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Honestly though, I DO cruise for the ports. It's a very comfortable way of getting there. If it wasn't about the ports, why would they offer different ones at different pricing? ??


They are selling an "outing". When they don't produce they should make it right.

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So I guess what you are saying is "Just be happy with what we give you because of our incompetence."


OMG! Where do I apply for THIS job? ??????????????? (he-he)


In a round about way, that is EXACTLY what I am saying. It is well documented on this board and many others that Carnival's customer service (and that of other mass lines--just do a Google search) sucks. Badly. It has been documented here for at least as long as I've been a member (probably much longer). Have you seen anyone or anything change it? No you have not. I have said it before and will say it again, Carnival does not give one rat's butt if you and 4000 of your dearest friends never sail again. They don't have to. So in this case, all the ranting does is (hopefully) make the ranter feel better because it will not change anything beyond their words on a public cruise forum. I promise.

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In a round about way, that is EXACTLY what I am saying. It is well documented on this board and many others that Carnival's customer service (and that of other mass lines--just do a Google search) sucks. Badly. It has been documented here for at least as long as I've been a member (probably much longer). Have you seen anyone or anything change it? No you have not. I have said it before and will say it again, Carnival does not give one rat's butt if you and 4000 of your dearest friends never sail again. They don't have to. So in this case, all the ranting does is (hopefully) make the ranter feel better because it will not change anything beyond their words on a public cruise forum. I promise.


Sadly, I agree. Very pragmatic. Well done!

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Honestly though, I DO cruise for the ports. It's a very comfortable way of getting there. If it wasn't about the ports, why would they offer different ones at different pricing? ??


They are selling an "outing". When they don't produce they should make it right.


Which circles us back around to the POINT. The point is that the contract says in black and white that no port is guaranteed. At that point, even if one is missed, the cruise line has fulfilled their end of the contract. The ball is then in the cruiser's court to make right IN THEIR MIND that they cannot, will not, not ever, get anything for the missed port. There is nothing for the cruise line to "make right" since they never guaranteed delivery to any port.

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Which circles us back around to the POINT. The point is that the contract says in black and white that no port is guaranteed. At that point, even if one is missed, the cruise line has fulfilled their end of the contract. The ball is then in the cruiser's court to make right IN THEIR MIND that they cannot, will not, not ever, get anything for the missed port. There is nothing for the cruise line to "make right" since they never guaranteed delivery to any port.


Which is "good work" if you can get it.

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I already said that I am shocked by that revelation. Seriously shocked. I'll admit you are even right on that--that most people cruise for the ports. But this is the INFORMATION AGE. There is zero excuse for not knowing that you cannot set an expectation that, that is where one is going to end up. Sorry, I'm standing by that statement--if someone does not know--they do get what they deserve. Bet they won't do it twice. And we'll read their post here, you can bank on it.


Ok now you are back to talking about the whiners.....

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and the insanity is that despite the fact that you have been severly disappointed and irate on a couple occasions, YOU KEEP CRUISING.


I don't get it................


Are you talking to me?? One occassion.. ONE..


My point was Vanessa pointed out that she would expect to get where she was going, just not when .. so by Vanessa's logic, I am owed money.


I think you all missed the point.. and I quoted Vanessa about getting where she was going too .. I guess I need to highlight what she said.


...and again I complained about ONE cruise ...and never was irate.. never.


I guess you misread what Im saying a lot!!! yikes.. to think people think I was irate ..too.. so many things you said dont fit me.. you must not be reading what I am trying to say very well. I was being factual.. and responding to Vanessa's point


sorry but Vanessa losses on this one.

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I do expect to get where I'm going because that IS included in an airline contract. WHEN I get there is not. Therefore, when I fly, I know going in that I MAY make it from point A to point B when it said, or I may not. I know I will get to point B eventually and never, ever set an expectation that it will be on time, or even in the same day. Boy am I happy when it works out :) If it doesn't, well, that's ok too. Stuff happens. And to answer your question, yes, I love to fly and would be happy just flying around, just like I would be happy on a 7 day CTN.


Is that kind of like the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?


I highlighted it .. as to me you missed the point of what I said.. I mentioned YOU said you expected to get where you were going eventually .. so does this apply to cruises or not.


I only was annoyed ONCE with Carnival .. and it was with how they handled it .. just for the record for people who want to exaggerate. One cruise was badly handled.


btw I was happy with the money for the ports when we missed two ports. I could have personally cared less about missing the ports .. Iv been to them all so many times.


I was asking you if you think Carnival should get you to where you were going or not .. you brought it up.. so far you have lost this argument big time with the only reply that its insanity to keep repeating things over and over. I love to cruise .. but one cruise I was unhappy with the CD and the crew and how it was handled which goes back to the CD.. just asking if you think Carnival should get you to where you were going, i.e. the home port, or if that is a breach of contract as you implied in your own reply to someone else.. I think your reply doesnt support your argument very well.


I dont really care about ports, so lets not go there ....not about me, but I did think Carnival should have done something toward getting us home.


I give your logic a F, calling someone insane, because one time they had a cruise where they were unhappy with customer service and the CD. Not good logic.


I love when we miss a port and I get money back btw.. I was thrilled with conquest myself and missing two ports and said so many times. Sorry if you and Halos didnt believe me...true though. I just bought more on the ship. Loved the extra money for missed ports.

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Are you talking to me?? One occassion.. ONE..


My point was Vanessa pointed out that she would expect to get where she was going, just not when .. so by Vanessa's logic, I am owed money.


I think you all missed the point.. and I quoted Vanessa about getting where she was going too .. I guess I need to highlight what she said.


...and again I complained about ONE cruise ...and never was irate.. never.


I guess you misread what Im saying a lot!!! yikes.. to think people think I was irate ..too.. so many things you said dont fit me.. you must not be reading what I am trying to say very well. I was being factual.. and responding to Vanessa's point


sorry but Vanessa losses on this one.


Fire...you've talled about that one incident so often that I thought it was more than one.

My apologies for misunderstanding your post, but I still disagree with you.

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Fire...you've talled about that one incident so often that I thought it was more than one.

My apologies for misunderstanding your post, but I still disagree with you.


As I have always said it was mostly about customer service. Not telling us things, purser's desk hanging up on people who called from their cabins (2 different HC people told me this so I believe it happened).


they should have anticipated that we would want rental car phone #'s. 2 hours wait to get online or I would have gotten the phone numbers myself, purser's desk, said carnival doesnt provide the internet, so they too couldnt get information .. I think someone on that ship should have gotten online and gotten info on several things. handled very poorly.


I am one who has had only one bad cruise .. where I wound up disliking the substitute CD Jen by the end of the cruise.


I loved the rest.. and have always said hey miss ports, I dont care. We really dont care .. but I understand some people do.


Thats why when people are coming on here and saying what they are upset about is how it was handled .. I am thinking it probably could have been handled better .. because I had that one cruise where they just were inept. That one cruise .. they handled poorly.. and I still believe it.


You say you disagree .. but to me customer service was poor .. and things were handled poorly .. disagree all you want. Maybe if I had not been flamed as these people are and people understood my point...I wouldnt keep thinking Im backed in a corner defending how I feel it was handled.

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I highlighted it .. as to me you missed the point of what I said.. I mentioned YOU said you expected to get where you were going eventually .. so does this apply to cruises or not.


I only was annoyed ONCE with Carnival .. and it was with how they handled it .. just for the record for people who want to exaggerate. One cruise was badly handled.


btw I was happy with the money for the ports when we missed two ports. I could have personally cared less about missing the ports .. Iv been to them all so many times.


I was asking you if you think Carnival should get you to where you were going or not .. you brought it up.. so far you have lost this argument big time with the only reply that its insanity to keep repeating things over and over. I love to cruise .. but one cruise I was unhappy with the CD and the crew and how it was handled which goes back to the CD.. just asking if you think Carnival should get you to where you were going, i.e. the home port, or if that is a breach of contract as you implied in your own reply to someone else.. I think your reply doesnt support your argument very well.


I dont really care about ports, so lets not go there ....not about me, but I did think Carnival should have done something toward getting us home.


I give your logic a F, calling someone insane, because one time they had a cruise where they were unhappy with customer service and the CD. Not good logic.


I love when we miss a port and I get money back btw.. I was thrilled with conquest myself and missing two ports and said so many times. Sorry if you and Halos didnt believe me...true though. I just bought more on the ship. Loved the extra money for missed ports.


No, I expect to get where I'm going (eventually) when flying. I never cruise and expect any port. If we make it, great. If not, who cares????? (he-he) I'm on a ship and not at work. Sorry if you misunderstood that I meant I expected to get where we're going on a ship. I would never expect that.

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The cruise lines responsibility is to get you back to the port you left from. What happens in between is debatable and most certainly covered by legal CYA. No one will ever win their case against a cruise line by posting on CC.


Cut. Print. Done.


This is what I think many who are posting on this thread do not (yet) grasp.

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As I have always said it was mostly about customer service. Not telling us things, purser's desk hanging up on people who called from their cabins (2 different HC people told me this so I believe it happened).


they should have anticipated that we would want rental car phone #'s. 2 hours wait to get online or I would have gotten the phone numbers myself, purser's desk, said carnival doesnt provide the internet, so they too couldnt get information .. I think someone on that ship should have gotten online and gotten info on several things. handled very poorly.


I am one who has had only one bad cruise .. where I wound up disliking the substitute CD Jen by the end of the cruise.


I loved the rest.. and have always said hey miss ports, I dont care. We really dont care .. but I understand some people do.


Thats why when people are coming on here and saying what they are upset about is how it was handled .. I am thinking it probably could have been handled better .. because I had that one cruise where they just were inept. That one cruise .. they handled poorly.. and I still believe it.


You say you disagree .. but to me customer service was poor .. and things were handled poorly .. disagree all you want. Maybe if I had not been flamed as these people are and people understood my point...I wouldnt keep thinking Im backed in a corner defending how I feel it was handled.


Fire, I am sorry if you feel that you are not understood. I do feel for the people who have been pooped on (perceived) by Carnival. But your posts alone are proof positive that Carnival customer service (that term is used very loosely, btw), is one of the worst out there. Sadly, neither your (well) documented incident or that of any other has, nor will it, change anything. You have gone on record as saying you are not doing CCL anymore (and I don't blame you, I wouldn't pay 200% either). Thousands of others have voiced the same sentiment. And yet my CCL stock keeps going up. As long as that is the case, nothing is going to change.


G'ma said it all: caveat emptor

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Just one quick question and one that I've always wanted to ask someone... if the ship isn't a huge part of your vacation goal then why book a cruise? Why not fly?


I've always been baffled by this, perhaps you can help me.



That is a good question Mach. For me, cruising gives me the opportunity to board, unpack one time and be given the opportunity to visit multiple places during the course of my cruise.


I could definitely fly somewhere but the idea of sitting on the same beach, day in and day out would drive me bananas. The ship offers good food, decent accomodation, entertainment while sailing to those wonderful ports that give this easily bored person a nice change of pace on my vacation. I could sit on the ship for a week but to me it would be the same as flying to that one vacation destination and sitting on that same beach day in and day out.


I guess you could say I cruise to not be bored:D


I'm wondering why that seems so wrong/full of BS/crazy and whatever other words were thrown out there in this thread? Seems valid enough to me. I can see why folks would love to float around for 7 days too so why can't folks understand why I want to visit different places?

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That is a good question Mach. For me, cruising gives me the opportunity to board, unpack one time and be given the opportunity to visit multiple places during the course of my cruise.


I could definitely fly somewhere but the idea of sitting on the same beach, day in and day out would drive me bananas. The ship offers good food, decent accomodation, entertainment while sailing to those wonderful ports that give this easily bored person a nice change of pace on my vacation. I could sit on the ship for a week but to me it would be the same as flying to that one vacation destination and sitting on that same beach day in and day out.


I guess you could say I cruise to not be bored:D


I'm wondering why that seems so wrong/full of BS/crazy and whatever other words were thrown out there in this thread? Seems valid enough to me. I can see why folks would love to float around for 7 days too so why can't folks understand why I want to visit different places?


I fully understand that you want to visit different places. And cruising, mostly, will accomplish that for you. While I cannot speak for Mach, my confusion comes when someone does not make a port they expected to make and then whine because they were "trapped on the ship all week". If you're going to use a ship as transportation, and knowing that at any given time you could easily end up "trapped on the ship for a week", since no port is ever guaranteed, doesn't it make sense to have the ship be a destination that you would be happy with, just in case? If that makes no sense to someone, then perhaps another means of getting to one's destination might make more sense. In case something happens.

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Honestly though, I DO cruise for the ports. It's a very comfortable way of getting there. If it wasn't about the ports, why would they offer different ones at different pricing? ??


They are selling an "outing". When they don't produce they should make it right.



You may think that they are selling an outing, but right or wrong, they are selling a boat ride.


They stop now and then and you can get off if you want.


Some improved people handling skills would be nice.

Skilled communication about what is happening and why would prevent a lot of anger and hard feelings.


Since the white suits sometimes are not really geat communicators, in English anyway, it would seem like maybe cruise directors could do it.


Except that that the cruise directors are too busy selling bingo cards...

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Cut. Print. Done.


This is what I think many who are posting on this thread do not (yet) grasp.


I hope you were not referring to me.......I rode the information highway......I grasp things pretty well......none of this has anything to do with the reasons one cruises......


That is a good question Mach. For me, cruising gives me the opportunity to board, unpack one time and be given the opportunity to visit multiple places during the course of my cruise.


I could definitely fly somewhere but the idea of sitting on the same beach, day in and day out would drive me bananas. The ship offers good food, decent accomodation, entertainment while sailing to those wonderful ports that give this easily bored person a nice change of pace on my vacation. I could sit on the ship for a week but to me it would be the same as flying to that one vacation destination and sitting on that same beach day in and day out.


I guess you could say I cruise to not be bored:D


I'm wondering why that seems so wrong/full of BS/crazy and whatever other words were thrown out there in this thread? Seems valid enough to me. I can see why folks would love to float around for 7 days too so why can't folks understand why I want to visit different places?


A grasp problem:confused::p:D

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Since the white suits sometimes are not really geat communicators, in English anyway, it would seem like maybe cruise directors could do it.


Except that that the cruise directors are too busy selling bingo cards...





Can't argue with that at all.

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I hope you were not referring to me.......I rode the information highway......I grasp things pretty well......none of this has anything to do with the reasons one cruises......




A grasp problem:confused::p:D

You could be right there;)

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I hope you were not referring to me.......I rode the information highway......I grasp things pretty well......none of this has anything to do with the reasons one cruises......




A grasp problem:confused::p:D


I'm glad its a grasp problem cause I lost my grip a long time ago!:D:D:p

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As I have always said it was mostly about customer service. Not telling us things, purser's desk hanging up on people who called from their cabins (2 different HC people told me this so I believe it happened).


they should have anticipated that we would want rental car phone #'s. 2 hours wait to get online or I would have gotten the phone numbers myself, purser's desk, said carnival doesnt provide the internet, so they too couldnt get information .. I think someone on that ship should have gotten online and gotten info on several things. handled very poorly.


I am one who has had only one bad cruise .. where I wound up disliking the substitute CD Jen by the end of the cruise.


I loved the rest.. and have always said hey miss ports, I dont care. We really dont care .. but I understand some people do.


Thats why when people are coming on here and saying what they are upset about is how it was handled .. I am thinking it probably could have been handled better .. because I had that one cruise where they just were inept. That one cruise .. they handled poorly.. and I still believe it.


You say you disagree .. but to me customer service was poor .. and things were handled poorly .. disagree all you want. Maybe if I had not been flamed as these people are and people understood my point...I wouldnt keep thinking Im backed in a corner defending how I feel it was handled.


I do agree customer service was bad and stated as much previously. I just disagree about Vanessa being wrong. I very much understand her point.

(I also agree with you about CD Jen....NOT my favorite by any means) :eek:

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