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going to take a three year old with us any advice

sue gill

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Ignore all the silly comments from people who obviously do not enjoy spending time with their grandkids the way you do! My son in three and has been on five (7 day) cruises ... with me alone, and with me and grandma! I couldn't imagine going on vacation without my fun little ball of energy, and Grandma has also said she finds the trips much more enjoyable now that my son is around to enjoy things with. I have been on nine cruises in all - so I do know what it is like to cruise alone as well ...


As long as you don't feel the need to take a lot of shore excursions or don't feel cheated if you have to miss something due to naps, etc., you'll be fine. I do recommend at least an ocean view cabin, as you spend more time in the room with a young one along.


That being said - bring enough diapers or pullups if you need them, bring only a small umbrella stroller (my son walks on the ship - on our cruise in November he only used the stroller at one port (Guatemala) otherwise he insisted on walking) ... pack light and have fun!


Some other tips :


Most ships will have juices and such available at all times during the day -you just need to ask for them. They brought my son (then 7 months) a bowl of cheerios and a plate of diced mangos every night into the dining room after I asked for some cheerios or diced fruit (with no liquor!) the first night. It was so cute, and although my son couldn't have cared less at that age, I was so relieved that I cried ... all the first time mom stress dissolved on that vacation! My son is allergic to peanuts (something we knew about on three cruises) and we have had no significant problems, except in finding desserts! Ice cream works for that!


Check out the pool deck right away for dangerous areas - keep an eye open on ALL parts of the ship for this and note them ... makes life easier and more fun while onboard. That being said, other than a slip and fall on the stairs and one scraped knee on some slippy metal (that could have happened anywhere to a two year old in wet sandals) we've had no issues.


commercial vehicles in most US locations do NOT require car seats - whether or not you use one is your perogative - unless of course it is a bus without seat belts. On the last three trips I have brought a carseat - and never used it. Call me irresponsible if you choose to, but most ports we just walk and enjoy what is within walking distance - or take a short cab ride to a beach ... our US transfer transportation were busses that could not accomodate the car seat. I would suggest to leave it at home or in the car unless you have booked an excursion ahead of time that has stated that they will accomodate a car seat.


Muster drill: you don't have to go if you feel your grandson will be to squirmy. On some lines they allow one person from the cabin to attend and the other to stay behind in the cabin with the child. On other lines, there is a predetermined lounge for young children, elderly or disabled to wait in. Ask the cabin steward right when you board for more info on that. My son has been to two musters - the first he was 7 months and I didn't know any better - he got warm and dozed off - peaceful but boring first day ensued. Last November, he was three, and shouted "this is fun mommy!" several times during muster ... everyone laughed and he shouted "I'm LIAM!" from that point on, most everyone on our cabin deck greeted him by name ... you know your grandchild, if it won't be "fun" for her - skip it. She won't understand the instructions anyway, so just have one person attend and get a muster bracelet for her - vacations should be FUN and you are never too young to learn that!


You may also want to bring a blow up beach ball and some books ... I always take some plastic cups from the buffet as "toys" ... plus the kids clubs always provide enough toy time for most kids ...


Have fun!!!

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This comment is from experience.


1) Lets establish the fact that I LOVE my grandson and want to be with him just as much as anyone. He lived with me for a year while my son was in Iraq. I will not accept that any other grandmother wants to be with her granddaughter/son more or less than I do.


2) I just want to warn the grandmother not to expect that every thing will be the best. Kids are Kids and you never know how they will act.

I considered my grandson the greatest boy in the world, until the cruise.


3) There were actually 5 adults and 1 - 17 year old son on the cruise. To all entertain him.


4) I was prepared, my daughter-in-law was prepared. We had everything and more that others on this thread suggusted


5) I would say our problem was that my grandson only knew me and his mother as care-takers, never been in daycare. He would not go with anyone else and when the babysitter came at night so we could go out, he would scream and scream. You can not reason with them.

I alway came back after less than an hour cause I felt bad. This was not enjoyable for me or probably the rooms next to me.


6) I always remember the fact that only you love your grandchildren and kids. OTHERS do not, sorry to say.


I really hope you have a better experience then me, but I'm sure there are many who feel like I do and will not take LITTLE grandchildren on cruises again.


And we are not BAD people for that.

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This comment is from experience.


1) Lets establish the fact that I LOVE my grandson and want to be with him just as much as anyone. He lived with me for a year while my son was in Iraq. I will not accept that any other grandmother wants to be with her granddaughter/son more or less than I do.


2) I just want to warn the grandmother not to expect that every thing will be the best. Kids are Kids and you never know how they will act.

I considered my grandson the greatest boy in the world, until the cruise.


3) There were actually 5 adults and 1 - 17 year old son on the cruise. To all entertain him.


4) I was prepared, my daughter-in-law was prepared. We had everything and more that others on this thread suggusted


5) I would say our problem was that my grandson only knew me and his mother as care-takers, never been in daycare. He would not go with anyone else and when the babysitter came at night so we could go out, he would scream and scream. You can not reason with them.

I alway came back after less than an hour cause I felt bad. This was not enjoyable for me or probably the rooms next to me.


6) I always remember the fact that only you love your grandchildren and kids. OTHERS do not, sorry to say.


I really hope you have a better experience then me, but I'm sure there are many who feel like I do and will not take LITTLE grandchildren on cruises again.


And we are not BAD people for that.

This is something I have always wondered about (highlighted above) with very small children. How in the world do you not effect the cabins around you when they scream and cry? What about in the middle of the night or very early in the AM?

We took our granddaughter on her first cruise when she was 5 (past the screaming tantrum stage) and we had a great time, but in her defense, it was on a 'kids boat' the Big Red Boat, where almost everything was geared to children. Although I was exhausted after the first few days, we didn't really have any problems.

I know the only time we have been effected by small children was on a Caribbean cruise where the neighbors would take the little one (probably 1 or under) onto the balcony when they cried. I think they thought it would muffle the sound. But she spent half the cruise out on the balcony trying to quiet her little toddler, while the child did nothing but scream. Needless to say, we rarely used that balcony on that sailing, along with dozens of other passengers close to their cabin.

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We had lots of kids of all ages on our cruise last week and it wasn't

a problem at all, except by the end of the cruise I did make the comment

that I don't think I'd choose spring break time as my primary cruising

slot again anytime soon. LOL The kids really were great for the most part,

but kids are kids, and the little ones did get fussy because it was

sometimes overwhelming for them. we encountered lots of cute

kids on the tour excursions, a particularly nice family from Montana with

their 18-month and 3-year-old, and they told us that the 3-year-old

requested to go on a cruise. They gave her the option of Disney World

or cruising and she wanted to go on a cruise! I thought that was so

cute, because she'd gone on a cruise 6 months previously. The kids

were having a blast in the sand too.

But there was also a 4 year-old on our sailing that ended up on the bottom on the indoor

pool and she was pulled to "safety" by a 9-year-old. The grandpa was supposed to be watching her but was talking on his cell phone instead.

The child was taken off the ship in Puerto Vallarta. We are still

wondering why in the world would someone let a four-year-old swim

in a deep pool without swimmies on and why weren't they watching that child like a hawk?!!

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First things first...be organized, prepared and with a good attitude.


On the first day, visit the kids area and research the programs. Get him/her to her first age group "social" so he/she can make a friend(s). When the ship is at sea, while you are at Bingo, the Casino or an art auction, she/he can be at an age appropriate program too. Cruising is best when all have found their nitches.


Don't know what is offered in Bermuda, but Megan's Bay is a good beach to take your grandchild to in St. Thomas. No waves and beautiful scenery. If he/she likes adventure, check out the jeep ride in Antigua. It's an open-air jeep ride that tours the island with a lot of bumpy roads in the inland. Kids and adventurous adults will enjoy.


Enjoy your grandchild and the cruises ahead will be even better! icon7.gif

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I believe the OP said that their grandchild was used to being in a daycare situation. If this is the case they may be very receptive to the kids program. That is I swear what helped with our daughter not pitching a fit.


As for the screaming that can occur in the middle of the night, its unavoidable. We've all been in hotels where there have been unruly guests, and I think if the kids are tired enough they will sleep.


On our recent cruise we were on what I refer to as the family floor. Dolphin minisuites. I say this because they tend to hold 4 people and honestly there were kids all around us. Our daughter was woken repeatedly by people slamming doors starting as early as 6am. Not maliciously, just everyone in their room was awake so I am sure they didn't think it would carry the noise through to other cabins.


Bottom line....go have fun and like any visit with grandchildren there may be good days and bad days...just like at home. If it doesn't work out, then wait till the child is a little older and try again.

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Leave the young one home. As much as you love your grandchild, it will ruin your cruise.The child probably won't appreciate it either.


Sue Gill, you should hop on over to our roll call for this week


I have cruised with my young children-you should check out the family cruising section because there is tons of great advice on traveling with young kids. I would definitely sign your grandchild up for the kids club-I dont know how many kids will be on this cruise but there will be the camp counselors who have games, toys, crafts, songs, etc that will be geared to the appropriate age. My kids loved it but you have to make sure to have her go the first night=even if only for a short time.


One thing we would do is bring the kids to eat dinner at the buffet and then sign them into kids camp and then we would go to dinner alone. (Sometimes the dinners are too long for kids) Some people are known to bring on those blow up pools instead of worrying about the deep pools but bring a life jacket for the pools and beaches. I would also bring a pail and shovel with you if you are going to any of the beaches. I have even brought those blow up tubes from the dollar store, then just leave at the beach for others. just make sure you bring plenty of her toys and favorite blankies/pillow or stuffed animal. Our doctor had us give our kids Benadryl one half hour prior to flying-helps with the ears and calmed them down a bit also. Bring more clothes than you think you would need, or plan on doing laundry. Plan on going to bed earlier than you would normally go, although my kids did enjoy most of the musical productions. (in that case, try to get a good nap in earlier in the day)



Bermuda has a nice beach for small kids right near the ship -Snorkelpark. The were no big waves or undertow, like at some of the other beaches. My kids enjoyed the aquarium and zoo also and there was a small playground at the zoo, too.n I would definitely go here with her.


Not sure of the other islands, never been there before, will be my first time also :)


I am sure you will have a great time and will make wonderful memories


That is why the word BABY SITTER was invented or a family member at home,so u can relax and enjoy yourself away from the everyday stuff.


My hubby was hesitant to take our daughter on her first cruise when she was 23 months, but we just didn't have that option of leaving her with a relative for a week. And we hadn't gone anywhere since I was five months pregnant (on a cruise, of course). Turned out we all had a blast. It was so enjoyable watching her explore the ship. And even though she wasn't old enough to be in the kids' program, it wasn't an ordeal for us. She even went to one of the production shows (we sat near the back just in case we needed to make a quick exit, which didn't turn out to be necessary; we did take her to a kids' production show, Blues Clues Live a month before, so I think that helped prepare her for the music and noise).


I think as long as parents are considerate, and remove a fussy toddler or child when needed (and this means anywhere, including on land), other passengers shouldn't be inconvenienced at all.


I have only seen misbehaving kids on one cruise, and they were all from the same family. And the kids didn't go to the kids' rooms so they were so bored, (and bratty too), that they caused many problems as their parents didn't supervise them at all. I think the majority of parents do care that their parents behave and are considerate of others. Can't say the same for many adults about their own behavior.

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Don't get a balcony


I don't recall ever hearing about any incident involving a young child falling from a balcony. The railings are really high, and if you move the furniture away from the edge, and keep the door to the balcony locked (except when an adult is actually out on the balcony), there should be no concerns.


On the other hand, we loved sitting out on the balcony in the evenings, after our children had fallen asleep...much better than sitting in the dark cabin with them, not being able to talk. Plus, with a minisuite balcony cabin there is the extra advantage of a bathtub.


If you wanted to be extra safe, you could always pack along a security bar to place in the sliding door; there is no way the door could be opened by a toddler then, even if it was left unlocked.

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Every kid is different ... and their reactions to given situations are likewise unpredictable. There are as many happy endings as nightmares ... it all depends on how the child handles this new situation. Some kids dash up to hug the larger-than-life Disney characters; others are terrified, and run screaming. I would think that the only way to determine the outcome is to give it a shot ... then you'll know for sure. Personally, we wouldn't take our youngest (age 3, going on 10) grandchild on a cruise without his mother. We value our vacation time dearly, and the unknown would have a dramatic effect on our plans. However, we'd have no problem taking either (or both) of the older kids ... girls, ages 11 and 8. But that's just us. We've probably given you more questions than answers here ... but every kid is different.



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Leave the young one home. As much as you love your grandchild, it will ruin your cruise.The child probably won't appreciate it either.


X2 One should be able to relax and not have any responsibilities IMHO.

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Magen's Bay is nice on St. Thomas though there are a few other options. Antigua has several beach options which may be less crowded than St. Thomas, some closer and some farther, so you may want to decide how far to travel via car with the little cutie. I think the Bermuda water will be too chilly early May although kids don't seem to care. There is Snorkel Park right where the ship will dock, or you can venture to Horseshoe Bay which is a bus ride away. If I had to choose one, I'd go with Antigua as there are lots of very nice beach options.

Our family is on the same cruise you're talking about and my 2 year old nephew will be with our gang having a blast on his THIRD cruise!! He's been great on all the cruises and it's been wonderful relaxed and very fun family time!


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We took trevor at 14 months in November and honestly I did not know what to expect but it was great. Caribbean Pirincess Marvin the waiter and his assitant were GREAT with Trevor. ALWAYS came to see him even if we werent. Staff did treat treat Trevor like royalty


Now Trevor was very well behaved. I sincerely hope i do not eat my words but trying a reposition cruise on MAy 1 with the Caribbean Princess out of San Juan. Trevor is now 19 months old


I do hope it works the same way!! I hope


I did use one of the "leash" things so he could walk but not get too far ahead and the stroller once in awhile.


Sure we did have to change our style. not all just lounging by the pool......I walked trevor and wife did the pool thing


I will be pleases to answer any additional questions

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for the poster about yelling and screaming and running down the halls ....that has to do somewhat no mostly with the parents!


Was Trevor silent...no. There was a shreek or too....but as nearly a fully paying passenger he was very well behaved

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