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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Donna! You must feel great. That's a tremendous change! I'll go with the inches lost over lbs lost any day of the week.


Story: a great friend told me that I looked like I'd lost so much weight! How much? OMG, she thought I'd lost 20 lbs. Nope. Good grief. I've lost 7 lbs. BUT, the inches lost has been tremendous as I've told you... and mostly in the waist and ribcage areas. So, they are teasing me about being "skinny," but it's the inches!!!!


Of course, the lbs dropping off will be part of the mix. But, Donna, you know that your gym and Zumba combination is the best. You're gaining cardio fitness AND strength. Hats off! (if I wore a hat, which I don't... so... kudos instead!).


You inspire me to get back to adding some strength training to my routine. I've been having such fun with Zumba that I've been ignoring that part. I'll have to do some research to see the minimum amount that needs to be done, of strength training. I won't give up any of my Zumba sessions, so this will be an add-on for me. Do you think only 2 days a week would be sufficient to do any good?


Same question: are you having fun shopping for your cruise? Or are you waiting for a bit longer? Where are you going?

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Hi ladies and thank you for your kind words :) Anita, way to go with your shorts and pants, it's so great when you try them on and they're too big!!


Pam, any addition to your routine must surely make a difference so I'm sure 2 sessions would be great.


I am off on 23rd July on the Grand Princess, Mediterranean Adventure - Malaga, Barcelona, Monaco, Rome, Naples, Ajaccio and Gibraltar. I have started shopping and plan on wearing absolutely nothing I took with me last year as hoping it will all be too big ;) I have bought shorts, trousers, tops and most importantly 2 formal dresses (although still a way to go to get in to them :o).


I like to buy a few things every month to save money in the long term. Just hope it will all fit!!

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First, let me introduce myself....; I am a Donna too. :)

Zumba Fitness was introduced to my community last

August. I heard so much about it, I thought I'd give it

a try, particularly since Zumba classes were at a

High School within 3 miles of where I live. Since then

our Zumba family has really grown. We now have

a Zumba Studio, plus various other locations through-

out 4 towns, and Zumba is offered at least 6 days

a week along with Turbo Kick, Boot camp, and Yoga.

My goal is to eventually attend more than one Zumba

class a week. Funny thing.....; the music "sticks~to~the~

roof~of~my~mind, but some of the newer Zumba routines

really challenge me (I'm 59). :confused::o:rolleyes: Most times we have

an Advanced Instructor and a Basic Instructor on stage,

so that helps. The older routines are no problem for me...;

it's just the newer ones. Thank goodness for our wonderful

and patient Instructors! Anyway....when I am comfortable

with the various Zumba routines, I really enjoy myself. :)

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Hello Donna 2. :D Welcome to our chat fest. I know! Zumba music just enters your whole body, doesn't it? What's funny is that I can be sitting someplace, like a Mexican restaurant, chatting away with friends... and then, all of a sudden, PitBull... hey I know that song!... and my friends look at me kind of strange because this isn't the type of music that I normally listen to! LOL.


Hey, I just enjoy myself whether I can do the routines or not! You are slightly younger than I am! :p I just do that when-I-wear-purple thing, kwim? Dance like no one is watching.


Right now, I'm getting back into the Zumba routines. I figured out that I missed 20 Zumba sessions while I was on vacation. The first one when I returned... well... never mind...


I did the second class, since my vacation return, last night. It wasn't quite as bad. Still not to the level that I was when I left, but I thought that maybe I only half-died, instead of full-on died. Anyway, just as much fun as ever. In fact, one young lady in class told me that this is the most fun you can ever have in an hour, burning calories.


Teddy (instructor) is doing a routine to Cotton-Eyed Joe. Remember that song? I don't know it it's new on the charts or if Teddy just likes it, but (boy, how...dy!...) does he do a kick-stomping, twirling routine to that song! He even comes down into the class itself and does the twirl with several people, people twirl with other people, we chase each other around like we know what we're doing square dancing.... what a hoot!... it's the last song before the cool down.


Last night, like I said, felt better. I think the first time had a touch of jet lag in it, possibly.


So, on another topic... on my cruise I met a couple who were 85 and had been married for 62 years! They were amazing. Laughing all the time, honest, earnest people. Had wonderful stories to tell. Jack and Dolores. Jack said that his wish for everyone was that they always remember how wonderful life is and how precious each day is and make the most of all that they are given. Thank God and look around to see the good in what you have and the people that you are blessed to know. Love your family. Cherish your friends.




Thought I'd share. Every once in a while, people come along that are such beacons of light that they make an impact on my heart. Jack and Dolores; I'm so glad I met you!


And I'm so glad that I've met everyone on this thread. All of you have a wonderful day, full of good things.

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I read Mom's post and it makes my frustration over this forum quite petty :p...LOL.


But seriously, is anyone else having issues? I've typed in too-many-to-count novel-ious posts to have them hang up in the system and never post! It makes me :mad:.


So if you have been wondering what in the world is going on with chatty Anita...that's it!


Two Donnas!! How are we going to keep this straight?


Donna...I have to tell you. Mom and I were having a conversation and she cracked me up...we are imagining you saying "Git 'er done" in what is surely a Scottish accent...THAT made us LOL.


Donna too...welcome! That's really interesting to hear that you have two instructors in your class...advanced and beginner...or you could say high intensity and modified...and that would probably be more accurate...even an advanced person may need to do modified moves...and the great thing about Zumba is that is can be adapted...I think that is wonderful that you have two instructors that are working together like that! It's a pretty fabulous idea actually.


Sounds like your classes are a lot of fun...I like reading you describe it as a "Zumba family" as this is what the Zumba office strives to have happen. When you know people in the classes...even if they are just your class buddies and you don't see them any where else...it adds a lil' somethin' somethin' to the experience to make it that much more fun to go.


I am working on my own choreography. I was right in that no one came to my morning class yesterday, so I spent the time working on choreo. I'm getting NOWHERE trying to come up with my own warm-up routine. VERY frustrating. I did choreo a waist widdling cumbia routine though. I have my list that I did for Curves. The ladies don't want me to change it yet. I'm fine with that. But when I start the Tuesday classes, I want to have a different play list...so I'm trying to come up with equivalent but different songs.


One of my songs is to the new Spanglish version of "Stand By Me." Anyone do that song? It's a slow bachata rhythm. The routine Kelly choreographed is an intense ab workout. My new cumbia to the song "Ay Papasita" is very similar. Anyone doing that song yet? It was on the latest CD Zumba sent to the instructors.


Nice post Mom. I love the sentiment from Jack and Dolores.


Zumba love!

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Oh, Donna, lucky girl!


I especially liked the phrase "contagious choreography." Doesn't that sum it up perfectly?


Now we've got to pound on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity to do this as well. I've been on the Ruby Princess so I know what they're talking about when they talk about the areas where they hold the Zumba classes. How perfect! They're talking about the dance venue in the disco area, which is very big as you can imagine. And they're talking about a great area around the pool when they talk about outside where they have the Movies Under the Stars (MUTS). Can you imagine doing Zumba outside on a pool deck with Caribbean breezes? Fun, fun, fun. Oh, I guess you'll be doing Zumba with Mediterranean breezes? Are they as warm and refreshing?!?


I told Anita that I think my last Zumba class had about 120, packed, packed people. We are having more and more men show up! Large, bulky, weight lifters! OMG! OK, maybe they don't wiggle their hips in quite the "Kelly" way, but they are in there big time doing the moves with attitude. Big time 'tude. They're fun to have in the class. I've noticed that Teddy alters his moves when the class is packed. We are such mimics, as students, that he helps us out by keeping his moves closer to his body.. otherwise we'd be smacking the person next to us. Big time. What's bad is that the people in front tend to start moving back, just a little bit at a time, because they want to be able to see him better and they start off being slightly in front of him... by the end of the class, the back row is squished.


I'm amazed in my area that these classes are still packed! Usually after Memorial Day, our second-home visitors go back to wherever they live the rest of the year... leaving us to our warmer temperatures and making the area feel so much calmer. We'll see if these classes will decrease some in the next few weeks. I actually hope so! I never want to wish that anyone would stop exercising... but, you can't believe how packed these classes I attend are!


There are several ladies in each class that I truly love to see when I go. I know that they live here year round, as do I, so (of course) I'm not hoping that they stop going! I'm being selective... all those people that I haven't met, yet. LOL.


Donna, I haven't added any strength training yet. I really want to do something more with my arms to give them more definition. Anita has some arm definition happening! She attributes it to Pilates.


Back to original topic. I'm so happy for you that Zumba will be part of your sailing. And I'm really hoping that it is looked at closely by my favorite cruise lines, as well.


High Five....

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Hi there! I stumbled upon this post and I have been wanting to try Zumba for quite awhile. The classes in this area do not work with my schedule but I did get the Zumba for the wii which, sadly, has been staring me down from it's unopened box from the shelf for about two months now.


I'm not motivated!!!


A bit about me....


I turned 40 myself this past November. I am married to the love of my life (hubby #2 as #1 was not a good match for me and had to be kicked to the curb). We have a Brady Bunch situation....he had 3 kids, I had 2 and just because this is the way my life works...we had one together just in time for my 40th! Surprise! Our little guy is such a joy and rounds out the group with 6 total kids. They are 12, 10, 9, 8, 7 & 8 months. I, of course, work full time...DH works full time...and the kids are active in sports, etc. It seems like I don't have time to take a decent poop nevermind getting an hour or so to myself to exercise.


So I am sitting here thinking that this baby weight is not coming off at 40 as quickly as it did at 30. We have a trip booked for DH birthday (just the two of us--no kids) leaving Jan 29, 2012. I figured this was far enough away to give me time to lose 30 pounds and a good "prize" to keep my eye on.


I have been so motivated reading your stories/blogs so tomorrow, I am ripping the box open if it kills me and carving out some wii time. Wish me luck!!!

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@Donna...YAY!! I'm excited for you to keep up with Zumba on your cruise...I can totally understand why the cruise ship Zumba would be so popular...does anyone else ever feel like a lot of the Zumba music is "vacation music?"...of all the kinds of exercise that you can do, Zumba would be the one to do while on vacation...


@Mom...I do hope that other cruise lines will follow suit...the funny thing about the way they are talking about Zumba in that Princess article...it's like Zumba is a "new" thing...but it isn't...slowly but surely, it seems to be spreading all over...and so when it hits a new market, it's NEW!...LOL...how fun to have the men in class...I have only ever seen men in the DVDs...at training...the ones that get interested really do have the ability to move...and they can be fun to watch...


@JMHAM...Can I call you Carol? LOL!!...Sounds like you have a very demanding family life...I know it's difficult to carve out "me time"...but you have to do it...getting the Wii game is a good compromise...I've heard that it is pretty fun?...no one has really reviewed it for us here yet...


Having 6+ months to reach a goal of 30 pounds is averaging just over a pound a week...If you haven't been drinking water like you should (a topic we keep coming back to on this thread), and you get that going on, and really get yourself hydrated, you will likely have a significant drop in the beginning, which can help your average out...Like I say to everyone though, TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS!!!...As you get more and more comfortable with the moves, you will learn variations of the moves that will really get your hips shaking and engage your obliques...you can really lose inches with Zumba...you can start to look significantly different with minimal weight loss...knowing your measurements helps keep the motivation high.


The thing about any physical activity...if you aren't one of those people that have a lifetime activity...like you LOVE tennis...and you will do what you can to get a game on...or just take a basket of balls and hit the court to practice your serve *gag*...if that isn't you?, then you can't wait for the motivation to hit before you start doing something...IMO you just have to FORCE yourself to do it...you pick a day...you pick a time...you don't allow ANY excuses to come into play...and you DECIDE to do it...and if you are fortunate enough...then the thing you made yourself do will actually appeal to you in some way...so that the NEXT time you pick the day and the time, it is easier to do it...stay focused on the positive...and THEN the motivation will kick in...


When you enjoy yourself...for whatever reason...maybe you get great results from your activity...maybe you have a workout buddy...Zumba for me turned into "Mom's Night Out"...buh bye DH and DS...I'm OUTTA here to have fun the ladies...SERIOUSLY...knowledge of what you are doing is what helps MOTIVATION...in the beginning though...you need INITIATIVE...not motivation...you need to adopt this attitude:




Rip the box open...DO IT!! :)...and come back here and give us a review. How does Zumba work in video game? Are there levels? Do you unlock new songs? New rhythms? Is there a score? How do you earn points? I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!!


Today is the first day of summer! School's out for summer!!! Tennis camp is next week though, so I still have time to figure out what will be happening with DS when I teach my daytime class...I'm working on putting together my playlist for my first Tuesday night class...it's only 45 minutes, but I'm excited...there are at least 10 ladies that have commited to coming...woot woot!! Last night there were 14 and the response was just as positive...I guess the ladies were spreading the word and people who had been away for a month because of all the mess Zumba was making came back last night...so the owner was thrilled about that...and again we had a great class.


I have to say that I still hate the carpet...


Which reminds me...when you do the Wii game...beware of your flooring...if you are doing the game on carpet...be very careful...twisting action and carpet DON'T mix...pick up your feet...and experiment with putting something over the ball of your feet over your shoes...I've read that some ladies put socks over their shoes there...I think they must cut them or use short socks...the point is to be able to pivot on the ball of your foot...


Zumba love!

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I'm so excited. I contacted a Zumba instructor on the island of St. Thomas. I found her using the zumba.com website. There weren't any classes during the day that we were in port that I could attend. So I wrote a private message to an instructor who leads classes at a fitness facility there. I asked her how far the facility was from the cruise port and if she would be willing to put together a private class for ladies/guys from the cruise ship.


She said, "Yes!" She would love to. She just needs the time that I was thinking. She quoted a very nominal fee for the class. Now I just have to get to the Roll Call and see if there's any interest from the people who are cruising with me. OH! I so hope so!


Can you imagine doing Zumba in the Caribbean, mon?!? Woot. Woot.


I hope there're a few people who want to do this. Let's hope so!


Zumba instructors Rock!

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OK!!! I'm NOT stressing! I'm not! Really. I'm not.


But I have to share. I consider Tuesday night to be a milestone in my life as an instructor. *gasp* It's true! And you heard it here first.


The gist of the matter is that I feel like I have been riding on the coattails of Kelly...using her choreography (which I generally LOVE)...but still...as soon as I found out that I would have this opportunity for an additional evening class...a class where people would pay PER CLASS...drop in friendly...I felt like it was a deadline of sorts for something that would be more ME...and I have *drumroll* a playlist for Tuesday night...it's a 45 minute class...


On the Floor by Jennifer Lopex feat. Pitbull

Waka Waka by Shakira

Allez Ola Ole by Jessy Matador

Danza Kuduro by Don Omar

Rabiosa by Shakira

Ay! Papasito

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee


Stand By Me by Prince Royal

Hold On by Toby Mac


I have to finalize the choreo for On the Floor and Allez Ola Ole before Tuesday!!


Donna...do you know about the Eurovision song competition? The Allez Ola Ole song was entered in 2010...It seems like a tv show based thing? I'm just curious about it...I can get some information about it...but it doesn't really express the heart of what it is...is this something that has grabbed your attention? Kasi, feel free to respond to this question too after you get back from vacation!


Again, I'm not expecting attendance for my Tuesday morning class, so I will likely practice my Tuesday night class in the morning! Meanwhile, I will try to solidify the choreo fo those two songs over the weekend.

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Hi Anita, the Eurovision Song Contest happens in May each year and causes such a fuss here in UK. It's been running for over 50 years and is a bit of an institution in Europe.


There's a load of European countries that enter songs (most of which are no good at all ;)), then the public votes to see who will win. There used to be 40 countries but now they have semi-finals which takes the number down to 22.


It is on the TV for around 3-4 hours, first half you see all the songs performed, then the second half they go to each country who will give out points based on the public vote - 12 points to their favourite, 10 to their second favourite, then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and finally 1 point. The country with the biggest number of points at the end wins! The country that wins always hosts the next year.


You're not allowed to vote for your own country which is where the fun begins..........because it becomes very political!! For example, Norway ALWAYS gives their biggest points to Sweden and Denmark, the Eastern bloc countries ALWAYS vote for each other etc etc.


Generally there is no way UK, Ireland, France, Germany etc can win because of the way the countries vote. However, occasionally there's a surprise and one of our countries do win - Germany won last year so they hosted this year - their entry was Lena with Satellite - check out on youtube (we last won back in the 1990's). It attracts huge viewing audiences (over 100 million) and is a bit of a tradition here (even though we all get so angry when we don't get many points!!). What all countries hope is that we don't end up with 0 points :o


This year Azerbaijan won! Allez Ola Ole was the french entry in 2010 and would be great for Zumba. A great one I think would be Sertab - 'Everyway that I can' from Turkey in 2003!


You can check out this site for more info http://www.eurovision.tv on Eurovision. I love it, most people pretend they don't watch it as it's not 'cool' but then they all know who took part, who won, which songs they liked etc ;)


Sorry, a bit long winded but hope that explains it??


Pam, great news about the Zumba, hope you get good uptake!!:)

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Thanks for the info Donna! That's exactly what I was wanting to know. You explained it beautifully.


I listened to the song from Turkey...that is a good song, but I'm not thrilled with the sound of the lady's voice. :o I like the music, and the background singers, but the lead voice on the video that I saw...I wonder if that would get on my nerves...it was the performance though...so maybe a studio recording would sound different?


The way that my Curves classes are going...I SHOULD be able to do one more song at least for each class...timewise. BUT because they have requested that I breakdown the songs and actually TEACH them, not just LEAD them...the time of my song list is significantly shorter than the time of the class. What I'm hoping to do is add a song to each list after they get more comfortable with the routines. For the Thursday class, I'll add a salsa...for the Tuesday class, a bellydancing routine. And then my plan is to switch out one song over time.


On the Zumba forum, someone thought out a "Couch to Zumba" program. Anyone heard of C25K? That is, couch to 5K? It is a 9 week program designed to prepare anyone who hasn't been doing activity to do a 5K run. The instructor that figured out a similar Zumba based 9-week program planned it so that anyone could get up to speed to do a 1-hour Zumba class through 9 weeks of gradually longer and higher intensity routines. It is an excellent idea. Is anyone reading this interested in something like that? I'm thinking that I would use this idea for getting my DH into shape to get through a class. He is totally interested in having me "Zumba" him. LOL. We'll see if we can get that going this summer.


Having a lazy day here in the heat...hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

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Hi ladies,


I´m back :) A week was way to short, but I had a blast. We were quite lucky weatherwise and enjoyed our ports, even though I came to realize, that RCCL excursions are not made for me. All these walks through town in snail-mode made it hard to enjoy the city itself.

I was pretty much relaxing, the workouts offered onboard were not my cup of tea. I went swimming on 5 days out of 7 and even though the pools were not heated, I lasted between 45 and 75 minutes, just doing my thing. It was quite interesting to see how people would put there big toe in the water and retreat pretty fast. Very few actually made it into the water and just the ones that decided to actually swim would stay more than 5 minutes.

I gained just 1 lbs, so that´s fine with me. Food was plentiful and really tasty, and I just enjoyed it.


DH bought a Wii while I was on my cruise, so there is a new toy to try out :) I´m considering buying the Zumba game, just to try it myself and have something to do on the days that I don´t make it to class.

My car is still in the garage so I have to make do using public transport to get to and from work this week. I just hope that I´ll be able to attend a few Zumba classes this week, too.


Good to be back and already counting the days to our next cruise...

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Welcome back Kasi! Glad to hear you had a lovely vacation...wtg! on the single pound gain! That could just be sodium content from all the restaurant prepared food! Bet it comes off in a snap! Great job braving the unheated water! That is a true Git 'er done moment! Or 45 moments...;)


If you get the Wii Zumba...tell us how it compares to class. I'm still curious. I think I could probably look it up...I bet there are videos of it on YouTube. Hmm. We were in Best Buy several weeks back and they had a demo of the new Michael Jackson video game for Konnect for XBox. That was pretty fun actually. And pretty amazing. There is also a Wii version of the game, but I wouldn't know how that would compare. If it gets you moving, then I think it's good stuff.


We have Wii Fit and that is pretty fun. It is very interesting to do some of the yoga poses with it. You wouldn't think it could help with your form very much, but actually, because of the weight sensitivity of the Wii Fit board, it tells you about how much weight each foot is carrying, there is some sort of meter that changes as you correct your posture so that you have a more even distribution of weight. It can help to do an independent yoga practice and help you understand what is better form. Not that I think I would enjoy doing yoga with the board all the time. I don't really like the exercises as much as the games. The games are pretty funny.


Let us know if you post any cruise pictures anywhere.

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OK!!! I'm NOT stressing! I'm not! Really. I'm not.


But I have to share. I consider Tuesday night to be a milestone in my life as an instructor. *gasp* It's true! And you heard it here first.


The gist of the matter is that I feel like I have been riding on the coattails of Kelly...using her choreography (which I generally LOVE)...but still...as soon as I found out that I would have this opportunity for an additional evening class...a class where people would pay PER CLASS...drop in friendly...I felt like it was a deadline of sorts for something that would be more ME...and I have *drumroll* a playlist for Tuesday night...it's a 45 minute class...


On the Floor by Jennifer Lopex feat. Pitbull

Waka Waka by Shakira

Allez Ola Ole by Jessy Matador

Danza Kuduro by Don Omar

Rabiosa by Shakira

Ay! Papasito

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee


Stand By Me by Prince Royal

Hold On by Toby Mac


I have to finalize the choreo for On the Floor and Allez Ola Ole before Tuesday!!


Donna...do you know about the Eurovision song competition? The Allez Ola Ole song was entered in 2010...It seems like a tv show based thing? I'm just curious about it...I can get some information about it...but it doesn't really express the heart of what it is...is this something that has grabbed your attention? Kasi, feel free to respond to this question too after you get back from vacation!


Again, I'm not expecting attendance for my Tuesday morning class, so I will likely practice my Tuesday night class in the morning! Meanwhile, I will try to solidify the choreo fo those two songs over the weekend.


I wish I knew the titles and the authors of the music used at

our local Zumba Fitness classes. :confused: One thing for sure; most

of the music makes me want to move. :) My goal is to begin

attending the Monday evening Zumba class along with my usual

Thursday evening class. I'm hoping that will help me learn

the newer routines a little better anyway.

I received a Wii Zumba Fitness for Christmas, but haven't used

it yet. I am so not into Game Systems technology! :eek: I probably

would have been better off, if it had been a regular Zumba DVD. :rolleyes:

I participated in a 5K Run on Saturday. I walked it in 44 minutes

and 5 seconds, which is my all time best! I'll be participating in

another 5K next Saturday too. I'm hoping to participate in as

many 5K's or other Fitness events as possible between now and

our cruise in October. Maybe that will help the days go by faster,

and even help me whittle a few inches or lose a few more pounds.

I sure would like to be at least 1 size smaller by October. :)

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Donna too...did you listen to the songs that I had listed out closer to the beginning of the thread? If you are really wanting to find the songs, I bet I could help you, but you would have to give me something to work with. Also, you ask your instructor about the songs they use. I used to ask Kelly about the songs that I couldn't remember and figure out on my own.


Kasi...have you heard of the band Culcha Candela? I understand that they are a German band? "Monsta" seems like a really popular song. Do you like them? Have you heard them? Is there a song by them that you would recommend for Zumba?


I did a SICK amount of grocery shopping today. SICK. THREE stores. But we are set. I picked up some organic chicken leg quarters on clearance. I like these on the grill...I skin them and separate the leg from the thigh...I also picked up one of my favorite BBQ sauces on clearance...it's an interesting sauce, made here in Texas with Dr. Pepper in the sauce...it's really tasty...I also picked up some boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale...I grilled all that tonight. Got legs and thighs for dinner tonight and tomorrow night. Got the breast meat for lunches.


Made a Southwest Style Black Eyed Pea salad. Have I shared this recipe? It's tasty. Cut up a bunch of veggies and made a Greek yogurt based dip for them. Also picked up a Kalamata olive bread on clearance. The Kroger store has a loaf they call petite. Perfect to eat in one night. Got it for 89 cents. It's time to get serious about cooking again. I've been lazy. I admit it. But I feel like I got a good start to the week set up today. FINALLY. I spent some time WORKING this Sunday.


I'm also working on contacting two different country club, master planned community like fitness centers in this area. I need to work on an email and then see what happens. Getting those out tomorrow is my goal.


Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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Kasi, welcome back! Are you already back to your regular routine?


I'm NOT. Something is going on with me. First of all, I'm bored out of my mind. And to echo an Anita earlier post, I have no INITIATIVE to do anything! My house is a mess. I still have some items from unpacking that need to be put away. I can't be bothered to go to the grocery store so we're eating odds-and-ends and bits-and-pieces that make no sense! What's wrong with me?!? Some people give a diagnosis of PCD... post cruise depression. If that's it... it has hit me HARD.


I have wonderful plans in the upcoming weeks. Friends are visiting and we're going to Las Vegas. ANITA IS VISITING and we have way too much to do in that short amount of time. Then, a cyber friend from another thread is visiting and I'll be able to meet her and her family, which is a bright spot on my calendar.


But none of those things is helping me right now.


I did go back to Zumba last week, for 3x. And I'm going this week. No problems getting back into Zumba. Some problem getting started with strength training...




a huge problem with diet. DH bought me a bag of potato chips; I think Europeans call them crisps. They are my diet weakness. I ate the whole bag in a few days. I've gained 2 lbs. I'm positive that the lbs are a result of sodium loading and, also, my very poor nutritional diet over the last week.


How important is diet? VERY. According to my hrm, I burned 905 calories in my Zumba class on Saturday morning. That's a pretty high number, don't you think? And I still made the scale increase.


I'm not actually worried about the weight gain because I know that it's a "false positive," in the sense that I know my body is reacting to the sodium, dehydration aspects of my diet. And I know that my logical mind will get into gear... at some point... and I'll go to the grocery store for a real shopping rather than the 3 or 4 items that I've been picking up.. like ice cream, hamburger meat, hamburger buns.. bananas...:eek:... whcih got me through 2 days of eating. OMG.


Diet is so important. Exercise is important. But I think diet trumps exercise when you're discussing weight loss. I really do.


I have a friend who has been running 5 miles a day, 6x a week. She has made the statement that she "runs to eat," in other words, she believes that she can eat anything because of her exercise. That's simply not true. She's kind of amazed that she hasn't been able to lose weight, and she thinkis it's because of menopause. Nope; it's her diet, which she doesn't even stop to analyze because of her belief system. Never let a fact get in the way of a good opinion, right?


Diet is important.


And, I need to get back into the swing of things.... everything is such a mess right now! You should see my desk! And I'm on the computer!


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Hi Pam, and everyone else,


no, I´ve not finished unpacking or doing my laundry and I´m not back to business as usual.

Sure, I´m heading to the office every morning, putting in too many hours, feeling stressed and just a tiny bit unhappy with the situation... ´Today was a pretty hard day, 10 hours of work with lots of meetings, a whole bunch of new tasks to be done at least yesterday, a legal requirment that needs to be implemented before the end of June and that´s just stating some of the things. It´s days like this when I ask myself why I´m still doing this job...


On the positive side of things: I received my Zumba Wii game today. As I was pretty out of it, I hadn´t gone to class tonight. That´s why I put in the game, created my account, and started with the entry level 20 min dancing game. I was sweating alright even before the second song finsihed. It´s pretty good actually with different songs and you have a hip-belt in which you put the controller so that the wii can recognize your movements. It´s some pretty fast and intense movements. I´m not sure that I would have been able to do it last december. I knew lots of steps due to my classes with Annie, but on some moves I was struggling nontheless. The training endet with a cool down song. I´m already looking forward to doing it again, maybe tomorrow.


I´m sure that eating good and healthy food is the key to loosing weight and I did nothing good regarding these goals today. However, I would thing food is about 60 %, movement another 40%. So, living a active life is doing you a lot of good. No, you cannot eat whatever you want, whenever you want to. But on days like today comfort food is not so bad, as long as you don´t make it a habbit. And knowing what´s wrong for you brings you a step closer to actually doing something about it.


DH wants to try the Zumba game, too, so I´m heading downstairs to observe what he´s doing.


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Kasi...sounds like the Wii game is fun!




I am very tired. :eek: It has been a very busy week and it is only Wednesday.:eek:


Weekend: a lot of practice to make up choreo for my warm up to On the Floor


Monday: Pilates and Zumba


Tuesday: Someone actually came to my morning class! My one class attendee is on vacation this week...it is the first official week of summer vacation...I thought there would be an off chance that someone would come...and sure enough...someone did...never been to a Zumba class before...never been to ANY kind of aerobics class before...I told her I felt bad that she was all alone so that she didn't have the energy of more people in the class...more people to look at...more people to see how THEY move...and I would try to not stare at her...LOL...but we would take advantage of the solo class so she could really learn more about the moves. So that's what we did. And she had fun. So I know that she is enrolled for the session that begins next week and prorated it to include this week. So, YAY! I know there are 2 people in my class next session! LOL.


I spent the afternoon finalizing my choreo to Allez Ola Ole...OMG...HIGH energy song! I was wondering if I was going to be able to do it myself in class this night.


Then I did my first Tuesday night class at Curves. Started late, went long. Oops. I need to shorten the play list. I thought it might be short enough, but it wasn't. Ah well. So I have to figure that out. There was also mention that one move (the sleepy leg move in Cumbia) was causing one lady pain in her knee. I talked to Kelly about why that could be happening, and I know that I will need to go over good form for that move. Kelly says it's likely that knees and feet aren't facing in the same direction...and that is what is causing the pain.


Today: Pilates and Zumba


My arms are SOOOOOOOOO tired. OMG. Kelly did SUPER sets of arm movement songs during Zumba.


You'd think that I would be losing weight right? I couldn't check because the Wii controlers were dead and that is what I use to track. I am SO HUNGRY though. All this working out. I know I need energy to be able to do what I need to do. I haven't tracked it yet. And I know that I really need to do that. The good news is that I have been eating home cooked food! I tell you what. I am a BIG TIME subscriber to the idea...IF you are going to cook, cook A LOT. There is nothing like grilling up a GRILL FULL of chicken and having the leftovers be around for everyone to eat. It ROCKS.


And tomorrow...I have two more classes. The morning one with my one person, unless more show up...and the evening half hour one at Curves. Thank Goodness it's only 30 minutes because I expect to be fully, and truly exhausted tomorrow night.


Whew. I'm even more tired writing about it. LOL.


Zumba love!

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Interesting day I had...


Anyone ever seen the movie "Dude, Where's My Car?" It's a really bad movie with lots of funny one liners...if you like rude and crude humor...which I must admit...my family seems to really enjoy.


Well...today I lived through the live version..."DH, where's your parent's car?"...as I'm getting into my own car in the garage, ready to take DS to tennis camp and then go teach my morning Zumba class...I look out into the cul-de-sac where we had parked my inlaw's car...only to NOT see their car...:eek::(


FREAKING out...I call DH...no answer...I text him...no answer. I am seriously having a fit...was it stolen?...was it towed?...Dude, Where's My InLaw's Car?:confused:...we offered to take my in-law's to the airport for the big family reunion trip to Orlando, Florida that we decided we couldn't afford to do...we thought to help them save about $100...I am "Having a Cow" in the words of my youth.


DH and I ended up talking before my Zumba class...


Let me tell you how awesome Zumba is...I was seriously having issues...but I forgot all of them during class...whereas only moments before I was doing the mental equivalent of tearing my hair out...I had a great time in Zumba...and my stress level went so low as to be almost non-existent. I had a great conversation with my one classmate. We had a great workout. And she told me that she felt so special because she was able to take these first classes with me and have this opportunity for a private Zumba lesson.


Meanwhile...back in the screen play...


I call DH to see what is going on...he is at home...he walked to our neighbor's house to inquire as to whether or not they had any knowledge as to what happened to his Dad's car that we parked in the cul-de-sac...oh yeah...So sorry, *hee hee*, we didn't know who's car it was...we had it towed...we thought it was abandoned...YEAH...they asked our next door neighbor's if they knew anything about the car...but they couldn't be bothered to ask us.


Do you know how difficult it is to get a car that you don't OWN out of an impound lot?


About 2-1/2 hours later...with the uses of a notary public...and $219.63...we gained permission to take the car home.


Too bad they left the door open and the battery was dead.


Too bad our jumper cables are kept in MY car and we were driving DH's car.


A trip to the Auto Zone that we had seen earlier in our dealings...jumper cables purchased...we jumped the car and drove the it back to our house.


Oh wait! We couldn't get home because there was an amazing long TRAIN parked on the railroad tracks blocking traffic on several streets that go to our neighborhood.




In separate cars, DH driving his parent's, me driving DH's...I'm talking to Mom and actually able to have a bit of a crack up as I'm describing the whole day and come upon the "last straw" of the train...how many things could be obstacles for us in trying to get this car back home?


We soothed our upset with Spring Creek Barbeque for a late lunch after 2 pm.


The best was going to teach my evening Zumba class at Curves. These ladies...wow...it's really fun to teach in this kind of setting...I guess you have to want to be a bit social and personable...and patient...that's all these ladies have needed...someone to bend the rigid rules of what Zumba is SUPPOSED to be...and do what makes sense...I was pumped to FINALLY get through our playlist starting ON TIME and finishing ON TIME!!...They cheered again! LOVE it!


I wore my HRM to determine what kind of workout I was giving the these ladies...knowing that until they really got the moves, their calorie burn may not be as high...but the idea of, what is the potential here? In 28:54 minutes, I burned 363 calories. That's VERY respectable IMO.


Fun stuff. A nice balance to the hardship of the day...:D


Hope everyone is doing well!

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Wow Anita....

What a day you had!!! :eek:

Thank goodness you were finally able to locate your

Inlaws car; even with all the obstacles. :o

Yes, there really is something about Zumba which

seems to make the cares of the day melt away..... :rolleyes::)

I hope you have a better rest~of~the~week....


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ladies, wrote a long reply and it didn't post :mad: so here I try again........


Firstly, anita your story made me both angry yet laugh out loud! what a situation with the car?! bet you wish you never suggested your in-laws leaving the car with you?! Glad you got it back but what's with your grumpy neighbours?:mad:


Glad your classes are going well. We have Curves here too but it seems to be more older ladies or those who haven't exercised in a while??


I went on a major shopping spree today for the cruise ..........couldn't believe I actually got to shop in the normal sections rather than plus size?! Got 3 dresses, 3 tops and a pair of shorts (yes, shorts!). I managed to buy everything in a 16/18 Uk size down from a 22/24! I hope this doesn't sound like bragging it's just that you have all been so inspiring, I wanted to share my good news with you :o


Donna too, welcome and glad you have discovered the magic of Zumba. Hope you get the inspiration I have from this thread :)


Kasi, hope you're recovering from your cruise and getting back to normal? How are you finding zumba wii - i really struggle with the cartoon characters so would be interested to know how much like the real thing it is??


Pam, I share your anger for Anita! Why should doing a good deed end in you paying for it?! :mad:


Hope you're all well ladies, sun is finally shining here in Inverness again but how long it lasts, who knows ;) Have a great weekend!

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