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Elation Propulsion + 72$


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Exceptions always ;) Indeed, if someone was intent on going somewhere and staying (like the folks who are moving to Australia and taking the Spirit as a means to get there) a destination cruise is spot on (you can bet that trans-anythings are gonna get where they're going, kinda like the airlines, on time or not, lol) since they are one way cruises (usually). So, I will correct my statement and say that MOST people do not take cruises as a mode of transportation to get anywhere, rather, as a round trip sail from point A to point A. If it happens to stop in between, great. If not, well, that base is covered and we're back to home plate :D


With all due respect .. how many threads do you see people trying to decide between same class ships, different ports and wanting to know which interary to pick . a lot of thought goes into the ports and which ones to pick. People do pick cruises by which ports they go to.


Even if I dont think they are due more compensation .. I can be sympathetic to them missing a unusual port that most ships dont hit. I would be dissapointed in missing that port.

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Exceptions always ;) Indeed, if someone was intent on going somewhere and staying (like the folks who are moving to Australia and taking the Spirit as a means to get there) a destination cruise is spot on (you can bet that trans-anythings are gonna get where they're going, kinda like the airlines, on time or not, lol) since they are one way cruises (usually). So, I will correct my statement and say that MOST people do not take cruises as a mode of transportation to get anywhere, rather, as a round trip sail from point A to point A. If it happens to stop in between, great. If not, well, that base is covered and we're back to home plate :D


You can speak for most people:confused: Most everyone I cruise with.....no make that everyone I cruise with... cruise for ports.......I can only speak for them and us.....

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You can speak for most people:confused: Most everyone I cruise with.....no make that everyone I cruise with... cruise for ports.......I can only speak for them and us.....


In today's age of available information, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that anyone cruises without the knowledge that ports can be missed and regardless of how well or poorly the information is handled should one be missed, if it happens the guests are SOL, aside from refund of port charges.


I am well documented on record on this board and others that I absolutely cannot wrap my mind around someone spending hundreds if not thousands on a vacation and then doing zero research about said vacation. A Google search for "does a cruise line guarantee ports" renders an answer in less than a second.


So, there is no grey area here, you either know or you don't. If you know and you choose to cruise anyway, then it can be said you are NOT cruising for the ports because you have full knowledge that you could miss every single one of them (in fact, people have booked Western itins. and ended up in an Eastern one because of storms and vice versa), in that case, they would miss every single port they booked. If one sails without the knowledge that ports can be missed, then they fall into the category of those I have little sympathy for, as the information is out there with a few simple key strokes, for anyone to see.


A few days ago someone posted from a Dream cruise that missed TWO ports. Have you read that post???? That person is a perfect example of someone who gets it. She voiced her disappointment (who wouldn't be disappointed), but did not come on here having a fit, and suggesting (by words not said) that she was owed ANYTHING as a result. When one misses ports, that is exactly what you are getting--nothing. Except refund of the port charges. If you get anything else, it is at the discretion of the cruise line. And yes, every cruise line uses their discretion differently for different people. Again, a few key strokes on Google would make that information available too. The person who wrote the Dream review should maybe write a book called "What To Do When Things Don't Go As Planned for Dummies". Read her review, then read this one again. I think you'll notice the difference really quickly.

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To those who say they are never going to cruise Carnival again. I hope you never leave your house again. Because your car can break down, and if your expectation is that you were supposed to be at work, are you going to call Ford and demand restitution for your $25,000 purchase? After all, it was EXPECTED to run and get you to work, right? Are you going to immediately ditch your car and never drive a Ford again? Because Ford should have known your engine was going to go out and notified you way ahead of time, right? Maybe called you the night before so you could arrange for a taxi? I say that tongue in cheek, but the principle is the same......they developed engine trouble AFTER they left Mobile (it has been previously documented that the ship was fine when it arrived back at port the day of the "doomed" sailing). As I have been saying all along, stuff happening is called LIFE. If we go into "stuff" with a negative "somebody better answer for this right by God now" attitude, it is highly likely their outcome is going to be worse than the event itself. If, on the other hand, people learn to roll with the punches, life is much more enjoyable and the ride fun to be on. I'm glad I am not in the former mind set ;)



This is a little bit of a red herring to be honest. Obviously my vehicle's repair and maintenance is up to me. I know ahead of time if the car is starting to act funny and I am the one affected if I don't take care of that promptly and efficiently. And I am the one affected if I decide to take a chance, drive it anyway and get stranded.


When on a cruise, the passengers have no control over such things. They are at the mercy of the scruples and sense of responsibility and ethics of the cruiseline. While I do not agree necessarily with all the hullabaloo to get more compensation, I think it is difficult to deny that Carnival has a responsibility to keep people informed of what is going on for their own sense of well being.


I too work in medicine and hear what you are saying about no answer being enough - but I think you will agree, no communication or scant, misleading, evasive communication does not go nearly as well as "We just don't know but we are doing all we can to find out. Until then, we are doing XYZ and will continue to do XYZ."


I think particularly in light of what happened with the Splendor that the Elation should have been more prompt, frequent and honest in their assessments of what was happening, as that particular situation was very obviously stoking the fires of panic and fury onboard, not unlike some of what is being seen here in this thread. That is my personal only complaint about the situation. Unhappy, panicky people are not pleasant to be around, which in turn made the ambiance of the cruise unpleasant and wore the staff very thin very quickly.

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This is a little bit of a red herring to be honest. Obviously my vehicle's repair and maintenance is up to me. I know ahead of time if the car is starting to act funny and I am the one affected if I don't take care of that promptly and efficiently. And I am the one affected if I decide to take a chance, drive it anyway and get stranded.


When on a cruise, the passengers have no control over such things. They are at the mercy of the scruples and sense of responsibility and ethics of the cruiseline. While I do not agree necessarily with all the hullabaloo to get more compensation, I think it is difficult to deny that Carnival has a responsibility to keep people informed of what is going on for their own sense of well being.


I too work in medicine and hear what you are saying about no answer being enough - but I think you will agree, no communication or scant, misleading, evasive communication does not go nearly as well as "We just don't know but we are doing all we can to find out. Until then, we are doing XYZ and will continue to do XYZ."


I think particularly in light of what happened with the Splendor that the Elation should have been more prompt, frequent and honest in their assessments of what was happening, as that particular situation was very obviously stoking the fires of panic and fury onboard, not unlike some of what is being seen here in this thread. That is my personal only complaint about the situation. Unhappy, panicky people are not pleasant to be around, which in turn made the ambiance of the cruise unpleasant and wore the staff very thin very quickly.


I agree with your point about the car, but I was referring to things that just fail without warning. It happens.


I also concur with your point about how information was handled in this case, but, but given that no information was offered, I'm wondering (we'll never know), if they literally just didn't know what was wrong or how long it was going to take to fix it, and figured that no information was better than "We have no idea and could literally be stuck here for weeks. We are working to fix what we have no idea about, but just cannot give you any more information than that." As someone in medicine, you also know that, depending on the level of panic or denial from the person hearing it, saying "We are doing everything we can..." is 100% not enough, they want it fixed NOW. I again say that, in light of everything that has happened of late, this was a no win situation for the Elation, no matter if they came on and said, "We have no idea what is wrong or how long it is going to take to fix it..." I think the end result would have been the same.

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I don't disagree with you really. There is no answer that is going to make everyone happy other than the one that gives them what they want. I do think walking that fine line of doing everything possible to placate people is the cruiseline's job and I do think they fell short in this instance, mostly due to what happened with the Splendor not long ago. I would have personally appreciated more updates than they gave. The OBC was nice and we walked away paying less than $800 total for the cruise including all onboard charges, so I have no complaints there. That amount for five days lodging, food, drinks and entertainment would be hard to duplicate anywhere else.

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A few days ago someone posted from a Dream cruise that missed TWO ports. Have you read that post???? That person is a perfect example of someone who gets it. When one misses ports, that is exactly what you are getting--nothing. Except refund of the port charges. .


Carnival has never said they will refund port charges. They used to give back a flat $25, but now give the TAXES on the port fees. Only the taxes on them, read the policy before you argue and back it up with mistakes in what the policy is now or has been in the past.


Carnival now gives even less than before, only the taxes on the port charges.


Ken076 and I asked Carnival how much port charges are and they refuse to divulget that info. Port charges are included in your cruise fare. If you dont know something .. better not to use it in your argument.

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Carnival has never said they will refund port charges. They used to give back a flat $25, but now give the TAXES on the port fees. Only the taxes on them, read the policy before you argue and back it up with mistakes in what the policy is now or has been in the past.


Carnival now gives even less than before, only the taxes on the port charges.


Ken076 and I asked Carnival how much port charges are and they refuse to divulget that info. Port charges are included in your cruise fare. If you dont know something .. better not to use it in your argument.


The information concerning port fees and taxes can be found online for most ports around the world.

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Thanks for answering my question about why people cruise. I really did want some feedback since my employer now has a travel agency they want me to start assisting in.


Personally even before this first cruise I would have cruised for the on board experience and port. I expected to get great food ,service and entertainment. I think even if the port wasnt missed I still would have been disappointed because the service, food etc wasnt great. Missing the port probably made it worse because the staff was also affected by the ship and port issues, still its there job to keep passengers happy and in this case go above and beyond to make the experience on board better.


I will give it another go but will try another line to see how service is on another ship before giving up on cruising.


Just got my survey from Carnival and I will be filling it out. I am satisfied with what Carnival did to compensate us for the missed port just not the service. I gave those that deserved it extra gratuties.


I really did want to experience something exciting in a port (heck I didnt care where as I have never been to any island in the Carribean) but I guess I will have to wait till who knows when.

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In today's age of available information, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that anyone cruises without the knowledge that ports can be missed and regardless of how well or poorly the information is handled should one be missed, if it happens the guests are SOL, aside from refund of port charges.


I am well documented on record on this board and others that I absolutely cannot wrap my mind around someone spending hundreds if not thousands on a vacation and then doing zero research about said vacation. A Google search for "does a cruise line guarantee ports" renders an answer in less than a second.


So, there is no grey area here, you either know or you don't. If you know and you choose to cruise anyway, then it can be said you are NOT cruising for the ports because you have full knowledge that you could miss every single one of them (in fact, people have booked Western itins. and ended up in an Eastern one because of storms and vice versa), in that case, they would miss every single port they booked. If one sails without the knowledge that ports can be missed, then they fall into the category of those I have little sympathy for, as the information is out there with a few simple key strokes, for anyone to see.


A few days ago someone posted from a Dream cruise that missed TWO ports. Have you read that post???? That person is a perfect example of someone who gets it. She voiced her disappointment (who wouldn't be disappointed), but did not come on here having a fit, and suggesting (by words not said) that she was owed ANYTHING as a result. When one misses ports, that is exactly what you are getting--nothing. Except refund of the port charges. If you get anything else, it is at the discretion of the cruise line. And yes, every cruise line uses their discretion differently for different people. Again, a few key strokes on Google would make that information available too. The person who wrote the Dream review should maybe write a book called "What To Do When Things Don't Go As Planned for Dummies". Read her review, then read this one again. I think you'll notice the difference really quickly.


I agree about the research also and I also know that ports have been missed for various reasons......but I was commenting on your post that said most people cruise for the ship and not the itinerary.

There is a reason some itineraries cost more then others.....some are more popular......do you actually think that most people that sail to Alaska are doing so just for the ship? Hawaii? :rolleyes:

I am fully aware that ships miss ports.....I have been cruising for many years.....and still cruise for ports........when I have had enough of the ports I will no longer cruise.......

But hey thanks for the pep talk.........

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I agree about the research also and I also know that ports have been missed for various reasons......but I was commenting on your post that said most people cruise for the ship and not the itinerary.

There is a reason some itineraries cost more then others.....some are more popular......do you actually think that most people that sail to Alaska are doing so just for the ship? Hawaii? :rolleyes:

I am fully aware that ships miss ports.....I have been cruising for many years.....and still cruise for ports........when I have had enough of the ports I will no longer cruise.......

But hey thanks for the pep talk.........


Well said. I think ports are part of the equation for most people when choosing a cruise. The cruise lines heavily market the ports. The cruise lines know what they are selling, and it is NOT just the ship. Like you said, why does someone get excited about a "cruise to Hawaii" LOL. I guess only a "tourist" would think that the ports of Hawaii are important . . . :rolleyes:


Hopefully people will do some research and understand that ports can be missed or changed without compensation. One thing is for sure - you won't find that information in the marketing material.

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Well said. I think ports are part of the equation for most people when choosing a cruise. The cruise lines heavily market the ports. The cruise lines know what they are selling, and it is NOT just the ship. Like you said, why does someone get excited about a "cruise to Hawaii" LOL. I guess only a "tourist" would think that the ports of Hawaii are important . . . :rolleyes:


Hopefully people will do some research and understand that ports can be missed or changed without compensation. One thing is for sure - you won't find that information in the marketing material.




Another perfect example that kills the argument that most people sail just for the ship is Mexico:D If people just sailed for the ship they wouldn't be pulling ships out of Mexico now would they:confused::rolleyes:

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Well said. I think ports are part of the equation for most people when choosing a cruise. The cruise lines heavily market the ports. The cruise lines know what they are selling, and it is NOT just the ship. Like you said, why does someone get excited about a "cruise to Hawaii" LOL. I guess only a "tourist" would think that the ports of Hawaii are important . . . :rolleyes:


Hopefully people will do some research and understand that ports can be missed or changed without compensation. One thing is for sure - you won't find that information in the marketing material.

Well said both of you! I asked the quetion because most of our travel clients seem to cruise for the ports. they specifically a ske for alaska, bahamas, western er eastern carribean etc. Im sure it both the ports and ship. But when a port get cancelled for what ever reason its a bummer for sure. But then shouldnt the cruise line make the on board experience even better not worse? Im sure they have back up days at sea planned in advance especially since they put it in their polices ports can be cancelled! Oh well its over and done with and definitly a learning experience for me - just not the one I had hoped for.

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WOW ... 19 hours....


I thought us driving 17 1/2 was bad enough.


Glad you got home safely.....

It was a loooonnnnggggg drive home, and part of the reason is out of 6 people in the van 4 smoked so every two hours we stopped and they took a 15 minute smoke break. Should have been about 14 hours...But I was glad to be back home in Kansas! :p

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Open bar hmmmm I DONT think so - that would have been nice though. I am upset with the fact we didnt go to Calica especially since my Ruins excursion was there. However that is not the reason I will probably NEVER cruise again with Carnival. I was more upset as a first time cruiser with the customer service, lack of communication, food activities and entertainment staff. I would like to note my room steward and assistant waiter were awesome. My boss sent me on the cruise so I could get familiar with the cruise industry and assist her in our companies second business which is a trave agency. Well I learned all right about bad cruises and to not recommend tthe Elation until they get a new staff and propulsion system.



Hi! I think we were sitting together one day to do the scavenger hunt! I have since done my email questionaire thingy that Carnival sent this morning and mentioned how great Zac was! :rolleyes:

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They knew there was a problem before we left because they announced "we will be leaving late to do some "routine maintenance".........BULL!!!!!



I kinda wondered about that now looking back. We were standing on the back deck (Freezing I might add) that afternoon in Mobile waiting to see us set sail and when that announcement was made the guys down on the dock waiting to undo the ropes all shook their heads at us. We thought they were just being silly...Hmmmmm. :confused:

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I kinda wondered about that now looking back. We were standing on the back deck (Freezing I might add) that afternoon in Mobile waiting to see us set sail and when that announcement was made the guys down on the dock waiting to undo the ropes all shook their heads at us. We thought they were just being silly...Hmmmmm. :confused:



I am sure we will never know what they did know. Someone from the cruise before this one reported no issues and ship made it in time to Mobile on time. Even on this cruise it has been reported that there were no issues the first night and until sometime the next day.

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Well just back from 5 days of circles and 6knots... I guess one can say a bad day on a cruise is a better day than at work.

Rumor has it the ship experienced problems just after we left Mobile. Not sure if thats true. If it is I would be really ticked off. Was told that they thought it was fixed so we kept on.

On the second day I felt a lurch and watched us go from about 20knots to about 6 or so. The whole next day we would go slow then speed up.

My issue was that they didnt inform us very well. It wasnt till around 9ish or maybe later on the Cozumel port day that they told us we would port late..No "ship". We didnt actually port until close to 3. I knew at this point it was a good bet we were not going to Calica. They made that anouncement while we in port. So yes we had port day in Cozumel but alot of stuff closed at around 5ish.

When we got back on they informed us no Calica.. so we went about 6 knots or so all the way home..making sure to circle in international waters for about 15 hours so they could keep the casino open and sell more booze..at least more than the "Mobile" booze.

I know they could not port us early due to immigration and what not. Gee they did give us half price bingo one day and gave each of us 72$ in compensation. Well wasnt that nice.. I was on that ship like a trapped rat so of course I spent the 72$.

All in all it could of been a lot worse.. I think had we had one day of sun would have made it more bearable..but circles, clouds and rain was not the ideal vacation. One guest put it best.. "I just spent 4 days riding around the gulf of Mexico drinking!"

Oh well... whats a cruiser to do??



Oooh, that does suck. With the weather not being nice that just had to be extra sucky...I'm sorry that you 'lost' this vacation. :(

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I'd be curious why you would think they were "shady" with information. Would it be more logical to wait until they had some real information about the problem? That can be checked while in port.


May I ask what was shady about anything here?


They did tell us about a propulsion problem..the "shadiness" was the fact they waited until we were almost 2 hours late in to port to even tell us we were going to be late..then they waited another hour and a half or so to say we would be porting late afternoon and then they said we would port at 130 or 230..not sure the exact time on that announcement.

We were all aware of the propulsion problems..what no one was aware of was the being late to port until a hour and a half past port time..No "ship" we were running late. They should have announced that at 8am or so..no reason even earlier..they knew we were late..

No worries..its over..I won a medal and have some ships on a stick and a big bar bill!!

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Just wanted to chime in about the cruising and ports. We are a family that loves going ashore and exploring ports. Port stops are our first priority when booking a cruise. We have found that in general, NCL has more port stops than Carnival and for the most part, their cruises are usually alittle less. For example, we have taken the NCL Spirit out of New Orleans on a 7 day cruise with 4 port stops! It is so port intensive that for some, it is too much, but they always have the option of staying on the ship. If a port (or even two) getted missed, you still feel like you were able to have your "port time". We are booking NCL for a future cruise. This is one we are looking at:

Ship: Norwegian StarDeparts: Roundtrip from New Orleans


Departure Dates: 2013: Jan 6 , 13 , 20 , 27 Feb 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 Mar 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 , 31 Apr 7 , 14

Ports of Call: New Orleans, Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, Cozumel

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Just wanted to chime in about the cruising and ports. We are a family that loves going ashore and exploring ports. Port stops are our first priority when booking a cruise. We have found that in general, NCL has more port stops than Carnival and for the most part, their cruises are usually alittle less. For example, we have taken the NCL Spirit out of New Orleans on a 7 day cruise with 4 port stops! It is so port intensive that for some, it is too much, but they always have the option of staying on the ship. If a port (or even two) getted missed, you still feel like you were able to have your "port time". We are booking NCL for a future cruise. This is one we are looking at:

Ship: Norwegian StarDeparts: Roundtrip from New Orleans


Departure Dates: 2013: Jan 6 , 13 , 20 , 27 Feb 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 Mar 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 , 31 Apr 7 , 14

Ports of Call: New Orleans, Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, Cozumel

wow maybe I will try NCL next time.

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Just wanted to chime in about the cruising and ports. We are a family that loves going ashore and exploring ports. Port stops are our first priority when booking a cruise. We have found that in general, NCL has more port stops than Carnival and for the most part, their cruises are usually alittle less. For example, we have taken the NCL Spirit out of New Orleans on a 7 day cruise with 4 port stops! It is so port intensive that for some, it is too much, but they always have the option of staying on the ship. If a port (or even two) getted missed, you still feel like you were able to have your "port time". We are booking NCL for a future cruise. This is one we are looking at:

Ship: Norwegian StarDeparts: Roundtrip from New Orleans


Departure Dates: 2013: Jan 6 , 13 , 20 , 27 Feb 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 Mar 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 , 31 Apr 7 , 14

Ports of Call: New Orleans, Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, Cozumel



The ship looks gorgeous!!! I may want to check out the prices. I love NOLA! What a great port!

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Hi! I think we were sitting together one day to do the scavenger hunt! I have since done my email questionaire thingy that Carnival sent this morning and mentioned how great Zac was! :rolleyes:


Lol yeah we played the scavenger hunt. I sill need to do my survey there were a few staff members who deserve a compliment.

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Another perfect example that kills the argument that most people sail just for the ship is Mexico:D If people just sailed for the ship they wouldn't be pulling ships out of Mexico now would they:confused::rolleyes:


If that's the case then I would expect to never see another note here whining about missing the ports. If you cruise for the ports only, then you no doubt have full knowledge that they can be missed at any time. One or all. Why on earth would anyone CRUISE for specific ports when they can be missed? Does that make any amount of sense?????? And those are the very people who will come on here and other boards and whine when they're missed, "Because I cruise for THAT port, dang it!!!!!". If you want a specific port--FLY there!! Then you cannot whine when it's missed. Oh wait, stuff happens with the airlines too. Whining will ensue. Nevermind.

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