a kid the day before school starts!


My bag is packed with two changes of clothes...and extra jacket thing...extra socks...my shoes (I change there)...I have my belly dancing skirts (just incase)...I have several bottled waters in the fridge (moved from the freezer)...a refillable water container...my lunch is ready...snacks too...my clothes to wear in the morning are all laid out...


Now I just have to be not too excited to sleep!!!!!


If I cross your mind tomorrow...send good thoughts my way...Kelly announced in class tonight that I'm training tomorrow and said the same thing...she said that I was going to be doing Zumba for 8 HOURS tomorrow and could use all the good thoughts I could get! One lady in particular that I don't talk with much singled me out and said she would pray for me...it totally touched me...she was so gracious in her complements.


I'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow and wishing we could be serious about organizing a Zumba cruise! Maybe we will have to get on that... :D

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I AM a Zumba instructor...I have piece of paper to prove it! :p


And what is bound to be a very sore body tomorrow...I'm hoping that a hot bath will help a lot...I can feel how much I worked myself today...but I held up very well to it all...only in the very last session was I actually feeling like I was struggling to do the arms...and they were weird arms...tomorrow will be interesting...


I wore my HRM monitor and am using this time, right here to add up the damage to the fat stores on my body...


Master Class...1:06:00 (time)...842 calories

Training...15 minutes...133 calories

Training...34:41 minutes...339 calories


Training...38:11 minutes...302

Training...38:37 minutes...357

Training...28:29 minutes...289


Today I burned 2765 calories...in 4 hours 48 minutes.


The day was 8 hours long...there was about 1 hour worth of break...two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch...there was also some lecture time...and I know that I forgot to turn on my monitor at the beginning of the last session...I was getting pretty darn tired by then...


I am excited to get started with this new phase on the road to getting fit...meanwhile...it's time to eat some dinner!!


I hope everyone has been getting to their classes! Seems like a busy season for everyone! Hope everyone is doing well!

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Hi Anita,


congratulations on you being an instructor now, it´s absolutely awesome. Your schedule from yesterday sound tight and very hard, but I believe you are so happy to have done so well.


It´s a busy time here, and I´ve been out and about the last few evenigs so I jut get to check this thread on my mobile phone and writing on that thing is not much fun.

I´ve been to yoga class yesterday evening, my first workout of any kind in a week since I hurt my lower legs during last fridays Zumba session, dunno if my muscles weren´t warm enough or what happend, but I had trouble walking for a few days. Anyways that´s much better now, so I´ll try tonight if I´m up to anouther Zumba class :)

It´s finally springtime in Germany so we spent some of our free time working in the Garden. DH is building some steps to get to the lowest level of our garden.


Tomorrow is weekend :) We are heading for an outlet mall as I´m in need of a good sports-bra and some new jeans, other than that I´m looking forward to some relaxing time.


On Wednesday night I visited my cruise friend in Cologne (you know the cathedral?). We went through our cruise schedule for late May, early June and decided on some excursions. We are counting the days, if I´m correct it´s 50 days to go today.

As I´m struggling to build muscle and loose some weight, I loaded a new app onto my mobile phone which helps me to keep track of my eating habbits. Let´s see if having it in writing will help my find where I´m going wrong and help me doing better from now on.

You enter what you eat and drink into 4 categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You can either search the database by entering a word, or you can scan the barcode of the food you are eating. Apart from that you can track you weight and receive a graphic to show how much you lost or gained over time. And you can enter your workouts and how much you lost during those.

I think it´s a nice gadget, if it´s going to help`I´m willing to give it a try.

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Hi Ladies,


CONGRATULATIONS and happy dance, happy dance Anita :D - well done on becoming an instructor!!


The disco ball idea sounds like a hoot!!


Kasi, I love Cologne (Koln?), went there a lot in my younger days, especially the Christmas Markets. 50 days til cruise is not too long to wait at all! You must be so excited?


I have been so busy this last 2 weeks but keeping going with the zumba and have now added swimming into the mix. On Monday I'm starting Body Combat. Didn't make the Thumpboxing but will try it at the end of the month when I'm back down again. Last week I ate out 7 days on the trot which is hard going but managed to maintain my weight and inch loss so absolutely delighted with that (must have made some good choices ;)). Must admit Anita, probably would have gone for the fajitas so good call on the grilled chicken, it is so hard to pick something.


Last weekend I had to go shopping for new clothes - all in a size 18 (UK) - couldn't believe it! Size 22/24 down to an 18 since 5th Jan feels good! Still 14 weeks until my cruise so plenty of opportunity to crank up the exercise and shift some more inches.


Zumba shoes were too small so need to order a bigger size :(. Ordered them before your post re: sizes Anita! Will let you know how I get on when they do eventually come Pam.


Hope you're all well and have a lovely weekend :) Sun shining here finally and due 22 degrees tomorrow woo hoo!

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Kasi...Wow! Only 50 days! That's sounds short and long all at the same time! And yay! for spring! Tracking food can be so eye opening...I was doing good there for a while, but I've totally slacked off on that...I keep meaning to get on it again, but haven't taken the time.


I'm so sad to hear that you hurt yourself in Zumba :(. I wonder if it was a lack of warming up?


I learned in training that the warm-up period is actually considered to be 10 to 15 minutes long, depending on the duration of the class...I guess I am used to considering "warm up" to being one song length...so the idea of the extended time was new to me...you should be experiencing a period of gradually increasing intensity...and each joint should be having the opportunity to move...and the major muscles getting used...for example...on the arms, you'd expect to have a move that focused on the biceps, then the triceps, a whole arm movement for the shoulders, it might progress into an arm movement that warmed up the chest area, then an arm movement that focuses on the upper back...etc etc...


I know you will already have or have not gone to your class...but for everyone, this is the idea...so beware if you feel like you are starting to move a joint for the first time in class...


Mom learned an interesting fact about how the body lubricates its joints...it's simple...but you need to move the joint...NICELY...easily...the movement alerts the body to lubricate that joint...after a few moves, then you can increase the intensity of the movement...


So think on this when you go through your warm up...that's for everyone...those of us with extra weight (myself included for sure)...need to be very concerned with our knees and ankles and making sure that the joints are lubricated and the supporting muscles are warm before we "hit it"...


Donna...way to go to maintain with all the eating out! I totally relate! (as we have been eating out too much again...)...and how cool is that to be in such a smaller size?!...and yes, 14 weeks is PLENTY of time for more change!...and again, YAY! for spring-like weather!


Yeah...the shoes run really small...wait til you try them though...you'll be amazed at the difference...


SOOOOO...I have 8 weeks to go until our big summer trip to Disney...I believe that I've been plateauing a bit for the past several weeks due to increased caloric and sodium intake...not to mention beer and wine :o:p...BUT like you said, Donna...at least with a less than ideal diet, there has been maintenance...and I'm thinking that this is pretty fab in it's own way...it's good to know that I can eat somewhat freely and not gain...


BUT...it's time again for some seriousness to enter into this whole thing...


Time for a mini-goal!


I don't know why...but I've been shying away from weight-related goals...and I'm going to continue in that vein...there are too many factors that can affect weight...I like to focus on the habits that should lead to successful weight-loss, knowing that eventually, the hardwork will pay off with persistence...based on the current situation...here's what needs to change...the big 3:


1. WATER...I seriously need to be drinking more water...I don't know what the deal is, but I have NOT been getting my water...I know that I get sick of water...it's boring...and it's not that I'm drinking anything else...it's that I'm just not drinking, until I get really thirsty...and if you've read anything about that...when you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated...SOOO...


to accomplish this goal, I am going to invest in lemons and limes...Mom could do a dissertation on "spa water" and the different additives (like lemons and limes) that you can add to your water throughout the day...but I'm going to start with the flavor I like (that's easy)...and cut a lemon into the number of wedges for the number of glasses that I should drink a day...I'll cut the wedges in the morning and that's how I'll keep track of my intake...


2. NO ALCOHOL...this is pretty self explanatory, but it's time again to just lay off the booz...not that I'm an alcoholic...but drinking ANY alcohol interferes with my liver's ability to metabolize fat (because it's busy taking care of alcohol)...so, it's just time for an 8-week alcohol fast...


3. NO RESTAURANT FOOD...this requires planning...and that's the goal for this weekend...get the plan together...make it simple...make it achieveable...I think I get too involved with menu planning and thinking that I need to make complicated menus...AND I want to record my eating for the next 8 weeks...


There we go...I'll have the starting measurements verified next week on measurement day...I'm expecting great things...because it's going to be like a whole new beginning on the eating front...


AND, there is ONE MORE THING...


I need to do some observation of Zumba instructors...I'm working on a plan for what in the world I'm going to do with this Zumba license :rolleyes:...the first thing I know I should do is check out some other classes...it'll help me with planning my own...and the thing is that I will have more freedom to go to classes in the next 8 weeks than in the following 3 months (when DS is out of school)...that's the other thing that I may plan out this weekend...so the next 8 weeks should be a whole new assault on my fat stores from the physical activity front as well...


Enjoy your weekend!

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Yes, Anita, I do love the spa. And I try to bring some of that spa "feeling" into the house on a daily basis.


But, before I tell you that... let me tell you this


Especially as it relates to restaurant food, as well as our CONCEPT of healthy eating. When you think of eating healthy, most people think of eating more... and less... less in terms of fat and sugar... more in terms of vegetables and fruit. So, most people would say... if faced with a choice of...


an entree salad... OR...


a half rack of ribs... that


you should definitely order the entree salad.


Well, tonight DH and I were feeling kind of out of sorts with the kitchen. I had attempted to thaw some chicken breasts and they hadn't quite made it to the complete thaw stage by dinner time. Plus, we were going to grill the meat and the weather isn't cooperating to make grilling a real pleasant chore. It's kind of windy and a bit chilly because we have some rain coming in that is supposed to hit us hard and heavy all day long tomorrow.


So, we decided that we'd do a take-out meal. My DH is very conscious of the fact that he really loves to eat on a cruise and he always tries to be careful before cruising (what he calls "good" which makes me crazy because I hate to define my eating in terms of "good" or "bad") and eat relatively lower calories. Anyway, DH decided that he'd order a favorite salad from a good family-style restaurant.


Based upon Anita's looking at the Chili's restaurant's nutritional information, I decided to check on that particular entree salad. WOULD YOU BELIEVE?????




And that was before a lovely croissant on the side! A half-rack of ribs is 810, by comparison.




I've just been called to dinner. I'll come back with the spa info in a bit.


Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday evening!

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I'm so glad that you posted this...I was amazed when you made the salad v. half rack rib comparison...OK...not that eating 810 calories for the protein of the meal alone is really that great...but STILL...who would've thought?


And please do share the spa info...that was my invitation to you. :)


Mom and I were talking earlier today about the kind of "high" that you can get after/during intense exercise...a kind of pain-killing euphoria...and the fact that this can be addictive...so there's a warning to not go beyond 5 such cardio sessions a week...


I've been sitting here this evening trying to plan my Zumba research...I've been looking for instructors that offer free classes, or at least offer the first class free...I'm going to do some free gym trials later, so I'm looking at instructors that are renting space to hold a class...I did manage to find 3 that work with my current workout schedule...


If I went for the INSANITY week...it would look like this:


Sunday: Kelly at 9AM

Monday: Kelly from 5PM to 7PM (Pilates/Zumba)

Tuesday: NEW at 6:00PM

Wednesday: Kelly from 5PM to 7PM (Pilates/Zumba)

Thursday: NEW 9:00AM

Friday: NEW 9:30 AM

Sunday: Kelly at 9AM


This would be 6 days in a row...which is going beyond the 5 recommended...and looks slightly insane on paper...


Because of the timing and location, I could skip the Tuesday night class...which makes Tuesday and Saturday rest days in a 7 day period...


OR...I could condense it all...the instructor for Thursday also has Monday morning...and the instructor for Friday also has Wednesday morning...


So instead of doing one class a day, I could do one Pilates class and TWO Zumba classes on Monday and Wednesday...which would turn my week like this:


Sunday: Kelly at 9AM

Monday: NEW 9:00AM; Kelly from 5PM to 7PM (Pilates/Zumba)

Wednesday: NEW 9:30AM; Kelly from 5PM to 7PM (Pilates/Zumba)

Sunday: Kelly at 9AM


Which one would you do?


I'm leaning toward the condensed version...sometimes, I think it's easier to just push through a rough day and then have more recovery time, rather than dink along with a hit here and then a hit there...like I was doing okay all during the training day...but today has been a process of recovery with serious stiff joints and tightening muscles with every sit in a chair...I have to stand and work out the kinks...but otherwise...I'm okay...no pain...not too sore...just stiff...



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Infusing water is truly simple. To a pitcher of water, you simply add your ingredient; for example, to infuse water with lemon and lime, just alice your lemon and your lime and add those slices to the water. Unless you're making gallons at a time, you wouldn't add the whole lemon and the whole lime. Just add enough slices to achieve the flavor in the water that is pleasing to you. Obviously, the longer the water "sits" with the ingredients, the more flavorful (or overpowering) the flavor will be. GInger can be overpowering, which is why I said that. For ginger, I never leave the slices in the water longer than a few hours; it just becomes too much for me as ginger can add a certain sharpness of flavor, kwim?


Morning water: Lemon and Lime Slices


In addition to their unique phytonutrient properties, lemons and limes are an excellent source of vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants in nature. Vitamin C is one of the main antioxidants found in food and the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C travels through the body neutralizing any free radicals with which it comes into contact in the aqueous environments in the body both inside and outside cells. Free radicals can interact with the healthy cells of the body, damaging them and their membranes, and also cause a lot of inflammation, or painful swelling, in the body. This is one of the reasons that vitamin C has been shown to be helpful for reducing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


The idea behind drinking lemon/lime infused water for your morning is to help the body heal from the activity that it just went through during the night. if you study body activity (it's pretty interesting), you'll find that sleep is one of the most important activities that you engage in; sleep is where your body restores itself, heals, repairs, takes away the fat stores (!) or increases the fat stores.. etc. By adding the properties of lemon/lime to your water, you're doing your body a service through the introduction of antioxidants which are your body's fight against the free radicals that might have been produced while your body was performing its nightly activity.



Cures headaches, fevers, digestive disorders, nausea, helps problems with respiratory, glandular and nervous system, releases emotional blocks, increases metabolism and helps in burning extra fats.


Aids in digestion, eases the stomach, assists in the treatment of asthma and allergy conditions and reduces nervous tension, anxiety and pain from headaches.


Alleviates symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.


The idea behind drinking ginger/mint infused water for your midday water intake is to provide your body with some assistance as it turns to performing digestion activity. You've eaten your breakfast; you've had your lunch; maybe you've had some snacks along the way; in any event, you've eaten 2/3 of the calories that you'll be eating that day (in theory). So, giving your body some digestive aid is a good thing.




Relaxing, cooling, anti-inflammatory properties.


And the idea behind drinking cucumber/melon infused water in the evening is the same as drinking a cup of chamomile tea. You're simply slowing down. It's the water-infused equivalent of doing relaxation yoga. Just letting the cares of the day go away and getting ready for the healing properties of sleep.


I wish that I would do this all the time. I don't know why I don't because it truly doesn't take THAT MUCH EFFORT! And, it tastes good... and it makes me feel like drinking more water. Especially on the days when I drink the ginger-mint infusion, I feel like my tummy "pooch" isn't as big. Maybe I'm hallucinating... but it feels that way.


So, I just put out this information because Anita asked me to. I love bringing some of the spa rituals into my home. This water infusion was introduced to me when I went to the Avania Spa facilities and I took some of the information from their brochure. Enjoy!


Gotta run; off to Zumba this morning.

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It begins today!


We have about 8 weeks until our one-week vacation to Disney...we arrive Saturday, June 4...it's an excellent, already planned reward for a goal...I mentioned before that the goal is three-part:


1. Water

2. No restaurant food

3. No alcohol


Knowing my family well, DH and I figured a legal "cheat" for number 2...grocery prepared rotisserie chicken...which is all over the place...for CHEAP...my local Kroger has them for $5, which is basically the cost of buying the whole chicken...bagged salad...bagged prepared veggie side dish...


I'm hopeful that during the discipline of eating in again, I will devise new strategies to make kitchen duties easier...once upon a time ago, I would do things like make pizza dough and pizza sauce for the freezer...dough freezes really well...I would double recipes and freeze half...you get the idea...the idea is not new...there are entire books, websites, and other resources dedicated to the idea of "once a month cooking"...Rachel Ray's new show is going to be cook once for the week...


There are places where you can go prepare your own freezer full of meals...they have all the prep-work done...they supply all the freezer bags...you just go in there and prepare the bags according to the directions...I was gifted once with a meal that someone had that came in their package that they wouldn't eat...it was so handy...but I'm one of these people that thinks to herself...I could do that for less...and get to pick out exactly what I would want...and not get a meal in my package that I wouldn't eat...but then I don't get the job done...


And there's something about freezer food...I don't know...certain things are fine, but other's...mmmmm...not so much...


I like Rachel Ray's idea better...and I have used her once a week cooking philosophy in the past...I called it..."If your GOING to cook...cook a LOT"...so that you have leftovers to eat very soon...and even more leftovers to freeze for later (assuming what you made would freeze well)...seriously...if you're going to make a batch of chili...all you need is a bigger pot...the effort to make a bigger batch v. a normal batch is minimal...and the same is true for many many things...


Like I never just grill enough chicken for one dinner...I buy family packs and I cook ALL the chicken...


Anyway...you'll likely be reading about these strategies in the up-and-coming weeks...


Since the goal is written in the negative...NO restaurant food...sometimes I don't care for normally...let's take a moment, shall we?, to talk about the benefits of home cooking...


1. Major, MAJOR time saver...it may seem like it saves time to grab and go fast food...and if you are out already...it might be...BUT...if you are at home already...and sitting around contemplating what in the world you want to eat...then the process of having to go and get the food takes much, MUCH longer than just being able to go into the kitchen and grab something...and if you actually eat in a sit down restaurant and are SERVED...well...that's even longer...


2. Save money...some fast food is cheap...BUT...usually, food from home is cheaper...especially if you calculate fuel and time costs into the equation...


3. Healthier...some restaurant food is healthy...but the control is at home...


4. Better atmosphere...some restaurants are nice...but if you have a nice dining area at home...clutter free is the key here!...you can't have your table turn into the dumping ground when everyone walks in the door...generally, home is just a better place to be...you can pick the music you want to hear...pick the noise level...pick the company (assuming you invite some)...pick the table location...the view...etc etc...you get the idea...




I know what I need to do...


1. Clean off a dining table! ;):p

2. Create the at home restaurant atmosphere. :cool:

3. Clean the kitchen! :rolleyes:

4. Plan the food.


AND the most important!


5. Execute the plan!


I'm expecting to make good progress in the next 8-weeks...it's going to be a big push to kick start fat loss again...I've been holding steady for a couple months now...I'll confirm this tomorrow, I think...so my body should be ready to respond to a big change...


How bout it ladies? You want to make your own challenge for the count down to your own vacations?

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Hi everyone,

I just came home from Monday evening´s Zumba class.


I planted some flowers I bought today, rolled the bin up to the street as it´s garbage day tomorrow, and had a wonderful hot shower.


Now I´m sitting here with my citrus water reading what´s new and exciting today :)


As we are nearing easter holidays for the school kids in Germany, my ZUMBA instructor handed out the vacation program today. It´s gonna be two hard weeks with Zumba only on Tueday and Thursday. However, the second Thursday they are offering a trial class of Caribic Bodystyle right after our Zumba class and I´m thinking about enlisting.


Well, it´s a week less till my vacation begins than for you, Anita. So, 7 weeks to go. I´m thinking about:

1. Just 1 piece of sweets per day

2. No soda

3. lot´s of veggies, but little rice, potatoes and pasta


Tonight I´m not hungry at all, but if that changes there´s some salad in the fridge waiting to be eaten.

For tomorrow I bought pre cut and packaged veggies, the chicken is already marinated and resting in the freezer, so some quick stir fry will be our food tomorrow. As it´s another Zumba night, it´s good if I can get something ready that´s quick and kind of healthy. DH is away for work and will return home tomorrow evening, too. But after spending up to three hours on the road he´s quite unwilling to spent to much time cooking.


My goal is to fit into my party dress for our cruise, otherwise I´ll be restricted to wearing black pants for gala dinner, as I´m not willing to spent any money on gala-clothes that hopefully will never fit again...


I´m looking into ways to be more active. But weather is going downhill, it´s said to be raining at all of 7 degrees tomorrow *brrr*

So I´m once again restricted to indoor activity.


So, enough babbling, hope to read from all of you soon, as you tend to make my day :)

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Kasi...OMG...it is SO HUMID here...it is ridiculous, it is feeling like summer...my mind is having a hard time thinking about you being stuck indoors still...it's too bad that the weather and the Zumba schedule aren't helping you with your 7 week goal...BUT the things you've listed will...for sure...I bet you can get into your dresses for the cruise!


Doing something that that one class after or before Zumba is the kind of thing that can be a great shock to the system...which can boost the metabolism and the release of beneficial hormones...I say go for it!


After starting my taxes...*ugh*...and dealing with other overdue paperwork, I did the choreography for my first Zumba song...I hope to show it to Kelly tonight and get some feedback...I think it's fun! :) ...not too complicated...just enough attitude...I like it...but I'm open to hearing what Kelly says...fyi...this is the song I picked:


Un Mes by Mara


I think the version I bought on iTunes is just slightly different than this one...the more I hear this song...the more it gets stuck in my head! LOL.

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I got to lead my first song tonight! Very strange thinking about Kelly being in the class and not in front!! I couldn't really look at her...LOL...it was a smaller class tonight...don't know where everyone was...only 8 people in the class! And knowing everyone in the room...it was a great first time leading! I got positive feedback and it seemed sincere. I'm glad to have that first time done! Could take me a while to calm down tonight...I feel like...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

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My Monday recap...


1. Water...not so good...I had to leave the house yesterday unexpectedly...drive into downtown to take care of business...and I forgot to bring any water with me...the craziness of the afternoon took over and I definitely didn't even come CLOSE to drinking my weight in ounces yesterday.


Lesson learned: MUST take water with me EVERY TIME I leave the house...I need to make it a habit...like taking my wristlet...take my water bottle...no matter what...


2. Eating from home...A+ on this one...I give myself kudos because I had a homemade latte, DH came home to eat for lunch (rather than grabbing Subway or similar, or me having to take him something since there wasn't time in the morning to pack a lunch), AND even though we were eating dinner at 8:00 pm...we ate homemade chicken tacos...much overcoming this day against the restaurant temptation.


3. Non-alcoholic beverages...as tempting as a nice glass of wine was on the day that I finally decided to start taxes? :rolleyes:...I abstained.


More long driving today...tennis tonight...definitely time for the crockpot...going to do crockpot chicken breasts...the teriyaki chicken recipe from the Not Your Mother's...recipe calls for skinless, bone-in thighs but I have boneless, skinless breasts...I've done this before, no problems, just a shorter cooking time actually...going to have rice bowl type dinner with steamed veggies...


Lunch will be interesting as the long driving today is for lunchtime dental appointments...food and dentist don't always mix...we'll see how that goes...my thoughts regarding that are...I'd rather be hungry than eat fast food in my car...I have some veggies cut up for a snack, I'll probably eat those beforehand (all that chewing really takes the edge off any hunger...you just get tired of chewing, KWIM?)...and then I'll look forward to a soft-ish pb&j sandwich at home...sometimes, nothing hits the spot like good ole pb&j!


Kasi...breaking the soda habit can be difficult...I know that I was drinking WAY too much soda...I read some information that helped me...basically, there is a chemical in brown sodas (I believe it's phosphoric acid) that inhibits the body's ability to absorb calcium...I've always wanted to be like my Great-Grandma and walk tall for as long as I live...I figured that soda didn't really help me achieve that goal...and truth be told, I didn't think that it tasted all that wonderful...there were iced teas that tasted way better to me...soda was just something that I kept drinking...I determined to quit soda on April 1, 2007 or 2008...


When I decided to quit, I decided that I would pick ONE place where it would be okay to have soda...just because I didn't want to be too militant about the idea of no soda for the rest of my life...I picked to be able to have soda at the movie theater...there was no iced tea alternative at any theaters at the time...anyway...there are summer discount programs in the states where they show a G or PG-rated previously released film one day a week at a morning time...the cost can be $2 or so...it's kid oriented...it was after the third movie of the summer...the soda was GROSS...I had been away from it for so long that when I had it, all I could taste was that chemically taste...and from that point forward it has been a piece of cake to not drink soda...I don't miss it at all...


I recommend that kind of strategy if the no soda option is challenging for you...give yourself time to wean yourself from it...find an alternative drink that you really enjoy...(let's face it, we all enjoy drinking SOMETHING besides water now and again)...most people I talk to that successfully quit soda do something similar...I'm wishing you all the best in that endeavor.

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it´s seems to be official, I´m a Zumbaholic. I felt a bit squeezy this afternoon and decided to just go home after work. My last business meeting was over by 6 pm, and Zumba class starts at 6:45 pm, 35 km from work and usually the highway is packed at that time.

Anyways, I took a coworker with me, and what shall I say, the streets were, well, not emüty but easy to travel. We reached our destination in less than half an hour. I dropped her off, took a look at the clock and decided to go to Zumba anyways. I got there with just two minutes to spare and as soon as I had changed into my workout clothes, class began.


I had so much fun, and I couldn´t stop grinning. We ended with Livin la vida loca and stretching, a really fantastic hour.


Lot´s of others in our class are wearing the original ZUMBA clothes (cargopants and tops) to class. I really like these clothes, they look fantastic, but they are pretty expensive... I´m thinking about buying me such pants when I´m down 7 kilos. To have something to look forward to.


Tomorrow is a Zumba free day. My yoga instructor asked me to come in wednesday and thursday, but I´m not sure that I´ll attend both classes. My legs are pretty tired tonight. I even hat a slight pain in my muscles in the legs and belly this morning...


Anita, thanks for your advice regarding soda. I now it´s not good for me. I´ve cut my soda intake in the last couples of years at least to half of what I originally consumed. Now I´m trying to go without it. Citrus water is good for me, as I need some drink with flavour once in a while. I believe coke and lemonade are at least 5kg of what I´m lugging around...


I´m going to watch some tv and haeding to bed for an early night. To all of you who head out to Zumba tonight, have fun!

And please, tell me, what do you wear to class?

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What I wear to class...


I wear yoga pants (long with flare bottoms), a tank made from wicking fabric (brands like Under Armour, Puma), a sports bra, and my Bloch shoes. Sometimes I wear a capri length pant. My pants are totally boring and solid black, gray, or blue...but my shirts are more fun colors.


I would LOVE to get some of those capri pants...I really like the new ones that are camo-like with orange waist and accents...the pants are super lightweight...they are made of nylon so they don't stretch when you move...it was weird to try them on, but I did at training...the waist band is super comfy, it is made out of swimsuit fabric...I opted to not get the pants at the time because the proper size was just a bit off on the fit...and I knew that I wouldn't wear them over my other pants yet...If you want to know for sizing...I tried a large size and I felt like the rear and the thighs were just a bit tighter than I would like for moving around...but I might need to actually wear a belt with the X-large size to keep them up during serious hip movement.


I did get the "Wild for Zumba" shirt in red/orange...I LOVE it...it's FUN to have Zumbawear on!...it's cotton-based which is new to me, but not too bad to work out in...I haven't slashed it up yet...this is like "the thing to do" to tear, rip, and otherwise cut up your Zumbawear to make it more personal. I DID cut the spaghetti straps off the back so that I could tie them like a halter top...I have problems with straps...Mom and I always seem to need to adjust straps to the shortest length possible...and these straps were falling off my shoulders and bugging me BIG TIME...I MIGHT do a treatment to the shirt that I saw one girl do at training...looked really cute actually for all the cutting she did! LOL.


If you are ever looking for an alternative site to buy Zumbawear, I can tell you that this site:




has the real deal. Some of her prices are less than the zumba.com site...I don't know if she ships overseas or not...but many other instructors buy from her, so you can buy there with confidence that you are getting true Zumba clothing.

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Well, Anita provided us with a challenge and I've been thinking and thinking.


I can't really come up with anything, right at the moment. Maybe it's because my next vacation is only 16 days away!!! :D


I did read an interesting post, from the fashion board area of all places. Someone was asking there about weight gain on a cruise and another person chimed in with information and a very funny analogy. I'm not going to repeat the information here because I haven't researched to find out if the poster knew what they were posting or if they were just making up numbers. You know, sometimes when people post it's so very obvious that they're trying to be funny even though the post is done in an authoritative, informational tone of voice? Like a poster said that the cruise ships install special mirrors in the elevator area that have a distinct property embedded in them that make you appear to become wider throughout the cruise... this special property is designed to make you appear as if you're gaining weight so that you will stop eating everything in sight by about day 3 or day 4 and then they can save money; it's all a ploy of the cruise ship to help their bottom line. Well, you know that is a tongue-in-cheek post and not really factual. I've never read the "facts" as presented by this one responder, though, and I'm hesitant to pass along the information. But... the one thing that did ring true to me...


they said that we spend so much of our time right before a cruise doing the things that are healthy and designed to help us with weight loss strategies. We (1) exercise, and (2) watch our calorie intakes... resisting temptations like dessert because we know we're going on a cruise and we'll be indulgent there so we postpone that dessert and don't feel at all deprived. Then, when we hit the decks of the ship, we race to the buffet (a good friend calls it the Pig-Out Palace!) and then it's off to the races for the rest of the cruise! And then we think that all we have to do is climb the stairs instead of take the elevator and we'll be OK.


I've been doing a bit of reflecting on that, actually. The whole relationship with food and what it means to be on vacation and to be indulgent and to have a healthy lifestyle, etc.


This is turning into a novelette, but I have to say that I am feeling so good in-my-body at the moment. In 1994, I had to have goiter surgery. That pretty much began a weight struggle that I thought I would never win. Hypothyroidism and weight gain seem to walk hand-in-hand, even if you get your thyroid levels in check. So, even though I resisted the thought, I simply thought that having a "thicker" middle, losing my waist, and adding some fat to my ribcage and my abdomen were just something that I had to endure.


I got my weight under control, halting its increase... going from 135 in 1994 to my heaviest point at 181 ... by strength training. That was the THING that eventually brought my weight under control. Then, I began to have weight loss, by paying such close attention to my calories and by increasing my "burn" in the gym. So, I went from 181 to 165 in a year. Then, it took me another year to go from 165 to 155... and I stalled there... big time... like a couple of years fluctuating between 155 and 150. The minute that I got to 150, I'd bounce. Going on a cruise meant that I had a few months of trying to lose the 5 lbs that I might gain there.


Cardio! Wow! I hate cardio :p:(

I tried so many times to get a routine going on the treadmill, such boredom! Couldn't stand the elliptical. Couldn't stand the cycling. Tried to walk outside and played all kinds of games, trying to make it fun. Don't know how to swim... Cardio... Just not for me...


When I visited Anita it was right after a cruise vacation. Oh, wow, what a cruise vacation it was! We flew to Rome and spent 9 days on a land trip before boarding Celebrity Equinox and doing a 14-nite Transatlantic. When we got home, we spent about 3 weeks getting ourselves ready to go back out to the Caribbean on the Freedom of the Seas because we were celebrating DH's birthday and meeting up with cruise friends. So, we had been out to sea for quite a few days. We flew from Florida straight to family for Christmas vacation time.


And that's when Anita took me to my first Zumba class.


After coming home, I've found some great Zumba instructors. I really love to go....


This morning....


I weighed 145 lbs.


Pre-goiter Surgery weight here I come! I haven't weighed this in such a long time! No, it isn't as dramatic as the weight loss on the Biggest Loser. But, for me, it's quite an accomplishment. And I feel so great... just to be able to hold my arms down by my sides and not bump into any bulges from my torso. I still have some spare tire type of lumps and bumps, but I am confident that they will be leaving soon....




That's the difference.


I forgot my original train of thought. LOL. :D


Oh, yeah.... short term goals.... must put my mind to that. I'll come back.

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Hi Anita,

thanks for the link, they do offer really good prices, but after tax and customs, it´ll be quite expensive, too. In Germany Zumba Cargopants are 65 Euros, that´s quite a lot of money.

Right now I´m wearing a sweat-capri from GAP to my workout combined with different tops. That´s not as cool as the original wear, but it´s what I´ve got at home ;)


Pam, I´m really envious of your cruises. You´ll be away for three weeks, so great. Please give my regards to Barcelona, I absolutely love that city.


Three days of Zumba without break have taken it´s toll, I´m pretty sore today and really looking forward to an evening ith just my household to be done.


I´m going to prepare salad and fish for dinner tonight, any of you got a great fish recipe?

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I tend to do fish very simple...salt, pepper, maybe olive oil, maybe fresh squeezed lemon...OR...I have a Cajun seasoning spice mix that I like, I rub that on the fish...BUT I do have two recipes that are more complicated...still pretty fast though...


1. Salmon on a bed of lentils


I don't always have all the ingredients...like turnips...I suggest substitute any root veggie (I've used potatoes)...if I don't have shallots, I just mince onions finely...I love this recipe because it really stretches fish...the fish serving size is less than normal because of all the protein in the lentils...and it tastes WONDERFUL...


The recipe book that I have with this recipe is set up in meals by season...the pairing that it puts with this dish is a Spinach & Citrus Salad:




Which looks way more complicated than it is because of the dressing ingredients. I LOVE this dressing btw...I don't know if you have all these ingredients, but just for future reference...this is a lovely meal full of flavor...it's in the Winter section of the recipe book...


Another recipe is Snapper Veracruz (but you could use any fish really)...it's a Mexican Seafood dish...it's from the Light and Easy Cooking Collection...I'll type the recipe as written to serve 4:


4 (4-oz) red snapper fillets (any fish though)

1/2 cup lime juice (but lemon would work)

Vegetable cooking spray (or just put a light coat of your fav cooking oil)

1/2 cup chopped onions

2 cups chopped tomato (canned works just fine)

1 (2-oz) jar diced pimiento, drained (I have left this out before)

2 tablespoons canned chopped green chiles (anything you have that will add moderate spice, like salsa, or canned spicey peppers, or cheyenne pepper, or crushed red pepper flakes...the point is to make the tomato/onion mixture have a kick)

1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes

1/4 teaspoon salt

Dash of hot sauce

Lime slices (optional and lemon works too)

Flat-leaf parsley sprigs (optional)


1. Place fillets in a shallow dish; pour lime juice over fillets. Cover and marinate in refrigerator 15 minutes.


2. Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray;place over medium-high heat until hot. Add onino, and saute until tender. Add tomato and next 5 ingredients. Cover and cook over medium heat 7 minutes or until thoroughly heated.


3. Remove fillets from lime juice; discard lime juice. Place fillets in skillet with tomato mixture. Cover and cook 6 to 8 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Transfer fillets to individual serving plates, and keep warm. Continue cooking tomato mixture, uncovered, 10 minutes or until liquid evaporates. Spoon tomato mixture evenly over fillets. If desired, garnish with lime slices and parsley sprigs. Yield: 4 servings (about 153 calories per serving).


Protein 24.7 / Fat 2.0 / Carb 9.6 / Cholesterol 42 / Iron 1.0 / Sodium 378 / Calcium 53


I really enjoy the cooking method of making some sort of one pot food and steaming the fish over that. Both of these recipes use that technique. I haven't ever ventured out on my own to make something new...but depending on what recipes you already have...if they were a veggie recipe, you could just add the fish on the top to steam at the end...


I've never tried to idea of making packets to steam with veggies in an oven...I try to avoid oven use, especially in the summer because it's already so hot here.

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Mom...I think it is INCREDIBLE the changes that you have accomplished in recent months...I'm so happy for you!!


On being a Zumba junkie...


There is something about Zumba...Mom says that you can actually stop thinking about everything else going on in life for the one hour of class...I totally agree! And if you are person (like me) that tends to think a LOT...then Zumba is such a blessing!


Three days in a row...I know what that's like and it's a bit like :eek: on day 4! LOL...you get ready for a break...and if you are like me, it's not necessarily that you are so sore (like hurting sore)...it's just that your muscles have been so used, they are seriously fatigued...and you can FEEL all the work that you did...just from 3 little hours of dancing!! I LOVE that.


And I think it's the greatest thing about the Zumba formula...it's something that you can keep coming back to...and even look forward to doing...it's a rush through traffic, wake up earlier than normal, hurry to get changed to hurry into class because you actually ENJOY it kind of activity!


This makes all the difference in the world...IMO.


IF you can find that physical activity that you enjoy...then no matter what, you will do it...and THAT'S how you make a major lifestyle change for maintaining good health.


I still have to weigh in and measure...but I can tell from the way my clothes fit that there has been no real measureable change...


But here's good news...


My blood pressure is back to normal!


Not that it was ever really BAD...but it had gotten higher than normal for me...I'm a low blood pressure person...I'm one of the people that bring the average down...normal for me is between 100-110/60-70...that's my normal range...and the last time I was at the dentist (6 months ago, right?)...I was around 120ish/80ish...which made the technician happy, but I was like :(...


Yesterday I was 103/65!!! Back to normal for me :D.


I'm PUMPED about that!


And my report...


1. Water...not good again...I brought the water with me, and left it in the car at the dentist...because DS had an appt too, it was a while in there without water...and with the treatment, I couldn't eat/drink for 30 minutes after and then I just couldn't get caught up again...*sigh*


2. We didn't eat at a restaurant even though we were away from our house during the prime time hours of 10:45am to 2:45pm...YAY! I packed a lunch for DS...and I ate a late lunch.


Dinner was a simple canned tomato soup, Ceasar salad, and grilled cheese.


3. Again...doing good here...no evening wine/beer.

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What type of fish do you eat in Germany? Here, both Anita and I, we have such a great source of fish from Alaska that we tend to think salmon when someone mentions fish! But, in my European travels, which haven't been as extensive as I would like, I don't think I've ever seen salmon on the mneu. I can't even remember the fish that we had in Venice; I just remember that it was a white flesh fish and they grilled it whole. Quite a presentation! They brought the whole fish to the table, all of it... surrounded by some vegetables... then they proceeded to filet the fish off the bone and make our dishes up for us right in front of us. I had read that there are restaurants that do that so you can see the quality of the fish that they are serving to you, but I'd never experienced that before! Wow, that fish was great...


But, again.. my thoughts are just taking off and I'm leaving my original thought behind!... what type of fish do you normally eat? And what flavors do you like?


I love fish. Here we tend to absorb a lot of different cooking flavors. So we have Mexican flavors like the Veracruz that Anita provided. I believe that the salmon/lentils has a bit of Indian inspiration in it. Other than salmon, we have sole, bass, swordfish, tuna, mahi mahi... as our choices.


On another subject, I thought I would mention how I helped with cutting down sweets (although I have to admit that I don't have a huge sweet tooth). Do you get those little bits of chocolate like our Hershey's Kisses? Do you know what I'm talking about? They are just little chocolate drops that are packaged in foil with a little strip of paper out of the top that make it easy to unwrap? Anyway, a serving size is considered 9 pieces = 180 calories, so 20 calories a piece. So, I put the bag in the frig so that the chocolate hardens. Then, I eat 2 pieces for my treat. I don't chew them; I just put a piece in my mouth and literally warm them up and swallow. This is pretty satisfying and takes a while to do; you can imagine because the little piece of chocolate is cold and it takes a while for the mouth to warm it up and liquify it. So, for 40 calories I can absoltuely satisfy my need for a sweet treat. Just FYI.


Donna... where are you? Doing OK?

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Last week was unusual for me. It's tax time and paperwork season...:(:p


So, I thought I'd change up a bit and instead of going on Thursday night, I'd go on Friday morning.... Saturday morning... Sunday morning. I tried out a new instructor on Sunday morning, at 8;30am :eek:, and I really liked her!


3 days in a row... I felt pretty good on Sunday. All like... yeah.. see what I did?... I'm the woMAN... kind of feeling...


and then on Monday? Holy cow, I felt like I was moving through warm molasses. I couldn't believe the effort it was taking me to just glide down the hall. It was pure muscle fatigue; not really soreness, just really tired muscle feeling.


Tuesday evening? Uh-oh... Zumba class... and I just couldn't believe 1/2 hour into the class how I felt so incredibly sluggish! It was amazing how those 3 days in a row took the stuffing out of me! I stuck it out and my HRM showed a high calorie burn, but I didn't feel like being "at the party." Felt more like... hey, where's the punch bowl?... LOL....


So, this week, it's another class on Thursday evening. Then, Friday morning, followed by Sunday morning. We'll see!


I wear capris and a shelf-bra top in an athletic fabric. I don't need a lot of support so I don't have to worry as much about that and I tend to wear the same clothes that I would wear to yoga. Anita, I can't even imagine spending that much money on clothes and cutting into them :eek:

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Anita, I can't even imagine spending that much money on clothes and cutting into them :eek:


I know right?


So you start with a $15 (ZIN discounted price) T-shirt:




A little snip here...a cut there...some serious cutting and tying in the back...and you turn an over-sized tee into a fitted halter top with some personality:






It's all about adding some personality...you can make halters and shapes with the slashes...




Or add fringe:




Really the possibilities are endless and the instructors are all over it...I've never noticed how Kelly's shirts are cut...she makes all the longer tanks into shorter tanks and adds fringe to the bottoms...


If you do some searching, you can find more images online and even instructional videos on youtube...also they have formed groups about this for sharing ideas on facebook...LOL.


Like I said...all I did was make my spaghetti strap tank into a halter which was a very simple cut...


And the only things that are being cut are shirts...not the cargos...

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never heard of cutting yur shirts before, that trend hasn´t made it to Europe yet ;)


It was another long day at the office and while I felt bone tired this morning, during the afternoon I caught myself listening to Zumba music in my head and "seeing" the moves that go with the songs... Addicted might be the correct term for it.

I´m really looking forward to Zumba on Friday...


Tonights dinner was easy.

Coalfish with a honey-mustard-dill crust and a romana-corn salad.


Actually DH and I love salmon, we´ve loved it for a long time and since our honeymoon in Alaska we actually try to buy the good stuff which is not so easy to get here. You can usually buy norwegian salmon, but that´s a lot lighter in color and not as intensive in taste as sockeye salmon. We love all kinds of fish. Coalfish is really common and pretty cheap, as is pangasius, thuna is a lot harder to get in great quality. redfish is pretty easy to get and there are many freshwater fishes, too.

We like to try new recipies, so I´ll take a closer look at your tipps, Anita. Thank you.


Tonight is a slow night at home, which is nice, too, once in a while. I got some new dvds so maybe we´ll head downstairs to enjoy some movie in the living room.

Apart from that I´m looking into excursions for our cruise in late May. And I´m looking for a week long vacation early august, which will be around our second anniversary.

Cruises are pretty expensive, as the Med is too hot to enjoy in august, so we are looking for Britain, Norway or the Baltic Sea. If we don´t get a good deal, a city tour, maybe London once more is also an option...

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