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Epic review, April 2nd-9th, LONG with pictures


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Okay, lets continue with this! Now that it's the weekend I will make a lot of progress on this review.


Saturday-April 2nd,2011

The morning began with me waking up at about 9:45. My parents had woken up earlier and went down to the breakfast in the lobby, but frankly I never eat breakfast and would much rather sleep, since I knew I would not be getting alot of sleep even though we were on vacation. My parents came back and said the breakfast was very good, and very taving about the bacon, which I found was odd because my mom never eats bacon. It was an uneventful morning and between 9:45-10:45 I got ready. The shower had very good preassure, but the shower head appeared to be immoveable. I tried moving it because it was at an awkward angle, but the head was very slimy and I did not want to grab it any harder than neccesary. Lord knows what all that slime was from and how long it has been there. No biggie though.

At 11:00 we made our way to the lobby to wait on our 11:30 shuttle. On the way to the lobby we looked like the Grizwalds. We had 5 pieces of luggage,2 backpacks, and my mom had a bag of random things and a purse. We kept hitting the bags on the walls, running over each other, getting luggage stuck on door and elevator lips...it was a horrible sight. It must have been a funny sight though.

We then proceeeded to wait in the lobby for the shuttle. Now I think I should mention the cruise package offered through the hotel. I'm not sure how much it cost, but if you get free breakfast for 2 and a free shuttle for 2. Since we were 3 people we just had to pay the shuttle driver $10 for the extra person. As we waited I grabbed a cup of coffee and it was actually very good. We were also waiting with another couple who were going on the Liberty ots. They were the same couple we met last night at Berries who used our taxi that was 45 minutes late.

At 11:30 on the dot the shuttle pulled up and the driver loaded the Grizwald's luggage in the back. The drive to Port of Miami is about 15-20 minutes depending on traffic. It was a very nice drive though. The older couple traveling with us was very nice and we had a great conversation. They had not cruised in over 10 years so I made sure to give them some advice. They were surprised by the fact that a 15 year old high school sophomore was giving them advice, but I had research the Epic for about 10 months prior to the cruise. We also talked about the International Baccalaureate (IB ) Program that I am in in school. Has anyone heard of that before? It was nice talking with people who were familar with it.

Anyways before we knew it we were over the bridge where the Liberty ots greeted us.


The other couple was shocked at how big the ship was. The woman was glad,more people to meet and talk to. The man was not so happy,more people to annoy him. I guess opposites really do attract!:p.

It was a busy day in Port of Miami as 5 ships were in port:Liberty ots,Celebrity Solstica (?),Celebrity Century(?), Carnival Liberty, and of course NORWEGIAN EPIC!!!!!!

As we were driving alongside the ships I was taking pictures like a madman. Then I gazed up, looked past the palm trees and saw it... The behemouth,the beautfiul, the NORWEGIAN EPIC!!!!!!!


I had to do everything I could to stop from screaming It was such an exciting moment to see the ship. I had seen plenty of pictures from every angle, but it was HUGE!

We were the frist stop so we got off the shuttle, said goodbye, and were met by a porter to take our bags. He asked if we were Terminal B or C for Epic. We were confused. The Epic boards at both? We just said B and hoped it was right. Turns out, it was right,thankfully, it was still only about 11:45 so there was no line to go in. We stopped to get our passports and stuff. I stopped to get a picture too, but apparently you can't take pictures. I was annoyed, but put my camera up. However, when the security guard walked away, I got it our quickly and snapped this picture. Such a rebel...;)



Another picture of the Epic from the shuttle.


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Hi Nathan,


When you were on The Epic did you meet their Chief Engineer? I have met one of the Chief Engineer's on The Epic. I one I have met (on The Pearl is from Scotland and he brought her out on her maiden voyage. This is the e mail address for the Captain: Capt53@ncl.com. Explain to him that you were just on The Epic and would like to become an engineer on a cruise ship and ask him to put you in touch with his Chief Engineer. Mandy

Thank you so much again! I met the Captain at the M&G so I wonder if he remembers me. i will definitely get in touch with him! I cannot thank you enough!

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Yay the review is going again! I've been researching and stalking the Epic since last February, so 14 months. Its been fun but I just want to get on the damn thing!


You must go to a very good school Coz I'm 25 and don't know what most of the words mean LOL.


I want more!!!!


PS: wow @ the people arriving in a limo to the ship

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Yay the review is going again! I've been researching and stalking the Epic since last February, so 14 months. Its been fun but I just want to get on the damn thing!


You must go to a very good school Coz I'm 25 and don't know what most of the words mean LOL.


I want more!!!!


PS: wow @ the people arriving in a limo to the ship

I feel your pain. It was a very difficult wait. I am in a college prep program that in the simplest of terms is AP classes on steroids.

Funny story about the people arriving in the limo. That night I met some kids in the teen club who I hung out with all week. We were in their suite one day,yes they had a suite too, and their parents walked in and immediately recognized me since we walked through secuirty behind them. They were very nice people and I have kept in touch with them. Very nice family indeed!

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Loving your review and pictures Nathan! Take as much time as you want to tell us about your trip...we will all be here waiting for your next posts! You are a breath of fresh air to the boards and your adventure so far is making me laugh out loud. I have been through sketchville a few times myself and your description certainly brought me back there. I know the IB program and you are fortunate to have it offered in your area.


Looking forward to reading more about your journey!:D



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Loving your review and pictures Nathan! Take as much time as you want to tell us about your trip...we will all be here waiting for your next posts! You are a breath of fresh air to the boards and your adventure so far is making me laugh out loud. I have been through sketchville a few times myself and your description certainly brought me back there. I know the IB program and you are fortunate to have it offered in your area.


Looking forward to reading more about your journey!:D



Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Our vacations are always comical. I love seeing, well on here hearing about, other people laughing.

I will be apart of the 4th IB graduating class in 2 years for my high school. It is very unpopular in Georgia.

The next installment will be up shortly, depending upon if my laptop wants to be stupid or not.

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Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Our vacations are always comical. I love seeing, well on here hearing about, other people laughing.

I will be apart of the 4th IB graduating class in 2 years for my high school. It is very unpopular in Georgia.

The next installment will be up shortly, depending upon if my laptop wants to be stupid or not.



Probably due to the IB versus AP debate and college credit...At least you get to choose!


Okay, staying up for the next installment.



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Let's continue!

Next we walked into the terminal and was able to walk straight up to the metal detectors. These are not like airport metal detectors because you don't have to take everything off metal on your body, like belts,shoes,etc. The only thing I put through the scanner was my backpack with my laptop still inside. So I walked through *beep*. Oh great this never happens to me. Oh, my watch! I gave it to the scanner and walked back out. Walked through for the 2nd time and *beep*. Are you kidding me? Oh goodness, my belt of course! Duh!. I took it off and gave it to the scanner. Walked and walked through the metal detector and *Beep*. Is this thing broken! ...oh,I still have my camera in my pocket from when I took my illegal picture. I gave that to the scanner walked out and walked back through for the 4th time and...nothing! Finally! This was so embarresing since there were not many people there and the bepp would echo throughout the terminal.

All the while there was an Asian speaking in Chinese (?) and looking at me and laughing. We then left that area,I had a red face by this poiint, and were given a health questionaire to fill out. No biggie. It took about 2 minutes to fill out and there is a counter provided with pens. On Carnival last year we had to fill them out in the security line and search for pens and use peoples' backs for a writing surface. Nice going NCL!

Next, we proceeded to the check-in line. Even at 11:45 in the morning they had many lines open, so the wait line only took about 7 minutes. We were then called and presented passports and things of that nature. This is also where we had our pictures taken for the cards and where we were given the cards. Our cards were a red color, but throughout the cruise I noticed different colors. Gold-past NCL cruiser;Silver-suite guest;red-newbie; blue-? I saw a blue card,but never figured it out. Also at check-in, we recieved a pamplet of all the restaurants and places of interest on the ship with locations of each and the Freestyle Daily for Day 1.

Then we proceeded up the escalator to the waiting area. When we arrived there they had jsut begun boarding. The line to wait was only about 10 minutes. Oh, also I should mention that we carried our soda onboard in hand and nobody said anything. I know people have been concerned about that, but DO NOT BRING ALCOHOL ON BOARD!!!!!!! That WILL get confiscated and you will be a very unhappy cruiser. Okay, where was I, oh yeah! The line was not long at all and soon it was our turn to take the welcome aboard photo. *cheese!!!!* Then we proceeded to the gangway,presented our cards, and I heard that all to familiar *bing* that I missed so much! Before we got on the ship there was a crew member standing there with a bottle of hand sanitizer. I thought this was odd, but a very good move to prevent Norovirus. Then I remmebered an article about no NCL ship having a major outbreak of Norovirus in 2010. We then stepped onto the ship and were greeted by some staff,music, and of course a bomb sniffing dog.

When we walked further on we walked into the Deck 6 area right outside the Epic Theater. I was in AWE of the ship! my jaw literally dropped and I was undoubtably one of those poeple that just stop in the entrance and block other people:p. Since I knew the ship like the back of my hand, I knew we were near Headliner's where we coudl check our carry-ons until 2:00pm when the cabins would be ready. My mom was scared about leaving our stuff out in the open. Truthfully, the stuff was left out in the open seperated by Deck. Someone could easily snatch something when the crews' heads were turned. We just decided to check it anyways though. Next order of business was to go to Guest Services and get an extra key for the studio. We had to register my mom in the studiio due to age requirements, but I would be sleeping there and needed my own key. I am 15 after all and would NOT be hanging out with my parents. We got the key with no problem and it was free of charge. All lost keys are free of charge. It's a good thing too because my friend went through 4. Next was to get an unlimited soda card. We headed over to the Atrium Cafe and got it with no trouble. It was $50.32 and you recieved a large souvenir bottle/thermus souvenir type thing.

Then we headed off to Taste. I was still texting my friend I met on Facebook prior to the cruise and she was also in Taste and said it was not crowded at all. We then went down to taste,past the escalators, and got a table. I had a short conversation with the hostess who was from France in French. That was cool. I never expected to use my French skills when we were going to Spanish speaking countries.

Walking into Taste I was struck by the moderness and high scale furniture. One thing about Taste is that the center of the resaurant is at the bottom of a 3 story atrium. I don't know about most people, but i would hate to sit there. It can get noisy from the casino one floor above and it's just awkward eating with people staring down at you. Also, quite easy for someone to drop a drink over the railing. Thankfully thouhg, we were seated in a nice quiet back corner. it took awhile for a waiter to come and get our order and drink order, but no biggie. First day still loading food,etc. The menu looked very good! I did not take pictures of menus, but I do have afew food pictures from a few dinners. For my appetizer I ordered the Vietnamese Spring Rolls and for the main course I had the Salmon and Crab( not sure if it was crab, but it was definitely seafood) Salad Sandwhich.

The Spring Rolls were very tasty an served with a spicy dipping sauce. Great start! Next came the sandwhich. It was seriously lacking the Salmon and Crab salad on it (it was similar to chicken salad, but with seafood), but nonetheless it tasted great. Very cool and refreshing. It came with Sweet Potato Chips, which I tried a few of. I'm not a fan of sweet potatoes, but my stepdad said they were excellent. I stole a few of my mom's fries and they were nice and crunchy! Great first lunch!

Since my parents are gym freaks we headed up the gym which is on Deck 14 fwd. The gym is HUGE and very high tech. My parents signed up 3 spin classes that week. First of all they were hooked up to heart monitoring machines which I thought was amazing and next, my parents said the classes were "hard-core!" My parents have been going to gyms their whole lives and our in excellent shape for their ages. To hear them say the class was "hard-core" means it must be very intense and only for serious cyclists who go to spin classes regularly. Don't let me deter you from going though. This was the only time I would see the gym:D.

By this time it was about 2:00pm and cabins were ready for all decks. We decided to not even bother with elevators and took the stairs down to Deck 11. However we were at the fwd part of the ship and our cabin was aft. The ship is over 3 1/2 football fields long. We thought it would never end! Eventually we found our way to our cabins.

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Nice view for the first lunch aboard!


We then found our way to our cabins. My parents cabin was cabin 11311 and is the very last starboard balcony cabin. My parents walked in and freaked out because it was dark. I put my card in teh card slot near the door and VOILA! let there be light. You do not neccesarily need a ship card for the slot. Any type of plastic card will work. We of course went to check out the blacony which was HUGE!


Since we were the last balcony it bowed out giving us extra space. A lounger could very easily fit with space to spare. Next we went in and inspected the room. I showed my parents all the storage spaces first off. There was tons of storage! 2 closets,2 bins under the coach,room under bed for suitcases,3 drawers,a corner cabinet,2 doors above the bed, plus many more! They did not know what to make of the shower situation at first. People have said the frosting is not enough, but I found it to be adaquate. You aren't going to see inside unless the person inside is pressing themselves against the showeer stall, and who really does that?



View into the cabin from the balcony.



Yes it is very narrow walking space, but it's a cruise ship not the Ritz.



Sink area with more storage. I turned the sink on full blast and did not see how anyone could splash "so much water it flooded the floor".



Showe and toilet area. Notice the frosting.

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Enjoying the review and looking forward to the rest of it. It's kind of funny that a 15-year old sounds more intelligent and can form sentences better than a lot of people twice your age. It makes me happy :rolleyes:

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There was also a mini fridge which can call to be emptied. We were on the blacony talking and when we came back in after about 30 minutes the fridge was empty! We had no idea the room steward was even in there! It was not very cold though.


And now onto studio cabin 11577.

The first thing was the key card door to all studiio cabins. Very nice touch! 11577 is the very first studio on the right when you walk in the "back door" as I called it. I never heard any noise from people outside. The door closes so softly you don't ever notice it. In fact it closes os softly sometimes it doesn't latch properly.

When I first walked in I was suprised. It was small, but bigger than we had expected. We fit 3 people comfortably. I first tested out the bed. It was softer than the bed at the Hampton Inn! I checked out the closet space. Adaquate for one person. Sink space nice and big, although the sink itself is small. Shower was a little small but it could work. There were also 2 storage bins under the bed. very useful.



The cloud I slept on for the week. The bed had 4 main pillows by the way.



The closets with the tv in the middle. The hanging clothes faced you which I liked in the closets.



The small shower. The showerhead itself had good preassure, but my biggest peeve was that when it was in the holster the head would turn and spray water almost horizontal so most of the time i just held it in my hand. Very annoying...



The small sink area, with alot of storage.



I loved the changing light!!!! It was nice to wake up to without getting blinded by sunlight or the bright cabin lights.


A few random things

The keycard light thingy would not work. I did not need to put a card in the slot for lights to work. There is a window in the room leading to the studio hallway but noone can see in even with the blinds open. It is just frosted glass. But if you are freaked out there are doors you can close. The toilet area is small,but it feels much less cramped to leave the door open. You're alone so there's no problem. There is no fridge, but there is a hairdryer. Also, shampoo and shower gel come mounted in the shower.

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Enjoying the review and looking forward to the rest of it. It's kind of funny that a 15-year old sounds more intelligent and can form sentences better than a lot of people twice your age. It makes me happy :rolleyes:

Thank you so much. There is hope for humanity!!!!!:p;):D

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And we'll continue again!

After we left our rooms we went up to Deck 15 to find the teen club. It was hard to find, but eventually we figured out you have to use a small stiarcase next to the orange elevators on Deck 15 and use the stairs to get to it. The teen club has excellent views of the ocean and is surrounded by large glass windows on 2 sides. The registration process was very simple, but you do need a parent present to sign.

View from the teen lounge onto the side pool deck.



By this time the muster drill was beginning. My stepdad and I made our way to Moderno and my mom went to Manhattan Room. This was the first drill I have been to where they check you off on a list. My mom tried to come in with us but since she was registered in a different room, she had to go to a different place. It was very easy and well organized, and very nice to have it held inside.

After about 15 minutes it was over and we headed back to Deck 16 midship port side for sailaway. This is the absolute best place to be!!!!!


People lined up on port side for sailaway



View from where we were standing



And if we turned around we saw the aquapark



We are on the move!!!!!




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Me during sailaway



My amazing parents and I during sailaway



At about 4:45 we decided to head bakc down to our cabins and get ready for dinner. When we arrived all 5 bags had arrived. Tonight we had dinner reservation at Le Bistro at 6:00.

at 5:55 we arrived to a nearly empty Le Bistro. The restaurant had such a nice atmosphere about it. It was dim and had music playing making it feel very romantic. We had no trouble getting a table next to the window


Not to shabby eh?



Before coming to Le Bistro I looked on the tv which has the menus for every single restaurant on board. I knew exactly what I was going to get: the escargot and the duck.

The escargot was amazing!!!!! Best I've ever had.




My stepdad got the muscles and they were served in a large pot that the waitress then scooped onto your plate. I tried one and again, was quite impressed. Also, we were giving an appetizer that was "compliments of the chef" of a salmon spread and bread. It was AGAIN exquisite!!!!

Next came the creme de la creme! The main course. I had duck,my mom had coq au vin and my stepdad had boullabaise (?). This was my first time having duck so I did not know what to expect.


I was highly impressed. It cut like butter and melted in my mouth! I normally don't eat asparagus, but this asparagus was very good. Cruises are the only time where I willingly eat my vegetables. We all 3 cleaned our plates and for once my mom did not complain about a meal. (She is very picky.)

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Congratulations on being in the IB program. It will open a LOT of doors! While Georgia has Georgia Tech, don't forget about other nearby great schools, such as NC State in Raleigh. We are from SC but my daughter's guidance counsellor put her on to NC State and it turned out to be a wonderful choice for her...

(and if you like this sort of school my son is presently a cadet at the Citadel, which has an excellent engineering program also)

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Then came the best part,DESSERT! I knew right away I was going to have th vanilla creme brulee. My mom had chocolate napolean and my stepdad had a tart,i think.



At about 7:30 our first delicious meal of many was over. At 8:00 in the teen club, ice breakers would begin and I did not want to miss that. I went back to my cabin real quick, got a few things. and went up to the teen club.


Studio hallway with awesome lighting



When I arrived at the teen club at 7:55 there were only 2 other people...AWKWARD!!!!! People slowly started coming in and soon we began ice breakers. One ice breaker was speed dating which was really awkward on the first night, but a great way to meet alot of people.

We then were supposed to go on a scavenger of finding various clothing items but my group did not feel like it and decided to go to O'Sheehans and eat. It turns out that while in O'Sheehands 3 of the 6 group members were apart of Cruise Critic. I was a member and the other 2 had parents as members. We decided to meet at the M&G tomorrow morning and then go chill during the day.

Later we decided to go back to the Entourage and chill there. While there I met another person who's dad was on CC. That night consisted of playing Apples to Apples,talking, and hearing how a British boy got a ticket driving to the port. He got kilometers and miles confused.

One of the coolest things that happened was meeting a girl from New Caledonia (French island near new Zealand). She spoke very little English and fluent French. I was the only person that spoke enough French to communicate with her,well the teen counselor spoke fluent french too. We had a very good conversation in French that night. it was interesting to hear about her island and what she likes to do. However, some ignorant person asked her how to say "seal", which in French is fuq (sp?-pronounced like f***). She said it and he laughed at her and she said she had to go. I was so mad!!!!! I never saw her again for the rest of the cruise :(.

Soon at about midnight I decided to go to bed since it had been a long day. I slept like a baby that night!!!! I set a wake up call so I would not miss the CC M&G at 11:00am in the Bliss Lounge. Oh, the phone is completely touch screen which made things much easier. Also, there is a botton to turn the phone light off in TOP RIGHT CORNER. My parents did not find it until the 3rd night. it gives off alot of light which can be bothersome.


Day 1 (Saturday) is now complete!!!!

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Amazing pictures and updates.

I love eating escargot and the reason why I want to eat at Le Bistro next week on our trip (we are going on the Jewel 4/24). Maybe next year we will try the Epic.

Thanks so much for sharing and can't wait to read more.

Escargot is the best on NCL!!!! Definitely have the Due de Canard (duck) also! I was on the Jewel 5 years ago. It was a great ship. Definitely my 2nd favorite;)


Congratulations on being in the IB program. It will open a LOT of doors! While Georgia has Georgia Tech, don't forget about other nearby great schools, such as NC State in Raleigh. We are from SC but my daughter's guidance counsellor put her on to NC State and it turned out to be a wonderful choice for her...

(and if you like this sort of school my son is presently a cadet at the Citadel, which has an excellent engineering program also)

Thank you so much! I am keeping my options open right now but I think it will most likely be Georgia Tech. You cannot beat the Hope Scholarship here in Georgia. Wow, Citadel sounds amazing! You must be so proud.

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Escargot is the best on NCL!!!! Definitely have the Due de Canard (duck) also! I was on the Jewel 5 years ago. It was a great ship. Definitely my 2nd favorite;)



Thank you so much! I am keeping my options open right now but I think it will most likely be Georgia Tech. You cannot beat the Hope Scholarship here in Georgia. Wow, Citadel sounds amazing! You must be so proud.


Check this out and see if your high school is listed as an endorsing school...




Loving your review. The Epic has been my favorite cruise...

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Originally Posted by nathand95

One thing about Taste is that the center of the resaurant is at the bottom of a 3 story atrium. I don't know about most people, but i would hate to sit there. It can get noisy from the casino one floor above and it's just awkward eating with people staring down at you.


Funny you say that.. Natalie our host for the solo cabins set up our dinner for the solos on my birthday and we were smack dab in the middle of Taste at the bottom of the atrium.. It was maybe about 18 of us. We did not notice the noise cause we were the noise makers. Natalie had the Captain visit us cause it was my birthday, so when he came down everybody was telling me to get up and take a picture with him. Well u know what happen next... the cameras start going off like crazy and everybody was looking down wondering who was that women with the Captain?? Did I feel like I was somebody... oh yeahhhh....Glad everybody was staring... cause I was with the Captain..

Also if you request a frig in the Studio u can get one.. I had one, and I know where could u put it? It was in front of the cabinet right beside the sink and the shower. Whenever I load my pictures I will post so u can see.

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