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OK. Lanyard. I know it may be convenient


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Are all you guys who wear lanyards the same ones who decorate your doors/balconies with the crappy dollar store garbage, making the ship look like a cheap trailer trash/dormitory hall?(I can only shudder at the thought of what the ship would look like if everyone decorated their door with crap)


Would you wear your license/credit card/car keys around your neck while at home because it is convenient and you "don't care" what others think (why only on vacation if it is such a great idea...do you not care what your co-workers/neighbors think, but will look like a $&*$@ amongst those you will probably not see again)? Is it really that difficult to carry a wallet/purse/etc. to carry the card and other valuables as you would at home?


Do you wear logo tshirts, white athletic shoes and dark socks or crocs in port because you don't care what others think? (believe me, the locals are laughing at you and can pick you out like a tourist from a mile away.) When in Europe, the cruise ship tourists who dressed as above were an embarrassment to those who tried their best to look like other Europeans..."when in Rome...", and were laughed at by the locals and targeted specifically by pickpockets).


I do agree, it is your vacation and you can look like whatever you want. If you don't care, fine. If your appearance is not important to you, fine. If you want to wear crap clothes (meaning cut offs, baseball hats, sleeveless t-shirts etc. ) in the MDR, fine. It certainly will in no way harm any other person's vacation, and I will support your choice to do so. It will, on the other hand, give me great pleasure to point you out to myself, and others in my silly group who take fun at pointing out the stupid things others do. Is it shallow, you betcha. If it is your right to do what you want, it is also my right to get a kick out of making fun of you. (ofcourse, never openly)


So, please keep wearing inappropriate (IMO) clothes, act a mess onboard , pig out at the buffet (when you clearly show that lack of food control is an issue in your past). I will will enjoy my cruise, and will fully support you in doing whatever (within the rules of the ship) will make you get the absolute best cruise possible.


Was this post politically incorrect, pretty sure. It is what many would love to say, absolutely sure. Flame away, also your right, but keep in mind, all you door decorating-lanyard wearing-crap clothes wearing-chair saving-matching tshirt loving-live to find out what the food will be on each night-bring nine colored pens to highlight the funtimes-ask the same question as has been asked 10,000 times-get your panties in a knot over smoking (no, I am not a smoker)-find the need to post on EVERYTHING whether or not you have anything new or of value to say just to build your post count....pick one or more of the above............



keep in mind that it is my right to really not care! Cheers to you all with wishes for the very best in what makes YOU happy. I support you all and wish you all happy cruising or just thinking about this very best of vacations.





I have thought long and hard about how I wanted to respond to this. Its hard to not come across as rude. I think my first thought is that People who say stuff like this are covering up some inadequacy of their own. But I don’t want to make general assumptions about someone I have never met, which by the way, is what this OP has done. She has assumed that those who chose to wear a lanyard with the S & S card in view (like it’s something to be ashamed of) are trashy, without class, and evidently have no clue on how to dress…all this from one who finds it perfectly acceptable to laugh and snicker at those who they find lacking in some manner.

Let me address your posting in this manner. Bit by Bit.

I do wear a lanyard, however, I have yet to decorate my cabin door. Never felt the need to, however, if I chose to do it…it would be NONE of your business. If you don’t like looking at the decorated doors on the cabins, you have 2 options. 1) Don’t Look and 2) Go the other way. I am sorry that you find decorated doors so offensive. I saw one on the Liberty that made me cry. It was done by the wife/family of a soldier who was serving in Iraq. He was home on leave and they went on a cruise. His family had decorated the cabin door welcoming their hero home. I did the same thing when my husband came home from Iraq. I decorated my door at home, I suppose you would find that trashy also.

Yes I find carrying a purse on the ship a burden..since I know I will most likely misplace it. So that’s why I opt to have the Lanyard. My suggestion to you if you don’t like to look at those folks who wear one in this manner to use the suggestions I mentioned above. I find they work quite well for me, when I see things that I find offensive. As I mentioned in another post, I lived in Europe for nearly 10 years, granted I moved back to the states in 2001 but I never noticed the entire time I lived, worked or traveled there that I ever saw one person there who made fun or laughed at me or anyone else that was different from them. For the most part, every German I met was more than willing to help me, even when I butchered their language. I had the same experiences in France, Austria, Poland, Switzerland and Luxembourg…yes even the French treated me quite well. I did dress and act accordingly since we as military dependants are told that we are potential targets. Which is why I usually traveled by train instead of taking my USAREUR (US Army Europe) plated vehicle – which I felt had a very large target on it…thankfully in 1999 or thereabouts the military started issuing plates that more closely resembled the European ones. So I do know how to behave and dress in a foreign country as well as in my own.

Since I was raised with manners I do tend to not pig out at any restaurant – ship or shore. But I also don’t make comments about those who do, since that was also part of my upbringing. I don’t believe in political correctness, I think it’s a bunch of hogwash (as my grandpa would say), but I also don’t believe in hurting people’s feelings just because. I tend to let those who are different then me, be different. After all I know nothing about them, I don’t pay their bills, I don’t feel the need to point out their mistakes or make fun of them, to make me feel better about myself. I shop at stores that I can afford to. I don’t worry about what others think about where I shop. I had a friend who would never shop anywhere other than high end mall stores like Saks, Neiman Marcus, and one other I can’t recall. She would tell me that she would never shop at Target or Walmart or any such low class store. Well when the bottom fell out of the economy she lost her behind! So guess where she shops now? Yep…you guessed it…she shops at all the places that us lowly peons have been shopping and saving money at for years. She has even come to like Target. The moral of this story? It doesn’t matter where you shop or what you wear, what truly matters is what is in your heart.

I don’t save chairs (I could care less if someone else does – I try to not let small stuff stress me on vacation) or even sit close to the pool…for the most part I find it over chlorinated and it affects my asthma. So I usually can find a seat elsewhere without fuss. I don’t think I have worn a matching Tshirt or own a highlighter. I am not sure about the “live to find out what the food is each night” comment is about - I guess that is what a menu is for. And in my line of work where I am asked the same question over and over I have to pretend it’s the 1st time I am hearing it. But I then I remember that it is the 1st time this person is asking this question. So my question to you would be, why do you care how many times someone asks a question? I also don’t get my panties in a “wad” over smoking, I don’t care if someone lights up 10 cigarettes at one time, I know how to move away. I don’t feel the need to comment. And for the last one…well you yourself have commented on this and other threads so evidently you feel that you have something of value to add…so why do you feel the need to remark about others who feel they also may have something of value to add to the discussion?

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Are all you guys who wear lanyards the same ones who decorate your doors/balconies with the crappy dollar store garbage, making the ship look like a cheap trailer trash/dormitory hall? Nope. Never have and probably never will. Not my style.(I can only shudder at the thought of what the ship would look like if everyone decorated their door with crap)


Would you wear your license/credit card/car keys around your neck while at home because it is convenient and you "don't care" what others think (why only on vacation if it is such a great idea...do you not care what your co-workers/neighbors think, but will look like a $&*$@ amongst those you will probably not see again)? I take my purse me when I go out at home. Why? Because it has my drivers license, my credit card, my cash, my cell phone, my checkbook, my gum, my aspirin, my insurance card, my keys...all the things I may need while I am away from home. I don't need any of this stuff walking around a ship. All I need is my S&S card.Is it really that difficult to carry a wallet/purse/etc. to carry the card and other valuables as you would at home? I only need my S&S card. Everything else is either at home or in my room. I don't need to lug everything around with me on a ship. Why do you feel the need to?


Do you wear logo tshirts, No... Don't like the looks on me, I don't care if someone else does white athletic shoes I usually wear sandals on a cruise and in port and dark socks or crocs in port because you don't care what others think I normally don't pay attention to what others have on their feet. Why do you?? (believe me, the locals are laughing at you and can pick you out like a tourist from a mile away.) When in Europe, the cruise ship tourists who dressed as above were an embarrassment to those who tried their best to look like other Europeans..."when in Rome...", and were laughed at by the locals and targeted specifically by pickpockets).


I do agree, it is your vacation and you can look like whatever you want. If you don't care, fine. Sounds like you care too much. If your appearance is not important to you, fine. If you want to wear crap clothes (meaning cut offs, baseball hats, sleeveless t-shirts etc. ) Since when does wearing a lanyard lead to inappropriate clothes in the MDR. As far as I am aware they are not banned in the MDR. in the MDR, fine. It certainly will in no way harm any other person's vacation, and I will support your choice to do so Really...Doesn't sound like it. It will, on the other hand, give me great pleasure to point you out to myself, and others in my silly group who take fun at pointing out the stupid things others do Very rude of you. Is it shallow, you betcha. If it is your right to do what you want, it is also my right to get a kick out of making fun of you. (ofcourse, never openly)


So, please keep wearing inappropriate (IMO) clothes, act a mess onboard , pig out at the buffet (when you clearly show that lack of food control is an issue in your past). I will will enjoy my cruise, and will fully support you in doing whatever (within the rules of the ship) will make you get the absolute best cruise possible. Jumping to an awful lot of assumptions about people wearing a piece of useful jewelry.


Was this post politically incorrect, pretty sure. Politically incorrect, rude, judgemental, arrogant, etc....It is what many would love to say, absolutely sure No just you. Flame away, also your right, but keep in mind, all you door decorating-lanyard wearing-crap clothes wearing-chair saving-matching tshirt loving-live to find out what the food will be on each night-bring nine colored pens to highlight the funtimes-ask the same question as has been asked 10,000 times-get your panties in a knot over smoking (no, I am not a smoker)-find the need to post on EVERYTHING whether or not you have anything new or of value to say just to build your post count....pick one or more of the above............Just like you just did?



keep in mind that it is my right to really not care! Right:rolleyes: Cheers to you all with wishes for the very best in what makes YOU happy. I support you all and wish you all happy cruising or just thinking about this very best of vacations.




Sounds like you need to get a life. Apparently you are too busy watching everyone else to live your own.

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What if you have no pockets???


I never buy an outfit that doesn't have pockets. It's a dealbreaker for me. S&S card is just one reason. Also have to have my lip gloss or chap stick handy at all times. This is true on and off a cruise ship. But it is even more important when cruising because I won't carry a purse around the ship.

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I always use a lanyard...I am on vacation..not at a fashion show.


Same here. Convience is key for me!

I do tuck it into my shirt alot of the time.


Wellllll..........as a female..........I find my bra has plenty of room for a card in it. :D:p


Plus I know if a pick pocket is in there:eek:


Classic, love it!!

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I agree with this - I also wear mine because I do tend to forget where I put things - my least favorite part of menopause - geesh! lol - I actually use the Cruise Critic lanyard with the detachable part at the bottom - love it! Now, I don't wear it on formal night, I do tuck it in my little purse! and I also definitely do not wear it in port.


Don't know about menopause, but I do know about neuropathy due to spinal injuries and diabetes... I lose the feeling in my hands and drop things without realizing it if they aren't semi-permanently attached.


I can't win with the clothing - it seems that no matter what I wear, it offends somebody. Folks on CC complain when well-padded people wear skintight clothes or thongs or speedos, while others complain about baggies. Same for shoes, no matter what I choose, someone is going to complain. What's a fella to do? I guess, like Rick Nelson said, "...you know, you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself..."

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Is the S&S card the thickness/weight of a credit card too? Just wondering if a normal 'home office' hole punch would do it or will we HAVE to go to the casino for help?


I'd go to the casino or Guest Services - they know where to punch it so that it doesn't become unusable, and you arent going to get the card until just before you go aboard anyway. The punches they use look like the heavy-duty ones bus drivers and train conductors use, and they aren't inexpensive.

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I would not be caught dead dragging a "purse" around on the ship or in port.


Over the years I have found several "purses" left by someone. I have never found a lanyard left by someone.



Umm...okay :confused:


I've never lost a "purse" so none of this moves me. You continue wearing a lanyard, I'll continue carrying some type of bag.

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I never buy an outfit that doesn't have pockets. It's a dealbreaker for me. S&S card is just one reason. Also have to have my lip gloss or chap stick handy at all times. This is true on and off a cruise ship. But it is even more important when cruising because I won't carry a purse around the ship.
I'm so happy to find someone just like me! The two things I need to carry on the ship are my S&S card and my chap stick. I always make sure I have shorts with pockets. Personally, I hate lanyards. I can't stand having anything hanging around my neck (including necklaces - DH learned long ago that if he wants to buy me jewelry, get earrings.:p) But other people using lanyards doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, two years ago on Miracle they had a needlepoint class on one of the sea days where the project was a lanyard with a Carnival logo (well, the old logo) and a space for a person's initials. I made one for my youngest son and he loved it. I wish I saw needlepoint projects more often on cruises.
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Can someone please explain how polos are tacky or frowned upon? To be quite frank, both DF & my brother have polos from Ralph Lauren & Lacoste that cost $80-120 each, so it just boggles me that some piece of article clothing that is expensive is now considered tacky...


I don't think I said they were tacky. I said I don't like them.

I think they are very unflatering on women.

I also don't think price has anything to do with tacky!!

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I'm so happy to find someone just like me! The two things I need to carry on the ship are my S&S card and my chap stick. I always make sure I have shorts with pockets. Personally, I hate lanyards. I can't stand having anything hanging around my neck (including necklaces - DH learned long ago that if he wants to buy me jewelry, get earrings.:p) But other people using lanyards doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, two years ago on Miracle they had a needlepoint class on one of the sea days where the project was a lanyard with a Carnival logo (well, the old logo) and a space for a person's initials. I made one for my youngest son and he loved it. I wish I saw needlepoint projects more often on cruises.


We must be twins separated at birth. I am also crafty and my name is Kathy!


I have nothing against lanyards - I just don't need one since I always have pockets. :) But maybe I should finally admit that, like you, I don't feel comfortable with anything around my neck. I am always buying necklaces and then never wear them! ;)


The exception is when flying. I have what I call my "zipper tripper," a small quilted purse that I made to wear around my neck that holds my tickets, boarding pass, passport, id, a pen and some money. All the things I need very handy in the airport - and my hands are still free.

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I'm beyond worrying about what other people think. Not to mention the fact that I'm on vacation and the last thing I'm going to stress about, and I'm fairly sure the other 3500 on the ship are of the same mindset. Way better than wasting my precious vacation time standing in line at Guest Services to replace my lost card that was stylishly kept in a pocket. Plus I normally put it under my tshirt or whatever.


Love that!! We like cruising, because it feels like a big city to us and we are "Anonymous." I leave caring about whether I look "cool" or not to the high school crowd!

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We must be twins separated at birth. I am also crafty and my name is Kathy!


I have nothing against lanyards - I just don't need one since I always have pockets. :) But maybe I should finally admit that, like you, I don't feel comfortable with anything around my neck. I am always buying necklaces and then never wear them! ;)


The exception is when flying. I have what I call my "zipper tripper," a small quilted purse that I made to wear around my neck that holds my tickets, boarding pass, passport, id, a pen and some money. All the things I need very handy in the airport - and my hands are still free.

Too funny! I travel with a shoulder bag that has everyone's tickets, passports, etc. It's easier if I'm the keeper of everything.:p
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I'm so used to wearing one for work that I don't notice that it's there! It's safe and not as easy to lose.:o


We thought it was not easy to lose. One of our constant frustrations when cruising with my nephew is how often he loses his card. We have given him countless lanyards. He loves them! Wears them with pride, but at some point, he puts it down and it is never seen again. :confused: Could be that he takes it off when he goes to the cabin (his parents' cabin, not mine) and his cabin is always a disaster. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :o

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Yes I think they look like work. But what do I know....:rolleyes:

So many people love Chocolate Melting Cake, I HATE IT! I love me some chocolate, but not that. It reminds my of those Easy Bake Ovens when you were a kid. They had a lightbulb to cook with. It took 6 hours for a brownie that was raw in the middle when done. Ok I went off subject, but I just had to get that out. LOL :D


Actually, a very good description.:p

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yes, but if it's attached to a platinum card, the help will help you first.


You can bet it will be hanging on a lanyard for the world to see when I get my white milestone card in Sept :D ....and we just use a standard punch that you can buy at an department store.

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I agree they are not so stylish but I wouldn't go without one. I have very clothes with pockets and since we usually go to the beach am in a swimsuit most of the time. I do put it inside t-shirts and beach coverups most of the time and if I have my beach bag with me it goes in the bag, makes it easy to grab from the bag.


Since I am on vacation and don't care what anyone thinks about my style, I will continue to wear it. :D

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You can bet it will be hanging on a lanyard for the world to see when I get my white milestone card in Sept :D ....and we just use a standard punch that you can buy at an department store.


a strategically placed magnifying glass necklace completes the ensemble! :D

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You can bet it will be hanging on a lanyard for the world to see when I get my white milestone card in Sept :D ....and we just use a standard punch that you can buy at an department store.

Holy Crap! that list of past cruises makes me envious!:D


Good point about the lanyard and showing off your status.:) I'm excited about getting the gold card this next cruise. Didn't realize, until after our last cruise (which was our first cruise), that our blue card was a clear symbol for a NOOB.

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but don't you think it just looks so stupid hanging around your neck?


OK. Just had to let it out.



Have a coach lanyard for my ss, it looks good and of course we need to have our Platinum handy too...wouldnt want to miss out on anything lol Plus we would rather look stupid as you say than to lose our ss cards :)

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