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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Kasi1979 - so disappointing for you. I bet the teacher wouldn't mind some friendly, positive feedback. She wants a full, enthusiastic class after all, so she'll want to know if you're not happy.


Anita - wow, that video you posted. Fantastic group but boy are they serious!!


My class tonight. We all shuffle in after a hard day's work/looking after the kids, cold and grumpy. Reluctantly peel off the layers (it's very cold here at the moment). Then the music starts...and within a few moments young and old, large and small, are shimmying and shaking and smiling. The magic of Zumba:D

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Kasi, Sorry your Zumba class was lousy. I agree with Anita and am glad that you're planning to let your thoughts be heard.


Anita, I'm glad you said what you did to Kasi, because it helped me too. Nikki is the only instructor I have had and I think she is good. She gives good cues to follow and always shows us new steps sequences when she introduces a new song to class, but like Pam, I make modifications to several things that Nikki does. There is a hop and kick sequence that involves turning around while hopping on one foot, kicking out in front with the other foot and turning around, not just to the side, but to the back and then repeating--several times--until the music changes and another dance move takes over. I may not be explaining this fully, but I can't do it. I'm not a rabbit and I don't hop. So I kick and turn. Boy, do I kick. I kick as comfortably high as I can and I can kick pretty high. It's become a game for me to see how high I can kick and then be ready to turn when everyone else does. Make sense?


When I first started, I left the class so frustrated with myself I was nearly in tears because of what I perceived I couldn't do. Now, it's a game to modify to what I CAN do. Nikki's routines also have a lot of arms above your head movements. Some I can do, some I can't. Well, technically I can do them, but I'll need painkillers before I get home if I keep my hands above my shoulders as much as everyone else during the entire hour. So, I modify. I do a lot of arms swinging down and out instead of up and out.


We seem to do a lot of four beat rythms and change movements every 8 beats. She changes and it takes me the first two beats to get the right side engaged, uh-oh wrong side, change feet/arms, now do the four beats, oops changing again to something else, first two beats to get the idea, uh-oh wrong side, change ..... Get the idea? I'm not at ALL dance people. That gets frustrating for me too. IF I let it. For me to continue Zumba, and I do love Zumba even if it sounds like I don't, I have to make it fun and do-able for me. I hadn't thought about it being ADD instructor, Pam. I just thought it was Debbie Don't Dance not being able to get it. And, maybe it's both!

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Hey Ladies,

just returned home from tonights Zumba with Annie, class was once more packed and so much fun, it totally made up for last night.

I feel tired but much better than yesterday, fells as if I got a really good workout today and my muscles are tired.


Well, I hope I´ll reach the point where I´ll need new clothes, too.

Looking in the mirror while doing Zumba it´s always like watching a trailer from greenpeace: Save the whales...

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OMG...Debbie you are CRACKIN' me UP!! I'm very excited to see what happens tonight in your Zumba class. Nikki sounds sweet but I recall that she is newer? Sometimes instructors have to go through this learning curve...generally, as a student, they are something of a super star...a front row rock star...remembering the routine when the instructor forgets it...and so they get all complicated with their choreo when they become an instructor...they don't yet appreciate SIMPLICITY...LOL.


So if the instructor you go to tonight has more experience? It'll be so interesting to see if you get good solid moves for a WHOLE verse. LOL.


Kasi...glad you had a good class today. Did you talk to anyone or are you letting it drop to see what happens? I really do think you should give feedback. Is there a form that you could use? Sometimes there are "suggestion boxes" in places like that. Maybe that would be easier?


This is a fun seek and find game for me...so Debbie...is the kick and hop around move like this one during the first verse in this song:



It's even more kicky with this instructor...don't like her shouting in the class though...




And just because I LOVE to see Beto...he is HIM doing the same thing...



Enjoy everyone! Got a short and sweet class tonight....30 minutes only...whew...I'm tired...

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DH made dinner tonight, we had tomate-veal-gratin.


Serves 4:

You need:

350g minced beef

1 onion finely chopped

1 tsp mixed herbs

1 tb flour

300 ml beef stock

1 tb tomato puree

salt and pepper

2 big tomatoe, sliced thin

4 zucchini finely sliced

2 tb cornstarch

300ml low-fat milk

150g low-fat cream cheese

1 egg yolk

4 tb fresh grated parmeggiano cheese


Pre-heat the oven to 190° C (about 375 ° F), roast the onion and minced beef for 4 - 5 min. Mix herbs, flour, beef stock and tomato puree with the beef. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring the mix to the boil and cook until thickend.

Fill the mix in a casserole, layer tomatoes above and close with a layer of zucchini slices.

Mix the corn starch with a bit of milk. Bring the remaining milk to the boil, add the mixed corn starch and stir until thickend (about 1 - 3 min). Take the mix from the heat and mix it with cream cheese and egg yolk.

Pour the white sauce over the zucchini, top with parmeggiano cheese and put the dish in the oven for 25 - 30 minutes, until crust turns golden.



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Hi Anita,


I´ve talked to Petra, who owns the studio and told her about my experience last night.

She said to give it another try, Claudia will have to adopt a few of our songs and tone it down a bit.

She seemed to appreciate the feedback.

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Anita, I watched the videos when I got home tonight (you-tube is blocked at work). None of these kick and turn moves were quite right, I don't think. To be honest, I never tried to do it. It seemed too ridiculous for me to try. The move is even more than what the second video girl is doing because our move never puts the foot down until you are completely turned around. It's bring knee up to parellel, kick straight out, kick backwards with the same foot, then turn while hopping or bouncing on the foot that's on the ground so that you are now facing the opposite way, and repeat. It like the one foot never touches the ground and all your weight is on that one poor knee, turning and jumping...and Lordy, Lordy...even if my knee could take it, none of the rest of me could. Of course, this one of the few moves that seem to repeat over and over.


Because this is the only instructor I've had, I had nothing to compare. Watching the videos closely, they seem calmer and more dance-like instead of gymnastic, KWIM? Maybe I'm not making sense, IDK. Didn't go to the second class tonight. It will sound lame, but i overdid tai-chi class on Wednesday. Who would think you could hurt yourself by breathing too deeply during deep-breathing exercises? I have a bulging disk in the middle of my back that bulges in toward my heart and lungs. I didnt put two and two together until it was too late. I thought my muscle relaxers would have me up and running today, but instead i was running to the doctor this afternoon. Soooo, We are aiming for next week. Down, but not out yet. I'll give a report next week. --Debbie

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Anita, I watched the videos when I got home tonight (you-tube is blocked at work). None of these kick and turn moves were quite right, I don't think. To be honest, I never tried to do it. It seemed too ridiculous for me to try. The move is even more than what the second video girl is doing because our move never puts the foot down until you are completely turned around. It's bring knee up to parellel, kick straight out, kick backwards with the same foot, then turn while hopping or bouncing on the foot that's on the ground so that you are now facing the opposite way, and repeat. It like the one foot never touches the ground and all your weight is on that one poor knee, turning and jumping...


Yes we do that move too. You turn the full 180 degrees hopping on one (bent) leg, whilst wiggling the other one in the air. NOT the most dignified move!:eek:


Loved that Beto video, thank you, I had no idea there were Zumba videos on YouTube. Looked lots of fun in that big crowd:) Have to pity the girls on Cromer beach in the first video though - it's on the east coast of England and was probably very cold!!


Tomorrow our teacher is getting all his classes together for a 'Zumbathon' - two hours of Zumba to raise money for local children's hospices. I hope we get a break in the middle...:o

Edited by Bea_Bopp
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Kasi...Oh I'm so glad that your feedback was appreciated. That's a good studio. :) Give her another chance...Mom has an instructor that started off on the WRONG foot...she was opposite though...breaks between the songs, etc., and now she is one of Mom's favorites.


Debbie...that moves sounds ridiculous to me, I have to say. I wouldn't do it either.


I do understand what you are saying, and it is one reason why I am so interested to hear about what happens when you try out another instructor. Now that you are more familiar with Zumba, going to check out another instructor may not seem so intimidating. And that is the word I was looking for...I hear about more women who equate Zumba classes with the infomercial they see on television...and classes are so NOT like that infomercial...well, I guess some can be...but the point is that instructors are SO different. I kinda hope you find one that's more "dancy" than "gymnastic-y". LOL!


Bea...YouTube is COVERED in Zumba videos. I can spout off the routines that I do that I copied straight from other instructors. Zumba Office is really cracking down on illegal videos though...so you might need to also search for "Dance Fitness." Legal videos that include the word Zumba are supposed to be 2 minutes or less...and supposed to be used more for promotion purposes (like to advertise your own class). So some videos that show an entire song are supposed to NOT use Zumba, not have the instructor wearing Zumbawear, etc. The description may say something like "choreography intended to be used in a dance fitness class."


Beto is the BEST!! So fun to watch. Did you notice that the link I gave was on the Zumba Fitness channel? There are several videos to watch there. A lot of it is advertising, but it's fun too.


Zumbathons are fun!! There may or may not be an official break...you may just need to break on your own. Get water when you need it. Take the time at the end of the song that is really repetitive to get your water so that you are ready to go at the intro for the next song...or extend the break with the intro to the next song. :) Let us know how it is!

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So tomorrow is my first new Saturday class at Curves. I need to show up at 8:00 AM when the doors open, set up, and start class no later than 8:05 AM...45 minute class...end at 8:50...pack up...go to the rec ctr...set up and start class at 9:30 AM...one hour class!...whew!! Should be fun!!


I have the playlists all planned. Shouldn't be too bad actually. I know it sounds rough, but as I said, I have been in the process of really figuring out my classes. I NAILED my Curves classes this week. My owner loved the list so much, she wanted me to make a CD for her to listen to in the car...such a compliment!!


I'm still trying to nail down the rec ctr...we'll see how tomorrow goes...I've come to realize a couple things from talking to Mom...my list tomorrow is incorporating these ideas...I'll report how it all goes tomorrow.


There was a mix up with the registration, so it's possible that there will be newbies in my rec ctr class tomorrow. AND I KNOW there should be 2 or 3 newbies at Curves. It's exciting. Newbies usually add great energy. Hopefully the impending storm won't keep the students away.


Hope everyone has a good night.

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Hey Ladies,

how is your weekend?

Anita, were there many new participants in your class today?

As it´s saturday, I slept long, went shopping with DH, mainly sweets to take with us to Italy when we visit my sister in two weeks for the long carnival weekend.

This afternoon we went to the cinema and watched the new Brad Pitt movie moneyball. As I had my usual cinema meal, of popcorn and a small coke, I feel absolutely stuffed tonight.

So, after taking a look online and noticing that everyone else seemed to be busy, I went back down to the family room for some home exercises.

I did the small pilates workout (20 minutes) and afterwards 40 min of Zumba for Wii, and as I did not like their cool-down I switched to youtube for Dance Dance Dance and afterwards Historia.

Now I feel good as I always do after a Zumba workout and am comfortably tired.


I think this little sport program tonight makes up for my missed class last night. It´s that time in the month when I love to curl up on my sofa with a hot-water bag. So I skipped class yesterday in order of a night spend at home.


Tomorrow is another Zumba class and that´s all I´ve planned right now.

It´s pretty cold, we´ve about minus 12 ° C, which equals to about 10°F, so being outside is no fun right now.


What are you doing?

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So this morning was my first morning with the two classes. It went SO well. I'm very excited.


First, at Curves...there were 12 ladies there for this first Saturday class. And the owner said that there are 4 more ladies who were out of town this weekend who said they wanted to come and would come next weekend. So this is fantastic. Three of the ladies had never been in one of my classes during the week and all the other ladies were ones that I see during the week. That made me feel so good that the ladies like my class so much that they would come for MORE. :cool:


Then, at the rec center, there was a mix up with the online registration, so I knew there was the possibility of there being new students today who would be thinking that the new session started today. There were 3 new students! One student is a young lady...in high school I'm thinking...I was very excited to see her in class. She needs to come to class. She needs to do something active...and I'm praying that I can hook her into Zumba. She did great, but I can see the shyness and lack of confidence in her...I'm so hoping she is the one new student that has signed up for the evening classes as well.


I hit a good groove for the rec ctr classes too, I think. It was raining so hard...I got soaked in between the two classes...I had a new shirt to wear to the second class but my hair was already SOAKED...so when I started sweating? OMG...let me just say that I read about an instructor who has a student that brings a MOP to class with her...and she offers to clean up anyone's area that needs it in-between songs...and I WISH she had been in my class this morning...ever been to an amusement park where the shows have the "wet zone" in the front rows? OMG...that was me and my class this morning.:o:rolleyes:


One of my most supportive students turns 60 tomorrow. I wish I'd know more in advance so I could have planned something...but I'd like to do something for her...I just have to figure out what.


Major rain today meant that the tennis tournament for DS was delayed all day...and then finally they said to check the schedule for match times tomorrow...but more rain is expected. Who knows what will happen?


Kasi...I can only imagine cold like that...seriously...our air conditioning is running daily. Even with the rain...highs in the 70s. Supposed to cool off though with this front. We'll see.

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Hi everyone


I survived the 2hr Zumbathon. It was easy to keep going because it was such fun, there were lots of laughs, even though we got tired. We had a short break about halfway through when we did a cool-down routine then there were a couple of minutes before we started again. Guess which ladies dropped out? Yup, the young student girls behind us...it was too hard for them.:eek:


Anita - we did Caipirinha! First time ever - when we started I recognised the tune from the video you posted. That was our only new tune, the rest were routines we had done before, although in some cases we hadn't done them for a long time.


It's cold here too, although not as bad as with Kasi. It started snowing yesterday so I had a 15 minute walk to Zumba as we live at the top of the hill - no way I'd be getting my car back home once it snowed!

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Bea...glad to hear your Zumbathon was so fun!


That is dedication to walk to Zumba! Good for you!


It's fun to recognize the songs when you know a bit of the history of them!


I've been doing the same playlist for Curves now for the third 30-minute class in a row...changing only the stretch song. Today, I did the duet version of the song "Beautiful" from last season on The Voice. Not my favorite, but the new session started yesterday after the Super Bowl and I kind of did the song in honor of that. Thursday, I did Il Divo's version of "Unchained Melody" and last Monday, I did Gloria Estefan's "Desde la Oscuridad."


I did a major change to the Stand By Me choreography. We turn and use all four walls like we are doing a line dance. They love it. There are several line dance Bachata's on YouTube...I think I'm going to have to do some research and pick one for my ladies...I can tell that they would be all over the line dancing...which isn't technically following Zumba formula...BUT...I think it would be fun.


I'm doing Saturday's playlist tonight at the rec ctr. It's a fun list and nice intervals. Definitely colder today...finally feels like winter...low 40s...high barely above 60!

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Had a great turn out Monday night. It was a good class. There were a couple more ladies that used to go to Kelly's class that showed up last night. I know one has enrolled, and I'm hopeful that the other will also. There were 12 ladies! With the size of the room, this is a great number...lots of energy.


Today I did my new reggaeton for my corporate class. I didn't do this exact choreography, but it's similar to:



There is something very satisfying about stomping the floor on the "Batazo" parts...especially with the stage I'm on? OMG...I felt like BANG...BANG...BANG...I don't know...a release of aggression? I especially love the way the MAN in this video moves...mmmm mmmm. LOL.


I want to change up my 45 minute playlist for Curves...but I'm not sure how exactly...so maybe I won't? :)

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Oh! I've meaning to report this...


While at the tennis tournament this past weekend, I was able to read a kind of mini-edition of the magazine, "Prevention." There was a report of a study by the University of Georgia regarding the best calories in to calories out ratio for optimum weight loss. Interestingly enough...the results are very surprising. I have to run to get DS from school...but here's a reference to the study I found online:




I think this explains how I can have a sudden drop even when I feel like I haven't been eating that great...I've just been doing so much Zumba that I'm within that 300-500 calorie window...on EITHER side of the equation. That rocks!!

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Hi everybody,

how are you?

I just finsihed a small workout in my livingroom.

Started with 20 min Pilates and added about half an hour of Zumba.

I know, normally Tuesday is one of my night where I would join our Zumba class with Annie. However it´s so cold here right now, that I was totally unwliing to leave home again and the prospect of sweating and then being out in this freezing air was enough of an excuse.

Temps are about -16° C at night, must be around 3°F if it found the correct conversion table.


Temperatures should go up towards freezing point sometime this week, hopefully rising temps don´t equal snow, we like the dry arctic air we get right now.


I´m heading of to bed, take care.

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Good afternoon all!


Stopping in to see how y'all are doing :) I'm in my 3rd week of doing Zumba faithfully, I thought I'd only have 3 days a week to do it, but the instructor notified us that she'll be offering a Saturday class from 12-1 so I took advantage of that this past weekend :D I've been drinking my lemon waters faithfully, one in the morning and one in the evening. I've also replaced 3 weekly dinners with Herbalife shakes (the nights that I do Zumba for convenience). I've also incorporated the belly dance class once a week too. Yet all of this has me at only around a 1 pound loss. I'm trying to not feel disappointed but it is difficult.


Anita I've read over and over your posts to the ladies not to be discouraged by the scale but it's so difficult. I did take my measurements on February 1st and I was 38 bust, 33 waist and 42 hips. I do have quite a booty lol :p When should I take my next set of measurements do you think? I think weekly is probably silly :o but would every two weeks be ok?

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don´t be discouraged because your weight is not dropping as fast as you would like.

After loosing nearly 4 kg since Christmas I seem to have hit the next roadblock. My weight is not going down. So I hope that it´s a phase and continue doing my sports and avoiding sodas as well as most sweets.

I tried the measurment method, however not noticing any changes was even worse than not loosing weight.


Tonight was no sports, as I met up with some friends at a japanese restaurant in the city. Needless to say I ate way to much. So Im heading out to Zumba class again tomorrow, and I can wear my new shirt, as I received my zumba football jersey in the mail today *yeah*


Take care,

continue on your good way,

and enjoy the party :)

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Good afternoon all!


Yet all of this has me at only around a 1 pound loss. I'm trying to not feel disappointed but it is difficult.


Anita I've read over and over your posts to the ladies not to be discouraged by the scale but it's so difficult. I did take my measurements on February 1st and I was 38 bust, 33 waist and 42 hips. I do have quite a booty lol :p When should I take my next set of measurements do you think? I think weekly is probably silly :o but would every two weeks be ok?


I'm going to echo what Kasi said! Actually, a l pound loss is a cause for celebration because it's just a "measurement" validation of the course that you're on to walk on the path of a healthy lifestyle!


First of all, did you go to the shopyourshape website? Depending upon how you normally put on weight, that site says that you are either a Pear or a Spoon. That information will be important for you only because it will tell you where (most likely) your weight will come off first! Your body is very efficient, and it will do things in the easiest way for it to... in other words, if your body normally finds it easier to put weight on your buttocks, then the reverse is also true and you will find that the weight will come off of your buttocks first... usually (as an example).


Which leads me to just talk about the difficulty of taking measurements. Measurements are normally such a great validation of the good that we are doing when we eat a healthy diet and exercise. However, it can be difficult to take accurate measurements, especially around the circumference of our body... why?... because it's so darn difficult to get that tape measure at the exact same spot every single time... and to have the tape be parallel and straight every single time....


So, in essence, especially when you are first starting out... as badly as you want to have some measurement (inches or pounds) that let you know you are accomplishing something.... the best validation that you can have is simply going to come from your inner voice... from your heart and from your brain. You KNOW that you are doing the right thing! You KNOW that eating healthy and exercising are what you need to do for your health and for the best silhouette that you can have in your body. You KNOW.


Let that be enough for the very beginning. Don't rely on pounds lost and inches lost...at FIRST. Just rely on yourself and your support group and walking along the healthy lifestyle path. The results that you truly want (the pounds lost and inches lost) will come... they will come....

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don´t be discouraged because your weight is not dropping as fast as you would like.

After loosing nearly 4 kg since Christmas I seem to have hit the next roadblock. My weight is not going down. So I hope that it´s a phase and continue doing my sports and avoiding sodas as well as most sweets.

I tried the measurment method, however not noticing any changes was even worse than not loosing weight.


Tonight was no sports, as I met up with some friends at a japanese restaurant in the city. Needless to say I ate way to much. So Im heading out to Zumba class again tomorrow, and I can wear my new shirt, as I received my zumba football jersey in the mail today *yeah*


Take care,

continue on your good way,

and enjoy the party :)


I guess that's kind of where I'm at. Not seeing much change on the scale or in my clothes and after putting so much effort for 2.5 weeks I feel like SOMETHING should be changing, know what I mean? I'm glad you did eventually see change, even if you have hit another roadblock. If you made it past the first one I'm sure you'll do great about getting over the second. I just have to keep pushing myself and I'm sure in time I'll see the change I want to see. I'm just very impatient lol


I'm going to echo what Kasi said! Actually, a l pound loss is a cause for celebration because it's just a "measurement" validation of the course that you're on to walk on the path of a healthy lifestyle!


First of all, did you go to the shopyourshape website? Depending upon how you normally put on weight, that site says that you are either a Pear or a Spoon. That information will be important for you only because it will tell you where (most likely) your weight will come off first! Your body is very efficient, and it will do things in the easiest way for it to... in other words, if your body normally finds it easier to put weight on your buttocks, then the reverse is also true and you will find that the weight will come off of your buttocks first... usually (as an example).


Which leads me to just talk about the difficulty of taking measurements. Measurements are normally such a great validation of the good that we are doing when we eat a healthy diet and exercise. However, it can be difficult to take accurate measurements, especially around the circumference of our body... why?... because it's so darn difficult to get that tape measure at the exact same spot every single time... and to have the tape be parallel and straight every single time....


So, in essence, especially when you are first starting out... as badly as you want to have some measurement (inches or pounds) that let you know you are accomplishing something.... the best validation that you can have is simply going to come from your inner voice... from your heart and from your brain. You KNOW that you are doing the right thing! You KNOW that eating healthy and exercising are what you need to do for your health and for the best silhouette that you can have in your body. You KNOW.


Let that be enough for the very beginning. Don't rely on pounds lost and inches lost...at FIRST. Just rely on yourself and your support group and walking along the healthy lifestyle path. The results that you truly want (the pounds lost and inches lost) will come... they will come....


I had not seen that website and sure enough I'm the "Pear" it described me exactly. I can only hope that if the weight goes mainly to my bottom and thighs that when it DOES start coming off it'll be from that vicinity of my body. :o It was very difficult to measure myself, so I had my husband do it for me. Of course he sees "nothing" wrong with me and says that I'm just being silly so I told him Thank You, hush up and take my measurements LOL :p I will try to try my hardest to not rely on the measurements and scale (in the beginning) like you mentioned. Like I said though I can get very discouraged pretty quickly if I don't see a change since I'm so impatient when it comes to stuff like this. And I'm actually pretty likely to emotional eat too :o I've been better about that these last 2.5 weeks but it's very challenging when there's so many fast food places near my work and home.


Well after 2 rest days I finally have Zumba class again tonight and I'll be going on Saturday as well. Hopefully the classes will put me in a better mood and jumpstart my emotions towards a more positive outlook. Thank you all for the support here, it really does help. Because I know all of you were in my shoes at some point in time and are now over the hump and feeling great about yourselves. Of course we all have our days but it's the support that gets us back on track :)

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Yet all of this has me at only around a 1 pound loss. I'm trying to not feel disappointed but it is difficult.


Anita I've read over and over your posts to the ladies not to be discouraged by the scale but it's so difficult. I did take my measurements on February 1st and I was 38 bust, 33 waist and 42 hips. I do have quite a booty lol :p When should I take my next set of measurements do you think? I think weekly is probably silly :o but would every two weeks be ok?


Not seeing much change on the scale or in my clothes and after putting so much effort for 2.5 weeks I feel like SOMETHING should be changing, know what I mean?...I'm just very impatient lol


I will try to try my hardest to not rely on the measurements and scale (in the beginning) like you mentioned. Like I said though I can get very discouraged pretty quickly if I don't see a change since I'm so impatient when it comes to stuff like this. And I'm actually pretty likely to emotional eat too :o I've been better about that these last 2.5 weeks but it's very challenging when there's so many fast food places near my work and home.


Well after 2 rest days I finally have Zumba class again tonight and I'll be going on Saturday as well. Hopefully the classes will put me in a better mood and jumpstart my emotions towards a more positive outlook. Thank you all for the support here, it really does help. Because I know all of you were in my shoes at some point in time and are now over the hump and feeling great about yourselves. Of course we all have our days but it's the support that gets us back on track :)


Oh Vanesa...


Girl...you have to chill out. Seriously. I can feel your angst...and I can tell you, it's keeping the weight on you...because stress and fluctuating emotions are NOT HELPFUL. Especially when you have so little to lose.


Here's the deal...perhaps you have read or haven't read about how I got started...I didn't lose a SINGLE pound in the first two months of taking Zumba classes...I knew that change shows up slowly and so, to not discourage myself, I only measured myself ONCE A MONTH...There was no change in the first month...although my clothing seemed to start to fit better...and then, in the second month...I lost 2" around my hips...BUT NO WEIGHT STILL.


After my birthday last year...I completely stalled. Because of this random weight loss and inches loss, my average weight loss since September 2010 is somewhere between 0.5 and 1.0 pound per week. You can NOT let the scale, measuring tape, or tag in your britches determine your attitude and outlook. If you are, then you are missing the whole point of what I have tried to say on this thread...and maybe I haven't repeated myself recently...


Get your attitude based on WHAT YOU ARE DOING...not the EFFECT of what you are doing...the GOAL is to go to class...the GOAL is to get hydrated...the GOAL is to eat right and KNOW that you are treating your body like the precious gift it is...doing your best to keep your body in good working order so that as you are older you can still walk upright, without aid...play with your grandkids...travel without difficulty...park in a non-handicapped spot...and otherwise maintain a quality of life that reflects that you have treated your body well and it is rewarding you as you age.


The GOAL is not WEIGHT LOSS. Get that OUT of your head. If that is your goal...then you need a serious adjustment to your thinking.


The goal is HEALTH and FITNESS.


Success in this goal is celebrated DAILY when you go to your classes and get your fitness on...when you have that day of rest and know that your body needs to recover while you KNOW that you will be back to class on the scheduled day...when you give your body good nutrition that FUELS your body...when you hydrate it...and when your mind is focused on these things...your PATIENCE level doesn't become an issue. Because you recognize SUCCESS is the pursuit of HEALTH & FITNESS through a multi-faceted lifestyle that goes beyond a stupid number on a scale or tag on a garment.


Feel good about yourself because you are DOING GOOD FOR YOURSELF. It is GOOD for you to work out and eat right. It is good for you to treat your body as the beautiful thing that it ALREADY is. You keep on keeping on and recognize that eventually what you have been doing will make a difference.


If you have EVER done this before...shocked your body with an extreme exercise schedule...then your body recognizes this...and it's waiting...because likely, in the past, you gave up...and your body didn't have to make any long term adjustments...because you got impatient, and frustrated, and decided that you could stay at the same weight and size and ENJOY yourself instead of working so hard to change and get nothing. So your body is WAITING...are you going to give up? Or are you actually going to keep after it long enough for your body to say...HUH...I guess we need to make some changes around here.


And then, BAM, sudden change. Not nice, pretty, easily tracked, linear change...SUDDEN CHANGE...and ONLY because you stuck with it.


And THAT'S my lecture for the day. :cool:


Vanesa...you will notice that I don't report on my measurements or my weight any longer. I haven't changed much since the last time I reported...I'm still right around 158-160 pounds on the scale...my measurements are making me crazy because I can't seem to find the same spot to measure as I have in the past...and so I have completely stopped using these as a measure of anything.


These days...I'm focused on the flab...and the shape...all I care about is reshaping my body...I want my stomach different...I want my shoulder blades sharper...I want my triceps firmer...I want my thighs to stop touching (if they EVER will)...and I want to be able to fit my calves into a tall pair of boots without looking completely ridiculous (if THAT can ever happen)...and I want to lose what I THINK they call saddle bags on the upper sides of my butt...I want people to look at me and KNOW that I WORK OUT...that I take care of myself...I want to LOOK like one of THOSE people. ;) And these goals go beyond weight and measurements.


I highly recommend that you spend some time rethinking your goals. Get new goals fixed in your mind...achievable goals...goals that are reflected of the lifestyle that yields the body you want...then go in pursuit of the LIFESTYLE and just KNOW that the body will follow.

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I really truly needed that stern talking to. I hadn't realized how negative I have actually been on myself. It's seems pretty petty to worry about 5-10 pounds just for a cruise. You're right about the fact that if I want to truly change and shape my body to how I want it it has to be a long term commitment to the lifestyle. Im normally not very negative but when I can't see a difference quickly I do give up. I have given up numerous times in the past. But I don't plan on doing that this time around. Trust me I do want to just be healthy for myself and my family :)


Again, I'm sorry for the negativity. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. That should be my "goal" not the weight loss, I just need to accept that as my goal and do the best I can to achieve it. the goals you said will also be my goals, like going to class. It seems like if I just keep achieving that goal weekly I'll get to where I wanna be HEALTHY and FIT.

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