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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Kasi..how do you like the jersey? Let me know how it is to work out in it...are you using the snaps? How short is it? Does your tummy show?


@Vanesa...*Cyber hugs* Everyone goes through periods of negativity. The fact is that transitioning into this lifestyle is not an easy thing to do...yet this is what it takes to be health and fit...and if your Texan neck of the woods is anything like mine...and knowing that Texas boasts MANY of the fattest metros in the USA...I'm sure you also see many people that are NOT winning this battle on a daily basis. The support around you can be so lacking...


I don't know if you read Mom's post about the great increase in success that people have when they have a support group of any kind...including one like this one...cyber support...THIS is why I started this thread...because I do like to encourage people and whenever I get my preach on, I build myself up as well...and reaffirm everything that I believe and recommit to the path less traveled.


Can you believe the cruise is 29 days away!!!


If I were you, I would just be concentrating on trying to maintain my schedule from now until the cruise...and that would be a HUGE accomplishment. HUGE. And since you know that I'll be rockin' a sweet Zumba class 3X during our cruise...you will still be able to get your fitness on while on vacation. Which you will probably be more inclined to do since both Mom and I will be there. And who could miss us? ;):rolleyes:


It sounds like you are doing great Vanesa...keep it up. Chin up. Change is a comin'!!! Wait for it...wait for it...:cool:

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It's 6:30 AM and I have been awake for 20 minutes. :eek:


I've always been the kind of person that wakes up before their alarm. When I was younger, I would usually wake up anywhere between literally 2 to 10 minutes...these days, it seems like 30 minutes is the norm...UGH. Sleep and me...sometimes we have problems. But I do like to be awake for a while before my class...I think I'll be taking a nap this afternoon. ;)


ANYHOO...I'm eager to see the turn out this morning...I know some people are going to be out of town...but I also know of others that may be first timers at Curves at least...and it's the first class of the new session at the rec ctr. I'm doing playlists very similar to last weekend. This morning...I'm going to remember to turn on my HRM so I can track my effort!


We have a special tennis tournament that DH and DS are participating in today. There was a young woman that had an office at our tennis club. She was a physical therapist / chiropractor. So nice. Well...she ended up in the hospital right before the holidays...and shortly after the holidays, she died of cancer. When she was in the hospital for an unrelated issue...they discovered that she was in stage 4 of a cancer (I don't remember of what) and she was gone 4 weeks later. Today's tournament is the first annual memorial for her.


They have constructed a new fitness pavilion which will be dedicated at noon and the proceeds are going to benefit her family.


It's a crazy thing. Everyone was shocked at the suddenness and cause...because no one...even this young woman, knew.


I'm sorry if this is a downer! But this is what my weekend is going to be about. It should actually be a very interesting event. Most of the participants in this tournament are club players.


The level of play is all over the board, especially in the junior divisions. Tennis rankings are based on points...and once a player reaches a certain level of points...they "champ up"....then there is another level where they "champ up" again...so you have 3 levels of players...ZAT, Champ, and Super Champ...In some tournaments, these levels of players are each their own draw so that the levels are segregated. In an "open" tournament, there is no segregation...


This is an open tournament, but non-sanctioned, so points can be earned by playing. Most higher level players avoid non-sanctioned, but this tournament is special...so my sweet ZAT kid, if he wins his first match will have to play a Super Champ in his second match. We know this boy...he does the academy with DS. It's just going to be interesting to see these different games between these club kids that normally don't play each other. Hopefully, the matches will have good tennis...and the more experienced players won't just completely crush the less experienced.


We'll see what happens with all of this later.


I need to eat.


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

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Hi Ladies,


happy Saturday, wherever you are and whatever you are doing :)

After sleeping in, I started my day at 7:45 am this morning, as I have to get up at 5:45 during the week, two hours more sleep feel like heaven...


I checked what has happend while I was asleep and read your postings here.

Today was spent shopping.

First we got to an outlet shop that sells dairy products and we stocled up on cheese, joghurt and everything else we thought we´d like.

Afterwards we headed across the border into the Netherlands. Right across the border is a lovely town that has some amazing shops and they are open 363 days per year, an absolutely foreign concept in Germany ;)

We strolled through an outdoor store, an electronic market, and went grocery shopping.

As we are heading for my sisters place next weekend we bought all the things that she cannot buy, at least not at as resonable price, in italy. I believe our car will look like a delivery van when we drive the 10 hours to see her.


We spent the remaining afternoon at my BIL´s and later at my father-in-laws, before heading back home.

On our way we stopped at the rhine harbour in Duesseldorf to take some pictures. The harbour is partially frozen, so it made for some interesting pictures...


Anita, you asked about the football jersey. I bough a size L shirt, which fits me perfectly, so that right now I´m not using the buttons. Should my figure change much, I can always refit the shirt by buttoning the back side... The shirt does ride up and one might catch a glimpse of your belly when you do many moves with your arms high above you head. However I felt like it was not too bad. The material feels nice and I hope it drys fast, as I just got my washing done and want to put on the shirt again for my sunday morning class.


Hope you are all feeling good.

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@Vanesa...*Cyber hugs* Everyone goes through periods of negativity. The fact is that transitioning into this lifestyle is not an easy thing to do...yet this is what it takes to be health and fit...and if your Texan neck of the woods is anything like mine...and knowing that Texas boasts MANY of the fattest metros in the USA...I'm sure you also see many people that are NOT winning this battle on a daily basis. The support around you can be so lacking...


I don't know if you read Mom's post about the great increase in success that people have when they have a support group of any kind...including one like this one...cyber support...THIS is why I started this thread...because I do like to encourage people and whenever I get my preach on, I build myself up as well...and reaffirm everything that I believe and recommit to the path less traveled.


Can you believe the cruise is 29 days away!!!


If I were you, I would just be concentrating on trying to maintain my schedule from now until the cruise...and that would be a HUGE accomplishment. HUGE. And since you know that I'll be rockin' a sweet Zumba class 3X during our cruise...you will still be able to get your fitness on while on vacation. Which you will probably be more inclined to do since both Mom and I will be there. And who could miss us?


It sounds like you are doing great Vanesa...keep it up. Chin up. Change is a comin'!!! Wait for it...wait for it...


Thank you again! And yes I vaguely remember reading that post about support groups that your mom posted and I'm actually now part of 2 one here with you lovely ladies and one on FB also.


On Saturday I decided to help out my instructor by going with her to help her out at the HEB (local grocery chain) for a Zumba demo :) I was able to actually make it through the whole hour and a half of songs! :eek: At first I was a bit nervous because I hadn't done a public demo like that in quite a while (participated with my first instructor) but it felt good to get a FREE workout in! Zumba instructors all over Corpus each have a time block and perform their choreo every 2nd Saturday of the month to promote healthy living and HEB does free health screenings. Which Corpus could definitely benefit from, since last year or the year before, our city was chosen as the most obese city in the USA. :(


I'm trying to stay positive about this but I just have the worst luck with instructors :( I don't have details, but my instructor was in the hospital this weekend and won't be having classes until Wednesday, which means I can't do Zumba until Friday because I take the classes Monday, Tuesday & Friday. I'm going to try to find a place I GUESS to go to for Monday & Tuesday but most of the other places are so out of my way that I lose motivation to leave the house if it's too far. Worse case scenario I guess I can pop in the Zumba PS3 game I have just to try and break a sweat even though it's not as intense as going to a class in person. :rolleyes:


I'm so excited because I actually was able to fit in some cute clothes at Forever XXI for our cruise. Granted it was the largest size they carry I think in shorts but they fit so well I didn't even care about that I thought I looked good and I FELT good in the outfit that I didn't think twice and bought the whole ensemble: hat, earrings, bracelet, shorts, & tank :D I'll probably where it to the M&M. Well, that's about all I have for now. Please send good thoughts/prayers for my instructor, I need her to get well soon!

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Kasi...I LOVE that photo! The framing is excellent. I love seeing the broken sheets of ice on the canal (is that a canal?) and the time of day...oh and the balance of the buildings...it's just such an excellent photo. Really nice.


I got the Fast Dash Shirt...I think that's what it is called. I only have racerbacks otherwise really...but this shirt is fun...thin material...I got the black one with the gold lettering. I'm thinking about the jersey...hmmmm


Vanesa...good for you on the HEB Zumba class...90 minutes is a LONG class...wow...WTG!! And fitting into clothing is VERY exciting. I remember how hard it is to be bigger than the biggest size in the mall stores...and it's very exciting to be able to fit into any clothing in those stores! The size doesn't matter...if they look good and more importantly, you feel good...then that's all that really matters. Yay!


I understand your dilemma with the Zumba instructors...I really do. It's what finally inspired me to get licensed myself. I was wanting to add another day to my schedule and I was looking around at other classes that I could take...and I just didn't like the other classes at all...I didn't care for the instructors. And that's when I knew that I had all my eggs in one basket so to speak...and if anything happened to Kelly, I would be lost...and I couldn't afford to be that beholdened to one single instructor...and that all combined that I decided to gift myself for my 39th birthday last year with the training to be an instructor.


I hope that you can find another instructor or another class that works out for you. I think this is one of the advantages that Mom has going to 24 hour fitness...she has access to so many different instructors.


I've been shopping for DS for cruisewear. It's hit and miss with the way they do the boy's sizes. Some hits today, but I'm not LOVING them...so I'll be trying again...maybe tomorrow. We'll see. Probably Wednesday would be better. Debbie...you thought YOU were bad...I'm STILL trying to get Christmas totally put away.:o I seriously need to get that done tomorrow.:eek:

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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


Remember...as on ANY holiday or celebration or special occasion...nothing is "off limits," just be smart about what you are doing...take it into account...think about your day as a whole...BALANCE...eat when you are hungry...eat slowly...SAVOR...be able to recognize when you are full...and STOP.


And go to class tonight, if it's on your schedule!! It's the best gift you can give to yourself...to keep your schedule.


Zumba love! Cyber hugs!

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Debbie...you thought YOU were bad...I'm STILL trying to get Christmas totally put away.:o I seriously need to get that done tomorrow.:eek:
I realized yesterday that I still have the wrapping paper, bows and bags in the craft/play room upstairs! Time has flown by since Christmas. DH and I took another four day break from the work/home life this past week. I love these little short get-aways. He lets me plan them and off we go. Hokey to some, but we had a ball!


Relaxing, yes definitely! Excercising, not one bit! It was sooo stinking cold. 12 degrees and I definitely dressed trying to be cute and not for warmth.


Freezing rain and snow yesterday when I left work, so I didn't stay around for Zumba class. TaiChi is up next for me on Wednesday. I've signed up for 8 weeks and the first week was free, so I have 6 more weeks in this session. By the end of this series of classes, I will probably change to outdoor walking. Breathing and slow movements are probably good for me, but this isn't something I plan to continue long term. I honestly thought at the end of my first session that this would be the one type of activity that I could participate in fully. However, there's lots of holding my arms out in front of me for extended periods of time. As usual, I must modify what I am able to accomplish in class. It may be the fact that our instructor is teaching the moves and holds positions that oridinarily won't be held when we learn the move fully, but for now, it stinking HURTS! This should be continuous slow movements and slow breathing to match, but right now, I leave hurting and know that isn't what supposed to happen.


I never thought I'd have to go home and tell DH that I hurt because I breathed too hard. I feel like such a weinie. Debilitated Debbie at 56. I don't mind the number on the scale and I could care less what my pants size tells me, but to know that I can't go to a class that BREATHES without leaving class early and wanting to scream? Sheesh! I could just scream thinking about it.


It's so disheartening some days. For everyone out there that is struggling, it doesn't matter what the struggle is, does it? It seems the most real struggle to you. I've heard it said many ways for many different things, but the main point is this: If it's happening to someone else, it's minor. If it's happening to me, it's major!


Pity party over! Time to move upward and onward. Happy Valentine's Day everybody. Let's love ourselves, warts and all. Let's love the important people in our lives EVERY day. --Debbie

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Vanesa...good for you on the HEB Zumba class...90 minutes is a LONG class...wow...WTG!! And fitting into clothing is VERY exciting. I remember how hard it is to be bigger than the biggest size in the mall stores...and it's very exciting to be able to fit into any clothing in those stores! The size doesn't matter...if they look good and more importantly, you feel good...then that's all that really matters. Yay!


I understand your dilemma with the Zumba instructors...I really do. It's what finally inspired me to get licensed myself. I was wanting to add another day to my schedule and I was looking around at other classes that I could take...and I just didn't like the other classes at all...I didn't care for the instructors. And that's when I knew that I had all my eggs in one basket so to speak...and if anything happened to Kelly, I would be lost...and I couldn't afford to be that beholdened to one single instructor...and that all combined that I decided to gift myself for my 39th birthday last year with the training to be an instructor.


I hope that you can find another instructor or another class that works out for you. I think this is one of the advantages that Mom has going to 24 hour fitness...she has access to so many different instructors.


I've been shopping for DS for cruisewear. It's hit and miss with the way they do the boy's sizes. Some hits today, but I'm not LOVING them...so I'll be trying again...maybe tomorrow. We'll see. Probably Wednesday would be better. Debbie...you thought YOU were bad...I'm STILL trying to get Christmas totally put away.:o I seriously need to get that done tomorrow.:eek:



Well I didn't try as hard as I should have to find a replacement instructor for Monday & Tuesday :o but I definitely will if she's still unable to have class on Friday. I won't give up! :D


I have to shop for my DS as well but not until I'm done shopping for me since he's a bit easier to shop for. I think I'm going to go with the nice button down shirt & tie for him, we don't go to enough formal events for me to invest in a blazer that he'll only use twice on the cruise and then outgrow.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a little Christmas that still needs to be put away! :o I still have my lights up lol thankfully it's just a few strands bordering the roof but still I'm THAT house that still has 'em up, WHOOPS!


25 days until our cruise! I wish we were already on the ship but the anticipation of leaving is all part of the fun I think. it'll be here before we know it.


Anita have you decided which days you and mom are going to try and do the class? I've already told hubby I wanted to participate so he won't be shocked when I book it to exercise with y'all if everything works out and we can. (Fingers crossed!)

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Venesa...We are going to try to have class on the Sea Days. I think that's Monday, Tuesday and Saturday? It will be totally dependent on when the room might be available. Mom and I were just talking about this...I'll have some 45 minute playlists too...just incase I can't get the room for a full hour.


My DS is a PAIN to shop for...he has DH's proportions...lots of torso, not too much leg...and so it is very difficult to get bottoms for him...if they fit in the waist, they can be SO LONG in the leg OR in the crotch...I spent this morning shopping for him...I brought a pair of his jeans with me to match up against other clothing...we'll see how it goes after school today! DS will be wearing a suit. I LOVES dressing up in a suit, so I can't deny him the pleasure...we got a lot of mileage out of the last suit we bought...so I think it'll be worth it...I'll say this...my young man owns 4 ties? And he started his collection in 2nd grade! LOL. LOVE zippered ties!! They are the BEST.

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so good to read that you are in full cruise planning mode.

I have to wait just a couple more days than you and am absolutely looking forward to the cruise. The only item I have to buy before we go is a new tankini. Mine needed replacement after 7 years... As I need one that I´ll feel comfortable in to really swim, that will take a few hours in various stores,


The cold spell that hit Germany seems to be over and we are in low temps above freezing point. Anything better than ice and snow.

We had a function from work yesterday evening in a big hotel in town and the showmaster for the night started with some jokes and asked everyone in the room who has a significant other to please stand up. Then he made up repeat:







Due to spending valentins-day with co-workers ;)

It was an nice evening.


I won´t make it to Zumba class at all this week.

On monday I was at the movies, yesterday the party, tonight just bone tired, and tomorrow starts the carnival weekend, so there´s no Zumba class tomorrow night and we´ll be heading to visit my sister in Italy early on Friday, as it´s a 10 h drive to get there...


I got myself 4 new books for my kindle at yesterdays valentins special on amazon, so that I´ll have enough to read over the weekend...


Take care.

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Venesa...We are going to try to have class on the Sea Days. I think that's Monday, Tuesday and Saturday? It will be totally dependent on when the room might be available. Mom and I were just talking about this...I'll have some 45 minute playlists too...just incase I can't get the room for a full hour.


My DS is a PAIN to shop for...he has DH's proportions...lots of torso, not too much leg...and so it is very difficult to get bottoms for him...if they fit in the waist, they can be SO LONG in the leg OR in the crotch...I spent this morning shopping for him...I brought a pair of his jeans with me to match up against other clothing...we'll see how it goes after school today! DS will be wearing a suit. I LOVES dressing up in a suit, so I can't deny him the pleasure...we got a lot of mileage out of the last suit we bought...so I think it'll be worth it...I'll say this...my young man owns 4 ties? And he started his collection in 2nd grade! LOL. LOVE zippered ties!! They are the BEST.


Sounds like a plan on the Zumba days :)


Where did you get his suit? I'm also worried about my son stretching it seems like every 4-6 months he's just getting taller and taller, I'm like WTH?! I buy him new pants and BOOM they're high water on him :o My son likes to get dressed up too for like church and special occasions but we're just not invited to many of those events anymore (everybody is already married, nobody is turning 15 anymore (quinceneras), no baby baptismals, etc.).

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so good to read that you are in full cruise planning mode.

I have to wait just a couple more days than you and am absolutely looking forward to the cruise. The only item I have to buy before we go is a new tankini. Mine needed replacement after 7 years... As I need one that I´ll feel comfortable in to really swim, that will take a few hours in various stores,


The cold spell that hit Germany seems to be over and we are in low temps above freezing point. Anything better than ice and snow.

We had a function from work yesterday evening in a big hotel in town and the showmaster for the night started with some jokes and asked everyone in the room who has a significant other to please stand up. Then he made up repeat:







Due to spending valentins-day with co-workers ;)

It was an nice evening.


I won´t make it to Zumba class at all this week.

On monday I was at the movies, yesterday the party, tonight just bone tired, and tomorrow starts the carnival weekend, so there´s no Zumba class tomorrow night and we´ll be heading to visit my sister in Italy early on Friday, as it´s a 10 h drive to get there...


I got myself 4 new books for my kindle at yesterdays valentins special on amazon, so that I´ll have enough to read over the weekend...


Take care.


Kasi I just could NOT deal with that cold haha As often as I say I would love to live somewhere REALLY cold I don't think I'd ever be able to, especially with those temps!


I love tankinis :D It's what I normally wear to the beach here but I found a couple that are not full coverage hidden in my dresser last night, I'm gonna try them on and see how they fit. If they look nice it'll be one way of me savings money for this trip :)


I bet you can't wait for your trip as well, it's right around the corner for all of us!

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Kasi...No Zumba all WEEK!! :eek: It happens. The important thing is knowing that you will be back to class next week...and meanwhile...at least try to make good choices in your eating...and regardless...eat slowly...stop when you feel satisfied...NOT stuffed. I wish you well with your swim suit shopping...NOT my favorite thing to do. :p


Vanesa...I got DS's suit at Dillards. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. Fortunately, the suit pants FIT! Yay! I bought the jacket too small though...which just proves that I'm having a hard time visualizes my bigger boy...I bought the right sized shirt though...phew...and he LOVES the color. :)

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So Wednesday night has been something of a downer class for me on my schedule. The ladies have been so inconsistent...so when I was making my playlist for tonight...I was just like...hmmmm....what do I want to do tonight? And I decided that it would be great fun to do as many different rhythms as I could...so I came up with the following playlist:


01. Moves Like Jagger (warm up 1)

02. Good Feeling (warm up 2)

03. Zoomer - MM25 (African Dance)

04. Cha Cha by Chelo (Swing/Charleston)

05. Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia)

06. Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata)

07. Que Te Pica by Notch (Reggaeton)

08. Dame (Touch Me) - MM24 (Cha Cha)

09. Jai Ho - Slumdog Millionare Soundtrack (Bollywood)

10. Hola My Friend - MM25 (Pacific Rhythm - Polynesian)

11. Drop It Low by Ester Dean & Chris Brown (Hip Hop - Toning)

12. Pegate by Grupo Treo (Merengue)

13. Ari Ari [Part 2] - MM22 (Bhangra)

14. Dame de Tu Boca by Luis Enrique (Salsa)

15. I Need to Know by Marc Anthony (Cha Cha - Cool Down)

16. The Prayer by Andrea Bocelli (Stretch)


Class went by in a FLASH! It was the fastest hour...SERIOUSLY. If you are wondering what the MMs mean...it means Mega Mix and that's the kind of CD that I get every other month from Zumba Office. Some of these other songs may have been given on CDs to instructors in the past, but I had to purchase them.


So much FUN!!! I haven't had that much fun in a class in a long time.


I ended up in conversation with a student after class. We were just talking about the songs and the moves and what not. And I explained to her the way that I think when I do the different songs...like what you can get out of the moves and songs when you put your mind to it. I think I'm going to have to make an announcement in class because she acted like I was giving her an amazing revelation.


So I'm sharing here...because it's been a while since I've taken an educative stance with any posts...so here it is...


My thoughts when I do any kind of arm movement...I do NOT just throw my arms around and swing them around...I am thinking about TENSE arms...I am totally focused on the thought..."my arms will not jiggle...my arms do not jiggle...tense arms...strong arms...not jiggly arms"...and I am seriously keeping my arm muscles as engaged as I possibly can...


There is a thread on the Fashion & Beauty Boards about "Toned Arms & Shoulders" and some ladies were thinking that you can't get much of an arm workout during Zumba...well...they are wrong...that's all there is to it. Not if you use your brain and engage your muscles and FOCUS.


I will also add simple arms...trying to add a cardio element to a slower move with arm movements above heart level...not necessarily to get a huge cardio boost...but to maintain a higher heart rate during the recovery, low interval song. I do a box step during the chorus of "Take Me to Rio" and I just add alternating arms reaching up...I told my Curves class about the cardio aspect last night...one student said that she thought it was about being like an eagle like the words of the song! LOL.


There's a merengue that Kelly did to "Que Buena Tu Ta" that I affectionately call "arms from h---"...for me some other songs are just like that...just not as obvious.


So think about that when you are participating in your Zumba FITNESS classes...think about the fact that you get what you put into the classes...and the more you put in...the more you benefit...not that this is what you have to do all the time...or every song...but ya'll understand what I'm saying, right?

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There is a thread on the Fashion & Beauty Boards about "Toned Arms & Shoulders" and some ladies were thinking that you can't get much of an arm workout during Zumba...well...they are wrong...that's all there is to it. Not if you use your brain and engage your muscles and FOCUS.


I don't agree with them at all. Like you, our teacher stresses that you engage those muscles and focus - you have to put the effort in to get results. My arms feel like they're going to drop off after we've done Qute Mueve!


Anita - you use 'Drop it Low' in your class - love that song! Have you ever seen

? It's a Samba, not Zumba, but fabulous...and great arms!
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Merengues are GREAT for arms!


I had not seen that video before. I haven't gotten into watching all the dancing shows. Very nice. That is a different "Drop It Low" song.


The one that I use is by Ester Dean and you can see it

. It's a toning song for me. I do Kelly's routine to it. By the time the song is over, your quads and hips are screaming.


There is even ANOTHER "Drop It Low" song from the movie Rio...you can see that

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Kasi...No Zumba all WEEK!! :eek: It happens. The important thing is knowing that you will be back to class next week...and meanwhile...at least try to make good choices in your eating...and regardless...eat slowly...stop when you feel satisfied...NOT stuffed. I wish you well with your swim suit shopping...NOT my favorite thing to do. :p


Vanesa...I got DS's suit at Dillards. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. Fortunately, the suit pants FIT! Yay! I bought the jacket too small though...which just proves that I'm having a hard time visualizes my bigger boy...I bought the right sized shirt though...phew...and he LOVES the color. :)


That's so great that they fit! I bought a few dress shirts w/ties and 2 pairs of dress pants online that should be here in about a week. I hope they fit my DS well, if not they'll have to be returned and we'll have to actually GO shopping and have him try on stuff, I prefer shopping online (better deals :o).

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I really hope the weather doesn't keep the ladies at home this morning! If I have to be up and awake and ready to go...then they should be also!


Seriously though...I'm realizing that there isn't anything in place to warn ladies about whether or not classes are canceled due to severe weather. I think I'm going to make an announcement regarding this, and get a plan in place.


I've had my ladies requesting their favorite songs/routines lately. I've made announcements regarding my openness to requests, so....this are the ones my ladies have spoken up for:


Waka Waka

Take Me To Rio

El Amor El Amor

Hola My Friend

and crazily enough...Gasolina...the young lady said, please do this one, it kicks my butt. LOL!!


They can only identify the first two by name...all these others are in order..."the jumping jack song," "the hula," and "windmill arms." :)


I wonder what everyone's current favorite songs/routines are...if you can recognize them that is. :rolleyes:

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How is everyone?


I have felt busy! And I when I haven't felt busy, I've been lazy! LOL.


I can't believe I'm in the TEENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's almost cruise time for me and I couldn't be more excited! *happy dance* *happy dance*


My brain is focused on this and little else. So I don't have much conversation. How is everyone?

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Good afternoon! Just checking in, last week I ended up slacking because of my instructor's injury which turned out to be pretty bad! She has a hernia that she hasn't had taken care of and she fainted so a friend took her to the ER where they admitted her and they found out she was bleeding heavily! :eek: I don't know how she mustered up the energy but she made it to class on Friday & Saturday and has continued on this week. She's not giving it 100% which is difficult for us to give 100% when her energy isn't visible so she's been giving us verbal energy I guess you could say. I'm still leaving class drenched so I guess I'm doing my part. :D


Took a break from shopping for me but I got my son's clothes in yesterday and sadly the pants didn't fit so I'll have to return those soon and then take him to look for pants. The shirts and clip on ties looked nice on him I just need to get them pressed before we leave. (I don't own an iron :o)


Ahhhhh I'm so ready to get this show on the roa . . .sea? lol I'm so bored here at work, I have nothing to do and it's killing me one hour at a time. I'd much rather be on the ship! :D

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It´s fantastic that you can easily count your days until you cruise.

I´ve 24 days left before heading back to Italy to board Costa Serena.


I´ve lots of activities going. Last weekend was spent in Northern Italy visiting my sister, we returned Monday evening. Tuesday was a looong day at work and some grocery shopping. Today´DH´s birthday and we just returned home from his birthday dinner at a mongolian restaurant.

Tomorrow is a cooking event from work. Friday we habe friends here for a small party. Saturday we are heading for the zoo and celebrating my b-day. Sunday is family time with our realtives for both our birthdays.

So this week is full of activities and if I´m honest, there won´t be much time left for sport or anything else.


I´m really looking forward to the visit of the zoo. Friends of mine that I met at a caribbean cruise several years back are going to come along with their little son, as is my cruise-friend who will be going on the upcoming vacation with me. So, if animals and the child don´t offer enough to talk about there´s always the topic of cruising ;)

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Happy Birthday Kasi!!!


Good evening Everyone! I am in a great mood because tonight is my last working day and I have tomorrow off! Yay! I really should work on new music/routines tomorrow though...but I have some tweaks and twinges going on...so I don't know if I really want to work on anything or just rest and take care of stuff around the house.


I recently found some information that has been LOVELY to act on for the past couple days...so I am passing along this information to ya'll!


So. I have these hard, bony bumps on the tops of my feet...on the arch side...and they can not really hurt, but sort of hurt, and I have to adjust the laces on my shoes...and sometimes, after class...the little bumps are very red and acting irritated...not really itchy, but...I can't describe...but if you have these bumps on the top of your feet too, then you know exactly what I am talking about.


So I found this:




And there is a recommendation there about how to lace your shoes so that the bump isn't bothered and you can still get the support you need on your shoes. Well, I have changed all my Zumba shoes to this lacing pattern...it is WONDERFUL...seriously...it has made a huge difference in the comfort of my feet after class. Like the photo...my laces end up not going across the foot at the point where the laces would go through that flap on the tongue of the shoe...so there are no laces through that point, but this hasn't been a problem for me.


Just passing this info along...I announced this in my Curves class this evening and showed everyone my shoes...my white laces on my hot coral shoes are easy to see...and there were several ladies giving me feedback that they have to deal with this same issue.


So there you go. A helpful hint.


Meanwhile...hope that I can find some great music. This week's stretch song was well received by most classes...it's an older song, but very nice...and it is a "rumba flamenca" so it doesn't count against my 30% instructor's choice! Here it is:


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