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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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One additional point.

Our bodies go through significant changes on the cellular level before the change gets expressed in a way that we can see... sometimes even feel. Before you actually get to see a weight loss or inch loss, your body has made tremendous improvement where it matters the most. What we have outside is cosmetic; what happens in the systems of our body is what determines our health. So don't be discouraged by a "seeming" lack of progress... because I promise you that your body is responding to your diet and Zumba!



Hi there.

Get ready to sweat! One thing that is so amazing to me is the amount of sweat that I work up in a Zumba class. It's one of the things that amazes a lot of women who come for the first time. I remember this one woman who wore a hoodie-type of coverup to class and I just told her that she needed to take that off. She said that she couldn't because she hadn't worn a sufficient tank top and... drumroll... besides, she doesn't sweat. Halfway through class, she looked at me in desperation. I told her to go ahead and take it off... who cares?... but she was too embarassed and suffered through. LOL. So don't wear a hoodie to class!


Do you have any questions? Ask them here! Love Zumba. Hate exercise. Especially cardio. Zumba amazes me because I've been going to classes since December, 2010. That's a long time for me to stick to a cardio program. And I'm not getting bored, at all. It's the first time that I actually have understood when people talk about the "endorphine high" or "runner's high" from a cardio program. I always thought those people were just kind of soft in the head. But, now I understand.

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I've finally read through the entire thread and learned several interesting ideas. Thanks for the recipes, too. I've copied several to my computer recipe file.


Anita, if I remember what I read correctly, my weight and clothes size starting out were the same as yours! I've dropped 20-24 lbs and I'm one size smaller in my waist and two sizes smaller in my hips. I was "growing' out of my 16's when I started this journey. I've done everything so far with diet alone. It is now time to move some.


I HATE exercise and I've used every excuse under the sun to avoid it. I'm not a dancer, but music is life. there are only a select few music genres that leave me cold. With everything the nice folks here have said about Zumba, I'm ready to step--literally!




I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions later.

Edited by aoknkentucky
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I've finally read through the entire thread and learned several interesting ideas. Thanks for the recipes, too. I've copied several to my computer recipe file.


Anita, if I remember what I read correctly, my weight and clothes size starting out were the same as yours! I've dropped 20-24 lbs and I'm one size smaller in my waist and two sizes smaller in my hips. I was "growing' out of my 16's when I started this journey. I've done everything so far with diet alone. It is now time to move some.


I HATE exercise and I've used every excuse under the sun to avoid it. I'm not a dancer, but music is life. there are only a select few music genres that leave me cold. With everything the nice folks here have said about Zumba, I'm ready to step--literally!




I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions later.


Reading through this whole thread is a piece of work! LOL! I wish this forum would continue to allow editing of posts. I would seriously add an index to this thread.


Congratulations on your success so far! WTG!


Diet alone can make a big difference. There is a saying that says you CAN'T out train a bad diet...meaning that there isn't enough exercise in the world to completely overcome poor eating habits...so if you have been working on that, then you have been doing serious work to become more healthy and fit...BUT...YES...it's time to start moving.


And if you like music...then you should enjoy Zumba...as it is SERIOUSLY music driven...and the importance of music selection is the one of the things stressed in training. I hope that your instructor has good taste! LOL. Mom was talking about this one young lady that has some serious BAD taste in music...picking some raunchy songs...


HATING exercise is also a common thread among ZUMBA lovers. Oh I'm so excited for you!

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Hey ladies,


it´s Friday :) Just one and a half weeks til we cruise *yeah*.

I´m once more missing my Zumba classes as I have an infection and this close to our vacation I´m doing what my doctor tells me to.


DH is coming home tonight after a week of attending a training in Finland, which I´m looking forward to, being home alone is nice for a few days but getting back together is always better ;)


I´m starting to arrange everything for my cruise, washing clothes, some pants need to be cut and seemed. I have to buy sun protection. My books are already waiting to be read, books for dh are ordered. The camera equipment has to be checked, cleaned and packed. I have to make sure both suitcases stay below weight restriction... Which is a challenge in itself. I´m taking way to many clothes including swimsuits, workout clothes, gala clothes etc. And DH clothes are so much bigger that they seem to weigh a ton.

It seems as though I can pack my summer clothes, the Med is still pretty warm, so we will get some sunshine at last.


take care everyone and enjoy your Zumba sessions.

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Kasi-Time's a ticking! Down to almost one week! Yea! Enjoy this last push to get things ready to go on such a fabulous adventure. For me, it's as much fun planning as the actual trip, so this would be "giddy with excitement" for me. Enjoy! Enjoy!! Enjoy!!!


Anita, I need your help. I've read the comments about shoes, floors and Zumba. The floor I will be on Monday night will not be carpet. Think school classroom floors. You know the kind of squares that need to stripped and re-waxed once or twice a year? I don't want my friend to become discouraged befor she gives this a good try, and she has feet "issues" anyway, so slick-bottomed shoes, try it in our socks, leather soled shoes. I sensed by what I read in early pages of the thread that regular tennis shoes we normally would think of to exercise in might not be the best idea? Thanks, Teach.

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Debbie...our schools have carpet floors, so YAY! for no carpet!




You want a shoe with good LATERAL SUPPORT...because the movements of Zumba will take your footwork forward, back, and side to side...


You want a shoe with LOW TREAD...you don't want to be slipping on the floor but you don't want to be sticking to the floor...there are shoes called court shoes or dance sneakers that will have a circle in the design of the tread on the ball of the foot as in this shoe which is a shoe that works for me, but doesn't work for Mom.


If you have NOTHING in your closet, then I guess you will need to purchase something...but I would recommend trying to do the class with the shoes that you already own...then, after you do the class a couple times, you will have a better idea of how you wish your shoes were different and can then talk more about what you are looking for in a shoe.


Safety is the biggest issue...and having the proper shoe makes safety easier...but you can overcome less than ideal shoes by being aware of a couple things:


1. Watch the twisting motion of your feet.


Take a look at this video. The first move in the video is a merengue step to the song "Que Te Mueve." The video breaks it down into Easy Beats 1, 2, and 3. In your shoes, carefully, you can try out this step to see how sticky your shoes are. If your shoes are sticky, then you would not want to add the twisting motion that is described in Easy Beat 2. Keep the feet facing forward as you step side to side. You can add the arms and bend the legs, and just not add any twist.


This is what to be aware of with ANY step that is done that has an added twist. AVOID THE TWIST if your shoes are sticky.


2. Watch the dragging motion of your feet.


Continue watching that video to see the reggaeton and traveling salsa steps. During these two steps, it can be easy to glide your foot along the floor. Especially if you feel more dancy...then you don't lift your feet as much...with non-sticky shoes and a smooth floor...this is easy to do...BUT...if your shoes are sticky...if you are gliding across the floor...or trying to...you might catch a tread...and the problem here is that your foot will stop but the momentum of your body will continue...and SOMETHING will generally be hurt.


LIFT YOUR FEET. Pick them up all the way off the floor and step. Do not drag your feet.


To stay on beat, you may need to take a smaller step than others that can drag their feet along. No problem. Do that.


Once you take the class and have the opportunity to experience the floor and the steps, then you will be able to make a more informed decision on purchasing new shoes, if you need them.




In the beginning. Don't twist. Lift your feet.


I will bring up two other safety issues. Your instructor SHOULD...but...well...:o...it is a license, not a certification.


1. Keep your knees soft. DO NOT lock your knees. Even if one leg is bent and the other is straight...make the straight leg SOFT.


2. Keep your toes and knees facing the same direction. Especially on that traveling salsa move, you want to make sure that your feet are both pointing in the direction that you are traveling.


And here are some general guidelines with Zumba...


Just like the video broke down the movements into the Easy Beats...you will likely have to mentally do this in class.


1. Start with the feet. Don't worry about what the arms are doing. Just focus on the feet.


2. Since we are avoiding all twisting in the beginning...add the arms when you think you have the feet well enough.


3. Once you become more familiar with the movement, add what Zumba calls "flavor" which is the twisting motions, the core movement, the "fun" of your style.


Zumba has coordinated routines. Generally, an instructor will repeat a good percentage of her playlist from week to week, so you will have the opportunity to build your knowledge of a song and the movements to the song as the week's go by. If you don't get it all the first time around...well, that NORMAL...you can increase the difficulty of the song as you become more familiar with the moves. You might progress through the Easy Beat idea as the WEEKS pass, not just through the course of one song. KWIM?


Zumba is NOT a dance class. I told my class yesterday. We are NOT a coordinated half time show, all trying to look alike as we do a routine to a song. We are a fitness class with varying needs to modify the moves to suit what OUR bodies do and don't do. So LISTEN to your body and if the instructor is doing something that is like :eek: go to a basic kind of move...whether it's a marching kind of move...or a step together kind of move...whatever...it'd be best to not just STOP...but don't feel pressure to do everything the instructor does.


I hope you have a good time!! I can't wait to hear about it.


Kasi...SO EXCITING!!! You know...I would really like to see some of pictures that you take on your cruises. I know you are into photography. I need a virtual cruise!!! So funny to hear you talking like you aren't still wearing summer clothes...it is still so HOT here...sounds like you will have such a nice break. I agree with Debbie...I would be giddy with excitement!

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Anita will come on here and talk about shoes if she sees this post today. Her weekends are so packed with family activities... tennis, etc... and if I remember there's some sort of special tournament or tennis involvement that GS is in today... so it might be a while before she gets onto the board.



Given that I think you're trying to get to a class tomorrow, I'll just chime in here with what I know...



What kind of feet issues are you talking about?



For me, because of the changes in direction that occur in a Zumba class... think grapevine to the left, grapevine to the right, a step squat to the left, step squat to the right, etc., I had some knee issues flair up when I tried to do Zumba in regular Asics cross-trainers. It's because of the tred on the shoe, grabbing onto the floor. When you plant your foot in a cross-trainer, that shoe is designed to give you stability and so you can't really slide your foot easily in a cross-trainer.



There is a Zumba dance move called a cumbia. This dance is, theoretically, based upon movement dances that a person would do with one foot encased in a shackle... so think that one foot is very mobile but the other foot is immobilized. Because of that, the Zumba move is something that one of Anita's instructors called a "sleepy leg," so that you step with one foot and kind of drag the other foot behind you. If you are in a cross-trainer type of shoe, you cannot drag the "sleepy leg" foot behind you; you must step with both feet. You can modify the steps to accommodate the footwear that you have on... but you have to be smart enough to do that.



The best Zumba shoes have pivot points so that when you shift the weight onto the top part of your foot... onto your toe pad... you can then change direction without sticking to the floor. Go to Zappos and take a look at Ryka Transition. Look at the image for the sole pattern so you can see what I mean by a pivot point, if I haven't explained it very well.


When I first got out of my cross trainers, I tried pure dance shoes... Capezios. These shoes were not good for me, because they allowed my foot to roll. They were an immediate relief to my knee issue that was cropping up (more about that later), but there wasn't enough lateral support in the shoe to give my ankle the stability that it needed in order not to roll on me.



So, I tried the Ryka Transitions and took them off about 15 minutes into class because the knee issue flared up again on me. Thankfully, Anita was able to observe a movement that I was doing that was causing the knee joint an undue amount of stress. After she talked with me about that, the Ryka Transition shoe has been great for me. I just had a weird type of movement that I was doing with my feet...



OK. This brings me to my point. If you continue.... WHEN you continue with Zumba, my recommendation is to look for a shoe with the pivot points and lateral stability... obviously, like the Ryka Transition. For a trial class, do NOT wear really slippery soled shoes... like leather soles or stocking feet... because the risk of injury with that idea is too great... you can pull a groin or hamstring or quad with that idea... depending upon your agility, flexibility, and energy level that you exhibit in class. So for a trial class, I would recommend wearing a cross trainer and just stepping throughout the class; in other words, purposefully planting your feet rather than doing any type of slide movement(s). There are easy modifications to make if you don't have the pivot point on your shoe. I see a lot of Nike and Asics being worn in class.



And, here's the deal... depending upon your instructor and the playlist, you might not even encounter any choreography that has a slide move in it! There are some playlists where we don't do any cumbia moves, at all.


Anita can tell you about the "theory" of Zumba... some instructors really adhere to the recommendations... others... not so much. And by that, I mean things like 70% Latin music, 30% international music... or something like that. I don't know... I shouldn't probably say anything about that since I don't really remember. Anyway, the point that I'm trying to make here is that Zumba isn't a DANCE CLASS... it's still just quite a fun way to do your cardio... increase your heart rate and burn some significant calories. So, you don't have to worry about the WAY that you are dancing... whether you are moving exactly like the instructor... etc.



One of my best instructors always starts the class with his little speech... and one of the things that he says... you aren't being judged on your rhythm or lack of rhythm... breathing is highly encouraged... having a smile on your face is highly encouraged... you are not being taught how to audition for a music video... you won't be asked to perform with the Pussycat Dolls after taking a Zumba class... the goal is to have FUN...are you ready to Zumba?!?....



Hopefully, I've helped a little bit. Keep in mind that all the discussion about shoes happens after people realize that they love Zumba and are going to classes 3x, 4x, 5x a week... I don't think that you'll have to worry about having any shoe issues when you take your first class. It's kind of a feeling of ????? about what's going on and you just aren't as high-energy in your first Zumba class as you start to become as you do more and more Zumba.

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I think we were typing at the same time. So, "what she said." LOL


I read what you wrote and I thought it was AWESOME that we wrote the same things! You and me...*insert Chandler fingers pointing between our eyes movement here*


I didn't know that the Rykas were working for you now?

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Thanks to the both of you. I got it. I didn't want to give my buddy the wrong info and I remembered reading about Pam's knee issues. I sure don't want to sabotage us before we we even get started.


Tennis shoes to start and no sliding. Feet and knees in the same direction during movement. I'll keep the rest of the recommendations handy WHEN I've taken enough classes that I feel the need to ante-up and splurge for the real deal shoes.


Thanks y'all, Debbie

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Hi Ladies,


another weekend is coming to an end, just 9 more days to go :)

We are really looking forward to seeing something ele, and as DH is away travelling for work quite some time, it´s nice to spend some time together.

We discussed buying soda cards and agreed to not do so. We will buy a can of coke if we really want one, but with iced water, lemonade and ice tea available as well as coffe (for dh) and tea (for both of us), I really see no need to.

What I discovered online and am really looking forward to buying onboard are scrapbooking kits. Ladies, you know by now how much I love taking photos. Well, I´m not content to just store them on my harddrive but love to arange them in photobooks. I now scrapbooking is kind of big in the US, unfortunately it isn´t in Germany. However I got the info that RCCL is offering Scrapbooking workshops on board where they sell special cruise themed Scrapbooking kits. I´m really planning to get my hand on those, just to up my photobooks and enjoy my time reliving my cruise when I arange the pictures in a book and when I receive the printed book. There´s not much that´s better then that, especially if fall and winter is right around the corner...


Anita, it´s unbelievable that it´s still summer at yours. Our summer took place on a few days in april and may, since then we had a single day here and there with sunshine and warm temps, but no heatwave or anything coming close to that. We are wearing long pants, and in the morning your doing nothing wrong in grabbing a sweatshirt or jacket when leaving home...


We are one step closer to packing our vacation stuff. All pants now have the correct length. I´m off to buy everything needed from the pharmacy tomorrow and got to go to a drugstore too.

Oh, by the way, did I mention that I´m no longer taking meds for high blood pressure? My doc agreed to forego these and look where we are getting without them.


I´m postponing changing my eating habbits until after our cruise, however I´m all set to bring my sportsgear along to go to the gym and swimming. And I hope I´ll manage to go to the climbing wall. I´m not going to use the icescating ring, as I cannot understand the appeal of icescating when it´s nice and sunny and warm outside. We get winter at home soon enough.


Anita, if you are interested I´m going to make sure to post some pictures and short comments once we are back. Is there anything you are interested to know about Mariner ots?


Take care Ladies.

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We are STILL in triple digit heat! Setting record highs...it is definitely still summer-like weather here. It's why I can't imagine wearing long ANYTHING...:eek: So I did a conversion calculator...we are expecting a high of 38.89 C today! Should be a record breaker.


Scrapbooking is HUGE in the states. We have entire stores dedicated to scrapbooking. Little boutique shops with specialty papers and all kinds of tools and extras. They will host scrapbooking parties...pay a flat rate fee...bring your scrapbooking project and use all the tools in the workshop for several hours for free...sometimes they include food and drinks.


Kasi! BIG HUGE congrats on stopping the high blood pressure meds!!! *happy dance* *happy dance*


Debbie! Did you go to Zumba class last night? I want to hear all about it!


Mom! Talk to you after class this morning! I gotta get going!!!!

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the way you are writing it, I believe I have to get to the States sometime soon.

Well, maybe DH can go to Michaels when he is in Chicago and buy me some papers for scrapbooking. He´s coming to the US the week after our cruise...


Well, since you converted your temps, I´m doing the same for ours. It´s 65 degrees fahrenheit today. So breaking a sweat seems pretty unlikely.


I have a stack of books to take with me on our cruise, and am getting everything else ready. A week from today we´ll be onboard *yeah*


I won´t get back into my workout routine til we leave but I hope I´ll manage to attend 2 or 3 Zumba classes. And next week, I´ll go swimming and I plan on going to the gym on seadays. Hopefully DH will join me for one workout or another.


Ok, I gotta get going, my kitchen is not going to tidy itself ;)


take care.

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Mariner of the Seas is a newer ship to Voyager of the Seas.


I was on Voyager earlier this year. It seems like forever ago! But, I can tell you that the very slight changes that were made between the two ships will make you feel at home at the same time that it will make you feel like you've entered the lap of luxury.


You will love the gym. And the jogging track on the top deck is just wonderful to walk/or jog around, especially in the morning or on sea days. I don't know if the Captain of the Mariner is the same while she's in the Med as when she's here in the States... but, if so, he is quite a character. You will see him roaming around and chatting with passengers. I think they do a good job of welcoming back past passengers...


You are in for a world of fun! and relaxation! What books are you bringing to read? Anita and I will be on the Mariner in just about 6 months time! Yeah! Take good care of her for us...


We are finally, finally breaking out of triple digits heat. We're at 99 F, and it feels so much better. It's still too hot to think about doing anything with high activity levels outside... heavy pruning in the garden is still just a sweat production mess. But, it just feels so much better to move around in the outside air.


Your DH will be in Chicago?!? Wish we were closer so we could welcome him to the States....

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Kasi...another good store, if it's close to where your DH will be is Hobby Lobby. Check out the website:




It's very similar to Michaels. Also, if you look at both websites before traveling, I think there is a coupon that you can print out and take into the store that will give you 40% off the regular price of any merchandise. I think both stores have their weekly flyers with their weekly specials online. When is your DH traveling? I know that Hobby Lobby will put various scrapbooking supplies on sale for 50%. And seriously, there is SO MUCH.


There is likely to be a specialty store as well...especially in such a big metro area. I'm serious when I say that scrapbooking is BIG over here.


I'm not ready for highs in the 60s yet, but I would LOVE to be in the 80s...ahhh...I think we are about to have a big swing in the weather, if we can trust our weatherman...Chicago will be much cooler though...that is significantly north of me...and the wind coming off the lake can be quite brisk...you know Chicago is nicknamed "The Windy City?". Has he been there before?


I have been once...when I traveled there for a trade show. The boss and I ate breakfast, didn't really have time for lunch, and decided that we deserved STEAK every night we were there. We went to Ruth's Chris, to Harry Carry's Steak house, and some other one I can't remember. We did the repeat at Harry Carry...busy place, but they will serve in the bar...and I think they sing the 7th inning stretch song every hour? I can't remember exactly but it was fun. And sitting in the bar, we didn't have to wait...which worked for our tired selves.


Mom...can't BELIEVE you are going to be COOLER than me today!


Debbie...where are you?


Donna...how are you doing?


Hope all is well!

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thanks for the link, however I doubt that DH will find the time to do that much shopping for me ;)

I just had a look at the webpage, and it seems as though we should take another caribcean cruise or maybe alaska, just to go shopping :)


It´s DH first business trip to the US, before that he´s just been to the US on vacation.

Unfortunately I cannot tack along, would have loved a few days i Chicago.


We´ve been to Toronto once, years ago, in february, with temp way below zero degrees celsius and lots of snow, it was a fun time and we just got a taste of what is available...


Pam, I bought a wide variety of books, a novel staring in australia, some fantasy stuff, romance, all books that will hopefully be fun to read.

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Lost my nice long post, AGAIN!!!


I'm here, but leaving again. Gotta run. Chonda Pierce concert at our church (Christian lady comedian). I'll be back and will try to tell you all my impressions of my first ever Zumba class. Thanks, Debbie


Okay, I'm back now and will try to post without losing my thoughts to the cyberspace gremlins! This isn't the first time this has happened to me and probably won't be the last. I think I'm going to copy everything I have worked so hard to say before I push the reply button, but sometimes I just don't. That is ALWAYS the very time I really N E E D E D to do so. I always think my previous version was a better read than my make-up post, too. You know? Like I forgot to say something I said the first time around? Anyway......


My first Zumba class was FUN. Yes, I was lost as a goose, but I had a blast. The instructor was very helpful. My friend and I told her immediately upon entering the class that we'd never attempted to do ZUMBA, and I'm sure some of the voice commands and movements were done to help the two of us. I did some marching in place and she gave some alternate moves to do if we wanted. My friend said she liked it and said she was willing to try it next Monday if I would. She's not exactly a backward person, but isn't EVER willing to put herself "out there" or be front and center. So, since she initiated talk about a return visit, I'm sure she had fun too.


Two or three things will change before my next Zumba attempt. My cross-trainers will be replaced with something that isn't as hot on my feet and I will wear different clothes. My Lands End performance capris are THICK. They feel great wearing them, but not so great to sweat in AND they hold in the heat. My t-shirt was thin enough, but anything with sleeves restricts the air circulation. I understand why our Zumba instructor had cut up her t-shirt and re-constructed it. Looks like a plan to me! If I must, I'll use one of my recent wrong color cast-offs and whittle away at it until I get it a little more air flow going. I don't mind sweating, but I was concerned that I might EXPLODE! LOL


There were five participants and one instructor for our class. One girl (late 20s?) has been in the class since it began 4-6 weeks ago. One girl was about our age (50's) and acted as if she'd been there for a few weeks, but her movements were much smaller than the instructor or the other girl. Our group was rounded out by a girl (also late 20s) that had attended for her first time the week previous.


The most frustrating thing about the class was that our instructor was on a raised platform and was easy to see, but she did the entire evening FACING us. The 50's lady and the second-time-attender were up front, my friend and I in the middle, and the one participant that seemed to know what she was doing was standing BEHIND us. It would have been so much more helpful if she had been in front of us, because we could have at least followed her movements on the floor. I was just so frustrated during the middle of the evening when movements were (to me) fast and furious and I was spending all my time trying to convert in my head left/right, turn which way? Oh yeah, that was THE WRONG WAY! It is soooo much easier for me to follow someone turned the same direction and I was looking forward to that being the way this would be done. When that didn't happen, I almost ruined it for myself by dwelling on that rather than the fun itself. I just need to have a mental make-over and I'll be ok by Monday.


I heard lots of words that I've seen here. Cumbia, Zumba cargo pants (her's were a BRIGHT PINK with black tassels), grapevine. A funny here -- the instructor told us after the first song that we'd had a good warm-up and now we'd begin. My friend said, "Warm-up? Oh boy!" I thought it was hilarious!!!!! Not that I was in any better shape, but it was still WAY FUNNY!


I tried to listen to the words of some of the songs, but other than the warm-up saying "Zumba - Zumba" over and over, I don't have a clue. The cool-down sounded like something that was inspirational to the instructor and not Zumba, but I don't know what it was. I have listened to many genres of music over the years, but what I'd consider "modern" music isn't something I've listened to recently. I've never heard a song that I consciously knew was sung by Pitbull. Heck, I don't even know if Pitbull is a him or a group or ...... My sum knowledge is that I've seen that name listed after a song on this thread ;) If I catch anything next week, I'll pass it along.


Kasi, I hope you find the perfect spot on the ship to curl up with those good books and relax away all the stress your workload is having on you. Enjoy!!


Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Yes, Chonda Pierce was AWESOME! We were her guinea pigs for new material. All 1,600 of us. She told us that her bus leaves at midnight tonight to do the first three nights of the new tour. She gives you a dose of reality and makes you think while bringing such joy and happiness into your life.


It's been a great week so far. Hugs to you all. --Debbie

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Oh Debbie!! I am so glad you had such fun in your first Zumba class!!


And obviously...you worked up a sweat! Isn't it awesome?! Who knew you could work up such a sweat while having such fun? I guess we could have warned you more about wearing clothing that would breathe more BUT many people don't believe they are going to sweat as much as they do in Zumba...so it's hard to dish that advice out until someone goes and realizes that Zumba makes you WET! ;):p:D


That whole cut up tee shirt thing is what I was talking about a while back...it's this whole thing where you take a tee shirt and personalize it. I haven't really done that to any of my clothes yet...I always wear sleeveless though...I can't STAND even short sleeves...makes me crazy...my pants are capris...they aren't a wicking material, but they are thin...they are starting to bug now a bit because they keep falling down...I have heard that there are cargo capris at WalMart in the Danskin brand that some instructors like...the cool thing about wearing the cargos is that they aren't skin tight and they are really lightweight...which is all much more comfortable when you sweat.


If the room doesn't have a mirror, then the instructor MUST face the class. It can be annoying if you are trying to do the whole mental thing. The biggest encouragement that I can give you on this is...Don't worry about it. If you turn right instead of left...who cares? Doesn't matter. She should just be smacking the leg she wants you to use...or pointing...and if you just follow along without thinking about it too much...it'll be easier to follow.


It IS important to move in the right direction so that you don't crash into anyone...but as far as turning around...not really a big deal...Relax. :)


You want to be able to see the instructor's face and arm gestures so that she can cue you well...if you can't see them...then it is harder to follow along...and the moves will take you more by surprise.


Did the instructor flip? Meaning, did she EVER turn around to face the same way you were facing? Some instructors will do this. It is encouraged for parts of choreo that may be confusing to see...depending on how comfortable you are with the instructor, you could talk to her before or after class and explain when you were having the hardest time...and ask her if she would mind flipping at that time so you could get a handle on the move better.


Pitbull is a man...not a group...he is Cuban but I think he grew up in Miami. Something like that. He is a stylin' bald thinks he's hot stuff singer with major attitude...and he is totally fun to Zumba to! LOL!

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Let me tell you... don't try to listen to the lyrics of the music... my opinion... those lyrics are...








WHAT?!? did I hear that right?


The music is so great to just move to, and the whole atmosphere of the class is just such fun. But, the lyrics... they usually aren't words that you end up wanting to repeat. Not all of them... but Pitbull... oh man. There was a Pitbull song that I really liked in Zumba class so I went to iTunes to look it up... let me just say that Zumba cleans up the words to the popular songs. So I learned my lesson about even thinking of adding Pitbull songs to a sing-along playlist! But I sure do love to do the choreography that they put together for Pitbull songs!


I'm glad you had fun... that's the most important thing.


I had a positive experience at my last class because of some comments directed my way by two of the class participants. I have to stop and reflect that I've been doing Zumba for about 8 months... because I took almost a month's break when we went on a vacation. That is a record breaking length of time for me to do any type of cardio. And I still look forward to my Zumba classes, for sure!

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Thanks for the tips. I have several pairs of cargos. Surely one pair will be suitable for Zumba purposes. What type material is best? I totally understand the wetness factor. TMI maybe, but I don't think they make industrial strength pantiliners do they?


I will need to do modifications to some of the moves for a while, maybe forever. I have a little permanent nerve damage in my neck and shoulder area. I am a disability-retired rural mail carrier. I tell people that I throwed my arm away like a baseball pitcher. I have two overlapping butterfly plates and six screws in my neck. My x-rays are soooo pretty! My doctor explained my three neck fusions as a bowling bowl balanced on a pencil. Raising one arm cross-body or putting my arm between my legs while doing side lunges and then looking up to see what the instructors next move will be is NOT a good move for me. I will do a lot of marching in place if necessary, but I WILL MOVE! That's the most important thing. --Debbie

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Zumba Fitness brand cargos are made of nylon. They are very thin. Very lightweight. If you have cargos that are convertible (pants to shorts) and/or are made for backpacking/hiking in a brand like Columbia or similar outdoor oriented brand, then the fabric of those cargos will likely be similar. If you have cargos that are made of twill, or any other popular fashion fabric for bottoms, then these are NOT the cargos you want.


The main difference between Zumba Fitness brand cargos and others are the waistband. Zumba Fitness brand waistbands are made of swimsuit fabric. As such, they stretch when they get wet...so many cargos have belt loops and many people will wear a belt with their cargos. Typically, other cargos will have a button/snap and zipper combo at the waist. This might actually stay up better than the Zumba Fitness brand.


Another big difference will be color...with Zumba Fitness...color is abundant, and being the FIRE lady that you are!...you could have so much fun with Zumba brand apparel. The only caveat with that comes the possibility of unfortunate sweat patterns. I know that in the majority of my bottoms (I don't wear black), I look like I wet my pants at the end of class. And your right...there isn't a pantyliner in the world that can help this...LOL...although I can tell you that some instructors have TRIED all kinds of various things because they were embarrassed by their sweat patterns. Personally, I'm over it.


And the last difference are TASSELS!! Zumba brand cargos have TASSELS!! And they sway and move all around during class...it seems silly but it's totally fun to have FUN workout clothes!


Wow on the neck Debbie! For the one position, you must be talking about stretching because I can't think of a time where your hand would be down and you would be in a lunge and having to watch...most instructors get a stretch routine...meaning that they have the same stretches that they do...and they can put that routine to all different songs depending on their style...and most will try to pick some sort of "feel good" song to close the class. My current one is "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars and "Feelin' Good" by Michael Buble.


As to the cross body arms...just got straight up and in front...I can think of several times my arms go cross body and everytime, you can move the arms straight and still do the move fine.


You WILL modify the moves forever. It is the nature of Zumba. You will forever be doing what your body wants, feels, or needs to do differently for every move you do. And this is relatively easy to do once you have a feel for what you are doing.


Like myself. I don't do high impact. No real reason except I don't like the jarring motion. It took me about one time through Keisha's jumping jacks to figure out how I was going to do jumping jacks low impact and still feel like I was in the groove of the song.


So don't think negatively about modifications.


I'm off to class! I'm sporting my camo cargos, that bright orange sports bra, and a red and orange shirt halter that says "Wild for ZUMBA" across the front...I got an orange belt on...my sneakers with bright orange laces (I replaces the boring black ones) and orange no show socks that show through the mess in my shoes. I'm sporting a necklace that I have designated as my exercise necklace...my Zumba logo earrings...and 4 rubber bracelets, 2 with jingle bells, 1 that I earned as "Zumba Queen" in Kelly's class, and 1 I bought from the Space Center that reads "Failure is Not an Option." I'm all set to go have a blast in class this morning!


You GOTTA have fun with your clothes! I just might have to take a pic of myself! LOL.


OH!! And I'm sportin' a new sexy/cute haircut...yay!!...back to chin length, which believe it or not was how short I had it cut over Memorial Day weekend...yes, that was almost 4 months ago...and my hair grew about 4 inches...:eek: It's higher in the back...she even shaved my neck a bit! :eek: That was a first...


Happy morning everyone!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Anita, thanks for all the info. I'm sure I have a pair of nylon cargos/capris/convertibles. They may not be wild FIRE colors or have the pretty tassels like our instructor has. They are probably a nice khaki color, but they are definitely the right material.


Glad to have the confirmation about the Zumba moves too. I understand about the jumping jacks. It's nice to know that I can just figure out my modifications and then just keep doing them and not worry about trying to work my way into those uncomfortable moves later. Bouncing on the balls of my feet with energy is one thing, but jumping around is uncomfortable on the joints and any menopausal woman that I know understands that jumping is a recipe for DISASTER! I quit jumping on the trampoline with the kids SEVERAL years ago. It just got to be too embarassing.


Enjoy class today! --Debbie

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today is my last day at work before we start our vacation :)

Due to circumstances I´m co-trainer at an it-training this morning. It just received the info yesterday afternoon that the original appointed co-trainer is not able to attend and if I could attend. Well, they were lucky I had no other meetings this morning.

So I just printed my documentation and am more or less on my way to our training center in the next town.


Yesterday evening, in preparation of the training today, I was checking my wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. You know, if you are unsure of the topic you need to present you want to at least feel and look the best way possible.

I decided on tight dark blue jeans, heels (that´s not my normal shoes, normally I run around in sneakers all day), and *tada* a blouse :)

I had some trouble in the last few month because all of my blouses were too tight. So when I tried some on last night, I was doing a happy dance in our bedroom because I way able to close the buttons on all my blouses *yeah*.

So it´s still no weight loss, however my sizes seem to change :)

And now I´m heading off to the training wearing a black blouse.


See ya all later.

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