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sharing tables at windjammer buffet


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I think it is very rude on embarkation day in the WJ to turn anyone away from a table with a seat. I have seen folks walking around with plates in hand with know where to sit, seen tables of four or more with two people at them ignore them. They have beach bags on the other chairs to make it look like other folks are coming, but never do.

Come on folks,,,,we are starting out on a fabulous cruise,,,can you not allow someone to sit down beside you for 10 or 20 mins. to eat a meal!!!!!!This really is a pet peave of mine! Embarkation day is where everyone is told to go to the WJ for lunch.

Any other day on the ship,you can always find a seat somewhere in the WJ....It might not be instantanious, but you can.

If you see folks looking for a place to sit, and you have that space, please allow them the pleasure of their first meal in the WJ as a pleasant one.


AMEN I just cant believe that a little lunch time can be so precious that people would rather be rude . How annoying Could it be to put up with a little chit chat.

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My husband and I sit at small tables because we prefer to eat by ourselves, everywhere. If we have to sit at a table for four, I put jackets, bags, and hats at those places to discourage people from asking to sit with us. If it's REALLY crowded, then I don't do it.


We don't cruise to meet people, but to travel and relax with each other. So, it is an imposition to be asked by strangers if they can sit with us.


Maybe your next cruise should be by Canoe??? Ha Ha


The general atmosphere of a Cruise lends itself to meeting people and may not be the right vacation for those "who want to be alone". Picking a vacation where there are 2-6000 people traveling with you in a confined space is not well suited for loaners.

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@landlover how is it fair for you to assume what is romantic to each person? I think cruises can be wonderful and romantic. Its what you make of your vacation. Please don't assume you can determine this for others.


Well said.:rolleyes:


My DW and I especially look forward to our romantic breakfasts in the WJ:eek:


It really gets us "in the mood".

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Actually, we've met some really nice people when we ask if they want to share our table. Those on the first couple of days you generaly keep bumping into and have someone to say "Hi" to. It's sort of pleasant to have someone you recognize always smiling at you.


OMG..it is someone I have shared a table with;);) I recognize you, I recongize you......:):D

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Well said.:rolleyes:


My DW and I especially look forward to our romantic breakfasts in the WJ:eek:


It really gets us "in the mood".

yup thats exactly what I meant, WAY to read my mind.


Please stop making assumptions on the way OTHER people choose to spend THEIR vacations


Not every moment of our cruise needs to "get us in the mood" but I do prefer to spend my time with the person I am on vacation with.


please get over yourself.

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After a lot of cruises,,,the only time we have been forced to even "think of" or "have to" consider sitting with others in the WJ is on embarkation day!!!

Other than that we always eat alone.

There is truly only ONE day where the WJ is a problem for sharing out a table. Please think of the first day, as more of a bon voyage, sail away, good time, commoradorie. Happy faces on all:):) Don't bite on embarkation day!:D

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I'm so glad that you posted this because I feel the same way! Sometimes I feel like I'm the odd one out when reading these boards because so many people either cruise to make friends or try to make friends with everybody they meet. The hubby and I choose to dine alone and converse with each other in bars and whatnot. We're certainly not mean people or rude... it's just what when we vacation, we like to be "by ourselves" (or as much as one can be on a ship with 8000+ people!).


I also do the thing where we put things on the other chairs if we're at a 4 top and I would never dream of denying somebody the right to sit there if the other tables are full... just as long as they keep with just brief pleasantries at first and then ignore us for the rest of the meal.


So if you sit at the pool, do you put things on the chair next to you also?? Because you want to be alone?


Sorry, do not think that is right in either situation.


Had a lady tell my wife last week that she was saving the pool area chair next to her for her daughter. Saw them all week, no daughter. Had a cross around her neck too. WWJD ???


A Chair Hog in one location is the same as a chair hog in the other?


Room Service is always an option to be alone.

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After a lot of cruises,,,the only time we have been forced to even "think of" or "have to" consider sitting with others in the WJ is on embarkation day!!!

Other than that we always eat alone.

There is truly only ONE day where the WJ is a problem for sharing out a table. Please think of the first day, as more of a bon voyage, sail away, good time, commoradorie. Happy faces on all:):) Don't bite on embarkation day!:D


Exactly! I was thinking the same thing myself- the only time I have had a huge problem finding a seat in the WJ is embarkation day. But I look at the WJ as I would any other cafeteria- grab seating where you can. And I know how awful it is to walk around and around with a tray and no seats anywhere. I have NEVER had anyone offer me a seat, even for my mother who walks with a cane after two botched hip replacements- people see her struggling and make sure their hats and bags are comfy in the seat next to them!

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Never fails that if someone needs something and me and DH are there, we will be the ones that get asked, so we are used to people asking to sit with us.


Some chat, some make it clear they are not looking for conversation.


I couldn't imagine saying no.



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Well this has turned ugly :eek: I wanted to say a few things some of you said but i held my tongue. I am still amazed that people can be so unfeeling, you can call it anything you want , alone time ,romantic time , its just plain rude to let people stand or search for a table when you use chairs for you bags hats whatever because you are to good to sit with me , there i said it , I couldnt take it anymore. :mad:

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Oh trust me....I don't think it's pcur that doesn't enjoy meeting others. She's delightful and very friendly! :):D:) Sometimes we all have to make accomodations for other family members.


Thankfully, my DH has become quite social over the years! :D

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Oh trust me....I don't think it's pcur that doesn't enjoy meeting others. She's delightful and very friendly! :):D:) Sometimes we all have to make accomodations for other family members.


Thankfully, my DH has become quite social over the years! :D


How would you know she doesnt like to meet people:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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So if you sit at the pool, do you put things on the chair next to you also?? Because you want to be alone?


Sorry, do not think that is right in either situation.


Had a lady tell my wife last week that she was saving the pool area chair next to her for her daughter. Saw them all week, no daughter. Had a cross around her neck too. WWJD ???


A Chair Hog in one location is the same as a chair hog in the other?


Room Service is always an option to be alone.

I don't use the chairs by the pool, but I do believe that these are different situations. Sharing a table, and essentially a meal, with strangers is completely different from sitting next to strangers in a theatre or by the pool. The table is a much more intimate situation, and conversations can last anywhere from 30-45 minutes. It's awkward, for sure. But like I said, I will move my things if the place is full and I wouldn't hesitate to offer any free chairs at our table.


I don't think that it's a crime to want to only dine with my husband. It is rude of you to say that I should be banished to only eating room service just because I don't want to spend my meal talking to you.

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I've read this whole thread and I do know that some people like to eat as a couple, without others joining them. I understand and sympathize with that. On the other hand, if the eating area is full, then sharing a table seems only polite to me.


Sometimes, DH likes to sleep in late on a sea day and I go to breakfast by myself. I have had two rather upsetting experiences and I wonder what people think about them.


On the first occasion, the Windjammer was really full, with people looking for tables and every table seemed to have people sharing.


Having got my meal, I found a 4-top table that had 2 places reserved on one side, with napkin and cutlery awaiting their owners. As there was no-one to ask, and as there were no more spare seats anywhere that I could see, i sat down opposite the two reserved places.


Once I had started eating, a woman and young boy arrived. The woman started berating me, saying that the table was reserved. She was quite rude and aggressive. I replied that I could see that two places were reserved, that I had avoided those two places, and that there had still been 2 places vacant at the table.


The woman replied that her husband was also joining them, and told me to move - "Move, Signora! Go away!" As I was part-way through my meal, there was no way I was going to move - had there been any other vacant places close by, or had she spoken nicely, I might have moved, but I told her that there was still one empty seat at the table, and her husband would have room to sit there.


When the husband arrived, all three of them stood over me, holding their breakfasts, while I ate (by now, chewing as slowly as I could!). None of them would sit down. Eventually, the woman snapped her fingers at a waiter and told him to clear another table, to which they then moved.


On the second occasion, I had been sharing a table with a couple who left before me. Wanting another cup of coffee, I asked the waiter to please leave my empty cup and serviette to mark my place while I went for the coffee.


When I returned (it only took a moment), there was a family at the table - 3 people only - who loudly told me, "You can't sit here. This table is taken." I pointed out that it was my empty mug and my serviette and that I had only left to get more coffee, and had asked the waiter not to remove my things. I would have been happy to share for the short time it took to drink my coffee, but I don't like being muscled out. I sat down, they left when another table came empty. They had not yet got any food.


On both occasions, i was left feeling uncomfortable and wondering if I should have bowed to the superior numbers, but I don't like being left with the feeling that one person alone is "fair game" for bullying. On both occasions, I would probably have been more accommodating, had the other party's initial words been more polite and less aggressive.

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Well this has turned ugly :eek: I wanted to say a few things some of you said but i held my tongue. I am still amazed that people can be so unfeeling, you can call it anything you want , alone time ,romantic time , its just plain rude to let people stand or search for a table when you use chairs for you bags hats whatever because you are to good to sit with me , there i said it , I couldnt take it anymore. :mad:

I really hope I am not getting entangled in this mess. I said we like to sit alone. Which is true. But I also said we never put ourselves in that position where we would be watching people look for a table while we had empty seats next to us.


We get a table for 2, OR we take it to a pool chair OR to our rooms. I would never sit at a table for 4 with 2 people. IF I did [which I have not done] then I wouldn't assume I have rights to those other two chairs than anyone else on the cruise.


The one thing on this thread I read is that one person's old relative was never offered a space. We have in the past given up our table for two for elderly couples. I do believe in karma and I prefer not to come back as a cockroach. We then took our meals out to the pool area. No harm no foul.


BUT I resent that people say you are rude if you would rather dine alone, or people who make a joke at your expense if you would prefer alone time with your spouse. We have every right to have our vacation on our terms if we don't put others out or take up extra seats. And I will say, we have in fact enjoyed a number of meals in our room together because we enjoy spending time alone together. If that offends people, then I am not sure how to alleviate your anger.


Just to be clear, we do not do as others have stated; avoid eye contact, sit at tables of 4+, put bags in chairs etc. We find tables for 2 or go elsewhere. I'm sorry if this offends people.

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I really hope I am not getting entangled in this mess. I said we like to sit alone. Which is true. But I also said we never put ourselves in that position where we would be watching people look for a table while we had empty seats next to us.


We get a table for 2, OR we take it to a pool chair OR to our rooms. I would never sit at a table for 4 with 2 people. IF I did [which I have not done] then I wouldn't assume I have rights to those other two chairs than anyone else on the cruise.


The one thing on this thread I read is that one person's old relative was never offered a space. We have in the past given up our table for two for elderly couples. I do believe in karma and I prefer not to come back as a cockroach. We then took our meals out to the pool area. No harm no foul.


BUT I resent that people say you are rude if you would rather dine alone, or people who make a joke at your expense if you would prefer alone time with your spouse. We have every right to have our vacation on our terms if we don't put others out or take up extra seats. And I will say, we have in fact enjoyed a number of meals in our room together because we enjoy spending time alone together. If that offends people, then I am not sure how to alleviate your anger.


Just to be clear, we do not do as others have stated; avoid eye contact, sit at tables of 4+, put bags in chairs etc. We find tables for 2 or go elsewhere. I'm sorry if this offends people.


Then I in NO WAY was referring to you . Just in general.


I could care less if people go hide the whole cruise no offense . Its your time do what YOU want . You sound like a nice person .

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Then I in NO WAY was referring to you . Just in general.


I could care less if people go hide the whole cruise no offense . Its your time do what YOU want . You sound like a nice person .

No worries



You sound pretty cool too. Its not a bad thing to stand up for others who are being treated poorly. I once embarrassed my then fiancé to the point that he ran out of the schooner lounge when I yelled at a patron who was verbally accosting the young woman doing the trivia contest. She was yelling at her to f-off, go away, that she was bothering their drinking etc etc etc. At the end of the contest I went up to her and told her a few choice words about how she didn't have any manners. My hubby still cringes when that story comes up, lol, he HATES calling people out on them being mean. They made the poor crewperson cry during the trivia game.


ooh forgot to mention, I also ratted her out! Ha! Don't be mean to people! Especially around me :)

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How would you know she doesnt like to meet people:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Because we became friends on Cruise Critic,,,recently met in person....even though we've never cruised together. She's the social person in the family. Otherwise....I don't really understand your comment? :rolleyes::) Have you been following along?

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I don't use the chairs by the pool, but I do believe that these are different situations. Sharing a table, and essentially a meal, with strangers is completely different from sitting next to strangers in a theatre or by the pool. The table is a much more intimate situation, and conversations can last anywhere from 30-45 minutes. It's awkward, for sure. But like I said, I will move my things if the place is full and I wouldn't hesitate to offer any free chairs at our table.


I don't think that it's a crime to want to only dine with my husband. It is rude of you to say that I should be banished to only eating room service just because I don't want to spend my meal talking to you.


Rude to think people should be friendly and kind to one another:eek:


Sorry, did not say you should eat in your room, was just an option that might fit your needs; was a question mark there. Nothing says you have to talk to others who need a seat. Sure they would rather not share a table with an unhappy person either.


Do you ever think that they may have to swallow their own shyness a little just to ask you, or others, to share so they have a place to sit at busy times. WJ is not exactly an intimate, private venue.


Doubt anyone would even ask to share a table if there was one available somewhere in the area.


See you are sailing on the Allure. Good luck with the "alone thing" and sailing with 5700+ other people on board. :rolleyes:

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I have no problems with people joining us at our table in the WJ. We're only there for a quick breakfast or lunch anyways.


That is so true! When we go to the WJ we're the same way- just want to eat something and move on with our lives!


I know at dinner the place is a ghost town!

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I've read this whole thread and I do know that some people like to eat as a couple, without others joining them. I understand and sympathize with that. On the other hand, if the eating area is full, then sharing a table seems only polite to me.


Sometimes, DH likes to sleep in late on a sea day and I go to breakfast by myself. I have had two rather upsetting experiences and I wonder what people think about them.


On the first occasion, the Windjammer was really full, with people looking for tables and every table seemed to have people sharing.


Having got my meal, I found a 4-top table that had 2 places reserved on one side, with napkin and cutlery awaiting their owners. As there was no-one to ask, and as there were no more spare seats anywhere that I could see, i sat down opposite the two reserved places.


Once I had started eating, a woman and young boy arrived. The woman started berating me, saying that the table was reserved. She was quite rude and aggressive. I replied that I could see that two places were reserved, that I had avoided those two places, and that there had still been 2 places vacant at the table.


The woman replied that her husband was also joining them, and told me to move - "Move, Signora! Go away!" As I was part-way through my meal, there was no way I was going to move - had there been any other vacant places close by, or had she spoken nicely, I might have moved, but I told her that there was still one empty seat at the table, and her husband would have room to sit there.


When the husband arrived, all three of them stood over me, holding their breakfasts, while I ate (by now, chewing as slowly as I could!). None of them would sit down. Eventually, the woman snapped her fingers at a waiter and told him to clear another table, to which they then moved.


On the second occasion, I had been sharing a table with a couple who left before me. Wanting another cup of coffee, I asked the waiter to please leave my empty cup and serviette to mark my place while I went for the coffee.


When I returned (it only took a moment), there was a family at the table - 3 people only - who loudly told me, "You can't sit here. This table is taken." I pointed out that it was my empty mug and my serviette and that I had only left to get more coffee, and had asked the waiter not to remove my things. I would have been happy to share for the short time it took to drink my coffee, but I don't like being muscled out. I sat down, they left when another table came empty. They had not yet got any food.


On both occasions, i was left feeling uncomfortable and wondering if I should have bowed to the superior numbers, but I don't like being left with the feeling that one person alone is "fair game" for bullying. On both occasions, I would probably have been more accommodating, had the other party's initial words been more polite and less aggressive.


It can be so difficult dealing with bullies or unpleasant people.


Do you stay there so that they don't get their way? YOU are the one who ends up feeling uncomfortable - and with no support, since you were by yourself.


I think that you acted BEAUTIFULLY in both of the situations which you described.


We may all talk about how we would confront people, but it is very hard to actually do it.


It's a shame that there are such rude and unfeeling people in this world.


Brava, celle!



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